- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
Byington shared her uncle’s interest in and support for indigenousculture and language, serving as President of the Stockbridge branch of theIndian Rights Association, and on the Education Committee for the Women’sNational Indian Associatio
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pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Shall find it–being grown perfect–in himself. Believing, he receives it when the soul Masters itself, and cleaves to Truth, and comes– Possessing knowledge–to the higher peace,
Arjuna struggles with moral decisions while serving his country. Jnana Yoga, often known as the "Yoga of Knowledge," is a highly profound kind of yoga that emphasizes realizing one's own transience and pursuing self-realization. Arjuna's journey through this Yoga illustrates the transformational potential of knowledge by serving as a metaphor for the seeker's journey towards enlightenment. In the face of adversity facing the challenges of line ones Dharma must still be fulfilled. This understanding reveals the moral and ethical beliefs Hindu philosophies operated by. Nonetheless philosophy like this can be applied to our own lives. Regardless of the mountain present in front of us, it is important that we seek and fulfill our life's purpose. .
- Jan 2024
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
what kind of character type might he fit?
Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He's supposed to be the embodiment of a godlike character and hold many powerful qualities. He has many different character types he portrays in this story and is extremely accomplished. He urges the reader in a way to think about reincarnation which is obviously a big part of his character. "The place of the infinite spirit" (line 851) Krishna fits a representation of love, duty, honor and self control. Learning what type of character type Krishna is this early on is important to keep in mind as the story is read. If the reader doesn't understand the true depth of his character the story may not be as powerful. He shows many attributes of a fully developed character that knows the true power of who they are. In HIndu culture, a character like Krishna is all powerful but also shows a variety of character traits that make him a very admirable character.
- [](https://study.com/learn/lesson/lord-krishna-hinduism-legend-history.html)
- Jeste, Dilip V., and Ipsit V. Vahia. "Comparison of the conceptualization of wisdom in ancient Indian literature with modern views: Focus on the Bhagavad Gita." Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 71.3 (2008): 197-209.
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Zwei der Reports, die zum Weltwirtschaftsforum 2024 publiziert wurden, betonen die Bedeutung von Risiken, die mit der globalen Erhitzung, der Zerstörung der Biodiversität und der lebenserhaltenden Systeme des Planeten verbunden sind. Der Artikel der Repubblica zählt klimapolitisch wichtige Ereignisse des Jahres 2024 auf.https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/world_economic_forum_2024_cambiamento_climatico-421899576/
- Nov 2023
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
In den Ländern am Horn von Afrika haben Überflutung zum Tod vieler Menschen geführt. Sie sind vermutlich das Ergebnis von natürlichen periodischen Ereignissen wie El Niño, die von der globalen Erhitzung verstärkt werden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000194627/toedliche-ueberschwemmungen-am-horn-von-afrika
- Oct 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"Iron Eyes" Cody (1904–1999)[79][80] – Born as Espera Oscar de Corti, and came to be known as "The Crying Indian". An Italian-American actor most well known for his appearance in a 1970's anti-littering commercial. Cody pretended to be from various tribes and denied his Italian heritage for the rest of his life.
- Mar 2023
www.filmsforaction.org www.filmsforaction.org
Europe invented the practice of turning words around on themselves. You need only look to the treaties between American Indian peoples and various European governments to know that this is true. Draw your strength from who you are.
- Critique
- I doubt that European culture invented institutional deception but through colonialism, they were certainly leading practitioners of it
- Jan 2023
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
what do you think? Is Germany good for Indian students? To know more, read this article till the end.
www.studysquare.com www.studysquare.com
This article provides all the essential information that you will need if you want to study PhD in France.
bc.ingham.org bc.ingham.org
I remember Chief Okemos well. He visited my father’s home anumber of times during my boyhood. One time he offered to ex-change a pony for me, telling father he would teach me to fish andhunt like an Indian. I was in my teens when the.last Indian lo-cated in the forest close by us, Game was still plenty, His wasATJR~LIUS T O W N S H I P AND ITS HISTORY 311quite a peaceable family, but someone didn’t like him or didn’twant him to be killing off all the wild game, so he with a jack knifecarved the portrait of an Indian in the bark of a tree where theIndian would be likely to see it, then he fired two or three bulletsinto the picture. This was a suggestion that an Indian alwaysunderstood, so he soon left for other parts. Some of us were sorryto see him go for we liked him, at least I did;
- Aug 2022
suprada.com suprada.com
OGAAN is one of the best-known designer stores in India and one of the first stores in the country to house collections from multiple designers under one roof.
www.hollywoodreporter.com www.hollywoodreporter.com
A month before the ceremony, the activist organization American Indian Movement had occupied the South Dakota town of Wounded Knee to protest the sustained mistreatment of Native Americans, a standoff that at the time of Littlefeather’s televised appearance at the Oscars was under a U.S. Department of Justice-imposed media blackout.)
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @AJWhisky: Missed this yesterday, but excellent once again from John. Largely reassuring on B.1.617.2 as things stand https://t.co/GtgJ…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 21 May 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1391201750758031362
gobookmart.com gobookmart.com
Indian literature is filled with colours. It has anything and everything for readers to enjoy. As we all know India is a country where “unity in diversity” this phrase is very popular and can be felt at every places you visit in India. Here is a list of 9 best Indian plays to read. The listed books are written with wit, truth and intense literary brilliance and that is the reason everyone should read (and watch!).
- Mar 2022
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Get the instrumental indian music videos
An instrumental indian music videos is a recording customarily without any vocals, in spite of the way that it might fuse some garbled vocals, for instance, shouted support vocals in a significant band setting. Through semantic expanding, a more broad sensation of the word song may suggest instrumentals. An instrumental indian music videos can exist in music documentation, after it is created by an essayist; in the mind of the arranger (especially in circumstances where the real writer will play out the piece, as because of a blues solo guitarist or a group music fiddle player); as a piece that is performed live by a lone instrumentalist or a musical company, which could go in fragments from a group or trio to a colossal huge band, show band or outfit.
In a song that is by and large sung, a section that isn't sung at this point which is played by instruments can be called an instrumental indian music videos, on the other hand, if it occurs at the beginning of the tune, before the craftsman starts to sing, an instrumental show. If the instrumental portion includes the capacity, musicality, and routinely the virtuosity of a particular performer (or social event of performers), the part may be known as a "solo" (e.g., the guitar solo that is a fundamental section of generous metal music and hard rock tunes). If the instrumental indian music videos are percussion instruments, the span can be known as a percussion break or "percussion break". These interludes are a sort of break in the song.
In business notable music, instrumental indian music videos are sometimes renderings, remixes of a taking a gander at discharge that highlights vocals, yet they may comparatively be plans at first considered without vocals. One portrayal of a portrayal in which both vocal/instrumental and just instrumental tunes are passed on is blues. A blues band from time to time utilizes for the most part melodies that have refrains that are sung, however during the band's show, they may correspondingly perform instrumental indian music videos.
Something as opposed to instrumental indian music videos, that is, music for voices alone, with no reinforcement instruments, is a cappella, an Italian articulation that means "in the asylum". In early music, instruments, for instance, trumpet and drums were seen as outside instruments, and music for inside an asylum normally used more quiet instruments, voices, or basically voices alone.
Here you can download despacito indian version song
despacito indian version song download is a song by Puerto Rican entertainer Luis Fonsi highlighting Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee from Fonsi's 2019 studio grouping Vida. followed through on 12 January, 2017, the song was framed by Fonsi, Erika Ender and Daddy Yankee, and complete by Mauricio Rengifo and Andrés Torres. A remix side highlighting Canadian Justin Bieber was out on April 17, 2017, which helped with getting top the song's chart appearance in changed countries, including an assortment of number-one positions. despacito indian version song download has been generally perceived by music include authors as being instrumental in pushing Spanish-language notable music in the standard market once more.
It is a reggaeton and Latin pop song made for the most part time with lines about requiring a bond acted in a delicate and adoring manner. despacito indian version song download as a rule get exceptional investigations from music scholarly people, who endorsement the blend among Latin and metropolitan beat, its overwhelming quality, and its substance picture. It has gotten Latin Grammy Grants for Record of the Year, musci of the Year, top Metropolitan Combination/show, and top little Structure Music tape at the eighteenth Latin Grammy Grants. despacito indian version song download has been besides situated among the top songs ever and the top songs of 2017 by different transport, which hinted it as perhaps the most alluring Spanish-discourse tracks in notable tune record.
despacito indian version song download beat the outline of 47 nations and displayed at the major ten of 6 others. In the US, it changed into the key music successfully in Spanish to top the Board Hot 100 as the time Los del Río's "Macarena" in 1996, coming about to tying the longest-overwhelming first on the Announcement Hot 100 at the time with around four months, comparatively as changing into the best running first on the Hot Latin Songs list with 56 weeks. despacito indian version song download moreover changed into the truly Latin song to get a diamond demand by the Recording creation Relationship of usa. The song video shows the two gifted laborers playing out the song in La Perla district of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and general bar La Factoría. despacito indian version song download was the top-saw YouTube video ever from August 2017 to November 2020 and changed into the top video on the page to appear at the accomplishment of three, four, five, six, and seven billion perspectives.
Get latest instrumental music indian
An instrumental music indian is a recording normally with no vocals, regardless the way that it may join some uncertain vocals, for example, yelled help vocals in a huge band setting. Through semantic extension, a more wide impression of the word tune might propose instrumentals. The music is essentially or only passed on utilizing instruments. An instrumental music indian can exist in music documentation, after it is framed by a writer; in the brain of the arranger (particularly in conditions where the veritable essayist will play out the piece, as by excellence of a blues solo guitarist or a gathering music fiddle player); as a piece that is performed live by a solitary instrumentalist or a melodic organization, which could go in segments from a gathering or threesome to a gigantic tremendous band, show band or outfit. In a tune that is all things considered sung, a segment that isn't sung now which is played by instruments can be called an instrumental music indian, obviously, in the event that it happens near the start of the tune, before the specialist begins to sing, an instrumental show. On the off chance that the instrumental area incorporates the limit, musicality, and reliably the virtuosity of a specific entertainer (or get-together of entertainers), the part might be known as a "solo" (e.g., the guitar solo that is a fundamental piece of impressive metal music and hard rock tunes). On the off chance that the instrumental music indian are percussion instruments, the stretch can be known as a percussion break or "percussion break". These recesses are a sort of break in the tune.
In business famous music, instrumental music indian are every once in a while renderings, remixes of a differentiating discharge that highlights vocals, at any rate they may comparably be game-plans at first considered without vocals. One portrayal in which both vocal/instrumental and exclusively instrumental tunes are passed on is blues. A blues band frequently for the most part utilizes melodies that have holds back that are sung, in any case during the band's show, they may in like way perform instrumental music indian.
Something instead of instrumental music indian, that is, music for voices alone, with no support instruments, is a cappella, an Italian verbalization that suggests "in the place of refuge". In early music, instruments, for example, trumpet and drums were viewed as outside instruments, and music for inside a refuge commonly utilized all the more calm instruments, voices, or basically voices alone.
Get despacito indian version
despacito indian version is a song by Puerto Rican entertainer Luis Fonsi highlighting Puerto Rican rapper Daddy Yankee from Fonsi's 2019 studio collection Vida. A remix side highlighting Canadian Justin Bieber was out on April 17, 2017, which helped with getting top the tune's format appearance in changed countries, including an assortment of number-one positions. despacito indian version has been generally perceived by music scholars as being instrumental in supporting Spanish-language notable music in the standard market once more.
It is a reggaeton and Latin pop song made as a rule time with lines about requiring a bond acted in a delicate and adoring manner. despacito indian version usually get inconceivable surveys from music intellectuals, who acclaim the mix among Latin and metropolitan beat, its overpowering quality, and its substance picture. It has gotten Latin Grammy Grants for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, top Metropolitan Combination/show, and Best little Structure Music Video at the eighteenth Latin Grammy Grants. despacito indian version has been in like way situated among the top tunes ever and the top tunes of 2017 by different scattering, which suggested it as perhaps the most winning Spanish-language tracks in notable music record.
despacito indian version beat the outline of 47 nations and displayed at the major ten of 6 others. In the US, it changed into the central music basically in Spanish to best the Board Hot 100 since the time Los del Río's "Macarena" in 1996, coming about to tying the longest-overall first on the Announcement Hot 100 at the time with around four months, also as changing into the best running first on the Hot Latin Songs list with 56 weeks. despacito indian version in addition changed into the standard Latin tune to get a jewel demand by the Recording creation Relationship of usa. The tune video shows the two specialists playing out the song in La Perla region of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and general bar La Factoría. despacito indian version was the top-saw YouTube video ever from August 2017 to November 2020 and changed into the top video on the site page to appear at the achievement of 3, four, 5, six, and seven billion perspectives.
despacito indian version https://sufiscore.com/artist/paras-nath/
- Jan 2022
eductive.ca eductive.ca
Making inequalities visible becomes an important task, when we analyze a situation. Even with "visible minority" status, there's work to be done to assess our... visual bias. For instance, learners from indigenous communities may not "look the part". In Canada, this is actually a legal matter as a learner in one of my "intro to anthro" classes described it. (Let's call him "Harry".) Despite coming from a First Nation, Harry didn't have status. His sister did because her appearance fit the description. In fact, Harry's First Nation friend gave us a glimpse of this, live, in the classroom. Harry's friend didn't realize that Harry was First Nation until we started discussing this.
- Dec 2021
Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 was amended and Section 10D was inserted to empower the MCI to conduct NEET. Moreover the review petition against this judgment was allowed in 2016 and the Supreme Court ordered the conduct of NEET from 2016 itself.
NEET implementation
In any case, the field is occupied by the central law namely Section 14 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 that provides for NEET.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
read large chunks, but not all of the article.
Definitely needs to be decolonized as it is a bit too rosy in tone.
- Aug 2021
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
Bixler, D. (2020). SARS-CoV-2–Associated Deaths Among Persons Aged 21 Years — United States, February 12–July 31, 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6937e4
- Jun 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Prabhala, C. C., Achal. (2021, May 5). Biden Has the Power to Vaccinate the World. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/05/biden-has-power-vaccinate-world/618802/
www.ft.com www.ft.com
Two vaccine doses needed for strong protection against variant found in India, data show | Financial Times. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2021, from https://www.ft.com/content/a70d423a-7d7c-4736-8828-0a485d7c3a8e
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
UK tightens borders and travel rules as variants spark new alarm | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved June 5, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/03/concern-over-delta-covid-variant-tightens-borders-of-uk
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Iacobucci, G. (2021). Covid-19: Local councils initiate surge vaccination to tackle B.1.617.2 variant. BMJ, 373, n1361. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1361
- May 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel on Twitter: “So Hancock confirms that B.1.617.2 (‘India’ variant) is now dominant in England. Harries says we must remain ‘vigilant’. What does vigilant even mean? That we watch very carefully as a new, more dangerous, variant takes over cos it was so fun last time? Yeah, I’m pissed off” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved May 28, 2021, from https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1397951741283405825
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Iacobucci, G. (2021). Covid-19: Single vaccine dose is 33% effective against variant from India, data show. BMJ, n1346. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1346
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
No 10 ‘tried to block’ data on spread of new Covid variant in English schools | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/22/no-10-tried-to-block-data-on-spread-of-new-covid-variant-in-english-schools
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ministers ‘failed to act on Bedford Covid variant surge for two weeks’ | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved May 24, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/23/ministers-failed-to-act-on-bedford-covid-variant-surge-for-two-weeks
- UK
- detection
- response
- intervention
- epidemiology
- is:news
- Indian variant
- prevention
- variant
- travel ban
- government
- Bedford
- sewage
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- wastewater
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Covid: India tells social media firms to remove ‘India variant’ from content. (2021, May 22). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-57213046
twitter.com twitter.com
John Burn-Murdoch. (2021, May 7). NEW: time for a proper thread on B.1.617.2, the subtype of the Indian variant that has been moved to ‘variant of concern’ today by Public Health England. First, it’s clear case numbers from this lineage are growing faster than other imported variants have done in the UK. https://t.co/hUUzBvCsY1 [Tweet]. @jburnmurdoch. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1390666071724765185
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel on Twitter: “SHORT THREAD: I was on Sky News earlier where I explained why I thought test 4 (new variant test) for the next stage of the roadmap had not been met, because of B.1.617.2 (the so called ‘Indian’ variant of concern). 1/5 https://t.co/0O3dL2saOR” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2021, from https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1392927819504701441
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Vaughan, A. (2021, May 10). Indian coronavirus variant in the UK seems to be more transmissible. New Scientist. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2277153-indian-coronavirus-variant-in-the-uk-seems-to-be-more-transmissible/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
New concerns as Indian Covid variant clusters found across England | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved May 7, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/06/new-concerns-indian-covid-variant-clusters-found-across-england-ongoing-risk-high
- Jan 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Collins, F. E. (2020, July 6). The Contagion Fear and Threat Scale: Measuring COVID-19 Fear in Australian, Indian, and Nepali University Students. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/4s65q
- Dec 2020
indianexpress.com indianexpress.com
Look at filmmaker Anubhav Sinha’s last three films. He went for Muslim minority story (Mulk) then he went to do a Dalit-related, anti-caste-related story in Article 15, and now he has gone for domestic violence (Thappad). He has touched religion, caste and gender.
- Sep 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Chatterjee, Patralekha. ‘Is India Missing COVID-19 Deaths?’ The Lancet 396, no. 10252 (5 September 2020): 657. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31857-2.
- Jul 2020
news.bme.com news.bme.com
Going back a few generations, apparently what Stalking Cat is doing was a "fairly common thing" in the Huron (may've misspelled that) tribe, according to a professor of Native American Studies.
- Apr 2020
nativecongressionalrecord.omeka.net nativecongressionalrecord.omeka.net
Wheeler-Howard Ac
The Wheeler-Howard Act, also known as the Indian Reorganization Act, aimed to protect Native people’s religions and lifestyles in a radical shift away from assimilation policies, and represented an open admission that allotment was a mistake. Tribes were required to accept or reject the IRA by referendum; the establishment of tribal self-government was to be decided the same way. When a majority of adult tribal members approved the IRA, they could then write a constitution, which had to be approved by another majority vote and the Secretary of the Interior. Tribes who approved the IRA could then elect a tribal council.
- Sep 2019
press.rebus.community press.rebus.community
Sunday, 14 October. In the morning, I ordered the boats to be got ready, and coasted along the island toward the north- northeast to examine that part of it, we having landed first at the eastern part. Presently we discovered two or three villages, and the people all came down to the shore, calling out to us, and giving thanks to God. Some brought us water, and others victuals: others seeing that I was not disposed to land, plunged into the sea and swam out to us, and we perceived that they interrogated us if we had come from heaven. An old man came on board my boat; the others, both men and women cried with loud voices–“Come and see the men who have come from heavens. Bring them victuals and drink.” There came many of both sexes, every one bringing something, giving thanks to God, prostrating themselves on the earth, and lifting up their hands to heaven. They called out to us loudly to come to land, but I was apprehensive on account of a reef of rocks, which surrounds the whole island, although within there is depth of water and room sufficient for all the ships of Christendom, with a very narrow entrance. There are some shoals withinside, but the water is as smooth as a pond. It was to view these parts that I set out in the morning, for I wished to give a complete relation to your Highnesses, as also to find where a fort might be built. I discovered a tongue of land which appeared like an island though it was not, but might be cut through and made so in two days; it contained six houses. I do not, however, see the necessity of fortifying the place, as the people here are simple in war-like matters, as your Highnesses will see by those seven which I have ordered to be taken and carried to Spain in order to learn our language and return, unless your Highnesses should choose to have them all transported to Castile, or held captive in the island. I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men, and govern them as I pleased. Near the islet I have mentioned were groves of trees, the most beautiful I have ever seen, with their foliage as verdant as we see in Castile in April and May. There were also many streams. After having taken a survey of these parts, I returned to the ship, and setting sail, discovered such a number of islands that I knew not which first to visit; the natives whom I had taken on board informed me by signs that there were so many of them that they could not be numbered; they repeated the names of more than a hundred. I determined to steer for the largest, which is about five leagues from San Salvador; the others were some at a greater, and some at a less distance from that island. They are all very level, without mountains, exceedingly fertile and populous, the inhabitants living at war with one another, although a simple race, and with delicate bodies.
Question #2
- May 2019
tritoned.ucsd.edu tritoned.ucsd.edu
In short, the Indians ask for assis-tance, technical and financial, for the time needed, however long that may be, to regain in the America of the space age some measure of the adjust-ment they enjoyed as the original possessors of their native land.
The wording here is not entirely clear to me... what is "Some measure of the adjustment they enjoyed?"
We insist again that this is not special pleading. We ask only that the United States be true to its own traditions and set an example to the world in fair dealing.
Here is the problem! "We ask" Instead of "We demand"
Consider whether the following excerpts from the Declaration of Indian Purpose should be read as blatantly milquetoast or latently radical and how the authors attempted to transform Indian politics into a Cold War imperative.
This document is a criticism of the Declaration of Indian Purpose, and seeks to re-analyse and re-examine how Indian Interests and rhetorical/political strategies have evolved in the past 20 years.
Challenges came from conservatives who feared its critical edge would be seen as un-American and ardent nationalists who believed that it did not go far enough in demanding sovereignty.
Calling out the opposition and it's motivation. Explaining where the challenges for Native Americans are coming from, and posturing politically.
Declaration of Indian Purpose’
Framing this 1961 document in relation to the previous 1944, canonizing these with a shared Native American History within an explicitly recognized narrative. This is the framework that the author chooses to present this message.
https://americanindianmovementehs.weebly.com/ "The Declaration of Indian Purpose is a book concerning the founding of the National Congress of American Indians in 1944. - 64 Indian tribes met in Chicago to emphasize "the right to choose their own way of life" and "the responsibility of preserving their precious heritage."
- Apr 2018
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Here, Marjorie is likely referring to a Navajo rug. She mentions explicitly using these rugs as gifts frequently, as in her May 12, June 6, and June 19, 1924 letters.
In each case, she alludes to these rugs only briefly, possibly suggesting how obvious to her their potential as souvenirs and "unique" decor was.
- Jan 2018
www.nanavirginhair.com www.nanavirginhair.com
Indian Hair Weave Bundles - Nana Hair
- Jul 2017
www.swamirara.com www.swamirara.com
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Bhaskaracharya – The Great Indian Astronomer and Mathematician
Bhaskaracharya - The Great Indian Astronomer and Mathematician
- Jun 2017
www.swamirara.com www.swamirara.com
Kotilingeshwara Temple
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Mackenzie Highway
The Mackenzie Highway is the longest in the Northwest Territories. It begins at the Northwest Territory and Alberta border and ends at Wrigley, Northwest Territory. It is approximately 690 kilometers or 429 miles long. About 280 kilometers are paved while the rest of the highway is covered with gravel (Government of Northwest Territories, n.d.). The construction of this highway was ongoing between the 1940s and 1970s. In 1945, the Canadian federal government and the government of Alberta signed an agreement to build an all-weather road that would replace the existing Caterpillar tractor trails from Grimshaw to the Great Slave Lake of Hay River (Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center, n.d.). As time passed and focus shifted to fossil fuel collection, the motivation behind further construction of the Mackenzie Highway was in “anticipation of a major oil pipeline development along the Mackenzie River valley” (Pomeroy, 1985). The intended use of the highway was to enable the pipeline developers to haul construction materials throughout the area. During its construction, many chiefs of the Indian Brotherhood opposed the completion of the Mackenzie Highway. There was additional opposition voiced from the people of Wrigley who also did not support further construction of the Mackenzie Highway (Cox, 1975).
Cox, B. (1975). Changing Perceptions of Industrial Development in the North. Human Organization, 27-33.
Government of Northwest Territories. (n.d.). Transportation Highway 1. Retrieved from Government of Northwest Territories: http://www.dot.gov.nt.ca/Highways/Highway_System/NWTHwy1
Pomeroy, J. (1985). An Identification of Environmental Disturbances from Road Developments in Subarctic Muskeg. Arctic, 104-111.
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center. (n.d.). Historical Timeline of the Northwest Territories. Retrieved from Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center: http://www.nwttimeline.ca/1925/1948_MackenzieHighway.htm