- Oct 2023
my.slc.edu my.slc.edu
These string figures are thinking as well as making practices, peda-gogical practices and cosmological performances. Some Navajo thinkersdescribe string games as one kind of patterning for restoring hózhó, aterm imperfectly translated into English as “harmony,” “beauty,” “order,”and “right relations of the world,” including right relations of humansand nonhumans.
positive (harmonious, ordered) pattern-seeking
Relays, string figures, pass-ing patterns back and forth, giving and receiving, patterning, holdingthe unasked-for pattern in one’s hands, response-ability; that is core towhat I mean by staying with the trouble in serious multispecies worlds.Becoming-with, not becoming, is the name of the game; becoming-withis how partners are, in Vinciane Despret’s terms, rendered capable.7 On-
cooperative pattern-seeking as the only meaningful and useful becoming (becoming-with)
It matters what matters we use to think othermatters with; it matters what stories we tell to tell other stories with;it matters what knots knot knots, what thoughts think thoughts, whatdescriptions describe descriptions, what ties tie ties. It matters whatstories make worlds, what worlds make stories
tool-patterns determine what patterns can be found with them. the union of the codomains of every tool-pattern we are applying is all we can find at any given point in time.
Playinggames of string figures is about giving and receiving patterns, droppingthreads and failing but sometimes finding something that works, some-thing consequential and maybe even beautiful, that wasn’t there before,of relaying connections that matter, of telling stories in hand upon hand,digit upon digit, attachment site upon attachment site, to craft condi-tions for finite flourishing on terra, on earth.
cooperative pattern-seeking as existential kin-making
web-highlights.com web-highlights.com
We all naturally have a desire to create — to bring to life something good, true, or beautiful.
to seek patterns, really
- Sep 2023
these guys are lemurs 00:19:09 taking hits off of centipedes so they bite centipedes literally get high and they go into these trance-like states I'm sure this is not at all familiar to anyone here 00:19:24 um they get super cuddly uh and then later wake up and go their way but they are seeking a kind of transcendent State of Consciousness Apes will spin they will hang on Vines and spin to get dizzy 00:19:37 and then Dolphins will intentionally inflate puffer fish to get high pass them around in the ultimate puff puff pass right many mammals seek a Transcendent 00:19:57 altered state of being and if they communicate they may well communicate about it
- for: animals getting high, animals seeking altered state of consciousness, lemurs - getting high, dolphins - getting high, apes - getting high
- Jul 2023
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Information sharing in a hybrid workplace: understanding the role of ease-of-use perceptions of communication technologies in advice-seeking relationship maintenance
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's a landlord tax the the one percent in their day were the landlords you have to tax away the land rent and make that the public uh tax base not income not taxes on consumer goods not taxes on capital because you want good capital investment you want fortunes to 00:45:07 be made in a good way that add to the economy's productivity you don't want them to be made in a predatory bad way uh the whole fight to tax economic rent and to even recognize that most income is unearned when you talk about the uh income disparity almost all this disparity is unearned income it's economic rent it's not income that's made by increasing uh production 00:45:33 it's not income that's made by increasing living standards it's just predatory rent seeking from special privileges that the wealthy have gained from government and today it's not the landlord class anymore as it was in the 19th century it's the financial class and the raw materials class uh and uh without dealing uh with this uh cl structure i don't uh the system is going 00:45:57 to shrink and shrink and we've seen this before we saw it in rome the same kind of polarization and concentration of wealth in the roman empire well the last stage of that is feudalism so we're back to what rosa luxemburg said the choice is between socialism and barbarism basically and uh there's no other way to do it you can't solve the problems within the existing system 00:46:23 because it's controlled already by the one percent
Micheal Hudson : tax the rent seeking class or face barbarism like in Rome - The situation today is degrading in the same way Rome degraded into feudalism - rent seeking class today is not the landlord class, but the financial and raw materials class that are making large fortunes from rent seeking - that is the system level reform necessary today
- Dec 2022
pluralistic.net pluralistic.net
That same enshittification is on every platform, and "freedom of speech is not freedom of reach" is just a way of saying, "Now that you're stuck here, we're going to enshittify your experience."
They didn't block new features for shits and giggles, though – the method to this madness was rent-extraction. The iron-clad rule of the Bell System was that anything that improved on the basic service had to have a price-tag attached. Every phone "feature" was a recurring source of monthly revenue for the phone company – even the phone itself, which you couldn't buy, and had to rent, month after month, year after year, until you'd paid for it hundreds of times over. This is an early and important example of "predatory inclusion": the monopoly carriers delivered universal service to all of us, but that was a prelude to an ugly, parasitic, rent-seeking way of doing business:
Predatory inclusion is a form of rent-seeking in which one preys on customers using monopoly power to extract excessive value for small add-on services.
- Nov 2022
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
There are at least three remarkable aspects to this spread of information seeking
First, computer-supported searching has sprawled beyond the libraries, archives, and specialized documentation systems it was largely confined to before the arrival of the web. Second, what retrieval operates on – information – has come to stand for almost anything, from scraps of knowledge to things, people, ideas, or experiences. Third, the deliberate and motivated act of formulating a query to f ind something is only one of the many forms in which information retrieval nowadays manifests itself.
- Jul 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
including history, science, and other content that could build the knowledge and vocabulary they need to understand both written texts and the world around them?
I have created a first-year student module to think about the information needs they have themselves. e.g. knitters, genealogists, gamers, foodies, etc.
I'm more interested in students understanding "how" they evaluate information. Are there tools built into websites, e.g. comment sections, thumbs up/down, # of subscribers, etc.
ernestbecker.org ernestbecker.org
Death is a mystery. Maybe it is annihilation. One simply can’t know otherwise. Socrates is psychologically open to his physical death and possible utter annihilation. But still this does not unnerve him. And if we pursue the question: why not?–we do not have to look far in Plato’s portrait of Socrates for some answers. Plato understood, and captured in his Dialogues, a crucial element in the shaping of Socrates’ character: his willingness to let the fact of death fully penetrate his consciousness. This experience of being fully open to death is so important to Socrates that he makes a point of using it to define his way of life, the life of a philosophos–a “lover of wisdom.” Let us consider this life of the philosophos as Socrates understands it. It is – famously – “the examined” life. Meaning? That it is a life committed to the ongoing search for how best to live. Now in every society there are plenty of people–like the character Callicles in Plato’s dialogue Gorgias–who would say that the best life is having as much power and pleasure as possible, which of course means always being able to successfully protect oneself and one’s friends from any encroachment on their privileges, from discomfort, from pain, and of course from death. In the Gorgias Plato makes the character Callicles a wonderfully eloquent spokesman for this outlook. Callicles says: any way of life is shameful that doesn’t make its highest priority the ability to save oneself frorn suffering pain or death at the hands of other people. Plato has Socrates replying to Callicles: “My good sir, just reflect whether what is good and noble is not something more than saving and being saved. Perhaps the true man should ignore this question of living for a certain span of years and should not be so enamored of life. . . ” (Gorgias, 512d-e). Socrates is indicating to Callicles that really caring about goodness–genuinely desiring to do what is good, as one understands it—inevitably shifts the value of physical comfort and even physical survival, demoting them somewhat. Too much concern with avoiding pain or with physical survival gets in the way of doing the right thing. A real effort to become good means: keeping attention focused on the things that help one to be good, and learning to avoid distractions.
Socrates is a lover of wisdom and is committed to an ongoing search of how best to live. This helps overcome his fear of death. This is worth unpacking.
Local file Local file
Speculation, herd exuberance, irrational optimism, rent-seekingand the temptation o f fraud drive asset markets to overshoot andplunge - which is why they need careful regulation, something Ialways supported. (M arkets in goods and services need lessregulation.)
- Dec 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Santos, H. C., Meyer, M., & Chabris, C. (2021). Reports of the Death of Expertise May Be Exaggerated: Limits on Knowledge Resistance in Health and Medicine. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6wy53
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Capraro, V., Boggio, P., Böhm, R., Perc, M., & Sjåstad, H. (2021). Cooperation and acting for the greater good during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/65xmg
- Mar 2021
- Feb 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Krpan, Dario. ‘To Sit Quietly in a Room Alone: The Psychology of Social, Material, and Sensation Seeking Input’. PsyArXiv, 24 February 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zpf6b.
Abir, Y., Marvin, C., van Geen, C., Leshkowitz, M., Hassin, R., & Shohamy, D. (2020, November 11). Rational Curiosity and Information-Seeking in the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hcta4
- Jan 2021
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
- proprietary hosted services as a competitive advantage
- use of proprietary hosted services
- proprietary protocol
- Snap
- proprietary software
- monopoly
- importance of open-source
- proprietary software/service seeking broad support/integration/acceptance in/by other software/platforms/vendors
- Dec 2020
psycnet.apa.org psycnet.apa.org
Jarecki, J. B., & Wilke, A. (2018). Into the black box: Tracing information about risks related to 10 evolutionary problems. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 12(3), 230–244. Retrieved from: https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Febs0000123
- Nov 2020
I was originally interested in figuring out how you could figure out what’s actually true online.
Conor was trying to figure out how to find out what's true online with Roam.
For now, I'm still seeking a more satisfactory solution.
- Oct 2020
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Li, J., & Zheng, H. (2020). Online InformationSeeking and Disease Prevention Intent During COVID-19 Outbreak. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1077699020961518. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077699020961518
- Sep 2020
www.metamute.org www.metamute.org
When Japanese companies threatened to take over the American microchip market, the libertarian computer capitalists of California had no ideological qualms about joining a state-sponsored cartel organised by the state to fight off the invaders from the East!
A good example of so-called capitalists playing the do as we say and not as we do game.
- Jul 2020
amp.dev amp.dev
In addition to the schema.org structured data format, there are other formats supported by search engines and social media networks. See the supported documentation: Twitter Cards meta tags Facebook Open Graph meta tags
amp.dev amp.dev
A growing number of platforms, vendors, and partners support the AMP Project by providing custom components or offering integration with AMP pages within their platforms.
I guess AMP is actually open-source software, but it still feels like it's something non-standard. I guess it's just an alternative open standard to the "main" web open standards.
amp.dev amp.dev
A growing number of email platforms, clients and providers support AMP for Email within their platforms.
amp.dev amp.dev
If you have worked with emails before, the idea of placing a script into an email may set off alarm bells in your head! Rest assured, email providers who support AMP emails enforce fierce security checks that only allow vetted AMP scripts to run in their clients. This enables dynamic and interactive features to run directly in the recipients mailboxes with no security vulnerabilities! Read more about the required markup for AMP Emails here.
- Jun 2020
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/BehSciResearch—A global test of message framing on behavioural intentions, policy support, information seeking, and experienced anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic https://t.co/oIBXORAWwM. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/g7zj9f/a_global_test_of_message_framing_on_behavioural/
- May 2020
Battiston, P., Kashyap, R., & Rotondi, V. (2020, May 11). Trust in science and experts during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/5tch8
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Donnellan, E., Sumeyye, Fastrich, G. M., & Murayama, K. (2020). How are Curiosity and Interest Different? Naïve Bayes Classification of People’s Naïve Belief. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/697gk
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Bento, A. I., Nguyen, T., Wing, C., Lozano-Rojas, F., Ahn, Y.-Y., & Simon, K. (2020). Evidence from internet search data shows information-seeking responses to news of local COVID-19 cases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 202005335. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2005335117
webapps.stackexchange.com webapps.stackexchange.com
I am looking for indirect access via some sort of settings or confirmation, or proof that it is impossible.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I have seen that, but there is no cheaper alternative? Or even better an open source altenative?
Jach, H., & Smillie, L. (2020, May 5). Testing the Information-Seeking Theory of Openness/Intellect. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zqcjw
- Apr 2020
Dorison, C., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., … Coles, N. A. (2020, April 16). A global test of message framing on behavioural intentions, policy support, information seeking, and experienced anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/sevkf
- Feb 2020
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
We value truth seeking over cohesion.
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
the third level of education requires profound honesty. It asks that you become a person who can look at life objectively with honesty and consistency. You are not trying to be a wonderful person now; you are not trying to be a villain, either. You're not even trying "to be." You are freed from the attempt to be someone. This is the greatest freedom you can experience in life. In a way, the quest to be someone has to be relinquished before you can be someone. Knowledge does not require that you become exemplary according to your standards. You cannot say, "I am going to use Knowledge to get more of this or less of that," because Knowledge is the Master in your life. It is moving you. You have set sails, and God is now blowing you across the world.