301 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Another area that vertical farming can benefit the environment isthe reduction in usage of fossil fuels. Traditional farming consumeshuge amount of fossil fuels during transportation and storage. For in-stance, Besthorn (2013) stated that in America, 20% of fossil fuels areconsumed for farming activities. It is well known that combustion offossil fuels contributes greatly to global warming. It was reported thatin 2015, 45% of CO2 emissions came from coal burning,



  2. Nov 2021
    1. to be always exposed with value true|false since there was no real benefit (privacy, implementation ease, performance, or otherwise) to making its existence conditional.
    2. to be always exposed with value true|false since there was no real benefit (privacy, implementation ease, performance, or otherwise) to making its existence conditional.
  3. Sep 2021
  4. Aug 2021
    1. The above works great. However, the problem comes when I want to use literal types for my legal values. In my code, I want to do that so I can make sure I define a "handler" for every legal value: const legalValues = <const>["a", "b", "c"]; // later on... // Because legalValues entries are literal types, // I get a compiler error if I forget to define any behaviors const behaviors: { [K in typeof legalValues[number]]: any } = { a: something, b: somethingElse, c: anotherThing };
  5. Jul 2021
    1. Looking deeper, you can see a large amount of issues open, bugs taking months to fix, and pull requests never seem to be merged from outside contributors. Apollo seems unfocused on building the great client package the community wants.
    2. This sort of behaviour indicates to me that Apollo is using open-source merely for marketing and not to make their product better. The company wants you to get familiar with Apollo Client and then buy into their products, not truly open-source software in my opinion. This is one of the negatives of the open-core business model.
  6. Jun 2021
    1. The high costs of implementing a TTP come about mainly because traditional security solutions, which must be invoked where the protocol itself leaves off, involve high personnel costs. For more information on the necessity and security benefits of these traditional security solutions, especially personnel controls, when implementing TTP organizations, see this author's essay on group controls. The risks and costs borne by protocol users also come to be dominated by the unreliability of the TTP – the DNS and certificate authorities being two quite commom sources of unreliability and frustration with the Internet and PKIs respectively.

      The high costs of TTPs have to do with the high personnel costs that are involved in the centralized solutions.

    1. This is super important because the more open protocols we have, the more open systems we will have.

      Societal benefits of cryptocurrencies

      The more open protocols we have, the more open systems we have.

  7. May 2021
  8. Apr 2021
  9. Mar 2021
    1. Mutually exclusive categories can be beneficial. If categories appear several places, it's called cross-listing or polyhierarchical. The hierarchy will lose its value if cross-listing appears too often. Cross-listing often appears when working with ambiguous categories that fits more than one place.
  10. en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
    1. RPython puts some constraints on the Python language such that a variable's type can be inferred at compile time.
  11. Feb 2021
  12. Jan 2021
  13. Oct 2020
  14. mdxjs.com mdxjs.com
    1. MDX seeks to make writing with Markdown and JSX simpler while being more expressive. Writing is fun again when you combine components, that can even be dynamic or load data, with the simplicity of Markdown for long-form content.
  15. Sep 2020
  16. Aug 2020
  17. Jun 2020
    1. Internally, we are continuing to encourage any employee who needs time and space to process current events or participate in protests should they choose to take sick time so that it doesn’t impact their personal paid-time off.
  18. May 2020
    1. That’s why the escape hatch is so appealing. Self-insured companies can tailor their health benefits to meet the needs of their workers. They don’t have to pay for services their employees neither need nor want. And self-insured plans pay their own medical costs, without having to subsidize the health-care costs of other groups.
    1. Blocking users from installing unsigned extensions without offering a cross-platform way to disable the feature brings minimal security benefits while concentrating power in the hands of the browser vendor. Not even Google is this heavy-handed, they allow installing local extensions in Chrome after users enable an option, although a warning is shown on browser restarts about the presence of external extensions, which can be dismissed.
    2. We must consider introducing sensible default options in Firefox, while also educating users and allowing them to override certain features, instead of placing marginal security benefits above user liberties and free choice.
  19. Apr 2020
    1. The point is that users should be in control of their data, which means they need an easy way of accessing it. Providing an API or the ability to download 5,000 photos one at a time doesn't exactly make it easy for your average user to move data in or out of a product.
    2. It's typically a lot easier for software engineers to pull data out of a service that they use than it is for regular users. If APIs are available, we engineers can cobble together a program to pull our data out. Without APIs, we can even whip up a screen scraper to get a copy of the data. Unfortunately, for most users this is not an option, and they're often left wondering if they can get their data out at all.
    1. 1Password wasn’t built in a vacuum. It was developed on top of open standards that anyone with the right skills can investigate, implement, and improve. Open tools are trusted, proven, and constantly getting better. Here’s how 1Password respects the principles behind the open tools on which it relies:

      I found it ironic that this proprietary software that I have avoided using because it is proprietary software is touting the importance of open tools.

    1. Automattic uses WordPress to power WordPress.com, and it contributes back code and time to the WordPress project. It is a symbiotic relationship. It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.

      That's probably a common misconception. I'm glad they clarified that because I might have assumed that as well:

      It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.

  20. Mar 2020
    1. Choosing between family and work is a difficult decision. At Osano, it won't be one you have to make. From flexible work schedules to leadership who understand that family comes first, you'll never have to choose.
  21. Sep 2019
  22. Aug 2019
    1. With Suspense, you have the ability to suspend component rendering while async data is being loaded. You can pause any state update until the data is ready, and you can add async loading to any component deep in the tree without plumbing all the props and state through your app and hoisting the logic.
  23. Jul 2019
    1. It is this combination of features that also makes HyperCard a powerful hypermedia system. Users can build backgrounds to suit the needs of some system, say a rolodex, and use simple HyperTalk commands to provide buttons to move from place to place within the stack, or provide the same navigation system within the data elements of the UI, like text fields. Using these features, it is easy to build linked systems similar to hypertext links on the Web.[5] Unlike the Web, programming, placement, and browsing were all the same tool. Similar systems have been created for HTML but traditional Web services are considerably more heavyweight.
  24. May 2019
    1. Virtually all BPMs have utilities for creating simple, data-gathering forms. And in many types of workflows, these simple forms may be adequate. However, in any workflow that includes complex document assembly (such as loan origination workflows), BPM forms are not likely to get the job done. Automating the assembly of complex documents requires ultra-sophisticated data-gathering forms, which can only be designed and created after the documents themselves have been automated. Put another way, you won't know which questions need to be asked to generate the document(s) until you've merged variables and business logic into the documents themselves. The variables you merge into the document serve as question fields in the data gathering forms. And here's the key point - since you have to use the document assembly platform to create interviews that are sophisticated enough to gather data for your complex documents, you might as well use the document assembly platform to generate all data-gathering forms in all of your workflows.
  25. Apr 2019
    1. Most health care programmes in place are designed to fund only a limited intensity of post-acute care, hence households might end up facing significant costs to fund long-term care in the absence of public support, which might end up impoverishing them and eventually even bankrupting them

      The impact on overall household cost accrual should not be overlooked as the implications on already financially disenfranchised groups would impose compounded disadvantage. This 2018 survey conducted by Carescout covered 440 regions and included 15,500 individual surveys which estimate the median cost of adult day care at $18,720. median cost of assisted living at $48,000, and the median cost of nursing home care at $89,297 annually (https://www.genworth.com/aging-and-you/finances/cost-of-care.html) further contextualizing the overwhelming burden of absorbing long term health cost in the absence of public funding

    2. Kim and Norton (2017) find in the context of the Medicare prospective payment system in the US that for-profit agencies are more responsive than not-for-profit agencies to financial incentives, and therefore contribute disproportionately to the increase in Medicare home health spending under the prospective payment system.

      Effectively targeting exploration on the topic of not-for-profit responsiveness may help mediate the disparate costs associated with home health care. The impact of new technologies should be considered when assessing the ability of these organizations to respond. Saxton, Guo, & Brown (2007) found that limitations in design and content availability profoundly affected the responsiveness of non-profit organizations. These structural barriers should be evaluated by providers to enhance financial sustainability.

      Link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20447669?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

    3. The policy implications suggest that community services ought to be prioritised, and if cash subsidies are considered they ought to be made conditional on being used on long-term care without substituting pre-existing support

      What we may find through the introduction of conditional subsidies is the impact of cash allowances for mitigating overall household costs in a households with lower socioeconomic statuses. However, varying configurations in the implementation of cash for care models have been shaped by timing, specific regulations and policy context of reforms in European countries currently utilizing these approaches (Roit & Bihan, 2010). This informs perspectives on the generalizability of subsidization outcomes.

      Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3000929/

    4. One of the particular features affecting the financial sustainability of a publicly funded system is the extent of public subsidisation of informal care.

      The subsidisation of informal care has brought with it ongoing debate on both the efficacy and impact for individuals with varying needs of ADL support. In a study conducted by Kim and Lim (2012) findings suggest that institutional care is most cost-effective for individuals partially-dependent on support for several ADL's in that it led to reduction of informal care and medical expenditures whereas cost benefits for home care were higher among individuals that were completely dependent on ADL support through reduced spending on institutional support. Overall a shift from formal care to informal home care seems to be placated here as a financial target for sustainability.

      Link: http://www.columbia.edu/~hk2405/ltc_for_publication_v04.pdf

  26. Mar 2019
  27. www.ahip.org www.ahip.org
    1. provisions in the Proposed Rule that would advance these goals. Examples include proposals that would give states more flexibility in designing network adequacy standards that best meet the needs of enrollees, and give states implementingmanaged care programs the option to continue “pass-through

      In the examples provided Matthew Eyles provides a thoughtful consideration of the possible ways enacting these provisions could work to the benefit of patients. The network changes applauded are largely person centered and in the aim of service delivery and access.

    2. Health plans know that Medicaid needs to work for people who rely on it –and the hardworking taxpayers who pay for it.Studies show that the vast majority of Medicaid enrollees have regular access to care and that they are satisfied with their care.1Medicaid health plans focus on detecting and preventing the progression of chronic diseases, coordinating services across the continuum of care, and delivering programs targeted to individual needs

      Operating loosely from the coordinated specialty care approach the ability of managed care plans to secure services for patients across their diverse needs is a central to the quality of public health and underscores the impact that removing such ability would have on the public at large.

    3. Most notably, we are concernedabout proposedtechnical changes in federal rate-setting standards that would be inconsistent with statutory actuarial soundness requirementswhichensure that payments to Medicaid managed care plans are reasonable and appropriate

      This statement seems to hint at the likelihood that proposals would undermine the efficacy of medicaid to secure services and maintain financial viability over time of implementation. As mentioned by AEH (Americas Essential Hospitals) most organization are operating on little to no profit margin: https://essentialhospitals.org/general/statement-on-house-reconciliation-legislation/ which means that cuts such as these could result in reductions to staff and hospital services overall.

    1. will have the net effect of shifting health insurance costs to low and middle-income patients, significantly reduce the standards of what constitutes quality insurance, curtail the Medicaid expansion and over time substantially reduce over-all Medicaid funding.

      The erosion of medicaid program coverage is what we can see in the horizon under these shifts. Reductions in standards of care, quality assurance and government accountability for public health will inevitable lead to the negligence of service availability for low income and high risk populations. The benefit of these changes will be seen mainly among private interest sectors that have customarily re allocated funds from safety net programs into state budget spending.

    2. Moreover, reduced federal funding combined with state-specific eligibility and enrollment restrictions will likely result in fewer cancer patients accessing needed health care. For low-income individuals these changes could be the difference between an early diagnosis when outcomes are better and costs are less or a late diagnosis where costs are higher and survival less likely.

      Reducing availability of funds for individuals needing treatment adds overwhelming weight to the public health crisis and early intervention leads to reduced health costs and improved overall outcomes. For minority populations these changes could present compounded risk due to already existing disparities in treatment : https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/legislative/hearings/2000-ethnic-minority-disparities-cancer-treatment.pdf as black americans already face higher rates of overall incidence of cancer and higher rates of death than their white counterparts.

    3. In 2015, approximately 1.5 million people with a history of cancer between 18-64 years old relied on Medicaid for their insurance.  Nearly one-third of childhood cancer patients are insured through Medicaid at the time of diagnosis.

      The implications of lesser coverage would be vast particularly for children insured through medicaid during their time of diagnosis. These individuals may face additional risk to their healthcare assess due to changes in regulatory protections currently being proposed (i.e. protections for pre-existing conditions).

      Joshua Cohens explains the Trumps administrations approach at eroding foundations built within the ACA https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2018/10/08/possible-removal-of-pre-existing-conditions-protections/#edf0450e8aef

    1. Open Initiatives in Universities

      Benefits of OKI for EDUs:

      1. Wider access to info.
      2. Reclaiming scholarly production.
      3. Increased open info and technology creation.
      4. Research ROI.
      5. Greater openness -> stronger science.
      6. Address unequal distribution of data/flows: expose "data shadows".
      7. Lower scholcomm costs.
  28. Jan 2019
    1. I think it has given adult students more opportunities,” Mr. Soares said. “If done correctly, onlineeducation can create a robust learning experienc

      I think blending students' learning experience now, in high school, can also give students more opportunities. When I have used this type of technology with past classes, it has sparked more robust discussion and participation from students I had a hard time hearing in a traditional classroom setting, particularly the introverts.

  29. Dec 2018
    1. Manténte al tanto de tus ofertas con un sistema especializado de gestión y seguimiento de leads. Programa y registra tus intercambios, incluyendo llamadas, correos electrónicos y reuniones con recordatorios sincronizados automáticamente con tu calendario.

      Manténte al día con tus leads con un sistema de gestión y seguimiento de leads. Programa y registra tus intercambios, incluyendo llamadas, correos electrónicos y reuniones con recordatorios sincronizados automáticamente con tu calendario.

    2. noCRM.io es una Herramienta de Gestión de Pipeline Comercial diseñada para que vendedores gestionen leads de manera eficiente para cerrar mas ventas. PROBAR GRATIS

      noCRM.io es una Herramienta de Gestión de Pipeline Comercial diseñada para que los vendedores gestionen leads de manera mas eficiente y cierren mas ventas.

    1. Mira de un vistazo el estado de tus leads con indicadores visuales inmediatos que muestran tu próxima actividad. Sabe exactamente en qué leads necesitas trabajar, cuáles están vencidos y cuál es el siguiente paso para cerrar.

    1. Take the guesswork out and have real-time visual prediction of your growth. With estimated closing dates and probabilities, you can focus on what's likely to close and work on finding new deals for a stronger sales pipeline.

      Elimina las conjeturas y ten una predicción visual en tiempo real de tu crecimiento. Con las fechas de cierre estimadas y las probabilidades, puedes concentrarte en lo que es probable que se cierre y trabajar en la búsqueda de nuevos leads para un flujo de ventas más sólido.

  30. Nov 2018
    1. Human beings are not just cognitive. By enabling an emotional, visceral, and cognitive experience, VR lets people retain knowledge at astonishingly higher rates of up to 80% as compared to traditional training mediums of around 20%

      for mining but has some good facts

    1. “It doesn’t just help make hospitalists work better. It makes nursing better. It makes surgeons better. It makes pharmacy better.”
    2. “This has all been an economic move,” she says. “People sort of forget that, I think. It was discovered by some of the HMOs on the West Coast, and it was really not the HMOs, it was the medical groups that were taking risks—economic risks for their group of patients—that figured out if they sent … primary-care people to the hospital and they assigned them on a rotation of a week at a time, that they can bring down the LOS in the hospital. “That meant more money in their own pockets because the medical group was taking the risk.” Once hospitalists set up practice in a hospital, C-suite administrators quickly saw them gaining patient share and began realizing that they could be partners. “They woke up one day, and just like that, they pay attention to how many cases the orthopedist does,” she says. “[They said], ‘Oh, Dr. Smith did 10 cases last week, he did 10 cases this week, then he did no cases or he did two cases. … They started to come to the hospitalists and say, ‘Look, you’re controlling X% of my patients a day. We’re having a length of stay problem; we’re having an early-discharge problem.’ Whatever it was, they were looking for partners to try to solve these issues.” And when hospitalists grew in number again as the model continued to take hold and blossom as an effective care-delivery method, hospitalists again were turned to as partners. “Once you get to that point, that you’re seeing enough patients and you’re enough of a movement,” Dr. Gorman says, “you get asked to be on the pharmacy committee and this committee, and chairman of the medical staff, and all those sort of things, and those evolve over time.”
    3. “The role of the hospitalist often is to take recommendations from a lot of different specialties and come up with the best plan for the patient,” says Tejal Gandhi, MD, MPH, CPPS, president and CEO of the National Patient Safety Foundation. “They’re the true patient advocate who is getting the cardiologist’s opinion, the rheumatologist’s opinion, and the surgeon’s opinion, and they come up with the best plan for the patient.”
    4. Dr. Merlino says he’s proud of the specialists who rotated through the hospital rooms of AIDS patients. But so many disparate doctors with no “quarterback” to manage the process holistically meant consistency in treatment was generally lacking
  31. Jul 2018
    1. The reason Mr. Wonderful loves royalty based funding is because it is a big win for both businesses and investors. Investors see a return on helping businesses succeed. Experienced investors will even offer guidance to help business owners avoid the pitfalls that many entrepreneurs stumble into. On the business side, entrepreneurs get the financing they need without debt or sacrificing ownership of their companies in any way. Additionally, since repayment of royalty based financing is structured around revenue, there are no rigid payment schedule. Royalty based funding provides financing and flexibility, which gives businesses the freedom to reach their potential, while simultaneously providing healthy returns to investors.
  32. Jun 2018
    1. At the heart of this progress is a process of substitution. Resources that have weak effects in any particular use are not used, or are used sparingly. Resources that have powerful effects are used as much as possible. Every resource is ideally used where it has the greatest value. Wherever possible, weak resources are developed so that they can mimic the behaviour of the stronger resources.
    2. Why should you care about the 80/20 Principle? Whether you realize it or not, the principle applies to your life, to your social world and to the place where you work. Understanding the 80/20 Principle gives you great insight into what is really happening in the world around you.
    1. Journalists usually describe the organization or structure of a news story as an inverted pyramid. The essential and most interesting elements of a story are put at the beginning, with supporting information following in order of diminishing importance. This structure enables readers to stop reading at any point and still come away with the essence of a story.
    1. Modularity enables a mass of experiments to proceed in parallel, with different teams working on the same modules, each proposing different solutions. Modularity allows different "blocks" to be easily assembled, facilitating decentralised innovation that all fits together.
    1. The UNU open platform for "human swarming" (or "social swarming") establishes real-time closed-loop systems around groups of networked users molded after biological swarms, enabling human participants to behave as a unified collective intelligence.[140][141] When connected to UNU, groups of distributed users collectively answer questions and make predictions in real-time.[142] Early testing shows that human swarms can out-predict individuals.[140] In 2016, an UNU swarm was challenged by a reporter to predict the winners of the Kentucky Derby, and successfully picked the first four horses, in order, beating 540 to 1 odds.
    2. Research performed by Tapscott and Williams has provided a few examples of the benefits of collective intelligence to business:[38] Talent utilization At the rate technology is changing, no firm can fully keep up in the innovations needed to compete. Instead, smart firms are drawing on the power of mass collaboration to involve participation of the people they could not employ. This also helps generate continual interest in the firm in the form of those drawn to new idea creation as well as investment opportunities.[38] Demand creation Firms can create a new market for complementary goods by engaging in open source community. Firms also are able to expand into new fields that they previously would not have been able to without the addition of resources and collaboration from the community. This creates, as mentioned before, a new market for complementary goods for the products in said new fields.[38] Costs reduction Mass collaboration can help to reduce costs dramatically. Firms can release a specific software or product to be evaluated or debugged by online communities. The results will be more personal, robust and error-free products created in a short amount of time and costs. New ideas can also be generated and explored by collaboration of online communities creating opportunities for free R&D outside the confines of the company.[38]
  33. Feb 2018
    1. Cow Milk Benefits many and in multiple ways. Cow Milk Benefits those looking to lose some weight. It works as a healthy snack in one's diet and adds a great appetizer to their diet. One of the other milk benefits for health from cow milk is that it is great stress buster and it helps in better concentration and focus.

  34. Jan 2018
    1. Milk is the primary source of nutrition to the new born babies. It is consumed by people of every age. Milk Benefits For Health by its contents like Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, riboflavin, protein, phosphorous, calcium and potassium.

  35. Dec 2017
  36. Oct 2016
  37. Sep 2015
    1. The dispersal of these people in Brady's is not random, and where people choose to sit or stand in Brady's is closely related to their sex and status in the Brady social hierarchy.

      Clearly, Brady's Bar is only for a select group of people who enjoy being in that atmosphere that focuses on "social hierarchy".. If we're still forming perceptions and making judgments on how we serve customers (and treat co-workers) based off of gender and status.. are we really doing our jobs as socially responsible citizens to improve our society for everyone's benefit?

  38. Apr 2015
    1. What features are included in my Founding Membership? 1 year pre-paid subscription Subscription begins v1 release, late Spring 2015 Life-time subscription rate of $8/month 7 Sites, custom domains OK Pretty much unlimited contributors, storage and bandwidth Commerce engine, due late 2015 Grid NFC Token (limited gold edition)

      Reduced monthly cost for life and 7 sites with customizable domains

      Pretty much unlimited contributors, storage and bandwidth

      I assume this mean you can share your sites with others?

  39. Jan 2014
    1. If federally funded research is going to broadly benefit society, it has to be widely accessible, not just to curious private citizens, but also to industries, private organizations, and federal, state, and local governments where scientific knowledge can help create new products, solve problems, educate students, and make policy decisions.

      It is The People who will most benefit from open access to federally funded research.