- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
here can be life threat early life threat there can be fear and Terror in the 's body from things that they experience um so they arise as a collage of Sensations emotions and behaviors so they rise quickly and they're layered on top of each other
for - pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
I have a great passion for the fetal brain research is that if we can really help now um how a parent is feeling it can really influence the neurod development of a child
for - fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
- fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I also found it heartbreaking when I learned that the tragic characteristics that Saddam Hussein and Hitler shared with almost 75% of death row inmates here in the United States, are an unwanted conception and an extremely difficult pre-natal period and early start in life.
for - TED Talk - later life impacts of - trauma during conception - Saddam Hussein - Hitler - From Womb to World - Anna Veerwal - Doula
- Nov 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
‘The Destiny of Civilization’
for - book - The Destiny of Civilization - Michael Hudson - to - book - The Design of Civilization - Michael Hudson - insight - Greek Society, and later, Western Society grew out of the Greek "conflict" model
to - book - The Destiny of Civilization - Michael Hudson - https://hyp.is/ID3F7KiwEe-26QsBOrdtlQ/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation
Local file Local file
Desmond, Matthew. Poverty, by America. 1st ed. New York: Crown, 2023. https://amzn.to/40Aqzlp
Annotation URL: urn:x-pdf:eefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
Alternate annotation link: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3Aeefd847a2a1723651d1d863de5153292
- opportunity commodification
- food stamps
- National Labor Relations Act
- Democrats
- poverty abolitionism
- taxes
- Black Americans
- empowerment
- landlords
- means-tested transfer programs
- Mollie Orshansky
- workforce
- child poverty
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
- Matthew Desmond
- wages
- welfare
- sociology
- poverty prevention
- opportunity
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- poverty
- deconcentrating poverty
- capitalism
- universal basic income (UBI)
- War on Poverty
- eviction
- payday loan industry
- neighborhoods
- wage stagnation
- Ronald Reagan
- policy
- toxic capitalism
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- opportunity hoarding
- buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) companies
- housing market
- References
- zoning laws
- welfare system
- unemployment insurance
- taxing the poor
- class
- labor market
- minimum wage
- unions
- work
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-11-09
- Poverty, by America
- banking sector
- Dan Allosso Book Club
- mortgages
- Oct 2024
omnivore.app omnivore.app
- Sep 2024
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
for stats - digital decay - twitter -20% of tweets are no longer publicly visible 0ne month later
- Jul 2024
Local file Local file
Or making fun of me. Or seeing through me.It stung me when he finally came out with it. Only someone who hadcompletely figured me out would have said it. “If not later, when?”
His "If not later, when?" offends Elio because it hints at his looking for a better moment to speak (to speak or to die) and their continuous delaying of approaching the matter at hand by speaking, maybe because speaking will change something between them, because speaking means something.
In this case, Oliver himself is picking at his own scab, as he always says "Later!" Him saying this to Elio is ironic because the two of them are both delaying admitting their true feeling and Oliver is telling Elio to hurry up and confront him, even when all signs say he doesn't want to.
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
Figure out the significance of "Later!"
- Jan 2024
for: COP28 talk - later is too late, Global tipping points report, question - are there maps of feedbacks of positive tipping points?, My Climate Risk, ICICLE, positive tipping points, social tipping points
- This video is not yet available on YouTube so couldn't not be docdropped for annotation. So all annotations are done here referred to timestamp
This video has not been uploaded on youtube yet so there is no transcription and I am manually annotating on this page.
Positive tipping points
- not as well studied as negative tipping points
- cost parity is the most obvious but there are other factors relating to
- politics
- psychology
- We are in a path dependency so we need disruptive change
- Pierre Fredlingstein, Uni of Exeter - Global carbon budget report
- Rosalyn Conforth, Uni of Reading - Adaptation Gap report
- Tim Lenton, Uni of Exeter - Global Tipping Report
Global Carbon Budget report summary
0:19:47: Graph of largest emitters
- graph
- comment
- wow! We are all essentially dependent on China! How do citizens around the world influence China? I suppose if ANY of these major emitters don't radically reduce, we won't stay under 1.5 Deg C, but China is the biggest one.
00:20:51: Land Use Emissions
three countries represent 55% of all land use emissions - Brazil - DRC - Indonesia
00:21:55: CDR
- forests: 1.9 Gt / 5% of annual Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions
- technological CDR: 0.000025% of annual Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions
00:23:00: Remaining Carbon Budget
- 1.5 Deg C: 275 Gt CO2
- 1.7 Deg C. 625 Gt CO2
- 2.0 Deg C. 1150 Gt CO2
Advancing an Inclusive Process for Adaptation Planning and Action
adaptation is underfinanced. The gap is:
- 194 billion / year
- 366 billion / year by 2030
- climate change increases transboundary issues
- need transboundary agreements but these are absent
- conflicts and migration are a result of such transboundary climate impacts
- people are increasing climate impacts to try to survive due to existing climate impacts
-00:29:46: My Climate Risk Regional Hubs - Looking at climate risks from a local perspective. - @Nate, @SoNeC - 00:30:33 ""ICICLE** storyllines - need bottom-up approach (ICICLE - Integrated Climate Livelihood and and Environment storylines)
00:32:58: Global Tipping Points
00:33:46: Five of planetary systems can tip at the current 1.2 Deg C
- Greenland Ice Sheet
- West Antarctic
- Permafrost
- Coral Reefs - 500 million people
- Subpolar Gyre of North Atlantic - ice age in Europe
- goes in a decade - like British Columbia climate
- risks go up disproportionately with every 0.1 deg C of warming. There is no longer a business-as-usual option now. We CANNOT ACT INCREMENTALLY NOW.
- we calculate a need of a speed up of a factor of 7 to shut down greenhouse gas emissions and that is done through positive tipping points.
-00:37:00 - We have accelerating positive feedbacks and if we coordinate policy changes with consumer behavior change and business behavior change to reinforce these positive feedbacks, we can help accelerate change in the other sectors of the global economy responsible for all the other emissions
- in the report we walk you through the other sectors, where their tipping points are and how we have to act to trigger them. This is the only viable path out of our situation.
- Positive tipping points can also reinforce each other
- Question: Are there maps of the feedbacks of positive tipping points?
- Tim only discusses economic and technological positive tipping points and does not talk about social or societal
- Dec 2023
stormgrass.com stormgrass.com
Readwise Reader
A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.
- Aug 2023
www.figma.com www.figma.com
runwayml.com runwayml.com
www.howtoverify.info www.howtoverify.info
- Jul 2023
www.julian.com www.julian.com
How to stop wasting time
- Apr 2023
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.eduNew York1
- Jan 2023
ebio319.blogs.rice.edu ebio319.blogs.rice.edu
although the ocean and rainforest seem to be two different extremes of dissimilar environments, surf and turf have several similarities. One similarity that is present in both environments, yet seems counterintuitive is the fact both a reef and a rainforest are essentially nutrient desserts. Both ocean water and forest soil contain low levels of biologically relevant nutrients, and as a result, organisms have developed creative and sometimes symbiotic/mutualistic strategies to thrive in these nutrient-poor environments.
Interesting point that there is a regime of low nutrients which enables higher diversity. I'll look for some references! Here's a Minute Earth video explaining this very well - https://youtu.be/mWVATekt4ZA
omnivore.app omnivore.appOmnivore1
https://omnivore.app/<br /> Open source version of readwise
Originally bookmarked from phone on Sun 2023-01-15 11:25 PM
updated: 2023-01-17 with tag: "accounts"
Local file Local file
As I detail in a later section
Search indicates the word "later" appears in this book 123 times, about half of them (57 by a quick count) are in contexts of the author saying he'll explain something later in the book. This is an annoying habit and would be better replaced with links to the exact pages where the material occurs.
Alternately/in addition to, an index could be immensely helpful here.
How does a book which speaks so heavily of indices and their value not have an index?
- Nov 2022
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
I don't think a new tag makes sense here, at least not yet.
Once "Containerfile" starts becoming less of a whisper and more of the topic, then perhaps we can talk about a synonym. But definitely not now.
- May 2022
github.com github.com
No option is perfect here, but a warning seems like a decent compromise unless there's a whole bunch of other plugins that break
- Mar 2022
readlists.jim-nielsen.com readlists.jim-nielsen.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jim Nielsen</span> in (Re)Introducing Readlists (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2022 23:09:14</time>)</cite></small>
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
Web serendipity has struck again. I was just looking for a tool that would do this very thing and so missed Readlists as a service.
Fun to see Jeremy Keith's book featured here.
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
I just thought that if there was any time to improve the naming it would be now, before rolling it out to thousands of devs/projects. I don't think of that as bikeshedding, personally.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
What tabs would be particularly useful for is new music discovery, like an album you’ve been wanting to get around to hearing but haven’t yet had the time. I bump into this problem quite a bit. Adding a new album to my “Liked” songs on Spotify shuffles it in with all of my favorite stuff, and decluttering that playlist later is a hassle. Making a new album a playlist almost assures that it’ll be forgotten about. My decrepit, goldfish memory doesn’t have the space to remember to return to a playlist of an album two weeks later. As my colleague Victoria notes, she’s always “forgetting what I’m supposed to listen to next.” You know what would help with that? Tabs.
- Jan 2022
highlyscalable.wordpress.com highlyscalable.wordpress.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.heritage.org www.heritage.org
How can one’s identity be unchangeable (immutable) with respect to an ever-changing social construct? And if gender identity is innate, how can it be “fluid”?
begging the question/loaded question
But even this one violates current dogma. Some activists have complained that the Genderbread Person looks overly male.
Being very nitpicky.Definitely check for something here. Maybe relevance?
- Dec 2021
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Contract Act, 1872
- age of majority to enter into contract
Majority Act, 1875
- Age 18 is age of majority
- 21years if guardian
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Cryospheric and hydrological changes in combination with socioeconomic changes are threatening downstream water security (Drenkhan et al., 2019; IPCC, 2019). Glacial melting impacts river discharge and the availability of water in areas downstream and change in runoff pattern of rivers draining from the glaciated catchments (Table 4). Hydroelectric power generation depends completely on water availability, and any variability in flow pattern of rivers can have far-reaching consequences for energy security of the country. Available hydrological simulations indicate reduced rainfall and shrinkage of glacier, thereby leading to shortage of water supply for power generation and irrigation particularly in highly glaciated basins (Gautam et al., 2013). The increasing drought frequency combined with other environmental degradation has already affected the livelihoods particularly of smallholder farmers.
- Sep 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The question is similar but its in a Rails context. The solutions would answer my question, but I'm almost certain that he could probably leverage Arel to solve his problem. The question I posted was designed purely as a Ruby question so that it was easier to search for. You might want to suggest an edit of the title of his question because it didn't show up when I searched for a solution to my problem.
- Aug 2021
github.com github.com
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Due to the paucity of research and significant heterogeneity in studies, definitive conclusions about the effects of these micronutrients on HRV cannot be made at this time. However, there is accumulating evidence suggesting deficiencies in vitamins D and B-12 are associated with reduced HRV, and zinc supplementation during pregnancy can have positive effects on HRV in offspring up until the age of 5 y.
Odd they don't mention vitamin E or other antioxidants. They do cite that placebo-controlled vitamin E study in diabetics. I ought to see what other important information they've left out of the abstract.
- Jul 2021
test-prof.evilmartians.io test-prof.evilmartians.ioTestProf2
That's it! Just replace let! with let_it_be. That's equal to the before_all approach but requires less refactoring.
That technique works pretty good but requires us to use instance variables and define everything at once. Thus it's not easy to refactor existing tests which use let/let! instead.
- Jun 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I've seen (and fixed) Ruby code that needed to be refactored for the client objects to use the accessor rather than the underlying mechanism, even though instance variables aren't directly visible. The underlying mechanism isn't always an instance variable - it can be delegations to or manipulations of a class you're hiding behind a facade, or a session store with a particular format, or all kinds. And it can change. 'Self-encapsulation' can help if you need to swap a technology, a library, an object specification, etc.
Also, Sandi Metz mentions this in POODR. As I recall, she also advocates wrapping bare instance variables in methods, even when they're only used internally. It helps avoid mad refactoring later.
But sure, go ahead and enforce self-encapsulation if you like; it makes it easier to do memoization or whatever later on.
- May 2021
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Salvinorin A, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist hallucinogen: pharmacology and potential template for novel pharmacotherapeutic agents in neuropsychiatric disorders
I think this may be the best review of salvinorin A that I have ever looked at. I definitely need to sit down and read the full article at some point.
- Apr 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Future studies should be conducted to test if the decreased cortical brain activity after nimodipine is associated with improved working memory performance in patients with schizophrenia, particularly those who carry the risk-associated genotype.
Interesting hypothesis.
www.ijaweb.org www.ijaweb.org
However, long-term treatment may not be useful.
I wish they would expand on that. I may have to read the full text later to see what they mean.
- Mar 2021
gitlab.gnome.org gitlab.gnome.org
Sorry you’re surprised. Issues are filed at about a rate of 1 per day against GLib. Merge requests at a rate of about 1 per 2 days. Each issue or merge request takes a minimum of about 30 minutes (across at least 2 people) to analyse, put together a fix, test it, review it, fix it, review it and merge it. I’d estimate the average is closer to 3 hours than 30 minutes. Even at the fastest rate, it would take 3 working months to clear the backlog of ~1000 issues. I get a small proportion of my working time to spend on GLib (not full time).
Age of a ticket is completely irrelevant as anyone can request anything but the number of developers is limited. If you'd like to see something implemented, please consider providing a patch. Thanks!
tobeagile.com tobeagile.com
The number one problem that I see developers have when practicing test-first development that impedes them from refactoring their code is that they over-specify behavior in their tests. This leads developers to write more tests than are needed, which can become a burden when refactoring code.
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
Even if the damned thing would be really helpful in the long run, I can't give it the time and attention needed to make it work again ... Not right now. And ultimately never.
github.com github.com
Unfortunately, given how widely used concat_javascript_sources is, this required changing a lot of tests. It would be nice if we could remove some of the duplication in these tests (so that similar changes would not require updating this many tests), but that can come in another PR.
github.com github.com
The way we do it currently is by calling load from inside of load, via different "pipelines" and processors which is quite elegant and completely impossible to work with.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
now that I realize how easy it is to just manually include this in my app: <%= javascript_include_tag 'xray', nonce: true if Rails.env.development? %> I regret even wasting my time getting it to automatically look for and add a nonce to the auto-injected xray.js script
- regret
- removing feature that is more trouble than it's worth (not worth the effort to continue to maintain / fix bugs caused by keeping it)
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- removing legacy/deprecated things
- removing features to simplify implementation
- wasted effort
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Software architecture is about making fundamental structural choices that are costly to change once implemented.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
The new call API is much more consistent and takes away another thing we kept explaining to new users - an indicator for a flawed API.
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- if it's incorrect; fix it
- better late than never
- learn from your mistakes
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Gupta, Ravi, Sandeep Grover, Aniruddha Basu, Vijay Krishnan, Adarsh Tripathi, Alka Subramanyam, Anil Nischal, et al. “Changes in Sleep Pattern and Sleep Quality during COVID-19 Lockdown.” Indian Journal of Psychiatry 62, no. 4 (2020): 370–78. https://doi.org/10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_523_20.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Wright, Kenneth P., Sabrina K. Linton, Dana Withrow, Leandro Casiraghi, Shannon M. Lanza, Horacio de la Iglesia, Celine Vetter, and Christopher M. Depner. “Sleep in University Students Prior to and during COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders.” Current Biology 30, no. 14 (July 20, 2020): R797–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.022.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Jbuilder gives you a simple DSL for declaring JSON structures that beats manipulating giant hash structures. This is particularly helpful when the generation process is fraught with conditionals and loops.
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
You can afford to make a proper PR to upstream.
- Nov 2020
medium.com medium.com
Bringing this back to filtering, not only am I saving time and preserving focus by batch processing both the collection and the consumption of new content, I’m time-shifting the curation process to a time better suited for reading, and (most critically) removed from the temptations, stresses, and biopsychosocial hooks that first lured me in.I am always amazed by what happens: no matter how stringent I was in the original collecting, no matter how certain I was that this thing was worthwhile, I regularly eliminate 1/3 of my list before reading. The post that looked SO INTERESTING when compared to that one task I’d been procrastinating on, in retrospect isn’t even something I care about.What I’m essentially doing is creating a buffer. Instead of pushing a new piece of info through from intake to processing to consumption without any scrutiny, I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me.
Using read-it later apps helps you separate collection from filtering.
By time-shifting the filtering process to a time better suited for reading, and removed from temptations, you will want to drop 2/3 of the content you save.
This allows you to "make decisions from a higher perspective"
github.com github.com
Obviously we shouldn't rush into anything. But changes like these are best made earlier on in a project's lifecycle, so I'm eager to hear what people think so that we can start making some progress.
- Oct 2020
hyperscript is much simpler to refactor and DRY up your code than with JSX, because, being vanilla javascript, its easier to work with variable assignment, loops and conditionals.
- reuse existing language constructs
- template language: bad: by not reusing existing language constructs; forced to reinvent equivalents which are inferior and unfamiliar
- comparison with:
- hyperscript
- template language vs. reusing existing language constructs
- making it easy for later refactoring
- javascript
- it's just _
Templates are prone to unnoticed runtime errors, are hard to test, and are not easy to restructure or decompose.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
The feature is highly likely to be implemented, the API and implementation are the only real topics of discussion right now.
github.com github.com
When a component reaches such a size that this becomes a problem, the obvious course of action is to refactor it into multiple components. But the refactoring is complex for the same reason: extracting the styles that relate to a particular piece of markup is an error-prone manual process, where the relevant styles may be interleaved with irrelevant ones.
github.com github.com
(At the point at which it does make sense to turn this into a separate Tooltip.svelte component, the extraction is a completely mechanical process that could even be automated by tooling.)
jsrocks.org jsrocks.orgJS Rocks1
6to5 attempted to ship a quick and dirty TDZ static checking feature but had to retract it immediately afterwards due to various bugs in the algorithm.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
to read
- Jul 2020
www.verywellmind.com www.verywellmind.com
Can Boost the Effects of Stimulants Clonidine can be prescribed in addition to a stimulant medication, which often enhances the effectiveness of the stimulant.
Will need to read up on that. Is that just for ADHD, or other conditions as well?
- Jun 2020
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com
Furries are in the perilous position of having their interests form an integral part of their identity while simultaneously experiencing stigmatization from the world around them. For many, the fandom is their only source of social interaction and social support.
For an activity, and a fandom, that is such a large part of the practitioner's identity (see Gerbasi et. al 2008 and associated responses), it's no surprise that the stigmatization that comes with being a furry is an isolating experience. I believe that this is a large a part of the reason why acceptance is such a large tenant of the furry fandom. Exclusion elsewhere leads to increased inclusion in other areas and groups.
Non-judgementality should be the ultimate goal for health care workers in this position, but we have to recognize that it is a difficult, if not unrideable horse to handle.
- May 2020
kellysutton.com kellysutton.com
there’s 3 steps to building software: Make it work Make it right Make it fast
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
you honestly don’t have the time to decide which of these options is better.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
If we can encourage people to create clean commits as they go, the example as you showed above should be far less common, because cleaning up such history as an after-math is most of the time almost impossible.
- Apr 2020
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Dialectical and Historical materialism
- Jan 2020
Thyroxine was added to their antidepressant medication, and the doses were increased to a mean of 482 ± 72 μg/day.
This is the highest dose of levothyroxine that I've seen administered. Even treatment for thyroid cancer rarely goes beyond 300 mcg (or even 200 mcg, which is more common).
www.google.com www.google.com
Thyroid Hormone Augmentation in Treatment-Refractory
www.drugwiki.net www.drugwiki.netCytomel1
L-T3 has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4).
Will need to check up on that. I recall T4 being less potent.
www.scielo.br www.scielo.br
In almost all cases the genetic basis of RTH lies in mutation of the carboxyl-terminus of the ß-thyroid hormone receptor. RTH is a dominant disorder, except in one family; most individuals are heterozygous for the mutant allele.
So, given that thyroid hormone resistance does exist, the remaining question is whether it is common enough to explain some cases of CFS or similar conditions. Unfortunately this paper is not in english, but the abstract provides enough information to google more.
- Dec 2019
www.heise.de www.heise.de
- Nov 2019
www.gao.gov www.gao.gov
Risk assessment◕Risk management strategy○Supply chain risk management◑
okay, answer to previous question above.
Risk assessment
Note the differences between risk assessment and risk management. The project would look towards risk assessment and then migrate its focus to risk management potentially, but what then? and how will this transition be smooth/original?
none of them analyzed the threat of, and vulnerabilities to, a cyberattack spanning all three interconnections.
Problem definition and risk assessment
nice nice
Problem definition and risk assessment.Addresses the particular national problems, assesses the risks to critical assets and operations—including the threats to, and vulnerabilities of, critical operations—and discusses the quality of data available regarding the risk assessment.
This is the crux of what I should be looking at I guess This is in regards to national strategies. Is this what I need to do?
Further, federal agencies have performed three assessments of the potential impacts of cyberattacks on the industrial control systems supporting the grid.
Risk assessment or assessment of impact?
The electric grid is becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks via (1) industrial control systems, (2) consumer Internet of Things (IoT)45devices connected to the grid’s distribution network, and (3) the global positioning system (GPS).
1) ICS 2) IOT 3) GPS
worthwhile to assess one or all? Followed up question later
- Jun 2019
iitmandi.ac.in iitmandi.ac.inCourses1
this page is not required this is already covered in http://iitmandi.ac.in/academics/disciplinewise.php
iitmandi.ac.in iitmandi.ac.inCourses1
asic Sciences IC110 Engineering Mathematics Download Course Details IC111 Linear Algebra Download Course Details IC121 Mechanics of Particles and Waves Download Course Details IC130 Applied Chemistry for Engineers Download Course Details IC130P Chemistry Practicum
this page is not required it is already covered in http://iitmandi.ac.in/academics/disciplinewise.php
iitmandi.ac.in iitmandi.ac.inCourses1
Turn this into a table
- Nov 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
This is also a sample.