671 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. It is precisely in the same manner, and with the same success, that you might train a dog, or accus-tom a child to expect food on your calling to him in one tone of voice, and to dread your resentment when you use another.

      The comparison of a dog and a child is a very useful way to explain, not only the notion of experience and how we come to adapt to the world, but also in saying that without experiencing human interaction being given to us, we truly are no different than beasts. Feral children and all that jazz.

    1. as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man, need not here be mentioned.

      Language and its meaning is determined by each individual's unique experience.

  2. Jan 2017
    1. experience;

      This is a key term here, which Hume is very diligently working through. Experience also becomes important to the American pragmatist tradition in the late 19th/early 20th centuries.

  3. Dec 2016
    1. people live in their minds and not in life. This is the source of all of your difficulties. You are more engaged with your ideas than you are with life. Being engaged with life means that you are directly involved and are having a direct experience.
  4. Oct 2016
    1. I speak as one who knows your nature because I understand the fabric of life into which your life is interwoven, and I do not see you as separate or apart from this. I see you as part of a greater tapestry of life, a greater tapestry of life in this time, in this world, in this place, in these circumstances, for the tapestry is changing. Let us not confuse, then, your life within the world withyour life beyond, for they are different. If you think they are the same, you will underestimate your life beyond the world, and you will overestimate your life within the world, and you will make some grave misinterpretations of your abilities and your nature while you are here. You are working in a very limited context. You have physical and mental limitations while you are here. You have experienced these limitations, perhaps painfully, but you need to understand them, and you need to recognize them without self-condemnation, for you have limits. You are working through a limited vehicle in your body and a limited vehicle in your mind. The spirit of you, which we call Knowledge, must exercise its Wisdom and its beneficence and its purpose through these limited vehicles and through the circumstances that you face in everyday life.
      • "we are spirits in the material world"
      • "We are spiritual beings having a human experience"

      or as I jokingly say:

      • 'I am a Pleiadian being having a Human experience.'

      Of course you're in a limited state. Being in a body is a limited state. It's a great nuisance carrying around this hunk-feeding it, housing it, keeping it clean, clothing it, making it beautiful, keeping it comfortable and attending to its many aches and pains. A nuisance, my God! Don't you just want to fly away sometimes? But the body is the garment you wear in being in this world, and it enables you to communicate here. You don't get much attention if you don't have a body and you want to communicate. Then it is hard to get people's attention. And if you do get their attention, you scare the daylights out of them, and they never want to have an experience like that again! So, obviously, our ability to communicate with people in the world seems very limited. We still give them something, but it will arise from within them and they will think it is from themselves.


    1. Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song

      This repetition in words seems to be a song or chant of some sort. The writer is describing all this trash around him but then jumps to the perspective of others.

  5. Sep 2016
    1. design this class, I found I was seeking an experience of learning

      Just highlighting and annotating the obvious, lest we forget. There is so much of design = pathway to objectives that I want to linger over, signal boost, Mia's fundamental point: design = the learning experience. A crucial distinction.

  6. Aug 2016
    1. In the end, most Symfony developers will be declaring each form field manually in a special class file, for each entity that needs a form. It is a painstaking and repetitive process that is somehow more tedious than writing the entire form in raw HTML.
    2. It became clear that, while Backbone is commonly referred to as a framework, its name tells the real story: it is really just a skeletal add-on to JQuery that provides a few useful features.
  7. Jul 2016
    1. Large lecture classes may go through the content too quickly for the typical student to understand. That's why so many schools follow the practice of breaking the class cohort into smaller sections led by teaching assistants.
  8. Feb 2016
    1. The viewer should be able to obtain a complete understand from various levels and mediums of information. One way to effectively convey information to the patron is through the use of technology

      Multiple senses should be activated in a museum environment

  9. Jan 2016
    1. This book will require you to move beyond understanding and dare to live from there!

      Yes, the lived experience....

    2. This book will require you to move beyond understanding and dare to live from there!

      The lived experience, YES!

  10. christmind.info christmind.info
    1. It is just that now it is necessary for you to understand that when you are inquiring, and when I am answering, You are answering. And that when You are answering, I am answering. And therefore all of this is absolutely relevant to you as an actual experience of your divinity, not just a means of getting information to help you experience your divinity.

      When it it Self answering, ultimately there is only one Self!

    2. Good. Just let yourself be where you are. Don’t grasp for what is coming next and don’t grasp for what has been. As I let what was said sink in, you continued to give your attention to what I would say next. You did not try to grasp what I had said and purposely embody it. You also let it sink in. Then when a sense of urgency arose regarding other issues, and what would come next, you did not energize it. You did not become full of active expressions of questions. You remained present with me, Listening for the next words, the next “Knowing’s,” whenever they might occur. This is where your Peace lies, Paul—in that willingness to be present in the now with your calm attention where the Knowing is experienced. You literally have no other place to be, nor is there any need to be anywhere else, truly.

      "You remained present with me, Listening for the next words, the next “Knowing’s,” whenever they might occur. This is where your Peace lies, Paul—in that willingness to be present in the now with your calm attention where the Knowing is experienced. You literally have no other place to be, nor is there any need to be anywhere else, truly."

      Peace comes from a willingness to be present with attention where the Knowing is experienced!

    3. How do you eat dinner from your Center? How do you play Pictionary from your Center? How do you hug someone from your Center? How do you observe the scenery from your Center? I am not going to answer that. I am going to say, explore doing it! And explore doing it on purpose, just as much as you engage in Workshops and private conversations from your Center on purpose. And remember, because this is the key point for you at this time, that in doing it, you will experience the integrity, the congruence, the Peace of your Being which is fulfilling, and will constitute an experience of Self—minus fear, minus the sense of incompetence, minus all the characteristics of the sidekick.

      The importance of practice in every day life and Raj suggests that this is what builds "the integrity, the congruence, the Peace of your Being which is fulfilling, and will constitute an experience of Self."

    4. If you will pay attention, and if you will accept the fact that the experience of fulfillment you are having is an experience of congruence with your Self, you will realize that the integrity of it hasn’t been derived from me and not from you. And because it constitutes a real experience of You, there is even less reason for you to release it at the end of the last conversation [of the day] as though now all there is left is you—meaning the sidekick.

      The sense of fulfilment IS an experience of congruence of Self!

    5. The experience of a question is nothing more and nothing less than the giving permission for Knowing to be experienced. It becomes quite obvious, then, that any attempt to understand the nature of the questioner by virtue of the questions constitutes a complete distraction from the real meaning of the question—which is a giving permission for Knowing—and thus Knowing is never arrived at. The experience of one’s Self remains hidden. The Fourth-dimensional Conscious experience of Being is swallowed up in a “mirror image” of something that doesn’t even exist.

      So the only purpose of a question is to give permission to Know and nothing else...

  11. Dec 2015
    1. Now, let’s move on. I want to correct a misconception on your part—a spatial misconception. you are feeling that you are moving forward along a path, building upon a foundation of knowledge and ability to reason, which you have developed and exercised in the past. This is not the case. The fact is that you are moving backwards on the path which you have come. This is because, to a large degree, your path took you away from your Being and into a three-dimensional frame of reference. You are, so to speak, relaxing back out of that thinking process—that finite, reasoning, intellectual structure which you felt was getting you somewhere in a progressive sense. Our conversation right now is not the result of a thinking process at all. When you stand at the Door as the Door, the Wisdom, the Truth, the Knowledge that flows through and as your conscious experience of Being, is not the result of thought processes, nor of reasoning. Because It continues to flow on past you, It truly does not become a stored body of knowledge from which you may draw in the future. Standing as the Door means that, in this so-called “future,” whatever Knowledge and Understanding is applicable to the unfolding at that time will be there in exactly the same manner that It is here right now. You see, Paul, we are beginning to redefine what constitutes your conscious experience of Being.

      Description of how Being operates.

      Not by storing knowledge...

    1. You certainly know that, because you exist, you have purpose or intent—there is a design to your Being. You should also know that every single event which is unfolding in and as your conscious experience of being is in perfect harmony with that design. They are all part of the intent of your Being to fulfill Itself specifically and flawlessly, both individually and Universally, since all of you is always unfolding all of Itself with total success.

      Further clarity on Being.

    1. Although we are going to be conversing more continuously today and tomorrow than we have in the past, it need not involve any sense of urgency or rush. Let it flow at its own rate, and you float with the current. The river will get to its destination. the river, of course, is the flow of your own Being unfolding Itself as Itself, and constituting your conscious experience of Being.

      River is a metaphor the unfolding of your conscious experience of Being.

    1. I want you to consider that in everything we are doing, we are harmonizing and flowing with the divine energies—with the outpouring of the river of Life, right at Its source. This river of Life flows freely and totally through and as your conscious experience of Being. It is always doing this, whether or not you have placed yourself properly in that Place. This is important to understand, since it makes clear that the only thing we need to do in order to find the resolution to whatever situation we are faced with, is simply go to the Source as the Door.

      The simplicity of life comes in harmonizing with the source of life that is continuously flowing freely through your conscious experience of Being.

    1. You must be alert at the inception. Then you will not waste your time attempting to do something which is already done by virtue of the immovable completeness of your Being. Indeed, your Being will be identified completely, and is identified completely—and that means manifest completely. Otherwise, the omnipresence of your Being would be only partial, which is an impossibility. You must be willing to face the suggestion of lack, and meet it head on, with the recognition that such a suggestion is an exact opposite of the Fact. If you will reverse the suggestion and be conscious of the specific truth which you will discover in that Place where you are right now, and abide with that truth, then you will be able to respond appropriately. Everything you do will identify the Fact. It is not enough to know what the Fact is. You must also include consciously in your awareness of the Fact that It is not omnipresent if It is not present as that which identifies your completeness. This must be done from that Place wherein you are experiencing the omnipresence of your Being as Conscious Being. It is essential that you keep this in mind.

      Use time wisely: don't try to fix what is not true.

      Be willing to face illusion - head on, recognizing that it cannot be true from the place of conscious Being.

      What is True (not illusion, not FACT) is present only from that place of being conscious of Being. Here Truth is what identifies your completeness.

      He is not talking about a concept of Truth but and experience of Truth.

    1. RAJ: I think you can see that unfoldment is really a matter of how quickly or slowly we are willing to let go of limitations, rather than the presence or availability of something to expand into, since Infinity is the Actuality of every moment of conscious experience. This is important to understand, because we often feel that we are held back by the limitation as though it had the ability to influence or deprive us of our Good. Not true! There is never anything holding us!

      Quote: Infinity is the Actuality of every moment of conscious experience.

      We are never limited by anything.

  12. Nov 2015
    1. RAJ: Paul, when you ask that question, you are seeing Substance gathered together in clumps, so to speak—objects—which imply that Substance is absent in the spaces between those objects. In other words, you are thinking of Substance three-dimensionally. In fact, Substance is Fourth-dimensional or non-dimensional. It constitutes every aspect of conscious experience as Conscious Being. You must remember that none of what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel is going on external to the conscious experience of it, even though that is the way it appears. All of it is Consciousness. All of it is Mind’s Self-experience.

      There is no separation, Substance is everything...

    2. When you are observing the three-dimensional universe, and you are interpreting it as existing and functioning on its own, then substance, as you are seeing it, has absolutely nothing to do with Substance as It Is. The flaw in your interpretation—the distortion of this partial or finite view—causes what is seen, heard, felt, tasted, and smelled to seem to be capable of sickness, decay, and death. These are dysfunctions which the Actuality of what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is totally incapable of. The shift we have been discussing for the past few months involves a shift of the point of awareness from an objective placement to a subjective placement, wherein each and every Actual idea of Mind is experienced and recognized as being absolutely mental.

      3d Perception of Reality is a partial or finite view that includes the distortion of sickness and death that is not present in Reality.

      To shift perception from 3d Illusion to what is Real involves a shift in awareness from an objective to subjective placement where every Actual idea of Mind is experienced as being absolutely mental.

    3. You must remember that none of what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel is going on external to the conscious experience of it, even though that is the way it appears. All of it is Consciousness. All of it is Mind’s Self-experience.

      This is getting esoteric and I don't understand it. I see a tree but the tree doesn't exist outside of my experience of it???

      I can apply my logical thinking to this idea but that doesn't help me to grok it. I need to have the experience to really get it.

    1. As I said yesterday, lean on your Self. Depend on It. Trust It. Demand the answers from It rather than what appear to be “others.” Remember that whether I truly am a separate individual or not, I am Your Conscious Experience when we are together. This is imperative and it is a key to further unfoldment. I know that you grasp this from an experiential standpoint and that this is not just a “head trip.“
    1. As I observe myself, it seems incredible to me that there is this definite reluctance to get into the subject of Substance, or into the specific answer to the problems we have been faced with over the past number of months. It is extremely strong. RAJ: And, Paul, it is entirely operating at the level of belief. It is a totally ignorant experience. That is what makes it most incredible. It simply means that you are going to have to move through it purposely, and not hope for some way to get around it.

      Paul is having financial problems. He is following Raj's suggestions but it is not helping. I think he is feeling victimized - no matter what he does it is not helping - even being open and receptive to Guidance.

      Now he doesn't want this conversation because he wants to maintain his belief about his situation and is afraid he won't be able to - that Raj will tell him something where he won't be able to maintain his belief. He wants to keep it!!

      Raj says his reluctance and its physical result is a totally ignorant experience operating at the level of belief.

      He needs to be honest about it and purposefully move through it and stop hoping for some magical means to get around it.

    2. Be aware of your reluctance to have this conversation. Simply recognize it. Notice that the reluctance is because you are wanting to glide over the information and understanding which you imagine you are going to be confronted with. You imagine it is going to discredit you in some way. Realize, further, to what extent this fear or reluctance is manifested physically in terms of strong perspiration, discomfort in the pit of your stomach, and just a general yukkiness. I am going to suggest that you clean up your act mentally and physically before we continue further. Go take a bath! And while you’re taking the bath, refresh your consciousness also.

      Paul believes this upcoming conversation with Raj will discredit what he believes and so he doesn't want to have the conversation. His discomfort is felt physically also - strong perspiration, discomfort in the stomach, etc.

      Raj suggests that he simply recognize it - bring his attention to the discomfort and - clean up your act and refresh your consciousness before continuing.

    3. Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good.“2

      "Law is intelligent Principle—principled Intelligence—and this constitutes the omniactive Nature of Substance. The Light which is divine, intelligent Love is the means by which divine Mind reveals Itself to Itself infinitely as the omnipresently active Experience of Revelation. It allows Soul to respond. “And, behold, it was very good"

    1. Because it is a well-established habit, it is so very easy to attempt to take the infinite unfoldments of our Being and try to channel them into habits of action. The need is to give up our habits of “doing,” and replace them with being what the infinity of our Being is being at every moment. The call for action this evening is for you to consciously relinquish your attempts at control and conceptualization and get back to that Point where you stand as Nothing. Thereby you allow the Somethingness of your Being to become apparent as your conscious experience of being.

      Give up your habits of doing, relinquish your attempts to control and conceptualize and return to the place where you stand as Nothing thereby allowing the Somethingness of your Being to be your conscious experience.

    2. You will remember that, at the beginning of our conversations, we talked about the necessity of being willing to stand at the edge of the Unknown—knowing nothing. And at this point, you are attempting to take what we have been speaking about and using it as the basis for knowing something now. In Actuality, the necessity still remains, and will forever remain, for you to continue to stand at the edge of the Unknown—knowing absolutely nothing. Let the infinitude of your Being flow through and as your conscious experience at each and every moment. This is essential.

      To be a successful student it is necessary to lay aside everything we have learned from the 3d frame of reference and be willing to stand at the edge of the Unknown.

      It is always important to do this. Do not use what you have learned by being a good student as the basis for now knowing something!!

      Doing that is called spiritual ego.

      Stand at the edge of the Unknown - knowing nothing and let your Being flow through and as your conscious experience in each and every moment.

    3. It is equally imperative for you to begin to really grasp that your “others” are your Self seen infinitely. Therefore, “competition” is useless and baseless. No one can control you, and you can control no one, because there is only One Thing going on. You must stop challenging Susan, and you must stop seeing Susan as someone separate who is challenging you. This is extremely important, because none of it is happening that way. The necessity here is for you to own all of yourself as your Self. The infinity of your experience is your Infinitude identifying the Oneness of your Being.

      You must grasp that others are your Self seen infinitely. No one can control you Stop challenging Susan and seeing her as someone separate who is challenging you.

      The infinity of your experience is your Infinitude identifying the Oneness of your Being.

    1. PAUL: I feel really shaky. RAJ: No, Paul, it is not You. Ego is feeling really shaky right now. That’s a positive indicator!

      Paul has the experience of feeling shaky but Raj corrects him, "It's not You, rather it is ego that's feeling shaky."

    1. RAJ: Yes, I did, and you handled it very well. It was calculated to arouse your personal indignation. The fact that you find yourself shaking inwardly and outwardly is an indication of the ego viewpoint, rather than the Identity standpoint. But, under the circumstances, you remained relatively clear of getting into the three-dimensional, reactive frame of reference, which he hoped you would utilize.

      Paul is shaking as a result of his phone conversation and Raj says that is an effect of ego identification.

    1. Since you are presently at the point of experiencing the change line, you are finding that the dynamics apparently are greater and somewhat confusing, unsettling, and disorienting. Do not get caught up in any of those points. Allow them. Adjustment is very rapid once the shift has been made, and things will become spontaneously clear to you.

      I hear Raj say to be present with what is occurring, allow them without getting caught up.....Raj shares that at the change line, the shift, dynamics are apparently greater, confusing, unsettling, disorientating...

    2. Right now ego is confused—you are not, even though what seems most forcible in your thought at the moment is the feeling of confusion.

      Raj says, ego is confused, you are not - even though it seems like it.

    3. You are truly beginning to experience the Fourth- and third-dimensional frames of reference existing side by side. You are able to observe yourself, and actually experience what seems to you to be yourself, being depressed. At the same time, you are able to experience your Self as being totally clear, at peace, in harmony with your Being, and not emotionally vexed in any way.

      A description of simultaneous experience of 3d and 4d frame of reference.

    1. RAJ: Good morning, Paul. I can see you are definitely in that Place this morning, and that is a wonderful way to start out your day. I would like you to not attempt to take on anything today in the sense of being responsible for it—no matter what you do. I do not mean for you to do nothing, but I mean for you to do it with no sense of personal responsibility. I mean for you to do it from exactly that Place wherein you find yourself at this very moment. You feel somewhat too relaxed to type accurately, but you have already found out to some degree that, as you are very relaxed and not attempting to maintain control over your fingers, your fingers are more accurate and speedier than when control is attempted. You do not have to be concerned that you will become too relaxed. The more relaxed you are, from a three-dimensional standpoint, the more all of You is available to respond to the demands and needs of the moment, and the fulfillment of these will become more simultaneous with the perception of the need.

      That Place is Paul's present experience when he is consciously aware of Being. He is very relaxed and not attempting to control the flow moving through him.

      From this place he is faster and more accurate in his typing in this place of no control.

      The more relaxed he is, from a 3d reference point, the more all of you (Being**) is available in the moment.

      Raj suggests that taking personal responsibility creates the need for control and inhibits the flow of Being (all of you) and replaces it with motivation based on his beliefs and ideas.

    1. The reason you find yourself feeling challenged is because you are not yet totally secure with the ideas which your Being is unfolding to Itself, and which appears to be a conversation between yourself and myself. The result, inevitably, will be a strengthening of your standpoint through experience—that is, as long as you continue to remain in contact with your experience of your Self as Conscious Being. I reiterate: Do not be discouraged. you are not lost, and you should not indulge in the imagination that you can somehow get outside the infinitude of your own Being and become isolated from your God.

      Your journey of awakening will strengthen as long as you continue to remain in contact (Practice) experiencing yourself as Conscious Being.

      This is the idea of starting at the end - to practice being what you are (Christ) rather than what you think you are (a separated being - Ego) but are not.

    2. PAUL: I have had a difficult day today. RAJ: I know you have. It would not have been necessary for you to have had a difficult day if you had been willing to remain with the ideas which we have discussed in the last few days, since it would have been clear to you that everything is functioning in perfect order and harmony, and is totally and completely constructive. I reminded you of the necessity of staying with this Fact and cultivating It.

      Faith and Trust are required in order to change experience. Before we have experienced the truth of an idea we must be willing to trust that it is true in order to "test" the theory and have the experience.

      It is only in experience that we can accept an idea or concept as true. The words alone, just a teaching, no matter how much it resonates, does not provide proof that it is true.

      Experience is everything.

    1. As long as we hold dear our concepts of righteousness, education, and highly-developed ability to reason, our conscious experience of Being is so full of the “noise” of our ego that we cannot hear the “still, small voice” of our true Identity—the still, small voice of God, as it is called. This is why we are cautioned to “Be still, and know that I am God.“2 You are really beginning to see this point, and are really beginning to feel that it is a valid point—valid enough to trust yourself to completely.

      Stillness - being quiet allows us to move from rational mind to hear the still small voice of God.

    1. Do not be discouraged. As Susan suggested, by all means begin to set aside a time each day for at least one conversation with me. As you begin to do this, I want you to examine and be consciously aware of the differences between your experiences of life during our prior regular conversations, this period wherein we have not had regular conversations, and now, as we begin again. This will serve to help you understand and feel just exactly what benefit you experience from these conversations. It will also help you to give priorities based on the perspective you have gained.

      Become aware of your experience - use it as an aid to learn what supports you and what doesn't and prioritize activities in your life accordingly.

    2. You will never be able to experience the infinitude of your Being clearly if you think that there are nooks or crannies—or “levels of belief”—in which the omnipresent Love which constitutes your Being is somehow not present. You must come to the realization that all of you truly is always available to you, no matter how things seem to be. Right now, I am aware that you are feeling as though you are somehow beyond the range of the direct perception and experience of the Reality of your Being as Love. It simply is not true.

      You will not be able to experience your infinite Being if you believe there are conditions under which the Love that constitutes your Being is not present.

    3. I want to remind you that your Being is constituted of infinite Love. That Love constitutes the Substance of your total experience. I want to remind you of that, because the apparently external demands which you have been faced with have caused you to withdraw your attention from your awareness of that fact. As a result, you have not been feeling the loving kindness and the totally constructive and harmonious Nature of your Being as It is unfolding Itself as your conscious experience. Objectively speaking, Love is all around you, because Love is what constitutes your subjective Being. Whether or not you are temporarily caught up in the three-dimensional appearance of things, you are never removed from the ability to perceive the omnipresence of Love, because It is the warp and woof of all four dimensions. I want you to consciously and conscientiously open yourself up to the perception and the experience of the Love that constitutes your infinite Being, no matter from what apparent point or dimension you seem to be experiencing that infinitude.

      Being is made up of (constituted) infinite Love.Love is the substance of your experience - every aspect of it.

      3d demands (worldly demands) can cause us to withdraw our attention from the Fact that every aspect of our experience is comprised of Love.

      Love constitutes your personal experience of (subjective) Being. No matter what is going on in your experience you always have the ability to perceive Love.

      Practice: No matter what is happening in your experience, consciously and conscientiously open yourself to the perception and experience of the Love that constitutes your Infinite Being.

    1. RAJ: That will be a good idea, Paul. The wheel of history repeats itself, but Being never repeats Itself. It is forever making Itself new. The dilemma in which you seem to find yourself is just such an example of Being making Itself new. This Being which is making Itself new is your Being. You are having difficulty because there seems to be a gap between what your Being is being, and what you are conscious of your Being as being. This is because you are, so to speak, riding bareback on the surface of your three-dimensional, or objective, sense of being conscious. You find yourself involved in the drama, and experiencing the need of responding to demands which, apparently, are coming from outside yourself. These demands are your Self declaring the presence of that which appears to be absent when viewed from the standpoint of the apparent drama. It will not appear truly as your conscious experience of being until you are viewing from the point of your Being as Conscious Being—not that of finite man.

      Being is forever making itself new. It is not understood when seen from 3dRef and results in the experience of drama and the need to respond to outside influences.

      You will not be able to transcend the drama until you view things from 4dRef. Being

  13. Oct 2015
    1. RAJ: Paul, you must realize that you are not “in the woods” in the fist place. The “woods” are in you. You are that omnipresent conscious experience of Being which constitutes Fourth-dimensional Man. You will always feel trapped when you are seeing yourself as being inside that Omnipresence which constitutes your Being. You will always feel uncomfortable because you are believing something which is not true. I see that you have gotten the point that you can utilize your ability to think and reason when it is based upon what you have learned when you have been experiencing your being as Conscious Being.

      You will always feel trapped when you believe what is not true.

      Make use of thought and reason that are based upon lessons learned from Conscious Being

    1. RAJ: This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.

      Christ Consciousness is God's view of Himself, is what constitutes Light.

      Light constitutes your consciousness and experience totally and completely.

      There is nothing else going on - no other Presence but this Light, the Light of Living Love.

      This is a description of Christ and of Heaven.

    2. RAJ: The delight of Life is the signal which indicates the successful completion or Awakening in individual thought. This is because it indicates the amalgamation or connection of the Alpha and Omega—the inside and the outside—the spiritual and material—the Fourth Dimension with the first three as Conscious Experience. I know that this is very difficult for you to put up with, because you feel there are more pressing needs, but if you will bear with me a little longer, it will be worth your while.

      Awakening is complete when you delight in Life. Delight indicates union of spiritual and material, the inside and outside, the 3D and 4D.

      Paul finds it very hard to accept this, he is distracted by his present financial challenges.

      Isn't this (focus on 3dRef) what keeps us bound to the illusion?

    1. I understand completely, Paul. This is when you are experiencing the cohesiveness, the Oneness, of your Being. Your conscious experience should constantly be experienced from this Place. Go ahead and feel it and be consciously there. Notice that although you are relaxed, you are totally aware, and you are totally capable of movement and activity. But, you are quite aware that you are not in it and you are not investing your Self into any single experience. This is important.

      A description of the conscious experience of Being.

    1. I want you to understand that my primary purpose is with you and your individual unfolding of your Self as your conscious experience of Being. That will become No.1 with you, because you are the one that constitutes the Eternal Constant. The apparent three-dimensional event of the reappearance of the Christ is one of the millions of events which will occur to you as your experience eternally. You must keep in mind that no single event in your experience takes precedence over that which is experiencing it—You. You must be very careful not to classify yourself as a follower of Maitreya, or a follower of any Master, or any Teacher. You are to follow the Inner Path of the evolving of your very own Being as It unfolds and reveals Itself as your conscious experience. This must be a rule, a guidepost for you to refer to often.
    1. every moment you are feeling the Reality of your Being, you are giving extremely clear messages—the thought processes are not cloudy or diffused. You are constantly invoking the Substance of your Being by virtue of such clear awareness. The omnipresent Substance of your Being brings forth exactly what is needed.

      What is the experience of 4dRef? What is stated here, clear thought, clear messages, clear awareness. Being in this place is the experience of fulfillment.

    1. I want you to begin to let your experience teach you. I would like for you to back off to one conversation a day with me. You have learned how to get into that Place and stay there, and how to get back if you need to. Now I want you to begin to do that. Experience the events of your day, each day, from that environment. You will begin to find your experience explaining itself. You will find your enlightenment to be equally as meaningful as our many conversations have seemed to you. As you have already discovered, your daily experience supplies you with optimum opportunity to learn about your Self, and about the places in which you need further growth.

      Allow the experience of life, lived from the 4dRef, teach you about your Self.

    1. RAJ: Paul, sooner or later it has to become clear to you that the All is One. None of it exists objectively as a static bunch of stuff. All of your Being is alive. All of it reflects the Activity, the Life, the active Intelligence that constitutes your Being. None of it exists in the limited way in which you have perceived it from a three-dimensional view. In the same way that your Substance is always available to you, all of your experience is always available to you. That does not mean that it is just available to see with your eyes. It is available for you to experience as Meaning, as Texture, as Color, as Intent or Purpose, in broad ranges of Hue. et cetera. These words actually are very inadequate to express the experience of their meaning, which you will have as you open yourself up to it. Yet, they give some hint of what I am trying to communicate.

      Not only are all things available to me - because they are apart of me so is all of my experience.

      That must mean that All experience, not just my experience of life, in the dream, but All of it since All is One!!

      That would mean that I can experience Jeshua's life and Hitler's too.

  14. Sep 2015
    1. But Krajewski makes the case that the origin of the index card should be considered to go as far back as 1548 with Konrad Gessner who described a new method of processing data: to cut up a sheet of handwritten notes into slips of paper, with one fact or topic per slip, and arrange as desired.

      The "one fact or topic per slip" was an essential part of what I learned from Mrs. McLaughlin -- precisely to allow for the rearrangement of "atomic" units of thought.

    2. If I was able to pitch a library-related design to host, Roman Mars for an episode, I would suggest the history of the humble 3 x 5 index card.

      Indeed -- my high school teacher Ruth McLaughlin introduced me to using index cards (specifically 4x6 cards) for doing research. It felt like a revolutionary process when I first learned it. Maybe it's time to come back to using honest-to-goodness paper cards.

  15. Mar 2015
    1. But something began to compel me. How might I discover how to see only that Shimmering Radiance? Would it be possible for me to see my brothers and sisters as my Father sees His Children? And, in Truth, I discovered that the way to see with the Eyes of Christ begins with the acceptance that I, as a creator, created in the image of God, indeed, literally choose every experience, and call it to me; that I create the veils through which I view Creation.
    1. Although people weren’t used to scrolling in the mid-nineties, nowadays it’s absolutely natural to scroll. For a continuous and lengthy content, like an article or a tutorial, scrolling provides even better usability than slicing up the text to several separate screens or pages.
  16. Dec 2014
    1. Trying to embed something in here from the atlantic article

      <iframe width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" src="&lt;a href=" http:="" <a="" href="http://www.theatlantic.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.theatlantic.com="" video="" iframe="" 384088="" "="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://www.theatlantic.com/video/iframe/384088/"></iframe> OK, that didn't work. How about a YouTube vid? <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//&lt;a href=" http:="" <a="" href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.youtube.com="" embed="" VX07m-wahOg"="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">www.youtube.com/embed/VX07m-wahOg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> OK, not embeds work so far. Not even images. Inserting images using the image url just gives you a link. Was hoping for the actual image.

  17. Oct 2013
    1. It is they that the child will hear first; it is their words that he will try to form by imitation.

      early experience is the most formative. We learn through imitation

  18. Sep 2013
    1. Both ways being possible, the subject can plainly be handled systematically, for it is possible to inquire the reason why some speakers succeed through practice and others spontaneously; and every one will at once agree that such an inquiry is the function of an art.

      Art vs. experience

    1. For ability, whether in speech or in any other activity, is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience
    2. For ability, whether in speech or in any other activity, is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience.

      Isocrates's idea of 'being skillful,' which is composed of 'being naturally talented,' 'having learned,' and 'having practiced.'

    3. For what has been said by one speaker is not equally useful for the speaker who comes after him

      This is exactly what Socrates was pointing out in the talk with Gorgias, using an example of cookery.

    4. For ability, whether in speech or in any other activity, is found in those who are well endowed by nature and have been schooled by practical experience.(17) Formal training makes such men more skilfull

      Natural ability, experience, and training all contribute to skill. It's complex, fed by many factors

    5. More than that, they do not attribute any of this power either to the practical experience or to the native ability of the student, but undertake to transmit the science of discourse as simply as they would teach the letters of the alphabet,

      Rhetoric/discourse is not formulaic but requires experience and is subjective to the person who is using it

    1. first of all, have a natural aptitude for that which they have elected to do; secondly, they must submit to training and master the knowledge of their particular subject, whatever it may be in each case; and, finally, they must become versed and practised in the use and application of their art

      Against the Sophists (16).

    1. And which sort of persuasion does rhetoric create in courts of law and other assemblies about the just and unjust, the sort of persuasion which gives belief without knowledge, or that which gives knowledge

      experience versus Truth