- Jul 2024
www.domaelist.com www.domaelist.com
- Jun 2024
megastreammedia.com megastreammedia.com
Website Development Your website may be the first thing a prospect or business partner sees about your company and brand. How do you want to present yourself? Our talented website design team in Indianapolis has the skills and tools to ensure the visitor has the best experience on any device. Whether you need a complete new website design, update your current website or bug fix it, we can help.
Discover comprehensive web development services at MEGAstream Media, Indianapolis's leading web design company. Our expert team specializes in creating responsive websites tailored to your business goals, ensuring exceptional user experiences and maximum online visibility.
- May 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Verantwortliche der großen US-Fossilunternehmen haben vertraulich die öffentlichen Statements der Firmen zur Dekarbonisierung relativiert und in ihrer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gegen die von ihnen selbst offiziell vertretene Politik agiert. Das geht aus Dokumenten hervor, deren Herausgabe der Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses für Oversight und Reform erzwungen hatte. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/14/climate/oil-industry-documents-disinformation.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Verantwortliche der großen amerikanischen Ölfirmen haben auch nach 2015 privat zugegeben, dass sie die Gefahren fossiler Brennstoffe heruntergespielt haben. Sie haben internationale Pläne gegen die globale Erhitzung nach außen hin unterstützt und nach innen kommuniziert, dass ihre Firmenpolitik diesen Plänen widerspricht. Und sie haben gegen politische Maßnahmen lobbyiert, hinter die sie sich offiziell gestellt haben. Das alles ergibt sich aus dem neuen Bericht des amerikanischen Kongresses über die Desinformations-Politik von Big Oil. Ausführlicher Bericht mit Informationen über mögliche juristische Konsequenzen. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/30/big-oil-climate-crisis-us-senate-report
- Jan 2024
web-p-ebscohost-com.oregontech.idm.oclc.org web-p-ebscohost-com.oregontech.idm.oclc.org
Web assimilation is the extent of organizational use of web technologies in facilitating e-commerce strategies and activities. Our definition focuses on the relative success of firms (as compared to other firms in the industry) in incorporating the Web technology into its e-commerce strategies and activities. This definition is consistent with perspectives on Type III IS innovations, with earlier treatments of IT assimilation at the organizational level (Armstrong and Sambamurthy 1999), and reflects our interest in understanding firms as innovation systems for attaining differential levels of technology assimilation success (Fichman 2001). We regard the level of assimilation to be one of the visible outcomes of the stream of structuring actions across the firm. Further, we anticipate the differential level of assimilation success across firms to be linked to the nature of the institutional enablers or the metastructuring actions within those firms.
Definition and further explanation of the mean of Web Asssimilation.
- Nov 2023
www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
3. qu’est-ce que La promotioninterdite d’entreprisecommerciaLe ?Evidemment, l’article D.111-9 du code de l’éducationimplique que les associations de parents d’élèves sevoient interdire la diffusion de « publicités » au senscourant
- Jul 2023
www.congress.gov www.congress.gov
It is exceedingly difficult to distinguish between prohibited wildlife species that are possessed, bred, sold, or transported in interstate commerce from those that have not been.
Reasoning that privately own cats are essentially "fungible commodities".
Prohibited wildlife species in private possession, or distributed intrastate, are fungible commodities that cannot be differentiated, in terms of control, from prohibited wildlife species possessed or distributed interstate.
Fungible: items that are equivalent or consist of many identical parts such that, for practical purposes, they are interchangeable.
Commodity: an economic good, usually a resource, that has full or substantial fungibility: that is, the market treats instances of the good as equivalent or nearly so with no regard to who produced them.
Private possession and breeding of prohibited wildlife species contributes to the interstate traffic in those species and may contribute to illegal international wildlife trade.
how private possession leads to illegal international trade
Private possession and breeding of prohibited wildlife species have a substantial and direct effect on interstate commerce because prohibited wildlife species are frequently bred and possessed to be used in public exhibition or for sale or transfer of ownership in the exotic pet trade, and are often transported in interstate commerce for these purposes.
How private possession and breeding impacts interstate commerce and the public
- Feb 2023
mnscu-my.sharepoint.com mnscu-my.sharepoint.com
The bullet is already in the brain; it won’t be outrun forever, or charmed to a halt. In the end it willdo its work and leave the troubled skull behind, dragging its comet’s tail of memory and hope andtalent and love into the marble hall of commerce.
- Sep 2022
www.softermii.com www.softermii.com
Если вы владеете бизнесом по продаже товаров или услуг в Интернете и задаетесь вопросом, как сделать его более успешным, эти передовые методы разработки электронной коммерции — это решения, которые можно применить. Зачем они вам нужны для создания этой платформы электронной коммерции? Давайте обсудим следующее. Онлайн-платформа электронной коммерции открывает широкий спектр новых возможностей для вашего розничного бизнеса, поскольку вы можете привлечь больше клиентов из любого места и в любое время. Учтите, что 2,14 миллиарда человек во всем мире совершают покупки в Интернете, что составляет 27,6% населения мира. Прогнозируется, что доля электронной коммерции в общем объеме розничных продаж по всему миру увеличится в течение следующих четырех лет, поскольку молодое поколение предпочитает варианты онлайн-магазинов, а не оффлайн.
- Aug 2022
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Social commerce offers something radically different than traditional e-commerce by carefully blending buying and selling with a sense of urgency across communities
www.quora.com www.quora.com
E-commerce sure is tapping the power of the crowds (think ModCloth, Groupon, FashionStake), but I wouldn’t call this social
what we’re calling online “social commerce” today doesn’t look what we’ve seen traditionally. In fact, so much of what we call “social commerce” is not done within our social graphs - rather it’s just any level of involvement of another human being in a user’s purchase decision
- Jun 2022
WordPress open source or WordPress.com? Recall that Automattic is a VC backed company now and Matt has a big dog in the hunt.
- May 2022
Local file Local file
One of the masters of the school, Hugh (d. 1140 or 1141), wrote a text, the Didascalicon, on whatshould be learned and why. The emphasis differs significantly from that of William of Conches. It isdependent on the classical trivium and quadrivium and pedagogical traditions dating back to St.Augustine and Imperial Rome.
Hugh of St. Victor wrote Didascalicon, a text about what topics should be learned and why. In it, he outlined seven mechanical arts (or technologies) in analogy with the seven liberal arts (trivium and quadrivium) as ways to repair the weaknesses inherit in humanity.
These seven mechanical arts he defines are: - fabric making - armament - commerce - agriculture - hunting - medicine - theatrics
Hugh of St. Victor's description of the mechanical art of commerce here is fascinating. He says "reconciles nations, calms wars, strengthens peace, and turns the private good of individuals into a benefit for all" (doublcheck the original quotation, context, and source). This sounds eerily familiar to the common statement in the United States about trade and commerce.
Link this to the quote from Albie Duncan in The West Wing (season 5?) about trade.
Other places where this sentiment occurs?
Is Hugh of St. Victor the first in history to state this sentiment?
- Apr 2022
flipboard.com flipboard.comDesign1
12 leading marketplaces in Europe - E-commerce Germany News
In Europe, the ecommerce market is worth $363 billion, with a 7.3 percent annual growth rate expected. According to experts, the European market volume will be worth up to $481 billion by 2022. This is a lot when you consider that Europe has 50 different countries, more than 200 languages spoken, and 28+ currencies. Obviously, the majority of the action takes place in just three European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, but we have also included marketplaces that are leading or growing in other parts of Europe on our list.
- Dec 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?DmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?PublishedMay 8, 2020UpdatedMay 8, 20209 min readDo you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider? We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.
Do you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider?
We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.
- e-commerce platform
- custom software
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- software development
- ecommerce website
- choosing dev company
- marketplace development company
- software agency
- emarketplace
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- entrepreneurship
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- e-commerce
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- company to build marketplace
- marketplace development
- Nov 2021
What Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?AlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceRuby/RailsHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipWhat Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?PublishedJul 13, 2020UpdatedJul 13, 202012 min readThe last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing. To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales. When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails. In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.
The last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing.
To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales.
When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails.
In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.
- e-commerce platform
- Ruby on Rails
- RoR
- building marketplace
- framework
- RoR developers
- ecommerce
- programming languages
- coding
- Ruby on Rails development company
- ecommerce website
- startups
- Ruby on Rails framework
- emarketplace
- Ruby on Rails marketplace
- Ruby gems
- gems
- e-commerce
- online marketplace
- Ruby
- online marketplace development
- multi-vendor
- marketplace development
www.codica.com www.codica.com
4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.
In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.
Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
- custom software
- e-markteplace
- Codica
- custom solution
- ecommerce
- marketplace website
- P2P
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- payment solution
- peer to peer
- web development
- peer-to-peer
- gateway
- ecommerce website
- startup
- emarketplace
- two-sided marketplace
- entrepreneurship
- online marketplace
- multi-vendor
- payment gateway
- marketplace development
www.codica.com www.codica.com
Spree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsiteAlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipSpree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsitePublishedAug 31, 2020UpdatedAug 31, 202011 min readThe hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website? We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
The hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website?
We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
- custom software
- building marketplace
- Codica
- e-markteplace
- marketplace
- ecommerce
- marketplace website
- custom solution
- spree commerce
- software development
- web development
- ecommerce website
- startup
- software agency
- product guide
- entrepreneurship
- online marketplace
- multi-vendor
- marketplace development
- Mar 2021
Mims, C. (2020, November 21). Four Reasons the Stay-at-Home Economy Is Here to Stay. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
- Oct 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Yuan, Yuan, Muzhi Guan, Zhilun Zhou, Sundong Kim, Meeyoung Cha, and Yong Li. ‘Disruption in the Chinese E-Commerce During COVID-19:A Case Study of the Beidian Platform’. ArXiv:2009.14605 [Physics], 22 July 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.14605.
- Aug 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Feldmann, A., Gasser, O., Lichtblau, F., Pujol, E., Poese, I., Dietzel, C., Wagner, D., Wichtlhuber, M., Tapiador, J., Vallina-Rodriguez, N., Hohlfeld, O., & Smaragdakis, G. (2020). The Lockdown Effect: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Traffic. ArXiv:2008.10959 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.10959
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Chang, H.-H., & Meyerhoefer, C. (2020). COVID-19 and the Demand for Online Food Shopping Services: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan (Working Paper No. 27427; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27427
- May 2019
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
OER movement had become so successful that the publishers have launched a disingenuous takeover, going so far as to brag about their paywalled platforms containing OER
"Inclusive Access" and "Netflix of Books" (do you mean Kindle Unlimited?) not necessarily the same thing. Netflix DID make movies more accessible at lower net cost.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
all the emotions and passions, that belong to all the several tribes:
The idea of an interchange and commerce.
- Jan 2019
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org
If the open source community really wants to make a difference, then the some focus should be directed toward back-end, e-commerce billing systems. The regulatory conditions of the market have reached a point where it is incredibly inefficient for them to be tracked and applied by hand.
This is an incredibly important point.
- Oct 2018
allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu
a sort of Castilian Rothschild, with a noble brother, or cousin, in every great trading town
This is an anachronism. That the storied Rothschild family had not yet established a widespread business network across Europe in the period Benito Cereno is set. This didn't develop until the first decades of the 19th century; by Melville's time, the family had become a well-known economic powerhouse. Either Melville never bothered to fact check such small details, or else he didn't mind bending the truth a bit in the service of art.
A brief history of the family business from the Rothschild Archive: "Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in 1744 in the Judengasse, in Frankfurt. His father had a business in goods-trading and currency exchange. He was a personal supplier of collectable coins to the Prince of Hesse. By the early years of the 19th century, Rothschild had consolidated his position, and in 1810, renamed his firm M A Rothschild und Söhne, establishing a partnership with his four sons still in Frankfurt, (his son Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) having already established a business in Manchester and London).
Nathan Rothschild’s increasingly successful business provided a model for his brothers back in Frankfurt. In 1812, James Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868) established a banking house in Paris. Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774-1855) settled in Vienna in 1820. Carl Mayer Rothschild (1788-1855) set up business in Naples in 1821, leaving Amschel Mayer (1773-1855), to head the Frankfurt bank. From these roots, the Rothschild banking business spread out across much of Europe becoming the most successful international bankers of the age." Rothschild Archive.
Interestingly, the Rothschilds were instrumental in helping another South American nation, Brazil, achieve independence from Portugal in the early 19th century.
- Jul 2018
www.yalelawjournal.org www.yalelawjournal.org
- Mar 2018
www.litinerant.fr www.litinerant.fr
Pourquoi mettre fin à une Location-Gérance ? Le contrat de location-gérance permet au titulaire d'un fonds de commerce d'en confier l'exploitation à une tierce personne, laquelle va exploiter le fonds à ses risques et périls. La cessation de ce contrat peut trouver sa source dans diverses causes de rupture, lesquelles emportent des conséquences importantes pour les parties au contrat.
Pourquoi et comment mettre un terme et rompre un contrat de location-gérance d'un fonds de commerce ?
- Dec 2017
www.drupalcontrib.org www.drupalcontrib.org
- Nov 2017
- Oct 2017
annuaire-annonce-legale.net annuaire-annonce-legale.net
Pour saisir le tribunal de commerce une société commerciale peut faire appel à un huissier de justice qui réalisera une assignation. Une société peut également saisir le tribunal par requête conjointe des deux parties ou
Commerçant, gérant, chef d'une société commerciale en France, vous voulez saisir le tribunal de commerce pour un litige commercial ?
- Sep 2017
tribunal-commerce.fr tribunal-commerce.fr
Le greffe assure une mission de secrétariat auprès du tribunal de commerce où il occupe un rôle central. Il prépare et assiste chaque audience et apporte son concours aux juges afin qu’ils mènent à bien leurs missions.
C'est quoi le rôle d'un greffe et d'un greffier du tribunal de commerce ?
- Feb 2017
www.drupal.org www.drupal.org
- Aug 2016
blogs.reuters.com blogs.reuters.com
The problem, as Taylor explained, is that the rise of e-commerce and social media has lowered the cost of entry for new competitors.
Sounds like a very quick summary of what Ben Thompson was saying two weeks ago. But, in this case, it’s from “the horse’s mouth”.