119 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Now we understand why there has to be an inner reality which is made of qualia and an outer reality which is made a lot of symbols, shareable symbols, what we call matter.

      for - unpack - key insight - with the postulate of consciousness as the foundation, it makes sense that this is - an inner reality made of qualia - and an outer reality made of shareable symbols we call matter - Federico Faggin - question - about Federico Faggin's ideas - in what way is matter a symbol? - adjacency - poverty mentality - I am the universe who wants to know itself question - in what way is matter a symbol? - Matter is a symbol in the sense that it - we describe reality using language, both - ordinary words as well as - mathematics - It is those symbolic descriptions that DIRECT US to jump from one phenomena to another related phenomena. - After all, WHO is the knower of the symbolic descriptions? - WHAT is it that knows? Is it not, as FF points out, the universe itself - as expressed uniquely through all the MEs of the world, that knows? - Hence, the true nature of all authentic spiritual practices is that - the reality outside of us is intrinsically the same as - the reality within us - our lebenswelt of qualia

    2. Already with the idea that the universe wants to do exactly what we want to do, which is to know ourselves. You think about it. The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself when you have it

      for - quote - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself - Federico Faggin - Deep Humanity - Know thyself

      quote - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Already with the idea that the universe wants to do EXACTLY what WE want to do, - which is to KNOW OURSELVES - You think about it - The deepest urge that you feel is to know yourself when you have it

    3. One wants to know itself. The universe wants to know itself.

      for - quote - ONE wants to know itself; the universe wants to know itself - Federico Faggin

      quote - ONE wants to know itself; the universe wants to know itself - Federico Faggin - (see below) - ONE wants to know itself; the universe wants to know itself - and that adds the interiority to (living) nature. - This science says eliminate that by fiat. - They said<br /> - "there is no interiority" and - "consciousness is an epi-phenomena of the brain" - eliminated life, from everything. - What is our most precious thing that we have? - our humanity, our capacity - to understand - to comprehend - to have meaning - but - The meaning of life is completely thrown out the door by starting on the wrong foot. - That's all. So let's start with the right foot where we start.

  2. Aug 2024
    1. the words know thyself were carved above the entrance of the temple temple of apollo in delphi and stand as such at the dawn of western civilization and i would suggest that at this hour of our civilization this recognition of the essential nature of our self and therefore the recognition of the essential nature of all people all animals and all things has perhaps never been more important than it is now

      for - quote - know thyself - recognizing our true nature - has never been more important than at this hour of our civilization - Rupert Spira - Deep Humanity - know thyself - rekindling wonder - awakening to our true nature - Rupert Spira

      quote - know thyself - recognizing our true nature - has never been more important than at this hour of our civilization - Rupert Spira - (see below) - The words "know thyself" were carved above the entrance of the temple temple of apollo in delphi and stand as such at the dawn of western civilization and - I would suggest that at this hour of our civilization, - this recognition of the essential nature of our self and therefore - the recognition of the essential nature of - all people - all animals and - all things - has perhaps never been more important than it is now

    1. how do you know if, if, and when you are part of a larger cognitive system, right?

      for - question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect

      question - how do you know when you are part of a larger cognitive system? - answer - adjacency - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundation theory of affect

      adjacency - between - answer - synchronicity - lower level example - two neurons talking to each other - Michael Levin - Mark Solms foundational theory of affect - adjacency relationship - This is a very interesting question and Michael Levin provides a very interesting answer - First, it is very interesting that Mark Solms points out that affect is foundational to cognition - This is evident once we begin to think of the fundamental goals of any individual of any species is to optimize survival - The positive or negative affects that we feel are a feedback signal that measures how successful we are in our efforts to survive - Hence, it is more accurate to ask: - How do you know if and when you are part of a larger affective-cognitive system? - Levin illustrates the multi-level nature of simultaneous consciousness by looking at two neurons "in dialogue" with each other, and potentially speculating about a "higher level of consciousness", which is in fact, the level you and I operate at and take for granted - This speculative question is very important for it also can be generalized to the next layer up, - Do collectives of humans, each one experiencing itself a unified, cohesive inner perspective, constitute a higher level "collective consciousness"? - If we humans experience feelings and thinking whilst we have a well defined physical body, then - what does a society feel and think whilst not having such a well defined physical body?

    2. I have no idea. But what I do know is that it's not a, um, this is not a philosophical, uh, thing that we can decide arguing in an armchair. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. No, you have to do experiments and then you find out.

      for - question - does the world have agency? <br /> - answer - don't know - but it's not philosophical - it's scientific - do experiments to determine answer - Michael Levin

  3. Feb 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. When relying on just a list of GitHub issues and comment references to other Issues, there’s a strong possibility that visibility into how these changes impact other tasks get lost or forgotten.
    2. Tracking dependent relationships between Issues and whether something is blocking another piece of work is important with any project process because it creates a central hub where everyone can communicate what’s needed without relying solely on meetings or comments to uncover important connections.
  5. Dec 2023
    1. For a flip-of-a-coin chance of staying at or below 1.5°C we have, globally, just five to eight years of current emissions before we blow our carbon budget
      • for: do people know? - 50% chance, 1.5 Deg. C target - is still a crap shoot

      • new trailmark: do people know?

      • do people know?: 50% chance

        • the well known 1.5 Deg C. target, which currently seems almost impossible to achieve, is still a crap shoot! There is a 50% chance that if be we achieve it, we can still trigger very harmful impacts like tipping points
  6. Nov 2023
    1. the average person when they meet a stranger and start a conversation with him they accurately 00:10:44 understand what's going on in that person's head 20% of the time with friends and family it goes up to 35% of the time some people are pretty good they're 55% of the time and some people are zero% of the time but think they're 00:10:57 100% of the time we're often strangers to each other
      • for: statistic - how little we know each other

      • statistic: how little we know each other

        • the average person when they meet a stranger and start a conversation with him they accurately understand what's going on in that person's head 20% of the time
        • with friends and family it goes up to 35% of the time
        • some people are pretty good they're 55% of the time
        • some people are zero% of the time but think they're 100% of the time
        • we're often strangers to each other
    2. my book is 00:10:19 simply an attempt to walk us through the skills it takes to be to know another human being and make them feel known seen and heard
      • for: purpose of David Brooks' book

      • paraphrase

      • the purpose of his book is to advocate and spread the skills it takes to know another human being and make them feel known, seen and heard
  7. Oct 2023
  8. Sep 2023
  9. Jun 2023
  10. Apr 2023
    1. those who got the updated booster had one-tenth the risk of being hospitalized compared with those who are unvaccinated

      Basically 65-79 higher seniors are in high risk of being sent to the hospital rather than other people who aren't even vaccines The booster is much more stronger to seniors.

    1. In case some haven't been watching, I'll mention that Simon Winchester's new book Knowing What We Know on knowledge to transmission was published by Harper on April 25th in North America. For zettelkasten fans, you'll note that it has some familiar references and suggested readings including by our friends Markus Krajewski, Ann Blair, Iaian McGilchrist, Alex Wright, Anthony Grafton, Dennis Duncan, and Mortimer J. Adler to name but a few.

      Many are certain to know his award winning 1998 book The Professor and the Madman which was also transformed into the eponymous 2019 film starring Sean Penn. Though he didn't use the German word zettelkasten in the book, he tells the story of philologist James Murray's late 1800s collaborative 6 million+ slip box collection of words and sentences which when edited into a text is better known today as the Oxford English Dictionary.

      If you need some additional motivation to check out his book, I'll use the fact that Winchester, as a writer, is one of the most talented non-linear storytellers I've ever come across, something which many who focus on zettelkasten output may have a keen interest in studying.

      Knowing What We Know

      Syndication Link: https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2558/knowing-what-we-know-the-transmission-of-knowledge-from-ancient-wisdom-to-modern-magic/p1?new=1

  11. Jan 2023
  12. Dec 2022
    1. Imagine what happens when subscribers change activities, interests, or focus. As a result, they may no longer be interested in the products and services you offer. The emails they receive from you are now either ‘marked as read’ in their inbox or simply ignored. They neither click the spam reporting button nor attempt to find the unsubscribe link in the text. They are no longer your customers, but you don’t know it.
  13. Nov 2022
    1. Well, actually, some ligatures do have legacy codes, but solely for backwards compatibility with outdated encodings from the long-gone, dark ages of eight-bit computing. E.g. f_f can have the U+FB00 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF code point. If ‘eight-bit’ does not tell you anything, please erase everything you read within these parentheses from your memory immediately, keep calm and continue reading.
  14. Sep 2022
    1. Rename the existing default branch to the new name (main). The argument -m transfers all commit history to the new branch: git branch -m master main
    1. There has been much discussion about “atomic notes”, which represents the key ideas from a person’s research on some topic or source (sources one and two). These are not the kind of thing I am interested in creating/collecting, or at least not what I have been doing. A far more typical thing for me is something I did at work today. I was trying to figure out how to convert the output of a program into another format. I did some searching, installed a tool, found a script, played with the script in the tool, figured out how to use it, then wrote down a summary of my steps and added links to what I found in my search. Since I am not doing research for a book or for writing academic papers, the idea of an atomic note does not fit into my information world. However, capturing the steps of a discovery or how I worked out a problem. is very real and concrete to me. I used to know a fellow engineer who wrote “technical notes” to capture work he was doing (like a journal entry). Maybe that is how I should consider this type of knowledge creation. 

      Andy Sylvester says his engineering type of notes don't fit with the concept of atomic note. A 'how to solve x' type of note would fit my working def of 'atomic' as being a self-contained whole, focused on a single thing (here how to solve x). If the summary can be its title I'd say it's pretty atomic. Interestingly in [[Technik des wissenschaflichen Arbeitens by Johannes Erich Heyde]] 1970, Heyde on p18 explicitly mentions ZK being useful for engineers, not just to process new scientific insights from e.g. articles, but to index specific experiences, experiments and results. And on p19 suggests using 1 ZK system for all of your material of various types. Luhmann's might have been geared to writing articles, but it can be something else. Solving problems is also output. I have these types of notes in my 'ZK' if not in the conceptual section of it.

      Vgl [[Ambachtelijke engineering 20190715143342]] artisanal engineering, Lovelock Novacene 2019, plays a role here too. Keeping a know-how notes collection in an environment where also your intuition can play a creative role is useful. I've done this for coding things, as I saw experienced coders do it, just as Andy describes, and it helped me create most of my personal IndieWeb scripts, because they were integrated in the rest of my stuff about my work and notions. Vgl [[Vastklik notes als ratchet zonder terugval 20220302102702]]

  15. Jul 2022
    1. Patrician IV is an overhauling upgrade to Patrician III; so if you have not played the previous games in the Patrician series, starting with IV is really all you need. Also, the game of Patrician is very straightforward and addicting, so playing previous versions won't offer you anything unseen in Patrician IV.
  16. May 2022
    1. Second, we shape the work before giving it to a team. A small senior group works in parallel to the cycle teams. They define the key elements of a solution before we consider a project ready to bet on. Projects are defined at the right level of abstraction: concrete enough that the teams know what to do, yet abstract enough that they have room to work out the interesting details themselves.

  17. Apr 2022
    1. Book review

      Cook, Trevor. “Review: Blair, Ann M. Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information Before the Modern Age. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. Pp. Xv, 397. ISBN 978-0-300-11251-1 (Hardcover) $45.” Renaissance and Reformation 33, no. 4 (December 12, 2011): 109–11. https://doi.org/10.33137/rr.v33i4.15975.

      Note that they've accidentally used the word "in" instead of "Before" in the title of the book.

    2. The bookitself participates in the history it recounts: it has a title page, table of contents,footnotes, a bibliography and an index to assist the reader, while the digitalcopy enables the reader to search for individual words and phrases as well asto copy-and-paste without disfiguring a material object.

      Some scholars study annotations as part of material culture. Are they leaving out too much by solely studying those physically left in the books about which they were made, or should we instead also be looking at other sources like commonplace books, notebooks, note cards, digital spaces like e-readers that allow annotation, social media where texts are discussed, or even digital marginalia in services like Hypothes.is or Perusall?

      Some of these forms of annotation allow a digital version of cut and paste which doesn't cause damage to the original text, which should be thought of as a good thing though it may separate the annotations from the original physical object.

  18. Jan 2022
    1. will accept late work at no penalty because life happens. Such life events are unwelcomedbecause I understand how difficult these times are. That being said, please contact me at yourearliest convenience if you need an extension to the due date for assignments.

      Not like I will be late, but how long are usually the extensions given or accepted?

  19. Nov 2021
  20. Sep 2021
    1. If you want to check that the "usual" resolution is working (i.e. the way specified in /etc/nsswitch.conf) you can use getent: getent hosts www.winaproduct.com
  21. Aug 2021
  22. Jun 2021
  23. May 2021
  24. Apr 2021
    1. It has two very different meanings, that you would have to distinguish by context. One meaning is just expressing that we have limitations. If you don't know something, that's just tough, you don't know it and you have to live with that. You don't have information if you don't have that information. The other meaning is that not only are there gaps in our knowledge, but often we don't even know what the gaps in our knowledge are. I don't know how to speak Finnish. That's a gap in my knowledge that I know about. I know that I don't know how to speak Finnish. But there are gaps in my knowledge that I'm not even aware of. That's where you can say "You don't know what you don't know" meaning that you don't even know what knowledge you are missing.

      I had this thought too.

    2. but in essence I expect OP means Rumsfeld's "unknown unknowns"
    3. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
    4. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

      known unknown

      like what?

    5. Some risk management techniques urge practitioners to consider the "known unknowns" and the "unknown unknowns"
    6. Incidentally, I'd add that it can also be used in looking toward the future, in awareness that we lack such a crystal ball: We base our plans on our knowledge, and there'll be times where we know there is a gap in that knowledge, but we're also aware that there may be things we can't possibly foresee, because "we don't know what we don't know".
    7. Yet, in all these instances, life offers no crystal ball; there's no way of knowing what the future holds, or to be cognizant of something we are unaware of. This is the essence of "You don't know what you don't know," only it's being expressed in a comical way
    8. Had I known the van was going to overheat, I would have driven the car instead.
    9. If I had known you were going to get such bad grades on your report card, I wouldn't have let you go to the dance last weekend.
    10. If I had known your plane was going to be two hours late, I wouldn't have rushed to the airport.
    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
    1. You'll usually only take this sales tax deduction if you live in a state that doesn't have state income tax, but it's available to everyone.
  25. Mar 2021
  26. Feb 2021
    1. No one has requested it before so it's certainly not something we're planning to add.
    2. To give a little more context, structures like this often come up in my work when dealing with NoSQL datastores, especially ones that rely heavily on JSON, like Firebase, where a records unique ID isn't part of the record itself, just a key that points to it. I think most Ruby/Rails projects tend towards use cases where these sort of datastores aren't appropriate/necessary, so it makes sense that this wouldn't come up as quickly as other structures.
    1. that's a point, but I would say the opposite, when entering credit card data I would rathre prefer to be entirely in the Verified By Visa (Paypal) webpage (with the url easily visible in the address bar) rather that entring my credit card data in an iframe of someone's website.
  27. Jan 2021
  28. Dec 2020
  29. Nov 2020
  30. Oct 2020
  31. Sep 2020
    1. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    2. Explicit interfaces are preferable, even if it places greater demand on library authors to design both their components and their style interfaces with these things in mind.
    1. This has already forced me to forgo Svelte Material because I would like to add some actions to their components but I cannot and it does not make sense for them to cater to my specific use-case by baking random stuff into the library used by everyone.
    2. The point of the feature is to not rely on the third-party author of the child component to add a prop for every action under the sun. Rather, they could just mark a recipient for actions on the component (assuming there is a viable target element), and then consumers of the library could extend the component using whatever actions they desire.
    3. They don't need to add a prop for every action. The action itself can be passed in as a prop. <script> export let action; </script> <div use:action>whatever</div> The argument for the action can be another prop or can be part of the same prop.
  32. Jul 2020
    1. "that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
  33. May 2020
  34. Apr 2020
  35. Mar 2020
  36. Jul 2019
  37. May 2019
    1. different planes here and there, curved surfaces occasionally

      Many new technologies were combined to realize this prescient sentence.

      WaltDisneyConcertHall.jpeg<br>By Jon Sullivan - PDPhoto, Public Domain, Link

    2. can be of significant benefit to the human in nonmathematical processes of planning, organizing, studying, etc.

      I'll be interested to see if this report is entirely Positivist, or if Engelbart recognizes the possibility of computing being weaponized in sectors like politics, economics, security and warfare.

    3. He is designing a building. He has already dreamed up several basic layouts and structural forms,

      I find it interesting how decades of using computers has led to "new methods of thinking and working that allow the human to capitalize upon the computer's help." With all the new technologies, I think the central intellectual development has been to reverse the sequence of design decisions Engelbart describes. Best practice these days is to start with "the people who will occupy this building, and the daily sequences of their activities."

    4. how would our education system change to take advantage of this new external symbol-manipulation capability of students and teachers (and administrators)?

      Let's say it's been twenty years since PDAs have been widely available. I returned to higher education less than ten years ago. K-12 seems to have embraced learning technologies, and their affordances, to improve primary and secondary education. In my experience, few educators with terminal degrees have made the effort while younger and more precarious teachers are slowly adopting educational technologies. Administrators are leading the way with their digital management systems and students are using proprietary social media platforms. Our institutions are doing what they were designed to do: resist change and reproduce the social order. Research paid for with public monies is as quickly privatized as that produced in corporations. Open education practices are just beginning to be explored.

      The first PDA, the Organizer, was released in 1984 by Psion, followed by Psion's Series 3, in 1991. The latter began to resemble the more familiar PDA style, including a full keyboard.[4][5] The term PDA was first used on January 7, 1992 by Apple Computer CEO John Sculley at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, referring to the Apple Newton.[6] In 1994, IBM introduced the first PDA with full telephone functionality, the IBM Simon, which can also be considered the first smartphone. Then in 1996, Nokia introduced a PDA with telephone functionality, the 9000 Communicator, which became the world's best-selling PDA. Another early entrant in this market was Palm, with a line of PDA products which began in March 1996. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_digital_assistant

    5. Other situations might admit changes requiring years of special training, very expensive equipment, or the use of special drugs.

      My reply to another post about historical context might be helpful. https://hyp.is/R07lQCldEem5RmPv1ywB5g/worrydream.com/Engelbart/

  38. Jan 2019
    1. If performativity is linked not only to the formation of the subject butalso to the production of the matter of bodies,

      Dr. Rivers, please freaking help.

      Am I reading Barad right? Is she saying here "If not only the internal workings of the mind of the subject and the subjects actions are shaped by performativity, but also the physical compilation of the universe, then it is all the more important that we understand performativity and how it causes this shaping of the physical world."

  39. Sep 2018
  40. Aug 2018
    1. This could be useful when talking with someone who does not recognize the importance of identifying and serving gifted students.

  41. May 2017
    1. "who's the target of the assignment (LHS)" and "who's the source of the assignment (RHS)".

      LHS is looking for the target of that assignment whiel RHS is looking for the source!

  42. Apr 2017
  43. Mar 2017
    1. Bio-Response, based in Danville, Indiana, specializes in building machines for liquid cremation, a fast, environmentally-friendly, and controversial method for disposing of the deceased.


    1. must be paired with transparent and/or embedded reason to know the content

      So, on the test is not good enough? Hlep you in real life not good enough? WHAT is good enough?????

  44. May 2016
    1. Then, as the Sun of Know-ing begins to rise on the horizon of your consciousness;Then, will you feel the swell of a wondrous strange Breath filling you to the extreme of all yourmortal members, causing your senses almost to burst with the ecstasy of it; then, will there comesurge after surge of a mighty, resistless Power rising within you, lifting you almost off the Earth;then, will you feel within the Glory, the Holiness, the Majesty of My Presence;And then, then you will KNOW, I AM, God.You, -- when you have felt Me thus in such moments within, when you have tasted of MyPower, hearkened to My Wisdom, and know the ecstasy of My all-embracing Love, -- no diseasecan touch, no circumstance can weaken, no enemy can conquer you. For now you KNOW I AMwithin, and you always hereafter will turn to Me in your need, putting all your trust in Me, andallowing Me to manifest My Will.You, when you turn thus to Me, will always find Me an unfailing and ever present help in timeof need; for I will so fill you with a Realization of My Presence and of My Power, that you needonly Be Still and allow Me to do whatever you want done -- heal your ills and those of others,illumine your mind so you can see with My eyes the Truth you seek, or perform perfectly thetasks which before seemed almost impossible of accomplishmen

      To come to truly Know that God is within me, to Know it as a felt Reality............ And in all and every circumstances turn within to Me... turn to God and trust that support will unfailing...

    2. Now, in order that you can become wholly oblivious of your mind and its thoughts and yourbody and its sensations, so that you can feel Me within, it is necessary that you studiously obeythese, My instructions.Sit quietly in a relaxed position, and, when wholly at ease, let your mind take in the significanceof these words:"Be still! --- and KNOW --- I AM --- God."Without thinking, allow this, My Divine Command, to penetrate deep into your Soul. Letwhatever impressions that come to your mind enter at will --- without effort or interference onyour part.

      Be Still, without thinking and allow these words to penetrate me deeply, Be still - and KNOW - I AM - God................. Allow whatever comes to mind

    3. 4Be Still! and KNOW I AM GodNow, in order that you may learn to know Me, so that you can be sure it is I, your own True Self,Who speak these words, you must first learn to Be Still, to quiet your human mind and body andall their activities, so that you no longer are conscious of them.You may not yet be able to do this, but I will teach you how, if you really want to know Me, andare willing to prove it by trusting Me and obeying Me in all that I now shall call upon you to do

      It clearly says that the voice that is speaking is the voice of my own True Self. To hear this voice though I need to allow the body mind to quieten, to become still. It reassures that even if I don't know how to do this I will be shown, however this will require my willingness and trust.

  45. Feb 2016
    1. Artifacts--physical objects designed to provide for human comfort, for the manipulation of things or materials, and for the manipulation of symbols.

      Just interested in the pervasive use of the word "artifacts," which still pops up in discussions about technologies.

  46. Jul 2015