534 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. reduced population densities
    2. reduced zooxanthella-pigment concentrations
    3. increased solar irradiance
    4. low turbidity,
    5. elevated levels of UV radiation
    6. elevated sea temperatures
    7. high sea temperature
    8. reduced seawater salinities
    9. temperatures
    10. Elevated tempera- ture
    11. stress
    12. Temperature
    13. Stress
    14. Light
    15. radiance
    16. temperature
    17. temperature
    18. temperatures
    19. Sudden exposures to reduced salinities
    20. temperature,
    21. sudden increases in solar irradiance.
    22. exposures to full sunlight
    23. exposed to full sunlight
    24. salinity
    25. light



    1. air temperatures
    2. pH change
    3. pCO2changes
    4. pHchanges
    5. pH
    6. temperature
    7. pH increase
    8. temperature
    9. pH
    10. pH decreased by 0.5 units
    11. tem-perature
    12. heatquickly
    13. significant warming
    14. temperatures
    15. temperature
    16. ocean temperature
    17. surface temperatures have increased by ~1 °C
    18. alinitydecreased
    19. pH decreased by ~0.5 pH
    20. emperature increased
    21. less saline
    22. Change in salinity
    23. salinity
    24. acidified
    25. pHsteadily declined
    26. decrease in pH
    27. pH
    28. acidifying
    29. acidifying
    30. pH
    31. warming
    32. temperature
    33. temperature
    34. temperature increasing
    35. Temperature
    36. pH
    37. temperature
    38. salinity
    39. pH
    40. temperature
    41. limaticwarming
    42. global climate change
    43. salinity
    44. estuaries
    1. ocean acidifica-tion
    2. decreasing seawater pH
    3. ocean acidification
    4. temperature increases
    5. ocean acidification
    6. ocean acidification
    7. ocean acidification
    8. owered pH levels
    9. pH changes
    10. ocean acidification
    11. ocean acidification
    12. Elevated CO2
    13. elevated-CO2
    14. ocean acidification
    15. ocean acidification
    16. elevated-CO2
    17. ocean acidification
    18. ocean acidification
    19. Ocean acidification
    20. hypoxia
    21. elevated tempera-tures
    22. ocean acidification
    23. ocean acidification
    24. ocean acidification
    25. ocean acidification
    26. ocean acidification
    27. ocean acidification
    28. high-CO2 conditions
    29. temperature
    30. increasing CO2
    31. Ocean acidification
    32. elevated-CO2conditions
    33. ocean acidification
    34. ocean acidification
    35. ocean acidification
    36. temperature increases,
    37. temperature
    38. ocean acidification
    39. temperature increase
    40. ocean acidification
    41. increases in temperature
    42. Temperature
    43. ocean acidifica-tion
    44. acidification
    45. ocean acidification
    46. low pH
    47. changes in the CO2
    48. ocean acidification
    49. concentrations of CO2, CO32–, and HCO3–.
    50. Ca2+ concentration
    51. Ocean acidification
    52. calcium ion concentration
    53. carbonate ion concentration
    54. ocean acidification
    55. ocean acidification
    56. elevated-CO2 conditions
    57. ocean acidifi-cation
    58. Ocean acidification
    59. increased carbon dioxide
    60. ocean acidification
    1. sat-uration state
    2. temperature
    3. temperatures
    4. aragonite saturation states
    5. temperatures
    6. lowering of saturation state
    7. Increasing temperature
    8. Saturation state reduction
    9. global warming
    10. Temperatures
    11. temperature
    12. ragonite saturation state
    13. ow temperature
    14. temperatures
    15. temperatures
    16. temperatures
    17. High temper-ature
    18. climate change
    19. temperature
    20. saturation state
    21. high temperature
    22. temperature
    23. temperature
    24. temperature
    25. Elevation of temperature
    26. high temperature
    27. low saturation state
    28. low temperature
    29. low saturation state
    30. highsaturation state
    31. aragonite saturation state
    32. Temperaturehas
    33. sea surface temperature
    34. aragonite saturation state
    35. temperature
    36. saturation state
    37. temperature
    38. CO2concentratio
    39. aragonite satura-tion state
    40. temperature
    41. light
    42. ow temperatures
    43. ow temperatures
    44. temperature
    45. decreasing aragonite satura-tion state]
    46. ncreasing seasurface temperatures
    47. light
    48. salinity
    49. temperature
    50. low aragonite saturation state
    51. low ligh
    52. low salinity
    53. low temperature
  2. Apr 2021
    1. Lee, L. Y., Rozmanowski, S., Pang, M., Charlett, A., Anderson, C., Hughes, G. J., Barnard, M., Peto, L., Vipond, R., Sienkiewicz, A., Hopkins, S., Bell, J., Crook, D. W., Gent, N., Walker, A. S., Peto, T. E., & Eyre, D. W. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 infectivity by viral load, S gene variants and demographic factors and the utility of lateral flow devices to prevent transmission. MedRxiv, 2021.03.31.21254687. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.31.21254687

  3. Mar 2021
  4. Feb 2021