4,133 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2017
    1. innovation

      En más partes del texto se habla de innovación, aprovechemos ya esta ocasión para despacharlo. Nos solemos llenar la boca con la palabra innovación de manera gratuita. A menudo se llama innovación a algo que alcanza una súbita popularidad en un momento dado, pero que ya existía desde hace mucho. Se trata de una fijación un tanto extraña.

      La innovación es una constante en los primeros estadios del desarrollo de un género. La aventura, tras cuatro décadas, ha vivido un gran número de ellas. Ahora, cuando su lenguaje ha alcanzado un alto grado de sofisticación, en buena lógica es mucho más complicado innovar (como le ha sucedido a cualquier otra forma de contar historias). Eso no quiere decir que no haya margen para la innovación, pero sí que van a ser mucho más espaciadas. No hay que obsesionarse con ellas. Se pueden hacer aventuras gráficas modernísimas y muy refinadas sin introducir innovaciones.


      Throughout the text, the author talks about innovation -- let's take this opportunity to sort this term out. We tend to overuse the term innovation, or use it for no reason. We commonly tag as innovation something that already existed, but reaches a sudden peak in popularity at a given moment. That is quite a strange fixation.

      Innovation is a constant in the early stages of the development of any genre. Adventure games, spanning four decades, have gone through several of those stages. Now, when the language of the genre has reached a high level of sophistication, innovation is logically more difficult to present (something shared with any other storytelling media). This does not mean there is no margin for innovation, but innovation will be presented in a more spaced out timing. We do not need to be obsessed with innovation. We can make very modern, very refined adventure games without even presenting innovations.

    1. one of three axes: URL, tag, or user

      Is there a way to query by 'group' (which is private)? I am teaching a class and having students annotate in a private group would be ideal. But I haven't found a way to use RSS to retrieve a group's annotations.

  2. Dec 2016
    1. Kirk Kaiser has been pitting neural network against neural network — altering images of himself using Google’s DeepDream and uploading them to Facebook for DeepFace to analyse and tag.

      ...I wonder if enough of us did this (and 'enough' is probably a ridiculously impossible number) if we could subvert the utility of such things for the agencies...

    1. entzogen

      bitte Fußnote einfügen: "Vgl. Metze-Mangold, Verena (2016) Wissensgesellschaft als Idee des neuen Humanismus. In: Mittelstraß, Jürgen (2016 et al.) Die Zukunft der Wissensspeicher, S. 17-33, hier S. 26: „Es gibt, wie wir jeden Tag erfahren, zunehmende Begehrlichkeiten, ‚proprietäre Systeme‘ zu entwickeln, d.h., […] den Zugang nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen zu gewähren, beispielsweise der Bedingung zu zahlen oder abgeschöpft zu werden, und so Wissen kontrolliert zu vertei-len.“

    1. Reading: Appropriate Business Communications Appropriate Business Communications You probably learned about table manners, thank-you notes, and other forms of etiquette when you were younger. The way you conduct yourself says a lot about who you are in life and, by extension, in business. Although many companies have a casual dress code, don’t be quick to assume that protocol and established practices aren’t important. It would be easy to misinterpret lack of formality as lack of professionalism. Letters and Memos Despite the use of electronic devices in business, formal written communication such as letters, memos, proposals, reports, and presentations are still major methods of communication in selling. These more official methods of communication reflect factual statements that you are making on behalf of the company. Here are some tips for writing business communications: Use company letterhead where appropriate. For example, letters are always written on letterhead, whether in hard copy or in an electronic format that can be sent via e-mail. Use the formal elements of a business letter shown below in Figure 1, “Business Letter Format”: Figure 1. Business Letter Format For a company memo, use the company format. Most companies have a set format for hard copy and electronic memos. See an example of a company memo below in Figure 2, “Company Memo Example”: Figure 2. Company Memo Example Spell-check and proofread your document carefully before you send it. Be sure it is complete and factually correct and does not include any grammar or spelling errors. Use CC to indicate the names of other people who should also receive a copy of the letter or memo. The term “CC” is short for “carbon copy,” which dates back to the days of typewriters when carbon paper was used to make multiple copies of a document. It can also mean “courtesy copy”: an additional copy provided to someone as a courtesy.[1] Conversations, Meetings, and Presentations Although common sense should prevail in all business communications, here are some tips that will help make your conversations, meetings, and presentations more effective forms of communication: Be prepared; don’t waste anyone’s time or focus. Prepare a written agenda and hand it out at the start of the meeting to keep the group focused on the desired topics. Speak clearly and at a volume that is easy to hear, but not too loud so as to be distracting. Be professional and respectful; don’t interrupt when others are speaking. Use eye contact. At the end, recap your key points and identify next steps. In business, time is money so conducting effective and efficient meetings is critical to your success. High Tech, High Touch The year was 1982, and the world was just beginning to realize the amazing potential of computer technology. John Naisbitt wrote a book called Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, in which he coined the term “high tech, high touch,” which he defined as the contradictory state in which people are driven by technology yet long for human interaction. [2] In his 1999 book, High Tech/High Touch, he wrote about how the United States has been transformed from being comfortable with technology to being intoxicated with technology, a state he calls the “Technologically Intoxicated Zone.” You probably can’t imagine living without your cell phone or personal digital assistant (PDA), iPod, computer, or other electronic devices. In fact, it’s likely you can’t even remember what communication was like before the Internet. Technology, with all of its efficiency and benefits, cannot, however, become a substitute for old-fashioned human efforts. “Technology makes tasks easier, but it does not make our lives easier,” July Shapiro said in an article in Advertising Age.[3] Shapiro’s observation is true, especially as it relates to business; sometimes, the crush of technology takes precedence over business etiquette. However, people have begun to rethink the lack of personal interaction and its corresponding etiquette in the workplace. Yes, “there’s even an app for that”; a firm named Etiquette Avenue has recently launched an iPod app for business etiquette. The fact is, technology isn’t personal and can’t behave in the right way at the right time with your customer or on an interview; that’s completely up to you. Now, we’re seeing a bit of a reverse movement: Technology is so pervasive people are actually pushing back on their managers and asking them for more face time and less gadget time. Being Connected vs. Being Addicted In a recent pitch to a potential client, a marketing executive in Manhattan thought it was strange that his potential customer was so engaged with his iPhone that he hardly looked up from it during the meeting. After ninety minutes, someone peeked over the customer’s shoulder and saw that he was playing a racing game on his iPhone. This was disappointing, but not shocking according to the marketing firm that was doing the presentation; they continued with their pitch because they wanted the business. Some are not as tolerant. Billionaire Tom Golisano, a power broker in New York politics, recently announced that he wants to have State Senate majority leader Malcolm A. Smith removed from office because Smith was focused on his iPhone during a budget meeting with him. Recently, in Dallas, Texas, a student lost his opportunity for an internship at a hedge fund when he checked his phone to check a fact during an interview and took an extra minute to check his text messages at the same time. [4]  According to Maggie Jackson, author of Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age, we are living in “an institutionalized culture of interruption, where our time and attention is being fragmented by a never-ending stream of phone calls, e-mails, instant messages, text messages, and tweets.”[5] The need to be connected should not overwhelm respect for colleagues and customers. Although texting has become a national pastime, especially among teenagers, it’s important to know the appropriate etiquette for the use of handheld electronic devices in the business environment. First, it’s best to turn off your electronic devices before you enter every meeting. If you think you can’t live without checking your text messages, think about how you would feel if you went on a job interview and the person with whom you were meeting was checking his electronic device during your interview. Just because some people demonstrate bad behavior and check their electronic devices for messages during a meeting doesn’t make it appropriate. In fact, it will help you stand out as a good listener. Telephone, Cell Phone, Voice Mail, and Conference Calls Sometimes, however, the use of technology is entirely necessary to conduct business when personal interaction is impossible. It’s important that verbal communication that is not face-to-face is effective and professional. Because you don’t have the benefit of using or seeing the receiver’s nonverbal communication, the challenges for effective and appropriate communication are even greater. Here are some dos and don’ts of telephone etiquette: Do be aware of the volume of your voice when you are speaking on the phone in the office or on a cell phone.[6] Do, when using a speakerphone, conduct the call in an enclosed or isolated area such as a conference room or office to avoid disturbing others in the area. Do, when leaving a voice mail message, speak slowly, enunciate, spell your name, and leave your number (this makes it much easier for the recipient to hear your message the first time).[7] Do, when you leave a voice mail message, be specific about what you want: make it easier for the caller to get back to you and include what time you will be available for a callback to avoid playing telephone tag.[8] Do customize your voice mail message: create a different message for each of your customers or prospective customers so the message is personal and relevant.[9] Do speak with enthusiasm: it’s best to convey a smile in your voice, especially if it is the first time you are calling or leaving a message for someone.[10] Don’t take another phone call during a meeting.[11] Don’t discuss confidential or personal issues during business calls. Don’t discuss confidential issues in public areas—you never know who might overhear a conversation in the hallway, on a train, or in other public areas.[12] Don’t leave a long, rambling voice mail message: be prepared with a message that is no longer than sixty seconds.[13] Don’t multitask during a long phone call or conference call—give the other person or people the courtesy of your full attention. E-mails, Text Messages, Instant Messages, and Social Networks Written communication has evolved to include multiple methods, all of which have appropriate places in selling. Notice the operative word here is appropriate. E-mail has become an accepted method of communication in most businesses, whereas text messages, instant messages, and social networks are commonplace for only some companies. That’s why etiquette is especially important when using any of these methods of communication, and you should take time to choose your method carefully. Letters, memos, proposals, and other written communication are considered formal, whether they are sent on paper or transmitted via e-mail. However, text messages, instant messages, and social networking are considered informal methods of communication and should be used only to communicate less formal information, such as a meeting time when schedules have been adjusted during a factory tour. Text and instant messages should never be used to communicate company policies, proposals, pricing, or other information that is important to conduct business with customers. It’s also worth noting that in all these methods your communication is permanent, so it’s a good idea to know the following dos and don’ts of electronic communication: Do use an e-mail subject line that clearly tells the recipient about the content of the e-mail. Do create a short, concise message that uses proper grammar and spelling—use spell-check to be sure all words are spelled correctly.[14] Do, in all electronic communications, use uppercase and lowercase letters as grammar dictates.[15] Do use e-mail, text messages, and instant messages when appropriate, according to your company’s practices, and with your customers to communicate factual information such as to confirm meeting date, time, and location.[16] Do use social networking sites to join the conversation and add value—you can build your personal brand by creating a blog or joining a professional conversation on social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook.[17] Don’t use all capital letters in an e-mail; it appears that you are shouting or angry.[18] Don’t use “Reply to All” unless it’s absolutely necessary that all the recipients see your response—be selective to avoid mailbox overload. Don’t send an e-mail, text message, or instant message when you are angry: take the time to think about what you send because you can’t take it back after it’s sent.[19] Don’t use abbreviations like “ur,” “2b,” and others—this is not appropriate business communication.[20] Don’t use company e-mail, text message, or instant message accounts to send personal correspondence, and don’t check your personal accounts or pages during company time, as all communication that takes place on company hardware and servers is property of the company. Don’t use electronic communication to transmit bad news: talk to the person first, and if follow-up is necessary, reiterate the information in written form. Don’t use text messages, instant messages, or social networks to communicate information such as pricing, proposals, reports, service agreements, and other company information that should be sent using a more formal method. Music to Your Ears When is an iPod or other MP3 player or a handheld gaming device appropriate at work? Only when it is used for business purposes. “You’re isolating yourself,” says Dale Chapman Webb, founder of The Protocol Centre in Coral Gables, Florida. “You are sending a message that my music is more important than the work at hand.” Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication, 6th ed. (Mason, OH: South-Western Publishing, 2008), 175. ↵John Naisbitt, Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1998). ↵July Shapiro, “A Digital Myth: Technology Doesn’t Make Life Easier,” Advertising Age, May 11, 2009, (accessed May 12, 2009). ↵Alex Williams, “At Meetings, It’s Mind Your Blackberry or Mind Your Manners,” New York Times, June 22, 2009, A1. ↵Patrick Welsh, “Txting Away Ur Education,” USA Today, June 23, 2009, A11. ↵Joanna L. Krotz, “Cell Phone Etiquette: 10 Dos and Don’ts,” Microsoft, (accessed July 12, 2009). ↵John R. Quain, “Quain’s Top Ten Voice Mail Tips,” Fast Company, December 18, 2007, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵John R. Quain, “Quain’s Top Ten Voice Mail Tips,” Fast Company, December 18, 2007, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵Keith Rosen, “Eight Tips on Crafting Effective Voice Mail Messages,” AllBusiness, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵Keith Rosen, “Eight Tips on Crafting Effective Voice Mail Messages,” AllBusiness, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵Joanna L. Krotz, “Cell Phone Etiquette: 10 Dos and Don’ts,” Microsoft, (accessed July 12, 2009). ↵Barbara Bergstrom, “Good Etiquette Is Recession-Proof,” Baltimore Business Journal, April 17, 2009, (accessed July 12, 2009). ↵John R. Quain, “Quain’s Top Ten Voice Mail Tips,” Fast Company, December 18, 2007, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵“Shouting and Other E-mail Faux Pas,” BusinessLine, April 20, 2009. ↵“Shouting and Other E-mail Faux Pas,” BusinessLine, April 20, 2009. ↵Patricia M. Buhler, “Managing in the New Millennium: Six Tips to More Effective Communication,” Supervision 70, no. 7 (July 2009), 19. ↵Norman Birnbach, “10 Twitter Etiquette Rules,” Fast Company, July 2, 2008, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵“Shouting and Other E-mail Faux Pas,” BusinessLine, April 20, 2009. ↵Paul Glover, “Why We Need E-mail Etiquette,” Fast Company, December 30, 2008, (accessed July 17, 2007). ↵Norman Birnbach, “10 Twitter Etiquette Rules,” Fast Company, July 2, 2008, (accessed July 17, 2009). ↵ Licenses and Attributions CC licensed content, OriginalRevision and adaptation. Authored by: Linda Williams and Lumen Learning. Provided by: Tidewater Community College. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeCC licensed content, Shared previouslyPowerful Selling. Authored by: Anonymous. Provided by: Anonymous. Located at: http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/powerful-selling/s08-02-your-best-behavior.html. License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

      I suggest deleting this section or moving it to the end of the module as an appendix. It's not a priority. More precisely, it is not in our course objectives.

    1. The rule of silence, also referred to as the silence is golden rule, is an important part of the Unix philosophy that states that when a program has nothing surprising, interesting or useful to say, it should say nothing. It means that well-behaved programs should treat their users' attention and concentration as being valuable and thus perform their tasks as unobtrusively as possible. That is, silence in itself is a virtue

      Rule of Silence

      The Rule of Silence is part of the Unix philosophy: if there is nothing interesting for a system to say, it should say nothing.

      It is related to John Seely Brown's idea of Calm Tech

    1. Calm technology is a type of information technology where the interaction between the technology and its user is designed to occur in the user's periphery rather than constantly at the center of attention. Information from the technology smoothly shifts to the user's attention when needed but otherwise stays calmly in the user's periphery. Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown describe calm technology as "that which informs but doesn't demand our focus or attention."

      Calm Technology

      Calm technology only demands the user's attention when there is something to do. Otherwise it stays in the periphery.

      It is related to Unix's Rule of Silence

    1. For example, we might simply ask that each participant refrain from using hashtags as a final thought because that is a form of sarcasm or punchline that can be misconstrued or shut down honest debate or agreeable disagreement.

      We could ask respondents to reply to any comment that they read twice because of tone to use "ouch" as a tag or a textual response. The offending respondent could respond with "oops" in order to preserve good will in an exchange of ideas.

      Finally, the first part of a flash mob might occur here, in the page notes, where norms could be quickly negotiated and agreed upon with a form of protocol.

    1. Sure, we believe in gender equality... but don’t call us feminists.

      Since they're all for gender equality and don't consider themselves feminists, it's clear that they don't know the real definition of feminism. It's that they consider feminists to be the "bitch type" and to overreact to every little thing that doesn't go their way. Obviously some feminists are a little extreme but that doesn't mean that being a feminist isn't a good idea. Standing up for women's rights is a huge deal in today's society and that is what being a feminist is. In regard to my topic, gender equality is right along with it. This topic is about gender equality and how people refuse to put their name with the tag feminist, and my topic is gender inequality with the US women's soccer team and how they're treated with disrespect in terms of media and of wages. This article is perfect for my topic due to the commonality between this article and my topic.

    1. Und laß dieses Buch des Gesetzes nicht von deinem Munde kommen, sondern betrachte es Tag und Nacht

      Heißt auch: Die gesamte folgende Sammlung von Nebiim ist "unter der Perspektive 'Torah' zu lesen" (Rechenmacher, VL 2016/17).

    1. <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/hDSy8w6rGHeTe/giphy.gif" onclick="alert('foo')">

      Image tag with inline event handler

    2. <script>alert('foo')</script>

      Script tag

    3. <style>body { display: none }</style>

      Style tag

    4. <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/OUjcFvpzMzlGU/giphy.gif">

      Image tag.

    1. 24 Und Gott sprach: „Die Erde bringe verschiedenste Arten von lebendigen Tieren hervor: Verschiedenste Arten von Vieh, Kriecher und wilden Tieren.“ Und es geschah also. 25 Und Gott machte verschiedenste Arten von wilden Tieren, verschiedenste Arten von Vieh und all die verschiedenen Arten von Boden-kriechern. Und Gott sah, daß es gut war. 26 Und Gott sprach: „Ich will Menschen machen als mir ähnlichen Stellvertreter! Sie sollen herrschen über die Fische im Meer und über die Vögel am Himmel und über das Vieh und über die ganze Erde und über alle Kriecher, die auf Erden kriechen.“ 27 Und Gott schuf den Menschen als seinen Stellvertreter, Zum Bilde Gottes schuf er ihn; Männlich und weiblich schuf er sie. 28 Und Gott segnete sie. Er sprach zu ihnen: „Seid fruchtbar und mehrt euch und füllt die Erde und macht sie euch untertan und herrscht über die Fische im Meer und über die Vögel am Himmel und über alle Lebewesen, die auf Erden kriechen!“ 29 Und Gott sprach: „Hiermit gebe ich euch alles Samen tragende Getreide, das auf der Oberfläche der ganzen Erde ist, und alle Bäume, die in ihren Baumfrüchten Samen tragen, zu eurer Speise, 30 und allem Getier auf Erden und allen Vögeln am Himmel und allen Kriechern auf Erden, die Leben in sich haben, gebe ich alle Pflanzen zur Speiße.“ Und es geschah also. 31 Und Gott sah, dass alles, was er gemacht hatte, sehr gut war. Es wurde Abend und es wurde Morgen: der sechste Tag.

      Eine schöne Eigentümlichkeit dieses Abschnitts ist sein Variationsreichtum und seine Betonung der Fünfzahl. Die "Kriecher" etwa - die Reptilien also - werden in fünf Versen mit fünf verschiedenen Bezeichnungen versehen:

      • V. 24: "Kriecher"
      • V. 25: "Alle Bodenkriecher"
      • V. 26: "Alle Kriecher, die auf Erden kriechen"
      • V. 28: "Alle Lebewesen, die auf Erden kriechen"
      • V. 30: "Alle Kriecher auf Erden, die Leben in sich haben".

      Ein anderes Beispiel ist die Reihenfolge der drei Landtierfamilien, die drei Mal in Folge variiert und im letzten Vers zum Fünfschritt erweitert wird:

      • V. 24: Vieh - Kriecher - wilde Tiere
      • V. 25: Wilde Tiere - Vieh - Kriecher
      • V. 26: [Fische - Vögel -] Vieh - wilde Tiere - Kriecher

      Dazu kommt allgemein die starke Häufung der Betonung der Vielfalt; das "verschiedenste Arten von..." etwa fällt fünf Mal allein in Vv. 24f.

      Ein Effekt dieser beiden Stileigentümlichkeiten ist sicher die Hervorhebung des Menschen unter allen Landtieren. So vieles Verschiedenes hat Gott geschaffen, und doch ragt unter den verschiedensten Arten von Schöpfungswesen an den ersten 5 Tagen jenes letzte des 6. Tages besonders hervor: Der Mensch, der Stellvertreter Gottes; die "Krone der Schöpfung", zu der ersten fünf Schöpfungstage hingeführt haben.

    2. der erste „Tag“

      W. "1 Tag" (statt "ein Tag"): Vv. 3-5 berichten von der Schöpfung der zeitlichen Ordnung, nicht von der Schöpfung der Helligkeit. Funktion der Formel "Es wurde Abend usw." ist hier also nicht nur, davon zu berichten, dass der erste Schöpfungsabschnitt nun abgelaufen ist, sondern ineins damit wird vorgeführt, wie Gott die zeitliche Ordnung ins Sein setzt. Nach der Unterscheidung von Hellem und Finsterem, von Tag und Nacht, muss es 1x Abend und 1x Morgen werden, dann ist die Zeitspanne von "1 Tag" vergangen. Vv. 6ff. berichten dann von der Einsetzung des Raumes.

      Vgl. dazu Sasson 1992, S. 191; Steinmann 2002, S. 583f. u.a.

    3. etwas Helles

      Mit "dem Hellen" ist wahrscheinlich nicht die "Helligkeit" gemeint (da die Lichtspender ja erst in Vv. 14-19 geschaffen werden), sondern der Tag als Einheit zur Zeitrechnung: Wie im restlichen Kapitel ruft Gott zuerst etwas nur abstrakt Bezeichnetes ins Sein und gibt dem dann einen Namen (z.B. "etwas Schalenförmiges" in Vv. 6-8 für den "Himmel", "Trockenes" in Vv. 9f. für "Erde" usw.; vgl. gut Good 2009, S. 12).

      • Good, Edwin M.: Genesis 1-11. Tales of the Earliest World. A New Translation and Essays. Stanford, 2009.
    4. Nicht und Nichts: Nur Dunkelheit war auf der Meerestiefe.

      Die Vorstellung einer Welt, die uranfangs im Dunkeln liegt und von Wasser bedeckt ist, ist im ganzen Alten Orient verbreitet:


      Ps 104,6-8:

      *6 Mit der Tiefe deckst du [die Erde] wie mit einem Kleide, / und Wasser standen über den Bergen. 7 Aber vor deinem Schelten flohen sie, / vor deinem Donner fuhren sie dahin. 8 Die Berge gingen hoch hervor, / und die Täler setzten sich herunter zum Ort, / den du ihnen gegründet hast.*


      Die Weltschöpfung in der Esna-Tradition:

      Der Vater der Väter, die Mutter der Mütter, die uranfängliche Wesenheit, die am Anbeginn der Zeit entstand, war nun körperlich in Erscheinung getreten, als sie sich (noch) inmitten des Urgewässers befand, während die Erde (noch) in Finsternis lag, der Tag (noch) in Dunkelheit gehüllt war, bevor (noch) die Erde (aus dem Urgewässer) hervorgetreten war und bevor es Vegetation gab. (Üs.: TUAT III/5, S. 1079)

      Sargtext 80 [Die Rede ist von der Schöpfung der acht Götter, die dem Gott Schu bei der Schöpfung helfen]:

      Oh, ihr acht Unendlichen - unendliche Zahl Unendlicher! - / die ihr den Himmel mit euren Armen umfasst, / die ihr zusammenzieht Himmel und Horizont Gebs! / Schu gab euch Geburt / aus der Flut, aus den Wassern, / aus der Verlorenheit, aus der Dunkelheit... (Üs. nach COS 1.8)


      Enuma Elisch:

      Als oben der Himmel noch nicht existierte / und unten die Erde noch nicht entstanden war - / gab es Apsu, den ersten, ihren Erzeuger, / und Schöpferin Tiamat, die sie alle gebar; / sie hatten ihre Wasser miteinander vermischt, / ehe sich Weideland verband und Röhricht zu finden war... (Üs.: TUAT III/4, S. 569)


      Telipinu und die Tochter des Meeres:

      Früher, als das große M[eer der Alleinherrscher war - als aber] Himmel, Erde (und) Menschhe[it geschaffen wurden,] (da) wurde es streitsüchtig und holte [den Sonnengott des Himmels] herunter und [hielt] ihn [versteckt]. Dies [hatte] im Lande schlimme [Folgen], (da) Dunkelheit hereinbrach. Das Me[er tobte], (und) niemand konnte ihm widerstehen. (Üs.: TUAT III/4, S. 811)


      Kosmogonie aus Nibru

      An, der Herr, erhellte den Himmel, die Erde war dunkel, / in die Unterwelt wurde nicht geschaut, / aus der Tiefe wurde noch kein Wasser geschöpft, / nichts wurde geschaffen... (Üs.: TUAT III/3, S. 353)

  3. Nov 2016
    1. Ten of My Poems

      We will set up a page for you, and ten (or fewer) of your poems will show up in this slider if you add a tag to each.

      The tag is: 10poems

      (just the number and word without a hashtag)

      Add the tag 10poems to each poem that you want to show up in this space.

    1. Using Aristotle’s argument, we would watch violent movies and play violent video games to release the pent up feelings of aggression.

      Makeofuse. com has stated that playing video games does in fact release stress among genders, or any age. A 2010 study at Texas A&M conducted by Associate Professor Dr. Christopher J. Ferguson showed that both men and women who play violent video games long-term seem to be able to adopt mental skills to handle stress, become less depressed and get less hostile during stressful tasks."http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/video-game-stress-reduction-need-start-playing-right-now/

    1. The first, is a container-based behaviour, also suggested by JATS [21] by means of the element fn-group, that allows one to specify footnotes (through the element ft) by using a tag that is totally separated from the main text from which it is referenced (usually through XML attributes), as shown in the following excerpt:

      It's worth pointing out that fn-group and ft are JATS-specific elements that are not part of HTML5

  4. connex.csc.uvic.ca connex.csc.uvic.ca
    1. aunion typein C can be used to create a variant record which can itself be embedded into astructure that includes the common tag field

      Union type in C allows to create variant record.

    1. The PRLG chunker systematically getsDT JJ NN trigrams as chunks.

      So the adjective is never assigned the "B" tag - it's like saying that adjectives can't be at the end of constituent. And the transition probability from a previous determiner word would make sure this is the case - did I understand that right?

    2. ossible tag transitions as a state diagram

      This diagramm is key to their approach. B will with high likelyhood generate words that are likely to be followed by non-stop words. I does the same for words that are likely to follow non-stop words.

    3. they im-pose a hard constraint on constituent spans, in thatno constituent (other than sentence root)

      This heuristic is not entirely true:

      Ich denke, [ dass Marie denkt, [ dass John nicht nachgedacht hat] ]

      but it is a useful heuristic much like assuming one tag per word type is helpful in unsupervised part-of-speech tagging.

    1. 41 Da dankten sie Gott, dem gerechten Richter, der das Heimliche so an den Tag gebracht hatte, 42 und baten ihn, er wolle ja um dieser Sünde willen sie nicht alle vertilgen. Und der Held Judas vermahnte den Haufen, daß sie sich forthin vor Sünden bewahren wollten, weil sie vor ihren Augen sähen, daß diese um ihrer Sünde willen erschlagen wären. 43 Danach hieß er sie eine Steuer zusammenlegen, zweitausend Drachmen Silber; die schickte er gen Jerusalem zum Sündopfer. Und er tat wohl und fein daran, dieweil er dachte an die Auferstehung. 44 Denn wo er nicht gehofft hätte, daß die, so erschlagen waren, würden auferstehen, wäre es vergeblich und eine Torheit gewesen, für die Toten zu bitten. 45 Weil er aber bedachte, daß die, so im rechten Glauben sterben, Freude und Seligkeit zu hoffen haben, ist es eine gute und heilige Meinung gewesen. 46 Darum hat er auch für die Toten gebeten, daß ihnen die Sünde vergeben würde.

      Kontroverstheologisch sehr bedeutsamer Abschnitt:

      • Leistungen, die für Gottes Gnade "erbracht" werden
      • Fegefeuerlehre statt "automatische Erlösung"
      • Geld an Jerusalem übertragbar auf Peterspfennig
      • ...
    1. apostrophes

      This is wrong. Style tags must be escaped. Apos and quotes don't need to be unless they are used within the tag.

    1. Vorlon.JS is a tool for remotely debugging JavaScript on any device. Use involves running a Vorlon debugging server on the machine hosting the web service and adding a script tag containing the client runtime to the page that you want to debug.

    1. The downsides are that Firefox has slower startup times (because Chrome is constantly on in the background) and slower page loading speeds (because it doesn’t steal CPU cycles like Chrome).

      So this is why firefox i slow?

    1. This property is not strictly true of linguisticdata, but is a good approximation: as Lee et al.(2010) note, assigning each word type to its mostfrequent part of speech yields an upper bound ac-curacy of 93% or more for most languages

      But if we assign each word type only one tag, it'll never be perfect! 93% is a lot but the word "run" will never be perfectly represented. I suppose it's the drawback of "unsupervised" methods

    1. The Macbook future, at least for a short while, is a rag-tag spaghetti junction of dongles strewn across a desk or stuffed into a bag.

      Dongles are going to be a pain to travel with because they can get lost very easily, and the person needs it for their MacBook to function, so they would have to go out and buy another one.

    1. AB_10903191

      Proper Citation: (Abcam Cat# ab117492, RRID:AB_10903191)

      Antibody ID: AB_10903191

      Cat Num: ab117492

      Clonality: monoclonal antibody

      Comments: manufacturer recommendations: IgG1; IgG1 ICC/IF; Immunocytochemistry; Immunofluorescence

      Host Organism: mouse

      Proper Citation: (Abcam Cat# ab117492, RRID:AB_10903191)


      Target Antigen: DDDDK tag antibody [M2] (DyLight® 650)

      Vendor: Abcam

      resolver lookup

    1. "Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado! You have been imposed upon. And as for Luchresi, he cannot distinguish Sherry from Amontillado."

      It seems the reader persists on having Fortunato come tag along. Is it to his death?

    1. As we develop the Critical Diversity in a Digital Age initiative, we invite annotations and comments here on Hypothes.is.

      Please use the #MSUCDDA tag to help us curate engagement with the initiative here on Hypothes.is.

  5. Oct 2016
    1. IETF language tag An IETF best practice, currently specified by RFC 5646 and RFC 4647, for language tags easy to parse by computer. The tag system is extensible to region, dialect, and private designations. en – English, as shortest ISO 639 code. en-US – English as used in the United States (US is the ISO 3166‑1 country code for the United States) Source: IETF memo[1] es – Spanish, as shortest ISO 639 code. es-419 – Spanish appropriate for the Latin America and Caribbean region, using the UN M.49 region code

      I think this section points to the relevant standards underlying using "en-US" to specify English in the USA locale.

    1. Notification targeting: the actors for all objects in the object, target, inReplyTo or tag fields

      In AS2, the domain of the 'actor' property is said to be only 'Activity'. The class of Activities is disjoint from the class of Objects. i.e. 'actors for all objects' doesn't make sense to me in the context of AS2 as objects cannot have actors.

      Let's say the Activity was "Ben Liked the Note by Amy". Then for the purposes of notification it seems like the more important properties would be .attributedTo (Amy) and .url of the Note itself (looking for a Inbox for the Note?).

    1. "Here is the land of opportunity -- money and success," Mr. Guarnizo said. "But social life is also important to Dominicans. They talk a lot, sharing, hanging out with friends. Here they work so hard they have to give a lot of that up. They have to strengthen their culture here to keep going in a society that appears hostile. They love their country. They recreate Dominicanness here."

      have to strengthen their culture here to keep going in society..."

    2. wenty years ago, her mother started cooking a Dominican stew called sancocho for neighborhood customers.

      bring domincan lifestyle into nyc. combine two worlds

    1. n this task, participants were asked to locate the first image added to the archive. Successful completion of this task could be completed in 3 steps, by first clicking on “View Collection,” then “Browse by Date Added (Ascending),” and then the thumbnail for the first image in the list,http://omeka.wustl.edu/omeka/items/show/8262. However, this was another task that none (0%) were able to accomplish. Most participants clicked on “View the Collection,” and werethen unsure why they were seeing items starting from November 29, 2014. While users noted the ability to browse by date, tag or map, none took the appropriate action to complete the task

      Again, this seems like it speaks to a more general "how do you internet" kind of problem you could've escaped with a different demographic for the usability study.

    1. Fourth and finally, it is the right thing to do.

      I think this hits the nail on the head when it comes to universal design. It's just the right thing to do; being inclusive is just the morally sound thing to do. In primary school, we are taught to play with everyone and include everyone in birthday parties, games of tag, and giving out valentines. Why should that stop especially when by neglecting a portion of the population, we are in turn withholding information that is accessible to able bodied people around the globe? Technology shouldn't be used to disregard or neglect people. Technology is for and should be accessible to everyone. As technical writers, we need to think about what the purpose of technology is and why using it to withhold information from a certain type of person is, in a sense, failing to do our job.

    1. Catherine's post here is still one of the best summaries of the point of Visitors and Residents workshops--this one was conducted by me and Dave White, at Catherine's invitation. This post is a great "outside eye" description of what we do, when we talk to rooms of people about V&R

    1. My colleague James Clay has a series of posts on his blog talking around, and about some of the work we've done together, or of mine that he's commented on in some way.

    1. Logistics and Information Management The physical movement of goods is called logistics, and as you can guess, it is a staggeringly complex and important function. Imagine trying to keep track all of this information—from the initial order forecast to production, warehousing, and transportation. It’s obviously not a job that a human, or even a team of humans, could easily do on a large scale. As global supply chains have grown more complex, businesses have created systems to manage and optimize the supply chain. In 2013, the market for supply chain management software was $8.944 billion.[5]. Put simply, companies are buying expensive systems to help manage the complexity of the supply chain. An RFID tag allows interested parties to track the location of packages in transit. Have you ever tracked a package that you were sending or receiving and seen its progress through the supply chain? This is done using track-and-trace software that monitors the progress of physical goods through the supply chain process, often by means of a radio-frequency identification tag. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader’s interrogating radio waves. RFID tags are used in many industries—for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line, and RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses in the supply chain process. Information throughout the supply chain process is captured in systems that allow supply chain professionals to analyze results and identify improvements that will lead to more reliable, faster, and less expensive delivery to customers throughout the supply chain.

      Interesting but I am having trouble seeing the connection clearly to marketing here.

    1. So on click it will redirect to edirect url.

      This is a web tag. How could this be done with an SDK tag?

    1. Annotations are typically used to convey information about a resource or associations between resources. Simple examples include a comment or tag on a single web page or image, or a blog post about a news article.

      w3c annotations

  6. Sep 2016
    1. or body. Inside the jack, the contacts are suspended diagonally toward the insertion interface. W

      test annotation

    1. Another problem is that you can’t click on a music file and choose to play it through SoundSeeder; you have to open SoundSeeder and then find the song. With apps like Apollo or Play Music, you get the option to play them just from clicking the file.


    1. idea that spaces themselves have racial meanings.

      It would be an understatement to say that spaces have racial meanings; they most certainly do. Each "space" has its own history of exclusion that gives it a certain tag, an identity almost. Take for example Auburn Avenue, or "Sweet Auburn" to residents, in Atlanta. That space was known for its thriving African American population, a thriving business center that was recognized nationally as the economic hub for black Americans. The exclusion the African Americans felt propelled the streets identity, giving the area meanings associated with the black community.

    1. heart disease, diabetes and cancer

      Not the best source or argumentation. But these are the key ones we may remember from Eaton, Konner, and Shostack

    1. Weuse simple 0/1 costs in defining thefunction

      We've found it helpful to have Delta = 0 when correct, 1 when action is correct but tag is wrong, and 2 when action is wrong. I wonder if this would help here. (See, eg, http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1837)

    1. Annotation assignment:

      I want you each to make one original annotation, and one response (Please use the tag KIR020 / KIR900.)

      Specific possibilities:

      1) Annotate and respond critically to one claim, a claim you think important, in one of the two readings.You might challenge it based on its scope, its relation to evidence, or other grounds; you might find it ultimately persuasive, but still want to qualify it or otherwise engage with it]

      2) Annotate and respond to one moment where the author makes the stakes of their argument apparent (the “motive”/“so what”?)—or fails to do so…

      3) Annotate and engage with one moment where the author grounds their analysis effectively in “close reading”

      4) Annotate and engage with one moment where the author’s analysis depends on something OTHER than “close reading”

      —Respond by engaging with ANY one of these annotations left by a fellow student!

      Remember, you can make OTHER annotations too; in particular, you can annotate privately, for your own benefit, if you choose to read online.

    1. Annotation assignment:

      I want you each to make one original annotation, and one response. (Please use the tag KIR020 / KIR900.)

      Specific possibilities:

      1) Annotate and respond critically to one claim, a claim you think important, in one of the two readings.You might challenge it based on its scope, its relation to evidence, or other grounds; you might find it ultimately persuasive, but still want to qualify it or otherwise engage with it]

      2) Annotate and respond to one moment where the author makes the stakes of their argument apparent (the “motive”/“so what”?)—or fails to do so…

      3) Annotate and engage with one moment where the author grounds their analysis effectively in “close reading”

      4) Annotate and engage with one moment where the author’s analysis depends on something OTHER than “close reading”

      —Respond by engaging with ANY one of these annotations left by a fellow student!

      Remember, you can make OTHER annotations too; in particular, you can annotate privately, for your own benefit, if you choose to read online.

    1. Annotate this document using the strategies covered in our discussion at the beginning of class (before, during, after). Use the English II tag in your annotations.

    1. hat we are all each other’s audience and we sort of perform

      I'll bring up again the subjective nature of rational and perception. Human capital, or social capital, assumes that the rational is concurrent with all actors. That's not the case as can be exemplified in numerous interactions online via Catfish type interactions. For those directly involved in those situations the behavior exhibited is totally rational and acceptable. Those outside of it potentially find amusement, and therefore apply that capital in a different way. Are both wrong, right, or is one distinctly correct over the other? Ten years ago the collective would argue that the norm leans towards the behavior is not rational. Now, with more and more solidarity with internet interaction occurring what's the norm? I feel it's less convincing from ten years ago. That lens is ever changing according to social norms, and norms applied to one's self.

    2. phenomenon of “the free rider”. The free rider problem is an individual’s rational decision not to participate in group activity if it’s not worth their time, energy, money, etc. But! They stand to be

      The free rider in this theory can actually be the intellectual personality that we are studying can't it?. What's wrong with the free riding actor? There is no such thing as a utopia, so why would we expect the collective to be all encompassing? This part of the theory I wasn't a fan about. As generations cross over and old methodologies morph into new ones, the free riders are required to question the system. Why can't the free riders be the actors to help keep the collective in check? Just food for thought.

    3. rational choice is playing a role with the actors, and a mental scale of the costs and benefits is present.

      Rational choice is exactly that, rational. Defining what is rational does not have a universal standard. So as the weight test of pros, cons, and best decision process occur in the actor(s) minds, what is rational to one actor may not be rational to another. The mental scale isn't one that can truly be measured. Rationality is subjective in nature and it's important that as decisions are made that are considered against the "norm" effort is made to first define the rational before perusing any further.

    4. It is almost Shakespearean in nature!

      Shakespeare is a great example for illustrating presentation of self and it's relation to rational choice/exchange theory, IMO.

    5. reflection of yourself based on the appraisals we get

      Yep, and here is the potential cost or benefit to actors, which is decided based on their control of self presentation and their success at the theatricality of interaction. In a way, both are assets/goods and are costs/benefits. (If your reflected appraisals turn negative, your confidence may suffer, affecting your success with social "acting.")

    6. When an actor interacts with another individual, the actor is attempting to control the impression the individual forms of him. Meanwhile, the individual is trying to form an impression of the actor based on the interaction.

      Here we are, presentation. I think control of self-presentation and image is a "good" one owns and seeks to retain control over. Personal capital, if we want to go there. I appreciate considering these concepts alongside Exchange Theory.

    7. The free rider problem is an individual’s rational decision not to participate in group activity if it’s not worth their time, energy, money, etc.

      I find parallels with the free rider issue to my own experience with workplace dynamics. I work in a bureaucracy which is especially non-social, which creates little collective cohesiveness or interests, except for justifying each's job within the bureaucracy -- an idea which Collins detailed heavily in his description of the evolution of universities and governments. This provides incentive for free riders, but little ability of groups (not being social or cohesive) to react to that behavior.

    8. there is a lot of calculation occurring within these exchanges, and rational choice is playing a role with the actors, and a mental scale of the costs and benefits is present

      While rational choice provides valuable perspective, I have a lot of difficulty believing we calculate this way, explicitly. I think much of the calculation, for many people, is present but occurs on the gut level -- either way, our mental scales are skewed (Dozens of examples to point to, but I am thinking to an extent about the multiracial study and how monoracial online daters might justify interactions which reveal biases.) Exchange Theory, critically elevates and complicates this with the less tangible social "goods" -- status, relationship dynamics, knowledge, etc. -- which affect emotional and intuited responses.

    9. actors

      (Dramaturgy!) I like the word actors specifically because it implies both the emotional/social (acting, self-presentation, rituals/ceremony, convolution in interactions) and also the rational -- we're just people, doing things.

    10. the “theatrical nature” of social interactions

      Dramaturgy! I think?

    11. If (a) and (b) are true, and if it costs me anything to help produce the good, then the rational actor will not contribute to the good. 

      This article seems to simplify the free rider problem by implying that it's the only rational choice. ADE offers several solutions that fit within rational choice theory: 1) selective incentives that reward individuals who bear the cost of the goods, 2) intangible benefits of participation, 3) enforcing participation or using negative sanctions for not contributing to the public good.

    12. altruism and philanthropic behaviors are adequately explained as still being rational behaviors

      Coleman's discussion of norms applies to why altruism is a rational individual choice if a society chooses to value philanthropy, promoting it with positive consequences (good reputation) or imposing sanctions (disapproval and bad reputation).

    13. The free rider problem can be described with a simple equation:  (a) There are some goods (or benefits) where the use of the good cannot be restricted to those who helped produce or help participate in the production of the good

      In ADE, page 218, line 22-23, a very valid and important consideration for all rational choice theorists- explaining how groups and more perplexingly successful groups form from a group of individuals when rational thought places more weight on cost than benefit- why would an individual act out against rational thought. Critics of Rational Choice Theory state that not persons do not always act out of rational thought and emotion impacts their rational thought processes. An example being those who decide to eat undercooked food when rational thinking says not to

    14. calculation with the individuals;

      evidence of rational thought and the ability to weigh costs from benefits

    15. Coleman additionally describes the phenomenon of “the free rider”. The free rider problem is an individual’s rational decision not to participate in group activity if it’s not worth their time, energy, money, etc.

      Per Coleman from ADE, the "free rider" will engage in a cost/benefit analysis to determine their level of engagement in an activity based upon rational thought. The two examples of involvement in environmental efforts and the lack of working classes in the U.S. to act collectively to redistribute wages are great examples. Another example that comes to mind since I am involved is one's decision to join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF). There is argument to this day the bay has not in many years made significant improvement and trying to persuade others to join the CBF is linked to "free riders". Those considering joining the CBF weight the benefits of joining versus the monetary costs (membership dues) and ultimately determine if they will join or not based upon what they will receive versus what it will cost in terms of time, money, etc.

    16. Coleman looks at capital through a functionalist perspective.

      As Pryor writes there are various sociological theories that apply to the production of capital and the triangle diagram works well as a representation. The Rational Choice theorist would examine the diagram and view individual choices taking place at each level to determine the greater effect(s) on the generation of human capital but this diagram functions most appropriately to diagram Symbolic Interactionism and show how individual components function as a group to generate in this case the phenomena of human capital

    17. there is a lot of calculation occurring within these exchanges, and rational choice is playing a role with the actors, and a mental scale of the costs and benefits is present.

      In reflection of the video it is important to mention that critics of Rational Choice Theory would say that not all persons engage in rational thought and additionally persuasions brought about by factors other than individual choice may affect decisions such as social pressures.

    18. Coleman conceptualizes the meaning of “trust” within social processes (which is just a fancy way of saying social exchanges).

      Mirroring much of Rucha's comments Coleman discusses trust as a means of a decision making process based upon evaluation of others' judgment and performance. Placing trust in someone is part of the process of maximizing personal gain by placing trust in another. Important to note per ADE and Coleman's examination of trust, that rewards for trust are not equally distributed but rather according to social dynamics such as sex, gender, and class to name a few. The topic of trust includes two key players, the trustor and trustee. The trustor would be placing trust in another while the trustee is the person acting as confidant or trusted person. ADE cites the example of Julia and Malika, whom are involved in a financial situation of trust. Another example appropriate for studying digital sociology would be the level of trust established between purchasers (trustors) and sellers (trustees) in a digital exchange of information online.

    19. The free rider problem

      This also reminds me of Michael Hechter's article on Sociological Rational Choice theory in 1997. In describing how members of church face a collective action problem, Hechter explains that strict churches often impose 'costly and esoteric' requirements on their members, which helps them solve 'free riders' problem as only those who are really committed to church will join the church, making churches more successful and strong.

    20. Exchange theory explains the individual, while rational choice theory explains the collective.

      Exchange theory can be thought of as the application of rational choice theory based upon the various levels of social interaction, involving a cost/benefit analysis and involving or weighing the socially approvable behavior or socially unapprovable behavior while seeking to maiximize profits

    21. Exchange/Rational Choice theories describes how social exchanges are a system of rewards and costs

      In addition it is important to mention from reading ADE a basic principle of Homan's that individual choices that result in action(s) are occur along the continuum of rationality and individual to collectiveness so to better understand Rational Choice Theory it includes individual choice based upon rewards and costs and the choices one makes occur as a result of a level of rational thinking and individual or collective choice.

    22. phenomenon of “the free rider”

      ADE and Collins both discuss the problem of 'free rider' in their books. This issue was formulated by Mancur Olson in 1965. Olivia does a great job of explaining how rational actors 'free ride'. In my opinion, many of us are guilty of 'free riding'. At least, I am. The basic assumption behind it is, "whether I make a contribution to the cause or not, the output will not change, then why to bother?" Collins explains the 'free rider' problem by giving an example of free bus service and ADE describes by giving an example of the fight for the protection of natural environment. In a rational mind, it makes sense to not contribute to some cause if the benefits will be free anyway when other people contribute to it. Olivia doesn't mention here but both Collins and ADE explain the different solutions offered by rational choice theorists which can help prevent 'free rider' problem. For example, selective incentives - when those who participate are rewarded exclusively, and negatively sanctioning those who do not participate in the cause to the public good.

    23. This calculated exchange is exampled in the book like so:

      ADE provides the same example for describing the role of trustor and trustee in an exchange. Olivia does a great job by presenting this example, as in my opinion, all of us can relate to it because all of us have been through similar kind of situation where we had to weigh our gains and losses. If the gain in this situation outweighs the possible losses, one might consider the risk worth taking. The 'trust' in another person depends on the rational calculations which are based on the information available on another person (their reputation of being trustworthy). In the case of Julia and Malika, Malika will be able to make her decision based on a rational calculation of if she can place a bet on Julia's trustworthiness. As given in ADE, it is of advantage for Julia to be trustworthy to receive benefits ($200) and it is of advantage for Malika to trust Julia to when possible gain outweighs the possible loss.

    24. while rational choice theory explains the collective

      The content in ADE emphasizes that exchange theorists focus their attention on the strategic decision-making of the individuals and how these particular decisions can have an impact on social relationships within small groups. On the other hand, rational choice theorists examine how these strategic decisions and rational interactions between the individuals can have an influence on group dynamics in broader social conditions by "producing group solidarity, norms, and control of resources" (ADE).

    1. Becoming Rhizome Researchers

      A few of us are working on an open research project examining literacy practices and text moves and leadership development in open online classes.

      We will use the tag #rhizome as we read and develop subtags such as #methodology or #literature.



  7. Aug 2016
    1. California Crisis

      Geographical limiters and case studies.

    2. Quoted in “A Gathering Storm — ViolentCrime in America,” Police Executive ResearchForum, October 2006, p. 9, www.policefo-rum.org/upload/Gathering-Storm-PRINT-Final_110473745_1027200610304.pdf.

      Track down citations that look interesting to you.

    3. Should nonviolent drug offendersbe sent to prison?

      Sub-question and division in the topic. Also specifies a particular population in the issue. Maybe you wish to focus only on nonviolent drug offenses.

    1. Tag Plugins For Relative Path Referencing

      按照此页方法可以在index和archive页面都显示图片,但是正常的markdown编辑器就不能看了。 一个trick就是同时在source/image和post_source/image都放入images,这样在两个地方都可以正常看图

    1. The image represents all participants converging to create a mesh of resources and opportunities.

      Not quite. There are two other classes of participants: lurkers and virtual connectors. I am one of the virtual participant who is both allied to one of your inner circle of participants, @vconnecting, and as a free agent. For example, I wanted to share the keynotes via the video annotation cloud program, Vialogues.com. For some reason they are unembeddable, Your cloud tag of participants has an impermeable boundary that keeps my message from getting through. I finally did make contact with @cogdog and Alan tweeted out some support. As of now...no response. Is this because you have a pre-set mesh, is it because the IRL demands of the institute demand inner focus, or is it because designing for virtual participation was at best an afterthought?

    1. Baylor University, called for a “personal cyberinfrastructure” where students:not only would acquire crucial technical skills for their digital lives but also would engage in work that provides richly teachable moments…. Fascinating and important innovations would emerge as students are able to shape their own cognition, learning, expression, and reflection in a digital age, in a digital medium. Students would frame, curate, share, and direct their own ‘engagement streams’ throughout the learning environment.In developing this “personal cyberinfrastructure” through the Domain of One’s Own initiative, UMW gives students agency and control; they are the subjects of their learning, not the objects of education technology software.Having one’s own domain means that students have much more say over what they present to the world, in terms of their public profiles, professional portfolios, and digital identities. Students have control over the look and feel of their own sites, including what’s shared publicly. This means they have some say — although not complete — over their personal data, and in turn they begin to have an understanding of the technologies that underpin the Web, including how their work and their data circulate there.At the simplest level, a Domain of One’s Own helps students build their own digital portfolio. They can be used in a classroom setting in order for students to demonstrate their learning. These portfolios can contain text, images, video and audio recordings, giving students opportunities to express themselves in a variety of ways beyond the traditional pen-and-paper test or essay. One student uses her domain to showcase her artwork. Another chronicled her semester abroad. A third student has built a living CV, highlighting her academic research as well as her work experience.Since UMW launched Domain of One’s Own in 2013, other schools have picked up on the program’s relevance in today’s world — including Emory University, the University of Oklahoma, and Davidson College, as well as at several high schools. Domain of One’s Own has also spun out a startup of sorts, Reclaim Hosting, that provides low-cost Web hosting and helps educators offer their students their own domains.Clarence Fisher introduced Domains last year to his high school students at the Joseph H. Kerr School in Snow Lake, Manitoba. “The kids came in to the class with what I would call fair and average teen tech skills,” he said. “Lots of iPods, iPads, and laptops. Lots of Facebook and Instagram. But none of them had a presence online they were in control of before this.”This observation was echoed by Bryan Jackson, who has implemented Domains at Gleneagle Secondary School in Coquitlam, British Columbia. “I wanted them to see and be aware of all of the options and the control that they are giving up when services such as Facebook are their primary web presence,” he said. By contrast, he introduced his students to open source platforms like WordPress, teaching them about Web standards like HTML and CSS.Often when schools talk to students about their presence on the Web, they do so in terms of digital citizenship: what students need to know in order to use technology “appropriately.” Schools routinely caution students about the things they post on social media, and the tenor of this conversation — particularly as translated by the media — is often tinged with fears that students will be seen “doing bad things” or “saying bad things” that will haunt them forever.While some schools are turning to social media monitoring firms to keep an eye on students online, rarely do schools give students the opportunity to demonstrate the good work that they do publicly. Nor do schools give students the opportunity to decide what and when and how that public, online display should look like. It’s a drawback to our digital citizenship conversations — we’re concerned about what students do online but we fail to probe the “appropriateness” of the demands on data and content that (education) technology companies increasingly make on the students in turn.It’s one of the flaws too with how privacy conversations about education technology are usually framed. Debates about what happens to student data — who it’s shared with, for example — seldom include students’ input. These debates do not recognize the ways in which students have already developed rich social lives online and could use help, not punishment or paternalism, in understanding how to think through the data trails they’re leaving behind.<img class="progressiveMedia-noscript js-progressiveMedia-inner" src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/600/1*FM8VCiLKF6U5V8f1alJYcg.jpeg">There is an understandable learning curve to helping students manage their online presence via their own domain. “At first there was a fair amount of fumbling around, Googling solutions, and trying to understand their options,” said teacher Clarence Fisher. “Within a week, the kids were able to understand what their options were and how their site was affected by changes they made. As time went on, we talked a lot more about technical issues (backup, recovery, privacy options, hosting laws in different countries, etc). But we also talked a lot more about digital citizenship, safety, control, design, etc. The kids saw the site much more as their own and their responsibility.”The importance of giving students responsibility for their own domain cannot be overstated. This can be a way to track growth and demonstrate new learning over the course of a student’s school career — something that they themselves can reflect upon, not simply grades and assignments that are locked away in a proprietary system controlled by the school.And if a student owns their own domain, as she moves from grade to grade and from school to school, all that information — their learning portfolio — can travel with them.Education technology — and more broadly, the culture of education — does a terrible job with this sort of portability and interoperability. When a student moves to a new school, for example, they often have to request their transcript, a document that lists their courses and their grades. A transcript is by definition a copy of their education record. The transcript is often printed on a piece of paper with formal letterhead, perhaps with a watermark or stamp to show that it’s “official.” This lack of portability continues in much digital schoolwork too. Even if students are encouraged to create online portfolios or to use services like Google Apps for Education in order to store all their work, they don’t actually get to take that work with them when they move or graduate. (In the case of Google Apps, you can download your files. But then you’ll need to find a new place to store them.) Too often, students’ work in these systems gets deleted over the summer months as schools aren’t in the business of permanently storing student work. School district IT is not the right steward for student work: the student is.Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web, to have their scholarship be meaningful and accessible by others. It allows them to demonstrate their learning to others beyond the classroom walls. To own one’s domain gives students an understanding of how Web technologies work. It puts them in a much better position to control their work, their data, their identity online.“I want to know where my ones and zeros are stored,” said Bryan Jackson, referring to the basic binary code in which computers ‘think.’ “And I want my students to know that that’s something they can ask about, and learn to manage for themselves.”Illustrations by Lisk FengBright is made possible by funding from the New Venture Fund, and is supported by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bright retains editorial independence.TechEducationPrivacy1323BlockedUnblockFollowFollowingAudrey Watterseducation writer, recovering academic, serial dropout, ed-tech’s Cassandra, author of The Monsters of Education Technology. (And coming soon: Teaching Machines)FollowBrightInnovation in EducationResponsesWrite a response…Show all responses×Don’t miss Audrey Watters’s next storyBlockedUnblockFollowFollowingAudrey Watters .u-accentColor--borderLight {border-color: #898832 !important;} .u-accentColor--borderNormal {border-color: #898832 !important;} .u-accentColor--borderDark {border-color: #767530 !important;} .u-accentColor--iconLight .svgIcon,.u-accentColor--iconLight.svgIcon {fill: #898832 !important;} .u-accentColor--iconNormal .svgIcon,.u-accentColor--iconNormal.svgIcon {fill: #898832 !important;} .u-accentColor--iconDark .svgIcon,.u-accentColor--iconDark.svgIcon {fill: #767530 !important;} .u-accentColor--textNormal {color: #767530 !important;} .u-accentColor--hoverTextNormal:hover {color: #767530 !important;} .u-accentColor--textNormal.u-accentColor--textDarken:hover {color: #6B6B2E !important;} .u-accentColor--textDark {color: #6B6B2E !important;} .u-accentColor--backgroundLight {background-color: 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But none of them had a presence online they were in control of before this.”","markups":[]},{"name":"a43b","type":1,"text":"This observation was echoed by Bryan Jackson, who has implemented Domains at Gleneagle Secondary School in Coquitlam, British Columbia. “I wanted them to see and be aware of all of the options and the control that they are giving up when services such as Facebook are their primary web presence,” he said. 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Nor do schools give students the opportunity to decide what and when and how that public, online display should look like. It’s a drawback to our digital citizenship conversations — we’re concerned about what students do online but we fail to probe the “appropriateness” of the demands on data and content that (education) technology companies increasingly make on the students in turn.","markups":[{"type":3,"start":6,"end":18,"href":"http://www.cnet.com/news/florida-public-schools-to-spy-on-students-social-media/","title":"","rel":"","anchorType":0}]},{"name":"8b21","type":1,"text":"It’s one of the flaws too with how privacy conversations about education technology are usually framed. Debates about what happens to student data — who it’s shared with, for example — seldom include students’ input. 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As time went on, we talked a lot more about technical issues (backup, recovery, privacy options, hosting laws in different countries, etc). But we also talked a lot more about digital citizenship, safety, control, design, etc. The kids saw the site much more as their own and their responsibility.”","markups":[]},{"name":"09f8","type":7,"text":"The importance of giving students responsibility for their own domain cannot be overstated. 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The transcript is often printed on a piece of paper with formal letterhead, perhaps with a watermark or stamp to show that it’s “official.” This lack of portability continues in much digital schoolwork too. Even if students are encouraged to create online portfolios or to use services like Google Apps for Education in order to store all their work, they don’t actually get to take that work with them when they move or graduate. (In the case of Google Apps, you can download your files. But then you’ll need to find a new place to store them.) Too often, students’ work in these systems gets deleted over the summer months as schools aren’t in the business of permanently storing student work. School district IT is not the right steward for student work: the student is.","markups":[]},{"name":"af96","type":1,"text":"Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. 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      Yikes Baylor is having a hard time right now.

    1. created this PDF to outline those steps

      Kevin Hodgson created a Thinglink to highlight parts of a cloud tag. See it at https://www.thinglink.com/scene/814801584650190848 I'd like to see him and others use same tool to highlight sections of my concept maps, using my pdfs and/or blog articles to provide content.

    1. A Genius spokesperson wrote, “Users can currently tag @genius-moderation to report any abusive content. So far, there have been no instances of abuse, but we recognize that this is an entirely valid concern as usage of the tool increases.” Second, let sites opt out of annotation. If that sounds extreme, its worth noting that Google has let sites opt out of appearing in search results for a long time. It is tough to imagine a much more significant layer over the Internet than Google search results.

      These would seem to be reasonable good first attempts at preventing abuse.

      Ref: https://hypothes.is/blog/preventing-abuse/

  8. Jul 2016
    1. Library (originally from Mozilla) for building components based on the W3C Web Components specs

    1. This may be due in part to the rising popularity of social media apps, such as SnapChat, Instagram, and Vine, in which people tell and tag their informal stories through photos and video snippets

      Everyone, including our students, has a story to tell, and there is value in their story.

    1. To be even clearer, there is no way to read these continual killings as anything but racist.

      What is more, the killing is part of a larger picture of white supremacy that has been written as law in our country, evidenced by this excerpt from The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

    1. Just this morning I saw a boy (maybe around 11) running down the street with his smartphone in his hand, he came to an abrupt stop at one point, for which I can only assume he was catching a Pokémon.

      Do we need to tag these kids with "car alert" beepers? I'm going to be having nightmares about this aspect...

    1. Monkey, all JavaScript values are represented by thetypejsval. Ajsvalis machine word in which up to the 3 of theleast significant bits are a type tag, and the remaining bits are data.See Figure 6 for details. All pointers contained injsvalspoint toGC-controlled blocks aligned on 8-byte boundaries.JavaScriptobjectvalues are mappings of string-valued p


    1. When I tag and bookmark a Website, a video, an image, I make my decisions visible to others

      Maybe talk about this a little bit? This happens with Google and Facebook as we click on ads and they learn our habits.

    1. It is interesting to see the debate between animal rights and animal welfare issues.

      I think that this ties nicely with what is going on digitally too- there are a lot of view point as to what is right and wrong.

    2. here are federal regulations and then there are local regulation on top of those that require an additional inspection of safety practices.

      And there are really none for all this chatting and such that we do in this digital affinity space- hmmm

    3. When it comes to digital story telling I have a hard time stepping outside of it having to be a video production of sorts. I know this to be wrong of me but I continue to go back to videos. So seeing a blog as a digital story is quite intriguing.

      And I keep reading things and forget to look at videos, memes and everything else. digital Story telling encompasses so much and there are so many different ways to go about it.

    4. I struggled with was having those who comment be considered co-authors.

      I too was a little confused about this, do people really go in a change what they wrote in a blog because or for a comment? I would think that it would spark another convo, but not editing the current. I fell like that is like saying, um forget I said that during a conversation and then editing in something else, we don't forget, and really it would be hard for me not to focus on it then!

    5. I am not the only one that struggles

      Of course not, we all have our own 'hang' ups. For some blogging is easy where annotating is harder, it is all a learning process! Learn on!

    6. I gained some familiarity with some terms such as autoethnographic and hypertext

      Yes! Some great opportunities to learn some new vocabulary and broaden our digital horizons

    1. Openness is a core value of scientific practice.

      A set of badges to tag open science.

  9. Jun 2016
    1. Epitope-tagged

      Epitope-tagged proteins have small stretches of amino acids added to the normal, wild-type protein. Often these additional amino acids create an epitope, an antibody-binding region.

      This allows for the use of standard antibodies. Now, an antibody doesn't have to be created for each protein, only to the epitope tag, which usually can be added easily to many different proteins.

      Note that in this paper the authors use both antibodies to the sequence of nAG itself, as well as antibodies to an epitope tag added to nAG. Why are they using both approaches?

    1. If the RRID is well-formed, and if the lookup found the right record, a human validator tags it a valid RRID — one that can now be associated mechanically with occurrences of the same resource in other contexts. If the RRID is not well-formed, or if the lookup fails to find the right record, a human validator tags the annotation as an exception and can discuss with others how to handle it. If an RRID is just missing, the validator notes that with another kind of exception tag.

      Sounds a lot like the way reference managers work. In many cases, people keep the invalid or badly-formed results.

    1. Update all links to point to via

      By "links" you mean anchor tags? I think it is very useful to rewrite at least basic anchor tag links so that when annotating eg. a play spread over multiple pages, going from one section to the next at least stays "in Via".

    1. Along with these gifts, each child has individual, unique needs.

      This is a great way to get college students interacting on a paper they were suppose to read. You can also # it to connect to a twitter group you created (makes it easier to research). You can also tag a twitter user @....

    1. you can use this plugin to make a public research notebook on your WordPress site.

      What is the limit on annotations per page? I had about twenty for the user tag page? I would need more than that with a large class.

  10. ou-expo.nicklolordo.com ou-expo.nicklolordo.com
    1. ok, good! let's tag it--also: this annotation seems to have floated free--you meant to anchor it to the first paragraph of the book, yes?

    1. The following goes under the Medicine tab, underneath Cancer:


      Have you ever eaten a dandelion? The roots, leaves, and petals are tastier than you might think, and can be used to make a variety of dishes with various health benefits. They are full of minerals and vitamins (embed a link to nutrition page here), and the root in particular has a variety of medicinal uses that have been documented in ancient medical records & herblore, and which are currently being investigated and validated by modern science. Dandelions combat vitamin deficiency, provide you with antioxidants, support your immune system, are a diuretic, and promote liver functioning and digestion.

      They’re especially great for your gut! We've all got our very own microbiomes on or inside parts of our bodies, such as our skin or gastrointestinal tracts. Dandelions are good for human being's microbiomes because their roots contain inulin, a carbohydrate and soluble fiber. Inulin helps your microbiome because it can be a prebiotic, which means it can promote the development and activity of microorganisms that are beneficial to your health; it supports the growth of good gut bacteria and helps your digestive system .

      There are all sorts of reasons to try dandelion as a tincture, tonic, extract, snack, or tea. Please have a conversation with your doctor in the event that you decide to start taking this plant as a treatment or supplement.

      University of Maryland Medical Center (2015, June 06) Dandelion. http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/dandelion

      United States Department of Agriculture. (2016, May). Dandelion Greens. https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/2960?fgcd=

      Sanchez, A. (n.d) Ten Things You Might Not Know About Dandelions. Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. http://www.mofga.org/Default.aspx?tabid=756 Wambold, K., Ablir, D. (2013) Dandelion. http://www.herbs-info.com/dandelion.html#ref

      Lixandru, M. (2014, December 12) Properties and Benefits of Dandelions. http://www.natureword.com/tag/priests-crown/

      Hourdajian, D. (2006) Introduced Species Summary Project: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). http://www.columbia.edu/itc/cerc/danoff-burg/invasion_bio/inv_spp_summ/Taraxum_officinale.htm

      Arshad Kassim, M., Baijnath, H., Odhav, B. (2014, August 04) Effect of traditional leafy vegetables on the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25088723

      Susan G Komen (n.d) Dandelion. http://ww5.komen.org/BreastCancer/Dandelion.html

      Wilderness Awareness School (n.d) Edible Weeds: Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Back Yard. https://www.wildernessawareness.org/articles/edible-weeds-herbal-medicine-chest-your-back-yard

      Native American Ethonobotany Database (n.d) http://naeb.brit.org/uses/search/?string=dandelion

      Group, E. (2015) The Top 9 Herbs for Liver Cleansing. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/top-9-herbs-for-liver-cleansing/

      Organic Information Services Pvt Ltd. (2011) Health Benefits of Dandelions. https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/health-benefits-of-dandelion.html

      1471: Gut Fauna. (2015, October 6). http://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1471:_Gut_Fauna

      Inulin. (2016, June 4). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inulin

      Prebiotic. (2016, May 27) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prebiotic_%28nutrition%29

    1. green fluorescent protein (GFP)

      Green fluorescent protein is a fluorescent protein marker used to tag a protein of interest, allowing visualization of movement of the protein of interest.

    1. This is primarily for scholarly communication but also link to Zenodo for data I would tag with ReproNim:RelatedProject (in addition to current tags)

    1. Labels

      I tried changing the format of my tags to the "cloud" format yesterday. I changed it back to the list today, but included the number of times each tag is used. From this you can see the relative emphasis of my work. I'm creating a "tag graphic" that I'll share this week. I want to encourage people to do a Google search using the words "tutor mentor" then adding one of the tags. When you do this several of my articles, from the blog and other places, will be shown in the search results. It's another way to dig deeper into the ideas I've been sharing.

    1. Intrinsic motivation

      Jenna Iszler and I did a ton of research on this for INTE 6720! Here's our final project. You might find that or some of our related blog posts to be useful sources of information if you choose to pursue this topic!

    1. African Wisdom

      Must add in the tag line for each of the topics (plus update all topics pages to shelley design)

  11. May 2016
    1. In that sense and contrary to any other business, academic journals are an atypical information good, because publishers neither pay the provider of the primary good—authors of scholarly papers—nor for the quality control—peer review. On the publisher’s side, average first-copy costs of journal papers are estimated to range between 20 and 40 US dollars per page, depending on rejection rates [37];

      The authors note that much of the editorial work is done for free by academics, and put a price tag on the per page cost to publish journals.

    1. Tweeting has rapidly become an integral part of the conference scene, with a subset of attendees on Twitter providing real-time running commentary through a common “tag” (#mla09, for example), which allows everyone who follows it to tune in to the conversation.

      The origin of the hashtag is so interesting because how quickly it's initial purpose became hijacked by corporate entities and comedic communities. Of course, I say this as someone who uses hashtags almost exclusively for the sake of irony. I feel that the use of hashtags, as well as memes for that matter, have ultimately closed discourse in areas where it should be opened up. For example, there's no real political value by searching #NeverTrump or #ImWithHer or #BernieOrBust-- you're either gonna stumble upon an echo chamber or trolls just looking for a fight.

    1. bower_components

      Ionic installs bower components (bower packages) into the project's lib folder:


      This behaviour is defined in the projects .bowerrc file, which looks like this:

        "directory": "www/lib"

      The project .bowerrc file may be found at the same level as the www folder.

      Note that if you install angular-chart this way, you don't need to install Chart.js separately; it is one of the dependencies that bower will install for you. Of course, you must include the script tag that references the Chart.js file as usual!

      Finally, if you want to link angular-chart.css you must follow the same procedure.

    1. HERMIA I understand not what you mean by this. HELENA Ay, do! Persever, counterfeit sad looks, Make mouths upon me when I turn my back, Wink each at other, hold the sweet jest up; 240This sport, well carried, shall be chronicled. If you have any pity, grace, or manners, You would not make me such an argument. Your browser does not support the video tag. Tap to translate Cover Foreword Credits A1 S1 A1 S2 A2 S1

      Helena is starting to victimize her self and not listen to the person closed to her.

    1. Or can anyone tell just by looking at their profile avatars, stickers, etc?

      You can tell, a new user has this indicated in their "overtext" of their avatar until they change it. Game designers, artists and publishers have special tags. Also those that support the website get a special tag.

    1. The team used a whiteboard with task cards, stand-up meetings, weekly iterations, and prioritization. They even estimated their work, measured flow, and held retrospectives.
    2. “[Agility] comes in different forms, but basically it’s the ability to quickly adapt to or even anticipate and lead change. Agility in the broadest form affects strategic thinking, operations, technology innovation and the ability to innovate in products, processes and business models.”
  12. Apr 2016
  13. gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
    1. all this sand, all these possibilities! They navigate among shifting social relations – first we’re builders, now we’re enemies, now it’s time for tag – all while pursuing emergent goals, from castle construction, to destructive battle, to collaborative artistic expression

      I had tweeted that I was in lurker mode prior to the flashmob, but once I stepped into the sandbox, I couldn't help but participate. What I found especially motivating was the song "Hip to be Square." Once that song was playing, I was digging all around the sandbox!

    1. Perhaps this price tag wouldn’t be so daunting if the welfare system actually reduced poverty. Unfortunately, it hasn’t. To the contrary, under the system, the ranks of the poor have continued to swell and welfare dependence has spread dramatically.

      What is the point in having welfare if it isn't actually helping the cause that it is supposed to be helping. The fact that while being on the system the ranks of the poor have continued to increase proves that this system isn't doing any good. We are wasting money that could be spent on better things other than people who may or may not be choosing not to work. http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/economics/item/17367-welfare-hits-record-levels-after-50-years-of-war-on-poverty Website says- -"poverty levels remain largely unchanged..." -"in 1964 almost 9 out of 10 men were<br> employed, by 2012 less than three-fourths of adult males had jobs." -"...$20 trillion spent, no sign of victory in sight..." -""war" on poverty has been a miserable failure."

    2. Since the beginning of the War on Poverty in 1965, the U.S. has spent $15.9 trillion on welfare. Perhaps this price tag wouldn’t be so daunting if the welfare system actually reduced poverty. Unfortunately, it hasn’t. To the contrary, under the system, the ranks of the poor have continued to swell and welfare dependence has spread dramatically.

      The $15.9 trillion of funding was unsuccessful, so maybe we shouldn't use any more money on federal projects to promote welfare because the number of people in poverty is increasing and more people are depending on welfare. You can't do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. [https://via.hypothes.is/http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/06/the-economy-hits-home-poverty

    1. I installed the Chrome extension for Hypothesis and then looked for a pdf or article type page. It is not working on my pdf right now but seemed to function for this Merlot article.

    1. “This class would be a lot less fun without Hypothes.is”

      Thinking about borrowing this as a tag line for h.edu:

      "Your class will be less fun without hypothes.is"

      (Also, yes, this blog on annotation is annotated!)

    1. That failure sealed a process characteristic of the past century: the bungled reception of technology.

      it is annoying you have to add text or tag each time you make something public.

    2. “A happy life in a world of horror is ignominiously refuted by the mere existence of that world. The latter therefore becomes the essence, the former negligible.” (Adorno and Horkheimer, 93)

      it is annoying you have to add text or tag each time you make something public.

    3. the show may function as a sort of precognitive “usage manual,” one that advises “if a day should arrive when you can technologically remember everything…don’t be like the guy in this episode.”

      it is annoying you have to add text or tag each time you make something public.

    1. Genius already expressed its objection to this option in the above, but I submit that if annotation really does catch on, the major media and dominant personalities that need such correction won’t fight annotation if it delivers eyeballs.

      It's not as simple as this.

      First, what I expect folks’ like Dawson are saying is "don’t make public annotations here”. Are they really arguing that I shouldn’t be able to make private ones either? Probably not.

      But what prevents folks from abusing such a button by disabling annotation on things that are of public importance? What if the corrupt government of Turkey puts a “don’t annotate this” tag on their entire gov’t website?

      Hypothetically, how would annotation service providers distinguish between respecting such a tag when perhaps it’s a blog by a woman such as Dawson, vs a government like Turkey. It might seem simple conceptually, but there are billions of pages out there, and limited staff. What about a blog by a [insert your favorite scientific or social issue] skeptic who doesn’t want expert community to fact check their blog. Should annotation providers respect that wish and deny this powerful critical lens to concerned scientific or humanist communities?

    1. Here’s the URL of annotations tagged wikipedia: https://hypothes.is/stream?q=tag:%27wikipedia%27 (Actually that doesn’t seem to work yet, but I’d love to see this become a next-gen delicious with all the taggy goodness.)

      I would love to see a worthy successor to delicious. Is hypothesis it?

    1. “College is extremely expensive,” she said, “but there is no price tag in terms of the conversations you hold and the community you make.”

      Going into college seems to be worth it for Brooke Metz.

    1. gamers and game developers. Using the hash tag #gamedev and #unity3d has helped me acquire some followers and helped me introduce myself to indie game developers.

      Nice. As you know, that's a key reason why we're using Twitter in class - to prompt interest-driven connections with communities beyond our immediate course.

    1. ¿Dónde ha quedado el correo postal? Sustituido por el e-mail para comunicaciones igualmente reposadas, pero de mucha mayor comodidad, y en gran parte por el tuit, instantáneamente comunicado y expuesto a la curiosidad universal. Podemos discutir, como se ha hecho ya en esta serie de artículos, en qué medida Twitter inaugura algún tipo de periodismo, pero lo seguro es que pone a todo el mundo en comunicación con todo el mundo, a la velocidad de un chasquido. Pero, ¿cómo se escribe? ¿Sentimos la vergüenza de salir a escena con harapos o decentemente ataviados? 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de 1989 ser\u00e1 honrada con un premio que lleva su nombre en la ceremonia el 10 de mayo, \"El premio es un\" reconocimiento a su talento creativo y art\u00edstico incomparable e influencia a amantes de la m\u00fasica en todo el mundo. \"Swift es la segunda artista en la historia de BMI para tener un premio que lleva su nombre, despu\u00e9s de Michael Jackson en 1990.","video":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.MP4","thumbnail":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.jpg","link":null,"caption":""}}; var funcName='vxtrack14401ad6-575f-4413-8ba5-5a4f48e686d0'; function randomDivId() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999).toString(36); } function dvptrack(name,extra) { if (name == 'wf') { return; } //vx.debug("!>>> " + name + " : " + JSON.stringify(extra)); if (window[funcName] && typeof(window[funcName]) == "function") { window[funcName](name,extra); 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de 1989 ser\u00e1 honrada con un premio que lleva su nombre en la ceremonia el 10 de mayo, \"El premio es un\" reconocimiento a su talento creativo y art\u00edstico incomparable e influencia a amantes de la m\u00fasica en todo el mundo. \"Swift es la segunda artista en la historia de BMI para tener un premio que lleva su nombre, despu\u00e9s de Michael Jackson en 1990.","video":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.MP4","thumbnail":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.jpg","link":null,"caption":""}}; var funcName='vxtrack14401ad6-575f-4413-8ba5-5a4f48e686d0'; function randomDivId() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999).toString(36); } function dvptrack(name,extra) { if (name == 'wf') { return; } //vx.debug("!>>> " + name + " : " + JSON.stringify(extra)); if (window[funcName] && typeof(window[funcName]) == "function") { window[funcName](name,extra); 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de ... Sponsored Content   El nobel mexicano Octavio Paz decía: “La corrupción del lenguaje es la corrupción de la realidad”. Lo que describimos mal queda ahí para los restos y perjudica la imagen de la realidad toda. Y Víctor García de la Concha, director del Instituto Cervantes y antiguo director de la Real Academia, abunda en lo concerniente a los hispanohablantes acusándonos de hablar “un español zarrapastroso” (EL PAÍS, 4-12-2012); de forma indigente, omisa, indiferente a la potencia y sabiduría de nuestra lengua. Y cuando el académico decía que “se habla”, se refería por elevación a esa forma tan próxima a la oralidad que es el tuit; apenas una transcripción apresurada de nuestros pensamientos, porque, puede que en parte por el anonimato en el que cabe refugiarse en esta red social, lo que difícilmente consignaríamos en el manuscrito o en el e-mail encuentra acomodo en Twitter, sin excluir el exabrupto, el disparate lingüístico, el caos de puntuación o su más completa ausencia. No nos importa, en muchos casos nos sentimos como quien habla acodado en la barra del bar, en lugar de estar mandando un mensaje, con la seriedad que antiguamente habría requerido lo escrito. Por eso, rechazo, pero que cada uno haga de su capa un sayo, que se introduzcan fórmulas de abreviatura —supresión de signos ortográficos, escritura fonética y tantos otros recursos— para decir lo más posible —y peor— con el menor número de caracteres. Y aquí sí que entramos en el terreno de lo periodístico, con el calentamiento en 140 caracteres que supone el tuit, lo que exige claridad de ideas, precisión, pero también corrección gramatical, para que sirva de algo en la práctica de la información profesionalizada. Somos lo que escribimos, aún más que lo que hablamos Pero es que hay algo más y de suma importancia que se desprende de los tuits que botamos al éter: nuestra propia imagen. Como escribe Álex Grijelmo (EL PAÍS, 20-1-2016), esos esbozos de idea, apuntaciones o hasta rebotes del subconsciente “constituyen un escaparate que exhibe a la vista de cualquiera la ortografía de una persona, su léxico, su capacidad para estructurar el pensamiento”. Y en muchos casos, siempre como dijo Grijelmo, con el riesgo de caer en “un escándalo silencioso”. Somos lo que escribimos, aún más que lo que hablamos. Y si no que se lo digan a un concejal, elegido para el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, al que se le ocurrió hacer una desafortunada broma en Twitter sobre el Holocausto, aunque probablemente no implicara el desliz ningún sentimiento profundo ni determinante sobre el caso. Y también revela el tuit, y yo mismo puedo ser tan culpable como cualquiera, una necesidad muy hispánica de corregir, desde el pináculo de la verdad revelada, de enmendar la plana al prójimo. En mi descargo diré que mis correcciones son solo lingüísticas o periodísticas y jamás formuladas directamente a personas o instituciones. Por todo lo anterior, una estadística concienzuda de lo que los españoles e hispanohablantes, en general, mandamos a navegar en las redes, nos diría seguramente muchísimo sobre quiénes creemos que somos y lo que nos falta para conseguirlo. Y el diagnóstico no sería necesariamente halagüeño. Archivado en: Twitter Redes sociales Lengua Internet Empresas Cultura Economía Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones if (typeof EPETshowHideTags == 'function') { //EPETshowHideTags('contenedorLista'); EPETshowHideTags('articulo-tags__interior'); } PBS.display('MPU1'); Vídeos Newsletters .caja_relacionadas .miniatura { float: right; margin-left: 10px; width: 140px; } .caja_relacionadas .foto{ height:auto; max-height:100px; overflow:hidden; } Te puede interesar¿Cuál es el mejor atún de lata?El experto en conservas Aleix Clavera cata a ciegas nueve marcas de atún en aceite, alaba las más logradas y castiga sin piedad a las peores.“Habrá que recomponer lo real y lo virtual”Joseba ElolaLa filósofa italoaustraliana aboga por construir un futuro posthumano mejor que el presente humano¿Cómo quiero vivir el resto de mi vida?Justine RobertsA los 40 años, muchas mujeres deciden reducir sus jornadas y renunciar a ascensos. Un error, según la autora de este textoRío de Janeiro y las musasJavier MontesRincones de la ciudad brasileña en los que cuatro escritores encontraron refugio. 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2¿Qué fue de los anteriores concursantes de ‘MasterChef’? 3VídeoMuere el escritor y activista Shangay Lily a los 53 años 4Mediaset se desmarca del plan del PP para adelantar el ‘prime time’ 5Indultado un bravísimo ‘victorino’ 6VídeoLa vida después del escenario 7VídeoCinco series que no te puedes perder en abril 8VídeoEstrenos y regresos de abril 9VídeoLa ropa interior entra en el museo 10VídeoPedro Almodóvar competirá con ‘Julieta’ en el festival de Cannes 1Griezmann pone al Atlético en semifinales 2Vídeo¿Cuál es el mejor atún de lata? 3VídeoLos 20 timos más flagrantes de la historia del pop 4Vídeo¿Qué series han sido renovadas y canceladas? 5El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 6VídeoUn Atlético indiscutible 7VídeoEl juez envía a la cárcel a Conde por blanqueo y ocho delitos fiscales 8FotogaleríaUn atlas mundial sorprendente 9Lara Álvarez lanza un mensaje subliminal a Fernando Alonso 10Padre al 99,99% 1Atlético de Madri derrota o Barça e está na semifinal da Champions 2Griezmann pone al Atlético en semifinales 3VídeoLos 20 timos más flagrantes de la historia del pop 4Tras el rastro de chavistas en Miami 5“Se busca edecán fugitiva” 6VídeoKirchner usa su declaración ante un juez para regresar a la política 7FotogaleríaDía Internacional del Beso 2016 8VídeoUn Atlético indiscutible 9El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 10El emocionante vídeo que muestra lo duro que es estar soltera en China 1VídeoKirchner usa su declaración ante un juez para regresar a la política 2VídeoKobe Bryant, apoteosis con 60 puntos y remontada en el Staples 3VídeoPablo Iglesias y Eduardo Madina, ¿cuestión de ‘feeling’ o de política? 4VídeoEE UU confirma el vínculo del virus del Zika con la microcefalia 5"Si me traes una torta te doy cita" 6El narco impone su ley en la mitad de las cárceles mexicanas 7VídeoSobrevivir al matadero 8Simone de Beauvoir, la hermana mayor 9VídeoUn mosso mata a su mujer y se suicida en Sant Feliu de Llobregat 10El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 1Vídeo#Carbonaragate: 37 segundos de receta que han cabreado a los italianos 2Vídeo¿Pero qué lleva la anestesia de los dentistas para que alguien se crea un holocausto zombi? 38 ejemplos de que te gusta la química (aunque quizás no lo sabías) 4Los chinos también se equivocan cuando se tatúan en otro idioma 5Así sonaría la música de Mozart si hubiera nacido en Sinaloa 6VídeoEste padre y su hijo abren cosas por la mitad para que tú no tengas que hacerlo 7Vídeo¿Por qué todo el mundo ama a Adele? 8VídeoCocinamos la pizza sin horno que se ha visto más de un millón de veces 9Bingo de 'personajes Mediaset' para el programa de Bertín Osborne 10La confusión sobre la muerte de Will Smith (el deportista) if (typeof aniade_track_caja == 'function') { aniade_track_caja('caja_lo_mas_visto', 'rel=lom'); } PBS.display('MPU3'); if ( pbs_dimensiones.ancho >= 728) document.write("<div id='elpais_gpt-LDB2' class='publi_luto_vertical'><script type='text/javascript'>PBS.display('LDB2');<\/script></div>"); else document.write("<div id='elpais_gpt-BTN1' class='publi_luto_vertical'><script type='text/javascript'>PBS.display('BTN1');<\/script></div>");
    2. de su invento, la escritura mecánica, habría de alcanzar su máxima expresión a comienzos del siglo XXI, gracias a algo que llamamos redes sociales y, quizá, principalmente Twitter; porque nunca se ha escrito en toda la historia tanto como hoy. Es el apogeo de Gutenberg. ¿Dónde ha quedado el correo postal? Sustituido por el e-mail para comunicaciones igualmente reposadas, pero de mucha mayor comodidad, y en gran parte por el tuit, instantáneamente comunicado y expuesto a la curiosidad universal. Podemos discutir, como se ha hecho ya en esta serie de artículos, en qué medida Twitter inaugura algún tipo de periodismo, pero lo seguro es que pone a todo el mundo en comunicación con todo el mundo, a la velocidad de un chasquido. Pero, ¿cómo se escribe? ¿Sentimos la vergüenza de salir a escena con harapos o decentemente ataviados? 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de 1989 ser\u00e1 honrada con un premio que lleva su nombre en la ceremonia el 10 de mayo, \"El premio es un\" reconocimiento a su talento creativo y art\u00edstico incomparable e influencia a amantes de la m\u00fasica en todo el mundo. \"Swift es la segunda artista en la historia de BMI para tener un premio que lleva su nombre, despu\u00e9s de Michael Jackson en 1990.","video":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.MP4","thumbnail":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.jpg","link":null,"caption":""}}; var funcName='vxtrack14401ad6-575f-4413-8ba5-5a4f48e686d0'; function randomDivId() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999).toString(36); } function dvptrack(name,extra) { if (name == 'wf') { return; } //vx.debug("!>>> " + name + " : " + JSON.stringify(extra)); if (window[funcName] && typeof(window[funcName]) == "function") { window[funcName](name,extra); 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de 1989 ser\u00e1 honrada con un premio que lleva su nombre en la ceremonia el 10 de mayo, \"El premio es un\" reconocimiento a su talento creativo y art\u00edstico incomparable e influencia a amantes de la m\u00fasica en todo el mundo. \"Swift es la segunda artista en la historia de BMI para tener un premio que lleva su nombre, despu\u00e9s de Michael Jackson en 1990.","video":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.MP4","thumbnail":"\/\/c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net\/videos\/encoded\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c_201604060606\/570544f2e4b0b592af2ac79c-1280x720_Apr_06_2016_17_20_12_hb3.jpg","link":null,"caption":""}}; var funcName='vxtrack14401ad6-575f-4413-8ba5-5a4f48e686d0'; function randomDivId() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999).toString(36); } function dvptrack(name,extra) { if (name == 'wf') { return; } //vx.debug("!>>> " + name + " : " + JSON.stringify(extra)); if (window[funcName] && typeof(window[funcName]) == "function") { window[funcName](name,extra); 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Taylor Swift. La cantante de ... Sponsored Content   El nobel mexicano Octavio Paz decía: “La corrupción del lenguaje es la corrupción de la realidad”. Lo que describimos mal queda ahí para los restos y perjudica la imagen de la realidad toda. Y Víctor García de la Concha, director del Instituto Cervantes y antiguo director de la Real Academia, abunda en lo concerniente a los hispanohablantes acusándonos de hablar “un español zarrapastroso” (EL PAÍS, 4-12-2012); de forma indigente, omisa, indiferente a la potencia y sabiduría de nuestra lengua. Y cuando el académico decía que “se habla”, se refería por elevación a esa forma tan próxima a la oralidad que es el tuit; apenas una transcripción apresurada de nuestros pensamientos, porque, puede que en parte por el anonimato en el que cabe refugiarse en esta red social, lo que difícilmente consignaríamos en el manuscrito o en el e-mail encuentra acomodo en Twitter, sin excluir el exabrupto, el disparate lingüístico, el caos de puntuación o su más completa ausencia. No nos importa, en muchos casos nos sentimos como quien habla acodado en la barra del bar, en lugar de estar mandando un mensaje, con la seriedad que antiguamente habría requerido lo escrito. Por eso, rechazo, pero que cada uno haga de su capa un sayo, que se introduzcan fórmulas de abreviatura —supresión de signos ortográficos, escritura fonética y tantos otros recursos— para decir lo más posible —y peor— con el menor número de caracteres. Y aquí sí que entramos en el terreno de lo periodístico, con el calentamiento en 140 caracteres que supone el tuit, lo que exige claridad de ideas, precisión, pero también corrección gramatical, para que sirva de algo en la práctica de la información profesionalizada. Somos lo que escribimos, aún más que lo que hablamos Pero es que hay algo más y de suma importancia que se desprende de los tuits que botamos al éter: nuestra propia imagen. Como escribe Álex Grijelmo (EL PAÍS, 20-1-2016), esos esbozos de idea, apuntaciones o hasta rebotes del subconsciente “constituyen un escaparate que exhibe a la vista de cualquiera la ortografía de una persona, su léxico, su capacidad para estructurar el pensamiento”. Y en muchos casos, siempre como dijo Grijelmo, con el riesgo de caer en “un escándalo silencioso”. Somos lo que escribimos, aún más que lo que hablamos. Y si no que se lo digan a un concejal, elegido para el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, al que se le ocurrió hacer una desafortunada broma en Twitter sobre el Holocausto, aunque probablemente no implicara el desliz ningún sentimiento profundo ni determinante sobre el caso. Y también revela el tuit, y yo mismo puedo ser tan culpable como cualquiera, una necesidad muy hispánica de corregir, desde el pináculo de la verdad revelada, de enmendar la plana al prójimo. En mi descargo diré que mis correcciones son solo lingüísticas o periodísticas y jamás formuladas directamente a personas o instituciones. Por todo lo anterior, una estadística concienzuda de lo que los españoles e hispanohablantes, en general, mandamos a navegar en las redes, nos diría seguramente muchísimo sobre quiénes creemos que somos y lo que nos falta para conseguirlo. Y el diagnóstico no sería necesariamente halagüeño. Archivado en: Twitter Redes sociales Lengua Internet Empresas Cultura Economía Telecomunicaciones Comunicaciones if (typeof EPETshowHideTags == 'function') { //EPETshowHideTags('contenedorLista'); EPETshowHideTags('articulo-tags__interior'); } PBS.display('MPU1'); Vídeos Newsletters .caja_relacionadas .miniatura { float: right; margin-left: 10px; width: 140px; } .caja_relacionadas .foto{ height:auto; max-height:100px; overflow:hidden; } Te puede interesar¿Cuál es el mejor atún de lata?El experto en conservas Aleix Clavera cata a ciegas nueve marcas de atún en aceite, alaba las más logradas y castiga sin piedad a las peores.“Habrá que recomponer lo real y lo virtual”Joseba ElolaLa filósofa italoaustraliana aboga por construir un futuro posthumano mejor que el presente humano¿Cómo quiero vivir el resto de mi vida?Justine RobertsA los 40 años, muchas mujeres deciden reducir sus jornadas y renunciar a ascensos. Un error, según la autora de este textoRío de Janeiro y las musasJavier MontesRincones de la ciudad brasileña en los que cuatro escritores encontraron refugio. 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2¿Qué fue de los anteriores concursantes de ‘MasterChef’? 3VídeoMuere el escritor y activista Shangay Lily a los 53 años 4Mediaset se desmarca del plan del PP para adelantar el ‘prime time’ 5Indultado un bravísimo ‘victorino’ 6VídeoLa vida después del escenario 7VídeoCinco series que no te puedes perder en abril 8VídeoEstrenos y regresos de abril 9VídeoLa ropa interior entra en el museo 10VídeoPedro Almodóvar competirá con ‘Julieta’ en el festival de Cannes 1Griezmann pone al Atlético en semifinales 2Vídeo¿Cuál es el mejor atún de lata? 3VídeoLos 20 timos más flagrantes de la historia del pop 4Vídeo¿Qué series han sido renovadas y canceladas? 5El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 6VídeoUn Atlético indiscutible 7VídeoEl juez envía a la cárcel a Conde por blanqueo y ocho delitos fiscales 8FotogaleríaUn atlas mundial sorprendente 9Lara Álvarez lanza un mensaje subliminal a Fernando Alonso 10Padre al 99,99% 1Atlético de Madri derrota o Barça e está na semifinal da Champions 2Griezmann pone al Atlético en semifinales 3VídeoLos 20 timos más flagrantes de la historia del pop 4Tras el rastro de chavistas en Miami 5“Se busca edecán fugitiva” 6VídeoKirchner usa su declaración ante un juez para regresar a la política 7FotogaleríaDía Internacional del Beso 2016 8VídeoUn Atlético indiscutible 9El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 10El emocionante vídeo que muestra lo duro que es estar soltera en China 1VídeoKirchner usa su declaración ante un juez para regresar a la política 2VídeoKobe Bryant, apoteosis con 60 puntos y remontada en el Staples 3VídeoPablo Iglesias y Eduardo Madina, ¿cuestión de ‘feeling’ o de política? 4VídeoEE UU confirma el vínculo del virus del Zika con la microcefalia 5"Si me traes una torta te doy cita" 6El narco impone su ley en la mitad de las cárceles mexicanas 7VídeoSobrevivir al matadero 8Simone de Beauvoir, la hermana mayor 9VídeoUn mosso mata a su mujer y se suicida en Sant Feliu de Llobregat 10El dilema del tren: por qué está mal visto matar a una persona aunque salves a cinco 1Vídeo#Carbonaragate: 37 segundos de receta que han cabreado a los italianos 2Vídeo¿Pero qué lleva la anestesia de los dentistas para que alguien se crea un holocausto zombi? 38 ejemplos de que te gusta la química (aunque quizás no lo sabías) 4Los chinos también se equivocan cuando se tatúan en otro idioma 5Así sonaría la música de Mozart si hubiera nacido en Sinaloa 6VídeoEste padre y su hijo abren cosas por la mitad para que tú no tengas que hacerlo 7Vídeo¿Por qué todo el mundo ama a Adele? 8VídeoCocinamos la pizza sin horno que se ha visto más de un millón de veces 9Bingo de 'personajes Mediaset' para el programa de Bertín Osborne 10La confusión sobre la muerte de Will Smith (el deportista) if (typeof aniade_track_caja == 'function') { aniade_track_caja('caja_lo_mas_visto', 'rel=lom'); } PBS.display('MPU3'); if ( pbs_dimensiones.ancho >= 728) document.write("<div id='elpais_gpt-LDB2' class='publi_luto_vertical'><script type='text/javascript'>PBS.display('LDB2');<\/script></div>"); else document.write("<div id='elpais_gpt-BTN1' class='publi_luto_vertical'><script type='text/javascript'>PBS.display('BTN1');<\/script></div>");


    1. If you want to keep the feedback between you and your student private, you can set up a “group” for just you and the student. You could also use a tag (e.g. “grades”, “feedback”) to keep your feed organized.

      We'd like to add functionality to better support this particular use of annotation.

    1. Intestinal Tract

      biological component : tissue - intestinal tract extID Uberon: Would also be nice to tag annotation as complete/incomplete depending on status

    1. Contest is a fun idea, but would work better if you gave the audience some more specific objective. e.g. build a collection of all Zika related papers. Or identify and tag all of the papers that cite your database. Just saying 'go annotate the web' is too vague.

  14. Mar 2016
    1. Terry Neal Navy, 1975–77 The part that I remember before I passed out was somebody saying they were going to teach me a lesson. Richard Welch Air Force and Army, 1973–82 I was coming in and out of consciousness. He kept saying, "You're going to like this." Matthew Owen* Army, 1976–80 I heard one of them say, "Get that broom over there by the lockers." Gary Jones* Army, 1984–86 At first I thought he was playing around. He managed to wrestle me onto my back, and I started freaking out. He pinned my arm above my head and my knee in the crook of his arm and covered my mouth with his right hand and looked at me and said, "You will not make a noise." Sam Madrid*

      They team tag the men and its most of the time its when the men are unconscious

    1. Improving Reference Service with Evidence

      Hey folks! This article is being annotated as part of #LISjc, a methodological-critique reading group for librar*s. Please tag your public annotations with #lisjc!

    1. “We lack the creative faculty to imagine that which we know.” That was back in 1820
    1. thought it might be the group from CUDenver, but that’s a PD class and they sort of have a tag.

      Thanks for the shoutout... not sure how our current "learning with digital stories" course is tapping into #ds106 beyond the boundaries of that course. I'm excited to start reengaging with another iteration this coming summer.

    1. This research is likely to be very useful in understanding the best ways to help military families, and the best directions to move in for future research.

      atleast this research is being used in a good way.

    2. The focus of the second section is the concept of working with gender-sensitive issues, as well as sexual-gender minority veterans, or veterans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).

      Is this still an issue?

    1. For the women who had run to the fire escape, the route down was terrifying. The landings and sloping stairs were wide enough for only one woman at a time. The fire escape ended over a basement skylight in an airshaft enclosed on all sides by the three buildings that occupied the city block. Realizing this, one woman opened the sixth floor shutters and broke through the window. Women followed her lead and ran to the stairwell on that floor only to find the doors locked. But they were the lucky ones. They were later rescued by a police officer who heard them pounding on the door. The fire escape soon collapsed taking dozens of women with it.

      Gives the info revolving around the fire escape incident.

    1. in just a few minutes, people felt compel to announce that they are getting ready to play, ask if the game will be played, where it will be played, announce getting ready again (like the first time wasn’t enough), posting pictures of getting ready and just in case someone didn’t get that they are getting ready to play, another hash tag ILT5320 announced to everyone to “stay tuned”.

      What Jim Gee and other game-based learning researchers refer to as "just-in-time" learning.

    1. We conducted 15mmm, mapping month may 2015, which involved partners from more than 9 countries, that mapped around 300 initiatives with our mapping tool. It helped us with user-feedback on the tools, lead to a pivoting in the taxonomy approach and helped to generate new tag-categories for the taxonomy development. It also generated a lot of attention and broadened our networks.

      Was marked for rework, but ignored.

      Is missing references to, at least:

      • Shareable Map Jam - April 2016
      • OSCE days - June 2016
    1.              (2)  Without limiting subsection (1), the Corporations legislation is not intended to exclude or limit the concurrent operation of a law of a State or Territory that:

      Test Tag

    1. The price tag may turn out to be even bigger, depending on how many more students enroll. A tuition-free degree would likely attract many takers.

      With free college, will just anyone be able to apply and get accepted? How will they monitor the students who are willing to actually graduate or the ones just to apply and get in just because it is free? Will the state colleges such as Purdue and Colorado State be entitled to change their requirements to get accepted? How about the community colleges that usually accept almost anyone, will they limit who takes classes?

    1. The cost of college has been rising dramatically in recent years, with the price tag for attending a public four-year university climbing 27 percent and the cost of a private education rising by 13

      Many people can't afford the rising cost of college.

  15. Feb 2016
    1. Family living abroad can be kept abreast of the latest happenings in your world as quickly as those living next door

      International families can stay in touch with their family in another country

    2. On Twitter you will follow those who have something to say that you’re interested in, making connections with like-minded individuals much easier than is possible offline.

      Finding people that are like you

    1. Set Goals Make it your goal to try numerous types of exercises with your family this summer. You should not be alone in this journey. Encourage the ones you love to participate with you! Here are some ideas: Dance the Day Away It’s time for a dance party! If you are feeling tired or lazy, music and dancing can be serious mood boosters. Turn on your favorite tunes and bust a move with your friends. Take turns giving each other the spotlight and cheer for each other! If you are interested in taking dance lessons, you can find beginner classes in your community and try all different kinds. Whether it is hip hop, jazz, tap or ballroom, dance can be an awesome form of exercise (that doesn’t always feel like exercise). Play Outside There are so many options for outdoor play and many are forgotten because of video games, computer games and other forms of technology. Play tag, jump on the trampoline, or take turns jumping over the sprinkler. One of my favorite activities as a kid was setting up an obstacle course using items such as jump ropes, cones and the trees in your yard as landmarks! Try Different Fitness Classes Many gyms have programs for kids in the summer. Take the time to try new things! If structured sports, like volleyball and basketball, aren’t your favorite, try a fitness class at the gym such as kickboxing, cardio dance, kids’ yoga or Pilates.

      Setting goals for yourself and achieving them is a great way of showing how serious a child is not wanting to be a victim of obesity anymore.

    1. RSS signifie « Really Simple Syndication », « Rich Site Summary » ou encore « Rapid Site Summary ». Un flux RSS, quant à lui, est un fichier XML lié à un site web et qui est mis à jour régulièrement, dès que ledit site poste un nouvel article.

      Specification accessible ici:


    1. Although the colleges and universities of today carry a heavy price tag, it is of great importance not to let that discourage you from obtaining a college education. While the cost of tuition continues to rise, so too does the number of available financial aid options. Below we will explain why it is important to explore these options before you go to college and the large payoff they often provide.

      eve though the price tag is very big for colleges you can find other ways to help you financially to help you go to college instead of discouraging your decision.

    1. Content organization refers to features that require little effort from the user and that help fellow users receive useful information about the content. These features include the “like” button and options such as ratings (star ratings or a numerical scale) or tagging content with user-suggested keywords.

      Hypothes.is lacks this first step in the ladder. We don't have a like button. Tagging doesn't seem as easy as it could be.

      Maybe when we rethink page level notes, we might prioritize calling user to action there: tag the text; maybe offer a broad statement/description.

    1. About the Author

      Again, I greatly appreciate the presence of this section, especially since it has a link to her personal website and a tag where you can communicate with her via social media. Not only that, but it tells you what she is currently working on so that you could look out for her most recent works if you were interested.

    1. Because of a 2009 federal law that gave the agency more power over the tobacco industry, the $128 million price tag will be paid for by tobacco companies.

      hip-hop affects companies to make their stock rise (this is for dave)

    1. 04.04.201504.04.2015We conducted 15mmm, mapping month may 2015, which involved partners from more than 9 countries, that mapped around 300 initiatives with our mapping tool. It helped us with user-feedback on the tools and to generate new tag-categories for the taxonomy development. It also generated a lot of attention and broadened our networks.

      This whole paragraph is just wrong, as the Mapping has to happen within the project's timeframe and is - in following the application text - most close to Shareables March Map Jam and the OSCE days during June.

      In May we could link up with OuiShare Fest, too.

    1. We recommend that you have students tag their annotations with a course tag

      So should we use the group function or the tag function? I suppose it depends on whether we want to be public or not?

    1. bogost

      Can you dip into the margins within the margins, ie the stuff to the side of the text? Nomadwarmachine did just that below to point out that one of the links is 404. I highlighted bogost from Remi's tag pagebecause I just read Bogost's provocatively titled article, "Gamification is Bullshit" I am wondering how far outside of the primary zone of annotation one can wander in before it becomes that rabbit hole of distraction. Let's see, where was I?

    1. readily enable developers to consume text and annotate it according to their own logic.


      Annotations can be viewed and discussed using the Hypothesis client in any of its modes (Chrome extension, proxy, site-embedded).

      Annotations can also be painted directly on this server's pages by means of open-source JavaScript libraries that encapsulate the Hypothesis client's core "anchoring" capability.

      Annotations are available for reuse and integration by way of the Hypothesis API which delivers filter and query results, in JSON, along these facets: annotation ID, URL, user, group, tag, and freetext.

    2. for any specified document ID

      , URL, user, group, or tag. Annotations are searchable along these facets and also by free text query.

    1. “‘Slacktivism’ is the ideal type of activism for a lazy generation: why bother with sit-ins and the risk of arrest, police brutality, or torture if one can be as loud campaigning in the virtual space?

      Are we really that lazy? or have we found out a way to reach the masses?

    1. Yet food and shelter are both basic human needs, even more critical to survival than health care. Why should health care be any different, then? Sure, health care costs are exorbitantly high, but, once the existing schism between payor and patient is eliminated, costs will decrease necessarily.

      Yes food and shelter are critical for survival however, so is health care. The price tag on health care will surely lower once our government ensures insurance, then the focus wont be on a specific person's income.

    1. The choice tag is used to represent sections of text which might be encoded or tagged in more than one possible way. In the following example, based on one in the standard, choice is used twice, once to indicate an original and a corrected year and once to indicate an original and regularised spelling

      I like that they put a description of what a choice tag is because it is apart of the guidelines but I didn't really know what it is or the purpose of it. Also, they show how to use a choice tag.

    2. Choice tag

      I don't really think I understand this... kind of wish there was an original document vs. the encoded document.

    1. new item with a title and a tag name.

      We've found that we get an error message to the effect that we do not have permission to write. See https://twitter.com/electricarchaeo/status/696703569337176064

    1. Above all, the result is social computing, the hallmark of Web 2.0.3 Recall that when modern computers were invented in the World War II era, they were first thought of primarily as ballistics or scientific-calculation machines. Then, with the advent of corporate mainframes, calculation took a backseat to business functions originally peripheral to computing: storage, filing, sorting, and printing. With the personal computer and the Internet, computers next turned into universal communication devices and media players.4 Now, with Web 2.0 (abetted even more recently by ubiquitous mobile computing and communications), the computer enfolds all its previous functions in the increasingly dominant paradigm of social computing, which the interdisciplinary research group on the topic that I participated in on my campus defines most generally as “the use of technology in networked communication systems by communities of people for one or more goals,” even if that goal is as seemingly unfocused as building the community itself and one’s identity in it.5 Oft-cited examples include blogs and their derivatives (including all manner of sites powered by the WordPress blog engine and Drupal community-message-board engine that have evolved into general-purpose content management systems); microblogging platforms like Twitter and Tumblr; social-networking platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn; wikis like Wikipedia or such make-your-own wiki platforms as PBWorks (previously PBWiki); social-bookmarking or content-discovery sites like Delicious (previously del.icio.us) and StumbleUpon; shared or social news sites like Digg (in its heyday) and Reddit; and—at least in some of their shared or specialized community features—image- and video-sharing sites like Flickr or YouTube as well as collaborative-work-space sites like Google Docs. At the level of infrastructure, most such social-computing systems are based on the same back-end Web 2.0 data architecture I describe above, but with increasingly complex subarchitectures. Indeed, many are based on the identical LAMP open-source software platform (the acronym for the combination of the Linux operating system, Apache Web-server program, MySQL database program, and PHP scripting code). Just as important as the shared infrastructure are shared superstructural conventions, practices, and forms. Some of these may be likened to classical rhetorical devices—for example, common Web 2.0 topoi such as the profile page, post, comment, tag, and so on. At a higher level of convention, the various social-computing instances I have cited (blogs, wikis, social-networking sites, etc.) are akin to genres. And if we were to go platonic, the equivalent of transcendental, and not just Web, forms in the social-computing universe is the social graph. Often invoked with the definite article as if there were just the one social graph, this concept bridges the literal notion of a social-network diagram visualizing all one’s online social connections and a quasi-metaphysical theory of universal sociality.6

      Liu's fascination of Web 2.0 fails to mention the idea of data security, as well as the option to be anonymous as well. Should we be thinking about the who's-who in the comments or rather just let them fill the net and stick to the general structure of building upon buildings.

    1. And as soon as they are taken by the white men they are immediately ironedand branded with fire,

      Suggesting they are slaves which they are then branded with a tag. This is cruel but this is how things were back then.

    1. <Message>This is incorrect</message> <message>This is correct</message>

      Is this incorrect because the opening and closing have different capitalization, or because the capitalization actually changes the tag itself?

    2. In HTML, some elements might work well, even with a missing closing tag: <p>This is a paragraph. <br> In XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag. All elements must have a closing tag: <p>This is a paragraph.</p> <br />

      This is another really cool example on the differences between HTML and XML that I didn't even notice. XML is a lot more strict and this website ACTUALLY shows it.

    1. The syntax rules were described in the previous chapters: XML documents must have a root element XML elements must have a closing tag XML tags are case sensitive XML elements must be properly nested XML attribute values must be quoted

      XML Syntax rules. This is important and therefore I highlighted it for future reference!

    1. (1) program-specific learning outcome templates for MovableType, which supports student e-portfolio activity and dialogue; (2) backtrack to e-portfolios from student resume samples, which supports internal student reflection on artifacts seen in multiple contexts (course, program, and employment) that can prompt new engagement and learning; and (3) an assessment management system, which provides faculty the opportunity to identify and tag key learning artifacts. In this more differentiated approach, the selection of technologies is more than rhetorical.
    1. @pmg:

      • Tenant level config setting verbiage and location
      • Specify punchout items also
      • Uniqueness of asset number should be case insensitive
      • Should show value on tooltip in view mode (Remove this)
      • The serial number of asset numbers should auto adjust based upon addition or deletion of asset number lines on a (Remove this)
      • Note column will have scroll within text area for edit mode n tooltip for view mode
      • Error message in case of duplicate asset number across documents
      • Asset number lines greater > less than the quantity of the item (Error message location)
      • Asset tagging tab will only be shown when the quantity of the item is integer values (Consider datatype of UoM rather than quantity datatype )
      • There will be a Reset option on asset tag to cancel asset tagging process.(???)
      • Asset Number duplication will not be allowed across Company, Business Units, Locations(???)
  16. Jan 2016
    1. 170 bills proposed so far this year that would regulate it. These legislative efforts stress the need to protect students when they’re online, safeguarding their data from advertisers as well as from unscrupulous people and companies.

      This seems to me to be a serious topic the reason being is the web today is never what people thought it would be a long time ago, Nowadays there are layers people don't even know about that can't be seen by the public eye and companies pick and prod at any ad revenue they can get. I think theres needs to be away that if you have a tag on your internet usage saying you're from a university or college your info can't be used for ads or sold you companies this would fix this problem and help university students make a data for students to get together and further each other's research with out the worry of a "lumming figure" standing behind them trying to sell them things.

  17. christmind.info christmind.info
    1. I point this out to you so that you might understand that this graduation is not really a movement into unfamiliar territory, but a shift of perception about what is already known. A redefinition, as it were. A slipping of the identification tag from the sidekick to the Real One.

      Reideintifying self in 3d to Self in 4d.

    1. Note that this is functionally equivalent to using the HTML5 doctype.

      In other words, if you use the preferred <!DOCTYPE html>, you don't need the 'X-UA-Compatible' meta-tag.