106 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. for - search - google - results of interest returned for - DIY low cost aerogel insulation construction

      search - google - results of interest returned for - DIY low cost aerogel insulation construction - search - https://www.google.com/search?q=DIY+low+cost+aerogel+insulation+construction&sca_esv=bd7a621486b420d8&sca_upv=1&biw=1920&bih=911&sxsrf=ADLYWIJbLVcmfHCe3shwB0ftDpM-CmnC0g%3A1727597242320&ei=ugr5ZtWjE6aGkdUP2ZjqoA8&ved=0ahUKEwjV6MWf2eeIAxUmQ6QEHVmMGvQ4ChDh1QMIDw&uact=5&oq=DIY+low+cost+aerogel+insulation+construction&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiLERJWSBsb3cgY29zdCBhZXJvZ2VsIGluc3VsYXRpb24gY29uc3RydWN0aW9uMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEi7QVAAWJo-cAB4AJABAJgBkAOgAY0RqgEFMy01LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAtwImAMAkgcFMy0yLjGgB9MM&sclient=gws-wiz-serp - search results of interest returned - ResearchGate (PDF) Low cost silica aerogel production - ResearchGate Our group developed an alternative route for the silica aerogel production using low cost silica precursors and ambient pressure drying technique. - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283581307_Low_cost_silica_aerogel_production - This is a chemical technique - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Sustainable, affordable building insulation with aerogels A sustainable, affordable mineral-based insulation material that is far more effective than options such as polystyrene. - https://www.fraunhofer.de/en/press/research-news/2023/may-2023/sustainable-affordable-building-insulation-with-aerogels.html

  2. Aug 2024
    1. Smith-Corona Series 5 and 6 typewriters had a small piece of rubber around a portion of the escapement which can wear out or become damaged. This in turn causes the escapement to not work properly and cause the dogs to get jammed resulting in large movements of the carriage while typing or spacing.

      Joe Van Cleave calls it the "return silencer" and replaced his by tracing out the damaged piece on a sheet of 1/32" rubber and cutting it out as a replacement.

      Duane at Phoenix typewriter describes replacing it with rubber tubing (possibly something like heat shrink?) instead. See: https://hypothes.is/a/tG4BWk77Ee-jczsjoM8SzA

  3. Jul 2024
  4. May 2024
    1. Useful interesting description of DIY solar installations not aimed at full electricity generation but application specific power (e.g. laptop phone charging, lamps, fans). With/out storage. If you list the specific things you want to run on solar you can perhaps have solar capacity specifically for it. Practical implementation of [[Design for intermittency 20190114164941]]

  5. Apr 2024
  6. Mar 2024
  7. Aug 2023
    1. Jillian HessAug 7AuthorI make my own journals too! I found it totally elevated my note-taking experience.

      Jillian Hess makes her own journals as a means of elevating her note-taking experience.

  8. May 2023
  9. Apr 2023
  10. Mar 2023
    1. While I love a great notebook as much as (more than?) the next person, a lot of the notes I take are specifically for filing into either my zettelkasten or index card-based commonplace book for later re-use. Sadly there's not a lot out there in the 4 x 6" format, so I've been able to use some book binder's glue to fashion my own "index card notebooks" which are dissemble-able for filing into my card files for cross indexing. The best part is that I can choose the paper and what's printed on it (blank, lined, grid, etc.) for use with my favorite writing media including fountain pens. I've been doing this for a while and it's working out pretty well. More details: https://boffosocko.com/2022/12/01/index-card-accessories-for-note-taking-on-the-go/

      Custom made notebook comprised of 4 x 6" index cards glued at the top with book adhesive surrounded by the binder clips and Lineco glue and paint brush used to make/bind the notebook. Arrayed around the "notebook" are a Lochby pen wallet and carrying case.

      I've recently begun adding a chipboard backing to have a firmer writing surface while on the go as well as for inserting into a custom made journal cover/case/wallet in the future, though I've yet to find something off-the-shelf for this. Maybe an A6 cover with some extra margin for error in the size difference?

      Has anyone else done this? Suggestions for improvement?

  11. Dec 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Wp0sLpnMY

      PVA Glue used in bookbinding, but isn't inexpensive.

      • Tacky glue - okay
      • rubber cement - not great
      • elmer's glue - not great, tears esp. for 2 layers
      • Mod podge - pulls nicely and strong
      • mod podge hard shell - cracks, not great
      • PVA Glue - the best of the group

      Recommendations in order: PVA, Tacky Glue, Mod Podge (regular)

      Brush on top edge and do two coats. Don't get it down between sheets.

  12. Nov 2022
  13. Oct 2022
  14. Aug 2022
  15. May 2022
  16. Feb 2022
  17. Jan 2022
  18. Sep 2021
  19. Mar 2021
  20. Feb 2021
  21. Jul 2020
    1. How to Conduct an Ohm Meter Test You can use an analog or digital multimeter. Set it to its highest ohm (Ω) setting, at least 1 kΩ (1,000 ohms). At this setting, the meter generates a small current when you connect the meter leads to the capacitor terminals. After connecting the leads, hold them there for several seconds. If you're using an analog meter and the capacitor is good, the meter needle will start at a low reading, and as charge builds up in the capacitor, the needle will climb steadily toward infinity. If the capacitor is bad, the needle won't move at all. If you're using a digital multimeter and the capacitor is good, the number on the digital display will increase steadily until the capacitor discharges, then it will return to 0 and begin climbing again. If the capacitor is bad, you'll get a very low resistance reading – possibly 0 – and it won't change. That means the insulating material inside the capacitor has worn out.
  22. Apr 2020
  23. Mar 2020
  24. Oct 2019
  25. Mar 2019
    1. Best advice:

      "If your drywall tape is bubbling it means you didn't lay enough wall plaster down before putting the tape on."

    2. Taping drywall is a 4 day project according to this video series.

      1. Put up the tape and let it dry.
      2. Put a second smooth coat on with a wider knife.
      3. Put a third coat on with an even wider knife.
      4. Sand or sponge smooth.
    1. To attach the cabinets to each other, use a No. 8 2¼-inch-long trim-head screw with a fine thread suited for hardwood. This fastener's small-diameter head is unobtrusive, so you don't have to hide it under a cap or wood plug.

      To attach the cabinets to each other use a 2.25 inch No. 8 trim-head screw. image

    2. cabinet screw, washer-head screw, washer-head cabinet screw, or button-head screw. Its large-diameter head bears down firmly on the cabinet's hanging rail, ensuring a solid installation. Attach the cabinets to the wall using No. 8 or No. 10 screws, approximately 3½ inches long.

      Use 3.5 inch No. 8 or No. 10 button-head screws to attach kitchen cabinets to the wall studs. image

    1. To installing kitchen cabinets, utilize a long level and draw a level line around the room at the base of the upper cabinets and the top of the lower cabinets using the lowest point of the ceiling and the highest point of the floor to make the starting mark. This will ensure that the cabinets are level. Shims can be used (little pieces of wood) to make up the difference as needed.

    1. Putting up drywall tape in the corner of the ceiling. It's important to always start at the middle and work your way towards the sides when smoothing it down with the knife so you avoid bubbles.

    1. https://youtu.be/yJQbO-NSbx4?t=169

      The electrical box sits inside the cabinet. It requires a 40 amp breaker with #8 AWG wire since it can consume up to 7,800 W at 240 VAC. This means while it connects to the standard 120 V electrical supply is has two hot wires (red and black) rather than 1 (black) to achieve the 2x voltage. The double oven will typically come with flexible conduit but you must provide the rest (aka electrical box, cover, etc).

    2. https://youtu.be/yJQbO-NSbx4?t=351

      If your cabinet is too wide you need to install side wood pieces to fill in the gap and give the double oven frame something to screw in to. Screw the extra side pieces in on either side of double oven cabinet so they don't show and then screw the frame of the oven to those. You'll also probably want to add some fancy trim on the edges to cover the gap/extra piece of wood you added between the oven frame and the side of the cabinet.

    3. How to install a double wall oven.

  26. Feb 2019
    1. The emerging wave of Avant-Pop artists now arriving on the scene find themselves caught in this struggle to rapidly transform our sick, commodity-infested workaday culture into a more sensual, trippy, exotic and networked Avant-Pop experience. One way to achieve this would be by creating and expanding niche communities. Niche communities, many of which already exist through the zine scene, will become, by virtue of the convergent electronic environments, virtual communities. By actively engaging themselves in the continuous exchange and proliferation of collectively-generated electronic publications, individually- designed creative works, manifestos, live on-line readings, multi- media interactive hypertexts, conferences, etc., Avant-Pop artists and the alternative networks they are part of will eat away at the conventional relics of a bygone era where the individual artist- author creates their beautifully-crafted, original works of art to be consumed primarily by the elitist art-world and their business- cronies who pass judgement on what is appropriate and what is not.
    1. My dream is to have people inspired to make webpages again about whatever they'd like, and share them in ways that don't promote competitive, addictive 'engagement stats'. And to have cyber-regional zine libraries that are collecting and supporting different scenes' work
    2. to visit a dat site, much like reading a zine, requires that you ask for it from the creator of it (or be a part of a culture that is supporting and sharing them)
    3. There is no implicit way to discover dat sites--instead you have to share your link with friends and hope they support, seed, and share the link too. A dat site spreads, then, through classic, social and 'underground' channels
    4. Work with what you have, to support the people around you and together you'll create a community that has a defined shape and form only in hindsight. Instead of worrying about having enough onboarding ramps, I say we make a future space that is so exciting, so fun, that is such a cool party with lights so bright that everyone wants to build their own methods to get here and join in. And I thought: what's the coolest, most party thing in the world? Reading.
  27. Jan 2019
    1. Try something crazy

      DAWs typically don’t mesh so well with prototyping culture. When Ableton brought clip launching through Live, its flagship DAW, it had some of this effect: experiment with clips then play with them instead of just playing them. Of course, Cycling ’74 has been all about prototyping, long before Ableton bought the company. But “Max for Live” devices are closer to plugins in that users expect to just be able to use them, not have to create them from scratch. What this marketing copy is emphasizing is that this really is about getting a box of LEGO blocks, not just about getting a DIY kit to create your own instance of something which somebody else designed. The framing sure is specific.

  28. Oct 2018
  29. Jul 2018
  30. Jun 2018
  31. Nov 2017
  32. Sep 2017
    1. The "doing it together" instinct in HMSs may be one precipitated out around projects. Cognitive, classroom-based definitions of project-based learning tend to be formulaic (Blumenfeld et al., 1991). By comparison, the colloquial definition of project can be handily ambiguous about what is under construction. A project can be artistic, technical, or culinary (in the case of "food hacking"). It can be related to one's occupation, entirely recreational, or part of a movement from one to the other.

      En el caso de HackBo, la meritocracia establecía jerarquías transitorias respecto a los proyectos que se realizaban y dependiendo de ello las personas con más experiencia en el campo guiaban el quehacer de los otros. La transición de un proyecto a otro se daba, pero también una vez se exploraban dichos proyectos, se podía establecerse en uno principalmente, como fue el caso de Grafoscopio y la visualización de datos.

    2. The most important shift in learning during this period was members' relationship to knowledge. GeekSpace attempted to democratize hacking and move towards a more inclusive model. This stands in contrast to Jean Burgess' observation that hacking "as an ideal, permits rational mastery ... but in reality, it is only the technical avant-garde (like computer scientists or hacker subcultures) who achieve this mastery" (Burgess, 2012, p. 30). Individualized encounters with software gave way to making and hardware tinkering where users learned by doing (Rosenberg, 1982). Collaborative work in the space took place in small groups clustered around a project, or the projects were passed from person to person to solve specific problems. The frustrations members had with the first phase of the space organically shifted to a set of practices based in materials, routines, and projects. "Collaboration on ideas and [their] physical manifestations," in the words of a GeekSpace director, is "how you tell somebody's part of the community."

      Un cambio similar se dio en HackBo, al menos en lo referido al Data Week y las Data Rodas como experiencias y rituales de aprendizaje intensional y semi-estructurado, en lugar de ir a ver gente haciendo cosas en solitario.

    3. Henry Jenkins similarly noted that "do it yourself' is a diffuse notion that can be conflated to an individualistic perspective on creative and technical work, and thus he advocates for moving towards more "collective enterprises within networked publics" (Knobel & Lankshear, 2010, p. 232). Compared with hacking, making is more involved with creating objects within a lineage of craft or art. Rather than hacking's strategic to bring about differences (an outcome), making is more

      concerned with an ongoing process and the satisfaction that comes from it. These distinctions, however tentative given the fluid nature of the cultures under study, are conceptually useful because they capture ways members discuss how space should be used for informal learning.

      Estoy en desacuerdo con la distinción hecha sobre el proceso y el producto y el vínculo con lo artesanal (si bien el autor habla de lo tentativo de esta distinción). Al menos en HackBo ,la idea software as a craft es una práctica importante, así como el proceso y la idea de que iterar sobre este es lo que deja algunos cambios estructurales, que, sin embargo, pueden ser iterados permanentemente.

    1. Richardson argues that “open design” in the maker movement encourages diversity and collective participation in the production process. Being “pre-hacked” provides an alternative way to think about participation in technological produc-tion. The maker movement tenuously embraces open design, even if they have less success in considering how these practices might scale.

      Esto me recuerda los cargadores de celular, que se pierden todo el tiempo y cómo no se pueden abrir o reparar, por diseño.

    1. tried to test some AA batteries. is 1.3 good? the lights didn't light up. Are the batteries on the meter low?

  33. Jul 2017
  34. Feb 2017
    1. (3) Any electrical work by an owner or his or her regular employees in the owner's freestanding single unit residence, in outbuildings accessory to such freestanding single unit residence or any structure on owner-occupied farms;

      Vermont law allows homeowners to do their own electrical installation.

  35. Jul 2016
    1. real world, authentic purpose

      Going back to the “projects” in the Maker Movement. Not “project-based learning” with projects set through the curriculum. But the kind of “quest” that allows for learning along the way and which may switch at a moment’s notice.

    2. the Maker Movement in schools, when fully embraced, is one such example of shifting roles in the classroom.
  36. Jun 2016
  37. Apr 2016
    1. GaudiLabs are creative spaces for working, thinking and living where culture and technology meet. We conduct open research in open source culture technology. Developing methods, process and devices to unite people and knowledge from different fields and backgrounds. GaudiLabs consists of two complementary types of labs: A small physical lab space in Lucern, Switzerland with the head office. This is where longer term projects are elaborated, where people can meet for hack sessions, discussions and coordination. Then there is GaudiLabs mobile, a set of boxes and portable devices, workshops, concepts and formats to be taken to any place or institution, public space or events and there create a temporary lab space for collaboration. GaudiLabs is active part of the hackteria.org open source biology art network.
  38. Feb 2016
  39. Sep 2015
    1. these plans seem solid. very basic. but they make hardware and accessories easy by including.

  40. Aug 2015
  41. Mar 2015
    1. Machines that Make The Machine that make project at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms seeks to develop low-cost machines that can be made using CNC equipment, like available in fab labs.
  42. Feb 2015