25 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. comme les les jeunes sont en train de découvrir ils ont tendance à avoir une vision très stéréotypée de ce qu'il doit 00:10:37 faire et de ce que leurs camarades doivent faire
  2. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [00:22:44][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une analyse des inégalités sociales dans le système éducatif français, en se concentrant sur les expériences et les recherches menées par des chercheurs du CNRS. Elle explore les mécanismes de production des inégalités dès la maternelle, l'impact des stéréotypes de genre et d'origine sociale sur les performances scolaires, et les stratégies pour réduire ces inégalités, notamment par l'utilisation d'outils numériques et la promotion de la mixité sociale dans les écoles.

      Points clés: + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Démocratisation de l'éducation * Augmentation du taux de diplômés * Persistance des inégalités + [00:01:04][^4^][4] Inégalités dès la maternelle * Influence du genre et de l'origine sociale + [00:04:09][^5^][5] Stéréotypes et performances * Effets des stéréotypes sur les élèves + [00:07:01][^6^][6] Méritocratie et éducation * Croyance en la méritocratie et ses conséquences + [00:09:17][^7^][7] Recherche et mixité sociale * Expérimentations pour la mixité sociale + [00:18:15][^8^][8] Aspirations élevées et système éducatif * Ambitions des élèves face à un système inadapté

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:17:59][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde la reproduction des inégalités sociales dans les situations scolaires, en se plaçant à l'interface entre la sociologie de l'éducation et la psychologie cognitive. Elle critique les théories qui attribuent les différences de réussite uniquement à l'intelligence ou à la stimulation familiale, et propose une perspective de psychologie sociale qui met en lumière l'influence des situations scolaires sur l'apprentissage et les performances des élèves.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction du sujet * Psychologie sociale et éducation + [00:01:01][^4^][4] Critique des théories existantes * Remise en question des idées reçues + [00:03:00][^5^][5] Influence des situations scolaires * Impact sur l'apprentissage + [00:05:09][^6^][6] Interactions quotidiennes * Rôle dans la construction des inégalités + [00:06:01][^7^][7] Comparaison sociale * Effet sur la perception de soi + [00:07:00][^8^][8] Probabilité des comparaisons menaçantes * Liens avec l'origine sociale + [00:08:00][^9^][9] Capital culturel * Importance pour la réussite scolaire + [00:10:00][^10^][10] Exemples concrets * Influence des activités culturelles + [00:11:01][^11^][11] Perception de compétence * Conséquences sur l'apprentissage + [00:12:00][^12^][12] Études expérimentales * Mise en évidence de l'impact des comparaisons sociales Résumé de la vidéo [00:21:01][^1^][1] - [00:41:34][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde l'impact des différences de familiarité avec les savoirs culturels sur la performance des élèves et l'importance de l'interprétation de ces différences. Elle souligne que les contextes scolaires peuvent amplifier les inégalités initiales et que la compréhension de ces mécanismes peut aider à les atténuer.

      Points forts: + [00:21:01][^3^][3] Impact de la familiarité * Influence sur la performance * Amplification des inégalités + [00:27:01][^4^][4] Rôle des interactions langagières * Importance dès l'école maternelle * Effet sur les dynamiques de classe + [00:39:26][^5^][5] Interventions pédagogiques * Potentiel pour réduire les inégalités * Formation des enseignants Résumé de la vidéo 00:41:35 - 01:03:30 : La vidéo aborde les différences de socialisation et d'orientation éducative entre les milieux favorisés et populaires, l'influence des normes culturelles d'indépendance et d'interdépendance sur les étudiants, et les effets psychologiques liés aux stéréotypes et à la connaissance de ces logiques d'orientation.

      Points clés : + [00:41:35][^1^][1] Socialisation et orientation * Différences économiques et psychologiques * Influence du lieu d'habitation + [00:43:14][^2^][2] Normes culturelles * Indépendance dans les universités * Socialisation des classes favorisées + [00:45:00][^3^][3] Conception de soi * Interdépendance dans les milieux populaires * Décalage avec les normes d'indépendance + [00:47:02][^4^][4] Études longitudinales * Comparaison des étudiants au fil des années * Mesure de l'indépendance et de l'interdépendance + [00:50:06][^5^][5] Sentiment d'appartenance * Impact du décalage culturel sur la réussite académique * Influence sur les performances universitaires + [00:52:45][^6^][6] Questions et réponses * Discussion sur la loyauté et la pression sociale * Comparaison des systèmes éducatifs internationaux Résumé de la vidéo 01:03:33 - 01:08:08: La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde les préconisations pour les enseignants afin de développer la coopération et contrôler les comparaisons sociales menaçantes dans le milieu éducatif.

      Points forts: + [01:03:33][^1^][1] Préconisations pour les enseignants * Développer la coopération * Contrôler les comparaisons + [01:04:08][^2^][2] Réplication des résultats * Répliquer sur un grand échantillon * Prévoir une intervention + [01:05:00][^3^][3] Conscience du décalage culturel * Comprendre l'impact de la socialisation * Reconnaître les différences de connaissances + [01:06:37][^4^][4] Répartition de la prise de parole * Analyser l'équité de la participation * Réduire les inégalités de départ

  4. Nov 2023
  5. Jul 2023
  6. Dec 2022
  7. Oct 2022
    1. The overrepresentation of AfricanAmericans as poor, in and of itself, has been found to undermine support forantipoverty initiatives by activating racist and classist stereotypes about lazi-ness and lack of motivation among African Americans and people experiencingpoverty (see also Chapter 6).15
  8. Feb 2022
  9. Oct 2021
    1. Who’s Afraid of Digital Natives? Let’s not get intimidated by kids and their Internet savvy.

      This is a common trope/stereotype which since has generally turned out not to be true. While some of the generation at this time were more digitally savvy, on the whole it turns out that they aren't always as savvy as we thought or expected them to be.

      Note that this was written in 2011.

      When did the phrase "digital native" originate?

      Cross reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nativen which indicates:

      Native–immigrant analogy terms, referring to age groups' relationships with and understanding of the Internet, were used as early as 1995 by John Perry Barlow in an interview,[9] and used again in 1996 as part of the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.

      The specific terms "digital native" and "digital immigrant" were popularized by education consultant Marc Prensky in his 2001 article entitled Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, in which he relates the contemporary decline in American education to educators' failure to understand the needs of modern students.

  10. Jun 2021
  11. May 2021
  12. Apr 2019
    1. Jung was one of the first people to define introversion and extraversion in a psychological context. In Jung's Psychological Types, he theorizes that each person falls into one of two categories, the introvert and the extravert. These two psychological types Jung compares to ancient archetypes, Apollo and Dionysus. The introvert is likened with Apollo, who shines light on understanding. The introvert is focused on the internal world of reflection, dreaming and vision. Thoughtful and insightful, the introvert can sometimes be uninterested in joining the activities of others. The extravert is associated with Dionysus, interested in joining the activities of the world. The extravert is focused on the outside world of objects, sensory perception and action. Energetic and lively, the extravert may lose their sense of self in the intoxication of Dionysian pursuits.[77] Jungian introversion and extraversion is quite different from the modern idea of introversion and extraversion.[78] Modern theories often stay true to behaviourist means of describing such a trait (sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness etc.) whereas Jungian introversion and extraversion is expressed as a perspective: introverts interpret the world subjectively, whereas extraverts interpret the world objectively.
    1. Sartre argued that a central proposition of Existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the most important consideration for individuals is that they are individuals—independently acting and responsible, conscious beings ("existence")—rather than what labels, roles, stereotypes, definitions, or other preconceived categories the individuals fit ("essence"). The actual life of the individuals is what constitutes what could be called their "true essence" instead of there being an arbitrarily attributed essence others use to define them. Thus, human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life.[27]
  13. Mar 2019
    1. This modulefocuses on biases against social groups,which social psychologists sort intoemotional prejudices, mental stereotypes,and behavioral discrimination. Thesethree aspects of bias are related, but theyeach can occur separately from the others(Dovidio & Gaertner, 2010; Fiske, 1998). Forexample, sometimes people have anegative, emotional reaction to a socialgroup (prejudice) without knowing even themost superficial reasons to dislike them(stereotypes).

      The article talks about how prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination has a correlation, but can happen separately. I do believe that this is true. You can be prejudice, stereotypical and discriminate towards others and not be aware. You see this happen a lot in this society. This are the people that see no wrong in there behavior and thinks society is suppose to keep accepting there behavior. Times have change from the 70's to now.

  14. Dec 2018
    1. A prerequisite for war, as well as bigotry, is that one sees a people or a country as a stereotype, as something sub-human or non-human; this is why politicians spend so much time trying to create stereotypical images for those countries they want to go to war with.
    1. Oh, I have not the smallest doubt of our being a great deal better off where we are now

      Austen emphasizes gender stereotypes in this section by highlighting the different expectations of the Parker's sons versus daughters and emphasizing Mrs Parker's submissive nature through her decision to give up the garden in their old house and submit to her husband's love of Sanditon.

  15. Jul 2018
  16. Jun 2017
    1. Alternatively, we could ask whether the middle 50 percent of men is uniformly taller than the middle 50 percent of women. We could also discard both proportions and averages and use statistics like the median (midpoint) or the mode (most common value). One could make a good case for any of these. However, by convention, we don’t. We rely on the average, unless there’s a specific reason to avoid using the average, because it’s good enough.

      Why not just chart the data on a graph -- # of people of a given height on the vertical axis, and height on the horizontal access. You should get two bell curves, and then you can see very clearly all of the data, as well as the obvious conclusion: "Men are taller than women."

  17. Feb 2017
    1. The idea that requests for White House tours and the planning of the Easter Egg Roll depend on the president’s spouse should be shocking to our 21st-century sensibilities.

      Good point!

  18. Jan 2017
  19. Oct 2016
    1. “buttload” of money.

      When woman brag about money they're seen as annoying, petty, conceited, not worthy of the money

      When men brag about money, they're praised, they're seen as smart and intelligent, they earned their money out work

    2. On the one hand, the show represents four friends with careers, but on the other hand, the show features these women looking for long-term relationships

      Show depicts women looking for relationships and men with careers.

    3. Amy suggests that Bernadette’s catty responses are “hard wired” and cites studies that note how “flinging waste” is suitable behav-ior against a potential threat

      "Hard wired" Because shes a woman?

    4. awkwardness,


  20. Jun 2016