- Jan 2025
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
He argued that the criminalization of marijuana use taught people disrespect for the law and the courts.
Many committed residents of districts like Haight-Ashbury, Chicago's Old Town, and Manhattan's Lower East Side helped keep the experiment up and running by selling illegal drugs, which gave them the economic means to pursue their new way of life.
he Diggers, a group of "Life-Actors," used LSD as a tool to "deschool" themselves and challenge traditional norms. They organized events like free food giveaways and used spectacle and pageantry to create a sense of community and possibility.
Stephen Gaskin, LSD was a way to experience a lived sense of collective harmony, where individuals could transcend their individuality and become one with the universe. Others, like Allen Cohen, saw LSD as a "rocket engine" that could speed up social and creative change by opening up new pathways to mystical and creative insights.
hey believed that LSD could be a tool for creating a communal youth consciousness and achieving a group identity. For some, dropping acid pointed them toward political struggle and social change.
The use of LSD, in particular, was a "resource" that enabled people to reinterpret and mobilize cultural schemata in new ways.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
between Leary's promotion of LSD and his criminal behavior forged a strong illustrative bond between the two activities.
changed to be associated with crime
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Dec 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Protestaktion gegen die medien gruppe Vivendi des multimilliAffäre Vincent Bolloré. punkt beteiligt ist auch Scirntis Rebellion.t die aktivistinnen wir stellen fest komma dass man in einem medien system komma das von der rechten beherrscht wird komma nicht über das klima sprechen kann punkt mallory trage eine hauptverantwortung für die desinformation non komma die wissenschaftliche kommunikation über das klima kaum ein die öffentlichkeit gelangt ist kommt https://www.liberation.fr/economie/medias/desarmer-lempire-bollore-sa-propagande-nous-promet-un-monde-betonne-surchauffe-et-sans-vie-20241209_P2KUQXGYCBCNTF72X7BP7ASCSA/
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I'll stick my head out here and say that we are 80% certain of being able to create a mass movement 10 times the size of Extinction Rebellion using this method organizations that can compete with fascism with power by dissolving that power through the same mechanisms Rogers discovered through listening
for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - climate communications - social intervention - new movement that can be 10x the size of Extinction Rebellion - apply Carl Rogers discovery of listening - Roger Hallam
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Benjamin Tillman
- Dan Allosso Book Club 2024-09-28
- colonialism
- The White Man's Burden
- Rudyard Kipling
- imperialism
- power over
- empire
- mission of civilisation
- white supremacy
- white power
- Spanish-American War
- Boxer Rebellion
- William McKinley
- Henry Labouchère
- Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria
- Mark Twain
- Philippine-American War
- manifest destiny
- jingoism
Local file Local file
Sometimes Rita will hum, while kneading or peeling: a wordless humming,tuneless, unfathomable
Even when all is outlawed in Gilead, this is a sort of passive rebellion, songs. So much can happen in music.
- Aug 2024
Local file Local file
I can hardly believe theAngels have a need for such scarves; anyway, the ones made by theCommander's Wife are too elaborate. She doesn't bother with the cross-and-star pattern used by many of the other Wives, it's not a challenge. Fir treesmarch across the ends of her scarves, or eagles, or stiff humanoid figures, boyand girl, boy and girl. They aren't scarves for grown men but for children
This says something about Serena Joy: She is longing for a story and herself is unconventional. Although all she can make is artificial. And it represents her beliefs in these scarves, which in some sense contradicts the hierarchical structure in Gilead.
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Bewegung gegen die Autobahn A69, zu der auch Extinction Rebellion gehört, organisiert in einem Ort namens La Crémade eine ZAD (Zone à défendre, zu verteidigende Gebiet). Dazu wurden für den Autobahnbau bereits enteignete Gebäude besetzt, obwohl die Exekutive die Dächer beseitigt und großflächig Mist verstreut hatte, um die Aktivist:innen abzuschrecken. Die Exekutive vertrieb die Protestierenden gewaltsam. Reportage in der Libération. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/a69-les-gendarmes-mobiles-tentent-de-demanteler-la-zad-des-opposants-20231022_YHXQJTFNOBAMBESFWFPXBWSG7Y/
- Apr 2024
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
for - Extinction Rebellion - Vancouver - Extinction Rebellion - change of strategy - climate crisis - protests - Extinction Rebellion - moving away from public disruption - Unify Regional Extinction Rebellion
potential collaboration - opportunity - partnership - there is an opportunity to collaborate with them - as they enter this new phase of their work
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
- Mar 2024
In an unexpected development, the proprietor Lord Shaftesbury came toCulpeper’s defense. He delivered an eloquent oration before the Court ofKing’s Bench, arguing that a stable government had never legally existed inNorth Carolina. Anticipating Locke’s Two Treatises of Government,Shaftesbury concluded that the colony remained effectively in a state ofnature. Without a genuine government, there could be no rebellion.Commentary like this merely underscored northern Carolina’s outlierstatus.26
Did some of Locke's Two Treatises of Government stem from influence of Lord Shaftesbury's argument in favor of Thomas Culpeper?
Cross reference Dawn of Everything and "state of nature" / primitive man.
The misnamed Culpeper’s Rebellion (1677–79) isparticularly instructive. In a contest with Thomas Miller, an ambitioustrader and tobacco planter who wanted to crack down on smugglers, collectcustoms duties, and gain favor with proprietors, Thomas Culpeper, asurveyor, sided with the poorer settlers.
Note that Culpeper's Rebellion involved Thomas Culpeper organizing an informal militia to oust Thomas Miller, a petty tyrant with an armed guard.
There is obviously a class division at the root of this dispute.
- Feb 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Michel Forst, UN-Berichterstatter zur Aarhus-Konvention, hat die europäischen Regierungen aufgefordert, Klima-Aktivist:innen zu unterstützen statt sie zu kriminalisieren. Die zunehmende Repression gefährde das Erreichen der Pariser Klimaziele und Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Europa. Forst erwartet, dass Protest und direkte Aktion zunehmen, weil die aktuelle Politik vieler europäischer Regierungen die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu globaler Erhitzung, Biodiversitätsverlust und Umweltverschmutzung nicht respektiert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/28/european-nations-must-end-repression-of-peaceful-climate-protest-says-un-expert
Positionspapier von Michel Forst: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2024-02/UNSR_EnvDefenders_Aarhus_Position_Paper_Civil_Disobedience_EN.pdf
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Interview mit Michael Frost, dem Berichterstatter der Vereinten Nationen zur Aarhus-Konvention, über die Kriminalisierung von zivilem Ungehorsam. Frost spricht unter anderem über die Legitimierung zivilen Ungehorsams durch internationale Verträge, über die pädagogische Funktion von Strafgerichtshöfen und über die Beeinflussung der Gesellschaft durch Prozesse, die zivilen Ungehorsam nicht oder nur geringfügig bestrafen.https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/en-criminalisant-les-defenseurs-de-lenvironnement-on-criminalise-la-cause-quils-defendent-20230530_7XKAGNYAJFD5TDNMCUD23B65QA/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Richest 1% account for more carbon emissions than poorest 66%, report says
www.trouw.nl www.trouw.nl
GroenLinks-PvdA dient een initiatiefwet in om fossiele subsidies af te schaffen
Shell-topman schrapt tweehonderd banen in duurzame energie
nos.nl nos.nl
Fossiele sector krijgt tussen 39,7 en 46,4 miljard euro subsidie, nog meer dan gedacht
Rechter fluit kabinet terug: Schiphol hoeft dit jaar niet te krimpen
Schiphol schrapt binnen twee jaar nachtvluchten, verbod op privéjets
extinctionrebellion.nl extinctionrebellion.nl
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
This article is more than 8 months oldMore than 1,500 arrested at Extinction Rebellion protest in The Hague
Extinction Rebellion protest in Netherlands ends with 1,500 arrested
www.ad.nl www.ad.nl
Straffeloos A12 bezetten leidt tot frustratie bij politie: 'Dan zijn we dus niet meer nodig’
Actievoerders A12 aangehouden, niet vervolgd
twitter.com twitter.com
De persofficier van justitie legt uit waarom de aangehouden actievoerders van vanmiddag niet verder worden vervolgd.
decorrespondent.nl decorrespondent.nl
Nee, VVD: wie demonstreert, hoeft niet normaal te doen. De rechtsstaat is er ook voor de lastpakken
www.trouw.nl www.trouw.nl
De politiek kan de A12 niet langer negeren
www.volkskrant.nl www.volkskrant.nl
Extinction Rebellion krijgt bredere aanhang: ‘Ik vind ze niet langer radicaal’ Opvallend veel nieuwe deelnemers trok de demonstratie van Extinction Rebellion afgelopen zaterdag die zeiden dat ze de beweging niet langer te radicaal vonden. ‘We krijgen meer sympathie, er is iets gekanteld.’ Charlotte Huisman12 maart 2023, 11:44
nltimes.nl nltimes.nl
Rutte criticizes XR's blockade of A12, use of water cannons is their own fault
Rutte waterkanon
nltimes.nl nltimes.nl
More than 3,000 Extinction Rebellion climate activists block A12; one arrested
- Jan 2024
Fridays for Future hat die Proteste gegen Rechts in Deutschland maßgeblich mitorganisiert. Die Letze Generation und Extinction Rebellion haben sich angeschlossen. Luisa Neubauer im Interview über die Verbindung von Protest gegen die AfD und gegen den Rechtsruck der Mitte. https://taz.de/Luisa-Neubauer-ueber-AfD-Proteste/!5984327/
- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Über 1000 Wissenschaftler:innen haben einen offenen Brief von Scientist Rebellion unterzeichnet, der zu einer Massenmobilisierung gegen die Verursacher der Klimakatastrophe aufruft. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/04/more-than-1000-climate-scientists-urge-public-to-become-activists
- Nov 2023
In den Niederlanden wird mit einem Wahlsieg von Parteien gerechnet, die für klimapolitischen Stillstand oder Rückschritt stehen. Die taz beschreibt den Stand der Auseinandersetzungen. Hervorgehoben wird die Stärke der Klimabewegung und die Klimarechtssprechung. Für die meisten Wähler:innen sei Klimapolitik nicht von Verteilungs- und Gerechtigkeitsfragen zu trennen.https://taz.de/Wahlen-in-den-Niederlanden/!5971214/
- Oct 2023
plumvillage.org plumvillage.org
Thich Nhat Hanh’s statement on Climate Change for the United Nations
- Sep 2023
www.offshore-technology.com www.offshore-technology.com
Field participation detailsThe field is owned by Equinor, Suncor Energy and Siccar Point Energy.
Rosebank (crude) oil and gas field - participation information and estimated production
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Civil lawsuit filed by the state targets Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP
www.heritage.org www.heritage.org
The animating concern behind the amendment was fear that the new federal government might try to disarm the citizenry in order to prevent armed resistance to political usurpations.
This contention is supported only with polemics. If the argument were so strong, then ample evidence of this fear and distrust could be found, and its difficult to accept that the Constitution was ever ratified were this really the case.
- Aug 2023
www.parool.nl www.parool.nl
Scherpe kritiek op verbranden ‘klimaatneutrale’ biomassa: ‘Doorgaan is echt dramatisch
Voor de biomassacentrale bij Diemen kan Vattenfall tot 396 miljoen euro subsidie krijgen. Dat is het bedrag dat het energiebedrijf maximaal is toegezegd uit de subsidiepot voor duurzame energie van de rijksoverheid.
De Zweedse klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg is kritisch over de mogelijke komst van een biomassacentrale in Diemen. Thunberg maakt zich zorgen over de verhoogde CO2-uitstoot van het Zweedse Vattenfall.
www.at5.nl www.at5.nl
De Raad van State heeft de provincie Noord-Holland teruggefloten rond het verlenen van een omgevingsvergunning voor de biomassacentrale van Vattenfall in Diemen.
www.parool.nl www.parool.nl
Een gevoelig verlies voor Vattenfall, dat een biomassacentrale wil bouwen bij Diemen: de Raad van State oordeelt dat de provincie Noord-Holland eerst de gevolgen voor het milieu in kaart moet laten brengen en vernietigt daarom de bouwvergunning.
De plannen voor de bouw van een biomassacentrale in Diemen zijn door Vattenfall in de ijskast gezet.
www.parool.nl www.parool.nl
Huurder in de Van der Pekbuurt Kirsten Zimmermann voor het Ymerekantoor in Noord en het spandoek Ymere ga isolere!
Action 01. March 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Ymere ga isolere! 2 Aufrufe vor 9 Minuten
Actie 01. Maart 2023 Aftervideo
boeddhistischdagblad.nl boeddhistischdagblad.nl
XR bezet hoofdkantoor woningcorporatie Ymere
Klimaatactivisten van Extinction Rebellion hebben woensdagmiddag korte tijd het hoofdkantoor van woningcorporatie Ymere bezet. Het tiental bezetters wilde bereiken dat Ymere haar huurhuizen sneller isoleert.
Amsterdamse corporaties hebben nog zes jaar om 27.000 woningen met de slechtste energielabels te verbeteren. De corporaties zeggen alles op alles te zetten, maar Ymere en Rochdale verwachten niet dat zij voor 2029 al die huurwoningen hebben verduurzaamd.
Ymere huurwoningen aanpak te langsam
www.parool.nl www.parool.nl
De Van der Pekbuurt staat op de rol om als een der eerste Amsterdamse wijken van het aardgas af te gaan.Beeld Jean-Pierre Jans
Van De Pekbuurt op stadswarmte, en niet op warmtepomp
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Russia’s Purported Sabotage Of The Nord Stream Pipeline Marks A Point Of No Return
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Nord Stream gas leaks may be biggest ever, with warning of ‘large climate risk’
Nordstream gas leak september 2022
‘No going back’ to oil and gas despite new UK exploration licences
No going back to oil and gas.
luetzerathlebt.info luetzerathlebt.info
Der genannte Grund für eine Räumung war die von dem Dorf ausgehende „Gefahr für die Energieversorgungssicherheit“: Doch keine Studie belegt das.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
ExxonMobil, the world’s biggest oil company, knew as early as 1981 of climate change – seven years before it became a public issue, according to a newly discovered email from one of the firm’s own scientists. Despite this the firm spent millions over the next 27 years to promote climate denial.
Exxon knew as early as 1981 of climate change, and since has been actively denying and distracting from the real issue - burning fossil fuels
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The oil giant Exxon privately “predicted global warming correctly and skilfully” only to then spend decades publicly rubbishing such science in order to protect its core business, new research has found.
Exxon knew from their climate scientists
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Massachusetts high court on Tuesday ruled that the US’s largest oil company, ExxonMobil, must face a trial over accusations that it lied about the climate crisis and covered up the fossil fuel industry’s role in worsening environmental devastation.
Exxon must face trial for climate crimes, Exxon Knew
luetzerathlebt.info luetzerathlebt.info
Was ist Lützerath lebt?
www1.wdr.de www1.wdr.de
Die Braunkohle unter dem Dorf Lützerath (Kreis Heinsberg) wird nicht benötigt, um die Energieversorgung in Deutschland sicherzustellen.
Lützerath Braunkohle nicht gebrauch für Energie Sicherheit in Deutschland
www.equinor.com www.equinor.com
The Equinor-operated Rosebank oil and gas field will provide significant investment into the UK.
Equinor - August 2022
Justification of investment in terms of money, and alleged economic boost
www.stopcambo.org.uk www.stopcambo.org.uk
What is Rosebank?
Stop Cambo - September 2022
news.sky.com news.sky.com
The fate of Luetzerath embodies Germany's battle to ditch coal to meet its climate commitments and also keep the lights on following Russia's squeeze on gas supplies.
Sky news on Lützerath painting a strong picture
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
This article is more than 7 months oldJust Stop Oil activist jailed for six months for M25 disruptionThis article is more than 7 months oldMagistrate reportedly speaks of using Jan Goodey’s case as a ‘deterrent’ during court proceedingsDamien Gayle@damiengayleTue 29 Nov 2022 18.10 GMTLast modified on Tue 29 Nov 2022 19.08 GMTA climate activist who disrupted traffic on the M25 has been sentenced to six months in prison.
Hard prison sentence for blocking a road. UK 2022.
fossilfueltreaty.org fossilfueltreaty.org
We need governments to join a bloc of Pacific nations spearheaded by Vanuatu and Tuvalu in developing a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
A moratorium for new oil, gas and coal and a just transition to renewable energy
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
What is the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty?
The Guardian Explainer - Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation
www.equinor.com www.equinor.com
Rosebank oil and gas field
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Revealed: the ‘carbon bombs’ set to trigger catastrophic climate breakdown
xr-regenerativecultures.org xr-regenerativecultures.org
We build regenerative cultures to save ourselves from the insanity of a self-destructive civilization. Therefore, we try to reconnect with ourselves, friends, fellow activists, society, and the natural world. Furthermore, we learn inclusivity, mutuality, empathy, and equality anew. We seek regenerative solutions up against any challenge. Regenerative cultures can be learned on the fly. Regenerative Cultures care for the planet and they care for life, aware that this is the most effective way to create a thriving future for all of humanity.
XR Regenerative Cultures - What are regenerative cultures?
xr-regenerativecultures.org xr-regenerativecultures.org
Here you will find plenty of different activities you can use in your group.
Regenerative Cultures activities
- Jun 2023
- Jan 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Bericht über Scientist Rebellion und verschiedene Positionen zur wissenschaftlichen Neutralität.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Interview mit der französischen Philosophin Corine Pelluchon. Sie hält einen neuen, ökologischen existentialismus für möglich, der auf die Erfahrung der eco-anxiety antwortet. Sie sieht in extinction Rebellion aber auch in Veganismus Zeichen einer grundsätzlichen gesellschaftlichen Neuorientierung.
- Apr 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Mar 2022
blogs.baruch.cuny.edu blogs.baruch.cuny.eduUntitled1
Easter 1916!
In reference to the "Easter Rising/ Easter Rebellion of April 24, 1916 in Dublin. [] Here a short article about the event. (https://www.britannica.com/event/Easter-Rising)
- Nov 2021
- Aug 2021
inews.co.uk inews.co.uk
This is only one example of how we are actively conspiring to bring about climate breakdown. Look at government policies around the world and you will see that we are on course to heat the planet to 3°C by the end of this century. Little of what we love could remain in this future world.
James Dyke ist einer der Autoren, durch die ich erfasst habe, das Extinction Rebellion eine Antwort auf eine Bedrohung ist, die es in dieser Form noch nie gegeben hat. (Die Klimakrise als Tragödie—zwei Essays – Lost and Found).
- Jul 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I deliver PDFs daily as an art director; not ideal, but they work in most cases. There's certainly nothing rebellious or non-commercial about them
It reminds me of The Chronicle's exhorting ordinary people to support the then-underway cause intended to banish Uber and Lyft from Austin, on ostensibly populist grounds, when in reality the cause was aimed at preserving the commercial interests of an entrenched, unworthy industry. I saw a similar thing with the popular sentiment against Facebook's PATENTS.txt—a clever hack on par with copyleft which had the prospect of making patent trolls' weapons ineffective, subverted by a meme that ended with people convinced to work against their own interests and in favor of the trolls.
Maybe it's worth coining a new term ("anti-rebellion"?) for this sort of thing. Se also: useful idiot
- Jun 2021
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Medics march to WHO headquarters in climate campaign | Reuters. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2021, from https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/medics-march-who-headquarters-climate-campaign-2021-05-29/
- May 2021
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
- Apr 2021
www.wired.co.uk www.wired.co.uk
Affinity groups, as they’re often called within the study of social movements, have been a common feature of grassroots political organising in recent years. “We have seen this developing over time, in many contemporary movements – where people are valued for their expertise and what they can bring within the larger movement,” says Bart Cammaerts, a professor of politics and communication at the London School of Economics.
For XR itself, the model seems to have worked, if anything from a numerical standpoint. As academics Douglas McAdams and Ronnelle Paulsenfound in 1993, knowing someone who is involved in social movements is one of the strongest predictors of recruitment into that same movement.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Hindu-Muslim unity,
- Both Hindus and Muslims despised the British enough to work together
he Rebellion of 1857—-was the “greased cartridge” controversy.
- In 1857, a rumor was spread that the British were using cow and pig fat in the cartitriges Indian soldiers had to bite off which caused a rebellion of soliers who believed this meant the British were trying to convert them to Christianity.
- This event demonstrates that there was massive distrust in the British as well
- People would not start a huge rebellion based on a small rumor if they were not already angry with the status quo and were waiting for the last straw.
the )»- portant role of the lower classes.
- Peasants made a big part of the 1857 Rebellion because of their frustrations in not only the cultural rule of the British but the taxation rule and the loans they had to take out to pay taxes
e petnte a government of his ow modeling it on the British administration.
- The peasant Devi Singh made his own gov based on the British way of governing with a peasant army that went after the moneyloaners hated by peasants in debt
- This may be evidence for the idea that the main sticking point for Indian peasants was the cultural and taxation policies of the British instead of the administrative part
determined to destroy the religion
- There was already massive distrust in the cultural/religious policies of the British before the cartridge controversy
- It is notable that the main sticking point for the rebels was British religious enforcement, showing how displeased Indians were with British policies in the early 1800s to try to make Indians culturally British
hus, they destroyed anything that represent: the authority of the company:
Very similar to the French Revolution, immense oppression boils to extreme revolution against everything
it was the duty of the wealthy
- Pattern: underprivileged groups convincing people in power (wealthy Indians) to support a cause for a reason (loss of religious practices) that is only one of the many reasons the underprivileged people support the cause (heavy taxation, loss of rights, etc.).
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. ‘Shield Some and Let Others Carry on? This Covid Theory Is Dangerous, and Foolish | Charlotte Summers’, 29 December 2020. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/29/covid-theory-dangerous-health.
- Jan 2021
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
In "Rebellion oder Untergang" rufen Sie zu zivilem Ungehorsam auf. Als Trumps Unterstützer zum Kapitol marschierten, sprachen sie auch von zivilem Ungehorsam ...
www.portsmouth.co.uk www.portsmouth.co.uk
Beispiel für lokale Aktivitäten - hier wohl als offizielle Berater der Stadt
- Nov 2020
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Net zero by 2025 is not physically impossible. There is no real barrier to deploying the technology required or to achieving the necessary changes in behaviour. But to achieve this, it is not a question of physical possibility but rather whether you believe it is possible to change the economic structure and political decision making of the UK (and EU and world) overnight to allow us to deploy all possible solutions over the next five years.
Netto-Null-Ziel müsste also hier schon Ende 2028 oder sogar Ende 2025 erreicht werden. Das entspricht der Forderung der noch recht jungen Umweltbewegung Extinction Rebellion, die im Frühjahr durch spektakuläre Straßenblockaden in London weltweit bekannt geworden ist. „Wenn man 1,5 Grad mit einer Zwei-Drittel-Wahrscheinlichkeit erreichen will und die Feedbackmechanismen des Erdsystems und die größere Verantwortung von Industrieländern berücksichtigt, dann ist das die logische Konsequenz“, sagt Klimaforscher Rogelj.
www.cat.org.uk www.cat.org.uk
Our work clearly demonstrates that we already have the tools and technology needed to efficiently power the UK with 100% renewable energy, to feed ourselves sustainably and so to play our part in leaving a safe and habitable climate for our children and future generations.
scilogs.spektrum.de scilogs.spektrum.de
Stefan Rahmstorf zu den noch zur Verfügung stehenden CO2-Budgets.
- Oct 2020
datum.at datum.at
Bericht von Clara Porak über ihre Engagement bei extinction rebellion, kurz vor der Rebellion Week 2020 in Wien
- Sep 2020
extinctionrebellion.org.za extinctionrebellion.org.za
Design Guide für XR-Publikationen
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zur Extinction Rebellion-Forderung nach Citizen Assemblies
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Grundinformationen über die CEE Bill, die Caroline Lucas im britischen Parlament eingebracht hat
- Aug 2020
www.klimafakten.de www.klimafakten.de
Bürgerräte zum Klimawandel: Weniger Polarisierung durch mehr Partizipation?
Ausführliche Darstellung aktueller Entwicklungen zu Bürgerinnen-Räten in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern.
- Apr 2020
www.sens-public.org www.sens-public.org
S’asseoir sur une table est une première forme de détournement, non ? Ce n’est pas par hasard que c’était considéré comme un acte de rébellion il y a quelques décennies…
en tant que témoin étudiant de ce genre de scène jouée par Marcello, je crois que cet acte s'est plutôt naturalisé – même si ce ne sont pas tous les profs qui s'assoient sur les tables, loin de là…
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
if to do thatis human, if that's what it tak§, tnen I am a human being after all. 'Fully, freely, gladly, for tneficst time.
I have to bring up James Cone and Albert Camus again -- but this time I'm reminded of Camus' The Rebel) and this paragraph from Cone's Black Power and Black Theology: "The crucial question, then, for the black man, is 'How should I respond to a world which defines me as a nonperson?' That he is a person is beyond question, not debatable. But when he attempts to relate as a person, the world demands that he respond as a thing. In this existential absurdity, what should he do? Should he respond as he knows himself to be, or as the world defines him?" Rebellion is what Cone, Camus, and Le Guin decide to do when they redefine what it means to be a person, to be human.
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
a rebellion a rebellion
But rebellions themselves are dependent on viewpoint, as well. What might be called a "rebellion" by the rebels if they succeed might also be called a riot by the dominant forces should the rebellion fail.
Rebellion definition: an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
Riot definition: a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
- Sep 2016
ryanweberling.com ryanweberling.com
But if I don’t watch out for myself, who will?”
The Guard didn't carry out Creon's orders because of loyalty to his ruler, but rather because his life was at stake. Creon is so concerned with stabilizing his power and making sure he is never crossed, demonstrated in how angered he was that Antigone, a woman, had disobeyed his decree. But, his own direct underlings show how they are not in blind loyalty to him but rather feel guilt and remorse for the actions they are forced to do and have motives of their own. Thus, the people of Thebes have shown that Creon's power is nothing more than a facade and that they all act in their own self interest. Ismene, Antigone, the Guard, and Haemon all demonstrated this imbalance in power by directly disobeying or disagreeing with Creon.
- Oct 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
V. Seven Years’ War
Study Questions for this week's reading in American Yawp:
What tensions between France and England and the colonies did the Seven Years’s War reveal?
What impact did England’s victory in the Seven Years'
War have upon Native Americans? How was their relationship different with the French than it was with the English?
How does England attempt to increasingly regulate and tax the colonies after the war?
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Signs of rebellion are everywhere: the unrest in China and India is chronic, civil wars rage in Africa, Latin America is in ferment.
People aren't just unhappy for no reason.. are we taking into account everyone's response to these movements? I know not all societies are governed by a democracy, but it's still important to take into account how citizens will react to changes implemented by the government
- Sep 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
III. Turmoil in Britain
- Feb 2014
gap2.alexandriaarchive.org gap2.alexandriaarchive.org
he sent messengers to Cyme demanding that Pactyes be surrendered.
Mazares sends a message to the Cymeans to negotiate the return of Pactyes the rabble-rouser.
But Pactyes, learning that an army sent against him was approaching, was frightened and fled to Cyme.
1.157 Pactyes escapes to Cyme in order to avoid the wrath of Cyrus and the approaching Persian army. This vignette of conflict within the Achaemenids/Persians is still a long way from its conclusion.
So Cyrus uttered his thought; but Croesus feared that he would destroy Sardis, and answered him thus:
1.155 Cyrus consults Croesus on what he should do about the rebellion of Pactyes. Croesus gives a respectable and helpful answer but is still seen as looking after the well-being of his former dominion: Sardis. He doesn't want to see the city sacked.