7,345 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Scarlet Harris (profile at University of Cambridge)

      Contact Information: sh2232@cam.ac.uk

      Dr Scarlet Harris is a Teaching Associate in the department of Sociology.

      She received her BA in Sociology from the University of Edinburgh and her MRes and PhD in Sociology from the University of Glasgow. Dr Harris has held various research posts at the University of Manchester, including with the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE).

      She is currently writing a book based on her doctoral research, entitled 'Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left', which will be published by Manchester University Press.


      accessed:: 2023-11-25 17:10

    1. The Qing court's position weakened when they were defeated in Nanjing.Negotiations led to the abdication of the emperor and the establishment of a provisional republican government.
    2. e Second International, a federation of socialist parties and trade unions, supported the concept of parliamentary democracy and believed in the possibilities of social revolution.
    3. Russian revolution and saw similarities between the tsars and the Qing emperors.
    4. onstitutional monarchy as a way to achieve progress and economic development

      infiltration of Western Enlightenment values

    5. anti-Manchu sentiment
    6. Natural disasters,
    7. The Qing government struggled financially, with increasing expenses for the army and a growing budget deficit.
    8. The New Army,
    9. The Qing government decided to nationalize the railway system under their control because it was profitable and would provide funds for the government.This decision angered many Chinese who believed each province should control its own railway development.

      centralisation vs localism

    10. 1900s, Chinese people wanted to regain control of their own transportation system from foreign investors.They formed groups to raise money and buy back the railroad rights.

      feeling of a loss of control and traditional values

    11. Qing court, the ruling dynasty at the time, should have been aware that these assemblies would scrutinize their actions.

      the dynasty became open to change by the people, worried about fitting in with the West

    12. he country as a whole moved towards constitutional change, with plans for full constitutional government over the nine years.The death of the empress dowager Cixi increased the urgency for reform.
    13. Various groups, including constitutional monarchists, nationalists, anarchists, Marxists, and the Revolutionary Alliance, criticized the Qing.
    14. The Qing court and Chinese officials had attempted to adapt Western techniques and ideas to China's needs.
    15. The fall of the Qing dynasty was triggered by an accidental bomb explosion in Hankou, which was fueled by agitation over constitutionalism, railways, and foreign encroachments
    1. This myth is mostly the blame of the novelist Washington Irving
      • for: Washington Irving, book - the History of New York, book - A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

      • comment

        • Irving was a American writer who wrote fiction for the intent of stoking nationalism. He bent the truth in many ways.
        • Among his most famous and impactful historical lies that Irving fabricated in his book on Columbus was that prior to Columbus, the majority of educated people thought the earth was flat. In fact, most educated people believed the earth to be round during the time of Columbus.
      • interesting fact: knickerbocker

        • The term knickerbocker originated in the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker that Irving chose for his book "A History of New York"
    1. there are armed poachers who shoot at us they steal they kill our pigs we think about it all the time 00:06:53 after the wild pigs it's deer their numbers have decreased dramatically since the poachers forced the jarrow to hunt for them wild game is being sold illegally on the 00:07:12 indian market
      • for: cultural destruction - Jawara - poachers, modernity - disruption of ecological cycle, example - ecosystem disruption

      • comment

      • example: ecosystem disruption
      • example: human cultural ecosystem in balance
      • the uncontrolled influence of the outside world always follows. Governments are too shortsighted to understand that this always happens and feel they can control the situation. They cannot. Greed breeds resourcefulness
        • In a matter of years, poachers have disrupted the Jawara's traditional diet, forcing them to overhunt deer and disrupt the entire ecological cycle that existed up until then.It's an example of how modernity ruthlessly and rapidly disrupts ecosystems. In this case, ecosystems where humans have integrated in a balanced way.
    2. in the past we used to make candles from beeswax but today we have tortoises the indians give them to us they provide more light and save us from 00:05:19 darkness
      • for: cross-cultural dialogue - jawara and modernity,

      • commentary

        • the tragedy of such myopic relationships and exploitation is that we miss the opportunity to hold cross-cultural dialogues to explore what happens when two human cultures that have developed in isolation meet for the first time.
        • the marvel of modern lights to the Jawara, and their quick embrace of it and expression of wonder is reminiscent of the chronicles of earlier European explorers/colonizers who exposed modern inventions and cultural artefacts to aboriginals many centuries earlier
    1. Autoloading in Rails was based on const_missing up to Rails 5. That callback lacks fundamental information like the nesting or the resolution algorithm being used. Because of that, Rails autoloading was not able to match Ruby's semantics, and that introduced a series of issues. Zeitwerk is based on a different technique and fixed Rails autoloading starting with Rails 6.
    2. superclass mismatches or partially-defined namespaces
    3. may define Foo, instead of reopen it
    4. Since require has global side-effects, and there is no static way to verify that you have issued the require calls for code that your file depends on, in practice it is very easy to forget some. That introduces bugs that depend on the load order.

      class of bugs

    1. there's things in the 10th Century in what we think of as now as broadly Western and Central Europe 01:13:46 that are beginning to show up particularly in art and architecture and poetry and music not an accident the musician we know that artists are often people who sense 01:13:59 things and are ahead of a culture they give the first articulation to a set of ideas and so if you today if next time you're in Ottawa I invite you to go to the 01:14:10 National Gallery because the National Gallery in Ottawa has one of the world's best collections of European northern European art and it starts about 1300 01:14:22 there's some before that but their collections of that's old enough to get you into it and it works through historically as you work through the rooms and at least it used to last time I brought it was there it brought you 01:14:36 out into a post-modern into postmodern art as if what's beyond what we think of as Modern Art uh into post-modern art
      • for: BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
    2. we don't have anybody in Canada 00:51:56 who's serious about how would you help a whole society that doesn't even understand the depth to which it is modern come to terms of the fact it has no future as a modern culture 00:52:10 and how would you help them understand that in a way that doesn't terrify them and see that as an adventure so we could replace the Alberta Advantage which is about low taxes and money in your pocket 00:52:22 to the Alberta Adventure week Alberta could be earn a reputation at least it could I mean we do have enough Mavericks and things we have the possibility of 00:52:34 earning a global reputation of becoming the most extraordinary place in the world that is taking this work seriously
      • for: perspective shift - modernity to "neo-indigenous"

      • question

        • how do you transform fear of the perceived great loss of modernity to the gains of neo-indigenous civilization?
        • we would have to feature the many potential benefits of doing this
        • it can't be just a big loss, but the pros must outweigh the cons
    3. we're in a position as a modern techno-industrial culture this is my view that it's false to say what the oil 00:29:32 companies are saying that we can keep producing oil and gas we'll get the society to pay for carbon capture and storage and and other stuff but it's going to be a technological salvation 00:29:44 and then we can keep on with our life that's one version the the other version is the environmentalist version which the federal government has bought into and that is we'll go green and then we 00:29:57 can keep everything
      • for: false dichotomy of sustaining modernity

      • paraphrase

        • The pace of modernity can neither be sustained in a high carbon nor a low carbon green economy
        • No matter what the political party, they all subscribe to a view of sustaining the same or greater pace of modernity
      • comment

        • libertarians want no constraints
        • but nature herself imposes limits
        • populations collapse if resources are overused
        • human populations who adopt a Libertarian approach eventually encounter a limit anyways
    4. the Americanization of the culture of Alberta and the importance of American capital for the 00:24:23 energy industry but there was a lot of migration from the United States from Nebraska and Montana um up north yeah a third of the people who settled 00:24:35 the Prairies between 1880 and 1913 and a third of the three million who came were American my mother born in the U.S yes a lot of 00:24:48 the established you know people who've been here a while uh on the Canadian prairies we look South and we literally see cousins
      • for: interesting fact - many Albertans are from America

      • interesting fact

        • 3 million people settled the Canadian Praries between 1880 and 1913
        • 30% of them were fromNebrask and Montana
    1. Wenn die Länder sich an ihre aktuellen Planungen halten, werden die Emissionen bis 2030 im Verhältnis zu 2010 um 9% wachsen. Für das 1,5°-Ziel müssten sie um fast 50% fallen. Der Global stocktake report der UN zeigt vor der COP28, dass die meisten Nationen bei weiten nicht genug Schritte zur Reduktion der Emissionen unternehmen. Zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen war der Bericht "State of Climate Action 2023" gekommen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/united-nations-ndc-report-card.html

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/632334

    1. Hitzebedingte Todesfälle bei über 65-Jährigen haben seit den 90ern um 85% zugenommen. Senior:innen sind – wie kleine Kinder – zweimal soviel Hitzewellen-Tagen ausgesetzt wie 1986-2005. Extreme Hitze führte 2022 zu Produktivitätsverlusten von ca. 863 Milliarden USD. Alle Indikatoren für öffentliche Gesundheit haben sich in den letzten 9 Jahren verschlechtert. – Die NYT stellt den 2023 Report des Lancet Countdown ausführlich dar. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/climate-change-health-effects-lancet.html

      Mehr zum Rreport: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%222023%20report%20of%20the%20Lancet%20Countdown%20on%20health%20and%20climate%20change%22

    1. the Center for the 01:00:29 Study of existential risk dedicated the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction or civilizational collapse and the interesting thing is that modernity is 01:00:41 not on their list either in fact it's not on the list of any of the agencies that now are dedicated to do this work
      • for: Center for the Study of Existential Risk - excludes modernity

      • Comment

        • Center for the Study of Existential Risk still assumes a modern framework to solve the polycrisis
    2. let me put in a good word for post modernity to say that it may not be a space you can build a house in and live in but it may be a kind of 00:48:27 wilderness it may be a space you can escape to for a while from modernity to get a different perspective on modernity and one of the things postmodern thinking has done for us is give us perspectives on modernity we hadn't seen 00:48:39 within modernity
      • for: post-modernity - temporary perspective of modernity
    1. I am proud to have my site as part of The Internet of Unmonetisable Enthusiasms, whether it is mentioned in the article or not.

      via Ron Chester at https://micro.blog/Ron/369099

    1. This conference imitating the old Providing papers for this conference is a choice between latex (which is a pre-web technology) or Word! There's a page limit! There's a styleguide on how references should be visually displayed! IT'S ALL ABOUT PAPER!
    1. The Spanish thought they had been mandated by God to spread the faith and were thus justified in annexing all territories not populated by Christians in order to convert the heathens.
      • for: colonialism - role of religion

      • comment

        • Using religion as justification of violence committed against the other is liberally found throughout history
    1. As our app grows, an increasing amount of random code is landing in the app/services directory. I'm worried it will become impractical to improve on this, as the number of special cases will only increase. Some pain points off the top of my head (definitely not exhaustive):
    1. yeah - it is basically half the stuff you don't want autoloaded and half app/lib but it is not called app/lib because DHH does not want app/lib"
    2. I stand by what I said and I do not believe it is off-topic. Nevertheless, I realize it is your forum and if you want to silence and exclude people because something we say does not fit in your worldview, then I am certainly willing to accept this and remove myself from the forum. In the big picture, I will not be shut up or bullied and I think you owe me an apology as nothing I have said or done warrants your actions.
    1. Grabe, Mark. “Student and Professional Note-Taking.” Substack newsletter. Mark’s Substack (blog), November 10, 2023. https://markgrabe.substack.com/p/student-and-professional-note-taking?publication_id=1857743&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=77i35.

      Educator Mark Grabe looks at some different forms of note taking with respect to learning compared lightly with note taking for productivity or knowledge management purposes.

      Note taking for: - learning / sensemaking - personal knowledge management - productivity / projects - thesis creation/writing/other creative output (music, dance, etc.)

      Not taken into account here is the diversity of cognitive abilities, extent of practice (those who've practiced at note taking for longer are likely to be better at it), or even neurodiversity, which becomes an additional layer (potentially noise) on top of the research methodologies.

    1. I'm assuming some of the goals are to make it clear where to put new files (and to stay within current Rails conventions). We already have a few non-standard app folders in our project, such as app/services, app/queries, etc. and we put some non-ActiveRecord classes in app/models. If we are going to move files, it might make sense to first define where files should go, and then move each file to the appropriate place. This might be more of a reorganization project, than copying over a folder.
    1. gender norms and identities can limit people's ability to achieve security.
    2. ects of war on women, we can gain a better understanding of the unequal gender relations that sustain military activities.
    3. specific issues faced by women during war, such as rape, military prostitution, and civilian casualties.
    4. simplistic views of women as victims

      link to Whitworth

    5. that conflict impacts individuals differently based on gender, making women more vulnerable to security threats.
    1. In December 1998, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded the Library of Congress a grant to support a two-year project to digitize the Hannah Arendt Papers manuscript collection. The staff of the Manuscript Division at the Library administered the project, with assistance from the National Digital Library Program (NDLP) and in cooperation with the New School University in New York City.
    2. Arendt’s two-volume work The Life of the Mind, published posthumously in 1978.
    3. The collection was digitized in 1998-2000 through the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Initially, some digital content was limited to onsite access through dedicated work stations available only at the Library of Congress, The New School in New York City, and the Hannah Arendt Center at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. This updated digital presentation of the Hannah Arendt Papers at the Library of Congress is now available publicly online in its entirety.
    1. Der FDP-Vorsitzende Christian Lindner hat in einem Interview den von der Ampelkoalition beschlossenen Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung bis 2023 in Frage gestellt. Dabei behauptete er fälschlicherweise, die dardurch in Deutschland eingesparten Emissionen würden anderen EU-Staaten zur Verfügung gestellt. https://taz.de/Lindner-gegen-Kohleausstieg-2030/!5966983/

      • for: BEing journey - adapt to, DH, Deep Humanity

      • comment

        • Potentiality coupled with limitations - Daseitz Suzuki and the elbow does not bend backwards.
        • The experience of the unnamable quality present in every moment - infinite potentiality
        • The mundane is the extraordinary. Even when we name it and discover it in all our scientific discoveries and articulate it, and mass produce technologies with it, is is still miraculous
      • adjacency

        • Nora Bateson's book Combining and the Douglas Rushkoff podcast interview
        • potentiality
      • adjacency statement
        • both are alluding to the pure potentiality latent in the moment
        • language can be contextualized as an unfolding of the space of potentiality to a specific trajectory. Each word added to the previous one to form a sentence is a choice in an infinite, abstract space of symbols that communicates intentionality and is designed to focus the attention of the listener to one very narrow aspect of the enormous field of infinite potentiality
    1. blah. this surveillance system is one big personality test.<br /> the problem is, they do not want a balance of all personality types or "natural order",<br /> but they do a one-sided selection by personality type.<br /> aka socialdarwinism, socialism, survival of the social, social credit score, civilization, high culture, progress, "made order", human laws, human rights, humanism, ...

    1. it was sort of a little bit secret you know tantra had this tendency of hearing about esoteric you know secret because it just goes against the grain 00:06:55 of the of our backward world where we are supposed you know where we think where we're taught to expect to be miserable and therefore we feel safe when we are and if we ever feel really happy we 00:07:07 think something's going to go wrong and then we get nervous you know we're programmed like that
      • for: tantra - origins of the secret aspect

      • comment

        • historically, tantra was kept secret since the social norm was that we were taught to be miserable
    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

    1. Jedes Zehntel Grad weiterer Temperaturerhöhung drängt 140 Millionen Menschen - vor allem in ärmeren Regionen - aus der sogenannten Klimatische, in der Menschen gut leben können. Forschende haben genau berechnet, wie viele Menschen bei verschiedenen Klimaszenarien in so heißen Gebieten leben würden, dass sie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Emigration gezwungen werden. Bei dem derzeit wahrscheinlichen 2,7 Grad-Szenario für 2100 wären das bis 2030 ca 2 Milliarden Menschen, bei einem 1,5 Gra-Pfad 400 Millionen. Auch in den nicht ganz so heißen Gebieten wird die Zahl der Extremwetterereignisse weiter zunehmen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/22/global-heating-human-climate-niche

    1. In der Repubblica stellt Jaime d'Alessandro fest, dass Italien dabei ist, den Kampf um ein neues Energiesystem und damit auch eine Erneuerung der Wirtschaft zu verlieren. Seit den 90ern befinde sich das Land im Stillstand. D'Alessandro beruft sich auf Studien zur besonderen Betroffenheit des Mittelmeerraums von der globalen Erhitzung und zur schon bald bevorstehenden Eisfreiheit der Arktis. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/11/01/news/decarbonizzazione_greenblue_novembre-418935623/

      Studie zur eisfreien Arktis: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38511-8

      Studie zur Erhitzung in Europa: doi:10.2760/93257

    1. In the West we talk about how matter—body and brain—might be the necessary conditions for the emergence of the mind. That is the scientists’ assumption. However, there is another hypothesis, which is that consciousness itself is the basic stuff of the universe and that we are the emanation of that consciousness as opposed to the origin or the evolutionary source of it. Of course, to accept that we would have to give up the idea that everything is based on some material property
      • for: materialism Vs panpsychism

      • comment

        • Husserl's phenomenology, especially his views on epoche in his later years lean more towards panpsychism although they are different in a nuanced way.
        • there is direct, pure biological phenomenological experience ,- Epoche may give us a taste of it, interment meditation may go further and the deepest meditation of decades of intense practice may re-immerse us in it.
        • Feral children who grow into feral adults, an extremely rare occurrence, may have an immersive experience of it
        • social conditioning of language bind meaning tightly to our construction and experience of objects in our sensory field
        • it is extremely difficult to disentangle our conditioned meaning with prelinguistic phenomenological experience of reality
        • spiritual awakening or enlightenment would appear to show that it is possible
        • When we attach such strong meaning to ideas, such as to scientific ideas, "material* objects, in spite of their attached, implicit symbolic complexity, appear to have a natural, autonomous and obvious existence.
        • in this way, our conscious constructs become solidified and mistaken for concrete, autonomously existent objects. Consciousness then comes to mistaken variants of consciousness itself with autonomously existent objects
    2. Otherwise we’d be second-guessing ourselves at every moment: Who is deciding to buy a house or have a child? FV: That’s right. Every decision would be suspect. So evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. That is what the sense of being a separate organism is all about.
      • for: self awareness of no-self, adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella, quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - solidified self, question - awakening to no-self

      • quote: Fransisco Verella

        • Evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. They is what the sense of being a separate organism is about.
      • date: 1999

      • comment

        • Verella claims evolution has designed us to have no self awareness of no-self, the origins of the self.
        • even this phrase seems like an oxymoron 'self awareness of no-self!'
      • question
        • how would a less complex, more primitive life form even have self awareness? What does that mean biologically? At that most rudimentary level, I suppose it would mean sensory feedback signals,
      • question
        • Does this imply that (emotionally or affectively) awakening to your origins of self leads to second guessing ourselves as well? From observation of the behaviour of awakened individuals, this does not seem to be the case. Rather, authentically awakens individuals appear to be associated with much higher levels of wisdom and compassion, which would seem to confer evolutionary fitness
    1. ActiveRecord::Base.normalizes declares an attribute normalization. The normalization is applied when the attribute is assigned or updated, and the normalized value will be persisted to the database. The normalization is also applied to the corresponding keyword argument of query methods, allowing records to be queried using unnormalized values.

      Guess I don't need to use mdeering/attribute_normalizer gem anymore...

    1. you can see how powerful it was when my kid my oldest son was about 14 00:17:05 or 12 months I can't remember um he woke up he woke up at 4 in the morning every morning and I played with him till 10:00 a.m. when I left uh and I remember thinking one day you know I know him better than I've ever known 00:17:18 anybody and he's known me better than anybody's known me because I was so emotionally open and play and no words had crossed between us cuz he couldn't yet talk and yet there was a a deep bond 00:17:30 between us
      • for: importance of play
    2. people not feeling seen valued and heard and when you feel yourself not seen you regard that as an insult which it is and an injustice which it is and so you lash 00:08:38 out and so a society that becomes more sad eventually becomes more mean
      • for: meme - unheard, meme - pain is the root of anger

      • new meme

        • a society that becomes more sad is a society that becomes more mad
    1. @DrMaddy101 @DrMaddy101 @DrMaddy101 1 month ago hey, thanks for your input - you sound like an advanced Zettelkasten-er. Any recommendations for those that want the full version? Show less Read more 0 Like 0 Dislike Reply    @DrMaddy101   @DrMaddy101  0/ Cancel Reply   Add a reply... @jsnyrty3917 1 month ago  @DrMaddy101  not advanced simply used primary sources and secondary sources like Scott Scheper’s youtube channel which explains it accurately.

      reply to @DrMaddy101 and jsnyrty3917 at #

      I would recommend caution here as Scheper approaches the subject like a cult, which it patently is not. He also has the tendency to gatekeep, gaslight others, and create a toxic environment. He's selling you something, and he's being rude about it at the same time. Even though he attempts to maintain something closely akin to Luhmann's practice, his poorly edited book distinctly suggests some very non-Luhmann-esque practices. The zettelkasten tradition is much richer and deeper than the surface level discussion of Luhmann. Using him as your only model is perforce going to be tremendously limiting. You'll find additional excellent (and even some more productive) examplars hiding in the works of Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, Seneca, Boethius, Thomas Aquinas, Desiderius Erasmus, Rodolphus Agricola, Philip Melancthon, Konrad Gessner, John Locke, Carl Linnaeus, Thomas Harrison, Vincentius Placcius, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, S. D. Goitein, Gotthard Deutsch, Beatrice Webb, Sir James Murray, Marcel Mauss, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mortimer J. Adler, Niklas Luhmann, Roland Barthes, Umberto Eco, Jacques Barzun, Vladimir Nabokov, George Carlin, Twyla Tharp, Gertrud Bauer, and even Eminem. We really need to put an end to the "Cult of Luhmann" philosophy which is going around.

    1. In einem Brief wollen mehr als 100 britische Energieunternehmen Premierminister Rishi Sunak warnen von der aktuellen Dekarbonisierungspolitik abzugehen. Gerade erst hat ein Gutachten gezeigt, mit welchen Gefahren die zu große Abhängigkeit Großbritanniens von gaslieferungen verbunden ist. Für das net sirocil sind diesen Bericht zufolge 327 Milliarden Pfund Investitionen nötig Punkt bisher haben sich die Regierung aber nur zu gut 22,5 Milliarden Pfund verpflichtet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/16/top-uk-energy-firms-to-warn-rishi-sunak-dont-back-off-green-agenda

      Net Zero-Bericht von Chris Skidmore: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-net-zero

      Report des Office for Budget Stability: https://obr.uk/frs/fiscal-risks-and-sustainability-july-2023/#:~:text=In%20this%2C%20our%20second%20FRS,on%20the%20UK's%20public%20debt.

    1. Die europäischen Produzenten von Windturbinen machen enorme Verluste. Die Hauptgründe sind Kostensteigerungen und logistische Probleme. Hinzu kommen Investitionen für neue, stärkere Modelle und chinesische Konkurrenz. Ein zusätzliches Risiko könnte die Förderung der US-Turbinen-Industrie durch die Biden-Administration darstellen. Die europäischen Produzenten erwarten mehr Unterstützung durch die Regierungen, um Kompetenzen in Europa zu halten.

    1. Der dänische Konzern Ørsted hat zwei große Offshore-Windenergie-Projekte in den USA gestoppt. Ørsted ist der weltweit größte Entwickler von Windenergie-Anlage. Ursache sind Kostensteigerungen. Die Windenergiebranche befindet sich gerade insgesamt in einer Krise, wobe in China sehr schnell zusätzliche Produktionskapazitäten aufgebaut werden. https://taz.de/Erneuerbare-Energien-in-der-Krise/!5967100/

    1. Ask a scientist what the world is made out of, and he or she may talk about atoms or molecules, or quantum mechanical wave functions, or possibly strings or vacuum fluctuations, depending on the level on which one want to focus. Diverse as those answers may be, they all have in common that they borrow elements from descriptions of building blocks of nature, as used already within contemporary physics. Now propose to a scientist that everything could be seen as `made out of experience', or at least, for starters, as `given in experience.'
      • for: what is the world made of, paradigm shift - scientific ontology

      • question

        • what off the world made of?
      • answer ( Phenomenological)
        • experience!
    2. To look at the world in wonder, and to stay with that sense of wonder without jumping straight past it, has become almost impossible for someone taking science seriously.
      • for: wonder - loss of
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presentism_(historical_analysis)

      relationship with context collapse

      Presentism bias enters biblical and religious studies when, by way of context collapse, readers apply texts written thousands of years ago and applicable to one context to their own current context without any appreciation for the intervening changes. Many modern Christians (especially Protestants) show these patterns. There is an interesting irony here because Protestantism began as the Catholic church was reading too much into the Bible to create practices like indulgences.)

    1. Malm, Andreas. How to Blow Up a Pipeline. Verso Books, 2021. https://www.versobooks.com/products/2649-how-to-blow-up-a-pipeline.

      Aram Zucker-Scharff indicated that this was one of his favorite books on the climate crisis and has interesting consequences for both individual and group action. He said it might make an interesting pairing with Palo Alto (@Malcolm2023).

      It came up as we were talking about the ideas of climate crisis in the overlap of The Monkey Wrench Gang.

      Might also be interesting with respect to @Hoffer2002 [1951].

    1. Malcolm, Harris. Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2023. https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/malcolm-harris/palo-alto/9780316592031/.

      Recommended by Aram Zucker-Scharff to potentially be read with respect to How to Blow up a Pipeline.

    1. Cosmos was unlike any previous book about nature. Humboldt took his readers on a journey from outer space to earth, and then from the surface of the planet into its inner core.

      Could Alexander von Humboldt have been one of the early examples of a popular science writer?

      Perhaps an early David Attenborough?

    1. Die italienische NGO Legambiente ruft dazu auf, ein Manifest zum Schutz der Alpengletscher zu unterschreiben. Es fördert Governance auf nationaler wie auf europäischer Ebene. Es bezieht sich auf Klimaschutz- wie auf Anpassungsmaßnahmen. Dabei wird auf zentrale Dokumente und Vereinbarungen zum Schutz der alpinen Ökosysteme und der Kryosphäre zurückgegriffen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/10/27/news/legambiente_petizione_ghiacciai-418888279/

      Manifest für die Governance der Gletscher und mit ihnen verbundener Ressourcen: https://www.legambiente.it/rapporti-e-osservatori/manifesto-per-una-governance-dei-ghiacciai-e-delle-risorse-connesse/?_gl=11cfz0u4_upMQ.._gaMTkwMjI0NzAzMy4xNjk4Mzg4MDI5_ga_LX7CNT6SDN*MTY5ODM4ODAyNy4xLjAuMTY5ODM4ODAyNy4wLjAuMA..

    1. Ein neuer Bericht der europäischen Kommission sagt aus, dass die EU dreimal so schnell dekarbonisieren muss wie bisher, um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 55% zu reduzieren. Den Zahlen der European Environment Agency zufolge reicht der gegenwärtige Kurs nur für eine Reduzierung um 43%. Ein Haupthindernis sind die enorm hohen fossilen Subventionen. Die Selbstverpflichtungen von EU-Staaten vor der COP28 treffen z.T. verspätet ein, und die vorliegenden sind einem Bericht des Climate Action Network zufolge sehr unzureichend. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/eu-must-cut-emissions-three-times-more-quickly-report-says

      State of the Energy Union: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/COM_2023_650_1_EN_ACT_part1_v10.pdf CAN-Bericht: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2023/10/NECPs_Assessment-Report_October2023.pdf

    1. In what follows, I argue that the restraint or “bracketing” that characterizes thephenomenological epoche can facilitate an understanding of the radical alterity of the sacred andof the others who experience the sacred.
      • for: epoche - application - harmonizing radical alterity of the sacred.

      • comment

        • this would be an invaluable tool for Deep Humanity analysis
    1. Gadamer, the father of the philosophical hermeneutics, sought tointegrate the progress of science and thought by means of language
      • for: follow up - Gadamer

      • of interest

        • Gadamer was the father of philosophical hermeneutics and sought to integrate progress of science and thought by means of language. Since I feel language is a critical intertwingled variable in such deep questions, his approach will be of interest
    2. From this self-critical and controlled reasoning which is applied objectively andmethodically to the world, it makes sure to construct an "objectivity" which transcends the
      • for: adjacency - objectivity - imputation of the other

      • adjacency between

        • objectivity
        • imputation of the other
      • adjacency statement
        • there is a subtle assumption behind objectivity, namely that at least one other consciousness exists which can experience something the phenomena in a sufficiently similar way.
        • this is not a trivial assumption. Consider Thomas Nagel's "What is it like to be a bat?" Another human subject is typically required when "objectivity" is invoked. Certainly a bat could not experience the same phenomena objectively!
        • This also begs the question: to what extent can another human experience the phenomena the same way? We are assuming that two human beings who agree on the objectivity of a fact know what it is like to be the other in some salient way.
    3. The phenomenological approach projects a radical criticism of scientific naturalism,which assumes that the object of science is to find laws that govern reality, where the person isconceived as another object of nature.
      • for: scientific naturalism - critique, scientific naturalism - phenomenology, consciousness - objectification of, SELF-consciousness

      • comment

        • Good observation that is quite salient to the hard problem of consciousness. Language can be used to describe any observable pattern.
        • Our own bodies are an observable pattern. As we associate our consciousness with our body, It is a small step to observe our own consciousness. SELF-consciousness is what allows us to be observer and observed at different times.
    1. Without consciousness the mind-body problem would be muchless interesting. With consciousness it seems hopeless
      • for: quote - consciousness, quote - mind body problem, quote - hard problem of consciousness, quote - Thomas Nagel

      • quote

        • Without consciousness the mind-body problem would be much less interesting. With consciousness it seems hopeless.
      • comment

        • consciousness is primordial and
        • stable, observable patterns that emerge in our field of consciousness is also primordial
        • the primordiality of these two, awareness and stability of observable patterns WITHIN awareness itself, are the two pillars that constitute the mind-body problem
        • in particular, the pattern of "other consciousnesses" is also another pattern that arises from within consciousness itself
        • The brain is a construction, a synthesized idea that emerges out of a dynamic amalgamation of countless accumulated patterns
        • In this respect, it is no different in quality than other complex constructed ideas we humans create, it only differs by degree and by kind
        • Were we to purely sense a human brain, for instance when a surgeon opens the skull in an operation, without the vast associative network of ideas associated with it, could we even consider how brain and mind are connected except in the most naive way?
        • Language is deeply encoded in every culturally conditioned modern human. Then advanced education in a specific field of knowledge encodes even more esoteric and deeper types of language conditioning.
        • Husserl's idea of phenomenological reduction, or epoche taken to its logical conclusion results in an impossible task, for we cannot severe the deeply entangled nature of meaning that our entire lives of cultural conditioning has enculturated into us.
        • The symbolosphere is now a part of us. We cannot undo such deep conditioning easily. You cannot simply dissociate meaning from the letters and words of your native and learned languages. Indeed, it is this deep symbolic conditioning that spans the decades of our childhood and adolescence that allows us to observe a symbol and effortlessly associate meaning to it.
        • Epoche, no matter how carefully crafted cannot uncondition such deep conditioning
        • It can, however, give us insight of the unconditioned from the perspective of the conditioned consciousness
        • We cannot become feral people even if we wanted to, nor, I suspect, would we want to experience reality permanently in that state
        • This brings up the question of what the process of spiritual enlightenment is designed to achieve
        • Is it a temporary suspension, an incomplete epoche that provides us with sufficient insight to lead to some kind of permanent shift where the insight stays with us and affects our lives in a beneficial way?


    1. I 01:00:30 think that a proper version of the concept of synchronicity would talk about multiscale patterns so that when you're looking at electrons in the computer you would say isn't it amazing that these electrons went over here and 01:00:42 those went over there but together that's an endgate and by the way that's part of this other calculation like amazing down below all they're doing is following Maxwell's equations but looked at at another level wow they just just 01:00:54 computed the weather in you know in in Chicago so I I I think what you know I it's not about well I was going to say it's not about us and uh and our human tendency to to to to pick out patterns 01:01:07 and things like but actually I I do think it's that too because if synchronicity is is simply how things look at other scales
      • for: adjacency - consciousness - multiscale context

      • adjacency between

        • Michael's example
        • my idea of how consciousness fits into a multiscale system
      • adjacency statement
        • from a Major Evolutionary Transition of Individuality perspective, consciousness might be seen as a high level governance system of a multicellular organism
        • this begs the question: consciousness is fundamentally related to individual cells that compose the body that the consciousness appears to be tethered to
        • question: Is there some way for consciousness to directly access the lower and more primitive MET levels of its own being?
    2. you can train them it has memory you can train it you can take a a trained one and a naive one and fuse them they 00:39:24 they'll fuse together and then the memory sort of propagates and the naive one will now remember you know have the memory that that the other one had um no nerves no no brain um single cell
      • for: Michael Levin - slime mold experiment, question - new theory of consciousness from a single cell

      • question

        • is it possible that a theory can be constructed to explain consciousness from the behavior of a single cell organism such as a slime mold?
    3. this is a cancer uh approach that we work on which is to not to kill those cells but to force them to re reconnect to their neighbors and when they reconnect to the 00:31:24 neighbors they once again become part of the collective that's working on making nice skin nice muscle they stop being metastatic and they they go back
      • for: quote - Michael Levin, quote - MET of individuality, quote - memory wipe, quote - cancer therapy - MET of individuality

      • quote: Michael Levin

        • this is a cancer approach that we work on which is to not to kill those cells but to force them to re reconnect to their neighbors and when they reconnect to the neighbors they once again become part of the collective that's working on making nice skin nice muscle they stop being metastatic and they they go back
      • comment

        • Michael refers to cancer as a "memory wipe" where they have forgotten the normative programmed narrative of bodily / collective / multicellular unity
    4. when we work on cancer what you see is that when when 00:30:18 individual cells electrically disconnect from the rest of the body they their cognitive light cone shrinks they're back to their amoeba tiny little e gos and as far as they're concerned the rest of the body is just environment to them
      • for: MET of individuality - examples of breakdown - cancer

      • paraphrase

        • cancer is an example of when some part of the evolutionary program that coheres multicellularity into a cohesive whole goes faulty
          • then some subset of cells lose their coherence programming / story / narrative, the unity is lost and that cellular subset no longer identifies as part of the higher order collective individual, but return to a much more evolutionarily primitive state of pre-MET of individuality
        • this means that the MET individuality coherence program has weaknesses that can cause groups of cells to lose sight of the unifying logic and return to the primitive state
        • cancer demonstrates that these primitive programs still exist in all cells in our bodies and when the regulating coherence program is faulty, they can return to these more primitive states
      • for: social superorganism, MET, major evolutionary transition, MET of individuality, Michael Levin, Roy Baumeister, Adam Omary

      • insight

        • this talk inspired an insight:
          • The contrast occurred to me with this talk especially, due to the respective areas of the two guests and Michael Levin's own interest of whether the signaling and policies within the collectives within a physiological body generalize in any way to larger social collectives that are outside of those physiological bodies. Rob Baumeister, being a social scientist is the perfect person to have such a conversation with.
        • In this case, those policies are composed of informational signals and it would seem the signals currently have nowhere near the cohesion that millions of years of evolution have resulted in within the biological body of a multicelllular organism
    1. Maybe this will help: [Great Books of the Western World SYNTOPICON changes in 1986 (more info in comments) : ClassicalEducation](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicalEducation/comments/hlvnkv/great_books_of_the_western_world_syntopicon/)

      reply to u/Paddy48ob at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/17jscyk/comment/k80z1nn/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      Thanks for this pointer. As a note, when I compare my 1954 version against the photo of the 1990 edition (which has fewer pages), it's obvious that the "1. The ends of education" section in the 1954 edition is significantly more thorough with more references (and supplementary data) which don't exist in the 1990 edition. The 1990 edition presumably removes the references for the books which they may have removed from that edition (though it may have actually been even more--I didn't check this carefully).

      Just comparing the two pages that I can see, I don't see any references to the added texts of the 1990 edition appearing in that version of the Syntopicon at all.

      I took a quick look at the Syntopicon V1 (1990) via the Internet Archive and of the added texts that year I sampled searches for Voltaire, Erasmus, and John Calvin and the only appearances of them to be found are in the Addition Bibliography sections which is also where they appeared in the 1952 editions. My small sampling/search found no added references of any of these three to the primary portions of the main References sections, so they obviously didn't do the additional editorial work to find and insert those.

      As a result, it appears that the 1952 (and reprint editions following it) have a measurably better and more valuable version of the Syntopicon. The 1990 (2nd Edition) is a watered down and less useful version of the original. It is definitely not the dramatically improved version one might have hoped for given the intervening 38 years.

    1. Cannot get it either to be honest. I want to use the antinet method for 2 main topics: Management and Personal growthIn management, for sure needs to add notion of leadership for example: how to approach the coding identification? I’ve assigned 2000 to management: shall I assign 2500 to all cards related to leadership? This is just an example, it’s a bit unclear for me so far.

      reply to u/marco89lcdm at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/17m7ggz/comment/k839k22/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      The way you're currently thinking is a top down approach in which you already know everything and you're attempting to organize it to make it easier for others who know nothing about the ideas to find them. The Luhmann model supposes you know nothing about anything to begin with and you're attempting to create order from the bottom up, solely by putting related ideas you're building on close to each other and giving them numbers so that you might find them again when you need them.

      If your only use is for those two topics and closely related subtopics and nothing else, then consider not using a Luhmann-artig model? Leave off the numbers and create two tabbed cards with those headings (and possibly related subheadings) and then sort your related cards behind them. (This is closer to the commonplace book tradition maintained on index cards and used by those like Mortimer J. Adler et al., Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday and Billy Oppenheimer. Example: https://billyoppenheimer.com/notecard-system/)

      Otherwise the mistake you may be making is mentally associating the top level numbers with the topics. Break this habit! The numbers are only there so you can index ideas against them to be able to find them again! These numbers aren't like the Dewey Decimal system where 510.### will always mean something to do with math. You'll specifically want to intermingle disparate topics, so the only purpose the numbers provide is the ability to find what you're looking for by using the index which will give you a neighborhood in which you'll find the ideas you know are going to be hiding there or very near by.

      Cards that are near to each other (using the numbers as an idea of ordering and re-finding) create a neighborhood of related ideas, even if they're disparate in topics. This might allow you to intermingle two related ideas, one which is in anthropology and another from mathematics for example, but which would otherwise potentially be thousands of cards away from each other if done in a Dewey-like system.

      Or to take your example, what do you do with an idea that relates to both management AND personal growth? If it's closer to an idea on management you might place it near a related idea on that branch rather than in the personal growth section where it may be potentially less useful in the future. (You can always cross index them if need be, but place it where it creates the closest link and thus likely the greatest value for building on top of your previous ideas.)

      For more on this, try: https://boffosocko.com/2022/10/27/thoughts-on-zettelkasten-numbering-systems/

      I suspect that Scheper suggests using the Academic Outline of Disciplines as a numbering structure because it's an early choice he made for himself and it provides a perch to give people a concrete place to start. Sadly this does a disservice because it's closer to the older commonplace topical method rather than to the spirit of the ordering that Luhmann was doing. It's especially difficult for beginners who have a natural tendency to want to do this sort of top-down approach.

    1. Comparisons of the Date of First Contact, Date of Earliest Sustained Interaction, and Date of Earliest Record ofDepopulation from Disease for 11 Populations Used in this Stu


    2. s could have resulted from smallpox movingfaster across space compared to other diseases


    3. able 1 . List of the Earliest Accounts of Disease-Related Depopulation among a Native American Population Used in thisStudy. Those with Reliable Information on the Type of Disease Are Listed


    1. Hangzhou fell to the Taiping rebels in 1861 he lost some eighteen of his relatives, including his mother.

      they consequently received honours

    2. in every case suggesting the failure of o cially sanctioned structures to requite loss, restore order, address human feeling, and commemorate the dead.

      he challenges the state by showing his own personal emotion rather than ritual in grieving for his mum

    3. He de ed the absolute moral clarity of o cial narratives, absorbing the rhetoric of virtue into an account that privileged loss and emotion
    4. their spirit tablets are enshrined at the provincial shrine to honor the Loyal and Righteous.Wood and words provide ritual prosthetic,
    5. Zhang Guanglie situates his e orts to locate and ritually honor the dead in relation to family cult and state honors—themselves important symbols of restoration.
    6. ctionate description of physical detail and emotional connection—cleft by a moment of extreme violence.Zhang provides snapshot views of a woman whose loss occasioned profound personal pain—an image composed of intimate moments that reveal her a ection for her children, her personal habits, and those idiosyncrasies that capture her humanity
    7. uthenticity of his grief through references to tears, physical pain, wailing, and other uncontrolled responses, which contrast neatly with hierarchical and orderly commemorative arrangements within established ritual settings.
    8. Zhang Guanglie presents himself as the embodiment of his own bereavement.
    9. shrine for the Loyal and Righteous in Hangzhou, an essay by one of Zhang’s acquaintances narrating the family’s tragedy, the table of contents of a collection of poems by Zhang about his deceased mother, and a record of a garden that he built as a monument to her
    10. omposed the preface to A Record of 1861 (Xinyou ji), a compilation of materials honoring his mother, Zhang Yao shi, whose murder at the hands of a Taiping soldier he had witnessed as a child of eight sui nearly two decades earlier
    1. The law of nature allows us to regulate our own action, but also allows each to regulate others: if some people violate this natural law, each and every one of us can put ourselves in the position of a judge and punish the offender

      laws to control the state of nature

    2. ut certain groups like the poor, non-Europeans, and the physically and mentally disabled may lack the conditions to develop rationality.
    3. critics argue that human beings act based on their passions and desires rather than reason.

      such as Hobbes

    4. rationality in liberal theory and how it can create hierarchies


    5. xcludes women from the political sphere and confines them to the private sphere.
    6. division between the private and political spheres in liberalism, arguing that it allows for hierarchies and domination to go unregulated.

      but the gender inequality isn't based upon property so could be changed without impacting the foundation of the theory

    7. property means that the interests of servants and other propertyless individuals may not be represented in the rules of the contract.


    8. individuals own themselves and their bodies, which gives them freedom.

      right to your own body only, not others

    9. the laws of nature, which forbid us from harming others or their property, provide a form of order in the state of nature.

      property is accepted into normal life, compared to life

    10. humans are essentially rational beings and can live in peace with each other without a strong government.

      more optimistic view of human nature, but still focused on rationality and reason (enlightenment values).

    11. Locke believed that humans could live peacefully with each other and regulate themselves according to natural laws, even without a governing power

      state of nature isn't necessarily needing to be solved by bringing in a common power

    1. after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it
    1. Quotas can increase women's representation even without social and economic prerequisites. The adoption of quotas highlights the role of political elites in recruitment practices and the production and mitigation of inequalities in representation
    1. As an ex-Viv (w/ Siri team) eng, let me help ease everyone's future trauma as well with the Fundamentals of Assisted Intelligence.<br><br>Make no mistake, OpenAI is building a new kind of computer, beyond just an LLM for a middleware / frontend. Key parts they'll need to pull it off:… https://t.co/uIbMChqRF9

      — Rob Phillips 🤖🦾 (@iwasrobbed) October 29, 2023
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
    1. "Der Verfassungsschutz hat die Aufgabe, Bürger vor Verfassungsfeinden zu schützen."

      und wer schützt mich vor "bürger"? also vor "zivilisten"?

      das hier ist noch mehr sozialdarwinismus, also "survival of the social",<br /> also sozialisten, die unter sich sein wollen in ihrer echokammer, eugenik.<br /> "antisoziale" menschen sollen ausgerottet werden, euthanasie.

      der witz ist, ein antisoziales weltbild ist angeboren,<br /> es ist ausdruck von angeborenem persönlichkeitstyp.

      erziehung kann den subtyp ändern,<br /> aber wir brauchen alle persönlichkeitstypen für eine "gerechte" welt,<br /> für ein biodynamisches gleichgewicht, für symbiose.

      also die sozialdarwinisten sagen:<br /> "die natur ist schuld, dass unser sozialismus nicht funktioniert,<br /> also müssen wir eine hälfte der natur ausrotten."

      ich sage:<br /> "wenn ihr die halbe natur ausrotten müsst, damit eure erwartungen erfüllt werden,<br /> dann habt ihr falsche erwartungen."

      aber ja... sozialisten (und pazifisten) sind schon circa 10.000 jahre auf diesem "trip",<br /> dass sie die natur "beherrschen" müssen, damit ihre "schöne" zivilisation funktioniert.

      und wie immer, diese idealisten interessieren sich keine sekunde für das "hier und jetzt",<br /> sondern es geht immer um eine "bessere" zukunft oder ein "besseres" leben nach dem tod.

      also die sozialisten marschieren wieder...<br /> in dem sinn: leute, wir sehn uns im knast

    1. This overarching goal is stated in the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, “The Congress shall have Power ... To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

      Then, the article quote the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8, and then explains that, in the 18th century, this constitutional law gave the congress the power to grant exclusive rights to authors and inventors for their work, in order to boost creativity and innovation in the USA (U.S. Const., 1787). Later, the article claims that in the 1975, the U.S. Constitution, Article I section 8, clause 8 keep having the purpose of fostering innovation and creativity in the society, throughout economic incentive. Subsequently, the article supports this statement by quoting the law "Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken," which was created in 1975 with the purpose of boosting creativity and innovation in society throughout the economic incentive of assuring that creators receive a payment for their intellectual property that equates to the cost of producing it.

  2. Oct 2023
    1. New words, and new senses and uses of words, are not sanctioned or rejected by the authority of any single body: they arise through regular use and, once established, are recorded in dictionaries and grammars.
    1. The art of the biblical narrative, Alter hypothesized, was finalized in a late editorial stage by some unifying creative mind — a figure who, like a film editor, introduced narrative coherence through the art of montage. Alter called this method “composite artistry,” and he would also come to use the term “the Arranger” — a concept borrowed from scholarship on James Joyce — to describe the editor (or editors) who gave the text a final artistic overlay. It was a secular and literary method of reading the Hebrew Bible but, in its reverent insistence on the coherence and complex artistry of the central texts, it has appealed to some religious readers.
    1. Alter's translation puts into practice his belief that the rules of biblical style require it to reiterate, artfully, within scenes and from scene to scene, a set of "key words," a term Alter derives from Buber and Franz Rosenzweig, who in an epic labor that took nearly 40 years to complete, rendered the Hebrew Bible into a beautifully Hebraicized German. Key words, as Alter has explained elsewhere, clue the reader in to what's at stake in a particular story, serving either as "the chief means of thematic exposition" within episodes or as connective tissue between them.
    2. The story starts with the creation of the world, and ends with Moses dying on the wrong side of the Jordan and being buried in an unmarked grave.

      "Wrong side of the Jordan" almost has the flavor of a biblical version of "the wrong side of the tracks".

    1. Take “soul” in the KJV’s Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd […] He restoreth my soul.” Alter, who has by now become famous for taking the soul out of the Hebrew Bible, gives us: “The Lord is my shepherd […] My life He brings back.” Where has the soul gone? The answer is that the Hebrew didn’t really provide it in the first place. The word “nefesh” is more concrete, meaning “breath,” “life-breath,” “essential self,” and also “throat.” It suggests the material, the bodily, or, as the biblical scholar James Barr put it, “is not a separate essence and is more like the principle of life animating the person, acting in his actions, and touched by that which touches him.”
    1. Alter says he avoids the phrase “‘like the son of man’ because of its strong, and debatable, tilt toward a messianic interpretation.”

      Of course Alter's alternate translation of "son of man" allows one a closer meaning of Jews prior to the first century and Jesus, which adds a lot of undue baggage which may be seen as retconning the Hebrew Bible. It is after all, titled The Hebrew Bible and specifically not The Old Testament, thus placing it into the tradition of Christianity.

    2. Alter’s commentary benefits from his allusions to, among others, Freud, Gilgamesh, Herodotus, Hesiod, Homer, Josephus, Joyce, Kafka, Melville, Milton, Molière, Nabokov, Shakespeare, Shelley, and Sophocles. But technical words and phrases often appear without explanation: aleatory device, autochthonous, collocation, deictic, diachronic collage, dittography, durance vile, emphatic anaphora, gnomic, haplography, metonymy, and threnody. (To my knowledge, there is no readily available glossary containing all these words—so you will just have to google one word at a time, dear reader.) Even when Alter offers a definition as an aside, I wonder how many people will benefit from his explanations., e.g., “This pairing is virtually a zeugma, the syntactic yoking together of disparate items” (Isaiah 44:15).

      Is it really incumbent on the author to translate every word he's using with respect to the language in which he's writing. He's already doing us a service by translating the Hebrew. Are modern readers somehow with out a dictionary? I might believe they've not been classically educated to capture all the allusions, but the dictionary portion is a simple fix that is difficult to call him out on from a critical perspective, especially in a publication like "Law & Liberty" whose audience is specifically the liberally educated!?!

    3. But sometimes Alter’s comments seem exactly wrong. Alter calls Proverbs 29:2 “no more than a formulation in verse of a platitude,” but Daniel L. Dreisbach’s Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers devotes an entire chapter to that single verse, much loved at the time of the American Founding: “When the righteous are many, a people rejoices, / but when the wicked man rules, a people groans.” Early Americans “widely, if not universally,” embraced the notion that—as one political sermon proclaimed—“The character of a nation is justly decided by the character of their rulers, especially in a free and elective government.” Dreisbach writes, “They believed it was essential that the American people be reminded of this biblical maxim and select their civil magistrates accordingly.” Annual election sermons and other political sermons often had Proverbs 29:2 as “the primary text.” Far from being a platitude, this single verse may contain a cure to the contagion that is contemporary American political life.

      Ungenerous to take Alter to task for context which he might not have the background to comment upon.

      Does Alter call it a "platitude" from it's historical context, or with respect to the modern context of Donald J. Trump and a wide variety of Republican Party members who are anything but Christian?

    1. HTML had blown open document publishing on the internet

      ... which may have really happened, per se, but it didn't wholly incorporate (subsume/cannibalize) conventional desktop publishing, which is still in 2023 dominated by office suites (a la MS Word) or (perversely) browser-based facsimiles like Google Docs. Because the Web as it came to be used turned out to be as a sui generis medium, not exactly what TBL was aiming for, which was giving everything (everything—including every existing thing) its own URL.

    1. Links are made by readers as well as writers. A stunning thing that we forget, but the link here is not part of the author’s intent, but of the reader’s analysis. The majority of links in the memex are made by readers, not writers. On the world wide web of course, only an author gets to determine links. And links inside the document say that there can only be one set of associations for the document, at least going forward.

      So much to unpack here...

      What is the full list of types of links?

      There are (associative) links created by the author (of an HTML document) as well as associative (and sometimes unwritten) mental links which may be suggested by either the context of a piece and the author's memory.

      There are the links made by the reader as they think or actively analyze the piece they're reading. They may make these explicit in their own note taking or even more strongly explicit with tools like Hypothes.is which make these links visible to others.

      tacit/explicit<br /> suggested mentally / directly written or made<br /> made by writer / made by reader<br /> others?

      lay these out in a grid by type, creator, modality (paper, online, written/spoken and read/heard, other)

    1. In Beijing and Shanghai, new art complexes have been built following European and American standards, showing that they are considered global standards
    2. Victoria and Albert Museum and the Summer Palace Museum in Beijing.

      shapes what people learn about China- imperial, exotic

    3. "curiosities," which had historical significance as unique and unclassifiable objects.


    4. British army had specific procedures for legalizing plunder