- Mar 2023
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
How can this be called an adjective? The postmodifier here is a participle phrase, 'built into the library'.
take off, should also be counted as a (multi-word) verb.
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
A survey of 230 diverse bacterial and archaeal genomes found evidence of DNA methylation in 93% of genomes, with a diverse array of methylated motifs (834 distinct motifs; average of three motifs per organism)
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
conjugative plasmids have broad-host ranges23, are resistant to restriction-modification systems24, are easy to engineer with large coding capacities25, and do not require a cellular receptor26 that would provide a facile mechanism for bacterial resistance.
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Bacterial cells are typically one thousandth the volume of mammalian cells, which places them near the edge of instrument detection. At this size it can be challenging to differentiate viable cells from debris of similar size
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Detailed descriptions, assumptions, limitations and test cases of many popular statistical methods for ecological research can be found in the GUSTAME server (Buttigieg and Ramette, 2014), and in the review by Paliy and Shankar (2016).
condensing the information into two- or three-dimensional spaces. A very good overview of techniques to achieve this was written by Paliy and Shankar (2016).
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
There are several widely used tool collections, e.g., QIIME 2 [13], mothur [14], usearch [15], and vsearch [16], and 1-stop pipelines, e.g., LotuS [17], with new approaches continually being developed, e.g., OCToPUS [18] and PEMA [19]
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Recently, redox-responsive biomolecules such as phenazines have been used in several electrochemical strategies to interrogate a range of biological activities30,31 and to control gene expression in living cells32,33, where the redox status of the biomolecules could be measured or manipulated by application of electronic potentials
github.com github.com
Double quotes for string literals - because pre-committing to whether you'll need interpolation in a string slows people down
www.networkworld.com www.networkworld.com
Protocols are, by their very nature, open. If you can't read the protocol specification then you can't very well implement it, can you?
kevinjmurphy.com kevinjmurphy.com
Our test raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception. We know that Rails has special handling to return a 404 status code in this case. However, the request spec still raises the exception.
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
Although these approaches may differ, all of them concur onthree essential points:
- Paraphrase
- three essential points for having a good life:
- A good life goes beyond mere survival and moves into a life that humans value
- A good life ensures that individuals have the opportunity to flourish
- A good life requires providing the conditions and resources individuals need to satisfy or develop their full potential
Instead of weighing the balance of pleasure and pain,individuals tend to think about a good life in terms of their life beingmeaningful to them
// - from this perspective, the meaning crisis is a threat to a good life
Often, environmental and social analysts focus on threats, dangers,and damage. They highlight negatives, in terms of limited or non-renewable resources, or the impacts of excessive emissions or effuents.But what if one took the opposite approach and focused on the posi-tives that we want to strive for? We – the authors – believe that everyhuman being, that is you and us and everybody close and far away,wants to be able to live a good life, a life that is worth living. Giventhat the Earth’s resources are limited and distributed highly unevenly,the core objective has to be how everybody can live well within limits.
// - A key shift is required to mobilize people at scale - This strategy is already being adopted by change agents around the globe but the change in perspective needs to become greater - Living within doughnut economics reaches the same conclusion: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=a+good+life+for+all - and currently, as the "Good Life for All" study showed at a national (country) scale, very few if any countries are meeting this requirement - the great inequality implies that the poor must be uplifted materially, whilst the rich must be encouraged to share material and economic wealth - the poor of the world will receive material and economic gain while the economic elites of the world gain nonmaterial wealth
It requiresa deep and profound orientation toward the good life. It requires usto ponder what the good life is, what conditions must be fulflled forindividuals to live it, and what it takes to create these conditions.
// - Orienting towards the good life is needed to mobilize action. - Why? - Because shifting from a negative vision to a positive one is necessary to mobilize action (at scale) - It is the difference between: - being coerced vs being self-motivated - being reactive vs being proactive - being depressed and lethargic vs being joyful and energetic - hence, in this transition journey, we must accompany the limits with the positive transformation that allows us to achieve wellbeing within them.
By tying the question of limits to human needsand requirements for their satisfaction, they neither demand asceti-cism or renunciation, nor pursue unspecifed moral suasion in termsof “we should consume less.” Rather, they highlight the necessity –diffcult to pursue but rich in participatory rewards – to jointly defnethe conditions necessary to live a good life, and the subsequent stepsnecessary to make such a good life possible for all individuals. By pro-viding freedom to pursue the good life in an ecologically and sociallyfrayed world, these limits offer the beneft of ensuring that all otherindividuals living now and into the future can do so as well.
- Comment
- perspective is critical.
- Rather than employing moral suasion, we need to really define what is meant by a good life.
- Many of the materially wealthy are emotionally unhappy, and so material wealth does not equate to "a good life"
- This point must be really understood by the elites of the world.
- Often elites come from a background of escaping poverty themselves and wealth acts as a pathological buffer against extreme poverty
Justice in the context of consumption corridorsmeans that every person deserves access to a defned minimum level ofecological and social resources necessary to be able to live a good life,solely because they are a human being (what scholars call a natural-law-based perspective on justice).
- Definition - Natural Law
- a natural law based perspective of justice claims that every person deserves access to a defined minimum level of ecological and social resources necessary to live a "good life".
- a good life within ESBs
- a good life within Earth System Boundaries
- a good life
- positive story
- minimum consumption standards
- wellbeing within limits
- maximum consumption standards
- natural law
- story shift
- common denominators of a good life
- A good life
- a good life within planetary boundaries
- meaning crisis
- A good life within limits
goodlife.leeds.ac.uk goodlife.leeds.ac.uk
- This is a good resource to explore doughnut economics at a national scale for many countries of the world.
- The two quadrants show a major pattern and dualism between 1) many developed countries that can meet socio-economic well-being, but only at the high price of exceeding planetary boundaries, and 2) many countries that stay under planetary boundary limits, but only at the expense of poor socio-economic indicators.
- The conclusion of the study is that currently, a good life for all within planet boundaries does not exist
www.washington.edu www.washington.edu
Unless physical stature is of relevance in a conversation, simply using a person's name is appropriate.
blog.oup.com blog.oup.com
In the new collection, The Good It Promises, The Harm It Does, activists and scholars address the deeper problems that EA poses to social justice efforts. Even when EA is pursued with what appears to be integrity, it damages social movements by asserting that it has top-down answers to complex, local problems, and promises to fund grass-roots organizations only if they can prove that they are effective on EA’s terms.
- Comment
- The book title is a perfect taking to introduce the concept of progress traps, of which effective altruism appears to be.
support.google.com support.google.com
I am a developer, and we are developing the app for the customer, that will not publish through the google play store. But when we distribute the app to the customer, customer get that error. I want to avoid that alert of the Play stored.I want to understand, exactly which security concern has been break by my app.
- Feb 2023
github.com github.com
There should thus be an option to give npm a list of vulnerability IDs (CVEs etc.) that it does not need to defend because the admin has decided it does not apply to their edge case.
should be optional
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Result of lots of searching on net is that pre-checkout hook in git is not implemented yet. The reason can be: There is no practical use. I do have a case It can be achieved by any other means. Please tell me how? Its too difficult to implement. I don't think this is a valid reason
medium.com medium.com
The variable x initially has the type unknown: the type of all values. The predicate typeof x === "number" extracts dynamic information about the value bound to x, but the type-checker can exploit this information for static reasoning. In the body of the if statement the predicate is assumed to be true; therefore, it must be the case the value bound to x is a number. TypeScript exploits this information and narrows the type of x from unknown to number in the body of if statement.
- Jan 2023
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
This depends on the ruby code. Some projects will be semi-dormant due to various reasons. That's for us to address as a community. Are we going to let a single decade-old gem prevent us from moving Ruby forward? What's the threshold? There's libraries out there that don't work on Ruby 1.9. We left them behind or replaced them. And are people depending on a gem that's unmaintained really going to be the ones to jump on Ruby 3.0 the day after Christmas 2020? This is also still supposition. Name some gems that are unmaintained and in wide use. We can fix them! We have the technology! In my opinion, if matz's objective is to make the transition to ruby 3.0 simple, then it actually makes a lot of sense to postpone frozen strings by default. Postpone until when? 3.1? So then 3.1 will be the hard break? They've been discussed for what, ten years now? How long is long enough? We've added many ways for people to start transitioning to immutable literal strings, and people are using those mechanisms widely. We've pushed this transition a long time, and we still have another year until 3.0 is out and longer than that until people will need to make a move. What is the threshold for being "ready" to make this change? Unless we're planning to wait until Ruby 4.0 in 2030 to do this, I think we should do it now. I use frozen strings in most of my ruby projects, most of them set to true via the toplevel comment, so either way, it would not affect me. Exactly. Most people already do use frozen string literals. And adding a pragma means we can transition troublesome code to the new way with a single line per affected file. Heck, we can even add --enable:mutable-literal-string for people that are stuck with some of that old unmaintained code, allowing them to have a soft landing.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
because most languages treat strings as immutable, which helps ensure you don't accidentally modify them and can improve performance. Fewer state changes in a program mean less complexity. It's better to opt-in to mutability after careful consideration rather than making everything mutable by default. What is immutability and why should I worry about it? may help.
The Good Fight S4 E5 "The Gang Goes to War"
This episode features Diane chatting with a co-star about her note taking experience. The woman indicates that she took notes incessantly and voraciously, but that she never referred back to them. The experience just caused her extreme stress so she gave it up completely as she felt it never gave her any benefit. She resorted instead to a more zen practice of drawing circles in her notebooks. She showed Diane a pile of notebooks filled with circles in various designs and colors. Later in the episode while in court the woman asked Diane about it and Diane showed her some of her new circle "note" pages.
[Watched the episode passively sometime in the past two weeks.]
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.orgrfc67491
If the client knows the access token expired, it skips to step (G); otherwise, it makes another protected resource request.
It doesn't have to wait until it gets an invalid token error. It can independently be checking the expiration time before making a request, and if it sees that it has expired, don't even bother making the request, just skip directly to using the refresh token.
humansandnature.org humansandnature.org
This larger perspective is offered by an analysis of citizenship and the common good. I begin with the idea of citizenship as being a practice entrusted with the preservation and conservation of the nexus of recognitional practices in a society. Then I move to the notion of the common good, interpreted not as a collective thing, a transcendent principle, or an abstract concept, but as the flourishing of the recognitional nexus itself.
!- interpretation of citizenship : from perspective of common good - common good as the flourishing of the nexus of recognitional practices in a society.
!- comment : salience of citizenship and common good - it's important to educate the public on what it means to be a citizen from the perspective of our empowering role in creating the society we want to live in
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
belongs_to does not ensure reference consistency, so depending on the use case, you might also need to add a database-level foreign key constraint on the reference column, like this: create_table :books do |t| t.belongs_to :author, foreign_key: true # ... end
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
class String alias strip_ws strip def strip chr=nil return self.strip_ws if chr.nil? self.gsub /^[#{Regexp.escape(chr)}]*|[#{Regexp.escape(chr)}]*$/, '' end end
That tends to be the biggest cop out excuse for libraries. Just do a major version release. The fact this library lies about the encodingis extremely problematic and causes numerous bugs. Any program currently using this library is already incorrect because of this behavior. Actually exposing the problem makes it easier for people to fix.
in reply to subject of https://hyp.is/VeTJlpN0Ee2mNKOVyQ-B5g/github.com/mikel/mail/issues/902
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
what do you think? Is Germany good for Indian students? To know more, read this article till the end.
It's usually undesirable to add a default scope. It will take more effort to work around and will cause more headaches. If you know you need a default scope, it's easy to add yourself .
- Dec 2022
I once had a cut on my arm. Someone asked me, is it serious? “It depends,” I replied, “on how much I scratch.”
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Pleeaasse don't give "it" a name.There is no "it". You believers are part of the church in your location and you meet together.There is zero biblical precedent for a group of believers giving their particular group a name.I understand that nearly all believers do .... That in no way makes it right.Names seperate us from others of the church in our area.
github.com github.com
has_scope :category do |controller, scope, value| value != 'all' ? scope.by_category(value) : scope end
postmarkapp.com postmarkapp.com
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
But anti- spam software often fetches all resources in mail header fields automatically, without any action by the user, and there is no mechanical way for a sender to tell whether a request was made automatically by anti-spam software or manually requested by a user. To prevent accidental unsubscriptions, senders return landing pages with a confirmation step to finish the unsubscribe request. A live user would recognize and act on this confirmation step, but an automated system would not. That makes the unsubscription process more complex than a single click.
HTTP: method: safe methods: GETs have to be safe, just in case a machine crawls it.
The target of the POST action is the same as the one in the GET action for a manual unsubscription, so this is intended to allow the same server code to handle both.
- Nov 2022
www.mailgun.com www.mailgun.com
www.rubydoc.info www.rubydoc.info
subject { described_class.do_something }
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
I would like to understand this design then. In my experience it has only served to limit what I can achieve, and gained me no additional benefit.
www.oauth.com www.oauth.com
You might notice that the “expires_in” property refers to the access token, not the refresh token. The expiration time of the refresh token is intentionally never communicated to the client. This is because the client has no actionable steps it can take even if it were able to know when the refresh token would expire.
www.taniarascia.com www.taniarascia.com
For example, if I make an application (Client) that allows a user (Resource Owner) to make notes and save them as a repo in their GitHub account (Resource Server), then my application will need to access their GitHub data. It's not secure for the user to directly supply their GitHub username and password to my application and grant full access to the entire account. Instead, using OAuth 2.0, they can go through an authorization flow that will grant limited access to some resources based on a scope, and I will never have access to any other data or their password.
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
The Console now supports redeclaration of const statement, in addition to the existing let and class redeclarations. The inability to redeclare was a common annoyance for web developers who use the Console to experiment with new JavaScript code.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Honestly, at this point, I don't even know what tools I'm using, and which is responsible for what feature. Diving into the code of capybara and cucumber yields hundreds of lines of metaprogramming magic that somehow accretes into a testing framework. It's really making me loathe TDD despite my previous youthful enthusiasm.
opinion: too much metaprogramming magic
I'm not so sure it's "too much" though... Any framework or large software project is going to feel that way to a newcomer looking at the code, due to the number of layers of abstractions, etc. that eventually were added/needed by the maintainers to make it maintainable, decoupled, etc.
auth0.com auth0.com
Is the Client absolutely trusted with user credentials?
Which OAuth 2.0 Flow Should I Use?
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Good commit hygiene is considered a best practice. GitLab should encourage and enable these kinds of best practices. This feature currently creates a problem and requires workarounds that remove information, or significant manual work.
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
To use a good book as a sedative is conspicuous waste.
github.com github.com
Rebuilding the same Dockerfile should result in the same version of the image being packaged, even if the second build happens several versions later, or the build should fail outright, such that an inadvertent rebuild of a Dockerfile tagged as 0.1.0 doesn't end up containing 0.2.3.
Because the official images are intended to be learning tools for those new to Docker as well as the base images for advanced users to build their production releases, we review each proposed Dockerfile to ensure that it meets a minimum standard for quality and maintainability. While some of that standard is hard to define (due to subjectivity), as much as possible is defined here, while also adhering to the "Best Practices" where appropriate.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Why was the SIGSTOP-ed process not responding to SIGTERM? Why does the kernel keeps it in the same state? Why did it get killed the moment it received the SIGCONT signal? If it was because of the previous SIGTERM signal, where was it kept until the process resumed?
In other words, if you use Bash to run Jenkins, and then run docker stop, then Jenkins will never see the stop command!
Now, Bash actually does the same thing (reaping zombies), so you're probably wondering: why not use Bash as PID 1?
In other words, someone has to clean up after "irresponsible" parents that leave their children un-wait'ed, and that's PID 1's job.
blog.phusion.nl blog.phusion.nl
Let's look at a concrete example. Suppose that your container contains a web server that runs a CGI script that's written in bash. The CGI script calls grep. Then the web server decides that the CGI script is taking too long and kills the script, but grep is not affected and keeps running. When grep finishes, it becomes a zombie and is adopted by the PID 1 (the web server). The web server doesn't know about grep, so it doesn't reap it, and the grep zombie stays in the system.
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
Glyph 0 must be assigned to a .notdef glyph. The .notdef glyph is very important for providing the user feedback that a glyph is not found in the font. This glyph should not be left without an outline as the user will only see what looks like a space if a glyph is missing and not be aware of the active font’s limitation.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Consider a text file containing the German word für (meaning 'for') in the ISO-8859-1 encoding (0x66 0xFC 0x72). This file is now opened with a text editor that assumes the input is UTF-8. The first and last byte are valid UTF-8 encodings of ASCII, but the middle byte (0xFC) is not a valid byte in UTF-8. Therefore, a text editor could replace this byte with the replacement character symbol to produce a valid string of Unicode code points. The whole string now displays like this: "f�r".
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
While there are many great answers regarding the "glyph not found" glyph, that won't help you actually detect it, as the text string in code will still have the character regardless of the font used to render it.
glyphsapp.com glyphsapp.com
A glyph can also represent more than one character at once. Take an f_f_f ligature as an example. It represents three f characters in a row. Ligatures do not have Unicodes, because the separate characters already have codes and the the fact that it’s a ligature does not change the meaning of its parts.
nickjanetakis.com nickjanetakis.com
- Oct 2022
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
designobserver.com designobserver.com
Conversely, even before the mainstream began leeching off alternative cultures, the underground satirically appropriated from the mainstream.
The mainstream is seen as the standard while the underground is seen as a copy or replica.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The problem is that the caller may write yield instead of block.call. The code I have given is possible caller's code. Extended method definition in my library can be simplified to my code above. Client provides block passed to define_method (body of a method), so he/she can write there anything. Especially yield. I can write in documentation that yield simply does not work, but I am trying to avoid that, and make my library 100% compatible with Ruby (alow to use any language syntax, not only a subset).
An understandable concern/desire: compatibility
Added new tag for this: allowing full syntax to be used, not just subset
You cannot use yield inside a define_method block. This is because blocks are captured by closures, observe: def hello define_singleton_method(:bye) { yield } end hello { puts "hello!" } bye { puts "bye!" } #=> "hello!"
raku.org raku.org
grammar Parser { rule TOP { I <love> <lang> } token love { '♥' | love } token lang { < Raku Perl Rust Go Python Ruby > } } say Parser.parse: 'I ♥ Raku'; # OUTPUT: 「I ♥ Raku」 love => 「♥」 lang => 「Raku」 say Parser.parse: 'I love Perl'; # OUTPUT: 「I love Perl」 love => 「love」 lang => 「Perl」
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It's really not always a better user experience to keep things in one browser... What if they are in a sign-up or check-out flow in your SPA, and at the last step they need to agree to some conditions in an external page? Unless you use a modal, opening in a new window would really be preferable to the user completely losing context and having to go through the whole process again.
blog.appsignal.com blog.appsignal.com
def initialize_copy(original_animal) self.age = 0 super end def initialize_dup(original_animal) self.dna = generate_dna self.name = "A new name" super end def initialize_clone(original_animal) self.name = "#{original_animal.name} 2" super end
Are There Other Methods to Copy Something?
An interesting fact here is that Rails deliberately chose to override the #initialize_dup method instead of the #initialize_copy method. Why would it do that? Let's investigate.
I expect RuboCop to either make no suggestion on how to resolve the ambiguity, or to suggest something that does not change the semantics of the code as it stands.
However, the code as it stands associates the block with bar, and if the code is currently working, the programmer should definitely not parenthesize the parameter, because it would change the meaning of the code.
github.com github.com
But this sounds like spreading fear and doubt when the Ruby parser has no such concepts :) {} always binds tightly to the call right next to it. This block {} will never go to using, unless it's rewritten as do ... end.
docs.openvalidation.io docs.openvalidation.io
Rules formulated with openVALIDATION are thus at the same time a formal, machine-processable specification, but also a documentation that is easy for people to understand.
- Sep 2022
douglasorr.github.io douglasorr.github.io
First, to clarify - what is "code", what is "data"? In this article, when I say "code", I mean something a human has written, that will be read by a machine (another program or hardware). When I say "data", I mean something a machine has written, that may be read by a machine, a human, or both. Therefore, a configuration file where you set logging.level = DEBUG is code, while virtual machine instructions emitted by a compiler are data. Of course, code is data, but I think this over-simplified view (humans write code, machines write data) will serve us best for now...
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Why not use map, which we already have for collections? Generally speaking, the map function isn't just about collections (though that's usually how it's used in Ruby). map is more about putting an object in a context (a block in Ruby's case), modifying the object, and returning the modified object.
github.com github.com
I don't know about you guys but I like dots on the second line when combined with indentation : # Example 1 one.two.three .four # Example 2 my_array.select { |str| str.size > 5 } .map { |str| str.downcase }
Is there a problem or not?If there is a problem, on which side is it? On the client or on the server side?
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
Code explains what and how Documentation explains why.
So make sure to write your documentation, but do not explain your spells.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The server possibly can send back a 406 (Not Acceptable) error code when unable to serve content in a matching language. However, such a behavior is rarely implemented for a better user experience, and servers often ignore the Accept-Language header in such cases.
github.com github.com
without a schema, you do not have a spec, you have an aspiration.
annotation meta: may need new tag: you don't have a _; you have a _
github.com github.com
Such schemas cannot easily be refactored without removing the benefits of sharing. Refactoring would require forking a local copy, which for schemas intended to be treated as an opaque validation interface with internal details that may change, eliminates the benefit of referencing a separately maintained schema in the first place.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
linked from: https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec/issues/515#issuecomment-369842228
refactored using:
github.com github.com
JSON Schema allows for additionalProperties both a boolean or an object value. true is interpreted as "additional properties follow no restrictions", false means "no additional restrictions", and an object is interpreted as a JSON schema applied to the property values (the empty object is thus equivalent to true).
rubystyle.guide rubystyle.guide
Prefer alias when aliasing methods in lexical class scope as the resolution of self in this context is also lexical, and it communicates clearly to the user that the indirection of your alias will not be altered at runtime or by any subclass unless made explicit.
reassurance of lack of possibility for run-time shenanigans
www.probizwriters.com www.probizwriters.com
But others, including Garner, believe, I think rightly, that while it can be ok to omit the hyphen in compound-noun adjectives, the better practice is to include the hyphen to ensure no confusion (especially since including the hyphen never triggers a miscue).
used by: skyboundtumbling
- Aug 2022
www.uml-diagrams.org www.uml-diagrams.org
Weak sequencing reduces to a parallel merge when the operands are on different sets of participants. Weak sequencing reduces to strict sequencing when the operands work on the same participant.
weak sequencing - reduces to: - or: - parallel (simultaneous) - strict sequencing
medium.com medium.com
I recommend using the term “parallel” when the simultaneous execution is assured or expected, and to use the term “concurrent” when it is uncertain or irrelevant if simultaneous execution will be employed.
Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.
Concurrency means that an application is making progress on more than one task at the same time (concurrently)
www.uml-diagrams.org www.uml-diagrams.org
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Each commit should meet the following criteria: Have a well-written commit message. Has all tests passing when used on its own (e.g. when using git checkout SHA). Can be reverted on its own without also requiring the revert of commit that came before it. Is small enough that it can be reviewed in isolation in under 30 minutes or so.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
github.com github.com
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
I feel very happy about them indeed because they take me to the destinations they promise (they're all nouns). Login doesn't take me to my login, which makes me sad. It does take me to a place where I can log in, however.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
"you can verb any noun". :) Though, comparing "ssh into a workstation" to "login to host.com", where "log in" exists, it's a bit like saying "entrance the building" when "enter the building" already works
medium.com medium.com
OAuth, or Open Authorization is a protocol for users to authorize websites to access their information without handing over a password.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Following. I haven’t found anything in years. I’m planning on building my own scraper for my bank this winter if I can’t find anything by then
blog.khinsen.net blog.khinsen.net
Since facts and narratives live in different universes, we should avoid mixing them carelessly. Crossing the boundary between the two universes should always be explicit. A narrative should not include copies of pieces of facts, but references to locations in a fact universe. And facts should not refer to narratives at all.
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
C, Fortran, BLAS, and Unix
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I thought something like git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD would work, but that just seems to show what the default branch was of the repo it was cloned from, at the time of cloning, provided that the remote we cloned from was named origin.
good enough for my purposes (local git scripts/aliases)!
⟫ cat .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD ref: refs/remotes/origin/main
When we have our git rev-parse examine our Git repository to view our origin/HEAD, what we see is whatever we have stored in this origin/HEAD. That need not match what is in their HEAD at this time. It might match! It might not.
There are many questions we can ask and answer about branch names. Each one is specific to one particular repository because all branch names are local to that particular repository. Any changes anyone makes in that repository affect only that one repository, at least at the time they make them.
which assumption? well, people make the assumption that our local repo should know some fact about the remote repo, like its default branch, without actually asking the remote about itself
- Jul 2022
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Patrician IV is an overhauling upgrade to Patrician III; so if you have not played the previous games in the Patrician series, starting with IV is really all you need. Also, the game of Patrician is very straightforward and addicting, so playing previous versions won't offer you anything unseen in Patrician IV.
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Let us briefly discuss three specific examples of concepts that seem particularly promising for theprospect of ‘good enough world’ and could become synergistically interrelated: (a) the social policy ofunconditional basic income, (b) the development of blockchains and (c) the idea of the offer networks
!- claim : examples of a good enough world * Universal Basic Income (UBI) * Blockchain * Offer network
A Good Enough World
!- question : good enough world * This term seems a bit counter-intuitive as a "good enough world" is actually advocated as one of the better solutions for the future of our civilization.
the Internet can potentially becomea backbone to a ‘global commons,’ an immense free space of information, products and services towhich everyone can contribute to and from which everyone can profit [51, 52 ].
!- for : Indyweb * A "good enough" world is contingent on a global virtual commons * Indyweb can play a major role
The human takeover needs to be nonviolent and genuinely creative. It can augment the entirehuman social system not by resolving the gridlock of all the colliding identities and trajectoriesmentioned in Section 2 but by adding a lifeline for humans to hold on to whenever they considermaking a decision that challenges and disrupts; whenever they allow a new thought to take shape;whenever they genuinely feel the genuine need to say ‘no,’ or ‘yes,’ but today must say otherwise.
!- properties : human takeover * nonviolent communications * genuinely creative * provide a lifeline when choices true to one's heart emerge so that it can be supported and not fall by the weighside * must secure a "good enough" relationship between human and the social system
The ‘ideal’ is nothing other thana representation of social conditioning and the installation of a personware module into the newbornhuman that tries to accord what is with what the social system projects. We acknowledge of course thatsome mediation is always needed. The baby sees the world and the social world in particular throughthe eyes of the parent and only afterwards autonomously. This mediation is crucial to the cognitivedevelopment of the person and cannot happen without a personware. But the personware can beconstructed such that it empowers the individual and does not subjugate it to the social demands.
!- definition : good enough * From Donald Winnicot, a parent who is "good enough" is actually healthier for the child than the standard "ideal" parent. * A "good enough" parent does not force the child to choose between two aspects of wellbeing, both of which are necessary.
alarmingdevelopment.org alarmingdevelopment.org
This polemic identifies CS as the culprit. That seems empirically wrong. As stated, it's "not a prerequisite for most programming" even in theory, and in practice, there are mountains of GitHub programmers, at least, who don't have CS backgrounds. Non-CS folks probably account for most of the "frontend"/"full stack" development today. This has exacerbated the Tower of Babel, not improved it.
HCI is CS—and that's what we should focus on. There's a fair bit of emphasis on engineering due, too. To be able to look at a problem and ask, "What should it take?" and ocnversely, "What isn't required here (contra cultural imperatives)?"
www.hardscrabble.net www.hardscrabble.net
Here’s a quick blog post about a specific thing (making FactoryBot.lint more verbose) but actually, secretly, about a more general thing (taking advantage of Ruby’s flexibility to bend the universe to your will). Let’s start with the specific thing and then come back around to the general thing.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A more conservative workaround is find the gems that are causing issues and list them on the top of your Gemfile.
good solution ... except that it didn't help/work
avdi.codes avdi.codes
How much do we really need constants, anyway?
gist.github.com gist.github.com
5.1 Recognize that 1) the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and 2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
5.1 Recognize that 1) the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and 2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
1.2 Truth—or, more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality —is the essential foundation for any good outcome.
- 1.2 Truth—or, more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality —is the essential foundation for any good outcome.
- 5.1 Recognize that 1) the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and 2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
github.com github.com
Stop autoclosing of PRs While the idea of cleaning up the the PRs list by nudging reviewers with the stale message and closing PRs that didn't got a review in time cloud work for the maintainers, in practice it discourages contributors to submit contributions. Keeping PRs open and not providing feedback also doesn't help with contributors motivation, so while I'm disabling this feature of the bot we still need to come up with a process that will help us to keep the number of PRs in check, but celebrate the work contributors already did instead of ignoring it, or dismissing in the form of a "stale" alerts, and automatically closing PRs.
Yes!! Thank you!!
typo: cloud work -> could work
discuss.rubyonrails.org discuss.rubyonrails.org
Overriding the ActiveStorage controllers to add authentication or customize behavior is a bit tedious because it requires either: using custom routes, which means losing the nice url helpers provided by active storage copy pasting the routes in the application routes.rb, which is not very DRY.
now we talk i talk about a few ideas good regulators requisite variety self-organized criticality and then the 01:35:04 free energy principle from active inference um and uh maybe i'll just try to briefly talk mention what's what those means for what those ideas mean for people who 01:35:15 aren't familiar so good regulator really came from the good regular theorem or whatever it's called really came from cybernetics ash ashby yeah a lot his law of requisite 01:35:33 variety and uh the it's the concept is that a organism or a you know a system must be must be a model of that which it but 01:35:47 that needs to control
These are technical terms employed in this model: * Good regulators * Requisite variety * Self-organized criticality * Free energy principle
- Jun 2022
besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Embracing visions of a good life that go beyond those entailing high levels of material consumption is central to many pathways. Key drivers of the overexploitation of nature are the currently popular vision that a good life involves happiness generated through material consumption [leverage point 2] and the widely accepted notion that economic growth is the most important goal of society, with success based largely on income and demonstrated purchasing power (Brand & Wissen, 2012). However, as communities around the world show, a good quality of life can be achieved with significantly lower environmental impacts than is normal for many affluent social strata (Jackson, 2011; Røpke, 1999). Alternative relational conceptions of a good life with a lower material impact (i.e. those focusing on the quality and characteristics of human relationships, and harmonious relationships with non-human nature) might be promoted and sustained by political settings that provide the personal, material and social (interpersonal) conditions for a good life (such as infrastructure, access to health or anti-discrimination policies), while leaving to individuals the choice about their actual way of living (Jackson, 2011; Nussbaum, 2001, 2003). In particular, status or social recognition need not require high levels of consumption, even though in some societies, status is currently related to consumption (Røpke, 1999).
A redefinition of a good life that decouples it from materialism is critical to lowering carbon emissions. Practices such as open source Deep Humanity praxis focusing on inner transformation can play a significant role.
In this respect, relational notions of a good quality of life, such as ‘buen vivir’ from Latin America (D'Alisa, Demaria, & Kallis, 2014; Gudynas, 2011; Hopkins, 2008), may be key to achieving long-term sustainable outcomes
relational notions of a good life buen vivir from Latin America
direct.mit.edu direct.mit.edu
The dominant idea is one of attention, by which a representation at a position is computed as a weighted combination of representations from other positions. A common self-supervision objective in a transformer model is to mask out occasional words in a text. The model works out what word used to be there. It does this by calculating from each word position (including mask positions) vectors that represent a query, key, and value at that position. The query at a position is compared with the value at every position to calculate how much attention to pay to each position; based on this, a weighted average of the values at all positions is calculated. This operation is repeated many times at each level of the transformer neural net, and the resulting value is further manipulated through a fully connected neural net layer and through use of normalization layers and residual connections to produce a new vector for each word. This whole process is repeated many times, giving extra layers of depth to the transformer neural net. At the end, the representation above a mask position should capture the word that was there in the original text: for instance, committee as illustrated in Figure 1.
www.1854treatyauthority.org www.1854treatyauthority.org
Kahler et al. (2011)and Kahler (2010) found that wild rice populations in lakes and rivers at the landscape scale tend to behighly distinct from one another and that the St. Louis River estuary may have its own “genetic identity”(Kern and Kahler 2014).
Highly distinct populations with own genetic identity. Check out these papers for in depth info on Manomin genetic diversity - Kahler et al 2011, Kahler 2010, Kern and Kahler 2014
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
What's wrong with a simple, feel good movie?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Logically, if you just want a distinct list of event_id values, what order they occur in should be irrelevant. If order does matter, then you should add the start_time to the SELECT list so that there is context for the order.
The ORDER BY clause can only be applied after the DISTINCT has been applied. Since only the fields in the SELECT statement are taken into consideration for the DISTINCT operations, those are the only fields may be used in the ORDER BY.
- May 2022
github.com github.com
1/ It fits into existing spec based testing infrastructure nicely, including running on travis, code coverage using SimpleCov, switching between generating a profile (RubyProf), a benchmark (Benchmark::IPS) or normal test run. 2/ Some of my benchmarks do have expect clauses to validate that things are working before invoking the benchmark.
Answering the question:
I don't understand the point of putting it in a spec. What does that gain you over using benchmark-ips the normal way?
www.grammarly.com www.grammarly.com
Giants that prefer the hyphenated spelling—Merriam-Webster, The Chicago Manual of Style, and The New Yorker, have a good reason for doing so. E-mail is a compound noun, made out of two words—“electronic” and “mail.” The e in e-mail is an abbreviation for “electronic,” and it’s used in a lot of other words as well—e-commerce, e-learning, and e-business, for example. There are also other compound nouns formed from an abbreviation and a noun, like the H-bomb, which is short for hydrogen bomb. The general rule of hyphenation in compound words that combine a single letter (or a number) and a word is to hyphenate them. So, based on tradition, e-mail is the correct way to do it.
www.exurbe.com www.exurbe.com
When chatting with my father about the proton research he summed it up nicely, that two possible responses to hearing that how we measure something seems to change its nature, throwing the reliability of empirical testing into question, are: “Science has been disproved!” or “Great! Another thing to figure out using the Scientific Method!” The latter reaction is everyday to those who are versed in and comfortable with the fact that science is not a set of doctrines but a process of discovery, hypothesis, disproof and replacement. Yet the former reaction, “X is wrong therefore the system which yielded X is wrong!” is, in fact, the historical norm.
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
It's always a good idea to avoid things like 'both', since it's not future-proof — if we decided we wanted to support method overrides via headers, for example (which is sometimes used to get around firewalls that disallow non-GET/POST requests), then 'both' would need to become 'all', which would be a breaking change.
kryogenix.org kryogenix.org
“All your users are non-JS while they're downloading your JS”
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The backslash character does not concatenate any strings. It prevents the line-break from meaning that those two lines are different statements. Think of the backslash as the opposite of the semicolon. The semicolon lets two statements occupy one line; the backslash lets one statement occupy two lines.
Think of the backslash as the opposite of the semicolon. The semicolon lets two statements occupy one line; the backslash lets one statement occupy two lines.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
As a software developer, what would you say if a user came to you and said "it's not working"?
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
Convolution Demo. Below is a running demo of a CONV layer. Since 3D volumes are hard to visualize, all the volumes (the input volume (in blue), the weight volumes (in red), the output volume (in green)) are visualized with each depth slice stacked in rows. The input volume is of size W1=5,H1=5,D1=3W1=5,H1=5,D1=3W_1 = 5, H_1 = 5, D_1 = 3, and the CONV layer parameters are K=2,F=3,S=2,P=1K=2,F=3,S=2,P=1K = 2, F = 3, S = 2, P = 1. That is, we have two filters of size 3×33×33 \times 3, and they are applied with a stride of 2. Therefore, the output volume size has spatial size (5 - 3 + 2)/2 + 1 = 3. Moreover, notice that a padding of P=1P=1P = 1 is applied to the input volume, making the outer border of the input volume zero. The visualization below iterates over the output activations (green), and shows that each element is computed by elementwise multiplying the highlighted input (blue) with the filter (red), summing it up, and then offsetting the result by the bias.
Best explanation/inllustration of a convolution layer.and the ways the number relate.
Think the mere existence of a file is effectively like writing a require call for them, which is executed on demand (autoload) or upfront (eager load).
www.hey.com www.hey.comHEY1
HEY’s fresh approach transforms email into something you want to use, not something you’re forced to deal with.
I tried mapping out the different flow of information for the two different contexts:
github.com github.com
Will be executed right after outermost transaction have been successfully committed and data become available to other DBMS clients.
Very good, pithy summary. Worth 100 words.
The first half was good enough. But the addition of "and data become available to other DBMS clients" makes it real-world and makes it clear why it (the first part) even matters.
sambleckley.com sambleckley.com
SELECT lateral_subquery.* FROM posts JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT comments.* FROM comments WHERE (comments.post_id = posts.id) LIMIT 3 ) lateral_subquery ON true WHERE posts.id
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
infer is there to say you know you are declaring a new type (in the conditional type's scope) - much like you have to write var, let or const to tell the compiler you know you're declaring a new variable.
github.com github.com
Let's say the user is in the process of selecting some files. The names don't indicate anything. So she has to listen and select.
distill.pub distill.pub
Starting from random noise, we optimize an image to activate a particular neuron (layer mixed4a, unit 11).
And then we use that image as a kind of variable name to refer to the neuron in a way that more helpful than the the layer number and neuron index within the layer. This explanation is via one of Chris Olah's YouTube videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXsKyZ_Y_i8)
- Mar 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
# Allows you to just run "pry" inside a Rails app directory and get # everything loaded as rails c does. Inside a Bundler directory does # what bundle console does.
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
his serves as a good example of apt-gets stability. In apt, the name was changed to be more user friendly, while in apt-get the name remains unchanged so as not to break compatibility with old scripts.
github.com github.com
t.datetime :seen_at, default: { expr: 'NOW()' }
shuffling cards:
is like how this combines/interleaves structure migrations and data migrations together
github.com github.com
No need to construct strings that then need to be deconstructed later.
In any significant project I worked in the last 15 years, logging text messages resulted in a large amount of strings which was hard to make sense of, thus mostly ignored.
hard to make sense of, thus mostly ignored
sspai.com sspai.com
PPW 四分区坐垫
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
ambiguous and invisible Unicode characters
'е' != 'e'
appcenter.elementary.io appcenter.elementary.io
Grids like these are user-hostile—a clear choice to prioritize aesthetics over experience. In order to see what any given app does, I have to either:
- Figure it out by the name alone
- Click each one to fetch the relevant info (and wait for it to load)
- Mouse over each item to read the title text
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
Is the name "delegated type" up for review? I don't see any delegation happening in the code. It looks more like a "subtype", or "secondary type", or something like that.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.neteog.pdf2
umbaba said, 'Enkidu, what you have spoken is evil: you, a hireling, dependent for your bread! In envy and for fear of a rival you have spoken evil words.' Enkidu said, ‘Do not listen, Gilgamesh: this Humbaba must die. Kill Humbaba first and his servants after
Humbaba reminds me a lot of Goliath, and since he tried to trick Enkidu, maybe cunning like the devil.
he heavens roared and the earth roared again, daylight failed and darkness fell, lightnings flashed, fire blazed out, the clouds lowered, they rained down death. Then the brightness departed, the fire went out, and all was turned to ashes fallen about us. Let us go down from the mountain and talk this over, and consider what we should do
I thought this might be an early representation of the devil or evil, with horns and fire. Although it could have contributed to later representations of the devil or hell, it might have just showed how great a deed the two did in killing Humbaba. The scale of what they did might have made an impact in how greatly they were seen though in the descriptions of Uruk at the beginning of the story, so maybe it starts to show the impact of one or two people, like some kind of savior?
github.com github.com
Even though not all code smells indicate real problems (think fluent interfaces)
- Jan 2022
export const fibonacci = function (n, initialData) { return readable( { loading: true, error: null, data: initialData, }, (set) => { let controller = new AbortController(); (async () => { try { let result = await fibonacciWorker.calculate(n, { signal: controller.signal }); set({ loading: false, error: null, data: result, }); } catch (err) { // Ignore AbortErrors, they're not unexpected but a feature. // In case of abortion we just keep the loading state because another request is on its way anyway. if (err.name !== 'AbortError') { set({ loading: false, error: err, data: initialData, }); } } })(); return () => { controller.abort(); }; } ); };
Maybe once the core onError lifecycle is implemented (if maintainers decide to go that way) everyone will discover you're right and an implementation will be built in. I think that's probably what's going to happen. But until real life has proved it, it's usually best to go for the smallest most broadly applicable solution. I can definitely imagine <svelte:error> eventually being a thing, but it's a pretty dramatic change compared to an added importable function.
I think the issue is that it's not totally perfect. It doesn't define what should happen in parent components, it's not as flexible as onError and it doesn't allow you (for instance) to nest a svelte:head inside, or decide what to do with the rest of the rendering. What do you do with <div>My component</div> in your example? What about changing the <title>? I assume you can inspect the error...does <svelte:error> allow specifying which error types to expect?
Boilerplate is only boilerplate if it's the same everywhere, which it shouldn't be.
Additionally, if you're writing a notification display in every single component, wrapped in a <svelte:error> tag, that's the very definition of boilerplate.
In other words, adding a svelte:error tag wouldn't help much.
www.freecodecamp.org www.freecodecamp.org
The most obvious time you'd encounter a 401 error, on the other hand, is when you have not logged in at all, or have provided the incorrect password.
As mentioned in the previous article, the 403 error can result when a user has logged in but they don't have sufficient privileges to access the requested resource. For example, a generic user may be attempting to load an 'admin' route.
An access token is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Meaning if you have your own roll-your-own login process and never use HTTP Authentication, 403 is always the proper response and 401 should never be used.
While this seems to me like it's probably an accurate interpretation of the old RFC 2616, note that RFC 7231 defines the semantics of a 403 differently, and in fact explicitly states that "The client MAY repeat the request with new or different credentials."
it depends on the application but generally, if an authenticated user doesn't have sufficient rights on a resource, you might want to provide a way to change credentials or send a 401.
A 403 doesn't tell the client / user agent what the next step is or provide a way to change credentials.
So maybe a 302 redirect is the best answer after all? Even though it sadly lacks the nice semantic distinction that 401/403 provide...
FORBIDDEN: Status code (403) indicating the server understood the request but refused to fulfill it. User/agent known by the server but has insufficient credentials. Repeating request will not work, unless credentials changed, which is very unlikely in a short time span.
This may be because it is known that no level of authentication is sufficient (for instance because of an IP blacklist), but it may be because the user is already authenticated and does not have authority.
github.com github.com
The intended behavior for the code snippet above is to reactively update b when a changes allows b temporarily go "out-of-sync" of a when calling update, setting b to 42 in this case, b is not always a * 2 however, if a changes again, b will be updated back to a * 2, instead of staying at 42
www.impressivewebs.com www.impressivewebs.com
When you give an element a width of 100% in CSS, you’re basically saying “Make this element’s content area exactly equal to the explicit width of its parent — but only if its parent has an explicit width.” So, if you have a parent container that’s 400px wide, a child element given a width of 100% will also be 400px wide, and will still be subject to margins, paddings, and borders — on top of the 100% width setting.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
For example, given a website's normal communication method is the internet, out-of-band communication may be by a voice call.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
A good riddance from the ultra realistic modern 2021 games . Or maybe its my personal opinion that most games towards the better side should be like 16-bit only. It certainly took me back to the era of Nintendo when I frankly used to enjoy gaming the most. The look and feel of Tobe's quite resonates with good old konami games, Contra, adventure island, Super Mario, Circus Charlie, Dangerous Dave.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
It seems like it could be a good game but its really poorly executed,
Unique concept that could have end up as a great game, but sadly got destroyed by lack of polish .
- Dec 2021
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
The transformer model introduces the idea of instead of adding another complex mechanism (attention) to an already complex Seq2Seq model; we can simplify the solution by forgetting about everything else and just focusing on attention.
github.com github.com
Just FYI, there is a nice way to "expect a change" in RSpec. You don't have to use it, what you have is fine, just thought I'd share. expect { widget.paper_trail.update_columns(name: "Bugle") }.to(change { widget.versions.length }).from(1).to(2)
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
For what it's worth, accessing attributes with [] is not the same as using send. The latter will call the accessor method, which is what you want 99/100.
- Nov 2021
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
When the embedded document has the same origin as the embedding page, it is strongly discouraged to use both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin, as that lets the embedded document remove the sandbox attribute — making it no more secure than not using the sandbox attribute at all.
e2eml.school e2eml.school
The selective-second-order-with-skips model is a useful way to think about what transformers do, at least in the decoder side. It captures, to a first approximation, what generative language models like OpenAI's GPT-3 are doing.
medium.com medium.com
An exit determined by how much public good has been created by the project rather than quarterly profit.
Yes! We could actually rehabilitate the concept of a corporation as a living body if compensation for public good was the foundation for economic currency.
distill.pub distill.pub
The following figure presents a simple functional diagram of the neural network we will use throughout the article. The neural network is a sequence of linear (both convolutional A convolution calculates weighted sums of regions in the input. In neural networks, the learnable weights in convolutional layers are referred to as the kernel. For example Image credit to https://towardsdatascience.com/gentle-dive-into-math-behind-convolutional-neural-networks-79a07dd44cf9. See also Convolution arithmetic. and fully-connected A fully-connected layer computes output neurons as weighted sum of input neurons. In matrix form, it is a matrix that linearly transforms the input vector into the output vector. ), max-pooling, and ReLU First introduced by Nair and Hinton, ReLU calculates f(x)=max(0,x)f(x)=max(0,x)f(x)=max(0,x) for each entry in a vector input. Graphically, it is a hinge at the origin: Image credit to https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#relu layers, culminating in a softmax Softmax function calculates S(yi)=eyiΣj=1NeyjS(y_i)=\frac{e^{y_i}}{\Sigma_{j=1}^{N} e^{y_j}}S(yi)=Σj=1Neyjeyi for each entry (yiy_iyi) in a vector input (yyy). For example, Image credit to https://ljvmiranda921.github.io/notebook/2017/08/13/softmax-and-the-negative-log-likelihood/ layer.
This is a great visualization of MNIST hidden layers.
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
The Query word can be interpreted as the word for which we are calculating Attention. The Key and Value word is the word to which we are paying attention ie. how relevant is that word to the Query word.
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
Attention is a means of selectively weighting different elements in input data, so that they will have an adjusted impact on the hidden states of downstream layers.
svelte.school svelte.school
All that is left is use:typeWriter. You instantly understand what it does and so will probably any future colleagues.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
If you need to pass multiple arguments to an action, combine them into a single object, as in use:longpress={{duration, spiciness}}
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The consumer component will barely change from our last example. The only difference is the way we'll get a reference to our store (since now the store is exported from the JS module):