- Apr 2021
cuny.manifoldapp.org cuny.manifoldapp.org
Example Manifold project mentioned during Manifold – Building an Open Source Publishing Platform.
manifold.umn.edu manifold.umn.edu
Example Manifold project mentioned during Manifold – Building an Open Source Publishing Platform.
cuny.manifoldapp.org cuny.manifoldapp.org
Example Manifold project mentioned during Manifold – Building an Open Source Publishing Platform.
oa-pub.hos.tuhh.de oa-pub.hos.tuhh.de
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Katharina Schulz</span> in domains21 (<time class='dt-published'>04/19/2021 18:33:31</time>)</cite></small>
interfacecritique.net interfacecritique.net
This article mentioned by Jim Groom several times at Domains21
domain-of-ones-own.de domain-of-ones-own.de
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Katharina Schulz</span> in domains21 (<time class='dt-published'>04/19/2021 18:33:31</time>)</cite></small>
www.oercamp.de www.oercamp.de
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>friedelitis</span> in domains21 (<time class='dt-published'>04/19/2021 18:33:31</time>)</cite></small>
remixer.visualthinkery.com remixer.visualthinkery.com
One of my favorite conference badges so far.
streamyard.com streamyard.com
oer21.oerconf.org oer21.oerconf.org
micro.blog micro.blog
This is a fun little feature hiding in the background on micro.blog.
virtuallyconnecting.org virtuallyconnecting.org
www.patreon.com www.patreon.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>John Naughton</span> in Tuesday 6 April, 2021 | Memex 1.1 (<time class='dt-published'>04/12/2021 21:27:21</time>)</cite></small>
github.com github.com
Yunaru.com source code. Follow anyone. Blog anything.
letterlocking.org letterlocking.org
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Interesting to see this actually hosted by GitHub pages.
highlights.melanie-richards.com highlights.melanie-richards.com
I LOVE the hover effects for the book covers on this site which is also a great example of someone collecting highlights/annotations of the books they read and hosting them in public on their personal website.
Melanie has written about the CSS part of the hover effect here: https://melanie-richards.com/blog/highlights-minisite/ and like all awesome things, she's got the site open at https://github.com/melanierichards/highlights. I may have to do some serious digging for figuring out how she's creating the .svg images for the covers though.
iconpark.bytedance.com iconpark.bytedance.com
mitpress.mit.edu mitpress.mit.edu
There's some really great titles hiding in here. If they're as solid as Annotation is, then this is definitely worth mining for some additional titles.
Local file Local file
To resolve this, radiocarbon dating of these samples fromWaun Mawn was conducted in conjunction with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)dating of sediment from within the packing deposits that were contemporaneous with themonoliths’erection, and fromfilled-in sockets (from after the monoliths’removal). OSL dat-ing determines the burial age of sediments, with the dating signals being reset by light expos-ure immediately prior to deposition (Smedley2018).
Look up this process and evaluate the mechanism for how it works.
- Mar 2021
I thought that these sorts of tools had been abandoned by Twitter's API?
html5up.net html5up.netHTML5 UP1
@ajlkn has several related projects including this one:
Might be an interesting experiment to make one or more of them IndieWeb friendly and create a set up to dovetail one or more of them in with the GitHub pages set up.
walkkumano.com walkkumano.com
ludwig.guru ludwig.guru
Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources.
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Online tool. Interface looks a lot like Overleaf's LaTex editor.
draftin.com draftin.com
This looks interesting. Web based? Also includes version control as well as collaboration support.
stackedit.io stackedit.io
An in-browser text editor.
securitytrails.com securitytrails.com
This is a cool little DNS and subdomain related tool. Who knew I had this many subdomains?!
syllabit.com syllabit.comSyllabit1
A silo platform for syllabi? Signed up to check it out.
plausible.io plausible.io
Plausible is a lightweight, self-hostable, and open-source website analytics tool. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. Made and hosted in the EU 🇪🇺
Built by
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Introducing https://t.co/mccxgAHIWo 🎉<br><br>📊 Simple, privacy-focused web analytics<br>👨💻 Stop big corporations from collecting data on your users<br>👉 Time to ditch Google Analytics for a more ethical alternative#indiehackers #myelixirstatus #privacy
— Uku Täht (@ukutaht) April 29, 2019
github.com github.com
Outrun lets you execute a local command using the processing power of another Linux machine.
doteveryone.org.uk doteveryone.org.uk
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Rachel Coldicutt</span> in Delinquent Telephone Activity. Let’s make a scene and rebel against… | Mar, 2021 | Medium (<time class='dt-published'>03/20/2021 19:07:57</time>)</cite></small>
wordpress.org wordpress.org
via Jeremy Felt
This could be an interesting plugin for limiting audience on parts of posts.
www.namics.nysaes.cornell.edu www.namics.nysaes.cornell.edu
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Lou Scheffer</span> in Mathematical Analysis of Candyland (<time class='dt-published'>10/26/2007 21:55:07</time>)</cite></small>
scholarphi.org scholarphi.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>hyperlink.academy</span> in The Future of Textbooks (<time class='dt-published'>03/18/2021 23:54:19</time>)</cite></small>
open.umn.edu open.umn.edu
chrome.google.com chrome.google.com
tab/link management tools
www.xlwings.org www.xlwings.org
Python for Excel
remixer.visualthinkery.com remixer.visualthinkery.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Maren Deepwell</span> in Guest Post: Remixing our Open Education Online Conference : OERxDomains Conference (<time class='dt-published'>03/15/2021 21:56:21</time>)</cite></small>
www.rackmaster.co.uk www.rackmaster.co.uk
www.rofco.be www.rofco.be
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dan Allosso</span> in From Print to OER Ebook to Obsidian - History4Today - Note-taking, Research, Writing (<time class='dt-published'>03/15/2021 10:56:56</time>)</cite></small>
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
www.fivefilters.org www.fivefilters.org
Read articles distraction free on your Kindle, in your feed reader, or on paper.
help.micro.blog help.micro.blog
github.com github.com
A command line tool for placing Hypothes.is annotations into [[Obsidian]].
hiplot.com.cn hiplot.com.cn
Hiplot (https://hiplot.org) is a free and comprehensive scientific data analysis and visualization tool based on web technology, which is supported by open source communities. It provides more simple web and command-line interfaces compared with other similar platforms.
me.micahrl.com me.micahrl.com
This is freaking hilarious!
publicinfrastructure.org publicinfrastructure.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jeremy Cherfas</span> in IndieWeb chat (<time class='dt-published'>03/11/2021 14:46:39</time>)</cite></small>
heckyesmarkdown.com heckyesmarkdown.com
Clip the web page into markdown.
illustrationkit.com illustrationkit.com
Free vector illustrations for personal & commercial projects.
It provides templates for printer, [[GoodNotes]] and [[Notability]].
www.maxwelljoslyn.com www.maxwelljoslyn.com
www.system-rescue.org www.system-rescue.org
SystemRescue (also known as SystemRescueCd) is a Linux system rescue toolkit available as a bootable medium for administrating or repairing your system and data after a crash.
www.ventoy.net www.ventoy.netVentoy1
Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files.
With ventoy, you don't need to format the disk over and over, you just need to copy the ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files to the USB drive and boot them directly.
wechat.privacyhide.com wechat.privacyhide.com
给微信公众号生成 RSS
www.kalaksi.com www.kalaksi.com
Creator popped up in IndieWeb chat. This sounds like an interesting project.
www.fixthemask.com www.fixthemask.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Charlie Warzel and Zeynep Tufekci</span> in Opinion | It’s Been 10 Months, and I Still Don’t Know When to Replace My Mask! - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>03/02/2021 04:23:02</time>)</cite></small>
www.fixthemask.com www.fixthemask.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Charlie Warzel and Zeynep Tufekci</span> in Opinion | It’s Been 10 Months, and I Still Don’t Know When to Replace My Mask! - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>03/02/2021 04:23:02</time>)</cite></small>
www.mysaffronapp.com www.mysaffronapp.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Ben Awad</span> in Scraping Recipe Websites (<time class='dt-published'>03/01/2021 15:28:08</time>)</cite></small>
- Feb 2021
cognitive-surplus.com cognitive-surplus.com
I want pretty much all this stuff!
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
crossposter.masto.donte.com.br crossposter.masto.donte.com.br
github.com github.com
I suspect that this could be modified to work with [[Obsidian]] and other related note taking tools.
github.com github.com
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
www.qiqqa.com www.qiqqa.com
This looks like it's in the vein of annotation tools as well as reference managers to compete with Zotero and Hypothes.is.
Looks like it's Windows specific. But it is open source now too: https://github.com/jimmejardine/qiqqa-open-source
blog.alexgleason.me blog.alexgleason.me
Looks like a reasonable primer on running your own server farm at home.
scottberkun.com scottberkun.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>tantek</span> in #meta 2021-02-21 (<time class='dt-published'>02/22/2021 08:49:58</time>)</cite></small>
gordonbrander.com gordonbrander.comPatterns1
Interesting example of a personal wiki or commonplace book.
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy
I did this on 2021-02-20 and it was great fun. Now I'll just have to practice a bit.
diegodlh.github.io diegodlh.github.io
I know I've come across this and used it before, but somehow I managed not to bookmark it.
nextjs.org nextjs.org
Next.js gives you the best developer experience with all the features you need for production: hybrid static & server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more. No config needed.
delta.chat delta.chat
using email for chat??
typefully.app typefully.app
This looks like a cool little UI for tweetstorms. I'd love it better if it had Micropub support.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>agentofuser</span> in Micropub Tweetstorm Builder - Apps - Fission Talk (<time class='dt-published'>02/17/2021 22:00:26</time>)</cite></small>
covid19.ca.gov covid19.ca.gov
jam.systems jam.systemsJam1
Potential Clubhouse-like audio tool.
Found via tweet mentioned in IndieWeb chat:
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Sam Rye</span> in Sam Rye on Twitter: "Open source alternative to Clubhouse 👏 Great for audio-centric events and group people... https://t.co/UTwbjD8595 Ping @EnrolYourself @danielyep @LornaPrescott_ @unevendistrib @solarpunk_girl" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>02/17/2021 11:45:36</time>)</cite></small>
untools.co untools.co
Untools - Tools for better thinking
Collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems.
museapp.com museapp.com
annotate.tv annotate.tv
Optimize your learning on YouTube.
Take notes on videos and capture the key takeaways.
Similar services:
stevenberlinjohnson.com stevenberlinjohnson.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>The Public Domain Review</span> in John Locke’s Method for Common-Place Books (1685) (<time class='dt-published'>02/13/2021 14:10:02</time>)</cite></small>
www.nybooks.com www.nybooks.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>The Public Domain Review</span> in John Locke’s Method for Common-Place Books (1685) (<time class='dt-published'>02/13/2021 14:10:02</time>)</cite></small>
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>J. D. Biersdorfer</span> in Create a Digital Commonplace Book - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>02/13/2021 12:20:08</time>)</cite></small>
www.masterclass.com www.masterclass.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>J. D. Biersdorfer</span> in Create a Digital Commonplace Book - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>02/13/2021 12:20:08</time>)</cite></small>
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Kimberly Hirsh</span> in Kimberly Hirsh (<time class='dt-published'>02/13/2021 05:48:31</time>)</cite></small>
github.com github.com
A curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in.
A curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in.
www.speakly.me www.speakly.me
Sadly no Welsh yet...
www.patreon.com www.patreon.com
A revamp on the Beaker Browser/Dat work to do something more than p2p tweets/notes.
www.accc.gov.au www.accc.gov.au
lipu.dgold.eu lipu.dgold.eu
via IndieWeb chat o/a 2021-02-08 copy of older version at https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?ascraeus.org/0/phlog/041.txt
www.currentaffairs.org www.currentaffairs.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>InvisibleUp</span> in All Our Selves In One Basket (<time class='dt-published'>02/10/2021 10:46:46</time>)</cite></small>
nymag.com nymag.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>jeremycherfas </span> in The Capitalist Case for Overhauling Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>02/08/2021 14:14:45</time>)</cite></small>
briefs.video briefs.video
WEBBED BRIEFS are brief videos about the web, its technologies, and how to make the most of them. They’re packed with information, fun times(TM), and actual goats. Yes, it’s a vlog, but it isn’t on Youtube.
Interesting to see someone vlogging, but not doing so on YouTube.
www.peardeck.com www.peardeck.com
cytoscape.org cytoscape.org
Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. A lot of Apps are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and semantic web.
voyant-tools.org voyant-tools.org
Looks like some serious power hiding in here.
voyant-tools.org voyant-tools.org
Voyant Tools is a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts.
www.wonder.me www.wonder.me
A tool in the vein of Zoom, Hangouts, Rally.video, etc.
via http://miriamposner.com/blog/teaching-technical-skills-online/
newpipe.net newpipe.net
www.tree.fm www.tree.fm
highlightpoetry.com highlightpoetry.com
Highlight PoetryFinding poetry in other people’s webpages
I sort of wish that I could do separate tidbits like this in hypothes.is.
the-federation.info the-federation.info
webmention nodes
A list of webmention nodes that exist within the Fediverse
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Although one thing you want to avoid is using frames in such a manner that the content of the site is in the frame and a menu is outside of the frame. Although this may seem convienient, all of your pages become unbookmarkable.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Iframes can have similar issues as frames and inconsiderate use of XMLHttpRequest: They break the one-document-per-URL paradigm, which is essential for the proper functioning of the web (think bookmarks, deep-links, search engines, ...).
The most striking such issue is probably that of deep linking: It's true that iframes suffer from this to a lesser extent than frames, but if you allow your users to navigate between different pages in the iframe, it will be a problem.
- Oct 2020
hapgood.us hapgood.us
The shortest explanation of Wikity I can provide is this: Wikity is social bookmarks, wikified.
It’s a self-hosted bookmark manager for linked ideas and data that has (for me) revolutionized my ability to think through issues and find connections between ideas I would have otherwise missed.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The title of her essay “White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences Through Work in Women’s Studies” was a mouthful. McIntosh listed 46 ways white privilege is enacted.
blogs.ams.org blogs.ams.org
Andrews, P., & Hatch, G. (2001). Hungary and its characteristic pedagogical flow. Proceedings of the British Congress of Mathematics Education, 21(2). 26-40. Stockton, J. C. (2010). Education of Mathematically Talented Students in Hungary. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, 1(2), 1-6.
references to read
- Sep 2020
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Atom & RSS Feeds for Annotations
- Aug 2020
mappinghistory.uoregon.edu mappinghistory.uoregon.edu
Peasant Rebellions in Early Modern Europe
To read
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Critical Pedagogy Wikipedia
Good jumping off point for various topics and avenues of research.
www.eastpodcast.com www.eastpodcast.com
East is a Podcast | Bookmark
- Jul 2020
www.toptal.com www.toptal.com
Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Writing Process
Useful strategies on what makes for a better writer.
For me:
- Emails
- Bug reports, tickets.
- Research
- Journals
Get comfortable and minimize distractions.
- Make a timeline
- Select a topic
- Create an outline
Video Example:
Note: Write down your goals and your progress as you go so you can make revisions for the next time you write.
- 5 high quality sources => Take notes and outline your writing.
Good outlines make for good quality writing. Maybe show the outline?!
Topic sentences... which would be the questions you had and how they are answered by your research.
Research Pointers Head to the source
Does the content of this site pass by an editor before I saw it? Is the person that wrote this credible?
Take good notes and add to the outline. You might update your outline as well.
Write the bulk of your post for the rough draft.
Start setting goals for each sections. Look at the notes and re-arrange sentences. Write something down, no matter how bad the effort.
Talk yourself out-loud, give yourself encouragement, and while writing constantly monitor your progress.
After finishing your draft, you are way too attached to it, so sleep on it.
Does the order make sense?
T.opic<br> R.easons<br> E.xamine<br> E.nding
D.evelop a topic sentence<br> A.dd supporting ideas.<br> R.eject opposing arguments.<br> E.nd with a conclusion.
Drill down into the paragraphs and sentences and look at them closely.
MY biggest problem is "how do I diagnose the problem in the first place?"
Add images, figures, and formatting at the end.
Finally, proofread the post to make sure everything is done. After you read it, have a friend read it.
quizlet.com quizlet.com
- Jun 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Sketcho Frenzy: The Basics of Visual Note-taking
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
Student-Made E-books
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Read Gramsci "Against Pessimism"
www.w3schools.com www.w3schools.com
HTML basics | Table notes and bookmark
talkingpointsmemo.com talkingpointsmemo.com
Ulysses S. Grant
dunnlab.ucsf.edu dunnlab.ucsf.edu
http://www.jstor.orgThe Race for Theory
Race Theory
- May 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Apr 2020
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Dialectical and Historical materialism
www.educatorstechnology.com www.educatorstechnology.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Rubric | Measurements
subjective measures and objective measures.
community.plu.edu community.plu.edu
- Mar 2020
commons.lib.jmu.edu commons.lib.jmu.edu
1) interpret, reflect on, and evaluate the characteristics, purposes, and merits of personal work and the work of others and 2) identify, analyze, and apply criteria for making visual aesthetic judgments of personal work and the work of others.”
these are good to include in our learning objectives?
Peer critique in the secondary art classroom:Strategies for best practices
Peer critique secondary (college?) best practices
www.goshen.edu www.goshen.edu
Art Rubric for Assessment of the Discussion & Writing on Art History, Aesthetics and Art Criticism - an Assessment Form
rubric for writing about art
www.goshen.edu www.goshen.edu
rt Rubric - an Artwork Assessment Form by Marvin Bartel
Art rubric ideas
www.goshen.edu www.goshen.edu
Artwork Critique Form
www.goshen.edu www.goshen.edu
Planning art lessons
bartelart.com bartelart.com
Empathic critique is collaboration, not competition. Empathic class critique in studio art is not a debate session. It is a hunt for visual effects, meaning, purpose, and new ideas. All participants are acting in their own best interest by being their naturally helpful selves. Competition is replaced by mutual discovery.
definition and new approach called empathic critique
www.goshen.edu www.goshen.edu
I give some display guidelines for them to follow so the presentation looks good and work can be seen easily by all participants. Students who are not finished might use the time to keep working to finish. It is sometimes found that students without work on display are not as interested and they are more apt to offer negative comments.
provide display guidelines on how to present the art work.
Successful Art Class Critique
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
www.unl.edu www.unl.edu
Planning Your Course
planning your course.
faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk faculty.londondeanery.ac.uk
4faculty.org 4faculty.org
Building your First Syllabus
syllabus instructions
cmsapp.raritanval.edu cmsapp.raritanval.edu
Instructional strategies bookmark
www.csuchico.edu www.csuchico.edu
Instructional strategies bookmark
www.crlt.umich.edu www.crlt.umich.edu
Instructional strategies bookmark
- Feb 2020
ebookcentral.proquest.com ebookcentral.proquest.com
ProQuest Ebook Central: Hanging Out, Messing Around and Geeking Out
opensquare.nyupress.org opensquare.nyupress.org
By Any Media Necessary The New Youth Activism
opensquare.nyupress.org opensquare.nyupress.org
The Digital Edge How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality
opensquare.nyupress.org opensquare.nyupress.org
Affinity Online Book
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out, Tenth Anniversary Edition
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Adding a Live Online Class to Your Course
ocw.mit.edu ocw.mit.edu
How to Speak
how to speak lecture
uhdmediasite.uhd.edu uhdmediasite.uhd.edu
Adding Quizzes to a Mediasite Presentation
Give some kind of introduction and provide a description.
add lessons and sync to each time stamp.
create.piktochart.com create.piktochart.com
The Agile ADDIE Framework
further research
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
cft.vanderbilt.edu cft.vanderbilt.edu
Bloom’s Taxonom
bloom's taxonomy
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.comuntitled1
Learning StylesConcepts and Evidence
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence
career.ucsf.edu career.ucsf.edu
The Scientific Status of LearningStyles Theories
- Jan 2020
distance-educator.com distance-educator.com
Scholarly Publications
- Nov 2019
www.buzzfeednews.com www.buzzfeednews.com
Gaggle Knows Everything About Teens And Kids In School
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Webinar: Research on Annotation in English and Composition
- Jul 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I wondered if he was an ethnic white rather than a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The historian Matthew Frye Jacobson, in “Whiteness of a Different Color,” describes “the 20th century’s reconsolidating of the 19th century’s ‘Celts, Slavs, Hebrews and Mediterraneans.’ ” By the 1940s, according to David Roediger, “given patterns of intermarriage across ethnicity and Cold War imperatives,” whites stopped dividing hierarchically within whiteness and begin identifying as socially constructed Caucasians.
I wonder if it's possible to continue this trend to everyone else? Did the effect stop somewhere? What caused it to? What might help it continue?
- Dec 2018
localhost:8000 localhost:8000
2018-12-25 15:36:51
- Aug 2018
infocivics.com infocivics.com
V. Cryptographic property rights
- Apr 2018
robertknight.me.uk robertknight.me.uk
Before adding a new collaborator, they will need to generate a GPG key. GitHub has good instructions for doing this
Steps for new developers to create public keys.
- Feb 2017
blog.ycombinator.com blog.ycombinator.com
The best early stage founders focus on staying lean, talking to their customers, iterating on their product, and discovering product-market fit.
playbook.samaltman.com playbook.samaltman.com
As a general rule, don’t let your company start doing the next thing until you’ve dominated the first thing. No great company I know of started doing multiple things at once—they start with a lot of conviction about one thing, and see it all the way through.
- Jan 2017
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Urban Population Densities Are Likely to Continue to Decline Through 2050. For the past three decades, urban population densities have been declining across all countries, income levels, and geographies
Urban areas account for 67–76% of global final energy consumption and 71–76% of fossil fuel-related CO2 emissions
www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com
How to set up an informational interview An informational interview is an opportunity to meet someone who works in a position or industry you’d like to work in, where you can ask them questions about their job and get the inside scoop. Never, ever directly ask for a job in an informational interview. That’s a big no-no. You can turn an informational interview into a potential job opportunity, but only if you approach it wisely. Here’s the first step of that process: The email introduction for an informational interview. By the way, the best place to get informational interviews is via your alumni association. People who went to the same college have a bond with each other, even decades later. To: Jane From: Samantha Subject: Michigan State grad — would love to chat about your work at Deloitte Hi Jane, My name is Samantha Kerritt. I’m a ’04 grad from Michigan State (I know you were a few years before me) and I came across your name on our alumni site. [TELL THEM HOW YOU CAME ACROSS THEIR NAME SO YOU DON’T SEEM LIKE A CREEP] I’d love to get your career advice for 15-20 minutes. I’m currently working at Acme Tech Company, but many of my friends work in consulting and each time they tell me how much they love their job, I get more interested. [THE FIRST SENTENCE SAYS WHAT SHE WANTS. MOST PEOPLE ARE FLATTERED THAT PEOPLE WANT/VALUE THEIR ADVICE. Most of them have told me that if I’m interested in consulting, I have to talk to someone at Deloitte. Do you think I could pick your brain on your job and what motivated you to choose Deloitte? I’d especially love to know how you made your choices after graduating from Michigan State. [THE PHRASE “PICK YOUR BRAIN” IS ONE OF THE BEST WAYS TO ASK FOR ADVICE AND FLATTER, AND “MICHIGAN STATE” REINFORCES SHARED BOND] I can meet you for coffee or at your office…or wherever it’s convenient. I can work around you! [THE BUSY PERSON IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU. TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY.] Would it be possible for us to meet? [A BUSY PERSON CAN SIMPLY REPLY TO THIS WITH A “YES” — PERFECT. NOTE THAT I DIDN’T ASK FOR THE TIME/LOCATION AS THAT’S TOO MUCH INFORMATION IN THE FIRST EMAIL.] Thanks, -Samantha How to ask for recommendations for people to talk to Hello John, Hope all is well. If you recall, we spoke a few months ago when I was exploring new career opportunities in information security (I was your student at the time). Thanks again for agreeing to be my reference! [REMIND THE BUSY PERSON HOW YOU KNOW EACH OTHER I was browsing the the Acme Career site the other day and the Research Scientist role caught my eye. I think it’d be perfect for me considering my work on insider threat-related projects at Current Company. [NOTE THAT THE FOCUS OF THIS EMAIL IS ASKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS, NOT DIRECTLY ASKING FOR A JOB. JOHN UNDERSTANDS YOU’RE LOOKING FOR WORK AND DOESN’T WANT TO BE PUT ON THE SPOT. IF HE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE POSITION, HE WILL.] From what I remember, it sounds pretty similar to the work you do at Acme. By any chance, do you know of anyone there that you think I should chat with? I’d love to learn more about the role so I can see if it’s the right fit for me. If not, no problem — just wanted to keep you in the loop. Thanks again for all your help! Take care, Roger
- Oct 2016
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- May 2016
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"bookmarks code" in English
Regarding the next version of hypothes.is
could use some annotation to show -sober-beard- https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#view used in relation to topic and file locations project starts etc. and stats maybe little icons, or highlighting with roll over gui change and stats view or links to code parts and interaction. https://packages.debian.org/stable/electronics/
- Oct 2013
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