51 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. https://taz.de/Profite-aus-hohen-Oel--und-Gas-Preisen/!6063476/Die US-amerikanischen Öl- und Gasunternehmen machten aufgrund der Energiekrise 1902, siebenmal so hohe Gewinne wie vorher im Durchschnitt, nämlich über 288 Milliarden Dollar. Die Hälfte dieser Gewinne flossen das reiste Prozent der OS Bevölkerungyou Die reichsten 10% erhielten 84% , wie eine neue Koma noch nicht peer Review-De-Studie zeigt. Die hohen Gewinne machen Investitionen in Öl und Gas noch attraktiver als zuvor und bremsend damit Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien. Aufgrund der geopolitischen Unsicherheiten ist mit gefühlten Krisen ähnlicher Art öfter zu rechnen, kommen was die Energie, Wände und die Dekarbonisierung weiter verzögert.

  2. Jan 2025
    1. I think the book is fantastic I'm now going to outlined review of a book and then at the end briefly point out some potential implications for psychiatric diagnosis and neurodiversity

      for - implications of book "The Brain Abstracted" for neurodiversity - SOURCE - Youtube - book review - Reviewing "The Brain Abstracted - Simplification in the History and Philosophy of Neuroscience" - M. Chirimuuta - Youtube channel: Philosophy of Psychiatric Diagnoses - 2025 Jan 23

  3. Jul 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. If that definition of civilization is accepted,

      for - quote - digital decentralised governance - implications of for civilization

      quote - digital decentralised governance - implications of for civilization

      • (see below)

      • If that definition of civilization is accepted, that means that the creation of a non-local digital layer of infrastructure,

        • which allows for the massive self-organization and mutual coordination of trans-local projects,
      • is in itself a fundamental challenge to the civilizational model as we have known it for the last five thousand years.
    1. for - deep geothermal - Quaise Energy - Paul Woskov - adjacency - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines

      summary - see adjacency statement below

      adjacency - between - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines - adjacency statement - gyrotrons pulse high energy microwave energy in nuclear fusion experiments - Woskov thought of applying to vaporing rocks - Quaise was incorporated to explore the possiblity of using gyrotrons to drill up to 20 miles down to tap into the earths heat energy to heat water and drive steam turbines in existing coal-fired and gas power plants - oil and gas industry drilling expertise can be repurposed for this job - as well as all the abandoned resource wells around the globe - Such heat can provide a stable 24/7 base load energy for most of humanity's energy needs.

      implications for energy transition - This is a viable option for replacing the dirty fossil fuel system - It has the scale and engineering timelines to be feasible - It is a supply side change but can affect our demand side strategy - The strategy that may become the most palatable is one of a "temporary energy diet"

  5. Dec 2022
    1. in the third section we're going to focus on the ethical implications of all of this because i think that's really important that's why we do this and then in the fourth part we'll be 00:10:51 talking about what life looks like as a person as opposed to a self and why we should take all of this very seriously

      !- third session : ethical implications of a person without a self !- fourth session :what is the experience of life like when you are a person without a self?

  6. Jul 2022
    1. the straw man fallacy

      I've come around to preferring the term "strawchild".

      • It de-genders the term (important for some people)
      • It evokes the imagery of the kind of loser* who is only willing to engage in battle with children and/or is perhaps prone to striking them
      • It conveniently sidesteps the cliche/fatigue associated with invocations of the term "strawman"

      * Is this aspect of "strawchild" an instance of failure to elevate the other (i.e. steelman/starman them)? Yes.

  7. May 2022
    1. (I know calling it "a philosophy" is confusing, I'll search a better word)
    2. I recently stopped working on it to learn Solid

      Needs to be resurrected. "Autonomous Data" is a way better name (being both cooler and less subject to ambiguity) than either "Solid" or "zero data [application]".

  8. Apr 2022
    1. Humankind’s insatiable demand for electronic devices is creating the world’s fastest-growing waste stream.

      This sentence caught my attention the most because not only was it the opening sentence, but it also outlined the problem that was discussed throughout the rest of the article. As society expands and grows upward electronically, there is more and more e-waste. Since this flow of e-waste is becoming so large, it is being labeled as the world's fastest-growing waste stream. This article then goes on to explain this phenomenon.

      The article I linked below goes over the toxicological implications of e-waste and I think it ties in well to the topics covered in this article. It shows how it can affect the health of humans and to which degree.

  9. Feb 2022
  10. Nov 2021
    1. we offer suggestions forhow planners can apply a justice framework to improve participatory practice. Planners can a) requireappropriate procedures to ensure that all relevant people and perspectives are represented at the appro-priate scale; b) ensure all perspectives—not just dominant ones—are recognized and valued; and c)respond to and mitigate the inequitable distribution of wealth and resources

      The authors suggest ways to operationalize a justice framework aimed at improving participation.



  11. Sep 2021
    1. article proposes a new anchor typology that accounts for the ways institutions are defining their revitalization approaches in practice.

      New typology identified that conmplements existing frameworks - benefit - allows for assessing existing strategies and identifing gaps.



    1. It remains to be seen how these different styles of educational partnerships and investments will influence neigh-borhood revitalization or compare with University City’s experience with the PAS, but the willingness of universities to commit financial resources to K-12 strategies indicates they think the benefits will be worth the cost.

      Wait and see to school investments results in other university communities.

    2. Taken together, the transformation of the PAS area implies that strong neighborhood schools are a powerful tool in an anchor institution’s efforts to stabilize and revitalize communities—and other institutions are taking note.

      The school investment strategies for neighborhood improvements is a good approach.



    1. specifying intermediate outcomes and how they may lead to long-term change can be a politically charged process, especially if those outcomes might imply major resource reallocation or power shifts.

      Shifting power and policy - likely a frequent point for political disagreement and friction.



  12. Apr 2021
  13. Feb 2021
  14. Oct 2020
  15. Sep 2020
  16. Aug 2020
    1. Unterman, A., Sumida, T. S., Nouri, N., Yan, X., Zhao, A. Y., Gasque, V., Schupp, J. C., Asashima, H., Liu, Y., Cosme, C., Deng, W., Chen, M., Raredon, M. S. B., Hoehn, K., Wang, G., Wang, Z., Deiuliis, G., Ravindra, N. G., Li, N., … Cruz, C. S. D. (2020). Single-Cell Omics Reveals Dyssynchrony of the Innate and Adaptive Immune System in Progressive COVID-19. MedRxiv, 2020.07.16.20153437. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.16.20153437

  17. Jul 2020
    1. Seow, J., Graham, C., Merrick, B., Acors, S., Steel, K. J. A., Hemmings, O., O’Bryne, A., Kouphou, N., Pickering, S., Galao, R., Betancor, G., Wilson, H. D., Signell, A. W., Winstone, H., Kerridge, C., Temperton, N., Snell, L., Bisnauthsing, K., Moore, A., … Doores, K. (2020). Longitudinal evaluation and decline of antibody responses in SARS-CoV-2 infection. MedRxiv, 2020.07.09.20148429. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.09.20148429

  18. Mar 2020
    1. to be fully compliant, this leads to having to check for consent on every request server-side, which is not cacheable/scalable at all. Maybe having caches vary on consent-related properties of a request would solve that, but not without an explosion in cache storage requirements (if nothing else) and nightmares when it comes to cache invalidation(s).
  19. Nov 2019
    1. fiber

      There are two additional types of meals that will be needed to clarify this issue. That is, one with a high-fat high-fiber meal, and another with a low-fiber high-carbohydrate meal. Nonetheless, one could argue that, in practice, carbohydrates correlate with fiber.

  20. Sep 2019
    1. Isafilmlessgoodifitisproducedby arapist,arolelessexpertly performedifperformedby aharasser,aroutinelessfunny ifanexploitativeexhibitionistperformsit?

      A film is not less good if the producer was a rapist... but one must consider the effects it has on allowing people to carry on with their normal lives when they have destroyed others'. If a producer who at the same time is a rapist is allowed to continue with his life as if nothing had taken place, the act of rape is normalized.

    2. Thenewsoverthepastseveralmonthshasbeenfullofrevelationsofsexualharassmentandassaultby meninvolvedinartsandentertainmentandotherfields

      a claim can be made

    3. my experiencesuggestedthatany workmightbeconsideredsomehowtaintedbyassociationwithamiscreant

      the work of art goes in hand with the artist

    4. howartappreciatorsshouldrespondtotheworkoftheseindividualsinlightofthedisclosuresandadmissionsthathavefloodedevery mediaoutlet.

      raises a good question, does liking a work of art imply that you support the artist in every aspect?

  21. Aug 2018
    1. n the sections below, we survey and analyze the 12research focithat comprise our model. First, we consider the future of the work processesand how the workis organized and accomplished. Second, we consider the integration of crowd work and computation, including the symbiosis between human cognition, artificial intelligence(AI), and computationally-enabled crowd platforms. Finally, we consider crowd workers and how we can develop jobs, reputation systems, motivations, and incentives that will benefit them.

      Research foci

      Crowd work processes: Workflow, task assignment, hierarchy, realtime crowd work, synchronous collaboration. quality control

      Crowd computation: Crowds guiding AI, AIs guiding crowds, crowdsourcing platforms

      Crowd worker future: Job design, reputation/credentials, motivation/rewards

    1. By structuring design changes as exper-iments, these studies make credible causal claims about the relationship oforganizational structure and project outcomes that previous work struggledto establish. By intervening in real communities, these efforts achieve a levelof external validity that lab-based experiments cannot

      The paper suggests that field experiments and intervention studies could offer new insights.

  22. May 2018
    1. Further, a doctor, medical center, hospital, EMT, and even assisted living staff can make decisions regarding your healthcare, treatment methods and type of medical care to provide you if you are not married, over 18 years old, and do not have a health care proxy in place

      Medical decision making has very specific in rules to protect the rights of the patient. The rules can vary according to a patient's age, marital status, and wether or not they signed a health care proxy document in the first place.

  23. Oct 2017
    1. ‘DeExtinction Movement’ (The Long Now Foundation, 2014b). This project supports the genetic engineering of endangered species (altering them physically to become more resilient in the Anthropocene) and the cloning and wholesale re-creation of extinct ones—passenger pigeons, wooly mammoths—work that founder Stewart Brand promotes as ‘genetic rescue’.

      The Long Now Foundation and its views open up a whole chasm of moral, ethical, and legal questions with this 'DeExtinction Movement'. How is genetically engineering endangered species a form of 'genetic rescue'? These species are dying out because of man and man's actions, which is a terrible reflection of the worst part of human nature, but it does not give us the right to clone nature and 'whitewash' all that we have done before. Just because we may have the capacity to do so, does not mean we should. We cannot simply decide that extinction is fine because we can create genetically engineered species in the future to 'make up' for our mistakes. How are we expected to learn from our mistakes if we can simply rewind and start again?

  24. Apr 2017
    1. p. 13

      Overall much of the literature regarding electronic mailing lists has been either speculative or anecdotal in nature. In addition, as will be noted later, there has been a tencency to be overly optimistic in reporting the benefits of computer mediated communication. This lack of inquiry into the evolution of electronic mailing lists has left a crticial gap in the social history of academic culture.

    2. pp. 9-10 what she saw as Being interesting about lists:

      • Professor and UG could communicate as "virtual equals"
    3. pp. 8-9 Important statement of potentially radical questions

      Today;s scholars are no longer limited to print and conferences if they want to share their work with others. Electronic media liberate text from the technological limitations of paper and the costs of travel. By using computer mediated communication, scholars can communicate with their peers as they never could before. While this is an exciting time, the implications for scholarly communication, the evolition of the knowledge base, and learning behaviors and not yet known. It is important to questions how truly transforming or revliation the impact of computer mediarted communication was for scholarlship as it was beginning to rake root in the academic communitiy. The electronic mailing lists provided the first insight to how a worldwide communication forum could work... Will scholars merely view electronic mailing lists as a more speedy and cost-effective means to distribute information (such as calls for papers) that was traditionally disseminated in print? Or will electronic mailing lists and other forms of computer mediated communication ultimately transform scholarly behavior? Will the need to attend professional conferences cease because the same exchanges can be done via computer?

    4. p. 5

      The origin of many of our big questions in Schol Comm (peer review, etc.) can be found in lists:

      The origins of these questions began with the early electronic mailing lists.

    5. p. 3

      the electronic mailing lists I studied formed the basis of new ideas for the future of scholarly communication.

    6. p. 1 Epigraph

      I think that we are in the nascent stages of this. I think that this could be an extraordinarily effective tool for scholarly interchange around the world, as well as personal interchange. We have not yet figured out how to make it work the best possible way. What we are seeing on these discussions lists of [sic][sic] whatever that are, is a kind of groping through the dark to figure out what works and what doesn't work. I just see it in those lights and so I don't get upset about some things that go on. It will all work out one way or another." (history, Professor)

    7. Abstract

      The dissertation also considers the implications for higher education and the extent to which electronic mailing lists may change scholarly behaviors.

    8. abstract:

      Respondents reported varying degrees of social relationships formed with other participants on electronic mailing lists. These differences in experiences and expectations appeared to be related to the degree to which an individual felt in some way isolated from others, preferred communication styles, professional rank, and time constraints.