2,126 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. Die Schrift alleine vermag es, nicht nur physische, sondern auch soziale Objekte wie Geld, Gesetze, Politiken und Identitäten zu übertragen. Mehr noch: Der Schrift, und allgemein der Aufzeichnung, gelingt ein Wunder, weil sie die sozialen Objekte konstruiert (verba volant, scripta manent: Das geschriebene Wort verfügte schon immer über diese Eigenschaft). Dies erklärt auch, warum die Schrift nicht verschwunden ist, wie vor fünfzig Jahren prophezeit wurde. Sie ist ganz im Gegenteil zu einer allgegenwärtigen Technologie geworden und darüber hinaus zum wichtigsten politischen, gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Spieleinsatz unserer Zeit. Diese Überraschung offenbart den Kern der gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit, die aus Dokumenten besteht.
    2. Dokumentalität
    3. Wirklichkeit
    4. Mobilisierung
    5. Emergenz
    6. Dokumedialität
    7. Exemplarität
    8. Die dokumentierte Gesellschaft ist daher weder flüssig noch diffus. Sie ist solider und widerständiger, als es jemals eine Gesellschaft war.
    1. Missing Archive, missing narrative? Where is the archive of Palestine, and who owns it? How did the missing archive create a void in the Palestinian narrative and what did the Palestinians do to compensate this? In her films, Mahasen Nasser Eldin does not only search for the archive but connects it to the present in an attempt to contribute to restoring the Palestinian memory and narrative. “Civilizations that write history are often remembered by the cultural heritage they leave for future generations. Therefore, the preservation of audio-visual heritage should be considered a national duty. Whoever controls archives and cultural collections decisively influences the writing of history – a principle that has been in evidence since antiquity.” Dr. Bashar Shammout, scholar on Palestinian archives
    1. It’s 1936, C.L.R. James is in Paris: “I look up in the archives. I look up, I look up, I look up in the archives, I spend three or four months looking up in the archives.” James’ friend Harry Spencer had given him seventy-five pounds to go to France and work in the Archives Nationales. “Every morning, walk up the Seine, the bank of Seine, go to the archives... At twelve o’clock they shut down, everywhere is closed up till tow. Archives close up, ‘St. James” closes up, off to eat. Very fine. At two o’clock, I go back. I work. The archives close at five or six. I go home.” James was in the archives because he was writing the history of the Haitian Revolution. Published in London in 1938, the bibliography of The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution lists some eight archives consulted between France, Haiti, and Great Britain among many other printed primary and secondary sources. But even for the best historians and the most finely crafted (and critical) histories, the archive of the oppressed can be hard to find.
  2. Jan 2021
    1. It is possible to suppress this behaviour by passing commandline options -p (+the the name of the phy) and -i (+ the name of the interface) to the iwd daemon.
    1. Realitäts­prüfung Urteilen Realitätssinn Regulation von Trieb und Affekt Objektbeziehungen Denken adaptive Regression im Dienste des Ichs Abwehr Stimulus­schranke Autonomie synthetische Funktionen Bewältigungskompetenzen (oder Copingstrategie)
    1. Als wichtigste Bausteine alltäglicher Identitätsarbeit werden dabei gesehen: „Kohärenz, Anerkennung, Authentizität, Handlungsfähigkeit, Ressourcen und Narration“.
      • Koheränz
      • Anerkennung
      • Authentizität
      • Handlungsfähigkeit
      • Ressourcen
      • Narration
    1. Der Standpunkt einer untergeordneten Gruppe ist vollständiger, weil diese mehr Grund hat, eine dominante Gruppe zu verstehen, und weil sie weniger Interesse hat, den Status quo aufrechtzuerhalten.
  3. Dec 2020
    1. Databases If databases data is stored on a ZFS filesystem, it’s better to create a separate dataset with several tweaks: zfs create -o recordsize=8K -o primarycache=metadata -o logbias=throughput -o mountpoint=/path/to/db_data rpool/db_data recordsize: match the typical RDBMSs page size (8 KiB) primarycache: disable ZFS data caching, as RDBMSs have their own logbias: essentially, disabled log-based writes, relying on the RDBMSs’ integrity measures (see detailed Oracle post)
    1. Summary This design of the Cambria-Automerge integration has several useful properties: Multi-schema: The document can be read and written in any schema at any time. A document has no single “canonical” schema—just a log of writes from many schemas. Self-evolving: The logic for evolving formats is contained within the document itself. An older client can read newer versions without upgrading its code, since it can retrieve new lenses from the document itself. Future-proof: Edits to the document are resilient to the addition of future lenses. Since no evolution is done on write, old changes can be evolved using lenses that didn’t even exist at the time of the original change. One area for future research is further exploring the interaction between the guarantees provided by lenses and CRDTs. For example, Automerge has different logic for handling concurrent edits on a scalar value and an array. But what happens if the concurrent edits are applied to an array in one schema, and a scalar value in another?
    1. Here we used two xargs commands. The first one builds a custom command line, using as input the output of the previous command in the pipe (being pidof sleep) and the second xargs command executes that generated, custom-per-input (important!), command.

      xargs | xargs

    1. One of the criticisms I’ve heard since I realised that better datastructures were possible is that I was “working secretely”. I certainly understand this feeling, but this is based on a misunderstanding of how research works. When I first had the idea that I’m explaining in this post, I realised that a complete rewrite would be needed. But for a very long time, almost nothing other than unusable, unreadable prototypes happened.




  4. Nov 2020
    1. Niemand packt seine Texte und Fotos auf dem heimischen Schreibtisch in Ordner und Dateien, wie Windows ihm das vorschreibt.
    1. Liebe ist Quatsch. Briefe an Ellinor. Herausgegeben von Jan Bürger und Sandra Hiemer. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2014.
    1. I increasingly don’t care for the world of centralized software. Software interacts with my data, on my computers. Its about time my software reflected that relationship. I want my laptop and my phone to share my files over my wifi. Not by uploading all my data to servers in another country. Especially if those servers are financed by advertisers bidding for my eyeballs.
    1. 1.Austausch von Wissen und Erfahrungen, gegenseitige Unterstützung. 2.Aufbau einer Interessengemscheinaft. Gemeinsame Entwicklung, soweit das mit den unterschiedlichen Programmen möglich ist.3.Einen Software-Standard für Verwaltungssoftware entwickeln (also die Programme zueinander kompatibel zu machen, soweit das möglich ist), damit·man diese Komponenten gemeinsam entwickeln kann·diese später vielleicht sogar untereinander austauschbar oder miteinander kombinierbar sind·neue Programmierer mitmachen können, statt allein von vorne anzufangenBetrifft z.B.:·Datenbankstrukturen·Dateiformate·interne und externe APIs4.Entscheidung für eine Software, die wir zukünftig unterstützen, finanziell und entwicklungstechnisch. Die Software soll durch möglichst viele Solawis und Solawi-Typen nutzen können und soll gleichzeitig modular und selbständig durch die Solawis erweitert werden können.

      Die Beispiele können erweitert werden durch die Vorarbeiten die @yova im internationalen Kontext mit Solidbase und in seiner wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit untersucht hat.

    1. awk '{print $2}' /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub | base64 -d | sha256sum -b | sed 's/ .*$//' | xxd -r -p | base64 | sed 's/.//44g' | awk '{print "SHA256:"$1}'
    1. διαδικασία Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary Jump to navigation Jump to search Greek

      Greek Noun

      διαδικασία • (diadikasía) f (plural διαδικασίες)

      1. procedure, process, method, protocol
      2. (computing) function, subroutine, procedure
  5. Oct 2020
    1. This is until you realize you're probably using at least ten different services, and they all have different purposes, with various kinds of data, endpoints and restrictions. Even if you have the capacity and are willing to do it, it's still damn hard.
    2. Hopefully we can agree that the current situation isn't so great. But I am a software engineer. And chances that if you're reading it, you're very likely a programmer as well. Surely we can deal with that and implement, right? Kind of, but it's really hard to retrieve data created by you.
    1. He highlights the Memex’s killer feature of associative linking and how trails of links have never been implemented in the way the Memex envisioned: It is associative indexing though, that is the essential feature of the memex, “the process of tying two items together is the important thing.” Bush describes a hypertext like mechanism at this point, but most interesting from my perspective is his emphasis on a trail as a fundamental unit — something we largely seem to have lost today. […] Documents and links we have aplenty. But where are our trails?
    1. Introducing the notecard<picture><source type='image/webp' srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/1c9fc6f4219b130b82a6f7727ee74acecbe8b7a4/b4243/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/9e195/cardannotated.webp 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/f66b657967d2e34e758cb77fc59714a285319279/7a3d6/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/40a1d/cardannotated.webp 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/47d622ef46121005ad91293c7ee458a90d04b4fa/7fe2f/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/b0751/cardannotated.webp 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/6504d2ec44fb8a647fe5b79334af8ec4952253f7/8e755/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a7c53/cardannotated.webp 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/f69c4512b7a44c58464b2aef88aa47bf6a0bb66f/5c714/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/009c1/cardannotated.webp 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><source srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/d8560f7fcbf605ba3971dd25a26be6d61cc4cd0e/f1b18/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/4fa6c/cardannotated.jpg 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/eed5c3fa61adc2053cdbf49591157f1aaafcb163/00ee5/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/64b17/cardannotated.jpg 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/167359409657f272c354c8550a2c2e7f53ddd34a/27ba4/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a6c62/cardannotated.jpg 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/5250e9e013f951c51b8e0e5e41da294776ec9f35/e54ea/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/08276/cardannotated.jpg 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" /><img loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px" srcset="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/d8560f7fcbf605ba3971dd25a26be6d61cc4cd0e/f1b18/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/4fa6c/cardannotated.jpg 200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/eed5c3fa61adc2053cdbf49591157f1aaafcb163/00ee5/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/64b17/cardannotated.jpg 400w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg 800w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/167359409657f272c354c8550a2c2e7f53ddd34a/27ba4/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a6c62/cardannotated.jpg 1200w, https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/5250e9e013f951c51b8e0e5e41da294776ec9f35/e54ea/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/08276/cardannotated.jpg 1500w" src="https://d33wubrfki0l68.cloudfront.net/0a571025bfd13a5d0047fe36963562de5f20bd00/a556c/static/8ead8f249b03bd5814d09faec76a0d92/a1eb1/cardannotated.jpg" alt="Introducing the notecard" title="Introducing the notecard" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;opacity:1;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;object-position:center"/></picture>No more bloated files for taking notes. Create simple yet powerful digital note-cards with rich and varied content, like math equations, tables, images, checklists, and emojis.
    1. (8) Vor den Feuerungsöffnungen von Feuerstätten für feste Brennstoffe sind Fußböden aus brennbaren Baustoffen durch einen Belag aus nichtbrennbaren Baustoffen zu schützen. Der Belag muss sich nach vorn auf mindestens 50 cm und seitlich auf mindestens 30 cm über die Feuerungsöffnung hinaus erstrecken.
    1. Welcome to the FOSS version of Apple and Microsoft in terms of user accessibility and customization. Sadly, Gnome, once the desktop of choice, has become the desktop that causes choice. A small and vocal clique of OCD “designers,” no doubt based out of a mojito bar in South Beach, allowed their control issues and Ubuntu envy to supersede rationality and the result is a desktop where form cripples function at every turn. Somewhere along the way to creating an interface that could be run precisely they way they run their ears and nostrils the Gnome “designers” became obsessed with making it difficult or impossible for those pesky users to mess up their perfect “design” decisions. In the pursuit of an imaginary user base running desktops with their fingers Gnome took a decent Swiss Army Knife and turned it into a plastic picnic spoon while alienating the majority of the real user base–including the man who invented the OS. Gnome will remain inaccessible and become more so, as you have just experienced, as long as the arrogant crew of control freaks who hijacked the project remains at the wheel. They are driving the bus and don’t you forget it. They know what you need and you don’t. They have “designed” a modal interface any idiot can use with just one grubby finger and in doing so they have demanded that everyone else get lobotomised.. Now eat your rutabaga and kale pie with your plastic picnic spoon or you won’t get any borscht for dessert kid. Sure it tastes awful, but just look at the colors and the presentation. Stop picking your nose! You need that finger to run your computer.

      A very fine rant.