1. Jun 2024
    1. NA

      L'absence de commentaire vaut approbation ?

    2. et réduire à 10% les postes administratifs

      réduire "de" 10% non ?

    3. D’après une estimation basse du Sénat

      L'estimation basse se réfère aux 15mds ? il faudrait clarifier parce que c'est beaucoup

    4. D’après l’IM

      Je trouve assez bizarre pour l'OFCE de reprendre tel quels les commentaires de l'Institut Montaigne.

    5. elle s’avère être régressive

      A priori, une baisse de TVA représente une part plus importante du revenu pour les ménages les moins aisés que pour les plus aisés. J'ai du mal à comprendre ce commentaire sur la régressivité d'une telle mesure.

      BTW, il faudrait clarifier qu'on ne se situe + dans la partie "d'après l'institut montaigne" parce que j'imagine que ce commentaire sur la régressivité ne vient pas d'eux.

    6. Bercy : Coût estimé à 17 Mds d’euros

      En 2023, la TVA sur l'eau énergie déchets et la cokéfaction raffinage se monte à 24 mds d'euros. La TVA sur l'eau est de 5,5% donc représente une part assez faible. Un passage de 20 à 5.5% représenterait donc entre 15 et 18 mds d'euros.

      En revanche, il y a un léger problème à faire l'hypothèse implicite d'un effet multiplicateur de 0 pour cette mesure alors qu'ils supposés positifs pour estimer l'impact de la hausse du smic ou de la hausse de l'indice de la fonction publique. Je pense qu'il faut être cohérent sur la méthode de chiffrage d'une mesure à l'autre.

    7. D’après l’Institut Montaigne, cette mesure est inefficace contre la hausse des prix de l’énergie et couteuse

      Comment peut-elle être à la fois inefficace contre la hausse des prix de l'énergie et couteuse ?

    1. Organizma olarak devletin en önemli hayati organları suya erişim ve ulaşım yollarıydı. Örneğin Sırbistan Tuna'yı kaybederse, "tedavi edilemez bir şekilde sakatlanacak".

      Bugün Türkiye'nin yer aldığı Anadolu da önemini ulaşımından ve su kaynaklarından alıyordu. Fakat bu duruma farklı bir bakış açısı ile bakılabilir: Su kaynakları ve ulaşım birer hayati organdır, bu doğru. Fakat bu organlara sahip olmak isteyen birçok devlet bu organizma (Anadolu) içerisinde birçok kez mücadeleye girdi ve hayatını kaybetti (yıkıldı). Dolayısıyla bu hayati organ olarak bahsedilen unsurlar aynı zamanda "elde tutulamayınca kronik bir hastalığa ve daha sonra ölüme neden olan birer organ" olarak da nitelendirilebilir mi? O zaman şu soru tarih sahnesinde birçok savaşın yaşanmasının coğrafi temelini oluşturabilir mi?: "Devletlerin çeşitli periyodlarda kendisini sağlıklı tutacak yeni organlara ihtiyacı vardır".

    2. Irklar nasıl içsel çürümeye maruz kaldıysa, devletler de öyleydi. Devlet gelişiminin daha düşük aşamalarında, düşüş daha yüksek olanlardan daha hızlı başlar. Ancak devlet örgütlenmesinin daha yüksek aşamalarında da, özellikle bir Volk'un uzamsal bilinci, topraklarının uzamsal kapsamını yakalayamadığında, gerileme söz konusuydu.

      Aslında Ratzel'in bir nevi uluslararası ün kazanmasına sebep olan "canlı devlet" düşüncesinin temelini burada görmekteyiz. Fakat burada şu düşünce gözden kaçırılmamalı: Devletin var olan toprakları, toplumun bilinci ile denge sağlayamazsa bu durum devlet için ölümcül olabilir. Yani devletin yaşam alanı toplumun yaşam alanı ile dengeli olmak zorunda.

    1. Recommande aux services du rectorat de l’académie de W de définir une procédureinterne de traitement des difficultés relatives au comportement d’un professionnel del’Éducation nationale envers les élèves, identifiant les acteurs compétents (desservices académiques et des établissements) à chaque étape de la procédure, etd’assurer la diffusion de cette procédure à l’ensemble des établissements et servicesconcernés
    2. Recommande que la parole des élèves et anciens élèves concernés puisse êtrerecueillie dans un environnement bienveillan
    3. absence de recueil et de prise en compte de la parole des élèvesconcernés dans le cadre d’auditions constitue une atteinte au droit de l’enfant à êtreentendu dans toute procédure le concernant
    4. Saisie par Madame Z, en tant que représentante FCPE relayant la parole de parentsd’élèves du collège Y au sujet des difficultés rencontrées par des élèves del’établissement
    1. 7 November 2018 curprev 03:5303:53, 7 November 2018‎ LuckyLouie talk contribs‎ 20,890 bytes +90‎ →‎Conspiracy theories: Clarify from source, per Talk curprev 01:1301:13, 7 November 2018‎ LuckyLouie talk contribs‎ 20,800 bytes +179‎ →‎Conspiracy theories: C/e and add Weinberger source to clarify Project Pandora. Remove Jack Anderson "Operation Pandora" source as unneeded. 6 November 2018 curprev 19:4019:40, 6 November 2018‎ LuckyLouie talk contribs‎ 20,621 bytes −5‎ →‎Conspiracy theories: More accurate to source

      this "Lucky" guy must just be interested in conspiracy theories and this very interesting particular topic. I remember him specifically from the original Psychotronics article which appears to have been "obfuscated into oblivion" .... the one I had "tagged" to try and weave a story based on minor revision edits tying large topics together that others might not have seen.

      I am of course now attempting to reconstruct a similar thing here. This is a link to my revision history; which is somehow hard to come by without "magic"


    1. quite frankly a lot of artists and 00:21:16 producers are probably using it just for that they come up with something inspiration they go they make something new

      for - Generative AI music - producers and artists using for inspiration

      comment I would agree with this. Especially since the AI music currently sounds lo-fi

    2. what if a band decides to take one of the udio generated songs and re-record it entirely will they own the full copy rate to that very new recording now if I 00:21:03 was udio the answer probably be like no you made that thing using our platform

      for - AI music issues - rerecording an AI music generated song - copyright question

    3. the AI created Music learned from got inspiration from the hit songs and came up with a great new hit song for you and then kind of you 00:13:21 know what we'll call those those artifacts or the little similarities here and there might get picked up by Content ID on YouTube

      for - AI music - youtube content ID algorithms can identify it

    4. here's a way to do direct to 00:16:46 Consumer sell and can make some money and don't just be like so worried about being on the music platform streaming and now you're diluted because the AI

      for - new music sales model - direct to consumer - helps mitigate AI music

    5. there's a huge disparity between state of law application of tech and what's 00:15:42 actually happening

      for - AI - law - too slow

    6. to your point for 00:13:46 every problem there's going to be a solution and AI is going to have it and then for every solution for that there's going to be a new problem

      for - AI - progress trap - nice simple explanation of how progress traps propagate

    7. this is more of a unfair competition 00:10:36 issue I think as a clearer line than the copyright stuff

      for - progress trap - Generative AI - copyright infringement vs Unfair business practice argument

    8. now there's going to be even more AI music pouring 00:09:04 into platforms which saturated Market in an already oversaturated Market

      for - progress trap - AI music - oversaturated market

    9. a billion will be saved by Spotify over time because they cut out all these little guys

      for - Spotify - thousand stream threshold to trigger royalty payment - cuts out many producers

    10. these conversations are having daily people are scrambling trying to like we're trying to keep up 00:07:32 with AI in real time scrambling to find out what we're going to do think about all the different businesses that are affected from this

      for - AI Disruption - Realtime - music industry is scrambling

    11. Google deep mind they're coming up their new Google AI sound boox that and it is making Loops from prompts and they have wav Jean

      for - AI music - Google Deep Mind - Google AI Soundbox - Wycliff Jean endorsing

    12. backstory of udio like I didn't know that willim IM and United Masters were like investors in udio

      for - AI music - Udio - investors - Will.I.Am - United Masters

    13. meta they just rolled out they're like hey if you want to pay a certain subscription we will show your stuff to your followers 00:03:14 on Instagram and Facebook

      for - example - social media platforms bleeding content producers - Meta - Facebook - Instagram

    14. Spotify rolled out its discovery mode

      for - example - music platforms bleeding producers - Spotify - discovery mode

    15. deluding the general royalty pool

      for - progress trap - AI music - dilution of general royalty pool - due to large volume

    16. the volume of how much music is being created over 800,000 00:01:56 tracks a day are being created using udio

      for - stats - AI music platform Udio - tracks created per day - over 800000

    17. terms of service which is the contract that you sign when you get on their platform does say that you can monetize what you make so meaning you can put into distribution 00:00:41 the music that you make

      for - AI music - Udio - terms of service - users can sell the music made on Udio

    1. curprev 12:4112:41, 23 June 2023‎ ReferenceMan talk contribs‎ 166,908 bytes −36‎ →‎Remote viewing: Changed Stanford Research Institute to SRI International. Its name changed in 1970, before the event mentioned. undo Tags: Visual edit Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit

      Official annotation, both I and "Cheri Seymour's The Last Circle" indicate this is the appropriate article which the one I was editing in 2014 should have ... logically branched back into. An "Official USSR era program" not related to torture but related to military research and paranormal activity.

    1. "Official Secret" this is a former Official Name for a USSR era program related to MKULTRA.

    1. The CIA has revealed details of its "Project Star Gate" mission to develop psychic abilities for the first time.The revelations come as part of a huge dump of documents – almost 12 million in all – that are being made available on the internet. And they show the organisation's plans to harness the supernatural in ways that have never been seen before.Project Star Gate, as it was known, was the codename for a US government project intended to use psychic and supernatural phenomenon for spying and military uses. In one of the pages, it lays out why the government wants to use it – the benefits include the fact that it is "passive", "inexpensive" and that there is "no known defense".

      Strangely this article fails to disclose the MKULTRA disclosure itself, which is how I came upon this project name in 2014, reading about a much earlier disclosure that "Snoes.com" would fact check this article into ...

      well, we'd be seeing people getting sent home for the day if the kind of office environment depicted in "Official Secrets" is any indication of the Woodward and Bernstein era [or related Gulf War era] newsroom ... "hallowing of the worth of truth and honesty in their reporting procedures."

    1. stackoverflow.com

      I have some off colour comments and am looking for positive feedback and conversations about the frame buffer and "open wishes for good luck" ... here

    1. I think so many things draw me to museums. And I think it depends on, we have multiple identities, right?

      this is such an epic response/approach to replying.

    1. for - progress trap - AI music - critique - Folia Sound Studio - to - P2P Foundation - Michel Bauwens - Commons Transition Plan - Netarchical Capitalism - Predatory Capitalism

      to - P2P Foundation - Michel Bauwens - Commons Transition Plan - Netarchical Capitalism - Predatory Capitalism https://hyp.is/o-Hp-DCAEe-8IYef613YKg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan

    2. I think that Noam chsky said exactly a year ago in New York Times around a year ago that generative AI is not any 00:18:37 intelligence it's just a plagiarism software that learned stealing human uh work transform it and sell it as much as possible as cheap as possible

      for - AI music theft - citation - Noam Chomsky - quote - Noam Chomsky - AI as plagiarism on a grand scale

      to - P2P Foundation - commons transition plan - Michel Bauwens - netarchical capitalism - predatory capitalism - https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Commons_Transition_Plan#Solving_the_value_crisis_through_a_social_knowledge_economy

    1. We'll use the same formula that's used in the Universal RP, which is a variant of the Minimalist CookTorrance BRDF.

      See the slider Optimizing PBR for mobile for more details

    1. l’indexation sur la croissance n’est pas une bonne nouvelle pour les retraités puisqu’elle peut légitimer une sous indexation par rapport à l’inflation.

      Pas sûr de comprendre. En général, ce qui est discuté est une indexation sur la croissance nominale non ?

    2. Si g=1.3%g=1.3\%g=1.3% (scénario optimiste du COR 2024) sera très souvent négatif

      Manque une partie de la phrase.

    3. Quid d’une éventuelle indexation sur la croissance ?

      Ce paragraphe est intéressant mais j'ai beaucoup de mal à voir comment il s'articule avec le reste de la discussion qui porte sur la remise en cause de la réforme. Et je n'ai pas l'impression que le paragraphe discute d'une réindexation sur les salaires comme le prévoit la NFP.

    4. durée d’activité

      Peut être préciser "A long terme lorsque l'économie atteint son potentiel"

    5. Le gouvernement a pu s’appuyer sur la réforme pour revaloriser de 5,3 % les pensions au 1er janvier 2024

      Peut-on vraiment relier une réforme de long terme du régime de retraites et une mesure conjoncturelle comme l'indexation des pensions sur les prix (2 mesures qui touchent par ailleurs des publics très différents)? Ce paragraphe me dérange un peu. Je pense qu'il faut soit l'enlever, soit développer pour clarifier le message qu'il y a derrière.

    6. Une vision minimaliste du coût d’une abrogation de la réforme, ce serait donc plutôt 9,5 en 2027 et 15,6 en 2030.

      Pas sûr de saisir le calcul derrière ces chiffres. Il n'y a rien avant. Si c'est expliqué après, il faudrait que les bullet point ne soit pas sur la même ligne.

    7. On imagine difficilement un gouvernement revenir sur ces mesures

      La phrase est juste mais sa formulation fait un peu trop opinion subjective. Je proposerais une formulation type : "Revenir sur ces mesures semble très difficile et aucun programme ne le mentionne". Cela évite le "on" et l'opinion est supportée par un fait objectif, l'absence de mention dans les programmes.

    8. Outre des mesures d’atténuation et de solidarité, elle prévoit un recul de l’âge d’ouverture des droits d’un trimestre par an

      Cette loi avait clairement pour objectif premier le recul de l'age de la retraite. Les mesures d'atténuation et de solidarité sont venues après. Une phrase type "elle prévoit un recul de l’âge d’ouverture des droits d’un trimestre par an, ainsi que certaines mesures d'atténuation et de solidarité" me semblerait plus en phase avec les priorités apparues dans le débat à l'époque

    1. to bury the lede

      bury the lede

      US English

      fail to emphasize the most important part of a story or account: one should always listen carefully to the president, as he has a tendency to bury the lede

      lede | liːd | (also lead)

      noun US English

      the opening sentence or paragraph of a news article, summarizing the most important aspects of the story

    2. turfed

      force (someone) to leave somewhere

    3. collegial

      relating to or involving shared responsibility, as among a group of colleagues

    1. metropolis

      the capital or chief city of a country or region

    2. ferocity


      savagely fierce, cruel, or violent

    3. evacuated

      remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place

    1. Ceux-ci ont certes une propension marginale à consommer forte

      Cette phrase est écrite comme une affirmation. C'est basé sur une étude publiée ? Sinon, je pense qu'il serait préférable de présenter cela comme une hypothèse.

    1. Graphique 1

      Il y a un pbm sur le graphique. On ne voit plus la légende. Par ailleurs, les courbes ont un aspect très heurtées, c'est bizarre.

    2. l’effet attendu sur le PIB serait de l’ordre de 16 milliards

      Ce calcul, même s'il aboutit à un résultat tout à fait raisonnable, n'est pas standard pour calculer un multiplicateur. Les effets de deuxième tour et de retour d'impôts ne sont pas pris en compte. Pourquoi ne pas tout simplement dire "sous l'hypothèse raisonnable d'un multiplicateur de 0.75"

    1. South to Northeast c



      An isodrome is a method of moving a fleet of ships from one formation to another by means of paths of equal length for each ship. This technique involves changing the direction of the fleet by 90 degrees, typically in a zigzag pattern.

      AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more




      isodrome - Wiktionary, the free dictionary



      Isodrome - 4 definitions - Encyclo



      isodrome --- definition, examples, related words and more at Wordnik


      Follow up


      What are the benefits of using isodromes in naval warfare?


      How does the zigzag pattern in isodromes affect the overall speed of the fleet?


      What are some historical examples of isodromes being used in military operations?






      en.wiktionary.org› wiki › isodrome

      isodrome - Wiktionary, the free dictionary


      isodrome - From Wiktionary, the free dictionary - Jump to navigation Jump to search - Contents - 1 English - 1.1 Etymology - 1.2 Noun - 1.3 Anagrams - English[edit] - Etymology[edit]




      wordnik.com› words › isodrome

      isodrome --- definition, examples, related words and more at Wordnik


      isodrome: A method of moving a fleet from one formation to another, the direction usually being changed eight points (90°), by means of paths of equal length for each ship. It is prohibited in the United States navy.




      webster-dictionary.org› definition › Isodrome

      Isodrome | Definition of Isodrome by Webster's Online Dictionary


      Looking for definition of Isodrome? Isodrome explanation. Define Isodrome by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.




      thefreedictionary.com› Isodrome

      Isodrome - definition of Isodrome by The Free Dictionary


      Define Isodrome. Isodrome synonyms, Isodrome pronunciation, Isodrome translation, English dictionary definition of Isodrome. n. 1. A method of moving a fleet from one formation to another, the direction usually being changed eight points , by means of paths of equal length for...



      Fine Dictionary

      finedictionary.com› Isodrome.html

      Isodrome Definition, Meaning & Usage | FineDictionary.com


      Definition of Isodrome in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of Isodrome with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of Isodrome and its etymology. Related words - Isodrome synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms and rhymes. Example sentences containing Isodrome




      webster-dictionary.net› definition › Isodrome

      Isodrome - Definition of Isodrome by Webster Dictionary


      Isodrome - Definition of Isodrome and synonyms of Isodrome are presented by online Webster's Dictionary. Includes dictionary browser, morphological search by meaning of Isodrome, thesaurus, related words, and dictionary browser. Provides Isodrome usage examples




      discogs.com› artist › 7254297-Isodrome

      Isodrome Discography | Discogs


      Explore music from Isodrome. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Isodrome on Discogs.




      encyclo.co.uk› meaning-of-isodrome

      Isodrome - 4 definitions - Encyclo


      1) Method of moving a fleet Found on https://www.crosswordclues.com/clue/isodrome




      techdico.com› translation › french-english › isodrome.html

      isodrome --- Translation in English - TechDico


      Many translation examples sorted by field of work of "isodrome" -- French-English dictionary and smart translation assistant.

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:31:30][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une formation en ligne sur l'accueil des émotions des élèves au quotidien pour favoriser les apprentissages. Elle aborde les compétences psychosociales, l'importance des émotions dans le contexte éducatif, et des méthodes pour identifier, exprimer et réguler les émotions des élèves.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction à la formation * Présentation de la formation et des intervenants * Explication de la procédure pour poser des questions via le chat * Information sur l'enregistrement du webinaire + [00:03:02][^4^][4] Objectifs du webinaire * Rappel des objectifs de la formation * Importance des compétences psychosociales et leur lien avec les émotions * Contexte particulier de la rentrée scolaire après une année marquée par le confinement + [00:05:06][^5^][5] Présentation des intervenants * Introduction des chargés de projet et de leur rôle dans la promotion de la santé * Discussion sur l'importance de la promotion de la santé dans le milieu scolaire + [00:08:01][^6^][6] Développement des compétences psychosociales * Définition et catégorisation des compétences psychosociales * Lien entre les compétences émotionnelles, sociales et cognitives + [00:11:34][^7^][7] Compréhension des émotions * Exploration de la nature des émotions et leur impact sur les pensées et comportements * Importance de nommer et d'exprimer les émotions pour le bien-être mental + [00:29:00][^8^][8] Renforcement des compétences émotionnelles * Intérêt de renforcer les compétences émotionnelles pour la reprise scolaire * Activités proposées pour travailler sur l'expression et la régulation des émotions

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:31:32][^1^][1] - [00:58:53][^2^][2] : La vidéo traite de l'accueil des émotions des élèves au quotidien pour favoriser les apprentissages. Elle explore les techniques pour aider les élèves à reconnaître, nommer et réguler leurs émotions, en utilisant des activités adaptées à différents âges et en intégrant des outils pédagogiques.

      Points forts : + [00:31:32][^3^][3] Régulation émotionnelle * Importance du rythme respiratoire dans la régulation des émotions * Activités pour exprimer et réguler les émotions * Utilisation d'outils comme "La couleur des émotions" + [00:37:01][^4^][4] Identification des émotions * Travailler sur la reconnaissance des émotions et sensations corporelles * Exercices pour relier les émotions aux sensations physiques * Importance de l'expression des émotions pour l'enrichissement mutuel + [00:44:12][^5^][5] Posture de l'intervenant * Cadre et posture de l'animateur dans l'organisation des séances * Règles claires et sécurisantes pour les élèves * Importance de la bienveillance et de la valorisation des expériences + [00:52:01][^6^][6] Compétences personnelles et relationnelles * Rôle de l'intervenant dans le développement des compétences psychosociales * Qualités requises pour animer des séances efficaces * Approche ludique et participative pour impliquer les élèves

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:58:56][^1^][1] - [01:29:49][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente des stratégies pour accueillir les émotions des élèves et favoriser les apprentissages. Elle met en lumière des outils pédagogiques et des activités pour aider les élèves à exprimer, comprendre et réguler leurs émotions.

      Points forts: + [00:58:56][^3^][3] Accueil des émotions * Importance de reconnaître les émotions pour l'apprentissage * Utilisation d'outils pour exprimer et comprendre les émotions * Guide pour la reprise de classe après une interruption + [01:02:01][^4^][4] Outils pédagogiques * Présentation d'outils comme "Emoti-carte" pour identifier les émotions * "Le baromètre des émotions" pour travailler avec les adolescents * Jeux et activités pour faciliter l'expression des émotions + [01:07:01][^5^][5] Régulation des émotions * Activités pour gérer les émotions désagréables * Outils pour les enfants plus jeunes pour réagir respectueusement * Importance de la sécurité et du cadre pour l'expression des émotions + [01:14:28][^6^][6] Évaluation des compétences psychosociales * Observation des comportements pour évaluer les besoins * Utilisation de l'évaluation pour améliorer les compétences sociales * Importance de la communication efficace dans les relations interpersonnelles

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:29:50][^1^][1] - [01:31:31][^2^][2] : La vidéo aborde l'accueil des émotions des élèves au quotidien pour favoriser les apprentissages. Elle souligne l'importance de s'appuyer sur des ressources comme les médiathèques pour accompagner les émotions des enfants et recommande de consulter des spécialistes en littérature jeunesse pour obtenir des ouvrages pertinents.

      Points forts : + [01:29:50][^3^][3] Accompagnement des émotions * Importance de reconnaître les émotions des élèves * Utilisation de la médiathèque pour trouver des ressources * Sélection d'ouvrages jeunesse pertinents + [01:30:47][^4^][4] Conseils pratiques * Recommandation de consulter des experts en littérature jeunesse * Orientation vers des ouvrages adaptés aux émotions * Soutien dans la gestion des émotions pour l'apprentissage + [01:31:01][^5^][5] Clôture de la session * Remerciements pour l'attention des participants * Souhaits pour une bonne fin de journée et reprise scolaire * Fin de la session de formation

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:29:15][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une discussion sur l'efficacité collective des étudiants et son impact sur l'apprentissage. Les présentateurs, John Hattie et Douglas Fisher, explorent les stratégies pour engager les élèves et développer leur confiance en leur capacité à contribuer au succès du groupe. Ils soulignent l'importance de l'enseignement des compétences de travail en groupe et de la croyance partagée que le groupe peut produire de meilleurs résultats qu'un individu seul.

      Points forts: + [00:02:18][^3^][3] L'engagement des élèves * Discussion sur l'importance de l'engagement pour l'apprentissage * L'impact de la concentration et de la persévérance sur l'apprentissage * L'utilisation d'un continuum d'engagement pour définir les niveaux d'engagement + [00:11:01][^4^][4] Efficacité collective des enseignants * L'effet de l'efficacité collective des enseignants sur l'apprentissage des élèves * L'importance de se concentrer sur l'impact sur les élèves pour maintenir un effet positif * Réflexions sur l'efficacité collective pendant l'enseignement à distance dû à la COVID-19 + [00:13:15][^5^][5] Efficacité collective des étudiants * Introduction du concept d'efficacité collective des étudiants * Discussion sur les composantes de l'efficacité collective et leur recherche * L'importance des compétences de travail en groupe pour l'employabilité future + [00:21:06][^6^][6] Compétences de travail en groupe * Les compétences nécessaires pour une efficacité collective réussie * Exemples de compétences comme le partage de la parole et l'écoute active * La nécessité de croire que le groupe peut trouver de meilleures solutions ensemble

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:29:17][^1^][1] - [00:56:02][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo explore les compétences nécessaires pour un travail de groupe efficace dans un contexte éducatif. Elle souligne l'importance de l'enseignement des compétences sociales et de la résolution de conflits pour favoriser la collaboration et l'efficacité collective des étudiants.

      Points forts: + [00:29:17][^3^][3] Les compétences pour le travail de groupe * Importance de la confiance et de la contribution active * Enseignement des compétences de résolution de conflits et de négociation * Rôle de l'enseignant dans la facilitation de l'engagement des étudiants + [00:34:01][^4^][4] L'efficacité collective des étudiants * Création d'une génération capable de travailler de manière productive * Conception de tâches qui favorisent l'efficacité collective * Importance de l'évaluation individuelle et de groupe + [00:40:32][^5^][5] Application en mathématiques * Exemple d'étudiants résolvant une tâche mathématique complexe * Discussion sur l'importance de la pensée critique et de la collaboration * Utilisation de techniques pour augmenter la réflexion des étudiants + [00:47:00][^6^][6] Évaluation et réflexion par les pairs * Utilisation de rubriques et de critères de succès pour l'évaluation par les pairs * Encouragement de la rétroaction constructive entre pairs * Exemples d'outils d'évaluation favorisant la réflexion et l'apprentissage collectifs

    1. Pretty cool.

      i um, kind of find it "faithless" and wasteful. :(

    1. towards religion’,

      math serving religion

    2. To sum up, it seems that Kangxi took mathematics seriously as a foundation of warfare

      math/war - 'practical learning'

  2. getdweb.net getdweb.net
    1. Names of other potential Node Stewards

      invitation for potential stewards

    1. Luhmann uses his joker card as an example of the fact that every autonomous system must contain its own negation. (This may be a reference to Hegel's dialectic, where the developmemt of thought is based on the negation within the system.) So we have a German professor who has built a disciplined note taking system in which each card has its precise address. Except for the joker, which negates all other notecards, moves freely within the system and cannot be found.

      I've always wondered if Luhmann's jokerzettel was inspired by Claude Shannon's Ultimate Machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5rJJgt_5mg

      Luhmann couldn't have worked in systems theory and information for so long without being intimately familiar with Shannon's work. There's direct evidence that he read at least his seminal work: https://niklas-luhmann-archiv.de/bestand/literatur/item/shannon_weaver_1949_communication

      While we're on about the "Cargo Cult of Zettelkasten" and Claude Shannon, his short essay "The Bandwagon" is an infamous article he wrote about the cargo cult of information theory applications in 1956.

      Shannon, Claude Elwood. “The Bandwagon.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2, no. 1 (March 1956): 3. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1956.1056774. .pdf copy at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=1056774

      Finally, too many Zettelkasten adherents of the Luhmann-artig sort seem to want to forget that Luhmann's system was far from new and that thousands upon thousands had used similar systems for several hundreds of years before him. Many thousands of them also wrote huge amounts of material, many of them producing work far more consequential than anything Luhman wrote.

      reply to u/taurusnoises and u/Filion_Alexandrian at I've always wondered if Luhmann's jokerzettel was inspired by Claude Shannon's Ultimate Machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5rJJgt_5mg

      Luhmann couldn't have worked in systems theory and information for so long without being intimately familiar with Shannon's work. There's direct evidence that he read at least his seminal work: https://niklas-luhmann-archiv.de/bestand/literatur/item/shannon_weaver_1949_communication

      While we're on about the "Cargo Cult of Zettelkasten" and Claude Shannon, his short essay "The Bandwagon" is an infamous article he wrote about the cargo cult of information theory applications in 1956.

      Shannon, Claude Elwood. “The Bandwagon.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2, no. 1 (March 1956): 3. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.1956.1056774. .pdf copy at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=1056774

      Finally, too many Zettelkasten adherents of the Luhmann-artig sort seem to want to forget that Luhmann's system was far from new and that thousands upon thousands had used similar systems for several hundreds of years before him. Many thousands of them also wrote huge amounts of material, many of them producing work far more consequential than anything Luhman wrote.

    1. Este descubrimiento puede tener implicaciones profundas para la biología del desarrollo, ayudando a desentrañar los procesos fundamentales que aseguran que cada parte del cuerpo se forme y se ubique correctamente. #standard_3.st-placement .st-reset { all: unset; all: initial; max-width: unset !important; max-height: unset !important; position: absolute; z-index: 2147483647; } #standard_3.st-placement style { display: none !important; } #standard_3.st-placement script { display: none !important; } .st-adunit-intop { z-index: 9999999999 !important; }

      Idea principal

    2. cómo encajar las piezas en el complejo rompecabezas del desarrollo de un ser vivo

      Tema del párrafo

    3. la molécula de señalización beta-catenina asume un papel contrapuesto al de Nodal.

      Idea principal de este párrafo

    4. señal BMP

      Tema de este párrafo

    5. se establecía principalmente por la interacción entre dos señales moleculares llamadas Nodal y BMP

      Idea principal

    6. eje cabeza-cola

      Este es el tema del párrafo

    7. El estudio es especialmente relevante porque proporciona nuevas pistas sobre cómo encajar las piezas en el complejo rompecabezas del desarrollo de un ser vivo. Idea principal del tercero parrafo

    8. beta-catenina y la formación de los ejes corporales Tema del tercero parrafo

    9. Demostraron que la actividad de la beta- catenina propia del tejido, en combinación con las señales de Nodal Idea principal del segundo parrafo

    10. La importancia beta-catenina y Nodal Tema del segundo parrafo

    11. los investigadores del Max Planck Instituto han identificado otro actor clave en este proceso mediante el uso de modelos embrionarios de ratón. Idea principal del primer parrafo

    12. La determinacion del eje cabeza-cola en el desarrollo embrionario de los mamiferos Tema del primer parrafo

    13. Este estudio es especialmente relevante porque proporciona nuevas pistas sobre cómo encajar las piezas en el complejo rompecabezas del desarrollo de un ser vivo Idea principal del tercer parrafo.

    14. La importancia de la beta-catenina y la formación de los ejes corporales Tema del tercer parrafo

    15. Los científicos demostraron que la actividad de la beta- catenina propia del tejido, en combinación con las señales de Nodal, controla el establecimiento de este.eje. Idea principal del segundo parrafo

    16. La señalización beta-catenina y Nodal Tema del segundo parrafo

    17. Sin embargo, los investigadores del Max Planck Instituto han identificado otro actor clave en este proceso mediante el uso de modelos embrionarios de ratón. Idea principal del primer parrafo

    18. Eje cabeza-cola Tema del primer parrafo

    1. mainブランチマージ


    2. 作成できます


    3. ステータスを確認するのはよい考えです


    4. Gitがどのファイルを追跡する予定かが把握できます。


    5. ファイル名は最初にドット(.)をつけて拡張子はありません。


    6. 最新の動作しているバージョン


    7. 心配が不要となる


  3. www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
    1. This might be a weird question, but does anyone keep memes in your ZK? I'm realizing I download a lot of memes that I particularly appreciate -- but then I usually can't fnd them again if I want them. Anyone have a method for this?

      I only have a few very specific memes indexed in my box: https://boffosocko.com/tag/zettelkasten-memes/ and a few more at https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=zettelkasten+meme

      Historically, Aby Warburg had a large image-based zettelkasten for his work on art which predated Richard Dawkins' conception of meme, but I think qualifies. See: https://boffosocko.com/tag/aby-warburg/ or his Bilderatlas Mnemosyne project: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/archive/bilderatlas-mnemosyne

      It's digital in nature, but Shawn Gilmore has a large collection of images of string walls, Anacapa charts, walls and floors littered with paperwork by obsessives, etc. for his cultural research. It also includes some popular memes. https://www.vaultofculture.com/nst

      replyy to u/a2jc4life at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1ddhn9n/memes/

    1. /


    2. できる。


    3. 文字列をして



    4. 文字列をして



    5. %q

      原文では「%p」だし、公式ドキュメントを見ても「%p」が正しいようです。 https://docs.python.org/ja/3/library/datetime.html

    6. just as we did in Chapter 15.


    7. モデュール



    8. `


    1. “I don’t even know who my mother was,” Jon said.

      you do actually

    2. the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard,and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.


    3. Hewhirled and bolted before they could see him cry.

      aww poor guy

    4. Suddenly he realized that the table had fallen silent, and theywere all looking at him. He felt the tears begin to well behind hiseyes. He pushed himself to his feet.

      felt the aura loss from here

    5. Jon felt anger rise inside him. “I’m not your son!”Benjen Stark stood up. “More’s the pity.” He put a hand on Jon’sshoulder. “Come back to me after you’ve fathered a few bastards ofyour own, and we’ll see how you feel.”Jon trembled. “I will never father a bastard,” he said carefully.“Never!” He spat it out like venom.

      aww poor jon

    6. “Daeren Targaryen was only fourteen when he conquered Dorne,”Jon said. The Young Dragon was one of his heroes

      rhaenyra's grandson!!

    7. Theycalled him the Lion of Lannister to his face and whispered“Kingslayer” behind his back


    8. Little Rickon rst, managing thelong walk with all the dignity a three-year-old could muster. Jonhad to urge him on when he stopped to visit.


    9. He decided she wasinsipid. Robb didn’t even have the sense to realize how stupid shewas; he was grinning like a fool.

      oh he's a hater fr

    10. For a moment Eddard Stark was lled with a terrible sense offoreboding. This was his place, here in the north. He looked at thestone gures all around them, breathed deep in the chill silence ofthe crypt. He could feel the eyes of the dead. They were alllistening, he knew. And winter was coming.

      last time a stark went south they died so tread cautiously

    11. This oer did surprise him. “Sansa is only eleven.”Robert waved an impatient hand. “Old enough for betrothal. Themarriage can wait a few years.” The king smiled. “Now stand upand say yes, curse you.


    12. It was the last thing in the world he wanted

      yeah its gonna kill you

    13. smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had takenher strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when hegave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister’s eyes. Nedremembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her ngershad clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petalsspilling from her palm, dead and black. After that he rememberednothing. They had found him still holding her body, silent withgrief. The little crannogman, Howland Reed, had taken her handfrom his. Ned could recall none of it. “I bring her owers when Ican,” he said. “Lyanna was ... fond of owers.”


    14. black holes waiting for their dead,waiting for him and his children. Ned did not like to think on that.

      i don't think ned ever got buried....:(

    15. He could feelthe chill coming up the stairs, a cold breath from deep within theearth. “Kings are a rare sight in the north.”Robert snorted. “More likely they were hiding under the snow.Snow, Ned!” The king put one hand on the wall to steady himself asthey descended.


    16. Robert embraced Catelyn like a long-lost sister

      aw cute

    17. double-decked carriage

      now thats rich RICH


    1. Success histories? 4 years into Zettelkasten and not being fruitful

      Let's turn your question around: What exactly are you hoping to get out of it for yourself? Do you have specific goals for your own use?

      You may like the idea of having and using a hammer, but if you don't have a project that requires a hammer, then owning and trying to hammer on random things in an unfocused way is probably not the right tool for your needs.

      reply to u/arealnamestakenreal at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1dko10r/success_histories_4_years_into_zettelkasten_and/

    1. Bicycling in Travel Lanes

      Bicyclists might travel close to the right curb or edge when they are traveling slower than the flow of traffic

      Unless Passing a vehicle or another bicycle in the same direction

      Making a left turn

      Avoid collisions

      A lane too narrow

      Approaching right turn

      On a one-way road with two or more lanes.

    1. Assistive Technologies: The Walmart website is very compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifiers. Walmart actually has a built in screen magnifier on their products. When you click on a product, if you hover over the picture, it will allow you to zoom in or magnify it, making it bigger and easier to see.

    2. Robust: The Walmart website is very robust. It is built to work well with all different kinds of devices and technologies. It ensures compatibility with all browsers and assistive technologies. The site has constant updates to remain accessible as technology evolves day by day. It supports various assistive technologies, such as screen readers, ensuring that all users can access and interact with the website content effectively and properly.

    3. Understandable: The Walmart website is very understandable to everybody. The information and navigation on the Walmart website is extremely straightforward and easy to understand for a wide range of people. The content is written in plain, simple language, ensuring it is understandable to a wide audience. It also used simple sentence structure and vocabulary. It is also easy to visually look at and understand. The error messages provided are clear and offer guidance on how to correct them. The site’s design is predictable, so users always know where to find things, reducing frustration and making the user experience smoother.

    4. Operable: The Walmart website is slightly operable. It is designed to be easily used by everyone. It has a very friendly user-interface and it supports full keyboard navigation, which is crucial for users who cannot use a mouse. Checkout on the site is designed with clear instructions and guidelines, making them easy to fill out. The consistent layout across all different pages helps users quickly find what they need without confusion.

    5. Perceivable: The walmart website is very perceivable and also ensures that all information can be seen or heard by everyone. All images come with descriptions so that people using screen readers can understand them. Videos include captions and transcripts to make them accessible to people who are deaf or have a hard time hearing. Additionally, the website allows users to adjust text size and switch to a high-contrast mode, making reading easier for those with visual impairments

    1. RRID:AB_10917596

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108899

      Resource: (Alomone Labs Cat# AGA-008, RRID:AB_10917596)

      Curator: @Naa003

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10917596

      What is this?

    2. RRID:AB_10917596

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108899

      Resource: (Alomone Labs Cat# AGA-008, RRID:AB_10917596)

      Curator: @Naa003

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10917596

      What is this?

    1. Addgene_105536

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597821

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_105536

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_105536

      What is this?

    2. RRID:SCR_022381

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597821

      Resource: University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Metabolomics Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022381)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_022381

      What is this?

    3. RRID:SCR_022432

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597821

      Resource: University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Vector Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022432)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_022432

      What is this?

    4. RRID:SCR_022419

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597821

      Resource: University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Mouse Cardiovascular Phenotyping Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022419)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_022419

      What is this?

    1. Addgene_12260

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.08.598077

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_12260

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_12260

      What is this?

    2. Addgene_191566

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.08.598077

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_191566

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_191566

      What is this?

    3. RRID:RGD_734476

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.08.598077

      Resource: (RGD Cat# 734476,RRID:RGD_734476)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:RGD_734476

      What is this?

    1. RRID:Addgene_16440

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597815

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_16440

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_16440

      What is this?

    2. RRID:Addgene_163361

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597815

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_163361

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_163361

      What is this?

    3. RRID:SCR_018206

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597815

      Resource: University of California San Francisco Parnassus Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_018206)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_018206

      What is this?

    4. RRID:IMSR_JAX:002019

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.06.597815

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_002019,RRID:IMSR_JAX:002019)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:002019

      What is this?

    1. RRID:SCR_002798

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.07.597817

      Resource: GraphPad Prism (RRID:SCR_002798)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_002798

      What is this?

    2. RRID:SCR_003070

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.07.597817

      Resource: ImageJ (RRID:SCR_003070)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_003070

      What is this?

    3. RRID:CVCL_2153

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.07.597817

      Resource: (BCRC Cat# 60052, RRID:CVCL_2153)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:CVCL_2153

      What is this?

    1. RRID:SCR_023864

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.09.598108

      Resource: Pennsylvania State University Huck Institutes of Life Sciences Metabolomics Core Facility (RRID:SCR_023864)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_023864

      What is this?

    1. Addgene_42250

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.597508

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_42250

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_42250

      What is this?

    2. RRID:SCR_017632

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.597508

      Resource: iBright Analysis Software (RRID:SCR_017632)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_017632

      What is this?

    3. RRID:SCR_002285

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.597508

      Resource: Fiji (RRID:SCR_002285)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:SCR_002285

      What is this?

    4. RRID:Addgene_54507

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.597508

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_54507

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_54507

      What is this?

    1. AB_303094

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Abcam Cat# ab2480, RRID:AB_303094)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_303094

      What is this?

    2. AB_300798

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Abcam Cat# ab13970, RRID:AB_300798)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_300798

      What is this?

    3. RRID:AB_2620155

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A22287, RRID:AB_2620155)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2620155

      What is this?

    4. RRID:AB_1961799

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (NewEast Biosciences Cat# 26904, RRID:AB_1961799)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_1961799

      What is this?

    5. RRID:AB_329825

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9271, RRID:AB_329825)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_329825

      What is this?

    6. RRID:AB_10886923

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 8189, RRID:AB_10886923)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10886923

      What is this?

    7. RRID:AB_2565101

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (BioLegend Cat# 909901, RRID:AB_2565101)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2565101

      What is this?

    8. RRID:AB_944320

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Abcam Cat# ab55456, RRID:AB_944320)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_944320

      What is this?

    9. RRID:AB_10545756

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 4777, RRID:AB_10545756)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10545756

      What is this?

    10. RRID:AB_2533005

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 13-1900, RRID:AB_2533005)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2533005

      What is this?

    11. RRID:AB_2291471

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3195, RRID:AB_2291471)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2291471

      What is this?

    12. RRID:AB_2565803

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011326

      Resource: (BioLegend Cat# 844602, RRID:AB_2565803)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2565803

      What is this?

    1. RRID:AB_2307443

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598165

      Resource: (Jackson ImmunoResearch Labs Cat# 711-165-152, RRID:AB_2307443)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2307443

      What is this?

    2. RRID:AB_10699459

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598165

      Resource: (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 5625, RRID:AB_10699459)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10699459

      What is this?

    3. RRID:AB_162542

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598165

      Resource: (Molecular Probes Cat# A-31571, RRID:AB_162542)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_162542

      What is this?

    4. RRID:AB_528203

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598165

      Resource: (DSHB Cat# 4F3 anti-discs large, RRID:AB_528203)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_528203

      What is this?

    1. Addgene_86542

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_86542

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_86542

      What is this?

    2. RRID:Addgene_60955

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_60955

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_60955

      What is this?

    3. RRID:Addgene_46911

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_46911

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_46911

      What is this?

    4. RRID:CVCL_0021

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: (RCB Cat# RCB0461, RRID:CVCL_0021)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:CVCL_0021

      What is this?

    5. RRID:CVCL_0063

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: (CCLV Cat# CCLV-RIE 1018, RRID:CVCL_0063)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:CVCL_0063

      What is this?

    6. RRID:CVCL_0022

      DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011314

      Resource: (NIH-ARP Cat# 2188-324, RRID:CVCL_0022)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:CVCL_0022

      What is this?

    1. RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_002052,RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052

      What is this?

    2. RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_002052,RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:002052

      What is this?

    3. RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_029802,RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802

      What is this?

    4. RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_029802,RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:029802

      What is this?

    5. RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_013731,RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731

      What is this?

    6. RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_013731,RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:013731

      What is this?

    7. RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_019079,RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079

      What is this?

    8. RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079

      DOI: 10.1038/s44161-024-00474-4

      Resource: (IMSR Cat# JAX_019079,RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:IMSR_JAX:019079

      What is this?

    1. RRID:AB_2239820

      DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2024.5662

      Resource: (Proteintech Cat# 11195-1-AP, RRID:AB_2239820)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2239820

      What is this?

    2. RRID:AB_2239820

      DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2024.5662

      Resource: (Proteintech Cat# 11195-1-AP, RRID:AB_2239820)

      Curator: @scibot

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_2239820

      What is this?