- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
that calls for a new form of altruism plus a new form of asceticism
for - rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - Ronald Wright - Give me liberty or give me death - degrowth challenges
rapid whole system change - a new form of asceticism - We need something that can be higher than stripping away many of the liberties we take for granted? - This will be challenging because the American dream is based on the feeling and phrase "Give me liberty or give me death!"
- Aug 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Kissane, E. (2021, December 23). We’re About to Lose Track of the Pandemic. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/12/were-about-to-lose-track-of-the-pandemic/621097/
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 20). RT @thehowie: South Africa Deaths (7 day average) are near double levels of a few weeks ago. They will go up further. They are only 7.5%… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1472991477672419334
- Oct 2021
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Asia
- Zambia
- Congo
- Egypt
- World
- Macao
- table
- Qatar
- Israel
- Sierra Leone
- South America
- Turkey
- Australia
- Bermuda
- United Arab Emirates
- Eswatini
- map
- Tobago
- India
- Kazakhstan
- Hong Kong
- Zimbabwe
- Lebanon
- Germany
- France
- Dominica
- Palestine
- Croatia
- Gibraltar
- Gabon
- Samoa
- Oceania
- Spain
- Comoros
- Greece
- Cambodia
- Saint Helena
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea
- Malta
- Nigeria
- Switzerland
- Antigua
- Armenia
- Burundi
- Mexico
- Belarus
- Canada
- Equatorial Guinea
- Bhutan
- Finland
- Dominician Republic
- Liechtenstein
- Northern Cyprus
- Eritrea
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Europe
- Guernsey
- Iran
- North America
- Grenadines
- Maldives
- Uganda
- Uzbekistan
- Norway
- Netherlands
- Monaco
- Cyprus
- Austria
- Chile
- Kosovo
- Madagascar
- New Zealand
- Latvia
- Guatemala
- Saudi Arabia
- case
- Papua New Guinea
- is:webpage
- chart
- Solomon Islands
- Kuwait
- Pakistan
- South Africa
- Angola
- Venezuela
- Georgia
- Iceland
- Nepal
- Mauritania
- Bahrain
- vaccine
- Slovakia
- Bosnia
- Herzegovina
- Montenegro
- Vietnam
- Liberia
- Panama
- Mongolia
- Guyana
- COVID-19
- Somalia
- Poland
- China
- Serbia
- Bolivia
- Taiwan
- Uruguay
- Vatican
- test
- Nicaragua
- South Sudan
- Costa Rica
- Bulgaria
- Ireland
- Micronesia
- Denmark
- Saint Vincent
- Seychelles
- Cote d'ivoire
- Morocco
- Lithuania
- Ghana
- Peru
- Thailand
- Europian Union
- Sweden
- South Korea
- Ukraine
- Syria
- graph
- Cape Verde
- Indonesia
- Czechia
- Bangladesh
- Sudan
- Russia
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Saint Lucia
- Luxembourg
- Timor
- Azerbaijan
- Brazil
- Mozambique
- Estonia
- Fiji
- Moldova
- Tunisia
- Afghanistan
- Ethiopia
- Bahamas
- Italy
- UK
- Faeroe Islands
- Haiti
- Jamaica
- Cuba
- El Salvador
- Isle of Man
- Japan
- Gambia
- Slovenia
- Mali
- Mashall Islands
- Africa
- Cayman Islands
- case fatality rate
- Namibia
- Myanmar
- Philipines
- Iraq
- Sri Lanka
- Jordan
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Colombia
- Laos
- Mauritius
- Falkland Islands
- Ecuador
- Libya
- Portugal
- Senegal
- North Macedonia
- Tanzania
- Suriname
- Argentina
- San Marino
- Tajikistan
- Djobouti
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Oman
- Togo
- Vanuatu
- Malawi
- Romania
- Paraguay
- mortality
- Greenland
- Botswana
- Kenya
- Burkina Faso
- Andorra
- Cameroon
- Algeria
- Chad
- Grenada
- Trinidad
- Barbados
- Hungary
- Niger
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- lang:en
- Barbuda
- Yemen
- Rwanda
- Benin
- Belize
- Honduras
- Jersey
- death
- Kyrgyzstan
- Belgium
- Lesotho
- Central African Republic
- Albania
- data
- Anguilla
- Sep 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Mike Baker. (2021, August 28). Today, Mississippi surpassed New York in total coronavirus deaths per capita. For a long time, I didn’t think we’d ever see any state end up worse than New York or New Jersey. One year ago today, Mississippi’s death rate was less than half of New York’s. Https://nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html https://t.co/sEgUDFOMWz [Tweet]. @bymikebaker. https://twitter.com/bymikebaker/status/1431460167237783555
- Jul 2021
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Tracking covid-19 across the world. (2021, July 4). The Economist. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/07/04/covid-19-has-persuaded-americans-to-leave-city-centres
- Mar 2021
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Tompkins, Lucy, and Carl Zimmer. ‘As the U.S. Surpasses 24 Million Cases, Los Angeles Confronts a More Contagious Variant.’ The New York Times, 18 January 2021, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/18/us/as-the-us-surpasses-24-million-cases-los-angeles-confronts-a-more-contagious-variant.html.
- Feb 2021
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Qin, A., & Wang, V. (2020, January 22). Wuhan, Center of Coronavirus Outbreak, Is Being Cut Off by Chinese Authorities. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/22/world/asia/china-coronavirus-travel.html
- Aug 2020
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Andy Slavitt @ 🏡 on Twitter: “COVID UPDATE July 13: There are successful examples of taking on COVID-19. And there is one story like no others. New York. 1/” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1282838738121502720
- Jun 2020
Ouyang, H. (2020, April 14). I’m an E.R. Doctor in New York. None of Us Will Ever Be the Same. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/14/magazine/coronavirus-er-doctor-diary-new-york-city.html
- May 2020
Goodman, J. D., & Rothfeld, M. (2020, April 23). 1 in 5 New Yorkers May Have Had Covid-19, Antibody Tests Suggest. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/nyregion/coronavirus-antibodies-test-ny.html
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Patrick Egan - Twitter
- Apr 2020
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Dorn, A. van, Cooney, R. E., & Sabin, M. L. (2020). COVID-19 exacerbating inequalities in the US. The Lancet, 395(10232), 1243–1244. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30893-X
- Oct 2015
www.newrepublic.com www.newrepublic.com
No joke is funny unless you see the point of it, and sometimes a point has to be explained.
Sounds logical, in the abstract. But the explanation is often known to “kill the joke”, to decrease the humour potential. In some cases, it transforms the explainee into the butt of a new joke. Something similar has been said about hermeneutics and æsthetics. The explanation itself may be a new form of art, but it runs the risk of first destroying the original creation.