2,226 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. Tell future-you why you did that thing; they can read but don't know what you intended. Oral tradition is like never writing state to disk; flush those buffers.
  2. Jun 2023
    1. Platform engineering is trying to deliver the self-service tools teams want to consume to rapidly deploy all components of software. While it may sound like a TypeScript developer would feel more empowered by writing their infrastructure in TypeScript, the reality is that it’s a significant undertaking to learn to use these tools properly when all one wants to do is create or modify a few resources for their project. This is also a common source of technical debt and fragility. Most users will probably learn the minimal amount they need to in order to make progress in their project, and oftentimes this may not be the best solution for the longevity of a codebase. These tools are straddling an awkward line that is optimized for no-one. Traditional DevOps are not software engineers and software engineers are not DevOps. By making infrastructure a software engineering problem, it puts all parties in an unfamiliar position. I am not saying no-one is capable of using these tools well. The DevOps and software engineers I’ve worked with are more than capable. This is a matter of attention. If you look at what a DevOps engineer has to deal with day-in and day-out, the nuances of TypeScript or Go will take a backseat. And conversely, the nuances of, for example, a VPC will take a backseat to a software engineer delivering a new feature. The gap that the AWS CDK and Pulumi try to bridge is not optimized for anyone and this is how we get bugs, and more dangerously, security holes.
    1. Setting up RedirectsOne last thing before we leave you, you’ll notice that you tend to get redirected to the blog as opposed to a wiki logon page. That’s done with one final caddy configuration, forcing you to read my blog if you try to go to an arbitrary URL (especially important if you are retiring old sites):NoneBashCSSCC#ElixirErlangGoGraphQLGroovyHaskellHTMLINIJavaJavaScriptJSONKotlinLispLuaMermaid DiagramNixObjective-COCamlPerlPHPPowershellPythonRubyRustScalaSQLSoliditySwiftTOMLTypeScriptVisual BasicYAMLZigKopierenkb.gurucomputing.com { @notBlog { not path /static* not path /doc* not path /s/* not path /auth* not path /realtime* not path /images* not path /locales* not path /api* not path /collaboration* not path /collection* } redir @notBlog /s/blog reverse_proxy http://outline }To get to the logon page, you instead navigate to a /doc or /collection subpath as opposed to the root of the site (and of course you still need authentication). And that’s how I made this blog.
  3. May 2023
  4. Apr 2023
    1. What, then, are we to do? How can we transform a disorganized group into one that is organized enough to take on a collective obligation to prevent harm? A promising solution here might be to revisit the place of individual moral agents in ascribing forward looking collective responsibility in cases where a group is not yet organized enough to be ascribed such responsibility. In particular, we might want to ask how, if at all, individual moral agents might be motivated and even obligated to create the kind of organized collective that is needed here.
    1. PK Porthcurno Museum of Global CommunicationsEastern HousePorthcurnoPenzanceEnglandTR19 6JX
  5. Mar 2023
    1. “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.” -- Albert Einstein
    1. implementing feedback sessions with our active community
    2. changes. As much as I try to anticipate the impact of what I do, I know I cannot anticipate every scenario.
    3. I know there is no standard or method that can meet the needs and experiences of all the people who will be affected by
    4. this helps us to accept that our community knows stuff we do not know. So we learn things about our work from the community.
    5. deep knowledge
    6. people who are holding knowledge on specific areas of our project (like me on product design), should be made responsible for communalizing this knowledge
    7. A radical feminist design approach means to me, the acceptance of differences, and the caring of these. Care work is a central aspect of design. For taking decisions I need to invest time to evaluate the situation responsibly. Designing for differences in a world ruled by universal thinking means sometimes designing ideas from scratch, and even rejecting the possibility of using solutions available
    8. Technology (just as capitalist economy) is based on rationalist and individualist paradigms that are afraid of differences and therefore work hard to erase these.
    9. Just as coding languages, the product we ideate and perform, has also languages and we choose these languages to be: participatory-design and radical feminism.
    10. that still rule the current technological landscape
    11. colonial policies
    12. language as a consequence of
    13. the universal
    14. English as modern lingua franca
    15. the fact that the majority of the code in the world -also open-source and free software code- is only available in English
    16. to make my work a complex task is a choice, a political one
    17. Confronting our dominance, even when this implies much more work for me, as well for all my colleagues.
    18. decolonial design
    19. Changing habits is difficult, changing hegemonic habits, in hegemonic people, is a constant struggle.
    20. People around the world(s) are obliged to learn these platforms, to be even considered as applicants to a job. So of course, if we have to already invested part of our ‘personal time’ to learn one technology, to fulfill the profile for getting a job, learning a second or third technology starts competing with visiting friends, going for dinner with our families, taking a walk in the park, or playing with our dog.
    21. I understand that objectivity has been in this colonized world an excuse of the white, middle class, occidental, cis-men to push his interest as a universal solution.
    22. Currently when people do not agree on an Agile working-process, they are considered lazy or slow, but this is mostly because they are not being productive to the capitalist interest.
    23. Fast delivering is the strategic aspect, for people to compete among each other, in order to be the next ‘first ones’, to deliver something, and get the credits for it.
    24. Fast delivering and constantly changing are necessities of capitalism for maintaining its hegemony.
    25. I strongly believe people want to make autonomous decisions, people want to be engaged in decision making, and people are capable of depicting complexity, it is just a matter of regaining confidence and freedom.
    26. Every decision I make in product design involves prioritization. And this process is strictly aligned to the political positions I follow. Therefore transparency in my/our decisions is essential to avoid frustration, both in the communities using what I design, like you, and in all people involved in the design process.
  6. Feb 2023
    1. Man kann die ganze Situation nämlich auch einmal zum Anlass nehmen, darüber nachzudenken, ob man das Ganze wirklich braucht. Ist der Nutzen der sozialen Medien so hoch, dass er den Preis rechtfertigt? Das ist eine Frage, die ich mir stelle, seit ich meinen persönlichen Twitter-Account stillgelegt habe, aber so verkehrt fühlt es sich zumindest für mich nicht an, nicht mehr auf Twitter, Mastodon & Co. vertreten zu sein. Vielleicht hatte ein solcher Dienst auch einfach seine Zeit, und vielleicht überschätzen wir die Relevanz von sozialen Medien, und vielleicht wäre es gut, davon mehr Abstand zu nehmen.
    2. Tatsächlich kostet es aber auch jede Menge Geld, wenn man es richtig machen möchte. Immerhin fallen Server, Strom, Backup & Co. nicht vom Himmel, sondern wollen bezahlt werden. Und solange eine allgemeine "Geiz ist geil"-Mentalität vorherrscht, funktioniert das nicht im großen Stil, denn dann tragen einige wenige die Kosten für ein größeres System. Das ist zutiefst unfair, das führt zu Burnout, das führt dazu, dass Menschen irgendwann keine Kraft mehr haben, sich zu engagieren. Solche Fälle gab und gibt es in der Open-Source-Szene immer wieder, und das wird an dieser Stelle nicht anders laufen.
    1. Der Punkt ist aber, dass eine derartige Plattform viel Aufwand nach sich zieht, in der Wartung, im Betrieb und so weiter. Und da weiß ich nicht, ob ich das in den Händen einiger weniger Freiwilliger sehen möchte, die das unentgeltlich machen. Die Absichten sind sicherlich hehrer Natur, das will ich gar nicht in Abrede stellen – aber es gibt halt einen großen Unterschied zwischen einem professionellen, sicheren und verlässlichen Betrieb und dem, was eine Privatperson leisten kann oder will.
  7. Jan 2023
  8. Dec 2022
  9. Nov 2022
    1. Services are duplicates if they are provided to the same target group, by the same provider, under the same agreement, to the same location, and using the same interface.
      • target group
      • provider
      • agreement
      • location
      • interface
  10. Oct 2022
    1. Of course, if super-intelligent Aliens will arrive on our planet, bearing a writing system with billions characters, I will withdraw this proposal and donate the name "UTF-64" to the Unicode Consortium.
    1. Das Verschwinden der Nacht. Wie künstliches Licht die uralten Rhythmen unserer Umwelt zerstört Johan Eklöf Ulrike Strerath-Bolz (Übers.), Droemer 2022, 238 S., 22 €
    1. eMail hat tatsächlich nicht mehr den Stellenwert wie früher - als es wirklich noch wie schnellerer Briefverkehr genutzt wurde und deutlich förmlicher und verbindlicher war. Heute sehe ich das auch die Kundschaft eMail schon auf SMS-Niveau benutzt, was mir in der Seele wehtut, weil das eine völlig unwürdige Form der Kommunikation ist.
  11. Sep 2022
    1. Theoretically you could assign an address from your servers public IPv6 prefix directly to the client so no NAT would be necessary. This would be the ideologically "correct" way to do IPv6, but may be problematic to do when your servers prefix regularly changes.
  12. Aug 2022
    1. Das Recht in Deutschland schreibt nicht vor, dass am Beginn des Arbeitsverhältnisses zwingend eine Probezeit stehen muss. Es kann demnach auch keine Probezeit im Arbeitsvertrag zu finden sein.
  13. Jul 2022
  14. Jun 2022
    1. "Die dauerhafte Nachfrage nach digitalen Anwendungen und datengesteuerten Diensten ist die nächste Stufe in einem Kontinuum – einem stetigen Prozess der Digitalisierung, der Optimierung von Arbeitsabläufen, der Etablierung von neuen Kommunikations- und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten und einer immer granulareren und umfassenderen Vernetzung"
    1. In einer gut laufenden Firma löst man die Probleme die Computer nicht lösen können beispielsweise im Pair oder kleineren Gruppen. Das nimmt dann wenige Stunden im Tag ein und man verbringt die restliche Zeit mit lockeren Plaudereien mit Kollegen oder dem Einlesen in neue Technologien.
  15. May 2022