142 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. After three years of costly fighting, the insurrection was finally brought to an end when, in a daring operation on March 23, 1901, led by Gen. Frederick Funston, Aguinaldo was captured in his secret headquarters at Palanan in northern Luzon. Aguinaldo took an oath of allegiance to the United States, was granted a pension from the U.S. government, and retired to private life.

      With the overwhelming forces of the United States, it's reasonable for Aguinaldo to surrender by taking an oath of allegiance to his captors. From the start until the end of the insurrection, Aguinaldo was courageous to serve his motherland. Although this may seem he's surrendering the country and his honor also, this was a courageous act for honor's sake. Aguinaldo admits that the United States overwhelmed them, and to continue fighting will only lead to more lives lost to a losing battle. Aguinaldo's courageous act to preserve his men is courage in itself and an honor to their lives. He knew the condemnations he will receive, yet to courageously act in fear of them is not honoring what could've been lost and a courageous act to begin with.

      For although brave men are passionate, nevertheless they choose courageous acts (in part) for honor's sake, knowing the perils which lie ahead (Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics, book 3).

    2. By the morning of February 5 the Filipinos, who had fought bravely, had been defeated at all points. While the fighting was in progress, Aguinaldo issued a proclamation of war against the United States, which immediately sent reinforcements to the Philippines. The Filipino government fled northward. In November 1899 the Filipinos resorted to guerrilla warfare.

      The "courage" of the citizen-soldier, who faces danger because he is ashamed of the reproach of his peers and wants to win honor (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics).

      Aguinaldo demonstrated the courage of a citizen-soldier by facing a superpower, United States, to avoid the shame of being a subject of it. Due to the firepower of the United States, the Filipino government, led by Aguinaldo, had to flee northward and resort to guerrilla warfare. This course of action was not a cowardly one but a wise decision to keep their numbers and prepare to fight the Americans through guerilla warfare.

      At times courageous soldiers do not stand their post but withdraw to attack later, as the Spartans at Platea (Plato, Laches, 191c).

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Jul 2024
    1. 11. Noble Cause CorruptionThe greatest evils come not from people seeking to do evil, but people seeking to do good and believing the ends justify the means. Everyone who was on the wrong side of history believed they were on the right side.
  4. Dec 2023
    1. Australian Princeton philosopher Peter Singer has 00:42:22 talked about the the broadening radius of our moral uh of our moral scope but those we include within our moral Community uh potentially to include 00:42:35 biota and animals for instance outside the human community
      • for: expanded sense of community, beyond the human morall community, animal communication, earth species protect
  5. Sep 2023
    1. 09:45 on philosophers, like Kierkegard, who talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk

  6. May 2023
  7. Apr 2023
    1. In Vice, Maggie Puniewska points to the moral foundations theory, according to which liberals and conservatives prioritize different ethics: the former compassion, fairness and liberty, the latter purity, loyalty and obedience to authority.
  8. Mar 2023
    1. xíste uñ a dif~r-~~~i'a moral ~norme entre una política que pro-mueve la salud y otra que promueve las capacidades en materia desalud: la segunda (y no la primera) es la que verdaderamente respe-ta la elección de estilo de vida de la persona.

      Elcaracter moral está dado en terminos de elección

  9. Feb 2023
    1. dvertir dos niveles esenciales

      división del poder

    2. a idea de realzar los padres en conexión con la educación de sus hijos y de su familia, permite constatar quesu concepción de la moral pública [como moral de las virtudes], solo puede expresarse y entenderse comoresultado de las muchas morales que integran un sistema moral determinado, entendiendo que precisamente entales circunstancias la virtud moral constituye un elemento formador de carácter

      concepto general. (amplitud)

    3. brota en Bolívar una novedosa concepción moral, con la cual trata de fundamentar la obra de la independenciade los pueblos americanos, cimentada en la virtud íntegra, para la cual es condición inicial la eliminación de laesclavitud, y la mutación de las costumbres en el marco de la libertad del hombre, y su perfectibilidad


    4. Es decir, la moral es resultado de un proyecto educativo sobre la virtud, el hábito moral y la razón que,convertidas en costumbres llegan a ser principios regulatorios que finalmente se transforman en una especie denorma oculta

      Solo a través de la educación es posible transformar el paradigma moral [tiempo]

    5. Moral como categoría, que denota en primer lugar las instituciones (Poder Moral, ylos Censores), de las cuáles se valió en el congreso de Angostura, (1819) y Bolivia (1826), para identificar lavirtud en general, y la justicia como su núcleo particular, entre los bienes sociales que debían materializarse enel Nuevo Mundo, así como los vicios que debían evitarse; partiendo de criterios morales profundamenteformados en las realidades americanas.

      moral como categoría

    6. Ya en su momento el Libertador consideró como obstáculos materiales más significativos para la transformaciónde las costumbres y la formación de una nueva conciencia americana: la ignorancia y la servidumbre, queconducen a la adopción o expresión de actos morales, censurables en su concepción ética, pero queencuentran excusa en el sistema moral imperante, precisamente por la frecuencia con la que acontecen y elnivel de institucionalización que han adquirido bajo el dominio colonial; cuestiones a las que se refiere como: “...tristes afectos de las antiguas cadenas.”

      .¿La concepción moral se ve afectada por el arraigo cultural que se traía de la conquista

    7. La investigación ha develado que, en el hombre, fuerza moral y actitud cultural [dada por su educación], estánindisolublemente unidas y son además decisivas


    1. Deutsch’s index and his ‘facts’, then, seemedto his students to embody a moral value in addition to epistemological utility.

      Beyond their epistemological utility do zettelkasten also "embody a moral value"? Jason Lustig argues that they may have in the teaching context of Gotthard Deutsch where the reliance on facts was of extreme importance for historical research.

      Some of this is also seen in Scott Scheper's religious framing of zettelkasten method though here the aim has a different focus.

  10. Jan 2023
    1. olidarity is standing up for and with and as the other. Solidarity is standing up against the power of those who deny moral standing to the other. In so doing, the practice of solidarity affirms the moral standing of others. Moral standing is not only something that the law and courts bestow. It comes into being through the ways in which people treat one another. Conceptually and attitudinally, practices of solidarity shift away from individualism and independence toward mutuality and interdependence.

      !- definition : solidarity !- comment - good definition - standing up against the power of those who deny moral standing of the other - solidarity is transformative as it helps us shift away from individualism and towards interdependence

  11. Nov 2022
    1. a more nuanced view of context.

      Almost every new technology goes through a moral panic phase where the unknown is used to spawn potential backlashes against it. Generally these disappear with time and familiarity with the technology.

      Bicycles cause insanity, for example...

      Why does medicine and vaccines not follow more of this pattern? Is it lack of science literacy in general which prevents it from becoming familiar for some?

  12. Aug 2022
  13. Jul 2022
    1. 18:07 - Adam Smith - The Theory of Moral Sentiments

      He felt, in the Theory of Moral Sentiment that human beings can control themselves. The Church used to be the moral constraint and there was a big debate about getting rid of it. Adam Smith disagreed. He had faith that the empathic side of human behavior would be present to balance out the self-interest side. He was not right about this, unfortunately.

      Our poorer living conditions provide the necessary conditions for inventing technologies that would alleviate our difficult life conditions. Progress has principally been about making our human lives more comfortable but beyond a certain threshold, self-interest started to runaway as technology allowed us to go far beyond survival.

  14. Jun 2022
    1. Pirkei Avot (Hebrew: פִּרְקֵי אָבוֹת; also transliterated as Pirkei Avoth or Pirkei Avos or Pirke Aboth), which translates to English as Chapters of the Fathers, is a compilation of the ethical teachings and maxims from Rabbinic Jewish tradition.
  15. Apr 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 2). @jeremy_hume personally, I’d consider it a natural, considerate, and moral response to avoid contact with others when carrying an infection that can be dangerous to others. So what seems dystopian to me, is not doing so, and not creating the social/financial conditions that allow it. [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1455499076850655235

  16. Feb 2022
  17. Jan 2022
    1. “The Hare and Many Friends”

      “The Hare and Many Friends” is the final poem in John Gay’s collection of fables written in 1727 for Prince William, Duke of Cumberland. This collection is commonly known as Fables, but it is also known as Fifty-one Fables in Verse or Fables of John Gay. Gay’s poem opens with: “Friendship, like love, is but a name,/Unless to one you stint the flame.”<br> The poem concerns the inconstancy of friendship, as exemplified by a hare that lives on friendly terms with a group of farm animals. The hare is refused help by each of the animals as she begs them to help her escape an approaching hunter. Each of the animals gives her a different excuse of why they cannot help, eventually leaving the hare to her death at the hands of the hunter.

      “A hare, who, in a civil way, Complied with ev'ry thing, like Gay, Was known by all the bestial train, Who haunt the wood, or graze the plain: Her care was, never to offend,<br> And ev'ry creature was her friend.”

      The poem is intended to teach readers that one with many friends has no true friends, so it is better to be close friends with a few than friends with many. However, beyond the lesson of friendship, there is a darker moral lesson in the poem intended specifically for the young women reciting it. Gay creates a connection between friendship and romantic love that sets up the poem as a description of the fatality that awaits women (symbolized by the hare) if they associate with the wrong people and lose their reputations. This foreshadows the risks that readers will witness Catherine experience in her new environment when she journeys to Bath.

      Both at the time of publication and for some 150 years afterwards, the poem won widespread popularity. Despite this widespread popularity, Gay’s hopes of Court preferment were disappointed and the story was put about by his friends that the fable had a personal application. Johnathan Swift in particular wrote “Thus Gay, the Hare with many friends,/Twice seven long years at court attends;/Who, under tales conveying truth,/To virtue formed a princely youth;/Who paid his courtship with the crowd,/As far as modish pride allowed;/Rejects a servile usher’s place,/And leaves St. James’s in disgrace.” (Heneage Jesse 88). But after a prose version appeared in a collection of Aesop’s Fables, Gay’s original authorship gradually slipped from the public memory. Nevertheless, Gay’s Fables went through repeated editions, and “The Hare and Many Friends” stood out as a particular favorite. As Austen’s narrator notes, it was a common recitation piece for children and was frequently shown off as part of a young lady’s accomplishments.

      John Wootton’s illustration of “The Hare and Many Friends”

  18. Dec 2021
  19. Oct 2021
    1. Facebook could say that its platform is not for everyone. It could sound an alarm for those who wander into the most dangerous corners of Facebook, and those who encounter disproportionately high levels of harmful content. It could hold its employees accountable for preventing users from finding these too-harmful versions of the platform, thereby preventing those versions from existing.

      The "moral majority" has screamed for years about the dark corners of the internet, and now they seem to be actively supporting a company that actively pushes people to those very extremes.

  20. Sep 2021
  21. Aug 2021
    1. Everett, J. A. C., Colombatto, C., Awad, E., Boggio, P., Bos, B., Brady, W. J., Chawla, M., Chituc, V., Chung, D., Drupp, M., Goel, S., Grosskopf, B., Hjorth, F., Ji, A., Kealoha, C., Kim, J. S., Lin, Y., Ma, Y., Maréchal, M. A., … Crockett, M. (2021). Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mzswb

  22. Jul 2021
  23. Jun 2021
    1. So I remember I prayed to God. I prayed to God. I was like, "Please God help me. I don't want to steal from this man. He's really good guy." And, oh dude, this is crazy, because I look in my pocket—I had the chips in my hand and I was acting like I had money.

      Time in US - living situation - abuse - lack of food - theft

  24. May 2021
    1. »Das Umkämpfte auf diesem Kampffeld ist letztlich die Vergesellschaftung. Im Effekt haftet die Moralform an allem Vergesellschaftungshandeln, ohne dass explizit zwischen der Verständigung über die Gestaltung der je eigenen Verhältnisse und der Sozialisation in die symbolische Ordnung von Herrschaft unterschieden würde. Erst mit dieser Unterscheidungsfähigkeit hebt aber wirkliches Denken auf diesem Gebiet an.«
    1. Ira, still wearing a mask, Hyman. (2020, November 26). @SciBeh @Quayle @STWorg @jayvanbavel @UlliEcker @philipplenz6 @AnaSKozyreva @johnfocook Some might argue the moral dilemma is between choosing what is seen as good for society (limiting spread of disinformation that harms people) and allowing people freedom of choice to say and see what they want. I’m on the side of making good for society decisions. [Tweet]. @ira_hyman. https://twitter.com/ira_hyman/status/1331992594130235393

  25. Mar 2021
  26. Feb 2021
    1. consider when a manager tells em-ployees that they must do a task in a certain waybecause it is so specified in the union’s collectiveagreement, but the manager has no idea whetherthis specification in the collective agreementactually exists or not. In this case, the manager isconsciously bullshitting. They are not lying,because they do not know whether the task isactually specified in the collective agreement.

      This is true and unethical; One cannot work on an intellectually sound level by guessing that there is ground to stand on.

  27. Dec 2020
    1. Both terms refer to the Germanword Zivilcourage.1Moral courage is a prosocial behavior with high social costsand no (or rare) direct rewards for the actor

      Best definition of moral courage

    1. id not reflect the values of most troops or the American people

      events are the result of misconduct of individual soldiers ≠ a structural problem

    2. defies basic standards of human decency and the accepted conventions of war

      norms that are breached = human decency and accepted conventions of war

      accepted conventions of war = violation of international humanitarian law - why not named as such?

    1. Ex-detainee Muslim says he knows of a worse fate – to have been imprisoned under Saddam Hussein, as his late father was for three months in 1995.

      evaluative comparison of two situations

    2. elderly woman "whose hands were tied up and she was lying in the dust."
    3. especially when we saw Iraqi women punished in the same way as men."
    4. There was an old black soldier we called 'al-Haji' who argued with the other Americans if they weren't respecting our rights."
    5. punished by having rations reduced or withdrawn,
    6. "The Gardens" – a razor-wire enclosure where prisoners were made to lie face down on the burning sand for two or three hours, hands bound.
    7. The ex-prisoners, uniformly, said the sick men among them were the camps' saddest sight
    8. They'd give us hot water while we'd see them drinking cold water
    9. throw ice into the sand just to make us suffer psychologically
    10. Geneva Conventions

      legal reference

    11. treated humanely and fairly
    12. They confined us like sheep

      use of animal simile

    13. most notorious U.S. center
    14. and none compares with Saddam's bloody political prisons
    15. good people" among the U.S. guards, like an older man the Iraqis respectfully dubbed "al-Haji" – "Pilgrim.
    16. They never faced charges
    17. detainees in wheelchairs, and of a man carried into a stifling hot tent in his sickbed. "They humiliate everybody."

      cruel treatment of physically impaired prisoners

    18. they don't respect anyone, old or young,

      respect, more, expresses deference according to age

  28. Nov 2020
    1. There is still a chance for us to escape such an unreal existence, but it will require us to stop assuaging our pain and hiding our apathy with satirical memes. It will require a determined pursuit of moral wholeness and a holistic respect for humanity and all human life, including the babies.


  29. Oct 2020
    1. Human empathy in the perception of nature

      Many people seem to think that a universal conception of morality requires that we find moral principles that admit no exceptions. If, for instance, it is indeed wrong to lie, it must always be wrong to lie—and if one can find a single exception, any notion of moral truth must be abandoned. However, the existence of moral truth—that is, the connection between how we think and behave and our well-being—does not require defining morality in terms of unvarying moral precepts. Morality could be a lot like chess: some principles generally apply, but they might admit to essential exceptions. If you want to play good chess, a principle like “Do not lose your Queen” is almost always worth following. Nevertheless, it admits exceptions: sometimes sacrificing your Queen is a brilliant thing to do; occasionally, it is the only thing you can do. However, it remains a fact that from any position in a game of chess, there will be a range of objectively right moves and objectively bad ones. Suppose there are objective truths to be known about human well-being—if kindness, for instance. It is generally more conducive to happiness than cruelty is—then science should one day be able to make exact claims about which of our behaviors and uses of attention are morally right, which are neutral, and worth abandoning (Harris 2010).

      Harris, Sam. The Moral of Landscape. New York: Free Press, 2010.

    1. The goal of school is for students to learn. What we incentivize, however, is getting good grades.

      Example of moral hazard of gameplay.

  30. Sep 2020
    1. The moral hazard of gameplay is basically a mismatch between what your goals are and what you’re incentivizing.



  31. Aug 2020
  32. Jul 2020
  33. Jun 2020
  34. May 2020
  35. Apr 2020
  36. Feb 2020
    1. A commodity, such as iron, corn, or a diamond, is therefore, so far as it is a material thing, a use value, something useful

      What commodities are thought to be useful for or not is irrelevant to Marx at this very early stage of his analysis, even from a moral point of view. Diamonds satisfy a need in some societies at specific times and places the same as corn or iron.

  37. Dec 2019
    1. How to sway the other side: Use their morals against them Willer’s work is based on moral foundations theory. It's the idea that people have stable, gut-level morals that influence their worldview. The liberal moral foundations include equality, fairness, and protection of the vulnerable. Conservative moral foundations are more stalwart: They favor in-group loyalty, moral purity, and respect for authority.
  38. Nov 2019
  39. ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
    1. And to dwell in a desert and bear the babes of a kinless man

      I wonder if rahero knows who really burnt his home down. it seems as though he has killed an innocent man and stolen his wife for no reason. is there a moral here?

  40. Jul 2019
  41. Apr 2019
  42. Nov 2018
    1. ಅರಿತು ಜನ್ಮವಾದವರಿಲ್ಲ ಸತ್ತು ಮರಳಿ ತೋರುವರಿಲ್ಲ.ದುರಭಿಮಾನವ ಹೊತ್ತು ಅಘಟಿತ ಘಟಿತವ ನುಡಿವಿರಿ.ಈ ದೇಹವಿಡಿದು ನುಡಿವ ಪ್ರಪಂಚಿಗಳನೇನೆಂಬೆ ಗುಹೇಶ್ವರಾ.
  43. Oct 2018
    1. Sie zielt nicht darauf, die Beziehungen über Rechte und Pflichten zu organisieren, sondern über Bedürfnisse, Abhängigkeiten und Autorität

      moralische Narrative der feministischen Ethik

  44. Aug 2018
    1. Similarly, the moral foundations theory originally put forth by Jonathan Haidt and Jesse Graham purports that humans have (in the most common and widely discussed versions of the theory) five innate moral building blocks: care/harm; fairness/cheating; loyalty/betrayal (associated with in-group/out-group consciousness); authority/subversion; and sanctity/degradation (“sanctity” is also often referred to as “purity” in the relevant discussions). Liberals are highly attuned to care/harm and fairness/reciprocity, but conservatives, while valuing care, also emphasize authority and purity, which means that their approach to care/harm will be very different from that of liberals. (In fairness, many on the far Left also emphasize purity and fall into authoritarianism.)

      This could be worth a read as well.

  45. Jul 2018
    1. The motivation in writing this paper is to examine some of these ideas about time and technology. The notion that digi-tal technologies in themselves have a temporal quality that is problematic is questionable.

      Lindley claims that previous HCI studies of time have tended toward moral panics and technological determinism. Brings to mind Wacjman's work and Hassan's book "Empires of Speed."

      I'm curious about what she means here, as the next section describing Shoenbeck's study doesn't quite fit the argument:

      "The notion that digital technologies in themselves have a temporal quality that is problematic is questionable."

  46. Apr 2018
    1. Once the public accepts that a more expansive fiscal role for the government is necessary

      And once they decide completely to ignore the moral hazard any political process is subject to (which is to say, not bloody likely).

  47. Nov 2017
    1. To develope the reasoning faculties of our youth, enlarge their minds cultivate their morals, & instil into them the precepts of virtue & order.

      I think this statement is important because as students we need to spend our time in a higher institute developing our morals and virtues in order to be citizens who can benefit to our society. It’s vital that we open our minds in order accept the morals needed to grow and become more virtuous beings. I think this is an important ideal at the University of Virginia that is still being upheld. Lyudmila Avagyan

      erinwestgate #morals #youth #virtue

  48. Oct 2017
    1. If this last view is correct, then moral education is an extremely subtle and context-sensitive task, more like teaching an appreciation for literature than teaching someone how to follow a set of rules. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Confucians such as Mengzi have emphasised the importance of studying poetry and history in educating a person’s moral sense.
    1. ‘DeExtinction Movement’ (The Long Now Foundation, 2014b). This project supports the genetic engineering of endangered species (altering them physically to become more resilient in the Anthropocene) and the cloning and wholesale re-creation of extinct ones—passenger pigeons, wooly mammoths—work that founder Stewart Brand promotes as ‘genetic rescue’.

      The Long Now Foundation and its views open up a whole chasm of moral, ethical, and legal questions with this 'DeExtinction Movement'. How is genetically engineering endangered species a form of 'genetic rescue'? These species are dying out because of man and man's actions, which is a terrible reflection of the worst part of human nature, but it does not give us the right to clone nature and 'whitewash' all that we have done before. Just because we may have the capacity to do so, does not mean we should. We cannot simply decide that extinction is fine because we can create genetically engineered species in the future to 'make up' for our mistakes. How are we expected to learn from our mistakes if we can simply rewind and start again?

    1. Education generates habits of application, order and the love of virtue; and controuls, by the force of habit, any innate obliquities in our moral organization.

      This is an interesting quote as it made me question how education generates habits of application? Is this implying that students of the University of Virginia will provide structure for future generations? “Habits of application” connotes that students will become ambitious, rather than waiting around for change, they will implement it themself. This task can often seem impossibly challenging in today’s times, however it is interesting to see how UVA’s mission was to generate powerful students since it’s creation. The “order and love of virtue” mentioned in this quote shows that education must be driven by passion. Jefferson’s entire perspective of his University was for it to be a center for lifelong learners as education should not have a limit. To lack passion is to be ignorant as there is no point to be informed without any desire or intent supporting it. Another question I had was whether the “moral organization” of society is pointing to the idea/conclusion that everyone should think in the same way? It is important to have a wide range of varying opinions; changes within societal culture and norms do not change without this element. How can there be “habits of application” if everyone is under one “moral organization”? This statement seems to contradict itself as they are developing students who will potentially change and challenge the moral organization of our society. Perhaps this was the point all along. My Doing Fieldwork engagement has taught me to look at each person as their own system, so it is interesting to see how each of our individual systems are supposed to conform to a single ideal and organization within our American society (not even considering all of the standards from the rest of the world).

  49. Sep 2017
    1. While the varieties of couples and companions demonstrate Austen’s interest in multiple modes of intimacy, for Elizabeth, Charlotte’s deviancy from “proper” intimacy in one area of her life disqualifies her in another.

      Something that I believe Moe should address is the question of whether "deviancy" is considered the same as "modernity"?

    2. Elizabeth treats Charlotte’s marriage as a form of moral deviancy

      Wouldn't "moral deviancy," then, be considered "modern" in a sense?

  50. Mar 2017
    1. Is it even possible to have a System A that arises from our own or other’s codings? How will we know that we have not deluded ourselves, that we are so invested in the time and energy and pride of creation that we fall into the sinkhole of bias and blindspot?

      Yer pays yer money and you takes yer choice.

      There is no certainty. Even a well meant action can turn into horror - NB Robespierre.


    2. Question: are the facilitators and leaders and participants here outsiders or are they ‘rearrangers’? Are we cozy web makers or are we punks? Fuse lit.


      Can we separate the two extremes ever?

      Unless we are victims or perpetrators...

  51. Feb 2017
    1. lf physical weakness is alluded to, I cheerfully concede the superiority; if brute force is what my brethren arc claiming, I am willing to let them have all the honor they desire; but if they mean to intimate, that mental or moral weakness belongs to woman, more than to man, I utterly disclaim the charge.

      Here is that "mental and moral" argument referred to in The Rhetorical Tradition introduction to this section.

    2. Women must be free to act as responsible moral agents

      This is an important claim that was a prominent argument in the Seneca Falls convention, notably as an argument of Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?"

    1. The social evils they attacked were, they claimed, so offensive to God that pious Christian women must speak out, even at risk of social censure.

      This was an excellent logical grasp at authority for women. Since they were expected to be models of morality within the family (though they were denied the authority of the pulpit or even of the home), these women were able to turn that moral authority outward to shine it on social justice issues in the name of God.

    2. women's mental and moral equality to men, which placed on them the same responsibility to combat social evils,

      I think this is key. Women were held to exacting (actually, impossible) standards regarding morality, while completely disregarded intellectually. However, restrictions on women did not stop there, but continued into a swirling confusion of contradictory stereotypes:, for example, that women are naturally inclined to corrupt men through seduction and lasciviousness, yet are also naturally innocent, naive and in need of protection. Some early feminists mistakenly began their argument for women's rights with the premise that women deserved recognition for their moral authority, while giving in to accusations that they were not as intellectually capable. This naturally left any of their arguments suspect, as they were admitting (even if only for the sake of humility) that they might not be able to match the arguments of men intellectually. By positing that men and women are equal in terms of BOTH intellect and morality, Grimke builds herself a more sturdy rhetorical platform.

    1. fact

      So Campbell seems to have a lot of "causal chains," so where are the "bundles of evidence" exactly? I mean, this definitely seems to be moral reasoning, but this looks like more of a chain than a bundle.

    2. Spirit, which here comprises only the Supreme Being and the human soul, is surely as much included under the notion of natural object as body is, and is know-able to the philosopher purely in the same way, by observation and experience.

      The soul is as much part of nature as the body is, and thus needs to be included taxonomically.

      It is what differentiates humans from all other living things, and how God "made us in His image". A soul creating souls. This is also why humans are the only known thing to routinely be persuaded by moral reasoning.

    3. The second difference I shall remark is, that moral evidence admits degrees, demonstration doth not

      Is he suggesting moral relativism here?

  52. Jan 2017
    1. They Write best per haps who do't with the gcn-111.uc..~ so., tile and easy air of Conversation;

      It is interesting that she is claiming that the best writers are excellent, gentle speakers in smaller, private conversations while also declaring that women have no role behind the pulpit. She seems to imply both that women are naturally the best at speaking privately and conversationally, and implying that the best public speakers would be those who conduct themselves similarly, yet she clearly states that women should not speak publicly. There is some strange logical contortionism happening here.

      In previous coursework, I've read feminist theory in which the authors would work within the acceptable framework of what authority women did have in society--typically, this was religious authority (but only as lay people, not religious leaders), or in morality and gentility. Although her declaration that women "have no business with the Pulpit, the Bar or St. Stephens Chapel," perhaps she is merely trying to suggest that gentility (which women are granted by nature) should give women more authority in private relationships, rather than public ones. The argument for private authority was sometimes prioritized over the argument for public authority, with the assumption that if women were treated equally as private citizens, public equality would follow.

      Then again, the rest of this section is very black-and-white (and boring as hell) and does not seem to include any subversive plans to overthrow the patriarchy. So I might be giving her a little too much credit with this addition.

    1. vengado

      ¿Conoces la frase popular "el fin justifica los medios"? Significa que cualquier procedimiento es válido para alcanzar un objetivo importante. ¿Estás de acuerdo con esta afirmación?

      En este cuento Emma trata de vengar a su padre, pero ¿justifica eso que mate a Lowenthal? ¿Crees que se puede justificar la venganza en un caso así?

  53. Jun 2016
    1. Title: Is Polite Philosophical Discussion Possible? (guest post by Nomy Arpaly) - Daily Nous

      Keywords: implicit bias, philosophical discussion, war crimes, moral inhibitions—

      Summary: For brevity’s sake, let’s just say it’s a big part of politeness or civility not to correct people.<br>A soldier who is fighting, even for a just cause, is in a precarious situation, with regard to morality, because he has lost, of necessity, the basic moral inhibition against killing people.<br>A philosopher who is arguing with another, even in pursuit of truth, is in a precarious situation with regard to politeness, because she has lost, of necessity, the basic civil inhibition against correcting people.<br>Having lost, of necessity, the inhibition against killing people, some soldiers find themselves shedding other moral inhibitions—and committing war crimes.<br>Having lost, of necessity, the inhibition against correcting people, some philosophers find themselves shedding other social inhibitions—and being terribly, terribly rude.<br>That’s just the nature of inhibition loss.<br>You need the real thing.<br>Being compelled to break the rule of thumb against telling people that they are mistaken in the understanding of an important thing is no excuse for also yelling at them, repeatedly interrupting them and talking over them, responding to their painstakingly prepared talks with a sneering “why should I be interested in any of this”?<br>Furthermore, I will argue against the philosophical Henry Kissinger within many of us who worries that whatever might be true about war and war crimes, realistically speaking philosophical rigor just requires rudeness.<br>It’s clearly a vice, virtue ethicists would say.<br>I would like to add the following.<br>First, if everyone is rude, women are judged unfairly (as potential colleagues, for example) because rude women are treated more harshly than rude men, by everyone, due to implicit bias.<br>Again, changing behavior is much easier than changing implicit bias.<br>Some think philosophy should change here—either through what I called “pacifism” earlier or through changing the way we evaluate people, or otherwise.<br>It won’t solve everything, but if we reduce rudeness, I solemnly promise that more women will want to do philosophy.<br>It is shown most emphatically by downright quiet, mild-mannered philosophers whose objections, expressed in a nice tone of voice, are nonetheless absolutely lethal.<br>They say revenge is best served cold.<br>Philosophical discussion can legitimately feel like a very tiring game of squash.<br>(Vincent Van Gogh, detail of “Four Cut Sunflowers”)<br>

  54. Feb 2016
    1. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text

      Students must read a wide variety of fiction story types, understand the moral, and explain what key details help identify it. I think stories about the greek gods would be fun and exciting for kids, possibly Hercules as a book and movie follow up.

  55. Oct 2015
    1. 6 But friendship can also form a kind of moral community, whose power should not be underestimated in its reach- ing across.

      If you have a strong enough support system pushing for the same goals (and influenced and tied together by similar morals), you can do anything

  56. Sep 2015
    1. We rely more on what we feel than what we think when solving moral dilemmas. It’s not that religion and culture don’t have a role to play, but the building blocks of morality clearly predate humanity. We recognize them in our primate relatives, with empathy being most conspicuous in the bonobo ape and reciprocity in the chimpanzee. Moral rules tell us when and how to apply our empathic tendencies, but the tendencies themselves have been in existence since time immemorial.
  57. Jan 2015
    1. prevented you from

      Add: , or helped you in, ...

    2. Can you think of a time when you were pretty sure about what the right thing to do was, but you didn’t do it?

      Add: Can you think of a time you did?

  58. Sep 2014

      What are we doing about discussion?

    1. A final exercise will challenge you to bring the skills you hone through this process to bear on a complex scenario involving several ethical issues.

      change to reflect change in module

  59. Nov 2013
    1. If moral philosophy were a part of rhetoric, it would have to be expounded in some part f rhetoric.

      good point

  60. Oct 2013
    1. People think that morals are corrupted in schools; indeed they are at times corrupted, but such may be the case even at home.

      Morals: home vs school

  61. Aug 2013
    1. 还记得小时候的《思想品德》课么?它是道德教育的一种,但不是道德教育的全部。转型期的中国需要怎样的道德教育?全球化的时代是否需要全球普世道德?本周中国教育论坛邀请到了哈佛大学资深科学家和研究员魏毅先生来与我们共同探讨道德教育的话题。

      moral education