1,143 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2017
  2. Nov 2017
    1. This took place on March 10, 1977, at the home of actor Jack Nicholson in the Mulholland area of Los Angeles.

      Could this be why Kubrick casted Nicholson for The Shining? See Rob Ager's analysis of sexual abuse themes in The Shining.

    1. novel method developed within the MAQC-III project utilizing the expression distributions, corrected for noise and batch effects, and assisted by random resampling, to compute DEG scores related to the Wilcoxon U test (Magic, see Additional file 1: Supplementary Note 2)
    1. MOSAiCS implements a model-based approach where the background distribution for unbound regions take into account systematic biases such as mappability and GC content and the peak regions are described with a two component Negative Binomial mixture model
  3. Oct 2017
    1. afocusontheanticipatoryandthefuturesuchthatmoreemphasisisgiventopredicting,intervening,andmanagingconsequencesratherthanunderstandingcauses;andthemoreeasyandsuccessfuladoptionandadaptionofdatatodifferentfieldswithlittlerisk



    1. applying networkand content analyses

      I came across this article while doing research for last week’s blog. I know this is not a straight forward SNA article, but I found it very interesting since it is a combination of SNA and content analysis. Considering this week’s readings on different data collection method, I found their approach of collecting data from Twitter very unique. In this context, content analysis refers to analyzing tweets and their content. Recently, content analysis is being used in various fields. Even social researchers are taking this opportunity of exploring already existing data. Do you think you can use the combination of both SNA and content analysis in your own research field?

  4. Sep 2017
    1. ocial networks is relational data

      This is different than traditional social science which focuses on independent and dependent variables. For SNA, all data is related to all other data; no variables are mutually exclusive. This is why SNA is fundamentally descriptive.

    1. The projection score - an evaluation criterion for variable subset selection in PCA visualization

      "variable" typically means gene or locus in the context of biological data.

    1. While technology has loomed large in these accounts, several scholars argue that this shift toward participation extends important possibilities for posi-tively influencing daily life (Jenkins, 1992, 2006; Shirky, 2010). Others question the ability for a universal “participation” within new media cultures, suggesting people require adequate social and psychological resources, including time, for engagement (Irani, 2015; Turner, 2009).



    1. Organizations such as Code for America (CfA) rallied support by positioning civic hacking as a mode of direct partici-pation in improving structures of governance. However, critics objected to the involve-ment of corporations in civic hacking as well as their dubious political alignment and non-grassroots origins. Critical historian Evgeny Morozov (2013a) suggested that “civic hacker” is an apolitical category imposed by ideologies of “scientism” emanating from Silicon Valley. Tom Slee (2012) similarly described the open data movement as co-opted and neoliberalist.
  5. Jul 2017
  6. May 2017
    1. ($20*3)-($20*3*.1) = $54

      10% of $2000(cost of camer) * 3days = Rental Price

      Rental Price - Commission = Rental Made This guy totally forgot taxes here.... :)

      54$ for 3 days 365 days a year about 50 % usage so roughly 180 days. $54 for 3 days $? for 180 days = $3240 about 740$ profit per year for a $2000 investment if he's 50% utilized over the year.

      Camera's Man this guy needed to crunch some more numbers. Camera's have compatibility issues....

    1. The reason this was possible in my view was that the Prophet understood that his power had no limits, since the source of it was the uniquely omnipotent divine source of all power: Allah.

      A great idea! When one has unlimited power, there is no insecurity or fear -- only solemn and calm assurety of victory. Thus morals are always preserved, and one never loses temper.

  7. Apr 2017
    1. En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme,

      The specificity of place does not matter from the start. This lends a mythica quality to the narrative,

    1. I'm the developer of pyGeno. Here's a little script that does just that for the Gene TPST2, by using segment trees

      recipe for merging transcripts of a gene into a single compound transcript

  8. Mar 2017
    1. The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site I Build : 글쓴이가 수없이 웹사이트에 GA를 설정해 보면서 얻는 경험으로 GA 스크립트의 로딩 자체를 최적화하는 방법과 커스텀 디멘션을 사용해서 유용한 추적설정을 한 내용을 모두 설명하고 있다. 설정 방법과 어떻게 보고 참고할 수 있는지까지 잘 나와 있어서 웬만한 사이트는 이 글의 내용을 그대로 따라 해도 될 정도고 여기 나온 내용을 바탕으로 사이트에 필요한 추적을 추가하기에도 좋다. 이 사람은 GA를 엄청나게 연구했는지 비슷한 작업을 매번 하다가 결국 autotrack 플러그인을 개발했고(이 플러그인만 사용해도 엄청 편하다) 이 글에서 설명한 코드를 참고할 수 있도록 analytics.js boilerplate를 만들어서 공유하고 있다.(영어)

      GA study

  9. Feb 2017
    1. Again I say, this is harmful,\ since the invention of arguments is by nature prior 10 the judgment of their validity,

      This is crucial for me. And it harkens back to Lanham as well.

  10. Jan 2017
    1. I started using Google Maps because of the ease of dragging the map. But Google Maps didn't require me to sign-up or join as a member.

      Google Maps certainly wasn't the first GPS Map app (mobile or web app) there were multiple GPS apps before it and that came after it. However the other strides that Google made, mostly in their accuracy and in their satellite imagery, they eventually became the de facto standard, with hundreds and hundreds of apps using their API. It makes you wonder if there is even a point in creating an equal competitor to Google Maps. There are other apps, like Waze, that provided different functionality to the GPS function (road blocks, police traps, etc.) and ironically enough they got acquired by Google. Mapquest (which has the second highest marketshare) I would say is an old relic, and Apple Maps in functionality doesn't do anything different. It makes me wonder if some companies have designed their products for the "Long Wow" so well that they've effectively created enough barriers of entry so that they have a de facto monopolization of the market

    1. Normal Stress = Normal force / area Normal Force decreases from finite value to zero while area increases to infinite. Shear stress+ Shear Force/area Shear force increases from 0 to finite value while area increases faster to infinity.

  11. Dec 2016
    1. evidence about obtaining higher productivity by using Agile methods

      If higher productivity came from including stakeholders in the frequent development releases, running a complementary scrum team on UX analysis should lead to improvement in quality.

  12. Oct 2016
    1. blast

      BLAST finds regions of similarity between biological sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance.

    1. One of the distinct pleasures in Pixar’s films is the pleasure of seeing the deepest of human struggles, timeless philosophical questions projected in and through remote forms of representation.
    2. Pixar’s Toy Story (Dir. John Lasseter, 1995) and WALL-E (Dir. Andrew Stanton, 2008) are “innocent” animated film about ob-jects, their value as cinema lies in their ability to complexly address human—and sometimes wholly adult—fears about meaninglessness, apocalypse, and oblivion.
    3. riveting mounds of metal dramatically revealed through the birds-eye shots that rival the buildings in height—are actually mile-high piles of trash.

      this is showing human waste and what it has done to Earth

    4. In WALL-E, the humans have converted themselves into floating objects—mounds of flesh laden with too many conveniences to move for them-selves.

      humans become lazy and complacent allowing things to be done for them

    5. Toy Story 3 (2010) be-gins with Andy’s toys playing pretend. The setting is the Old West. Sheriff Woody fights the Potato Heads-cum-bandits to rescue a moving train full of orphan trolls. The Potato Heads escape the train in Barbie’s dream car. But the train is headed toward the precipice at the end of a dynamited trestle. Despite Woody’s efforts, the train plunges off the edge. We hear it thud below and see smoke rise from the chasm. Cow-girl Jessie’s jaw drops in utter disbelief and disappointment. For several long seconds as the energy of the action se-quence diffuses, we believe that Woody has failed. Then Buzz lifts the train out of the hole. But the threat is not, as we had imagined, contained but is instead reanimated and escalated. The toys are assailed by a mushroom cloud of “death by monkeys” and finally an unnamed threat behind a red button in Evil Dr. Porkchop’s dirigible.
    6. Jessie perhaps best ar-ticulates the pleasure of being a toy, an object used for the innocent pleasure of others: “Even though you’re not mov-ing, you feel alive because that’s how they see you.” With this statement Jessie highlights with a disarming frankness the philosophy of being the animated toy. She reveals how remote, ocular con-trol paradoxically creates a kind of inti-macy and movement that is enviable—revealing self to self through shared, pretend movement.

      Claim. Evidence (Quote). Analysis. This is an excellent model for how to work with primary source material in your arguments.

    7. Perhaps more persuasive even than these final lines, are the final shots of the film in which the sparkling out-fits of the sequined trio of Barbie dolls mix with the starry wall-paper of the room, suggesting the space-like infinity to which Woody refers.

      Note the scene description and analysis here.

    1. Since Amy becomes a mirror to Sheldon, she must be intelligent, but her showings of this intelligence can be awkward.

      Is a female being intelligent not normal and make people uncomfortable?

    2. According to Sherri Inness, “Lisa Simpson of The Simpsons is one of the most influential smart female characters on television, but she is not depicted entirely posi-tively, being too studious and serious when compared with her brother Bart”

      being smart means you can't be 'normal' or 'relaxed'?

    3. For Bernadette, the roles of caretaker and mother offer little to no appeal.
    4. Sheldon remains awkward and unclear in its trajectory. Amy desires a more traditional relationship than what Sheldon currently offers, but Sheldon remains avoidant or clueless about those conventions
    5. and even families

      all independent women want families?

    6. the classic plot situa-tion of the boyfriend trying to find a way to make up his poor behavior to his girl

      lost me here. became very picky about any situation portrayed. Seems like it's saying woman shouldn't get their feelings hurt because that stereotypical and woman are better than that now. Can be vice versa too.

    7. t the end of season 4, Berna-dette announces that she successfully defended her dissertation and earned her Ph.D., and she then announces being recruited by a pharmaceutical company and getting paid a “buttload” of money. This announcement becomes an oppor-tunity to deride Howard (yet again) for his lack of Ph.D. and his less-significant career.

      is that a bad thing? '(yet again)' making it out like she's a horrible person for being something better than her significant other.

    8. She visits Leonard’s lab to learn more about his experiment

      woman should be more interested in men's research and achievements.

    9. Bernadette misses a key event because she remains under quarantine for possible yellow fe-ver because of drinking out of contami-nated petri dishes.

      'typical' woman mistake and the consequences from being so careless.

    10. Children’s programming further features scientists, such as Bill Nye The Science Guy. Steinke et. al ex-amined middle-schoolers’ responses to the scientists in these and other shows using traits such as “intelligence, domi-nance, alone, and respected”

      This falls under analysis because it shows stereotypes in tv. The show Bill Nye the science guy is a great example of stereotypical characters; he is depicted in the show as being alone, dominant, respected, intelligent, and awkward. This is frustrating because this is not the case for all scientist.

    11. This reinforcing of dominant values, however, becomes more compli-cated with The Big Bang Theory through representations of Bernadette and Amy. In particular, these nuances appear through their discussions of their areas of expertise and their careers, their per-formances of their work, and their exter-nal recognitions for their achievements.
    12. Roles for female characters in early sitcoms were domestic ones, such as housekeeper and child care-taker as in I Love Lucy (1951–1957), The Brady Bunch (1969–1974), and Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963).

      are these older expectations still something people expect from modern shows? since it's so normal and what an average show should include maybe

    13. The Big Bang Theoryseems progressive in that it represents female scientists alongside male scien-tists in ways that value their intelligence and professional achievements.

      counter argument for positive representation, at least more than most shows.

    14. These main male charac-ters appear in both work and domestic settings throughout the show. The three main female characters do appear in the work situations at different times, but their locations remain primarily in the domestic ones.

      general over view of where the woman are portrayed. Not taken into account that they also work and are scientists as much as the men.

    15. Children’s programming further features scientists, such as Bill Nye The Science Guy. Steinke et. al ex-amined middle-schoolers’ responses to the scientists in these and other shows using traits such as “intelligence, domi-nance, alone, and respected” (172) and found the overall response favorable.

      Do audiences prefer male presence for these types of roles?

    1. Trump had less “fleeting interjections” this debate than the first round, and slightly more interruptions. Clinton had slightly less fleeting interjections, and the same amount of interruptions. The moderators, however, were much more active in this debate than in the first. They interjected (usually to let the candidate know they were running out of time) 41 times throughout the 90 minute debate.
  13. Sep 2016
    1. The queue of electronic hands could take so long to get through that some students abandoned hope and lowered their hands while others got into the habit of raising their hand pre-emptively just so they’d have a spot in line if an idea came into their head later on.
    1. Activities such as time spent on task and discussion board interactions are at the forefront of research.

      Really? These aren’t uncontroversial, to say the least. For instance, discussion board interactions often call for careful, mixed-method work with an eye to preventing instructor effect and confirmation bias. “Time on task” is almost a codeword for distinctions between models of learning. Research in cognitive science gives very nuanced value to “time spent on task” while the Malcolm Gladwells of the world usurp some research results. A major insight behind Competency-Based Education is that it can allow for some variance in terms of “time on task”. So it’s kind of surprising that this summary puts those two things to the fore.

  14. Jul 2016
  15. Jun 2016
    1. Voyant Tools is a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts.
  16. May 2016
  17. Apr 2016
  18. Mar 2016
  19. Feb 2016
    1. Since its start in 1998, Software Carpentry has evolved from a week-long training course at the US national laboratories into a worldwide volunteer effort to improve researchers' computing skills. This paper explains what we have learned along the way, the challenges we now face, and our plans for the future.

      http://software-carpentry.org/lessons/<br> Basic programming skills for scientific researchers.<br> SQL, and Python, R, or MATLAB.

      http://www.datacarpentry.org/lessons/<br> Managing and analyzing data.

  20. Jan 2016
    1. 50 Years of Data Science, David Donoho<br> 2015, 41 pages

      This paper reviews some ingredients of the current "Data Science moment", including recent commentary about data science in the popular media, and about how/whether Data Science is really di fferent from Statistics.

      The now-contemplated fi eld of Data Science amounts to a superset of the fi elds of statistics and machine learning which adds some technology for 'scaling up' to 'big data'.

    1. UT Austin SDS 348, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Course materials and links: R, regression modeling, ggplot2, principal component analysis, k-means clustering, logistic regression, Python, Biopython, regular expressions.

    1. paradox of unanimity - Unanimous or nearly unanimous agreement doesn't always indicate the correct answer. If agreement is unlikely, it indicates a problem with the system.

      Witnesses who only saw a suspect for a moment are not likely to be able to pick them out of a lineup accurately. If several witnesses all pick the same suspect, you should be suspicious that bias is at work. Perhaps these witnesses were cherry-picked, or they were somehow encouraged to choose a particular suspect.

  21. Nov 2015
  22. Oct 2015
  23. Sep 2015
  24. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. We conceive this step as devaluation, rather than diffusion, as Schwartz and Merten call it

      Interesting to move away from diffusion, which implies moving across a boarder, as a solution does across a membrane in diffusion, to devaluation which implies possible further connection;

    2. I personal storie , oldtimers in AA tell their own life stories or partcll them-=Their drinking histories-and how they came to be involved in I AA. These stories contribute to cultural production and reproduction in three ways. First, they objectify many cultural elements-the beliefs, propositions, and interpretations-that new or potential AA members learn through listening. Second, by virtue of their" narrative forms, the stories realize a model of what alcoholism is and what it means to be an alcoholic. This model, in the absence of a well-defined, well-elaborated model shared by the wider culture, provides a basis for potential mem­bers to identify themselves as alcoholics, through comparing their lives to those in the stories. The storyline also provides a basis for labeling others, as others compare the lives of suspected alcoholics to the AA lives. Third, the AA story is a tool of subjectivity, a �p.ediat:ing-.de¥-iG€ for s�standing: As the AA member learns the AA story model, by listening to and telling stories, and comes to place the events and experi­ences of his own··· life into the model, he learns to understand his own�l.ife1 as an AA life, and himself as an AA alcoholic. The .l'ersonal_st"l}'_!s_a cultural vehicle for identity formation.

      Storytelling is among the oldest traditions we have to pass on cultural norms - here AA is using that format to encourage members and prospects to identify with each other and see their own lives in each other's stories.

    3. AA mem­bers knew that I was attending meetings as part of my research, what was said at those meetings was intended for other members, not for the anthropologist, and much was sensitive in nature and private.

      Element of safety and security that can be found in developing identities and entering certain figured worlds

    4. This is why, as members often say, "AA is for those who want it, not for those who need it." AA members must agree to become tellers, as well as listeners, of AA stories.

      Entering into the AA figured world as a "non drinking alcoholic" must be an intentional choice.

      I'm curious though what the authors would say about close family and friends of "non drinking alcoholics" - do you need to form an identity as such to enter (struggling with word choice here) a specific figured world?

    5. As a cultural system, and one that no one is born into, this entire figured world of AA is new to neophytes.

      Interesting - especially in thinking about the cultural reproduction and longevity of AA. Located at an intersection of most group identities

    6. There are therefore two aspects important to membership in AA: qualification as an alcoholic, based on ones past, and continued non-drinking behavior, or effort at not drinking, which is a . ne ation of the behavior that first qualified one for membership.J

      Self-Identification, can't form identity based off other people's experiences, realities (hitting rock bottom and becoming motivated versus family/friends requesting person to join AA).

      for "non drinking alcoholics) - the identity is formed as a response, it's reactionary

    7. The drinker must apply them to his own life, and this application must be demonstrated

      To be a part of this figured world the identity must change. Knowing about it isn't enough, there must be evidence. This is different than the witchcraft example from the previous chapter. Maybe an AA outsider might think someone belongs to AA if they overhear that person talking about alcoholism, but if the AA figured world members don't consider the person a member, then they don't truly belong. But this seems to contradict what was stated about the witchcraft example.

    8. What happens when an AA member fails to compose this new under­standing of himself and of his life?

      What happens when a person is forced into a figured world they do not want to be in...a Holocaust victim, a prisoner? Does their identity reflect their reality, thier former lives, or their aspirations?

    9. He does not figure his life in AP!s terms. He views AA as a measure to take when things get really bad. He does not share the set of values and distinctions that unites other AA members. The identity of "alcoholic" does not affect his actions, or his perceptions of self, beyond his drinking behavior.

      Andrew seems conflicted by his figured worlds. Though he acknowledges his alcoholism it is not how he identifies. For Hank, AA became a surrogate family (by way of his descri[tions of "Who am I?"). Andrew, though lonely, does not allow AA to serve that purpose for him. Is it a self fulfilling prophecy of lonliness that he is holding on to? An identity he wants to cling to?

  25. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. We believe this key transition that occurs in both schemes is best recast as identification-the formation of a concept of self as an actor in the system.

      "culturally devised system" what everything seems to be coming down to

    2. nli.e less expert women tended to repeat the words and follow the direc-ons of others. They had less of an overview of romantic relationships; hey had to work harder to come up with responses to romantic situ-1 ations. Not surprisingly, those who were less identified with the world of romance, and for whom it was less salient, also were less expert in / JP.anaging relationships.

      This follows the structure of the AA story in chapter 4 - less experienced members first needed to hear others' stories and come to identify with the AA narrative before they could coherently tell their own story.

    3. Talk about men, focus on men, and orientation toward romantic relationships correlated positively with how much the women talked about and treated themselves as ac-tors in the world of romance.

      A nice summary of how these cases show a figured world influencing the actions of the actors in the world.

    4. Knowledgeability about the types of men and the ways relationships worked was more or less assumed. Further-level of competence in the conduct of relationships was presumed.

      But actually, it's something that has to be learned, and that learning directs how one behaves towards others.

    5. Both "getting the upper hand" and "keeping ·one man up front" were strategies for achieving the valued outcomes of romantic involvements while avoiding the bad.

      Ways of negotiating power dynamics. Especially "getting the upper hand" -- and the social constructed power dynamics of beauty.

    6. This suggests that involvement-the salience of and identification with the cultural system of romance-codeveloped with expertise.

      Identity (and saliency of identity) is developed with expertise in a field. There are varying degrees of identity saliency - within multiple and simultaneous figured worlds.

    7. Those who ap-peared to be less knowledgeable or less expert closely copied and took direction from others, attended to relatively circumscribed aspects of relationships, and had difficulty generating possible responses to roman-tic situations.

      Participatory learning through observations (romance as an apprenticeship) - this identity as something that evolves

    8. Even though the women were bombarded with images of themselves in the world of romance, and even though many of their peers seemed to have sorted through these various interpretations and arrived at fairly stable views of themselves as actors in the romantic world, some of the women did not identify themselves as such. They had no clear idea of a "romantic" self-either a self to avoid or a self to realize.

      Compared to previous examples, romantic relationships are interesting because they are informed by upbringing, past, culture, self image, etc. AA members were shaped by a story telling model and reinterpretation with very defined goals, likewise for midwives, sailors and tailors. Identity formation in an area with a spectrum of available identities is confusing.

    9. uch romantic attach-ments became markedly less salient for her, and her identity as an attrac-tive woman in the world of romance, as culturally construed, became unimportant.

      Did romance become unimportant or did she choose to engage in a relationship that was validating? Does the figured world you want to belong to shape your identity or does your identity shape your choice of worlds you partake in?

    10. American culture does not generally treat romantic relationships as an area of expertise. q./J -}:f. romantic relationships as something orirrexpert:I.:ove about fatalistically, as somethiilg .• successful relationships were more to_ch'!mft<:.rJiaws, b,Jck, or mismatches of interesiStllanto a lack of skill or savoir Nonetheless, upoii-quesi!Oii.5';)(;,xpertlseaiia

      Is LPP possible when it comes to relationships?

    1. Coach J engagedconversations that fostered social relationships to sustain their effort in a difficultmoment As relationships were built, runners repeated important aspects of thepractice that allow them to gain competence.

      Fostering social relationships similar to the storytelling in the AA narratives. By creating a figured world, then they are able to gain an understanding.

    1. lt. Discourse (or discursive) theory emphasizes many of the aspects of cultural resources that we discu

      Cultural artifacts don't need to be material - pronouns as artifacts (example of ta/you). I'm thinking more about pronouns as artifacts, I'm curious what the authors would have to say about communities creating their own gender neutral pronouns in response to the gender binary (examples: ne, ve, ze, xe). Imagining and creating artifacts into being, learned within social interaction

    2. a frame becomes a world-a space

      (had difficulty highlighting) Possibility for figured worlds to exist non-physically? can come into being through experiencing and acting by its rules

    3. Why is it confusing to ask if the Pope is a bachelor? After all, a bachelor is an unmarried man and the Pope is an unmarried man. Yet there is something peculiar about referring to the Pope as a bachelor. The problem is that "'bachelor' frames ...

      The possibility for multiple, simultaneous figured worlds. Figured worlds as a frame of understanding

    4. Asking if the Pope is a bachelor is akin to trying to redeem one's poker chips for money at an AA meeting. The questioner and the would-be redeemer have both mistaken the relevant figured world.

      This comparison seems that strong to me- though I agree that referring to the Pope as a bachelor is an example of culturally figured worlds, a poker player redeeming chips at an AA meeting seems like a misinterpretation of a physical object rather than the meaning behind that object.

    5. They come to name themselves, and often to see theruselves, as "alcoholics" and not just drinkers. All these elements of AA are meaningful in, relevant to, and valued not) in relation to a frame of meaning, a virtual world, a world that has been figured.

      So the figured world that has been created informs the identity of the person...they begin to include "alcoholics" within their identity, since this fits within the figured world they belong to

    1. Rostral anterior cingulate gyrus

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    2. Anterior rostral cingulate cortex

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    3. Anterior Cingulate Gyrus

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    1. $ń†+  ő `ő őà ă ˜ ő ?őő *Jőő0ő"őOhőG"ő ! ő 3ő !ő"  ő . ő ő C őĨő  ő ő őőÆÕ

      When practices become widespread in a society, it stops being seen as a figured world, but as reality. Though beauty is a social construct, it becomes a realistic determinant of attraction in a society that is inundated with that message.

  26. Aug 2015
    1. deterministic

      Is appropriate the use of a deterministic model here? It seems to me that it will be less accurate than a probabilistic one, and that that could influence the results of the comparison of the different aggregation levels biasing the conclusions.



  27. Feb 2014
    1. In the final analysis, intellectual property shares much of the origins and orientation of all forms of property. At the same time, however, it is a more neutral institution than other forms of property: its limited scope and duration tend to prevent the very accumulation of wealth that Burke championed.
    1. The testimony makes it manifest that he was a special police officer to some extent identified with the work of the prosecutor's office, and that position, upon well-settled grounds of public policy, required him to assist, at least, in the prosecution of offenders against the law. The services he rendered, in this instance, must be presumed to have been rendered in pursuance of that public duty, and for its performance he was not entitled to receive a special quid pro quo.
      • Court finds sufficient evidence to characterize this fellow as a public official.

      • His interaction with the prosecutor's office weighed in as a factor in suggesting he had a legal duty.

      • Since he is characterized within the rule as a public official, he cannot, as a matter of law, receive a reward for the performance of his duties.

  28. Jan 2014
    1. The results of the subsequent mathematical analysis can often be exported as additional rows and columns into an updated version of the atlas and then explored by the biologist using the visualization tool.

      Blending mathematical and visual analysis

    2. Once a searchable atlas has been constructed there are fundamentally two approaches that can be used to analyze the data: one visual, the other mathematical.
  29. Nov 2013
    1. Like any other discipline, the theory of invention and arrangement must be practiced in two ways: first, in order that by its means we should through external examples learn common sense from argument, judgment from the manner of conclusion, and complete prudence from the method of arrangement and order; secondly, that by means of the same art we should devise similar examples in speech and writing.

      Learn rhetoric through analyzing others and practicing what you've learned.