2,486 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. Body Paratext

      Embed quizzes, prompts, and asynchronous discussions in the middle of a video.

    2. Closing Paratext

      Ask students to prepare a very short, two to three sentence reflection or to make a one-minute video explaining what they learned.

    3. Introductory ParatextLet’s consider what might ease students into video-based learning. Imagine the students with the least and the most experience using educational videos. Keep in mind that students don’t have common expectations around how to use those videos. What kind of introductory text, video or activity might lead everyone into the assigned video without overwhelming them?

      The author provides several terms to describe how an instructor might prepare a student to view a video. * Technical paratext: Instructors might include title, length, linked source, and a summary of other activities. * Video hooks: An anticipatory set--an advance organizer or hook that helps to get student attention, activate prior knowledge, and prepare them. * Video framing: Similar to video hook; advise students to watch for certain themes. * Clear expectations: Make sure that you set expectations for what students are expected to do during the viewing.

    4. As I prepared to teach my first educational videography course earlier this year, I found that we lacked a common vocabulary for talking about how we design learning with video in mind. Since then, I’ve been advancing the term “video paratext” to reflect the myriad ways that we design educational guidance, prompts, activities or interactive elements to surround or be included within a video.I pulled the word “paratext” from the field of poetry translation because, personally, I love the “paratext” that precedes or follows a poem—or even interrupts it. At poetry readings in particular, I lean into the words that a poet shares before or after reading each poem. Paratext helps me connect with and make sense of the poem.

      Video paratext as a term to categorize the many ways that we design activities related to educational video. As the author notes, paratext precedes, follows, and often interrupts a poem. The same could be true of video.

  2. Nov 2022
    1. https://brainsteam.co.uk/2022/11/26/one-week-with-hypothesis/

      I too read a lot of niche papers and feel the emptiness, but because I'm most often writing for myself anyway, its alright. There are times, however, when I see a growing community of people who've left their associative trails behind before I've found a particular page.

      I've used the phrase "digital exhaust" before, but I like the more positive framing of "learning exhaust".

      If you've not found it yet, my own experimentations with the platform can largely be found here: https://boffosocko.com/tag/hypothes.is/

    1. Mark: Cathy Marshall at Xerox PARC originally started speaking about information gardening. She developed an early tool that’s the inspiration for the Tinderbox map view, in which you would have boxes but no lines. It was a spatial hypertext system, a system for connecting things by placing them near each other rather than drawing a line between them. Very interesting abstract representational problem, but also it turned out to be tremendously useful.

      Cathy Marshall was an early digital gardener!

    1. Part of what makes Twitter’s potential collapse uniquely challenging is that the “digital public square” has been built on the servers of a private company, says  O’Connor’s colleague Elise Thomas, senior OSINT analyst with the ISD. It’s a problem we’ll have to deal with many times over the coming decades, she says: “This is perhaps the first really big test of that.”

      Public Square content on the servers of a private company

  3. learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. range of digital literacy practices

      This is a significant aspect of social annotation/Hypothesis. The low barrier for entry and the low-stakes nature of the work make it a great way to develop digilit, potentially, as people can engage with connecting and linking in their writing.

    1. Desde 1903 sólo 17 mujeres recibieron el Premio Nobel en física, química y medicina. En la actualidad, apenas el 4,7% de las niñas espera tener una carrera en ingeniería o computación. Las posibilidades y el futuro de ellas se reducen por los estereotipos que limitan sus capacidades.

      QUEREMOS QUE MÁS MUJERES SE INTERESEN POR CIENCIA, TECNOLOGÍA, INGENIERÍA, EMPRENDIMIENTO E INNOVACIÓN. Se asume que temas relacionados al STEM son masculinos. Esto como mujeres nos pone en una situación de desventaja. Por ello, lanzamos:

      EPIC QUEEN TALKS - ¿Por qué ser una Data Science? Un espacio para que mujeres, chicas y la comunidad en general se sientan inspirados por otras mujeres para aprender e introducirse a las llamadas STEM, que viene de las siglas en inglés SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATHS. Uniéndolo con emprendimiento e innovación.

      Mensualmente haremos eventos gratuitos o con una donación mínima para representar a mujeres como "ROL MODELS", modelos de rol a seguir. Dicen que no puedes ser lo que no puedes ver así que nuestros eventos siempre estarán distribuidos de la siguiente manera.

      7:10 COMENZAMOS 7:20 EPIC QUEEN TALK: Nathaly Alarcón Torrico 8:00 EPIC QUEEN TALK: Frida Ruiz Martínez "¿Qué hace una Data Science? " 8:20 AVISOS GENERALES

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      Catálogo de recursos y herramientas FORCE11 158 registros al 26 de agosto 2020


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