- Oct 2020
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
Description: This article reflects on the impact of self-directed learning, technology readiness, and student motivation in blended and non-blended learning environments. These three categories were selected due to their importance in success as a student as well as an employee. It is clear that self-directed learning has a bigger effect on blended learning environments because of the independence students must exhibit during the online portion of the class. Similarly, students need more technology related skills to be successful in a blended environment. Yet, student motivation impacted both blended and non-blended learning nearly equally.
Rating: 7/10
Reason for the rating: There are plenty of citations throughout the text and the data is represented in an easy to understand fashion. Yet, the data sample size was small with only 200 students participating in the research. Therefore, more trials are needed to get a definitive answer.
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Description: The article discusses the use of social media in a blended learning environment. There were three groups. The control group was taught the material face-to-face without technology. The first experimental group was taught in a blended setting with some face-to-face interaction and limited internet classes. The second experimental group was blended, similarly to experimental group one, but also had access to the class through social media. All students took a pre and post test. Students in the control group stayed the same while students in the experimental groups grew. The researchers concluded that the blended environment helped while social media support did not.
Rating: 6/10
Reason for the rating: The researchers were thorough in their data collecting and interpretations. They described each method in detail and included charts with their data. Yet, only 74 people participated in this study therefore it may not be the best judge of social-medias ability to aid education.
link-springer-com.libproxy.nau.edu link-springer-com.libproxy.nau.edu
Description: The purpose of this article is to explore the idea of using Wikis inside the classroom. Wikis are considered great tools because they are flexible and promote collaboration. The author discusses the different ways teachers can implement wikies from groups creating and presenting a single wiki to each student creating their own and commenting on their peers wikis. Furthermore, Wikis are familiar to students which helps promote engagement. The last section describes how to create Wikis and integrate them into a classroom setting.
Rating: 10/10
Reason for the rating: This topic fully engages the reader with easy to understand text and diagrams. There are plenty of citations to support the theories.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Description: This article outlines three phases for collaborative teaching: Planning, implementing, and reflecting. It discusses the ways teachers can support student interactions through the implementation phase by creating well-thought out activities which engage the learner. These activities should focus on collaboration of peer ideas in order to be effective in building social and academic skills. It mentions a few examples such as discussion groups or large projects. The author gives multiple examples of the teacher's role in a collaborative setting as well as issues that may occur. The article encourages both the teacher and the students to reflect on the learning and collaboration afterwards.
Rating: 9/10
Reason for the rating: The author is very thorough in their research and explanation with the text. They have many citations to support their theories as well as diagrams to help illustrate their ideas. The biggest fault with the paper is that it is entirely idealistic without any reference to a case study.
www.kpu.ca www.kpu.ca
Description: This article explains Bloom's Taxonomy in the college environment. It begins with an overview of the theory before delving into the questions used in the research. By using Bloom's Taxonomy, the college course was able to have students tie higher thinking to concreate examples which helped the learners gain more understanding of the materials presented.
Rating: 8/10
Reason for the rating: This article reflects on one researchers attempt to place Bloom's taxonomy into a classroom setting. It shows the reader how to implement the theory with examples and data. There are plenty of citations provided throughout the text to help support the theories. Though it does not mention technology integration, it does discuss tailoring lessons to fit student ability. Technology could be used in conjunction to help promote an even deeper understanding.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Description: This article describes online learning through the lens of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The author describes for a person to be successful in an online setting they need to have a safe home environment, consistent formatting, and collaboration opportunities. For students to really excel in a field, they must also have an inclusive environment, assistive tools to help with self efficacy, and positive feedback on assignments. Technology plays a key role in allowing students with disabilities or weaknesses in a class to feel confident.
Rating: 10/10
Reason for the rating: The article is supported with an abundance of citations. It is organized in a clear and logical format as it follows Maslow's pyramid in order. The writing is concise and easy to understand.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Description: This article discusses English languages learners and their self-directed learning levels. The researchers took a wide sample to ESL learners and surveyed them about their demographics and their English media consumption outside of the classroom. They found that a majority of ESL students watch TV programs in English as well as have native English speakers as friends. These are considered strategies for ESLs to learn English outside of an ESL classroom.
Rating: 7/10
Reasoning for rating: The article is well supported through data and citations. It discusses the data with little bias and attempts to use learning theories to interpret their findings. Though it does not discuss the integration of technology inside of the classroom, it reflects on the use of technology in every day life to help support the learner.
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Description: The article begins by defining social learning theory and reviewing Bandura's contributions to the field. Then, it discusses technologies influence on social interactions in the modern era and student engagement levels when utilizing technology inside the classroom. Games especially help students with following directions and creating critical thinking strategies which they can bring into the classroom setting.
Rating: 5/10
Reason for rating: The website for the article is minimal at best. The article itself is well written with plenty of citations to support it, but the formatting is not consistent throughout.
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Description: This article begins with a thorough analysis of adult learners and andragogy. The author gives both the positive and negative reviews of andragogy before delving into the technology advancements of this era. The authors discusses social medias effect on society and education before writing about andragogy and technology together. Finally, he ends on the integration of technology and gives examples of effective usage of technology in adult education.
Rating: 7/10
Reason for rating: The information presented is well thought out and supported with citations. Yet, the text is difficult to understand at times and repeats ideas.
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
Description: The article describes four pillars when integrating technology into an educational setting. The four parts are the implementation models such as blended or supplemental, reflecting on using data to drive technology integration, creating a technology rich infrastructure, and supporting the instructors. In each of these pieces, the author outlines best practices and other recommendations.
Rating: 10/10
Reason for rating: This article specifically discusses adult learners and technology integration. It gives practical advice which is easy to understand and follow. The information is supported through infographics and bullet point lists to help readers firmly understand the main points of the document. Additionally, the text uses many credible sources to support their theories and claims.
union.wisc.edu union.wisc.edu
Description: As the title suggests, this article dictates the necessities for a curriculum or class dedicated to teaching adult learners. Not only does it describe the environment where they flourish, but delves into twelve principles of effective teaching for adult learners. There are also examples of engaging teaching strategies which range from basic and general ideas-- for example, modeling, teamwork, and transitions-- to complex and specific tasks such as SNOW cards, gallery walks, and bumper stickers.
Rating: 8/10
Reason for rating: This article cites many different researchers and includes facts to support their theories and ideas. It defines important principles with simple and easy to understand text for novice teachers. Though it does not address technology integration, many of the ideas can be altered to include technology to enrich the learning and increase engagement levels.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Description: This text describes adult learning theories best used in a workforce training. It describes the environmental factors which lead to success in an adult student (such as a positive atmosphere) as well as techniques like heterogeneous learning groups. It attempts to persuade the reader to address the personal needs of each student while still moving the class towards the trainings goal. As a whole, this article covers the basics of what trainers need to know when teaching adults in a workface setting.
Rating: 6/10
Reason for rating: This article is very quick and direct. It discusses each technique, skill, or factor with examples and reasoning for the suggestions. Each suggestion is well-thought out and logical. Yet, the article cites few other texts which discredits it a little. The article was found through JSTOR which only sources peer-reviewed texts.
www.alp100.com www.alp100.com
10 Ways Great Business Leaders Use Technology
Article discusses the need to be forward thinking in business with regard to technology adoption. Lists characteristics of business leaders that understand the potential of technology to catapult efficiency. These are: (1) not afraid of change (2) capitalize on Cloud technology as time- and cost-saving resources, use mobile strategies, harness social media, integrate tablets, use telecommuting, understand online marketplaces, prioritize security, and automate marketing. Rating 2/10.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Adult Learners Come to Campus with Unique Technology Needs
Technology presents change. As such, workers are returning to campuses to learn new skills. Higher ed settings can support these students by involving them in convos about technology adoption at an enterprise level, educating instructors on improved tech accessibility, and using technology as a problem-based solution. Rating 7/10.
Adult Learners Come to Campus with Unique Technology Needs
Adult learners vary widely in their backgrounds and preferences for technology. This article recommends getting input from learners about technology before purchasing it, having someone available to help learners master using new technology, and to identify problems students have before implementing technology to solve the problem The article made some good points but lacked depth. EdTech Magazine is simple to navigate, offers easy searches, and allows readers to choose a K-12 or Higher Ed focused version of the site. 7/10
scholarsphere.psu.edu scholarsphere.psu.edu
Knowles, Holton and Swanson (1998) discuss six assumptions of andragogy. Followingare expanded definitions of those assumptions with their implications for technology-based instruction:
6 Assumptions of Andragogy according to Knowles, Holton, and Swanson (1) learners need to know the why, (2) learners must shift toward self direction, (3) foundational experience is crucial, (4) learning must be relevant, (5) stick to problem-based learning, and (6) motivation to learn can be leveraged. Rating 8/10
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Active-Learning Classrooms: 7 Tips for Higher Education
The author touches on technology integration and how it can play a role in active learning classrooms. Several points are not directly related to technology integration. The main ideas related to technology include designing learning spaces that extend outside the classroom, using existing space to incorporate useful technology, having students use their own devices within a learning space, and managing technology to ensure it is consistently available. 7/10
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
Simulation and Adult Learning
Will update later
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
Educational technology professional development astransformative learning opportunities
Will update later
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
The effects of organizational learning environment factors on e-learningacceptance
Will update later
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
Individual characteristics and computer self-efficacyin secondary education teachers to integrate technologyin educational practice
will post later
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
Acceptance of competency-based workplace e-learning systems: Effectsof individual and peer learning support
will post later
pdf.sciencedirectassets.com pdf.sciencedirectassets.com
Mobile learning: A framework and evaluation
This article discusses wireless(mobile) as m-learning to be an extension of e-learning. Requirements for m-learning are introduced and study done on university students presented using wireless and handheld devices to see how mobile technology is being and can be used in educational environments. Rating: 7/10
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Features and characteristics of problem based learning
The problem based learning (PBL) strategy is defined. The strategy is defined as an iterative process with specific goals (knowledge, problem-solving skills, self-directed skills, collaboration, motivation for learning). The authors go on to describe the advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and considerations for the use of PBL. Integration of technology allows for new opportunities in education and training across disciplines. (7/10)
nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.com nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.comPart 41
Integrating Technologyinto Adult Learning
The author discusses four strategies (curriculum, mechanism, complement to instruction, instructional tool) for integrating technology in adult learning, their advantages and considerations. The use of any method will require changes to a curriculum, learning environment, and learner and educator roles. Therefore, technology integration should be done purposefully. 7/10
techandcurr2019.pressbooks.com techandcurr2019.pressbooks.com
Project Based Learning to Develop 21st Century Competencies
In this chapter, the author defines problem based learning (PBL) and highlights the benefits to the learner. In addition to incorporating technology to enhance learning, the article reinforces the need to foster the softer skills that may be developed as a result of PBL (teamwork, accountability, problem-solving, creative thinking, risk-taking, communication skills, and critical thinking skills). Though the data is limited, and there are inherent challenges, PBL is of value in course design. (8/10)
www.hsj.gr www.hsj.gr
An Evaluation of Problem-based Learning Supported by Information and Communication Technology: A Pilot Study
(Under "Viewing Options", select PDF.) In this article, Ernawaty and Sujono (2019) summarize results of a study funded by the Research and Higher Education Directorate of Indonesia. The study aimed to evaluate the cogency of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in problem based learning (PBL) and traditional teaching methods (TTM) based upon learner test scores. The concepts of PBL, TTM, and implications of ICTs are briefly reviewed. Results of the study revealed that PBL with the support of an ICT yielded the highest test scores. (6/10)
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
How the Pandemic Is Pushing Professors to Improve Their Pedagogy
I have always found The Chronicle of Higher Education to have thought-provoking articles about current topics. Articles are written by people in the field and can provide valuable advice. The subscription is expensive but you are given a set number of free articles each month. In this article, the author discusses how the pandemic has made teachers think differently about their teaching after being forced to teach online. Teachers now have to give authentic assessments and less lectures. Technology tools can help when designing assessments that require students to apply learning. This article does not directly discuss technology integration, but I made several connections from the content to where tech integration could be useful. 8/10
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Unlocking the Promise of Digital Assessment
Integrating technology into formative assessment can give instructors a better idea of student progress which can help student achievement. Several examples of digital tools for assessment are provided. The authors remind readers that tools can be matched to teaching style and that the tools provide actionable data and convenience. I have one other bookmark from Faculty Focus and I find the site useful. The articles are short but references are provided so that readers may dive deeper into the material if they wish. 9/10
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Strategies for Virtual Learning Environments:Focusing on Teaching Presence and TeachingImmediacy
Through a literature review of 50 articles published between 2003-2014, the authors explored aspects of online learning (teacher presence, teacher immediacy) that impact learner interest and motivation in the online environment. Recognizing that these aspects are key, the authors explore various approaches to retention the virtual setting. The multifaceted role of the instructor is reviewed as well as virtual facilitation strategies. The literature search revealed a positive correlation between teaching presence, teaching immediacy, and learner engagement and motivation. 6/10
- Apr 2020
www.commonsense.org www.commonsense.org
What is Google Classroom? And how are teachers using it? Learn more about this popular platform and how to use it with students.
The article explains the features of Google Classroom and its functions. it briefly explains what it is, how to access it, how to set up, communication between parents/teacher/student, and what apps are compatible with Google Classwork, A quick reference and resource guide for the curious. Rate: 9/10
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Online collaboration and cooperation: The recurring importance of evidence, rationale and viability
www.jite.org www.jite.org
Collaborative Learning in Online Study Groups: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Collaborative learning in online courses: Exploring students’ perceptions
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Experiences using Discord as Platform for Online Tutoring and Building a CS Community
pubs.acs.org pubs.acs.org
Design and Implementation of an Educational Game for Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
The effect of games and simulations on higher education: a systematic literature review
www.intechopen.com www.intechopen.com
Educational Games in Higher Education
www.westga.edu www.westga.edu
Using Games in Online Education: Is it a Winning Strategy?
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Secondary Education Systemsand the General Skills of Less-and Intermediate-educatedAdults: A Comparison of 18Countries
- Mar 2020
learningpolicyinstitute.org learningpolicyinstitute.org
This resources shares the key characteristics of professional development. Not only does it delineate what should be in place to be effective but it also honors that professional learning should be considered an important component of teaching and learning. Rating 7/10
www.merlot.org www.merlot.org
This website has numerous online resources that my staff can utilize immediately in grades K-8 as we are transitioning to online instruction. I found this site on Michael's hypotheses page and I appreciate the recommendation I will be introducing the site to our teachers at our virtual meeting on Monday. 5/5
MERLOT Materials
Started in 1997 by the University of California Center for Distributed Learning, this website offers free, peer reviewed, digital learning resources for learners as young as preschool to adult learners in graduate or professional learning programs. Educators can use a general search tool or a filter to find open resource learning material with a peer/editor review and often a user review. This is a very practical, although somewhat overwhelming, approach to putting digitally-designed learning materials into the hands of educators of all ages. Ranking: 9/10
operations.nfl.com operations.nfl.com
This website provides a snapshot of what learning NFL players can engage in to support their growth. There are opportunities that include career development, financial education, and wellness. There are many opportunities that speak to the whole of the human existence.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
This research focuses on the impact of professional development that is intentional versus learning that is business as usual. The intentional design of professional learning supports efficacy.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
This resource examines the demographics of people who enroll in nonprofit management degrees. The information provided supports understanding nonprofit management as well as coursework involved.
trainingindustry.com trainingindustry.com
This article not only focuses on learning but development of leaders. The author explores the importance of leadership development in order to meet the needs of the organization and those of the stakeholders who support or might need something from the organization.
www.salsalabs.com www.salsalabs.com
The blog focuses on best practices to determine if the training Nonprofit staff receives is effective. The focus is ensuring that the training meets organizational goals and connects to the work of the employee.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
This case study explores the benefit of having a Professional Learning Community (PLC) for those looking to become administrators. The PLC provides the learning opportunity to build community, and in that community collaboration and reflection are encouraged.
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The article explores training that should be included in training police officers. The training focuses o ensuring that law enforcement officers have an understanding and how this understanding can apply to their work.
www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com
This article explains the training that should be in place to support the work of telemedicine. The writing is explicit in what should be involved in the training in order to ensure that patients feel satisfied and healthcare professionals feel efficacious.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
This article shares more about the learning principles involved in adult learning theory. The article unpacks the different principles and includes examples of the principles in action.
nursingeducation.lww.com nursingeducation.lww.com
This article explores how virtual reality can be used in training nurses. This learning modality may support in the use of telemedicine.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
What Is a Modern Learning Environment?
This article focuses on how a technology integrated learning environment can prepare students for the 21st century workforce. The article focuses on the physical space that the students are located in and how it should be rearrangeable to promote collaborative and diverse learning. The article also focuses on the integration of mobile devices to allow all students to engage technologically and teach the students how to properly use that type of technology for educational purposes and gain skills associated with device usage. Rating 6/10
What Is a Modern Learning Environment?
A modern learning environment includes connected devices, audiovisual tools, and purposeful furniture that allow students to learn in a variety of ways. Ideas included flexible seating and utilizing student tech tools to their full capabilities. 3/5
www.military.com www.military.com
This article discusses the changes in learning opportunities for navy members. The biggest shift is that programs that were offered as instructed led have shifted to distance lead only, for courses taught on the ship. There are cost implications applied by this change but this is not unpacked.
tech.ed.gov tech.ed.gov
Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education
This document encourages the use of technology in eduction by providing examples of how technology can be implemented in classrooms and educational programs. The document presents many case examples of how different technologies were implemented across different schools and government agencies. It is an excellent source for getting many ideas about how technology can be used and implemented amongst many different types of learning environments. Rating 9/10
www.military.com www.military.com
This article highlights the importance of continuing education while in the military. The author discusses tools and resources that military members can use to expand their learning. There is further information provided about how learning that can advance a military members career can be completed cost free.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
This article explores the emergency shit to online learning in light of Covid-19. The article provides information regarding what facilitators should consider as well as providing reflective questions to link about when creating an online learning environment.
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
This guide provides many resources for building meaningful engagement for teaching in higher education The guide shares principles of engagement as well as resources for each principle shared. The information shared is applicable to various teaching contexts.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Mapping Trends in Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Technologies: Perspectives from the Canadian, International, and Military Education Contexts
This article examines the trends in technology usage and its tie to pedagogy within higher education and the Canadian Armed Forces educational system. The article also examined if the new technology integrated educational system was meeting the needs of diverse learners. The article goes on to say that there is an increase usage of technology in both higher education and the Canadian Armed Forces educational system, but the pedagogy behind those technologies isn't often considered. Rating 8/10
curtbonk.com curtbonk.com
Applying Collaborative and e-Learning Tools toMilitary Distance Learning: A Research Framework
In this study, technology integrated and collaborative learning environments are examined and analyzed for their potential effectiveness for utilization within military programs. The study introduces some e-learning technologies and collaborative learning designs to the readers. A particular focus of constructivism was utilized when examining the education technology tools. The authors go on to list potential technology integrated learning environments that could be used in the military for training purposes. Rating 6/10
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
This article explores the learning environments that professors create based on how they teach. The focus is on the need and want to be innovative and barriers to making innovative teaching happen.
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
Individualized Instruction as a Faculty Training Strategy for Technology Integration
This study examined how the increase desire to create technology integrated educational environments puts pressure on instructors to use more and advanced technologies to be competitive. The study follows instructors who are hesitant to adopt and use newer technologies and examines what method for learning and implementing these technologies is most effective. The study found that the most effective method of training these instructors was through Individualized Instruction over group training programs. Rating 7/10
Individualized Instruction as a Faculty TrainingStrategy for Technology Integration
The study results showed that developing and implementing an effective individualized training program for instructors helped instructors in the implementation of technology into the individual courses that they created. 4/5
www.educationnext.org www.educationnext.org
This article examines online learning in higher education. The findings speak to learning outcomes for students, various formats of learning environments, and the costs that may be associated with delivering content online.
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
Integration of learning technologies into teaching within Fijian Polytechnic Institutions
In this article the authors examine how technology integrated learning environments are being implemented by the Fijian Ministry of Education within higher education and examines the how the instructors responded to the increased usage of technology. The increase in technology usage was implemented in distance learning and face-to-face courses. The instructors in the study went on to show support of the usage of technology when it comes to pedagogy and cultural influences, but were frustrated by the lack of resources in the implementation of the new technologies. Rating 7/10
www.doleta.gov www.doleta.govA1
Technology-Based Learning Strategies
This study examines what technology based learning is and how it is implemented in government, industry, and education. The article goes on to define what some examples of technology based are within the different delivery modalities of synchronous and asynchronous. The study examines how rapid technological changes and digital media revolution has increased the utilization of technology based learning. The study then goes on to give examples of technology based learning in government, industry, and school environments that are outdated. Rating 4/10
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Emerging Theories of Learning and the Role of Technology
This article introduces and discusses how new technologies have created changes in society. It goes on to then present how education must utilize the new technologies to best prepare the learner for the social changes caused by newer technologies and prepare the learner for society and the workplace. Rating 6/10
Emerging Theories of Learning and the Role of Technology
This article discusses the social changes introduced by new technologies and how educational environments are trying to prepare students to enter a technologically advanced workforce through integration of technology with curriculum. The author challenges traditional theories of learning by discussing how cognition is situated in the digital, 21st-century learner, and that technology integration should focus on the importance of community within learning environments. Although the article challenges the traditional ideas of technology integration, it fails to provide actionable ways in which educators could infuse technology into their own curriculum. Rating: 6/10
In order to prepare students for the demands of this new century change in the way teaching and learning occurs must take place. Learning environments must become more authentic, by giving students the opportunities to use higher order thinking and problem solving skills connected to real world applications (Fouts, 2000). It is this need along with the change in the current student population that has led to the rethinking of learning theories and the revamping of learning environments. These new theories whose foundations are based on older educational theories are vastly different in their methods of teaching and learning.
I like the idea of creating authentic learning environments for higher order thinking, engagement, and promoting problem solving skills for 21st century learners. 4/5
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Technology Integration: Connections to Educational Theories
In this article the reasoning behind and examples of how the Ohio State Unviersity at Mansfield integrates technology into its teacher preparation programs are shared. The article outlines how technology courses and integration into undergraduate and graduate education courses have been used within their program. The article outlines the pedagogy behind the integration of these technologies.
Technology Integration: Connections to Educational Theories
This article, written by five instructors at the Ohio State University at Mansfield (OSU-M), explores the ways in which OSU-M has integrated technology into their curriculum as well as the pedagogical reasons behind the integration. The article begins with a background introduction into the campus of OSU-M and its student population before explaining the required technology courses students in their teacher education program experience based on ISTE standards. Next, the article outlines six criteria the university used to develop its technology curriculum and discusses their use of developmentally appropriate practice, integrated curriculum, literature-based instruction, classroom-based inquiry, and diversity and equity. This article could serve as a practical, although dated, model by which adult educators could begin to construct a method of integrating technology into their curriculum. Ranking: 4/10
During the undergraduate program students take one technology course.
The article focused on connections to education theories through technology integration and ideas included requiring an undergrad tech course to better help them navigate tech. Ways in which to embed themes into each course using technology. 5/5
scholarsphere.psu.edu scholarsphere.psu.edu
Andragogy and Technology: Integrating Adult Learning Theory As We Teach With Technology
In this article, written by Fidishun, the concept of integrating technology using Knowles theory of Andragogy is presented. The author goes through the six assumption of andragogy and how technology can impact those assumptions amongst adult learners. Rating 6/10
Technology and the Assumptions of Andragogy
Six assumption of andragogy by Knowles, Holten, and Swanson are included to further the readers understanding of andragogy followed by useful ways of incorporating the six assumptions into instruction 4/5
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Resources for Closing the Digital Divide
This website hosts numerous resources to aid educators in their attempt to close the digital divide that alienates a certain socio-economic demographic of students and limits their ability to succeed in school. The website first lists hyperlinked articles to help educators understand the state of the digital divide, then lists hyperlinked articles and resources to help take action to improve the digital divide and close digital learning gaps before supplying links to articles and resources that can help instructors develop media and digital literacy within their respective classrooms. This would be an incredibly helpful website for any instructor who is looking for background information on and resources by which to close the digital divide. Rating: 9/10
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Theories and Frameworks for Online Education: Seeking an Integrated Model
This article, written by Anthony G. Picciano of City University of New York Graduate Center and Hunter College, seeks to create a theoretical framework by which to posit online education according to learning theories and their specific application. Beginning with a brief outline of the primary learning theories, the author then tries to position each theory within the online learning environment and the practical implications that follow before suggesting an integrated model that combines features of each theory. One of the primary benefits of this article is the way in which the authors show how the theories of learning might be mutated for individual, educational environmental needs. Rating: 7/10
Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)
Online collaborative learning theory focuses on collaboration among students, enhancing knowledge, through the use of online learning 3/5
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
At the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy: considering styles of learning and teaching
In this article, Gibson analyzes the use of educational technology through the lens of learning styles of students as well as through learning environments, including those that are teacher-centric and those that are student-centric. The article also discusses the differences between technologies that simply make the work already being done in classes easier to do and those technologies that fundamentally challenge pedagogy to evolve towards a more constructivist ideology.The author further explores external social and political pressures to increase technology integration in the classroom, but warns that not all integration is constructive integration. Although the article discusses many approaches to technology integration, it fails to include concrete steps that educators might take to include technology into their curriculum. Rating: 6/10
Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 10, Nos 1&2, 2001 37 At the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy:
In this article, Gibson examines the intersection of technology usage within education. The author presents technologies that favor teacher and student centered learning environments while also addressing that not all technologies are beneficial from a pedagogy standard. Rating 6/10
epress.library.okstate.edu epress.library.okstate.edu
Research in Educational Technology
This textbook, published by the Oklahoma State University Library ePress, contains a chapter which summarizes the main views of knowledge in educational technology research, including postpositivism, constructivism, advocacy, and pragmatism, as well as each view's research traditions. The chapter suggests an approach to evaluating research articles through the lenses of a consistent learning theory coupled, methodologies that support that learning theory, and the conclusions that are drawn by the researchers supported through their methodologies. This chapter would help educators evaluate how and why they might include technology into their course curriculum. Rating: 7/10
Technology Selection and Integration
Within this textbook published by Oklahoma State University includes a chapter about the selection and integration of technology which focuses not only on how well the technology can impact learners and also addresses issues like cost and efficiency. Rating 6/10
lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com
Technology Integration in Schools
This article focuses on the lack of technology integration by K-12 educators into the curriculum itself based on the evaluation of the amount of access to educational technologies by both teachers and students, how often these technologies are used for instructional purposes, and how that technology is used to facilitate learning by students. The article goes on to discuss ways in which access to educational technology has been increased through one-to-one computing initiatives which has produced mixed results and open educational resources which suggests that educators produce learning materials without compensation. Next, the article suggests ways to increase instructional technology use through professional development in which teacher skills are developed using technology, collaborative environments used to increase holistic teacher engagement, and mentoring to improve teachers' attitudes towards technology implementation. Finally, the article discusses ethical issues surrounding technology use including academic dishonesty, accessibility, and ethical use behaviors.The author concludes with a set of needs in order to bring about effective use of educational technology which include pedagogically sound practices, personalized instruction, assessment, and change at the systemic level. This article provides a very well-rounded view of the challenges and affordances that educators face when considering how to integrate technology into their curriculum. Rating: 8/10
(1) increasing access to educational technologies, (2) increasing the use of technology for instructional purposes, and (3) improving the effectiveness of technology use to facilitate learning.
Tech Framework needs to include: increase access to tech, increase tech instruction, use tech to facilitate learning 4/5
www.oercommons.org www.oercommons.org
OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
This Open Educational Resource page hosts free resources from educators who work with preschool children all the way through graduate and professional level adult learners. In addition to full classroom activities, the site includes many mini-activities and continued learning resources that instructors can include in their daily instructional practice. Although it would certainly require an investment of time on the part of an educator, one of the primary reasons technology integration is not considered, this site does provide the means by which educators may begin to consider including technology in their curriculum to the benefit of their students. Ranking: 8/10
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
Characteristics of Adult Learners With Implications for Online Learning Design
To view this article, click "Full text." This article first discusses characteristics of adult learners before addressing the ways in which online learning design should be influenced by the adult learning theories of andragogy, self-directed learning, experiential learning, and transformative learning. By comparing the characteristics of adult learners and the ways in which the theories do or do not address those theories, the author suggests ways in which the characteristics of an adult learner should be used to develop a more holistic approach to developing online learning environments. Although the author doesn't include practical application, it is one of the few articles that expresses a need to combine multiple theories into one design approach. Ranking: 6/10
books.google.com books.google.com
Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education
Although only a preview of this textbook is available for free, the amount of historical research included is incredible. The chapters cover a diverse range of topics that are still being discussed today and demonstrate the ideological underpinnings of many modern issues. Published in 2000, the conversation about technology integration in adult learning has moved far beyond the scope of this book, but it could certainly serve as an underpinning of many of the issues that are still being discussed and developed upon today. Ranking: 5/10
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
Integrating Technology into the Classroom: Eight Keys to Success
To view this article, click "Full text." This article focuses on the author's perspective of the primary concern in technology integration in educational environments - the instructor. The authors discuss the eight barriers that teachers create when trying to integrate technology: fear of change, training, personal use, teaching models, learning theories, educational climate, motivation, and support. Although the advice is practical, it is extremely rudimentary, created eighteen years ago, and does not address the more modern concerns of integration of technology in adult educational environments. Ranking: 3/10
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
The Role of Pedagogical Beliefs in EmergingTechnology Integration: An Exploratory CaseStudy of Faculty Perspectives
In this article, written by Justus, it is presented that technology within higher education courses increases student engagement and learner experiences, but instructors are still hesitant to use technology even knowing the benefits. The instructors are affected by the ease of use of the technology and finding technologies that align to their expected learning objectives and outcomes. Rating 7/10
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
A Paradigm Shift: Technology Integration for Higher Education in the New Millennium
To view this article, click "full text." The article discusses a paradigm shift for educational technology at a time when distance learning first started growing across the United States. Initially, institutions of higher learning were driven by technology integration standard mandates as well as competition from other institutions, but eventually the shift normalized with federal funding. The author discusses barriers to technology adaptation, focused on teacher training, before describing characteristics of the distance learner and distance teacher. Although the article may have been relevant for its time, twenty years later it serves more as a grounding article for when educational technology first began to take rise, the considerations and limitations that were addressed, and the way that technology integration in classrooms has still not realized the potential envisioned by its early adopters. Rating: 4/10
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Why Do We Need Technology Integration?
This webpage goes into why and how technology should be integrated into a learning environment to benefit both the learner and the instructors. It provides tons of links to types of technology that can be integrated and how they could be integrated. The webpage argues that technology increase the relationship between the learner and instructor while increasing motivation of the learner and teaching 21st Century skills. Rating 9/10
Resources for Technology Integration
This webpage offers a wealth of links to understanding current elements of technology integration into various classrooms, links to the Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology, as well as a link to resources for technology integration which provides useful tools that teachers can begin to deploy immediately. Ranking: 9/10
These 21st century skills include
Its interesting that this article was written in 2007 any yet 13 years later we are still trying to convince teachers why tech instruction is important. I also liked the bullet points on the necessary tech skills that are needed in the 21st century. 4/5
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adult Learning Theories in Context: A Quick Guide for Healthcare Professional Educators
This article, written by Mukhalalati and Taylor, focuses on how different adult learning theories are used within healthcare professional education. The article examines the need and common practice of healthcare educators to utilize a wide variety of adult learning theories to make sure all learners have a productive and beneficial learning experience. The key andragogy theories and pracitices are used across all aspects of the learner experience through usage in teaching strategies, course outcomes and goals, and assessment of the students. Rating 7/10
Adult learning theories have been divided in the literature into the following categories: instrumental, humanistic, transformative, social, motivational, reflective, and constructivist learning theories.
The article does a good job of organizing adult learning theories in a comprehensive way. 5/5
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Technology and Adult Students In Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
This article seeks to synthesize an undefined number of scholarly articles related to the integration of technology in higher educational settings in order to present gaps that need additional research. The recommendations are for instructors to move beyond a course that focuses on content and to create a balanced approach that also includes consideration of technology and pedagogical theories. Although the article lists an extremely generic opportunity for continued research, it lacks any specific recommendations for what they found lacking in their literature review and does not adequately move the conversation forward. Ranking: 3/10
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
Educators’ perceptions of technology integration into the classroom: a descriptive case study
In this article, written by Hartman, Townsend, and Jackson, they look into the teacher's perspective of changing from a traditional learning environment into a technology focused learning environment. The researchers focused on the Humanistic approach when getting the perspectives of the teachers. Their research showed that teachers reacted to this switch with differing degrees of confidence in the technology utilized in the shift, the importance of professional development within the switch, and the excitement associated with the switch to technology based learning environment. Rating 6/10
Themes on a high level of confidence, the importance of professional development and training, self-motivation, and excitement about the way technology can enhance the learning, along with concerns over the lack of infrastructure and support for integrating technology, and about the ability of students to use the technology tools for higher ordered thinking surfaced.
I think sometimes when we are integrating tech we forget to think or consider how the teachers feel about integrating tech and their preconceived notions and concerns. 5/5
nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.com nevadasadulteducationcommunity.wdfiles.comPart 42
37Integrating Technologyinto Adult Learning
This article discusses four approaches to integrating technology into adult learning environments, including curriculum, delivery mechanism, instructional complement, and instructional tool. The author briefly describes each approach and lists both the benefits and limitations of those approaches, concluding that using technology as an instructional tool may have the greatest ability to reach the widest audience of adult learners with varying technological skill. Although the end result is tied to a constructivist approach, the author does little to extend the theories discussed into practical application for educators. Ranking: 5/10
Technology as Delivery Mechanism
Technology as a way of differentiating instruction for each individual student using individualized learning systems. This approach would indicate that all students would have an individualized education plan and not just SPED students. 4/5
Integrating Technology in the Adult Education Classroom
This website offers an online course regarding the purposes, guidelines, and implementation of integrating technology into adult learning environments. Additionally, the course offers examples of ways to integrate that technology. Rank: 7/10
worlded.org worlded.org
ntegrating Technology in Learning
This website offers a host of resources for youth and adult educators who are looking for new ways to incorporate technology into their educational environment. The website stores featured projects that support technology integration, resources that educators can use to inform their own practice, and short articles on a variety of topics for youth and adult learners as well as professional development programs. Ranking: 7/10
www.nmefoundation.org www.nmefoundation.org
integrating technology with student-centered learning
This publication, produced by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, goes through how schools have successfully implemented technology into their school. Not only does the publication discuss how the technology was implemented, but also goes into why/how technology supports and improves the learning environments of the schools. Rating 8/10
how is Technology currenTly Being used To helP s TudenTs and Teachers meeT The demands of sTudenT-cenTered learning?
Excellent examples of how schools have transitioned to student centered learning by adding technology into all aspects of learning such as instruction, practice, and assessment. 5/5
In this paper, written by Jennifer Groff, addresses the question of how can technology transform the teaching and learning environments to best prepare learners to become lifelong learners and be prepared for the 21st Century. The paper goes on to discuss how technology and pedagogy can be utilized together to better the learning environment especially as a way to diversify learning activities. This paper provides excellent usage of diagrams to illustrate its points. Rating 8/10
lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com lidtfoundations.pressbooks.com
K-12 Technology Frameworks
Within this book, written by Dr. Royce Kimmons, there is a chapter that focuses on the different Technology Integration Models that teachers can use to implement technology into their classrooms/schools. The popular models of technology integration that are discussed are TPACK, RAT, SAMR, and PIC-Rat. The article is useful if you are looking for models of how to integrate technology into a school or a school district. Rating 7/10
edu.aru.ac.th edu.aru.ac.th
This publication provides 10 factors to consider when planning for effective professional development for teachers. Each factor is supported by research findings and broken into easily understandable information regarding how to integrate the information into practice.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
This white paper seemed extremely timely as many institutions of higher education are turning to virtual learning spaces due to a pandemic. The white paper provides considerations to think about included ways student may interact, technologies that may be helpful, security needs, and how to develop a course.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
A great website of 3 accessible steps to supporting K-12 professional learning. The steps include differentiation, follow up, and accountability. Though this is found in an EdTech resource it doesn't focus solely on educational technology tools so it is applicable to a low/no tech environment.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Resources for Technology Integration
This webpage hosts numerous links to help educators understand the current challenges and successes of technology integration into the educational environment. Additionally, there are resources broken down by grade level and a list of additional resources on the internet for a wide range of general and specialized learning environments.
www.iste.org www.iste.org
ISTE Standards Transform learning and teaching.
This section of the ISTE website offers paid resources that educators can access to improve their own understanding of the ISTE standards as well as practical ways to implement those standards in their classroom integration of technology. Rating: 6/10
scholarworks.umt.edu scholarworks.umt.edu
Instructional Technology Theory Alignment with Practical Application During Student Teaching
An older but still relevant article on giving preservice teachers exposure and practical user ways of integrating technology into their teaching practices. 3/5
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Preservice Technology Integration throughCollaborative Action Communities
Steps to building a preservice program that integrates technology utilizing collaborative, content based programs, and authentic teaching program at University of Houston. Assessing the need, designing program implementation, setting goals based upon the need, and assessment of program success are all steps in the design process of a preservice technology program. 4/5
www.goguardian.com www.goguardian.com
9 Unique Ways to use Technology in the Classroom
Creative and practical ways to integrate technology into the classroom that can be an easy first step into technology instruction for teachers whom are just beginning to implement technology into their teaching practices. Collaboration and communication are the top benefits of implementing tech into the classroom. 5/5
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
#echnology based instruction and language learning either face-to-face or online can include so many mi$ed methods and techni5ues of the instruction
Written by an NAU alumni and gives practical implications on how to implement tech into face-to-face or online adult ESL instruction 5/5
cms.azed.gov cms.azed.gov
1Vision: Preparing Learning Communities to succeed in College and Careers in a global society through technology.Arizona Department of EducationAdult Education ServicesTechnology Plan for Arizona Adult Education
Tech plan for adult education in Arizona offers guidance i the areas of learning and teaching, as well as program operations It is still in draft form since 2015. I did not even know that this document existed. 3/5
scholarcommons.sc.edu scholarcommons.sc.edu
several tools/teaching strategies for higher-level technology integration were specifically reported.
Several teaching strategies for the integration of tech into the classroom: Flipgrid, digital breakouts, and skyping were recommended and explained how to use them effectively into instruction. 3/5
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
why teachers of aK-8and K-5schoolunderusedor failed to integrate technology to support learning.
The study focused on specifically on looking at why K-8 and K-5 teachers do not integrate technology into their teaching. Results of the study showed that lack of professional development and the need for collaboration and tech acuity is needed for teachers to be able to integrate tech into their instructional practices. 4/5
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The Context of Adult LearningAndragogy, SDL, and especially transformative learning theory
A comprehensive list of articles and textbooks that relate to andragogy and is broken down into subgroups that include adult learning, meeting different expectations, and many more! 5/5
assets.cengage.com assets.cengage.comuntitled1
Integrating EducationalTechnology into the Curriculum
The article is very user friendly and effectively describes how to integrate tech into curriculum. Curriculum would be student centered, engaging, and promote higher levels of learning. 5/5
- Nov 2019
blog.edmentum.com blog.edmentum.com
5 Podcasts Every Adult and Higher Ed Teacher Should Check Out
Good read about podcast that was required to read in etc556
teachonline.asu.edu teachonline.asu.edu
Integrating Technology with Bloom’s Taxonomy
This article was published by a team member of the ASU Online Instructional Design and New Media (IDNM) team at Arizona State University. This team shares instructional design methods and resources on the TeachOnline site for online learning. "Integrating Technology with Bloom's Taxonomy" describes practices for implementing 6 principles of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in online learning. These principles include Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, and Remembering. The purpose of implementing this model is to create more meaningful and effective experiences for online learners. The author guides instructors in the selection of digital tools that drive higher-order thinking, active engagmenent, and relevancy. Rating 9/10
www.opm.gov www.opm.gov
Training and Development Policy Wiki
This webpage, under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) .gov site, provides an extensive list of technology resources that can be and have been implemented into a variety of employee deveolpment programs. These tools allow for more personalized learning, active participation, collaboration, and communication.In the first section of the site, examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed that can promote collaboration and constructive learning. You can also find technologies that are used in specific sectors, such as the Federal Government and the Private Sector. Clicking on the links redirects you to additional resources on the tech tools, including how to use them effectively and professionally for employee training. Rating 10/10
Using Technology to Enhance Teaching & Learning
This website provides technology teaching resources as part of the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Center for Teaching Excellence. Users can find informational links to various technology tools that can be used for enhancing teaching and learning in online, hybrid, or face-to-face courses. On the right of the page under "Technology," users can click on the tech tools for additional resources/research on their implementation. Examples of these technologies include Blackboard LMS, PowerPoint presentation software, Google Suite products, blogs, and social media sites. Rating 8/10
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Empowering Education: A New Model for In-service Training of Nursing Staff
This research article explores an andragogical method of learning for the in-service training of nurses. In a study of a training period for 35 nurses, research found an empowering model of education that was characterized by self-directed learning and practical learning. This model suggests active participation, motivation, and problem-solving as key indicators of effective training for nurses. Rating 8/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
Digital Literacy Initiatives
This website outlines digital literacy initiatives provided by the Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS). The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) implements these intitatives to aid adult learners in the successful use of technology in their education and careers. Students have free access to learning material on different subjects under the "LINCS Learner Center" tab. Teachers and tutors also have access to resoruces on implementing educational technology for professional development and effective instruction. Rating 8/10
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
1Engaging Adults Learners with TechnologyThrough
Instruction Librarians from the Twin Cities Campus Library created this instructional gudie as a workshop for implementing technology for adult learning. First, the authors describe key characteristics of adult learners as identified in the theory of andragogy. Examples of these characteristics include the need to know, learner responsibility, past experiences, and motivation to learn. The authors then suggest instructional practices and activities to meet the needs of adult learners, Finally, they provide examples of technology tools for effectively engaging adult learners. Rating 10/10
www.iste.org www.iste.org
ISTE Standards Transform learning and teaching.
This resource is the website for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), which serves educators and professionals in the implementation of technology in education. The site provides open access readings, learning guides, and membership material for educators' development with technology. You can also find ISTE Standards for teachers, students, technology coaches, and educational leaders/administrators. These standards serve as the skills and knowledge each group should obtain for effective teaching and learning with technology.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
This article, developed by faculty members at NAU, provides research behind and practices for technology-infused professional development (PD) programs. The authors first emphasize the importance of designing professional development for teachers around how they and their students learn best. Many approaches to PD have taken a one-size-fits-all approach in which learners take a more passive role in absorbing standardized information. The authors in this article suggest the need for a more effective model, one in which teachers play an active role in learning in ways that they find most effective for them and their students. Technology can support this PD through interactive and learner-centered instruction. Rating: 9/10
www.nap.edu www.nap.edu
Advantages of Online Professional Development
This chapter, "Advantages of Online Professional Development" describes the benefits of online teacher professional development (OTPD), which implements technology to deliver training and learning in an online environment. OTPD allows teachers to participate in a flexible, self-directed, and collaborative learning community. They can interact with other teachers synchronously and asynchronously, or take professional development courses at their own schedule.
www.advanc-ed.org www.advanc-ed.org
Training for Transformation: Teachers, Technology, and the Third Millennium
This article emphasizes the importance of preparing educators for the effective implementation of technology in a rapidly advancing digital society. Institutions have taken measures to ensure that students are prepared to use educational technology and how that can supplement and enhance learning. However, it is also just as important to ensure that teachers are prepared and to consider how these tools impact their practices. This article outlines examples of training programs and models that teachers can use for technology implementation professional development. Rating: 9/10
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.3 Theories of Education and the Online Environment
This website is part of Angelo State University's online teaching training course for faculty members. This section outlines three prominent theories of education-Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism-and applies them to online learning. Instructional Designers and course instructors can use this guide for the construction of meaningful and active learning environment for students. Rating: 10/10
- technology integration
- Constructivism
- higher education
- online teaching
- andragogy
- Behaviorism
- e-learning
- etcnau
- instructional design
- online instruction
- Angelo State University
- active learning
- Social Cognitive Theory
- adult education
- educational theories
- adult learning
- self-directed learning
- edtech
- collaborative learning
- etc556
- professional development
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.5 Online Learner Characteristics, Technology and Skill Requirements
This website outlines Section 1.5 of Angelo State University's guide to instructional design and online teaching. Section 1.5 describes key characteristics of online learners, as well as the technology and computer skills that research has identified as being important for online learners. Successful online learners are described as self-directed, motivated, well-organized, and dedicated to their education. The article also notes that online learners should understand how to use technology such as multimedia tools, email, internet browsers. and LMS systems. This resource serves as a guide to effective online teaching. Rating 10/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
E-Learning Theory (Mayer, Sweller, Moreno)
This website outlines key principles of the E-Learning Theory developed by Mayer, Sweller, and Moreno. E-Learning Theory describes how the implementation of educational technology can be combined with key principles of how we learn for better outcomes. This site describes those principles as a guide of more effective instructional design. Users can also find other learning theories under the "Categories" link at the top of the page. Examples include Constructivist theories, Media & Technology theories, and Social Learning theories. Rating: 8/10
nursingeducation.lww.com nursingeducation.lww.com
Implementation Guide for Faculty
VSim info for assignment in etc556
www.healthysimulation.com www.healthysimulation.com
Pocket Nurse Distributes New VR Training System from VES | IMSH 2017 Video Interview
Info for my assignment in etc556
nursingeducation.lww.com nursingeducation.lww.com
Nursing in a Virtual World
Good article for my assignment in etc556
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com35871501
Developing Effective Clinical Trainers:Strategies to Enhance Knowledge Translation
Required reading for my ETC556
journal.alt.ac.uk journal.alt.ac.uk
A multimedia approach to affective learning and training can result in more life-like trainings which replicate scenarios and thus provide more targeted feedback, interventions, and experience to improve decision making and outcomes. Rating: 7/10
"Deliberate practice (DP) occurs when an individual intentionally repeats an activity in order to improve performance. The claim of the DP framework is that such behavior is necessary to achieve high levels of expert performance.
Practice makes perfect when trying to improve performance.
www.csplacement.com www.csplacement.com
Computer literacy is considered a very important skill to possess. Employers want their workers to have basic computer skills because their company becomes ever more dependent on computers
Learning the basic about computers is essential to employers.
Local file Local file
onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu
The different types of defining Technology.
eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Google Apps vs. Microsoft Office
This article compares Google Application to Microsoft Office features and analyzes the strengths/weaknesses of each. Additionally, this article provides a deeper look into what the capabilities of each one are, and how they can function in certain environments. Rating: 7/10
www-emerald-com.libproxy.nau.edu www-emerald-com.libproxy.nau.edu
MOOCS for teacher professional development: exploring teachers’ perceptions and achievements
This study discusses the effects of a MOOC style Professional Development method and the usage of Google Docs to collaborate between K-12 teachers.
Rating: 8/10
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Applied Gamification: Creating Reward Systems for Organizational Professional Development
This article looks at digital badges, a point system and additional methods of gamification as a way to motivate learners/employees.
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Learning Domains
This website provides several examples of domains adults may learn in or engage with. By clicking on each type, you are redirected to a detailed description of the domain. Descriptions include, but are not limited to, definitions, theories and research behind the topic, and real-world examples. You can also find references used in the description, which can be helpful for further exploration. This InstructionalDesign.org website also provides extensive lists of learning concepts (i.e. motivation, personalized learning, storyboard, etc.) and theories (i.e. Adult Learning Theory, Social Learning, Constructivism, etc.). Each learning theory link provides a theoretical definition, applications, examples, key principles, references, and related websites. Rating 10/10.
ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu
Tech Literacy Resources
This website is the "Resources" archive for the IgniteED Labs at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. The IgniteED Labs allow students, staff, and faculty to explore innovative and emerging learning technology such as virtual reality (VR), artifical intelligence (AI), 3-D printing, and robotics. The left side of this site provides several resources on understanding and effectively using various technologies available in the IgniteED labs. Each resources directs you to external websites, such as product tutorials on Youtube, setup guides, and the products' websites. The right column, "Tech Literacy Resources," contains a variety of guides on how students can effectively and strategically use different technologies. Resources include "how-to" user guides, online academic integrity policies, and technology support services. Rating: 9/10
ila-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu ila-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu
The authors explore why creative collaboration using digital media texts, tools, and technologies is vital to support the professional development of educators.
This source discusses the importance of digital collaboration tools among professional development for k-12 professionals.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Early Adopters Pioneer Virtual Reality Use in Higher Education
This article explains how Virtual Reality is being used in some higher education institutions including Arizona State University's online biology program. The article explains how VR is not happening in many other institutions but someday if all of the bumps can be worked out that it soon will be used in many colleges and universities and the benefits will be endless.
www.medicalnewstoday.com www.medicalnewstoday.com
iPads In Health And Medicine: More Than An Information Revolution?
This article explains how the use of iPads in the medical field has really taken off. I mostly focused on the part about iPads in Medical School and learned that Yale Medical School is providing iPads to all of it's medical students and said that the costs come out to about the same as having to make paper copies for all of the students and it is better for the environment. Students who liked hard copies were converted to iPads after just one semester. Other medical schools are also using iPads or other applications that can be used on different devices.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com04Huang1
Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments
This was an article I was to read for my ETC556 class and it explains the different theories of adult education and how the advancing technologies makes a true constructivist enviornment possible for online learning.
arizona-nau-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com arizona-nau-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com
Google Docs as a Form of Collaborative Learning
This article discusses the uses and effectiveness of Google Docs as a tool for greater participation among learners. Rating 3/5
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com
Adult Learning in the Workplace:Emotion Work or Emotion Learning?
This article was a required reading for my ETC556 course. The article explains emotion in the workplace. In the past employers have looked down on emotion and considered someone who is emotional to be unstable in a way. Recently employers have started closely looking at emotion and how it impacts their company and profits and in a way are using it to better their company but not really looking at the individual. This article goes into the importance of emotion in the workplace and how if handled properly and appreciated, that the benefits are endless.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The text discusses the implementation of video-conferencing to provide mental health services to children with a history of emotional and behavioral concerns. 89% of sessions were delivered via tele-health video-conferencing. Rating: 7/10 Need a follow-up on impact of tele-health services on student behaviors/outcomes.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
5 Key Areas of Technology Professional Development for Teachers
Great source that covers k-12 perceptions of technology being incorporated into their settings - classroom or for professional development.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students
This article highlights the need for and benefits of implementing more technology tools to support first-generation college students' learning, engagement, and success. For many first-gen students, especially those from low-income backgrounds, the transition to college can be challenging; this leads to lower retention rates, performance, and confidence. The authors, drawing off of research, suggest mobile devices and Web 2.0 technologies to prevent these challenges. Example of such tools include dictionary and annotation apps that are readily-accessible and aid in students' understanding of material. Fist-gen students can also use social media apps (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to maintain supportive connections with family, peers, and mentors. Rating: 8/10
A blended learning approach to emotional intelligence is the methodology for the course created by Google and implemented in various institutions around the globe. Rating: 8/10
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
An emotional intelligence course initiated by Google became a tool to improve mindfulness, productivity, and emotional IQ. The course has since expanded into other businesses which report that employees are coping better with stressors and challenges. Rating: 7/10 Key questions...what is the format of the course, tools etc?
europepmc.org europepmc.org
Online mind-body training (MBT) is evaluated and results suggest that improvements in psychological well-being can be achieved with online MBT. Rating: 7/10
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Technology is used in the workforce.
blogs.edweek.org blogs.edweek.org
In the text "10 Current and Emerging Trends in Adult Education," ten current trends are briefly reviewed. Among these are the emphasis on effort, growth, and social-emotional learning. In terms of technology, real-life simulations and AI are being used to better prepare learners for their professional encounters and responsibilities. In terms of what is on the horizon for adult learning, one can expect mastery to be emphasized rather than degrees. As a result of the information economy, it is expected that income inequality will grow and thus advocacy for adult learners and continued opportunities for working adults to grow will mitigate the negative consequences. Rating: 7/10
www.iftf.org www.iftf.org
The text examines the ways virtual reality can facilitate embodied learning.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Pre-service teachers can benefit from the use of simulations that reproduce classroom environments, student behaviors and profiles, and academic outcomes to guide their craft as educators. In this text, simSchool is briefly evaluated by student teachers to determine its usefulness. While the study had significant limitations of volunteer test subjects in a one-time usage of the tool, simSchool still was given some high marks for it's purpose and realistic depiction of student profiles and classroom environment. Finding suggest simulations like simSchool can continue to improve and with long-term use, would be effective at developing skills for educators. Rating: 8/10
www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu
This website explores technology news within the field of higher education. The site contains a wide variety of news articles on current issues, trends, and research surrounding the integration of technology in universities and colleges. This includes technology's prevalence in teaching and learning, institutional decisions, and societal trends of higher education. The articles are published by authors for "The Chronicle of Higher Education," a leading newspaper and website for higher education journalism. Rating: 7/10
education.asu.edu education.asu.edu
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
This site is the homepage of the Tech Infusion program at Arizona State University (ASU). Housed within ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Tech Infusion is a technology integration curriculum for Pre-K-12 teacher candidates. Through coursework and hands-on practices, teacher candidates are prepared to use technology fluently and innovatively for teaching and learning. The program integrates research, ISTE Standards, and the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework around effective technology integration. This website provides technology-infusion resources for course developers, instructors, and current and future educators. Examples include research articles, edtech tool tutorials, lesson plans, and outlines of the curriculum. Rating: 9/10
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies
This website covers "Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies (ITLT)," a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the University of Arizona's Learning Technology program. This online journal features articles that explore theories, practices, and research surrounding educational technology. This includes discourse around the application and assessment of various learning technologies in educational settings. The "Archives" tab at the top of the site each volume ITLT, which feature articles such as research, reviews, and graduate student work. As an online publication, each article is accessible in PDF and HTML format free of charge. "Rating: 10/10"
arizona-nau-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com arizona-nau-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com
E-learning in the workplace
This resource gives an excellent look into e-learning in the corporate and military settings. It discusses the instructional strategies, models, environments and more being used as well as examines the fast growing trend of e-learning across the private sector.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Applying activity theory to computer-supported collaborative learning and work-based activities in corporate settings
Problem-based learning is the desired structure of adult learning activities in the corporate setting. Many adult learners work in the corporate setting and deal with problems on a daily basis; therefore, instruction designed based off of a problem to be solved is effective, especially when team work is involved.
evolllution.com evolllution.com
Hodson relates specific examples of effective technology integration in her classrooms. Although she acknowledges the apprehension both instructors and learners feel, she argues that the benefits outweigh them.
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
The article explains three theories of adult learning: andragogy, SDL, and transformational learning. The authors additionally provide practical application of the theories in the classroom.
Local file Local file
Although not specifically geared toward adult learning, the article includes valuable insight into the role technology can play in non-profit organizations. Boles's focuses on how non-profit organizations can enhance their work integrating technology into three key areas: service delivery, fundraising, and outreach. Of particular interest are the sections on barriers to integration and how to overcome them.
www.asanet.org www.asanet.org
Published by the American Sociological Association, the article addresses best practices for meeting the needs of military students in sociology classes in higher education. Drawing on Knowles' andragogy, the authors give tips for course organization, feedback, content, and communication.
Enhancing Teaching and Learning for Active-Duty Military Students
Adult learners in the military are using technology, especially distance learning more frequently. This article discusses how teach, technology and learning fits into the military setting. It discusses Malcolm Knowles and his theory, andragogy, as an effective framework to follow. Rating: 9/10
www.armyupress.army.mil www.armyupress.army.mil
The article explains the shift in military training to implement practices that align with Kolb's experiential learning theory. More specifically, Pierson discusses how competency-based education can best be used to improve Army training programs.
ATD, a non-profit organization that promotes training and development in the workplace, outlines the three primary learning theories that instructional designers need to know to provide effective corporate training.
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
Pappas provides a brief breakdown of the characteristics of adult learners to help instructional designers develop effective content.
Local file Local file
The authors present a study that compared face to face and hybrid instruction in graduate classes for counseling students. The results indicate that using technology, including web tools to facilitate instruction, improved test results in a small sample of students.
www.hraljournal.com www.hraljournal.com
Flores examines the current research as it relates to distance learning. She explores technology integration and learning theory. Throughout, she stresses the importance of professional development for instructors to equip them to provide quality distance education.
nsuworks.nova.edu nsuworks.nova.edu
The authors detail their development of a professional learning community to advance technology integration at Nova Southeastern University. After a literature review of the key components of online learning, they discuss the method of implementing the PLC and the major outcomes and then offer recommendations for starting a PLC within institutions of higher ed.
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Thomas and Gilbert offer a literature review of current technologies available to improve athlete performance. They provide a brief theoretical foundation for the technologies and how they can be sued to improve athletic and personal performance.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The study examines uses of mobile technology, namely cloud computing and self assessment, to improve nursing instruction. The authors evaluate mlearning environments and the potential barriers to their success.
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
The article outlines the value of story-telling in professional development to improve faculty effectiveness. Identifying the problems with current professional development and their lack of efficacy, the authors argue the digital storytelling engages educational professionals, attracting them to online training.
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
The article examines the value of digital storytelling to improve online communities within Army professional forums. In addition to providing a basis for storytelling, the authors examine how storytelling can improve discussions in military training.
Local file Local file
Coffey argues the effectiveness of online literature discussions in the elementary classroom. Addressing both synchronous and asynchronous environments, she suggests that computer-based discussions can enhance understanding of literature and promote community within the classroom.
Local file Local fileuntitled1
Rossiter and Garcia evaluate the use of digital storytelling in adult learning classrooms, primarily through the use of "autobiographical learning" where learners share personal experiences and connections with the content. They outline "three key dimensions" that make storytelling valuable in adult learning: voice, creativity, and self-direction.
digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu
The site provides an explanation of digital storytelling, an outline of the uses in education, and a foundation of web tools to implement digital storytelling as a means of instruction. The 7 elements of digital storytelling serve as a guide for instructors and students.
ts.madison.k12.wi.us ts.madison.k12.wi.us
This manual, published by Hanover Research, outlines theory and practice of technology integration in the K-12 classroom and provides key strategies for professional development to equip teachers to successfully integrate technology.
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
The authors present the benefits of coaching in professional development for educators in today's technologically advanced classrooms. Of particular interest is the explanation of the different methods of coaching: executive, coactive, cognitive, and instructional. They suggest that coaching provides more successful outcomes than single workshops and stress that finding the correct method for each situation and organization is crucial.
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
Davis and Curry stress the importance of tech coaches in schools to help instructors integrate technology effectively. They present key factors to consider when using tech coaching, including the importance of having a clear plan and defined roles.
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
To optimize learners' experience and the efficacy of learning outcomes, instructors need to consider how technology can offer approaches better suited to adult learning.
This website from University of Arizona provides a list of trends and issues in learning technologies
Rating 9/10
faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk
Teaching and learning methods: opreparing for teaching ofacilitating the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes oteaching and learning in groups ofacilitating learning and setting ground rules oexplaining ogroup dynamics omanaging the group olectures osmall group teaching methods and discussion techniques oseminars and tutorials ocomputer based teaching and learning – information technology and the World Wide Web ointroducing problem based learning ocase based learning and clinical scenarios
this website is consisted of available resources.
Rating: 9/10
Employers can engage in the creation and classroom integration of tech tools
LINCS.ed.gov is an website initiated in supplying true based practice in adult education.
Rating: 6/10
joitskehulsebosch.blogspot.com joitskehulsebosch.blogspot.com
The three major prominent learning theories are known as behaviourist, cognitivist and constructivist, though Siemens later developed the connectivism theory as a learning theory for the digital age.
The e-learning learning websites is a collection of peer articles with from around the world. It is a collection of high quality articles, blogs, journals.
Rating: 7/10
www.physiology.org www.physiology.org
The main objectives of this article are to present the theoretical evidence for the design and delivery of instructional materials and to provide a practical framework for implementing those theories in the classroom and laboratory.
The American Journal of Physiology. org is an website dedicated to published journals and books of functions of life or living organisms.
Rating: 9/10
www.makerbot.com www.makerbot.com
The Definitive Guide to 3D Printing in the Classroom
Makerbot is an 3D manufacturer company, first to make 3D printing affordable and accessible to educators and professionals.
Rating: 10/10
www.pcmag.com www.pcmag.com
a promising technology for decades that's never truly caught on. That's constantly changing with the current wave of VR products,
PC magazine is a online compuer magazine, based on popular topics ranging form hackers to smartphones.
Rating: 9/10
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Decision-making and problem solving are two skill domains that are fundamental to most types of military tasks.
This resource discusses the adult learning theories including Malcolm Knowles that contribute to the design of training in the military. It discusses the desired skills for members of the military to posses and how those skills are important. Rating 7/10
educationaltechnology.net educationaltechnology.net
As educational technologies, instructional design and online learning/content delivery platforms keep evolving, more learners with more needs and motives will be drawn to taking online courses – a growing demand that in turn will spur further improvements in technology and delivery.
Educational Technology offers free articles with sources.
Rating: 5/10