934 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. This module should not be used in other npm modules since it modifies the default require behavior! It is designed to be used for development of final projects i.e. web-sites, applications etc.
    1. Alexanderproposeshomesandofficesbedesignedandbuiltbytheireventualoccupants.Thesepeople,hereasons,knowbesttheirrequirementsforaparticularstructure.Weagree,andmakethesameargumentforcomputerprograms.Computerusersshouldwritetheirownprograms.KentBeck&WardCunningham,1987 [7]

      Users should program their own programs because they know their requirements the best.

      [7]: Beck, K. and Cunningham, W. Using pattern languages for object-oriented programs. Tektronix, Inc. Technical Report No. CR-87-43 (September 17, 1987), presented at OOPSLA-87 workshop on Specification and Design for Object-Oriented Programming. Available online at http://c2.com/doc/oopsla87.html (accessed 17 September 2009)

    1. Connected to this are Andy Matuschak’s comments about contextual backlinks bootstrapping new concepts before explicit definitions come into play.

      What Joel says here about Contextual Backlinks is that they allow you to "bootstrap" a concept (i.e. start working with it) without explicit definitions coming into play (or as Andy would say, the content is empty).

    2. Easily updated pages: don’t worry about precisely naming something at first. Let the meaning emerge over time and easily change it (propagating through all references).

      Joel highlights a feature here of Roam and ties it to incremental formalisms.

      In Roam you can update a page name and it propagates across all references.

    3. Cognitive Overhead (aka Cognitive Load): often the task of specifying formalism is extraneous to the primary task, or is just plain annoying to do.

      This is the task that you're required to do when you want to save a note in Evernote or Notion. You need to choose where it goes.

    4. The basic intuition is described well by the Shipman & Marshall paper: users enter information in a mostly informal fashion, and then formalize only later in the task when appropriate formalisms become clear and also (more) immediately useful.

      Incremental formalism

      Users enter information in an informal fashion. They only formalize later when the appropriate formalism becomes clear and/or immediately useful.

    5. It’s important to notice something about these examples of synthesis representations: they go quite a bit further than simply grouping or associating things (though that is an important start). They have some kind of formal semantic structure (otherwise known as formality) that specifies what entities exist, and what kinds of relations exist between the entities. This formal structure isn’t just for show: it’s what enables the kind of synthesis that really powers significant knowledge work! Formal structures unlock powerful forms of reasoning like conceptual combination, analogy, and causal reasoning.

      Formalisms enable synthesis to happen.

    1. Systems which display backlinks to a node permit a new behavior: you can define a new node extensionally (rather than intensionally) by simply linking to it from many other nodes—even before it has any content.

      Nodes in a knowledge management system can be defined extensionally, rather than intensionally, through their backlinks and their respective context.

    1. In Rust, we use the "No New Rationale" rule, which says that the decision to merge (or not merge) an RFC is based only on rationale that was presented and debated in public. This avoids accidents where the community feels blindsided by a decision.
    2. I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
    1. e annotations are visible to everyone both in the document itself and our public stream. Privat

      lol test 1

    1. We expect a certain pattern when validate devtool name, pay attention and dont mix up the sequence of devtool string. The pattern is: [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map.
    1. will only apply up the chain

      Should this "up the chain" be "down the chain"?

      In terms of a tree, I think of the caller/consumer/thing that imports this file as "up" and the things that I call/import as "down".

      That is more consistent with a tree, but not a stack trace (or any stack), I suppose, which has most recently called thing at the top ("up"), and the consumer of that at the bottom ("down").

  2. Oct 2020
    1. Retagging the HTML/CSS questions to use html-heading seems the right thing to do. For the other uses, I don't have enough grounding in the geographic area to know whether the direction and bearing are replacements for heading. But the tag information for heading should be created and should firmly point at the other tags — at least until it is expunged.
    1. We could broadcast a warning if we find the variable to be set in the environment, but that is more likely than not to annoy people who intentionally set it.

      New tag?: warnings that may annoy people who intentionally do something. (Need a way to selectively silence certain warnings?)

    1. This is a philosophical issue, I think. People (and presumably form libraries) have different definitions of what "dirty" means. Yours: "The field has ever been edited" Mine: "The value of the field is different from the initial value"
    2. We could potentially have another flag that was your definition of dirty, but then we run into the hard problem in computer science: naming things.
    1. If that one somehow ends up being deemed an intended behavior rather than a bug, then it should definitely get explained in the docs too.
    1. Especially when rollup is configured with multiple outputs, I find this particular onwarn to be helpful in reducing warning clutter. It just displays each circular reference once and doesn't repeat the warning for each output:
    2. I think my personal preference would be to see them all at once. Or maybe limit it to up to 10 messages and then list the count of how many more messages were not displayed. Pick your reaction
    3. Another thing we could do to limit output would be to only every show the first circular dependency warning. I think we already do this for other types of warnings. Then you would need to tackle the warnings one-by-one, though.
    4. Yeah I see what you're saying. In my case, I had a group of classes that relied on each other but they were all part of one conceptual "module" so I made a new file that imports and exposes all of them. In that new file I put the imports in the right order and made sure no code accesses the classes except through the new interface.
    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    2. Specifically, since Root, Rule and AtRule all extend Container, it's essential that Container is evaluated (and therefore, in the context of a Rollup bundle, included) first. In order to do this, input.js (which is the 'gateway' to all the PostCSS stuff) must import root.js, root.js must import rule.js before it imports container.js, and rule.js must import at-rule.js before it imports container.js. Having those imports ensures that container.js doesn't then try to place Root, Rule or AtRule ahead of itself in the bundle.
    3. Replaced nested `require` statements with `import` declarations for the sake of a leaner bundle. This entails adding empty imports to three files to guarantee correct ordering – see https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/pull/100
    1. Note that these are not hyperlinks; these URIs are used for identification. This is a machine-readable way to say “this is HTML”. In particular, software does not usually need to fetch these resources, and certainly does not need to fetch the same one over and over!
    1. Every URL is a URI; Every URN is a URI; URI and URL are NOT interchangeable – a URL is a URI, but a URI is not always a URL; URLs always contain an access mechanism.
    1. Their trailer said "A video game for the home computer". Not sure why they said that instead of PC, but it was a refreshing new term for it.

    1. Note that the <WarningEngine/> component must be at the bottom of the form to guarantee that all the fields have registered.
    1. Yet it can be deceivingly difficult to properly encode (user) input

      They were talking about output encoding but then switched to input encoding? Did they really mean to say input encoding here?

    2. Encoding is dependent on the type of output - which means that for example a string, which will be used in a JavaScript variable, should be treated (encoded) differently than a string which will be used in plain HTML.
    3. Escaping is a subset of encoding, where not all characters need to be encoded. Only some characters are encoded (by using an escape character).
    4. Encoding is transforming data from one format into another format.
    1. trusktr herman willems • 2 years ago Haha. Maybe React should focus on a template-string syntax and follow standards (and provide options for pre-compiling in Webpack, etc).

      Well anywho, there's other projects now like hyperHTML, lit-html, etc, plus some really fast ones: https://www.stefankrause.ne...

      React seems a little old now (and the new Hooks API is also resource heavy).

      • Share ›  Michael Calkins trusktr • 4 years ago • edited That's a micro optimization. There isn't a big enough difference to matter unless you are building a game or something extraordinarily odd.

      • Share › −  trusktr Michael Calkins • 2 years ago True, it matters if you're re-rendering the template at 60fps (f.e. for animations, or for games). If you're just changing views one time (f.e. a URL route change), then 100ms won't hurt at all.

    1. perhaps, imo this would make more sense. but it would slow down Parcel significantly as packages who don't have a browserslist or something similar will all get compiled (and most packages actually do target commonjs, which makes this prob not such a good idea). Which unfortunately is way too many packages. It would be great if tools like babel actually enforced a similar pattern to Parcel and use browserlist file or package.json instead of allowing defining target env in babel. Or at least not encourage it.
  3. Sep 2020
    1. But we face our own hostile environment: underpowered devices, poor network connections, and the complexity inherent in front-end engineering.
    1. I took the same approach with _layout.svelte and not just for the svelte-apollo client. Except I put all of that setup into another module (setup.js) and imported from _layout. I just couldn't stomach having all that code actually in my _layout file. It's for layout, supposedly, but it's the only component that is a parent to the whole app.
    1. let:hovering={active}

      It seems like it should be the other way around:


      to make it look like a regular let assignment.

      It's only when you consider what/how let:hovering on its own means/works that it makes a bit more sense that it is the way it is. When it's on its own, it's a little clearer that it's saying to "make use of" an available slot prop having the given name. (Very much like bind, where the LHS is also the name of the prop we're getting the data from.) Obviously we have to identify which prop we're wanting to use/pull data from, so that seems like the most essential/main/only thing the name could be referring to. (Of course, as a shortcut (in this shorthand version), and for consistency, it also names the local variable with the same name, but it wouldn't have to.)

      Another even simpler way to remember / look at it:

      1. Everything on the left hand of an prop/attribute [arg] corresponds to something in the component/element that you're passing the [arg] to. Usually it's a prop that you're passing in, but in this case (and in the case of bind:) it's more like a prop that you're pulling out of that component, and attaching to. Either way, the name on the LHS always corresponds to an export let inside that named component.
      2. Everything on the right side corresponds to a name/variable in the local scope. Usually it passes the value of that variable, but in the case of a let: or bind: it actually "passes the variable by reference" (not the value) and associates that local variable with the LHS (the "remote" side).

      Another example is bind: You're actually binding the RHS to the value of the exported prop named on the LHS, but when you read it (until you get used to it?) it can look like it's saying bind a variable named LHS to the prop on the RHS.

    1. But this is only a halfway decent way to clarify that this is an external dependency, because the only way to resolve a peer dependency warning is to install react from npm—there's no way to notify npm that you resolve the dependency to a browser global. So peer dependencies should be avoided in favor of external declarations. Then Rollup will take care of warning about "unresolved dependencies", even if external declarations can't express a particular version range with which your library is compatible like peer dependencies can.

      Interesting. Didn't realize. From my perspective, I usually do install packages via npm, so wouldn't have known about this problem.

      npm and rollup both try to solve this problem but in different ways that apparently conflict? So if a lib author lists peerDependencies then it can cause problems for those getting lib via browser (CDN)? How come so many libs use it then? How come I've never heard of this problem before?

    2. If you've followed React's guide, you've installed react from npm. You can teach Rollup how to find this package within your project's node_modules directory using the rollup-plugin-node-resolve plugin. Since React exports a CommonJS module, you'll also need to convert that into an ES6 module using the rollup-plugin-commonjs plugin.
    1. Then, the projects that use these libraries get to process these import statements how they like when they are bundled. For the ones that wish to load jQuery from a global, we again mark 'jquery' as an external—since we still don't want Rollup to bundle jQuery—and as a global.
    1. This isn't really a bug, because if you have an async function that returns a function, it doesn't really return a function - it returns a promise. I don't remember whether the Svelte internals currently check for the onMount callback's return being a function or whether they check for it being truthy. Maybe there's some adjustment to be made there.
    1. It would be tiresome - and bloated - to include a class pass-through for every component or assigning custom properties (from the RFC linked) for all potential properties on every component, just in case it's gonna be used in layouts that requires it. Wrapping them in a wrapper div is certainly an option, but potentially creates 100s or 1000s (long lists, several lists etc.) of new elements in the DOM slowing down low-end devices.
    2. The RFC is more appropriate because it does not allow a parent to abritrarily control anything below it, that responsibility still relies on the component itself. Just because people have been passing classes round and overriding child styles for years doesn't mean it is a good choice and isn't something we wnat to encourage.
    3. margin, flex, position, left, right, top, bottom, width, height, align-self, justify-self among other is CSS properties that should never be modified by the child itself. The parent should always have control of those properties, which is the whole reason I'm asking for this.
    1. Your tooltip component will have to wrap your image with a span tag or something, it can’t just add events to its children. And if you are adding multiple actions to it you will have to wrap it multiple times.
      <Concern1> <Concern2> </Concern2> </Concern1>


      <img use:concern1 use:concern2>

    2. one problem with 'behavior' is that's the terminology we use to describe all of a component's encapsulated logic — methods, transitions, etc.
    1. You can imagine the ensuing combinatorial explosion if we needed to add borders or box shadows or filters or what-have-you.
    2. If this was tied into Svelte's flow with hooks this would not be necessary since it would know when it was being removed from the DOM.
    3. You must: reference each element you are extending using refs or an id add code in your oncreate and ondestroy for each element you are extending, which could become quite a lot if you have a lot of elements needing extension (anchors, form inputs, etc.)
    4. This is where hooks/behaviors are a good idea. They clean up your component code a lot. Also, it helps a ton since you don't get create/destroy events for elements that are inside {{#if}} and {{#each}}. That could become very burdensome to try and add/remove functionality with elements as they are added/removed within a component.
    5. Drag and drop might be done better with hooks than components.
    1. Modern view libraries like React allow teams to build and maintain these components more easily than ever before, but it is still extraordinarily difficult to do so in a fully accessible way with interactions that work across many types of devices.
    1. Three tests to prove a small piece of behavior. Although it might seem overkill for such a small feature, these tests are quick to write—that is, once you know how to write them
    1. They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species.

      A lot of misogyny is radiating from these lines. Victor is implying that his female creation might be so ugly that even his male creation will be offended by her existence one he sees her. But on the other hand, what if his creation isn't her type and just abandon's him? It's interesting to see how much thought Victor puts in when it comes to making a female creation...I thought he was trying to create a new species?

    2. I was now about to form another being of whose dispositions I was alike ignorant; she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness.

      No one knows what someone will be like after they've been brought into the world, but we don't lament every single person who is born. When someone you know is having a kid you don't say to them: "remember H.H. Holmes? Are you sure you want to have kid? They might be ten thousand times worse than H.H. Holmes!" Because that would be ridiculous.

    1. Please focus on explaining the motivation so that if this RFC is not accepted, the motivation could be used to develop alternative solutions. In other words, enumerate the constraints you are trying to solve without coupling them too closely to the solution you have in mind.
    2. A huge part of the value on an RFC is defining the problem clearly, collecting use cases, showing how others have solved a problem, etc.
    3. An RFC can provide tremendous value without the design described in it being accepted.
    1. Aside from being an implementation nightmare, I think the proposal in this RFC is strictly better than props-in-style — it gives you the same expressive power in a neater, more idiomatic way, along with the global theming ability.
    2. This has the merit of simplicity and obviousness, but it's not particularly ergonomic: it signals that we don't consider component themeability to be a problem worth solving properly.
    1. Often, allowing the parents to compose elements to be passed into components can offer the flexibility needed to solve this problem. If a component wants to have direct control over every aspect of a component, then it should probably own the markup as well, not just the styles. Svelte's slot API makes this possible. You can still get the benefits of abstracting certain logic, markup, and styles into a component, but, the parent can take responsibility for some of that markup, including the styling, and pass it through. This is possible today.
    1. There is interactive state as well. What about modals that come up because something is clicked? What is the active tab? Is this menu open or closed? What scroll position are they at? There are infinite permutations of this. Imagine a warning bar that shows up seven seconds after the user logs in to warn user about their expired credit card which contains a custom styled select menu which can be in an open or closed state, but only on the user settings page.
    2. Remember the timing thing? We might think of timing as one generic form of state. There are countless other things that could be state related. Is the user logged in or not? What plan are they on? Is their credit card expired thus showing some kind of special message? Do situational things like time/date/geolocation change state? What about real-time data? Stuff from an API?
    1. Slide 13:

      “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

      ― Heraclitus

      Of course it’s not the same river — the river, is, what? The water flowing past your feet? The sound that it makes? These things are different at every moment. Our idea of ‘the river’ doesn’t correspond to anything in the real world. Understanding this concept means getting closer to an understanding of reality itself — once you fully absorb the impact of this idea, it changes you, from a person who didn’t have that understanding into one who does.

      And as you bask in your newfound zen-like enlightenment, you discover an almost spiritually calming effect — the world as it is right now is the only thing that matters, not the state of the world as it was yesterday or as it will be tomorrow.

      Slide 39:

      “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.”

      ― Heraclitus

      And I think Heraclitus probably understood it all along. There’s a paradox contained in this statement. If the concept of identity over time is meaningless, then what do we mean by ‘it’ and ‘he’?

    1. I don’t want my source to be human-readable, not for protective reasons, but because I care about web performance more. I want my website to arrive at light speed on a tiny spec of magical network packet dust and blossom into a complete website. Or do whatever computer science deems is the absolute fastest way to send website data between computers. I’m much more worried about the state of web performance than I am about web education. But even if I was very worried about web education, I don’t think it’s the network’s job to deliver teachability
  4. eclass.srv.ualberta.ca eclass.srv.ualberta.ca
    1. Tree of Life

      The 'Tree of Life' has been present throughout many cultures and religions across history. It has been known by many different names but the meaning is always a source of life or a creator. The ancient Egyptians, Christians, Myahs, and Assyrians all believed in this 'Tree of Life.'

    1. Customers care more about the value our application adds to their lives than the programming language or framework the application is built with. Visible Technical Debt such as bugs and missing features and poor performance takes precedence over Hidden Technical Debt such as poor test code coverage, modularity or removing dead code
  5. Aug 2020
    1. I don't think it should be the individual application's responsibility to add Cache-Control: Vary when that negotiation/routing is done by Rails on behalf of the app, do you?
    2. At a certain point it is up to the application to specify when they're varying.
  6. Jul 2020
    1. "AOO is not, and isn't designed to be, the 'super coolest open source office suite with all the latest bells and whistles,'" Jagielski continued. "Our research shows that a 'basic,' functional office suite, which is streamlined with a 'simple' and uncluttered, uncomplicated UI, serves an incredible under-represented community.
    1. The meta charset information must also be the first child of the <head> tag. The reason this tag must be first is to avoid re-interpreting content that was added before the meta charset tag.

      But what if another tag also specified that it had to be the first child "because ..."? Maybe that hasn't happened yet, but it could and then you'd have to decide which one truly was more important to put first? (Hopefully/probably it wouldn't even matter that much.)

    1. Article 7(3) of the GDPR prescribes that the controller must ensure that consent can be withdrawn bythe data subject as easy as giving consent and at any given time. The GDPR does not say that givingand withdrawing consent must always be done through the same action.
    2. consent is obtained through use of a service-specific user interface (for example, via a website, an app,a log-on account, the interface of an IoT device or by e-mail), there is no doubt a data subject must beable to withdraw consent via the same electronic interface, as switching to another interface for thesole reason of withdrawing consentwould require undue effort.
    3. The controller informs customers that they havethe possibility to withdraw consent. To do this, they could contact a call centre on business daysbetween 8am and 5pm, free of charge. The controller in this example doesnotcomply with article 7(3)of the GDPR. Withdrawing consent in this case requires a telephone call during business hours, this ismore burdensome than the one mouse-click needed for giving consent through the online ticketvendor, which is open 24/7.
    1. These seem to be better reasons to support sub-nanosecond resolution. I think either storing picoseconds or storing sec fraction as 64-bit integer are better approaches than storing a rational. However, either change would be very invasive, and it seems unlikely to be worth the effort.
    2. So, which is better? t.inspect # => "2007-11-01 15:25:00 8483885939586761/68719476736000000 UTC" t.inspect # => "2007-11-01 15:25:00.123456789000000004307366907596588134765625 UTC"
    1. Matz, alas, I cannot offer one. You see, Ruby--coding generally--is just a hobby for me. I spend a fair bit of time answering Ruby questions on SO and would have reached for this method on many occasions had it been available. Perhaps readers with development experience (everybody but me?) could reflect on whether this method would have been useful in projects they've worked on.
  7. Jun 2020
    1. Sometimes, the line between 'bug' and 'feature' is a hard one to draw. Generally, a feature is anything that adds new behavior, while a bug is anything that causes incorrect behavior. Sometimes, the core team will have to make a judgment call.
  8. May 2020
    1. The Map is Not the Terrain

      As George Box said, "All models are false, some are useful." Understanding the importance and value of mental models is vital, but it must be balanced with an understanding that they are, at best, an approximate representation of reality, not reality itself - the map is not the terrain

    1. We iterate to deliver features, so we often don't have functionality that people expect. For this reason, 'people could reasonably expect this functionality' does not make it a bug.
    1. Disclaimer: Termly LLC is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice.
    1. When is your site not built with the Jamstack? Any project that relies on a tight coupling between client and server is not built with the Jamstack.
    1. The Microsoft Calculator program uses the former in its standard view and the latter in its scientific and programmer views.
    1. In natural languages, some apparent tautologies may have non-tautological meanings in practice. In English, "it is what it is" is used to mean 'there is no way of changing it'.[1] In Tamil, vantaalum varuvaan literally means 'if he comes, he will come', but really means 'he just may come'.[2]
    2. In the context of first-order logic, a distinction is maintained between logical validities, sentences that are true in every model, and tautologies, which are a proper subset of the first-order logical validities. In the context of propositional logic, these two terms coincide.

      A distinction is made between the kind of logic (first-order logic) where this other distinction exists and propositional logic, where the distinction doesn't exist (the two terms coincide in that context).

    1. The qualifier of ‘certain circumstances’ is important to highlight here, because it’s often the context in which information exists that determines whether it can identify someone.
    1. Implementing prior blocking and asynchronous re-activation Our prior blocking option prevents the installation of non-exempt cookies before user consent is obtained (as required by EU law) and asynchronously activates (without reloading the page) the scripts after the user consents.To use, you must first enable this feature: simply select the “Prior blocking and asynchronous re-activation” checkbox above before copy and pasting the code snippet into the HEAD as mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
  9. Apr 2020
    1. Allows you to autodetect and limit prior-blocking and cookie consent requests only to users from the EU – where this is a legal requirement – while running cookies scripts normally in regions where you are still legally allowed to do so.
    2. Enables the blocking of scripts and their reactivation only after having collected user consent. If false, the blocked scripts are always reactivated regardless of whether or not consent has been provided (useful for testing purposes, or when you’re working on your project locally and don’t want pageviews to be counted). We strongly advise against setting "priorConsent":false if you need to comply with EU legislation. Please note that if the prior blocking setting has been disabled server side (via the checkbox on the flow page), this parameter will be ineffective whether it’s set to true or false.
    1. The activity carried out by iubenda does not constitute legal advice in any way and no attorney-client relationship shall be established.
    1. Any explanatory texts provided in correspondence of the available services by no means substitute a legal opinion nor replace the assistance or advice of a professional. Such texts are merely intended to facilitate use and understanding of the Service, and are not exhaustive nor may they fit any specific case.
    1. Other sites could absolutely spend time crawling for new lists of breached passwords and then hashing and comparing against their own. However this is an intensive process and I'm sure both Facebook and Google have a team dedicated to account security with functions like this.
    2. Before embarking on the effort to scrape the web for new password breaches and compare against your entire user database you also need to consider the ROI. The beauty of the pwned passwords API and this, and other, implementations of it is that you can get a good improvement in your account security with comparatively little engineering effort.
    1. Now, do I care which one you use? No. As long as you test your code, I am happy. A professional developer should be able to work in either one of these because they essentially do the same thing: test your code.
    1. The term "ad hoc" in this context is not intended to be pejorative; it refers simply to the fact that this type of polymorphism is not a fundamental feature of the type system.
    1. there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
    2. The more easily relabeled of the two uses of the term "hacker" is the malicious security cracker: it is not only the more recent phenomenon to acquire that label, but also the one whose meaning is most easily evoked by an alternative term. This is why, when you read an article of mine that talks about malicious security crackers, I use the term "malicious security cracker"
    1. I'm not your personal lookup service And finally, for everyone who contacts me privately and says "but could you just look up my own password", please understand that you're one of many people who ask this. I try and reply to everyone who asks and politely refer them to my previous writing on the subject, but even then, all the time I spend replying to these requests is time I can't spend building out the service, adding more data, earning a living doing other things or spending time with my family. For the last 3 and a half years that I've run HIBP, I've kept all the same features free and highly available as a community service. I want to keep it that way but I have to carefully manage my time in order to do that so in addition to all the reasons already stated above, no, I'm not your personal lookup service.
    1. General surgeons in communities without emergency neurosurgical coverage should have a working knowledge of burr hole placement in the event that emergent evacuation is required for a life-threatening epidural hematoma
    1. It is not the browser's responsibility to auto-login to websites. This is the responsibility of the website you are accessing. The browser can remember form data and auto-fill for you, as can various extensions like LastPass.
  10. Mar 2020
    1. Puanani is my chosen name

      This is the name that she has chosen for herself, There is also a "is" instead of a "was" but someone else already said that.

    1. If other third-party tools guarantee not to use cookies, perhaps by providing specific configuration options, they too can be considered to be exempt from prior blocking. This is the case namely with YouTube, which provides a specific feature to prevent the user from being tracked through cookies.
    2. This depends on the legal jurisdiction applicable to your site. In Europe, you’re legally required to block cookie scripts until user consent is obtained. All cookies must be blocked except for those that are exempt.
    1. Don't be discouraged when you get feedback about a method that isn't all sunshine and roses. Facets has been around long enough now that it needs to maintain a certain degree of quality control, and that means serious discernment about what goes into the library. That includes having in depth discussions the merits of methods, even about the best name for a method --even if the functionality has been accepted the name may not.

      about: merits

    1. Google Analytics created an option to remove the last octet (the last group of 3 numbers) from your visitor’s IP-address. This is called ‘IP Anonymization‘. Although this isn’t complete anonymization, the GDPR demands you use this option if you want to use Analytics without prior consent from your visitors. Some countris (e.g. Germany) demand this setting to be enabled at all times.