- Last 7 days
Why is it called gems.rb instead of Gemfile? I do like that it has an .rb extension.
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Now we understand why there has to be an inner reality which is made of qualia and an outer reality which is made a lot of symbols, shareable symbols, what we call matter.
for - unpack - key insight - with the postulate of consciousness as the foundation, it makes sense that this is - an inner reality made of qualia - and an outer reality made of shareable symbols we call matter - Federico Faggin - question - about Federico Faggin's ideas - in what way is matter a symbol? - adjacency - poverty mentality - I am the universe who wants to know itself question - in what way is matter a symbol? - Matter is a symbol in the sense that it - we describe reality using language, both - ordinary words as well as - mathematics - It is those symbolic descriptions that DIRECT US to jump from one phenomena to another related phenomena. - After all, WHO is the knower of the symbolic descriptions? - WHAT is it that knows? Is it not, as FF points out, the universe itself - as expressed uniquely through all the MEs of the world, that knows? - Hence, the true nature of all authentic spiritual practices is that - the reality outside of us is intrinsically the same as - the reality within us - our lebenswelt of qualia
- - adjacency - poverty mentality - human's deepest urge to know oneself - is the universe wanting to know itself
- unpack - key insight - with the postulate of consciousness as the foundation, it makes sense that this is - an inner reality made of qualia - and an outer reality made of shareable symbols we call matter - Federico Faggin
- the inner world - the private world - the lebenswelt of qualia
- question - about Federico Faggin's ideas - in what way is matter a symbol?
- Aug 2024
github.com github.com
This is the most simulative version of a controller. It will try and mimic real user behaviour. It's the recommended version to use when the goal of the load-test is finding out how many concurrently active users the target instance supports.
you can Google data if you're good you can Google information but you cannot Google an idea you cannot Google Knowledge because having an idea acquiring knowledge this is what is happening on your mind when you change the way you think and I'm going to prove that in the next yeah 20 or so minutes that this will stay analog in our closed future because this is what makes us human beings so unique and so Superior to any kind of algorithm
for - key insight - claim - humans can generate new ideas by changing the way we think - AI cannot do this
- Jun 2024
github.com github.com
we strive to heed upstream's recommendations on how they intend for their software to be consumed.
- May 2024
suu.instructure.com suu.instructure.com
Schools and districts must adhere to these requirements to help ensure the implementation of technically sound and educationally meaningful IEPs and to provide FAPE.
mattbrictson.com mattbrictson.com
If you are okay with the user appending arbitrary query params without enforcing an allow-list, you can bypass the strong params requirement by using request.params directly:
- Apr 2024
- Feb 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Modus vivendi (plural modi vivendi) is a Latin phrase that means "mode of living" or "way of life".
Modus means way and vivendi means of living
- Jan 2024
www.selenium.dev www.selenium.dev
Driver management through Selenium Manager is opt-in for the Selenium bindings. Thus, users can continue managing their drivers manually (putting the driver in the PATH or using system properties) or rely on a third-party driver manager to do it automatically. Selenium Manager only operates as a fallback: if no driver is provided, Selenium Manager will come to the rescue.
mongoosejs.com mongoosejs.com
Instance methods Instances of Models are documents. Documents have many of their own built-in instance methods. We may also define our own custom document instance methods. // define a schema const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String }, { // Assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema through schema options. // By following this approach, there is no need to create a separate TS type to define the type of the instance functions. methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } }); // Or, assign a function to the "methods" object of our animalSchema animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); }; Now all of our animal instances have a findSimilarTypes method available to them. const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema); const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog' }); dog.findSimilarTypes((err, dogs) => { console.log(dogs); // woof }); Overwriting a default mongoose document method may lead to unpredictable results. See this for more details. The example above uses the Schema.methods object directly to save an instance method. You can also use the Schema.method() helper as described here. Do not declare methods using ES6 arrow functions (=>). Arrow functions explicitly prevent binding this, so your method will not have access to the document and the above examples will not work.
Certainly! Let's break down the provided code snippets:
1. What is it and why is it used?
In Mongoose, a schema is a blueprint for defining the structure of documents within a collection. When you define a schema, you can also attach methods to it. These methods become instance methods, meaning they are available on the individual documents (instances) created from that schema.
Instance methods are useful for encapsulating functionality related to a specific document or model instance. They allow you to define custom behavior that can be executed on a specific document. In the given example, the
method is added to instances of theAnimal
model, making it easy to find other animals of the same type.2. Syntax:
object directly in the schema options:javascript const animalSchema = new Schema( { name: String, type: String }, { methods: { findSimilarTypes(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); } } } );
object directly in the schema:javascript animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
helper:javascript animalSchema.method('findSimilarTypes', function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); });
3. Explanation in Simple Words with Examples:
Why it's Used:
Imagine you have a collection of animals in your database, and you want to find other animals of the same type. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can define a method that can be called on each animal instance to find similar types. This helps in keeping your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and makes it easier to maintain.
```javascript const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema } = mongoose;
// Define a schema with a custom instance method const animalSchema = new Schema({ name: String, type: String });
// Add a custom instance method to find similar types animalSchema.methods.findSimilarTypes = function(cb) { return mongoose.model('Animal').find({ type: this.type }, cb); };
// Create the Animal model using the schema const Animal = mongoose.model('Animal', animalSchema);
// Create an instance of Animal const dog = new Animal({ type: 'dog', name: 'Buddy' });
// Use the custom method to find similar types dog.findSimilarTypes((err, similarAnimals) => { console.log(similarAnimals); }); ```
In this example,
is a custom instance method added to theAnimal
schema. When you create an instance of theAnimal
model (e.g., a dog), you can then callfindSimilarTypes
on that instance to find other animals with the same type. The method uses thethis.type
property, which refers to the type of the current animal instance. This allows you to easily reuse the logic for finding similar types across different instances of theAnimal
For consumers, the equivalent of "build or buy" could be called "ads or nerds". "Ads" meaning ad-supported services, like consumer Gmail or Facebook. "Nerds" meaning hobbyist services based on free software and commodity hardware.
github.com github.com
[Yomitan - The Moe Way]
site:: [[GitHub]] user:: themoeway url:: https://github.com/themoeway/yomitan accessed:: 2024-01-04
github.com github.com
- Dec 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
A personalized button gives users a quick indication of the session status, both on Google's side and on your website, before they click the button. This is especially helpful to end users who visit your website only occasionally. They may forget whether an account has been created or not, and in which way. A personalized button reminds them that Sign In With Google has been used before. Thus, it helps to prevent unnecessary duplicate account creation on your website.
first sighting: sign-in: problem: forgetting whether an account has been created or not, and in which way
github.com github.com
One loss due to this change is the ability to represent an invalid UUID (vs a NIL UUID).
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Roger Hardy erklärt in diesem Artikel über die von ihm in Großbritannien gegründete Organisation Round our Way, dass Arbeiterklassen-Communities von der globalen Erhitzung und ihren Folgen besonders stark betroffen sind und das auch wissen. Nur eine Klimabewegung für "ordinary people" könne das Fundament für einen gesellschaftlichen Konsens über Klimaschutz herstellen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/working-class-people-climate-crisis-policy
github.com github.com
But I do question why lib and not something in app is the common suggestion for classes/modules who do not fall into the default set of folders (models, controllers, jobs, etc). Is it just because it's what we've been doing for so long? To me feels like we're trying to shoehorn the lib folder into further being a kitchen sink (now holding rake tasks and miscellaneous classes), rather than just saying "your Ruby classes/modules go somewhere in app because they're application code".
for: Deep Humanity, epoche, BEing journey, Douglas Harding, Zen, emptiness, awakening, the Headless Way
- adjacency between
- Kensho
- Zen
- Douglas Harding's Headless Way
adjacency statement
- this paper explores the parallels between Zen b experienced of Kensho and Douglas Harding's Headless Way
- can this technique be adapted for Deep Humanity BEing journeys and mass awakening /epoche?
support.google.com support.google.com
I can't count the number of times I have wiped out something I was typing because I thumbed up but was already at the top.
support.google.com support.google.com
chromestory.com chromestory.com
Google Chrome for Android no longer has an option to disable “Pull to Refresh”. For people who don’t really like using this feature, this is pretty annoying. There was a way to disable this using a flag, but version 75 removed this flag too.
I was filling and completing a report on a website, uploaded an attachment just wanted to fill up some remaining inputs on final step, while scrolling down the whole page refreshed!.. hours of work and composition was gone instantly, extremely frustrating!
I stoped using chrome android for purchases, due to the refresh occuring while scrolling up. Poor design choice
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
If tech doesn’t contribute to solving some of the problems it creates, we are doomed
- for: quote, quote - Esther Dyson, quote - progress trap, quote - progress traps, progress trap,
- quote: "If tech doesn’t contribute to solving some of the problems it creates, we are doomed"
- author: Esther Dyson
- internet pioneer
- journalist
- entrepreneur
- executive founder of Way to Wellville
- Jul 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The "Dokkōdō" (Japanese: 獨行道) ("The Path of Aloneness", "The Way to Go Forth Alone", or "The Way of Walking Alone") is a short work written by Miyamoto Musashi a week before he died in 1645. It consists of 21 precepts. "Dokkodo" was largely composed on the occasion of Musashi giving away his possessions in preparation for death, and was dedicated to his favorite disciple, Terao Magonojō (to whom the earlier Go rin no sho [The Book of Five Rings] had also been dedicated), who took them to heart. "Dokkōdō" expresses a stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life.
The work of Musashi, Dokkodo, is the Japanese for "The way of walking alone", which I like most as a translation.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
no we don't
- No.
- we end up with a non conceptual insight that:
- we can then communicate
- that we can discuss
- that we can articulate
- that requires that reason be present at:
- the beginning like the seed
- in the middle when we're performing the analysis
- like the rain that nourishes the crops and
- in the end in the harvest
- because non conceptuality is really easy to achieve all you need is a very large rock,
- just bang right on your head and non conceptuality is there
- but that's a mute inert non-conceptual
- Non-conceptuality needs to be enriched by the conceptual insight that allows you to actually make something of it
The Middle Way
- using the conceptual to reach a deeper appreciation of the state of non-conceptuality,
- in other words, using dualistic thought and language to reach insights about the nondual
- Title
- Madhyamaka: Jay Garfield
- Description
- Jay Garfield talks about why Nagarjuna's technique employts reason to undermine itself to achieve peace in a nonconceptual state.
- He humorously points out how its easy to achieve nonconceptual states in many ways, such as a large rock to the head, but that kind of nonconceptual state is not really insightful for penetrating the deep philosophical questions we all have.
- He clarifies why Nagarjuna's process is called the Middle Way,
- it employs (conceptual) analysis to achieve wisdom of the nondual (nonconceptual) state
- Jay Garfield talks about why Nagarjuna's technique employts reason to undermine itself to achieve peace in a nonconceptual state.
- Title
- Jun 2023
help.openai.com help.openai.com
Shared links offer a new way for users to share their ChatGPT conversations, replacing the old and burdensome method of sharing screenshots.
- May 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Stop to think about "normal app" as like desktop app. Android isn't a desktop platform, there is no such this. A "normal" mobile app let the system control the lifecycle, not the dev. The system expect that, the users expect that. All you need to do is change your mindset and learn how to build on it. Don't try to clone a desktop app on mobile. Everything is completely different including UI/UX.
depends on how you look at it: "normal"
- Mar 2023
blog.cmpxchg8b.com blog.cmpxchg8b.com
We have a finite pool of good will with which we can advocate for the implementation of new security technologies. If we spend all that good will on irritating attackers, then by the time we’re ready to actually implement a solution, developers are not going to be interested.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
When you call 'foo' in Ruby, what you're actually doing is sending a message to its owner: "please call your method 'foo'". You just can't get a direct hold on functions in Ruby in the way you can in Python; they're slippery and elusive. You can only see them as though shadows on a cave wall; you can only reference them through strings/symbols that happen to be their name. Try and think of every method call 'object.foo(args)' you do in Ruby as the equivalent of this in Python: 'object.getattribute('foo')(args)'.
- Jan 2023
news.harvard.edu news.harvard.edu
from the start the logic reflected the social relations of the one-way mirror. They were able to see and to take — and to do this in a way that we could not contest because we had no way to know what was happening.
!- surveillance capitalism : metaphor - one way mirror
Diet YAML is a light weight version of YAML that removes much of the complex aspects of the mainline YAML specification.
learnsql.com learnsql.com
The best way to learn common table expressions is through practice. I recommend LearnSQL.com's interactive Recursive Queries course. It contains over 100 exercises that teach CTEs starting with the basics and progressing to advanced topics like recursive common table expressions.
- Dec 2022
community.tp-link.com community.tp-link.com
This is a terrible idea. At least if there's no way to opt out of it! And esp. if it doesn't auto log out the original user after some timeout.
Why? Because I may no longer remember which device/connection I used originally or may no longer have access to that device or connection.
What if that computer dies? I can't use my new computer to connect to admin UI without doing a factory reset of router?? Or I have to clone MAC address?
In my case, I originally set up via ethernet cable, but after I disconnected and connected to wifi, the same device could not log in, getting this error instead! (because different interface has different mac address)
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
This can lead to the sending of email to the correct address but the wrong recipient.
- Nov 2022
two-way links
www.eastgate.com www.eastgate.com
How Large Is A Note?
Looks like this eternal question is addressed in The Tinderbox Way.
www.suffix.be www.suffix.be
So far for the obligatory warning. I get the point, I even agree with the argument, but I still want to send a POST request. Maybe you are testing an API without a user interface or you are writing router tests? Is it really impossible to simulate a POST request with Capybara? Nah, of course not!
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
While there are many great answers regarding the "glyph not found" glyph, that won't help you actually detect it, as the text string in code will still have the character regardless of the font used to render it.
- Oct 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This breaks the TIMTOWTDI rule
bugs.python.org bugs.python.org
I'm afraid you missed the joke ;-) While you believe spaces are required on both sides of an em dash, there is no consensus on this point. For example, most (but not all) American authorities say /no/ spaces should be used. That's the joke. In writing a line about "only one way to do it", I used a device (em dash) for which at least two ways to do it (with spaces, without spaces) are commonly used, neither of which is obvious -- and deliberately picked a third way just to rub it in. This will never change ;-)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The language was designed with this idea in mind, in that it “doesn't try to tell the programmer how to program.”
This motto has been very much discussed in the Perl community, and eventually extended to There’s more than one way to do it, but sometimes consistency is not a bad thing either (TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE, pronounced Tim Toady Bicarbonate).[1] In contrast, part of the Zen of Python is, "There should be one— and preferably only one —obvious way to do it."
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
The bash manual contains the statement For almost every purpose, aliases are superseded by shell functions.
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
the AST version of the code is vastly superior IMHO. The knowledge about what constitutes an access modifier is already encoded in the system so it makes more sense to just call the method to test the type of node. The regexp solution may be expedient, but it's not as resilient to change -- if new access modifiers are added in the future it's very likely this code won't be updated, which will be the source of a bug.
- Aug 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It's a great way to test various limits. When you think about this even more, it's a little mind-bending, as we're trying to impose a global clock ("who is the most up to date") on a system that inherently doesn't have a global clock. When we scale time down to nanoseconds, this affects us in the real world of today: a light-nanosecond is not very far.
- Jul 2022
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
It's annotations all the way down...
github.com github.com
Interestingly, Rails doesn't see this in their test suite because they set this value during setup:
www.judithragir.org www.judithragir.org
Dogen and Nagarjuna’s Tetralemma #6 of 21
Title: http://www.judithragir.org/2017/08/dogen-nagarjunas-tetralemma-6/ Author: Judith Ragir Date: 2017
bafybeifum5ioeus3y3hl4lqdwclgxpd6in4muleocuhsk3jev2rd7j3hpu.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeifum5ioeus3y3hl4lqdwclgxpd6in4muleocuhsk3jev2rd7j3hpu.ipfs.dweb.link
docdrop.org docdrop.org
let me first say how why we're here um 00:05:01 and first point out that barry and carl have never met before this is the first time you will discuss
Title: What is Real? Nagarjuna's Middle Way A Discussion with Barry Kerzin (Doctor to HH Dalai Lama, Professor and Buddhist Monk) and Carlo Rovelli (Quantum Physicist)
bdunagan.com bdunagan.com
All seem focused on rendering the 404 page manually. However, I wanted to make rescue_from work. My solution is the catch-all route and raising the exception manually.
- Apr 2022
sloboda-studio.com sloboda-studio.com
Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully
Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"
However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?
According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.
It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve
edgeguides.rubyonrails.org edgeguides.rubyonrails.org
it is highly encouraged to switch to zeitwerk mode because it is a better autoloader
www.internetsociety.org www.internetsociety.org
The Internet owes its strength and success to a foundation of critical properties that, when combined, represent the Internet Way of Networking (IWN). This includes: an accessible Infrastructure with a common protocol, a layered architecture of interoperable building blocks, decentralized management and distributed routing, a common global identifier system, and a technology neutral, general-purpose network.
Definition of the Internet Way of Networking
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
and within that within that area then you have on one on the light side with on the eastern side of the milky way all of those people there have a 00:39:56 relationship to each other all the tribes and all the clans and so and then you come on to the west side exactly the same thing again so on the east side those stars on the 00:40:10 bright side we are not allowed if you've got a totemic system that belongs to the east side you cannot marry your children into any one of them you must marry across the river so 00:40:23 you've got to go across the river which is that milky way and so the light side's going to go across the dark side to find their wives and so the old people understood who the people were and 00:40:35 and so they understood that genealogical background of every family every child and so they made sure that that when you made a promise to a child you 00:40:49 make sure that there are at least five generation removed from the people you want to marry them back into genetics was very important to us even though we didn't know it was genetics at 00:41:01 the time but it was maintaining the purity of the people
There's a light side (East) and a dark side (West) of the Milky Way (seen as a river) which is mirrored into the moieties of the people. Dark people must go across the river to marry those on the light side. The elders kept track of all the genealogy in the totemic system of every family and every child and made their promises such that there were at least five generations removed from their family to maintain the purity (in the sense of genetic soundness, not genetic purity from a "racial" perspective) of the people.
via Uncle Ghillar Michael Anderson
www.anviet.com.my www.anviet.com.my
start composting
some part of foods that can't be eaten
banana peels or onion skins
prepare a compost bin where you can get rid of decayable food waste
to fertilise garden
- Mar 2022
rom-rb.org rom-rb.orgROM1
mainstream way: ActiveRecord
twitter.com twitter.com
dark constellations
Dark constellations are dark patches amidst brighter portions of the Milky Way in the night sky which are visible to the naked eye.
Historically they were viewed by Indigenous peoples of Australia as well as Incans.
The emu in the sky is an example from the southern hemisphere. Its 'body' is outlined by Scorpius and Sagittarius and its 'head' is known as as the Coalsack Nebula.
Another example is the Great Rift.
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
Replaces your Rails controllers, views and forms with meta programming. Considers routes.rb, ability.rb, current_user and does the right thing.
Local file Local file
his suggests that successful problem solvingmay be a function of flexible strategy application in relation to taskdemands.” (Vartanian 2009, 57)
Successful problem solving requires having the ability to adaptively and flexibly focus one's attention with respect to the demands of the work. Having a toolbelt of potential methods and combinatorially working through them can be incredibly helpful and we too often forget to explicitly think about doing or how to do that.
This is particularly important in mathematics where students forget to look over at their toolbox of methods. What are the different means of proof? Some mathematicians will use direct proof during the day and indirect forms of proof at night. Look for examples and counter-examples. Why not look at a problem from disparate areas of mathematical thought? If topology isn't revealing any results, why not look at an algebraic or combinatoric approach?
How can you put a problem into a different context and leverage that to your benefit?
- Dec 2021
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
No, United Way isn’t sitting still—it recently teamed up with Salesforce.org to roll out a new app called Philanthropy Cloud. For now, however, upstart Benevity rules the online workplace giving space.
- Nov 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Stores are the idiomatic Svelte way when you need to import "reactivity" from your normal JS sources.
hcommons.org hcommons.org
I know I know with the Paris is it is a stone. And people used to write on stone in Egypt. And that’s where they would create their hieroglyphic alphabet.
www.varvet.com www.varvet.com
I am firmly convinced that asserting on the state of the interface is in every way superior to asserting on the state of your model objects in a full-stack test.
Even if #foo is originally on the page and then removed and replaced with a #foo which contains baz after a short wait, Capybara will still figure this out.
As long as you stick to the Capybara API, and have a basic grasp of how its waiting behaviour works, you should never have to use wait_until explicitly.
Let’s make that really clear, Capybara is ridiculously good at waiting for content.
apybara could have easily figured out how to wait for this content, without you muddying up your specs with tons of explicit calls to wait_until. Our developer could simply have done this: page.find("#foo").should have_content("login failed")
- testing: end-to-end
- better/superior solution/way to do something
- testing: avoid testing implementation details
- impressive
- testing: philosohy of testing
- testing: tests should resemble the way your software is used
- Capybara
- getting out of your way / don't even notice it because it just works
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Okay thank you. I'll need to do some thinking then on how to apply that to things like git config --global core.editor
const palette: { [key: string]: string } = {...
what is the TypeScript Way™ of handling the implicit any that appears due to object literals not having a standard index signature?
Even if it's const, an object can still have properties added later returning any arbitrary type. Indexing into the object would then have to return any - and that's an implicit any.
we have no way to know that the line nameMap[3] = "bob"; isn't somewhere in your program
- Oct 2021
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
Inflections go the other way around.In classic mode, given a missing constant Rails underscores its name and performs a file lookup. On the other hand, zeitwerk mode checks first the file system, and camelizes file names to know the constant those files are expected to define.While in common names these operations match, if acronyms or custom inflection rules are configured, they may not. For example, by default "HTMLParser".underscore is "html_parser", and "html_parser".camelize is "HtmlParser".
All these problems are solved in zeitwerk mode, it just works as expected, and require_dependency should not be used anymore, it is no longer needed.
www.kylehq.com www.kylehq.com
And on any given day, developing with Svelte and its reactive nature is simply a dream to use. You can tell Svelte to track state changes on practically anything using the $: directive. And it’s quite likely that your first reactive changes will produce all the expected UI results.
- Sep 2021
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
Codica Named a Top E-commerce Web Development Company by ManifestIrina TurchanovaSaaS Growth ResearcherAwardsHomeBlogCodica WayCodica Named a Top E-commerce Web Development Company by ManifestAug 26, 202110 min readCodica is a professional team that provides software consultancy services to all-sized businesses. We have been building unique and complex custom web solutions for more than six years, helping our customers reach their business goals and prosper.
Manifest, a Clutch’s sister website, is also a business news platform. Our Manifest profile ranks among the top 60 e-commerce app development companies in Ukraine and Top apps Developers.
us4.forward-to-friend.com us4.forward-to-friend.com
Three days before Labor Day, on Friday, September 2, 1921, the U.S. Army intervened on the side of coal companies against striking coal miners, marking the end of the Battle of Blair Mountain in southern West Virginia. The battle was the climax of two decades of low-intensity warfare across the coalfields of Appalachia, as the West Virginia miners sought to unionize and mining companies used violent tactics to undermine their efforts. The struggle turned deadly.
- Aug 2021
jacobfilipp.com jacobfilipp.com
“Ultimately, these kind of iframe limitations are the reason why vendors should implement embeddable marketing forms with JavaScript instead of iframes….” – I couldn’t agree more. The trouble is, Pardot’s developers still believe it’s the 1990’s
Now consider we want to handle numbers in our known value set: const KNOWN_VALUES = Object.freeze(['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3]) function isKnownValue(input?: string | number) { return typeof(input) === 'string' && KNOWN_VALUES.includes(input) } Uh oh! This TypeScript compiles without errors, but it's not correct. Where as our original "naive" approach would have worked just fine. Why is that? Where is the breakdown here? It's because TypeScript's type system got in the way of the developer's initial intent. It caused us to change our code from what we intended to what it allowed. It was never the developer's intention to check that input was a string and a known value; the developer simply wanted to check whether input was a known value - but wasn't permitted to do so.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This will obviate the need for a helper function of any kind.
- Jun 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
"Although in the United States it is common to use the term multiculturalism to refer to both liberal forms of multiculturalism and to describe critical multicultural pedagogies, in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and other areas,anti-racism refers to those enactments of multiculturalism grounded in critical theory and pedagogy. The term anti-racism makes a greater distinction, in my opinion, between the liberal and critical paradigms of multiculturalism, and is one of the reasons I find the anti-racism literature useful for analyzing multiculturalism in music education."
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You particular circumstances may or may not warrant a way different from what lhunath (and other users) deem "best practices".
Remember that in the end, especially in scripting, there always are more than one way to skin a cat, but some ways are more portable, more reliable, make it simpler to handle error cases, parse the output, etc.
graphql-ruby.org graphql-ruby.org
However, this request-by-request mindset doesn’t map well to GraphQL because there’s only one controller and the requests that come to it may be very different.
github.com github.com
There are many projects that does not use the master branch as default. For example, Next.js uses the canary branch, the npm CLI and many more other projects uses stuff like prod, production, dev, develop, release, beta, head.
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
This meant that we owned both sides of the product implementation. For unit testing on the frontend, we stayed with Angular’s suggestion of Jasmine. For unit testing on the backend, we went with rspec-rails. These worked well since unit tests don’t need to cross technology boundaries.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
targeting what the user actually sees
The most important guideline to give is the following: Write clean unit tests if there is actual value in testing a complex piece of logic in isolation to prevent it from breaking in the future Otherwise, try to write your specs as close to the user’s flow as possible
It’s better to test a component in the way the user interacts with it: checking the rendered template.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
We want the GraphQL API to be the primary means of interacting programmatically with GitLab. To achieve this, it needs full coverage - anything possible in the REST API should also be possible in the GraphQL API.
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
One way to look at your current situation is that you're not paying them enough to tell you the gory details, not that you're not knowledgeable enough.
github.com github.com
or simply install the package to devDependencies rather than dependencies, which will cause it to get bundled (and therefore compiled) with your app:
www.campaignmonitor.com www.campaignmonitor.com
In the earlier example, I used “no-reply@” because this is, unfortunately, a common practice used by many email marketers. As a brand utilizing email, you should never expect a personal experience like email to ever be one-sided.
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
There's nothing to stop you from doing initializer code in a file that lives in app/models. for example class MyClass def self.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded end end MyClass.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded MyClass.run_me... will run when the class is loaded .... which is what we want, right? Not sure if its the Rails way.... but its extremely straightforward, and does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.
does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.
github.com github.com
These example are for Rails applications, but there is no dependency on Rails for using this gem. Most of the examples are applicable to any Ruby application.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The use of U+212B 'Angstrom sign', which was encoded due to round-trip mapping compatibility with an East-Asian character encoding, is discouraged, and the preferred representation is U+00C5 'capital letter A with ring above', which has the same glyph.
Is there a difference in semantic meaning between the two? And if so, what is it? 
But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
serverfault.com serverfault.com
perl -ne 'chomp(); if (-e $_) {print "$_\n"}'
xargs -i sh -c 'test -f {} && echo {}'
medium.com medium.com
“Who cares? Let’s just go with the style-guide” — to which my response is that caring about the details is in the heart of much of our doings. Yes, this is not a major issue; def self.method is not even a code smell. Actually, that whole debate is on the verge of being incidental. Yet the learning process and the gained knowledge involved in understanding each choice is alone worth the discussion. Furthermore, I believe that the class << self notation echoes a better, more stable understanding of Ruby and Object Orientation in Ruby. Lastly, remember that style-guides may change or be altered (carefully, though!).
www.crabgrasslawn.com www.crabgrasslawn.com
Alternative ways to flatten a bumpy lawn
careerfoundry.com careerfoundry.com
Many designers strive to create products that are so easy to navigate, their users can flow through them at first glance. To design something with this level of intuitiveness, it’s imperative designers understand affordances—what they are and how to use them.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
It is also the first game I've seen whose icon for "mute" is not a crossed-out speaker/note, but a symbol for "pause" in musical notation...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Yeah, I probably think of using foam before anyone else does.
github.com github.com
This approach is preferable to overriding authenticate_user! in your controller because it won't clobber a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff Devise does (such as storing the attempted URL so the user can be redirected after successful sign in).
- Mar 2021
final-form.org final-form.org
Your validation functions should also treat undefined and '' as the same. This is not too difficult since both undefined and '' are falsy in javascript. So a "required" validation rule would just be error = value ? undefined : 'Required'.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Visible spectrum wrapped to join blue and green in an additive mixture of cyan
the rainbow as a continuous (repeating) circle instead of semicircle
www.jackfranklin.co.uk www.jackfranklin.co.uk
Svelte is there when I need it with useful APIs, but fades into the background as I put my app together.
This isn't really a downside to React; one of React's strengths is that it lets you control so much and slot React into your environment
Svelte is different in that by default most of your code is only going to run once; a console.log('foo') line in a component will only run when that component is first rendered.
- important point
- flexibility to use the tool that you prefer
- trying to doing things the same way you did in a different library/framework (learning new way of thinking about something / overcoming habits/patterns/paradigms you are accustomed to)
- opinion
- turning things around / doing it differently
- difference
- unfortunate defaults
- opinionated
- getting out of your way / don't even notice it because it just works
- Svelte vs. React
- reasonable defaults
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (allowing use with competing libraries; not being too opinionated; not forcing recommended way on you)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Two of the predominant types of relationships in knowledge-representation systems are predication and the universally quantified conditional.