- Aug 2019
www.dailykos.com www.dailykos.com
Health care spending was 12.4% of GDP in 2016. That is approximately $7,919.00 per person. There were 11.6% of people who skipped prescriptions because of cost.
Switzerland Health Care System
Health care spending was 11% of GDP in 2016. Approximately $4,600.00 per person. 7.8% of patients skipped prescriptions because of cost. The life expectancy was 85.5 years in 2015.
France health care system
Health Care spending was 10.6% of Canada’s GDP in 2016 and 10.5% of patients skipped prescriptions because of cost.
Canada health care system
- May 2019
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Jillian Maynard, from the University of Hartford, and Jeremy Anderson, from Bay Path University, led a session on developing a strategic plan for OER on your home campus. I went to that one having previously selected a different one -- born to be wild, that’s me -- because upon closer reading, I made the connection to a law that NJ recently passed requiring public colleges to develop plans for OER (or “inclusive access”)
This seems very much like what I was talking about yesterday with MinnState folks and reported on my blog.
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
inferiority of your connexions? — to congratulate myself on the hope of relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own?”
Connexions - "Relationship by family ties, as marriage or distant consanguinity. Often with a and plural" (OED).
Technically, Mr. Darcy and the Bennet family are from the same class, the gentry, but he has better connections. Mr. Darcy is related to Lady Catherine De Bourgh who holds the highest title a woman can have within the Gentry class. Comparatively, the Bennet's are related to the Gardiners, who are in a class below the gentry, the professional class.
- Apr 2019
mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
Yup, three years later, I have the exact same problem still with my otherwise great Surface Book 1. This has made me distrust Microsoft hardware, and yes, windows machines as a whole. Especially as my previous Dell laptop was also unreliable in this regard. Such a shame, because otherwise it's a fantastic piece of kit.
- Mar 2019
AirDialogue: An Environment for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Research
www.csie.ntu.edu.tw www.csie.ntu.edu.tw寬螢幕簡報1
Deep Learning for Dialogue Systems
www.csie.ntu.edu.tw www.csie.ntu.edu.tw
Deep Learning for Dialogue Systems
arxiv.org arxiv.org
BERT for Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling
www.cs.cornell.edu www.cs.cornell.edu
Supervised Semantic Indexing
arxiv.org arxiv.org
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference
arxiv.org arxiv.org
A retrieval-based dialogue system utilizing utteranceand context embeddings
arxiv.org arxiv.org
The goal here is explicitly not to improve the state of the art in the narrow domain of restaurantbooking, but to take a narrow domain where traditional handcrafted dialog systems are known toperform well, and use that to gauge the strengths and weaknesses of current end-to-end systemswith no domain knowledge
Unsurprisingly, perfectly coded rule-based systems can solve the simulated tasks T1-T5 perfectly,whereas our machine learning methods cannot. However, it is not easy to build an effective rule-based
We implemented a rule-based system for this task in the followingway. We initialized a dialog state using the 3 relevant slots for this task: cuisine type, location andprice range. Then we analyzed the training data and wrote a series of rules that fire for triggers likeword matches, positions in the dialog, entity detections or dialog state, to output particular responses,API calls and/or update a dialog state. Responses are created by combining patterns extracted fromthe training set with entities detected in the previous turns or stored in the dialog state. Overall webuilt 28 rules and extracted 21 patterns. We optimized the choice of rules and their application priority(when needed) using the validation set, reaching a validation per-response accuracy of 40.7%. Wedid not build a rule-based system forConciergedata as it is even less constrained.
aclweb.org aclweb.org
ParlAI: A Dialog Research Software Platform
A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System
这个end-to-end的系统,在意图识别的阶段用的是cnn+LSTM 在状态管理(belief state tracking)也用的LSTM,在policy的时候自定义了一套算法,将前面的几个输出向量做了个线性模型,输出。
Finally, the policy network output is generated bya three-way matrix transformation,
a distributed representationgenerated by an intent network and a probabilitydistribution over slot-value pairs called the beliefstate
造出来的一个belief state的概念:
由intent网络生成的分布式表示和对slot-value组的概率表示叫做belief stat。
bingliu.me bingliu.me
Learning Task-Oriented Dialog with Neural Network Methods
arxiv.org arxiv.org
An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network Model withBelief Tracking for Task-Oriented Dialog
aclanthology.org aclanthology.org
In learning such neural network based dialogmodel, we propose hybrid offline training and on-line interactive learning methods. We first let theagent to learn from human-human conversationswith offline supervised training. We then improvethe agent further by letting it to interact with usersand learn from user demonstrations and feedbackwith imitation and reinforcement learning.
- 1 首先离线有监督学习 人和人的对话数据
- 2 然后让模型和人交互,基于反馈和模仿用强化学习来学习
为了解决样本效率问题,提出了learning-from-user and learning-from-simulationl两个方案。
We design neural net-work based dialog system that is able to ro-bustly track dialog state, interface with knowl-edge bases, and incorporate structured queryresults into system responses to successfullycomplete task-oriented dialog.
End-to-End Learning of Task-Oriented Dialogs
arxiv.org arxiv.org
These system components areusually trained independently, and their optimiza-tion targets may not fully align with the overallsystem evaluation criteria (e.g. task success rateand user satisfaction). Moreover, errors made inthe upper stream modules of the pipeline propa-gate to downstream components and get amplified,making it hard to track the source of errors
传统pipeline方案的问题点: 1 流程比较复杂,每步骤独立训练,但是流程输入和输出有依赖,错误放大,难以跟进。
Dialogue Learning with Human Teaching and Feedback in End-to-End Trainable Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Models for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling
用一个模型来解决两个不同类型的问题,intent detect是分类,填槽是序列标注。都用基于attention机制的RNN来搞定了
or joint modeling of intent detection and slot filling, weadd an additional decoder for intent detection (or intent clas-sification) task that shares the same encoder with slot fillingdecoder.
The attentionmechanism later introduced in [12] enables the encoder-decodermodel to learn a soft alignment and to decode at the same time.
D. Bahdanau, K. Cho, and Y. Bengio, “Neural machine trans-lation by jointly learning to align and translate,”arXiv preprintarXiv:1409.0473, 2014
We present a general solution towards building task-orienteddialogue systems for online shopping, aiming to assist on-line customers in completing various purchase-related tasks,such as searching products and answering questions, in a nat-ural language conversation manner. As a pioneering work, weshow what & how existing natural language processing tech-niques, data resources, and crowdsourcing can be leveragedto build such task-oriented dialogue systems for E-commerceusage. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we integrate our sys-tem into a mobile online shopping application. To the bestof our knowledge, this is the first time that an dialogue sys-tem in Chinese is practically used in online shopping scenariowith millions of real consumers. Interesting and insightful ob-servations are shown in the experimental part, based on theanalysis of human-bot conversation log. Several current chal-lenges are also pointed out as our future directions
M = (I, C, A)
I是intent,C是product category, A是商品attribute。 M是根据用户Query得到的信息的表示。
意图分类:PhraseLDA 1000个topic
产品分类: a CNN-based approach that resembles (Huang et al. 2013)and (Shen et al. 2014
Main actions that areconsidered in the online shopping scenario include
- Recommendation
- Comparison
- Opinion Summary
- Question Answering
- Proactive Questioning
- Chit-chat
To deal with the problem we mentioned, our work focuson using three kinds of data resources that are common tomost E-commerce web service provider or easily crawledfrom webs, including: (i) product knowledge base, which isprovided by the E-commerce partner and contains structuredproduct information; (ii) search log, which is closely linkedwith products, natural language queries and user selectionbehaviors (mouse click); (iii) community sites, where userpost their intents in natural language and can be used to minepurchase-related intents and paraphrases of product-relatedterms. Besides, we show that crowd sourcing is necessary tobuild such AI bot
- 1 结构化商品信息
- 2 用户的搜索日志
- 3 社区网站,挖掘购买意图和产品相关的词
gitee.com gitee.com
CHATBOT: Architecture, Design,& Development
tcci.ccf.org.cn tcci.ccf.org.cn
The Sogou Spoken Language Understanding System for the NLPCC 2018 Evaluation
The first step is lexical analysis, i.e. word segmentation and part-of-speech (POS)tagging. The words and POS labels are used as features in the subsequent models. Forthe shared task we used HanLP [1] as our Chinese lexical analyzer.
SLU 模型做法:
1 第一步是词汇分析,也就是分词,然后词性标注。本文用的是HanLP做词性分析。
2 第二步是槽位边界检测。这个任务看成一个用BILOU进行序列标注的。我们用了基于字和词的序列标注。基于字的 版本是用一个window为7的CRF,用此法特征和词典特征,另外基于词的的CRF模型是window size为5的词法特征,词性特征和词典特征。词典特征是指“当前字词是否 prefix/infix/suffix 在实体词典中某个条目关系。”每个CRF输出n(3)个输出,这整个2n个输出用到下一步。用基于字的序列标注是为了弥补分词效果差带来的可能影响。
3 第三部是槽位类型识别。用的是LR+L正则分类器,预测出的slot,上下文的字词,上下文的词性标注作为特征。
4 第四步是槽位纠正。这个是为了解决因为ASR导致的错误识别造成的结果。用的是一个基于搜索的方法。鉴于已经有各种槽位类型的词典,如果一个预测出来的槽位s类型T没有在对应的槽位词典中,那么就用s作为查询词来在根据最小编辑距离来查询槽位词典中的记录。这个操作会进行两次,一个是s作为中文字符,另一个是s作为拼音来查询。最好的结果是从这两个查处的结果中重新排序后得到的。
5 最后一步是意图分类。用的是XGBoost及其默认参数。用到的特征是单词token,query length,以及前面步骤预测出来的槽位。
Each rule is of the form “if thequery q is listed in a particular lexicon L, and the preceding queries and their predicteddomain labels satisfy certain conditions, then q is assigned a certain intent label and,with the exception of short commands, the entire q is regarded as a slot of the typecorresponding to L.” The rules are arranged in sequential order in accordance with theirpriorities
规则的具体形式是,"如果query q被列在了一个特定的词汇表L,并且其前面的queries和它们预测出来的领域标签满足特定条件,那么q就可以被打上一个特定的意图标签,并且对于短的命令来说,整个query q是当作对应于L的一个槽位类型".所有规则按照优先级顺序组织的。
Figure 1 shows the framework of our SLU system, which consists of the context-dependent rules for entity-only queries and the context-independent model for querieswith IISPs. The entire system feeds the query to the rules first. If the rule-based compo‐nent returns null result, that means the query is judged to contain IISPs and the model-based component will continue to process it. Otherwise, it means the query is regardedas entity-only and the result of the rules is returned as the final output
s in real use cases of dialog systems, the queries in the shared task can be roughlydivided into two kinds, viz. queries with intent-indicating salient phrases and querieswithout. By intent-indicating salient phrase (IISP) it is meant a phrase in the query thatshows the intent of the query. E.g. the phrase “” in the query “” andthe phrases “” in the query “” are IISPs.
gitee.com gitee.com
Retrieval-based MethodsRetrieval-based methods choose a response from candidateresponses. The key to retrieval-based methods is message-response matching. Matching algorithms have to overcomesemantic gaps between messages and responses [28].
B. Hu, Z. Lu, H. Li, and Q. Chen. Convolutional neu-ral network architectures for matching natural lan-guage sentences. InAdvances in neural informationprocessing systems, pages 2042–2050, 2014.
单轮的匹配 match(X,Y) = X^TAy
X:message的向量表示, y:回复的向量表示。
H. Wang, Z. Lu, H. Li, and E. Chen. A dataset for re-search on short-text conversations. InProceedings ofthe 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in NaturalLanguage Processing, pages 935–945, Seattle, Wash-ington, USA, October 2013. Association for Compu-tational Linguistics
Z. Lu and H. Li. A deep architecture for matchingshort texts. InInternational Conference on Neural In-formation Processing Systems, pages 1367–1375, 2013.
B. Hu, Z. Lu, H. Li, and Q. Chen. Convolutional neu-ral network architectures for matching natural lan-guage sentences. InAdvances in neural informationprocessing systems, pages 2042–2050, 2014
M. Wang, Z. Lu, H. Li, and Q. Liu. Syntax-based deepmatching of short texts.InIJCAI, 03 2015
Y. Wu, W. Wu, Z. Li, and M. Zhou. Topic augmentedneural network for short text conversation.CoRR,2016
TASK-ORIENTED DIALOGUESYSTEMSTask-oriented dialogue systems have been an important branchof spoken dialogue systems. In this section, we will reviewpipeline and end-to-end methods for task-oriented dialoguesystems.
- 1 pipeline,也就是包含SLU+DST+PL+NLG
- 2 end-to-end
2.2 End-to-End Methods
- 一个是信用分配问题,一个用户的反馈很难传播到上游每个组件中。
- 另一个是问题流程的相互依赖。一个组件的输入依赖上一个组件的输出。一部分变动其他都得动。(这个真的是问题么?)
- A network-based end-to-end trainable task-oriented di-alogue system
- Learningend-to-end goal-oriented dialog.
下文中,首次提出了一个联合训练dialogue state tracking和policy learning来优化得到更鲁棒的系统行为。
- Towards end-to-end learn-ing for dialog state tracking and management us-ing deep reinforcement learning
Language understanding.NLU/SLU,目标是解析理解用户输入为intent,slot
Dialogue state tracker. 根据当前对话输入信息结合历史信息给出当前会话状态。
Dialogue policy learning.基于当前对话状态给出接下来要采取的行动
Natural language generation(NLG). 将映射的选择的动作行为转换生成对应的输出回复。
2.1.3 Policy learning
策略学习 基于前面state tracker的状态表示,策略学习(policy learning)是来生成下一个可用的系统行动。无论是监督学习或者强化学习都可以用来优化策略学习。 H. Cuayhuitl, S. Keizer, and O. Lemon. Strategic di-alogue management via deep reinforcement learning.arxiv.org, 2015.
通常都用一个基于规则的agent来初始化系统。 Z. Yan, N. Duan, P. Chen, M. Zhou, J. Zhou, andZ. Li. Building task-oriented dialogue systems for on-line shopping. InAAAI Conference on Artificial Intel-ligence, 2017
然后用监督学习来基于规则生成的规则来学习。Building task-oriented dialogue systems for on-line shopping. 强化学习,Strategic di-alogue management via deep reinforcement learning.结果据说比很多系统,rule based,superviesed都好
A statistical dialog system
- S. Young, M. Gai, S. Keizer, F. Mairesse, J. Schatz-mann, B. Thomson, and K. Yu. The hidden informa-tion state model: A practical framework for pomdp-based spoken dialogue management. 在DSTC比赛中结果形式是每轮对话中每个slot的一个概率分布。各种统计学方法如下:
- 规则集, Z. Wang and O. Lemon. A simple and generic belieftracking mechanism for the dialog state tracking chal-lenge: On the believability of observed information. InSIGDIAL Conference, pages 423–432, 2013
CRF S. Lee and M. Eskenazi. Recipe for building robustspoken dialog state trackers: Dialog state trackingchallenge system description. InSIGDIAL Conference,pages 414–422, 2013
S. Lee. Structured discriminative model for dialogstate tracking. InSIGDIAL Conference, pages 442–451, 2013
H. Ren, W. Xu, Y. Zhang, and Y. Yan. Dialog statetracking using conditional random fields. InSIGDIALConference, pages 457–461, 2013.
maximum entropy model J. Williams. Multi-domain learning and generaliza-tion in dialog state tracking. InSIGDIAL Conference,pages 433–441, 2013.
web-style ranking J. D. Williams. Web-style ranking and slu combina-tion for dialog state tracking
深度学习的状态管理。用一个滑动窗口来在任意数量可能值上输出一个概率序列。 M. Henderson, B. Thomson, and S. Young. Deep neu-ral network approach for the dialog state tracking chal-lenge. InProceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Confer-ence, pages 467–471, 2013
多领域的RNN状态跟进模型: B. Thomson, M. Gasic, P.-H. Su, D. Vandyke, T.-H. Wen, and S. Young. Multi-domain dialog state tracking using recurrent neuralnetworks.
基于neural belief tracker(NBT)来检测slot-value对。 Neural belief tracker: Data-driven dia-logue state tracking.
Dialogue State Tracking
跟进对话状态是保障dialog system的robust的核心。主要目标是预测每轮对话的用户目标。经典的状态结构通常叫做slot-filling 或者 sematic frame.
传统用手工规则的方法: D. Goddeau, H. Meng, J. Polifroni, S. Seneff, andS. Busayapongchai. A form-based dialogue managerfor spoken language applications. InSpoken Language,1996. ICSLP 96. Proceedings., Fourth InternationalConference on, volume 2, pages 701–704. IEEE, 1996
基于规则的方法倾向于常见的错误,然后很多结果并不是想要的。 J. D. Williams. Web-style ranking and slu combina-tion for dialog state tracking. InSIGDIAL Conference,pages 282–291, 2014
Slot filling
填槽这个问题更多的是看成一个序列标注的问题。句子中的每个词都打上一个语义标签。输入是由词组成的句子,输出是每个词对应的slot/concept IDs.
DBN 类的处理:
A Deoras and R. Sarikaya. Deep belief network basedsemantic taggers for spoken language understanding.
L. Deng, G. Tur, X. He, and D. Hakkani-Tur. Use ofkernel deep convex networks and end-to-end learningfor spoken language understanding
- G. Mesnil, X. He, L. Deng, and Y. Bengio. Investi-gation of recurrent-neural-network architectures andlearning methods for spoken language understanding.Interspeech, 2013.
- K. Yao, G. Zweig, M. Y. Hwang, Y. Shi, and D. Yu.Recurrent neural networks for language understand-ing. InInterspeech, 2013
- R. Sarikaya, G. E. Hinton, and B. Ramabhadran.Deep belief nets for natural language call-routing
- K. Yao, B. Peng, Y. Zhang, D. Yu, G. Zweig, andY. Shi. Spoken language understanding using longshort-term memory neural networks. InIEEE Insti-tute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, pages 189 –194, 2014
Language Understanding
目标是根据一个用户utterance/query 得到其对应的语义slot。slots是预先根据场景定于的。通常来说有两种类型的表示,一个是句子级别的类别,例如用户的意图和utterance的类别。另外一个是单词级别的信息抽取,例如命名实体和槽位填充。
意图识别是根据一句话来检测用户的意图。 基于深度学习的意图识别: L. Deng, G. Tur, X. He, and D. Hakkani-Tur. Use ofkernel deep convex networks and end-to-end learningfor spoken language understanding. InSpoken Lan-guage Technology Workshop (SLT), 2012 IEEE, pages210–215. IEEE, 2012
G. Tur, L. Deng, D. Hakkani-T ̈ur, and X. He. Towardsdeeper understanding: Deep convex networks for se-mantic utterance classification. InAcoustics, Speechand Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE Interna-tional Conference on, pages 5045–5048. IEEE, 2012.
D. Yann, G. Tur, D. Hakkani-Tur, and L. Heck. Zero-shot learning and clustering for semantic utteranceclassification using deep learning. 2014.
尤其是这个用CNN来抽取query vector进行query分类。 H. B. Hashemi, A. Asiaee, and R. Kraft. Query intentdetection using convolutional neural networks. InIn-ternational Conference on Web Search and Data Min-ing, Workshop on Query Understanding, 2016
P.-S. Huang, X. He, J. Gao, L. Deng, A. Acero, andL. Heck. Learning deep structured semantic modelsfor web search using clickthrough data. InProceedingsof the 22nd ACM international conference on Confer-ence on information & knowledge management, pages2333–2338. ACM, 2013
Y. Shen, X. He, J. Gao, L. Deng, and G. Mesnil.Learning semantic representations using convolutionalneural networks for web search. InProceedings of the23rd International Conference on World Wide Web,pages 373–374. ACM, 2014.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
setting up objectives
How do we augment our ability as humans to set objectives? How do we observe that process? How do we gain insight into hidden aspects and drivers of setting intention? How do we recognize our own framings? How do we re-frame? If the Anthropocene Epoch means anything, it is that our own emoto-cognitive lenses make all the difference.
A composite process, remember, is organized from both human processes and computer processes
Human-system/Tool-system fine-grained intersections and compositionalities. There are UX and UI levels here. There are likely further levels having to do with intentionalities of (semi-) autonomous Tool Systems, how they are to be guided by Human intentionalities, and - most importantly - how humans fully ascertain and guide their own intentionalities.
- Feb 2019
tcci.ccf.org.cn tcci.ccf.org.cn
Spoken language understanding (SLU) comprises two tasks, intent identification andslot filling. That is, given the current query along with the previous queries in the samesession, an SLU system predicts the intent of the current query and also all slots (entitiesor labels) associated with the predicted intent. The significance of SLU lies in that eachtype of intent corresponds to a particular service API and the slots correspond to theparameters required by this API. SLU helps the dialog system to decide how to satisfythe user’s need by calling the right service with the right information
- 1 意图分类的复杂性
- 2 世界知识
- 3 用户状态
cjc.ict.ac.cn cjc.ict.ac.cn
arxiv.org arxiv.org
We com-plement recent work by showing the effec-tiveness of simple sequence-to-sequenceneural architectures with a copy mecha-nism. Our model outperforms more com-plex memory-augmented models by 7% inper-response generation and is on par withthe current state-of-the-art on DSTC2, areal-world task-oriented dialogue dataset
用一个带有copy机制的简单seq2seq框架超过现有最好的真实DSTC2 7个点。
A Copy-Augmented Sequence-to-Sequence Architecture GivesGood Performance on Task-Oriented Dialogue
Task-oriented dialogue focuses on conversational agents that participate in dialogues with user goals on domain-specific topics. In contrast to chatbots, which simply seek to sustain open-ended meaningful discourse, existing task-oriented agents usually explicitly model user intent and belief states. This paper examines bypassing such an explicit representation by depending on a latent neural embedding of state and learning selective attention to dialogue history together with copying to incorporate relevant prior context. We complement recent work by showing the effectiveness of simple sequence-to-sequence neural architectures with a copy mechanism. Our model outperforms more complex memory-augmented models by 7% in per-response generation and is on par with the current state-of-the-art on DSTC2, a real-world task-oriented dialogue datase
www.aclweb.org www.aclweb.org
Both NLU and NLG are implementedwith template-based models
Symptom ExtractionWe follow the BIO(begin-in-out) schema for symptom identification(Figure 1). Each Chinese character is assigned alabel of ”B”, ”I” or ”O”. Also, each extractedsymptom expression is tagged withTrueorFalseindicating whether the patient suffers from thissymptom or not. In order to improve the anno-tation agreement between annotators, we createtwo guidelines for the self-report and the conver-sational data respectively. Each record is anno-tated by at least two annotators. Any inconsis-tency would be further judged by the third one.The Cohen’s kappa coefficient between two anno-tators are71%and67%for self-reports and con-versations respectively
症状数据抽取,BIO格式。每个中文字符标注为“B","I","O".每个抽取出的症状根据病人真实情况打标为“True","False"。3人2个都标过的才有效,第三人评判。Cohhen kappa 相关性来作为标注标准。
In this paper, we make a move to builda dialogue system for automatic diagno-sis. We first build a dataset collected froman online medical forum by extractingsymptoms from both patients’ self-reportsand conversational data between patientsand doctors. Then we propose a task-oriented dialogue system framework tomake the diagnosis for patients automat-ically, which can converse with patients tocollect additional symptoms beyond theirself-reports. Experimental results on ourdataset show that additional symptoms ex-tracted from conversation can greatly im-prove the accuracy for disease identifica-tion and our dialogue system is able tocollect these symptoms automatically andmake a better diagnosis
In this paper, we make a move to builda dialogue system for automatic diagno-sis. We first build a dataset collected froman online medical forum by extractingsymptoms from both patients’ self-reportsand conversational data between patientsand doctors. Then we propose a task-oriented dialogue system framework tomake the diagnosis for patients automat-ically, which can converse with patients tocollect additional symptoms beyond theirself-reports. Experimental results on ourdataset show that additional symptoms ex-tracted from conversation can greatly im-prove the accuracy for disease identifica-tion and our dialogue system is able tocollect these symptoms automatically andmake a better diagnosis
arxiv.org arxiv.org
To overcome this issue, weexplore data generation using templates and terminologies and data augmentationapproaches. Namely, we report our experiments using paraphrasing and wordrepresentations learned on a large EHR corpus with Fasttext and ELMo, to learn aNLU model without any available dataset. We evaluate on a NLU task of naturallanguage queries in EHRs divided in slot-filling and intent classification sub-tasks.On the slot-filling task, we obtain a F-score of 0.76 with the ELMo representation;and on the classification task, a mean F-score of 0.71. Our results show that thismethod could be used to develop a baseline system
Natural language understanding for task oriented dialog in the biomedical domain in a low resources context
www.aclweb.org www.aclweb.org
PyDial: A Multi-domain Statistical Dialogue System Toolkit
- http://pydial.org
- https://github.com/claycollier/pydial
- https://bitbucket.org/dialoguesystems/pydial.git
其总的架构包含Sematic Decode,Belief Tracker,Policy Reply System,Language generator. 整体来说整个系统都支持了基于规则的判断过程,也融合了模型的支持。源码值得一看的。
www.iro.umontreal.ca www.iro.umontreal.ca4
For the slot filling task, the input is the sentence consisting of a sequence of words, L, and the output is a sequence of slot/concept IDs, S, one for each word. In the statistical SLU systems, the task is often formalized as a pattern recognition problem: Given the word sequence L, the goal of SLU is to find the semantic representation of the slot sequence 푆that has the maximum a posterioriprobability 푃(푆|퐿).
对于填槽任务,输入是一个有一系列词组成的语句,输出是每个词对应的slot/concept IDs。在统计SLU系统里,这个任务可以看作是:给定词序列L,SLU的目标是找到一个slot 序列来最大化后验概率P(S/L).
Using Recurrent Neural Networks for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding
bi-directional Jordan-type network that takes into account both past and future dependencies among slots works best
双向的 Jordan-type网络对槽最好用
Using Recurrent Neural Networksfor Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding
www.aclweb.org www.aclweb.org
Open-Domain Neural Dialogue Systems
Open-Domain Neural Dialogue Systems
www.csie.ntu.edu.tw www.csie.ntu.edu.tw
Open-Domain Neural Dialogue Systems
Open-Domain Neural Dialogue Systems
www.csie.ntu.edu.tw www.csie.ntu.edu.tw
Open-Domain Neural Dialogue Systems
arxiv.org arxiv.org
the dataset used in our experiment hasonly the tags of filled information slots extracted by patternmatching between dialogue log and final order information
用到的数据集是一个coffee ordering的对话过程的数据,31567通对话,142412对会话。数据只有用正则匹配出来的填充的标签信息。
the agent model swaps the in-put and output sequences, and it also takes the tag of filledinformation slots as an input which is extracted from dia-logue in previous turns by pattern matching with the orderinformation in ground truth
agent model 构建前先预训练。网络结构和user model一样,但是输入和输出反转,同时也把之前对话中已经填充的槽位信息作为输入。但是这俩部分信息并不是简单的直接拼接在一起,而是来学习适合的attention 权重来更好的利用注意力机制。此外任何其他额外的语义意图标签都不必用。
By directly learningfrom the raw dialogue logs, the network takes the agent ut-Figure 2: The network structure: encoder-decoder structurewith the attention mechanismteranceXa:xa1;xa2;:::;xanas the input sequence and takescorresponding user utteranceYu:yu1;yu2;:::;yumas the tar-get sequence.
User model.直接用双向的LSTM,以agent的utterance作为X,对应的用户的utterance作为Y。
In the task-oriented dialogues, a user usually firstly showsthe intention to the agent and then answers the agent’s ques-tions one by one to specify the demand.
用户通常是被动的,偶尔的有一轮问题。换句话说用户基本上都是在一轮中回答由agent提出的问题。所以可以基于一个用户只需要考虑一轮回答来给出回复这样的假设来构建user model,,让agent model来处理多轮对话。
we propose a uSer andAgent Model IntegrAtion (SAMIA) framework inspired byan observation that the roles of the user and agent models areasymmetric. Firstly, this SAMIA framework model the usermodel as a Seq2Seq learning problem instead of ranking ordesigning rules. Then the built user model is used as a lever-age to train the agent model by deep reinforcement learning.In the test phase, the output of the agent model is filtered bythe user model to enhance the stability and robustness. Ex-periments on a real-world coffee ordering dataset verify theeffectiveness of the proposed SAMIA framework.
ntegrating User and Agent Models: A Deep Task-Oriented Dialogue System Weiyan Wang, Yuxiang WU, Yu Zhang, Zhongqi Lu, Kaixiang Mo, Qiang Yang (Submitted on 10 Nov 2017) Task-oriented dialogue systems can efficiently serve a large number of customers and relieve people from tedious works. However, existing task-oriented dialogue systems depend on handcrafted actions and states or extra semantic labels, which sometimes degrades user experience despite the intensive human intervention. Moreover, current user simulators have limited expressive ability so that deep reinforcement Seq2Seq models have to rely on selfplay and only work in some special cases. To address those problems, we propose a uSer and Agent Model IntegrAtion (SAMIA) framework inspired by an observation that the roles of the user and agent models are asymmetric. Firstly, this SAMIA framework model the user model as a Seq2Seq learning problem instead of ranking or designing rules. Then the built user model is used as a leverage to train the agent model by deep reinforcement learning. In the test phase, the output of the agent model is filtered by the user model to enhance the stability and robustness. Experiments on a real-world coffee ordering dataset verify the effectiveness of the proposed SAMIA framework.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Generation
Recent neural models of dialogue generationoffer great promise for generating responsesfor conversational agents, but tend to be short-sighted, predicting utterances one at a timewhile ignoring their influence on future out-comes. Modeling the future direction of a di-alogue is crucial to generating coherent, inter-esting dialogues, a need which led traditionalNLP models of dialogue to draw on reinforce-ment learning. In this paper, we show how tointegrate these goals, applying deep reinforce-ment learning to model future reward in chat-bot dialogue. The model simulates dialoguesbetween two virtual agents, using policy gradi-ent methods to reward sequences that displaythree useful conversational properties: infor-mativity, coherence, and ease of answering (re-lated to forward-looking function). We evalu-ate our model on diversity, length as well aswith human judges, showing that the proposedalgorithm generates more interactive responsesand manages to foster a more sustained conver-sation in dialogue simulation. This work marksa first step towards learning a neural conversa-tional model based on the long-term success ofdialogues.
workshop.colips.org workshop.colips.org
Dialog System & Technology Challenge 6 Overview of Track 1 - End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog learning
End-to-end dialog learning is an important research subject inthe domain of conversational systems. The primary task consistsin learning a dialog policy from transactional dialogs of a givendomain. In this context, usable datasets are needed to evaluatelearning approaches, yet remain scarce. For this challenge, atransaction dialog dataset has been produced using a dialogsimulation framework developed and released by Facebook AIResearch. Overall, nine teams participated in the challenge. Inthis report, we describe the task and the dataset. Then, we specifythe evaluation metrics for the challenge. Finally, the results ofthe submitted runs of the participants are detailed.
www.mirlab.org www.mirlab.org
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Intent Detection for code-mix utterances in task oriented dialogue systems
Intent detection is an essential component of taskoriented dialogue systems. Over the years, extensiveresearch has been conducted resultingin many state of the art modelsdirected towards resolving user’sintents indialogue. A variety of vector representation for user utterances have been explored for the same. However, these models and vectorization approaches have more so been evaluated in a single language environment. Dialogue systems generally have to deal with queries in different languages and most importantly Code-Mix form of writing. Since Code-Mix texts are not bounded by a formal structure they are difficult to handle. We thus conduct experiments across combinations of models and various vector representations for Code-Mix as well as multi-language utterancesand evaluate how these models scale to a multi-languageenvironment. Our aim is to find the best suitable combination of vector representation and models for the process of intent detection for code-mix utterances. We have evaluated the experiments on two different dataset consisting of only Code-Mix utterances and the otherdataset consisting of English, Hindi, and Code-Mix( English-Hindi) utterances
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Task-oriented Dialogue with Dialogue State Representation
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Mem2Seq: Effectively Incorporating Knowledge Bases into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialog Systems
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Improving Semantic Parsing for Task Oriented Dialog
Semantic parsing using hierarchical representations has recently been proposedfor task oriented dialog with promising results. In this paper, we present three dif-ferent improvements to the model: contextualized embeddings, ensembling, andpairwise re-ranking based on a language model. We taxonomize the errors pos-sible for the hierarchical representation, such as wrong top intent, missing spansor split spans, and show that the three approaches correct different kinds of errors.The best model combines the three techniques and gives 6.4% better exact matchaccuracy than the state-of-the-art, with an error reduction of 33%, resulting in anew state-of-the-art result on the Task Oriented Parsing (TOP) dataset
www.jiqizhixin.com www.jiqizhixin.com
static.googleusercontent.com static.googleusercontent.com
book.haihome.top book.haihome.top
Engineering Challenges
Communication 通常的存储都是kv,更新粒度是单个数值,但是ML算法通常的数据集类型是matrix,vector,tensor,更新的是part matrix或者vector,所以可以更进一步优化通信数据类型。
Fault tolerance
industrialmachinesandequipments.wordpress.com industrialmachinesandequipments.wordpress.com
A.T.E.’s Concentrated Solar Thermal system has provided solutions for commercial and industrial applications. Solar thermal technology is used in it which uses solar energy from the sun. This technology directly impacts costs and increase your savings by being energy-efficient. The system also has many benefits like easy to install, longer life cycle, user friendly etc.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
that any one such improvement can be expected to trigger a chain of coordinating improvements
symbolic portrayal
Language as a symbol. Relationship to memory.
- Jan 2019
blog.acolyer.org blog.acolyer.org
For large-scale software systems, Van Roy believes we need to embrace a self-sufficient style of system design in which systems become self-configuring, healing, adapting, etc.. The system has components as first class entities (specified by closures), that can be manipulated through higher-order programming. Components communicate through message-passing. Named state and transactions support system configuration and maintenance. On top of this, the system itself should be designed as a set of interlocking feedback loops.
This is aimed at System Design, from a distributed systems perspective.
www.weiyangx.com www.weiyangx.com
<big>评:</big><br/><br/> 传统数据库与区块链式处理,哪个才是更佳的业务模式?这个问题的回答早已在我们的日常工作中得以体现,但却迫于某种难以逾越的权力边界而成了难言之隐。「事中容错,事后一致」是一种颇为崇高的境界,甚至可以从中一窥理想社会的光耀图景,但人们目前尚未能大规模应用这套 workflow,究其原因,并非目标遥远,而是由于决策权被少部分人掌控着,和数据打交道的主体只是把数据当作本职工作,并未主动贡献、积极参与。系统使用方背上的不是「数据必须一次性正确输入」的包袱,他们直面的,是将权利拱手让人后的自责,是与民主开放的理想世界背道而驰的困惑。
industrialmachinesandequipments.blogspot.com industrialmachinesandequipments.blogspot.com
In the field of comfort cooling, Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) is an innovative and revolutionary change. The question is how eco-friendly are they? Evaporative cooling systems are upgraded by regular research and development for them to remain eco-friendly. Being cost effective and reliable is another important requirement to meet the varied industry demands.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.comTitle13
Zack [42] distinguished these four termsaccording to two dimensions: the nature of what is being processed and the consti-tution of the processing problem.The nature of what is being processed is either information or frames of ref-erence. With information, we mean “observations that have been cognitively pro-cessed and punctuated into coherent messages” [42]. Frames of reference [4, p.108], on the other hand, are the interpretative frames which provide the context forcreating and understanding information. There can be situations in which there is alack of information or a frame of reference, or too much information or too manyframes of reference to process.
Description of information processing challenges and breakdowns.
Uncertainty -- not enough information
Complexity -- too much information
Ambiguity -- lack of clear meaning
Equivocality -- multiple meanings
Ta b l e 3DERMIS design premises [29]
Muhren and Walle use the 6 of the 9 most relevant design premises for the future information system design guidelines for DERMIS, another crisis management system
Information focus (dealing with complexity)
Crisis memory (creating historical frames of reference)
Exceptions as norms (support changing frames of reference in fluid, unpredictable scenario)
Scope and nature of crisis (support adaptable management depending on type of crisis)
Information validity and timeliness (synergy of coping with uncertainty and creating frames of reference from relevant, known information)
Free exchange of information (synergy of social context and creating useful/sharable frames of reference)
For our research design, we drew on Walsham [33] and Klein and Myers [13],who provide comprehensive guidelines on how to conduct interpretive case studyresearch in the IS domain.
Bookmarked as a reminder to get these papers which could be helpful for the participatory design study.
The problems of managing information and managing frames of reference are“tightly linked in a mutually interacting loop” and require “managing informationand the systems that provide it” [42]. IS have been generally designed to overcomethe information problems from Table 1. Most IS are aimed at either storing and re-trieving information to reduce uncertainty, such as database management systemsand document repositories, or at analyzing and processing large amounts of infor-mation to reduce complexity, such as decision support systems [31]. However, aswe have previously discussed, information related strategies are not always helpfulin coping with a variety of potential meanings.Problems of interpretation and the creation and management of frames of refer-ence, which aids Sensemaking, have generally not been taken into account whendesigning IS. Most IS currently seem tointend the opposite because they aim atreplacing or suppressing the possibility tomake sense of situations.
Description of problem in integrating sensemaking (interpretive information process) into structured data systems.
information =/= data
there is scarce research on how IS can support informa-tion processing challenges—specifically related to Sensemaking—in crisis manage-ment [14]
Muhren and Walle also state that there are "few studies that use Sensemaking as an analytical lens for the design of information technology."
Sensemaking is about contextual rationality, built out of vaguequestions, muddy answers, and negotiated agreements that attempt to reduce ambi-guity and equivocality. The genesis of Sensemaking is a lack of fit between whatwe expect and what we encounter [40]. With Sensemaking, one does not look at thequestion of “which course of action should we choose?”, but instead at an earlierpoint in time where users are unsure whether there is even a decision to be made,with questions such as “what is going on here, and should I even be asking this ques-tion just now?” [40]. This shows that Sensemaking is used to overcome situationsof ambiguity. When there are too many interpretations of an event, people engagein Sensemaking too, to reduce equivocality.
Definition of sensemaking and how the process interacts with ambiguity and equivocality in framing information.
"Sensemaking is about coping with information processing challenges of ambiguity and equivocality by dealing with frames of reference."
Decision making is traditionally viewed as a sequential process of problem classifi-cation and definition, alternative generation, alternative evaluation, and selection ofthe best course of action [26]. This process is about strategic rationality, aimed atreducing uncertainty [6, 36]. Uncertainty can be reduced through objective analysisbecause it consists of clear questions for which answers exist [5, 40]. Complex-ity can also be reduced by objective analysis, as it requires restricting or reducingfactual information and associated linkages [42]
Definition of decision making and how this process interacts with uncertainty and complexity in information.
"Decision making is about coping with information processing challenges of uncertainty and complexity by dealing with information"
The central problem requiring Sensemaking ismostly that there are too many potential meanings, and so acquiring informationcan sometimes help but often is not needed. Instead, triangulating information [34],socializing and exchanging different points of view [20], and thinking back of pre-vious experiences to place the current situation into context, as the retrospectionproperty showed us, are a few strategies that are likely to be more successful forSensemaking.
Strategies for sensemaking
Just as the information processing challenges from Table 1 are not mutually ex-clusive, Sensemaking and decision making cannot be separated, but instead operatesimultaneously. Meaning must be established and then sufficiently negotiated priorto acting on information [42]: Sensemaking shapes events into decisions, and deci-sion making clarifies what is happening [40].
Interaction between sensemaking and decision making
Weick et al. [41, p. 419] formulate a gripping conclusion on what the sevenSensemaking properties are all about: “Taken together these properties suggest thatincreased skill at Sensemaking should occur when people are socialized to makedo, be resilient, treat constraints as self-imposed, strive for plausibility, keep show-ing up, use retrospect to get a sense of direction, and articulate descriptions thatenergize. These are micro-level actions. They are small actions. But they are smallactions with large consequences.”
Description of how the seven properties interact to foster sensemaking.
The seven different properties of Sensemaking can be captured by the acronym SIRCOPE: Social context, Identity construction, Retrospection, Cue extraction, Ongo-ing projects, Plausibility, and Enactment [17–21, 37–39]
"Weick distinguishes between seven properties of Sensemaking"
Crisis environments are characterized by various types of information problemsthat complicate the response, such as inaccurate, late, superficial, irrelevant, unreli-able, and conflicting information [30, 32]. This poses difficulties for actors to makesense of what is going on and to take appropriate action. Such issues of informationprocessing are a major challenge for the field of crisis management, both concep-tually and empirically [19].
Description of information problems in crisis environments.
We use the theory of Sensemaking to study exactly this: how people makesense of their environment, and how they give meaning to what is happening. Sense-making is a crucial process in crises, as the manner and thereby the success of howone deals with crucial events is determined by the grasp one has of a situation.
Sensemaking frame used in this study relies on work by Weick, et al.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Value Sensitive Design (VSD) emphasizes consideration of stakeholder values when making design decisions [5]. Applying this rationale to the goal of leveraging the capacity of digital workers during crisis events, we identify design solutions that fit the underlying community dynamics, including current work practices, organizational structures, and motivations of digital volunteer work.
Description of developing the design agenda, values, and needs assessment
Cites Value Sensitive Design
Our research reveals several design opportunities in this space. Importantly, informed by the empirical findings presented here, we argue for situating solutions within current work practices and infrastructures.
Description of design opportunities
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
By ignoring the diversity and discord of the ‘goals’ of theparticipants involved, the differentiation of strategies, and the incongruence of theconceptual frames of reference within a cooperating ensemble, much of the currentCSCW research evades the problem of how to provide computer support for peoplecooperating through the establishment of a common information space.
Has this design challege been adequately addressed in CSCW (and CHI, for that matter) in the last 30-ish years?
On the one hand, the visibility requirement is amplified by this divergence. Thatis, knowledge of the identity of the originator and the situational context motivat-ing the production and dissemination of the information is required so as to enableany user of the information to interpret the likely motives of the originator. On theother hand, however, the visibility requirement is moderated by the divergence ofinterests and motives. A certain degree of opaqueness is required for discretionarydecision making to be conducted in an environment charged with colliding inter-ests. Hence,visibility must be bounded.
What role does system meta data (version control, user history, etc.) play in bounding the visibility of decision making?
This also seems to be an area ripe for more collaborative design approaches (participatory, reflective, feminist, etc.)
Thus, a computer-basedsystem supporting cooperative work involving decision making should enhancethe ability of cooperating workers to interrelate their partial and parochial domainknowledge and facilitate the expression and communication of alternative perspec-tives on a given problem. This requires a representation of the problem domainas a whole as well as a representation, in some form, of the mappings betweenperspectives on that problem domain.
This seems to still be a major challenge in information system design as well as collaborative workflow. Even if the information/meta context is made available, do people use it?
- Dec 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Theproblem, then, was centered by social scientists in the process of design. Cer-tainly, many studies in CSCW, HCI, information technology, and informa-tion science at least indirectly have emphasized a dichotomy betweendesigners, programmers, and implementers on one hand and the social ana-lyst on the other.
Two different camps on how to resolve this problem:
1) Change more flexible social activity/protocols to better align with technical limitations 2) Make systems more adaptable to ambiguity
In particular, concurrency control problems arise when the software, data,and interface are distributed over several computers. Time delays when ex-changing potentially conflicting actions are especially worrisome. ... Ifconcurrency control is not established, people may invoke conflicting ac-tions. As a result, the group may become confused because displays are incon-sistent, and the groupware document corrupted due to events being handledout of order. (p. 207)
This passage helps to explain the emphasis in CSCW papers on time/duration as a system design concern for workflow coordination (milliseconds between MTurk hits) versus time/representation considerations for system design
- Nov 2018
www.naspa.org www.naspa.org
An Adult Learner Reflects on Technology in Higher Education
Elizabeth Cox describes her experience as an adult learner and how technology has positively impacted that experience. She specifically mentions a few learning management systems and online tools and how they were excellent at making the course content available any time and any place. Rating: 5/5
- Oct 2018
cnx.org cnx.org
Federalism has the capability of being both bad and good. It just depends who you ask. On one side the advantages of fedaralism is it creates more effectiveness and makes the government stable. On the other hand federalism is risky it gets expensive, lead to a complex tax system and is slow in responses to crisis.
- Aug 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that higher standing BP is a biomarker that helps identify persons with combat PTSD who are likely to benefit from prazosin. These results also are consistent with α1AR activation contributing to PTSD pathophysiology in a subgroup of patients.
This is precisely the results I would expect. However, I completely disagree with their interpretation.
People with high blood pressure (BP) can tolerate a reduction in BP without instigating compensatory mechanisms. People with normal or low BP would invoke compensation by the sympathetic nervous system in response to alpha blockade. This would counteract the depressant effects of adrenergic antagonism. Indeed, adrenaline and noradrenaline elevate in response to standing, which I find to be an obvious prediction. Thus, the lack of benefit from prazosin in these subjects may be mediated by an increase in adrenergic receptor activation other than the apha1-adrenoreceptor; in particular, the beta-adrenergic receptors are likely at fault. Propranolol, a beta-blocker, is used for PTSD, so this mechanism seems well substantiated.
The study apparently found benefit for patients with BP over 110 (with more benefit for higher BP). Thus, I would conclude that systolic pressure below 110 induce compensation.
- Jul 2018
psolarz.weebly.com psolarz.weebly.com
Good source to use on closing digestive system unit- explains energy well
vimeo.com vimeo.com
Magic School Bus Reference Video:)
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
ORC Lesson Plan- good tool/questions for evaluating info Look on slide 32
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cool example of a digestive system dance:)
I can demonstrate a relationship between music and another subject in my schoo
music standard to integrate into digestive system lesson (the class creates a song plus sings it for the digestive system)
I can collaborate with others to composeor arrange a musical work for a specific purpose.
Music standard " I can collaborate with others to compose or arrange a musical work for a specific purpose"
www.natgeokids.com www.natgeokids.com
It takes around 24 hours for your dinner to wind its way through the nine-metre-long digestive tract. On its trip, it’s mixed with acids and digestive juices, and squeezed and squelched until all the nutrients that the body needs are absorbed.
Good site option for students to do research on
kidshealth.org kidshealth.org
Your digestive (say: dye-JES-tiv) system started working even before you took the first bite of your pizza. And the digestive system will be busy at work on your chewed-up lunch for the next few hours — or sometimes days, depending upon what you've eaten. This process, called digestion,
A good website option to give students for online collaborative inquiry (when having students research, list this website)
interactivehuman.blogspot.com interactivehuman.blogspot.com
Digestion interactive game for kids
Game Link for Lesson Plan activity on ipads or computer. Students pick the food they want and the game takes them through an interactive tutorial
www.getbodysmart.com www.getbodysmart.com
Free Anatomy and Physiology and Human Body Websites for Kids:
Good source/page to find other links from for digestive system
At least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Elon Musk colonizing Mars, Peter Thiel reversing the aging process, or Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place than it did with transcending the human condition altogether and insulating themselves from a very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion. For them, the future of technology is really about just one thing: escape.
So often we consider technology as being about particular things, but it can be much more fruitful when thinking of it as a system.
Identify the major parts of the digestive system(e.g., esophagus, intestine, mouth, stomach
SC State Standard G-3.1.4 One of main lesson topics (digestive system)
D-3.1.1Identify the basic parts of the respiratory system (e.g., lungs, bronchioles, diaphragm)
1 of 2 Main Science/Health Objectives 3rd Grade health standard
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Perelman says his Babel Generator also proves how easy it is to game the system. While students are not going to walk into a standardized test with a Babel Generator in their back pocket, he says, they will quickly learn they can fool the algorithm by using lots of big words, complex sentences, and some key phrases - that make some English teachers cringe. "For example, you will get a higher score just by [writing] "in conclusion,'" he says.
- May 2018
status.oit.pdx.edu status.oit.pdx.edu
Online Learning
- Apr 2018
www.sarahmei.com www.sarahmei.com
The takeaway from the article: Choose document-oriented database only when the data can be treated as a self-contained document
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
The baseline here is detecting technical issues (counting errors, service availability, etc) but it's also worth monitoring business issues (such as detecting a drop in orders).
- Mar 2018
Local file Local file
Operating System Concepts
Scheduling of this kind is a fundamental operating-system function.Almost all computer resources are scheduled before use
调度是操作系统的基本功能, 几乎所有的计算机资源在使用前均先调度
- Feb 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Systematic discovery of antiphage defense systems in the microbial pangenome
- Dec 2017
ategroup.com ategroup.com
Evaporative Cooling System for different industrial applications from HMX. Your search for indirect evaporative cooling and direct evaporative cooling systems ends at HMX.
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
mandate the use of "learning management systems."
Therein lies the rub. Mandated systems are a radically different thing from “systems which are available for use”. This quote from the aforelinked IHE piece is quite telling:
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it!”
In the end, it’s about “procurement”, which is quite different from “adoption” which is itself quite different from “appropriation”.
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
Five Arguments against the Learning Management System
- SIS (Student Information System)
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Corporate Identity
- Business Models for Higher Education
- Norman Law of LMS
- #MoneyQuote
- procurement
- Innovation Adoption
- Post-LMS
- #WordPress
- #LMS
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- University Websites
- #WPcampus
- Learner Agency
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- #BuriedLede
- #LearnerData
- #TechnologicalAppropriation
- agency
- Intranet
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it! [Instructure] just didn’t.”
two quarters of pilot courses on Instructure’s Canvas platform
To the surprise of those behind the initiative, about two-thirds of faculty members said they were satisfied with the Blackboard system, deployed on campus in 1999.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
the terrible, horrible, no-good university administrators are trying to build a panopticon in which they can oppress the faculty
If you recall your LMS patent infringement history, then you'll remember that roles and permissions were exactly the thing that Blackboard sued D2L over.
(At the time, Stephen Downes mocked me for thinking that this was an important aspect of LMS design to consider.)
An interesting case where Stephen’s tone might have drowned a useful discussion. FWIW, flexible roles and permissions are among the key things in my own personal “spec list” for a tool to use with learners, but it’s rarely possible to have that flexibility without also getting a very messy administration. This is actually one of the reasons people like WordPress.
Do you know what the feature set was that had faculty from Albany to Anaheim falling to their knees, tears of joy streaming down their faces, and proclaiming with cracking, emotion-laden voices, "Finally, an LMS company that understands me!"?
While this whole bit is over-the-top, à la @mfeldstein67, must admit that my initial reaction was close to that. For a very similar reason. Still haven’t had an opportunity to use Canvas with learners, but the overall workflow for this type of feature really does make a big difference. The openness aspect is very close to gravy. After all, there are ways to do a lot of work in the open without relying on any LMS. But the LMS does make a huge difference in terms of such features as quickly grading learners’ work.
Why, they would build an LMS. They did build an LMS. Blackboard started as a system designed by a professor and a TA at Cornell University. Desire2Learn (a.k.a. Brightspace) was designed by a student at the University of Waterloo. Moodle was the project of a graduate student at Curtin University in Australia. Sakai was built by a consortium of universities. WebCT was started at the University of British Columbia. ANGEL at Indiana University.
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
the backbone of for a distributed network of personal learning environments
the tools shouldn’t dictate the choice
- Moodle
- Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- Panopticon
- Blackboard
- D2L
- Open Educational Practices
- Norman Law of LMS
- Open Source models
- Patent dispute
- Post-LMS
- #WordPress
- School as Prison
- #HypeCycle
- Learner Agency
- Stephen Downes
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- Instructure
- Canvas
- #TechnologicalAppropriation
- Sakai
- @mfeldstein67
- Roles and Permissions
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.orgLMSs1
Currently, Canvas and Sakai are the only LMSs reviewed which has somesupport for xAPI (emphasis on some). Blackboard, D2L, Sakai and Canvas all have support for IMS Caliper, a more edu specific format.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
ecosystem mindset to delivering course experiences
www.imsglobal.org www.imsglobal.org
An institution has implemented a learning management system (LMS). The LMS contains a learning object repository (LOR) that in some aspects is populated by all users across the world who use the same LMS. Each user is able to align his/her learning objects to the academic standards appropriate to that jurisdiction. Using CASE 1.0, the LMS is able to present the same learning objects to users in other jurisdictions while displaying the academic standards alignment for the other jurisdictions (associations).
Sounds like part of the problem Vitrine technologie-éducation has been tackling with Ceres, a Learning Object Repository with a Semantic core.
www.bnedloudcloud.com www.bnedloudcloud.com
Learning Management,
www.lynn.edu www.lynn.edu
Enhanced learning experience Graduate students now receive upgraded iPads, and all students access course materials with Canvas, a new learning management software. The School of Aeronautics is now the College of Aeronautics; and the College of Business and Management is hosting a business symposium Nov. 15.
This from a university which had dropped Blackboard for iTunes U.
www.eduappcenter.com www.eduappcenter.com
This site is run by Instructure.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Feldstein's Law: Any educational app that is actively developed for long enough and has a large enough user base will become indistinguishable from a badly designed LMS.
itnews.iu.edu itnews.iu.edu
Download Dr. Brad Wheeler leads university-wide IT services for IU's eight campuses. He has co-founded and led many multi-institutional collaborations with his current work focused on the Unizin Consortium, Kuali, and IU’s mass Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Moodle Pty—more widely known within the Moodle community as Moodle HQ—does most of the development of the core Moodle code and maintains tight control over which code submitted by third parties gets accepted into the code base
Information from this will be used to develop learning analytics software features, which will have these functions: Description of learning engagement and progress, Diagnosis of learning engagement and progress, Prediction of learning progress, and Prescription (recommendations) for improvement of learning progress.
As good a summary of Learning Analytics as any.
www.moodlenews.com www.moodlenews.com
Better yet, tangerines and oranges.
Is that about the colours favoured by both platforms? Does sound like it weakens the point (going from comparing fruits to comparing one citrus with another). The point, eventually, is that Canvas and Moodle occupy a similar space: course-based “learning” management systems.
full Caliper Analytics compliance
Oh? Not xAPI?
- Oct 2017
www.cegid.com www.cegid.com
It’s precisely to meet these demands that Cegid recently launched a Learning Management System (LMS) specifically dedicated to Healthcare, a sector that is converting more and more to cloud-based systems.
Norman's Law of eLearning Tool Convergence
Any eLearning tool, no matter how openly designed, will eventually become indistinguishable from a Learning Management System once a threshold of supported use-cases has been reached.
- Sep 2017
canvas.lauragibbs.net canvas.lauragibbs.net
In Canvas, the goal is clearly to stop anyone from having fun because everything is supposed to look exactly the same in every course everywhere all the time.
www.universitybusiness.com www.universitybusiness.com
I think a lot of faculty are still at the point where they need a stack of papers and red pen.
Emphasis on “still”. Direction of change?
edutechnica.com edutechnica.com
LMSs limit the visibility of copyrighted course content to only course participants for the duration that they need it. (Of course, this would become a moot point if using openly licensed OERs.)
Over the course of many years, every school has refined and perfected the connections LMSs have into a wide variety of other campus systems including authentication systems, identity management systems, student information systems, assessment-related learning tools, library systems, digital textbook systems, and other content repositories. APIs and standards have decreased the complexity of supporting these connections, and over time it has become easier and more common to connect LMSs to – in some cases – several dozen or more other systems. This level of integration gives LMSs much more utility than they have out of the box – and also more “stickiness” that causes them to become harder to move away from. For LMS alternatives, achieving this same level of connectedness, particularly considering how brittle these connections can sometimes become over time, is a very difficult thing to achieve.
- Aug 2017
analytics.jiscinvolve.org analytics.jiscinvolve.org
This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations. It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.
Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).
www.vg247.com www.vg247.com
If you frequent the Overwatch sub-Reddit, or any forum that regularly discuses the game, you will have no doubt ran into many reports of players getting abused by others during matches, especially in Competitive Play.
Finally game companies figured out reporting system to decrease cheating. However, some inevitable problems are still no ignorable. Although reporting system has made cheating detection more accurate and effective, there could also be some malicious reports that can have honest players be banned. So each solution has its advantages and disadvantages and both of them would be deadly.
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Mackenzie River
The Mackenzie River is a major river system in northwestern North America. It is exceeded only in basin size by the Mississippi-Missouri system. The entire Mackenzie River system is 2,635 miles long and passes through many lakes before emptying into the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. The Mackenzie River alone is 1,025 miles long when measured from Great Slave Lake. It begins at Great Slave Lake where the elevation is 512 feet above sea level. Great Slave Lake can be as deep as 2,000 feet in certain places. It is filled with clear water on the eastern side and shallow, murky water on the western side. The headwaters of the Mackenzie River include numerous large rivers. The drainage basins of the Mackenzie River include the Liard River, Peace River, and Athabasca River. The ice that forms on the Mackenzie River over the winter months begins the break up in early to mid-May in the southern sections. Ice covering some portions of the Mackenzie River can break up as late as the end of May. The Mackenzie River basin is home to a very small and sparse population despite the natural resources available in this area. This area is home to muskrat, marten, beaver, lynx, and fox. Pulpwood and other small conifer trees can be found here. Petroleum and natural gas are usually the underlying reason larger settlements have formed in this area (Robinson 1999).
Robinson, J. Lewis. 1999. Mackenzie River. July 26. Accessed May 2017, 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Mackenzie-River#ref466063.
Alyeska oil pipeline
The oil discovered in the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the North Slope region of Alaska in 1968 was the “largest oil field discovered in North America.” In 1969, a Trans-Alaska pipeline to transport oil from the North Slope was proposed by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was comprised of three major oil corporations. Despite many other ideas and suggestions to transport this oil, the oil industry reached a consensus in favor of the pipeline proposal of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (Busenberg, 2013). Construction of the Alyeska oil pipeline, also known as the Alaska pipeline or trans-Alaska pipeline, began in 1975. This pipeline was built by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, a group that was made up of seven different oil companies. In certain regions, the pipeline is buried underground, but where there is permafrost, the pipeline is constructed above the ground. The pipeline crosses over 800 river and streams and passes through three mountain ranges. The first oil was delivered from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez on June 20, 1977. This oil had to travel through the 789 mile long pipeline to reach its destination (Alaska Public Lands Information Centers, n.d.). See below for a link to “Pipeline! The story of the building of the trans-Alaska pipeline” video posted on YouTube by the Alaska National Parks service.
Alaska Public Lands Information Centers. (n.d.). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Retrieved from Alaska Public Lands Information Centers: https://www.alaskacenters.gov/the-alyeska-pipeline.cfm
Busenberg, G. J. (2013). The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. In G. J. Busenburg, Oil and Wilderness in Alaska (pp. 11-43). Georgetown University Press.
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
Trans-Alaska pipeline,
This map shows the 800-mile Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), also called the Alyeska Pipeline, that was built in the 1970s with 11 pumping stations that transports crude oil from Prudhoe Bay to Port Valdez. The pipeline cost around $8 billion to build. The link below provides facts on the pipeline provided by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company: http://www.alyeska-pipe.com/TAPS/PipelineFacts
About the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. Accessed April 30, 2017. http://www.treasure-hunt.alaska.edu/ch5/info_pipeline.html.
- Apr 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Great Slave Lake
The Great Slave Lake was found in 1771 by Samuel Hearne (Ernst). Many others passed through during the Klondike Gold Rush in 1896-1899, but the region surrounding the Great Slave Lake remained greatly unoccupied. In 1930, a radioactive uranium mineral called pitchblende, or uraninite, was discovered on the shore of the Great Slave Lake and incentivized colonizers. 1934, gold was discovered on Yellowknife Bay, which led to a Yellowknife community settlement. Today, additional communities in this region include Hay River, Fort Resolution, Fort Providence, and Behchoko. The Great Slave Lake is the fifth largest lake is North America and is part of the Mackenzie River System. The Lake gets its name from a tribe of Native Americans called Slavery First Nations (National Geographic). This tribe fished for sustenance and did not explore farther than their immediate surroundings. Their neighbors, the Cree, thought the tribe was weak and often called them awonak, which means slaves. Explorer Peter Pond named the lake the Slave Lake in 1785 and then the Great Slave Lake in 1790. The Lake is known for its variety of types of fish, including trout, pike, and Arctic grayling. The Great Slave Lake is covered in snow and ice 8 months out of the year. The Great Slave Lake region is also the home to the largest intact forest in the world, the Boreal Forest, which contains evergreens, bogs, shallow lakes, and ponds (Pala). This Great Slave Lake cove is the habitat for caribou, waterfowl, beavers, and many fish species.
Ernst, Chloe. "The History and Sites of Great Slave Lake: A Visitor's Guide.” PlanetWare.com. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.planetware.com/northwest-territories/great-slave-lake-cdn-nt-ntgs.htm.
National Geographic, February 2002, 1. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (accessed April 5, 2017). http://find.galegroup.com/grnr/infomark.do?&source=gale&idigest=6f8f4a3faafd67e66fa023866730b0a1&prodId=GRNR&userGroupName=bucknell_it&tabID=T003&docId=A83374988&type=retrieve&PDFRange=%5B%5D&contentSet=IAC-Documents&version=1.0.
Pala, Christopher. "Forests forever. (Forest conservation in Canada)." Earth Island Journal, September 22, 2010.
paulesau.com paulesau.com
This leads to the second point I once made: that students no longer need to actually read the material to get impressive grades, which contributes to both student and administrator scorn for the affected disciplines. This point caused some push-back, since professors and fellow students noted that if I wasn’t reading the material, it was my own fault for not getting the full benefit of the course. I agreed, but countered that if the difference between my reading very little of the material instead of it all was a 10 to 15 percent bump in my final grade, what did that imply about the value of said material to the course? Srigley argues that less than 20 percent of his students even access the weekly readings for his courses, largely because they know they don’t have to – “they can get an 80 without ever opening a book.”
Again, this implies that the professor should care. One of the principles behind my grading system is that I don't. People are welcome to do whatever they want and they get the same grade, unless they do exceptional work.
This also implies that grades are somehow the currency of learning and that if you are getting good grades without learning, then you are somehow "winning."
This is a misunderstanding of grades. They are really the bits of an expert system that converts qualitative evaluation of individual performances into a final score that helps people categories graduates. So they are secondary to the actual learning and performance.
- Mar 2017
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Contact CourseForce |Employee Training Tracking Management System Software
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Learning Management System Software by Courseforce
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
CourseForce Provide Learning Management System Software (LMS)
www.courseforce.com www.courseforce.com
Employee Training Management System by CourseForce
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Now they recognize they are not essential
In the late 1800s and early 1900s northern explorers depended on the indigenous people. The natives knew the land, the climate, and the wildlife. Because of their knowledge, the indigenous northerners served as local guides in this harsh and uninviting place. The native people also served as interpreters for researchers and were a lifeline for those that had little-to-no knowledge of how to survive in that kind of environment. However, they were not always seen as important figures. As southern technologies became more and more prominent in the far north, native peoples were pushed aside. “The airplane and helicopter strained relations among researchers and northerners. These technologies relieved field-workers from establishing extensive and regular relationships with locals as guides, interpreters, and informants. Permafrost scientists in particular could produce knowledge about the Arctic environment without Inuit expertise and apply that research in governmental construction projects without consulting locals” (108). The Inuits began to view the government scientists as pests, “they arrived in summer ‘in lusty swarm’ and were just as annoying” (108). Many researchers come during the warm months and gather information that allows them to cut ties to the indigenous people. The use of modern technology in the north forces Inuit to work menial jobs and completely change their way of life in order to survive in the modernizing landscape. While the industrial system has brought many valuable things to them, the Inuit are no longer needed or heard. If it is in the best interest of the oil industry, a pipeline would be built right over their homeland, even if they are still on it.
Annotation drawn form Stuhl, Andrew. Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
- Jan 2017
aeon.co aeon.co
The ‘structuralist’ strand of literary theory tends to deploy close – sometimes microscopic – readings of a text to see how it functions, almost like a closed system. This is broadly known as a ‘formal’ mode of literary interpretation, in contrast to more historical or contextual ways of reading.
- Nov 2016
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Technologies & education system changing in recent times tutors should consider educating students with the latest technologies available. In the evolution of technology with apps, projector screens, Digital media, and last but not the least online learning platforms some fundamentals of teaching remains as it is, so if tutors can implement these basic ideas in his/her tutoring style with students can cope up with the evolution of digital education.
Past few decades have seen a sea change in the education system, especially with the advent of the information technology. The wave of this new networking technology and it’s amazing capacity for exchanging information on the real-time basis across the borders of the nations have significantly transformed the world of education and along with it the private tutoring system.
According to the report of the UK Government, Department of Education (published on January 10, 2014), there were altogether 24372 public schools comprising of 16818 State-funded primary schools, 3268 State funded and 2420 other Secondary schools and 4476 independent schools. There are also 1039 special (state funded) and non-maintained schools. The same report says that there were 438000 teachers in state-funded schools in England on a full-time equivalent basis in 2012. The numbers at both ends have naturally increased at the time of writing this article. But the big question that is looming over the education system of England is whether, even after the best effort by the UK Government and the State schools, the public school system is successful in educating their children properly or not.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Sharing economy can be defined as the socio-economic system which is used to describe the social and economic activities. Shared economy is also known as peer economy, collaborative consumption or share economy.http://blog.selectmytutor.co.uk/shared-economy-and-millennial-changing-the-startup-scene-in-the-uk/
- Oct 2016
hypothes.is hypothes.is
- Sep 2016
www.slate.com www.slate.com
The Swedish school system has wholeheartedly, and probably too quickly and eagerly, embraced this new agenda. Last fall, 200 teachers attended a major government-sponsored conference discussing how to avoid "traditional gender patterns" in schools. At Egalia, one model Stockholm preschool, everything from the decoration to the books and toys are carefully selected to promote a gender-equal perspective and to avoid traditional presentations of gender and parenting roles
Swedish school system has enforced use of hen
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
Culture, as a shared system of meanings, is learned, revised, maintained, and defined in the context of people interacting.
culture is shared and maintained
- Jul 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
our education system is controlling, exploitative, imperialist