- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
mankind isn't getting all that much more effective at collectively dealing with complex problems maybe that's what i could concentrate on so that's what i committed to
for - Douglas Engelbart - life purpose - improve our ability to collectively deal with complex problems
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:09:52 A Bank LOAN is an interest attached to your own ability to pay back something that did not exist before you borrowed it
1:09:59 A bank officer ACQUIRES the loan in order to charge interest on it
- Sep 2024
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
freedom to study the program's “source code,” and change it, so the program does your computing as you wish
- Apr 2024
www.ramotion.com www.ramotion.com
What are the unique UX needs of children?Four critical areas must be considered when designing products and services for children. Cognitive abilities Motor skills Attention span Emotional responses
Oh awesome can I CITE this? It an online Blog okay because this is great.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The current study extends findings from previous research by testing how childhood reading problems in the face of normal general cognitive ability are associated with later cognitive function and decline, whereas previous research has primarily focused on general cognitive ability in childhood.
So if you can't read in early childhood does it affect cognitive ability in later life or not?
- Mar 2024
Ability to mark transactions as reviewed
- Nov 2022
www.dalekeiger.net www.dalekeiger.net
But Dr Essai has observed time and again how the finest artists are the ones whose idea of fun is spending hour after hour, day after day doing the same thing over and over and over and over. And then some more.
This seems to fit in with Malcolm Gladwell's observation about Paul Simon see: https://hypothes.is/a/Kd7X4lvPEe250Gvn57Pbdg
developer.intuit.com developer.intuit.com
You can also go to the Ruby OAuth Client Library to download the source code and run: 1gem build intuit-oauth.gemspec to build your own gem if you want to modify certain functions in the library.
- May 2022
Local file Local file
At every step of the process we target a specific risk: the risk of not shipping on time. .... Improving your discovery process should come after regaining your ability to ship.
You can have the best strategy in the world, but if you can't act on it, what good does it do?
- Nov 2021
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Perhaps not a good idea, in general, to use a random PPA for such sprawling software as a browser. Auditability near zero even if it is open source.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Manoochehri, M., Šrol, J., Asl, F. A., Mehdinasab, M., & Akhoundi, Z. (2021). Association of Mental Fatigue due to Long-term Restrictive Measures with Reasoning: A COVID-19 Study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4yme9
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Epstein, Z., Sirlin, N., Arechar, A. A., Pennycook, G., & Rand, D. (2021). Social Media Sharing Reduces Truth Discernment. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/q4bd2
- Oct 2021
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Wolfe, K., Sirota, M., & Clarke, A. D. F. (n.d.). Age differences in COVID-19 risk-taking, and the relationship with risk attitude and numerical ability. Royal Society Open Science, 8(9), 201445. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.201445
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
And asking them if they think they know what they are doing will not help, because many people will overestimate their knowledge, making the support even more complicated as the tech guy may at first believe them and only find out later that they told wrong things because they do not actually know what they are pretending to know.
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Categorization is the human ability and activity of recognizing shared features or similarities between the elements of the experience of the world (such as objects, events, or ideas), organizing and classifying experience by associating them to a more abstract group (that is, a category, class, or type),[1][2] on the basis of their traits, features, similarities or other criteria.
blog.izs.me blog.izs.me
In the real world, we are faced with the completely unfair constraint of being human while writing programs and while debugging them, and none of these costs can ever be reduced to zero.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
patch: -> { step Destroy.method(:tidy_storage), before: :delete_model }
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
However, it can be a PITA if you want to customize one of those deeply nested components and add or remove a certain step, for example.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people.
I oppose the banning of Donald Trump and his non-violent believers/content from social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter, YouTube and Amazon. I feel (irrationally?) Trump is arrogant and disgusting as a person. I like some of his anti-CCP policies, but not sure I'd vote for him. The "USA First" stance is particularly damaging as it scares USA allies away. I don't think there's enough evidence for the electoral fraud allegations, but I haven't researched the court cases extensively. However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people. I'm against violence.
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
AWS can even terminate or suspend its agreement with a customer immediately under certain circumstances as it did in 2010 with Wikileaks, pointing to violations of AWS’ terms of service.
The swiftness with which Amazon acted shouldn’t come as a shock. Companies have been disclosing details about their deals with Amazon that warn of these kinds of sudden discontinuations for years.
The incident demonstrates a type of power that Amazon wields almost uniquely because so many companies rely on it to deliver computing and data storage.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Although one thing you want to avoid is using frames in such a manner that the content of the site is in the frame and a menu is outside of the frame. Although this may seem convienient, all of your pages become unbookmarkable.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Iframes can have similar issues as frames and inconsiderate use of XMLHttpRequest: They break the one-document-per-URL paradigm, which is essential for the proper functioning of the web (think bookmarks, deep-links, search engines, ...).
The most striking such issue is probably that of deep linking: It's true that iframes suffer from this to a lesser extent than frames, but if you allow your users to navigate between different pages in the iframe, it will be a problem.
- Jan 2021
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
This is a store we can’t audit, which contains software nobody can patch. If we can’t fix or modify software, open-source or not, it provides the same limitations as proprietary software.
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
Canonical would do well to make sure they dont complicate things for whatever the next big Linux shift is.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
( sorry for 2 answers, can’t we edit posts here ? )
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Also, you'll get more concise code. More boilerplate left handling by the machine means more available human for the actual logic.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
The success of JSX has proved that the second curly is unnecessary. Moreover, a lot of people — particularly those who have been exposed to React — have a visceral negative reaction to double curlies, many of them assuming that it brings with it all the limitations of crusty old languages like Mustache and Handlebars, where you can't use arbitrary JavaScript in expressions.
- Sep 2020
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Gignac, G. E., & Zajenkowski, M. (2020). The Dunning-Kruger effect is (mostly) a statistical artefact: Valid approaches to testing the hypothesis with individual differences data. Intelligence, 80, 101449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2020.101449
- May 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
They also have differing amounts of abilities and resources resulting in some having greater agency (power) than others.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Li, A., Zhou, L., Su, Q., Cornelius, S. P., Liu, Y.-Y., Wang, L., & Levin, S. A. (2020). Evolution of cooperation on temporal networks. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16088-w
- Apr 2020
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
When you simply accept that "hacker" means "malicious security cracker", you give up the ability to use the term to refer to anything else without potential confusion.
- Jan 2020
www.tor.com www.tor.com
The thing with the HRIA was that as a condition of receiving funding, all the work, including work in progress, had to be submitted to a searchable database so that everyone else receiving funding could see the work and use it to advance their own work—because above anything else, we had a mandate to get advances and therapies to the patients as quickly as possible. The HRIA still allowed for patent filings, but everything, everything, was cross-licensed for the length of the patent, for a statutory fee that went into effect only after a product went to market.
As Sci-Fi does, the myriad variables are expertly set by the author. The way this world is constructed, tho, feels so very familiar & in a way that seems beyond the norm for comparably radical imaginings.
- Dec 2019
zapier.com zapier.com
It's not customizable enough and there aren't enough distinct fields for inevitably complex work tasks. Google Sheets fixes that. No, it's not a to do list app, but that's why I love it. It's an app I already use. It's extremely customizable.
- Nov 2019
www.bleepingcomputer.com www.bleepingcomputer.com
"While we hope that Google will lift these unwarranted sanctions for AdNauseam, it highlights a much more serious problem for Chrome users," the AdNauseam team adds. "It is frightening to think that at any moment Google can quietly make your extensions and data disappear, without so much as a warning."
- Oct 2019
quickbooks.intuit.com quickbooks.intuit.com
This issue is already known to us since yesterday. Our engineers are now working diligently to fix this behavior. I'd recommend you contact our Customer Care team and let them know that you're one of the affected users of INV36818. That way, they will link your company to the case. You will then receive a notification via email for its updates.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
we must needs allow that every one is placed in such a Station as they arc titted for.
So if one is not able or fitted for one task, it does not mean that they are deficient but instead indicates that they are intended for that task? This seems a more generous reading of humanity and ability than previous thinkers.
- Nov 2018
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Instructional Design Strategies for Intensive Online Courses: An Objectivist-Constructivist Blended Approach
This was an excellent article Chen (2007) in defining and laying out how a blended learning approach of objectivist and constructivist instructional strategies work well in online instruction and the use of an actual online course as a study example.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- etc556
- instructional technology
- instructional design systems
- instructiveness effectiveness
- online education growth
- instructional methods
- Instructional systems design; Distance education; Online courses; Adult education; Learning ability; Social integration
- constructivism
- Performance Factors, Influences, Technology Integration, Teaching Methods, Instructional Innovation, Case Studies, Barriers, Grounded Theory, Interviews, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Characteristics, Technological Literacy, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Usability, Institutional Characteristics, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Qualitative Research
- distance education
- etcnau
www.ncolr.org www.ncolr.org
The Importance of Interaction in Web-Based Education: A Program-level Case Study of Online MBA Courses
This case study explores perceptions of instructors vs. end-users with web-based training. It examines various technologies and techniques.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Learning Needs Analysis of Collaborative E-Classes in Semi-Formal Settings: The REVIT Example.
This article explores the importance of analysis of instructional design which seems to be often downplayed particularly in distance learning. ADDIE, REVIT have been considered when evaluating whether the training was meaningful or not and from that a central report was extracted and may prove useful in the development of similar e-learning situations for adult learning.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Jun 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
the ancients were sensitive primarily to such things as luminosity, saturation and texture, or even less obvious variables such as smell, agitation and liquidity.
So this is helping me think of sensitivity as the condition of possibility for "sensibility" or sense-ability. Before a thing is available to be sensed, the sensitivity has to be open/operating.
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
As birds are born to fly, horses to run, and wild beasts to show fierceness, so to us peculiarly belong activity and sagacity of understanding; hence the origin of the mind is thought to be from heaven.
Although are all birds as good as flying as the others and horses at running? There has to be some variance, and not from lack of repetition. In the same line of reasoning, even if all men were born to "activity and sagacity of understanding," some must have more innate gifts with it. The rest of this paragraph seems to credit persistence with progress, but nature does play at least some sort of role. After all, we can't all be basketball players, no matter how hard we try.
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
And let no one suppose that I claim that just living can be taught;(25) for, in a word, I hold that there does not exist an art of the kind which can implant sobriety and justice in depraved natures. Nevertheless, I do think that the study of political discourse can help more than any other thing to stimulate and form such qualities of character.
Refinement rather than creation of a virtuous soul. Interesting view of nature versus nurture.
but according as any one of the things which I have mentioned is lacking, to this extent must their disciples of necessity fall below the mark
Part natural ability plays in success.
For ability, whether in speech or in any other activity, is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience
For ability, whether in speech or in any other activity, is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience.(17) Formal training makes such men more skilfull
Natural ability, experience, and training all contribute to skill. It's complex, fed by many factors