72 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. "“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te…cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare…Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis…Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine…quem inferi tremunt…Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."

      The Latin incantation to exorcise demons in Supernatural is real. And it sounds cool like Chris Aldrich.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. Great song in Supernatural...

      Fun trivia: The actor's reactions are genuine as Sam and Dean (well, the actors) had not heard the song beforehand.

      Although not in this scene; earlier in the episode.

  3. May 2024
    1. 同样有力的弧光发生在鞠子身上。鞠子一开始就是寻死,于她而言已然一无所有只待一个她作为贵族武士之后所匹配的死亡,直到按针苦苦挽留,直到按针愿意做介错人,直到按针在最后还挣扎着要救她,如果要说她不曾想过为他而活那不现实,只是她还有更重要的任务。故事里多有对照与映射,像我们喜闻乐见的滕夫人,独特的社会范式造就了她“心口不一”的一面,在鞠子惨遭家暴那晚,阿藤即便内心向着鞠子,但还是以旗本配偶的身份指出鞠子的无礼。同样是“天人交战”,一个一无所有的人寻死是简单的,但当有所牵挂有所取舍时的牺牲才具备张力。这份张力恰好和鞠子的弧光一同完成。
    2. 层次最强的要数按针的参与。在面临切腹前,按针问鞠子能不能为他活下来。按针的请求真切动人,鞠子没回答,或者以捂着他的手作为回答。然后孩子气的按针就去发脾气搞破坏,在枯山水里竖劈了一笔。枯山水当然是日本文化的象征,按针这破坏是宣泄按针对这狗屁文化的强烈不满。但枯山水之于按针又有另一层含义——无意被他害死的植次郎所代表的良善。植次郎三七回魂,跟同样是为某种大义而直面死亡鞠子呼应上。画面不平衡,画面里的枯山水也因为这一笔破坏显得丑陋,这是按针的反思与自省,于是选择尊重文化,尊重鞠子,作为介错人送鞠子最后一程。弧光何其有力。
    3. 这是非常成功的类型写作。故事释放出各种虚假的信号,开局寻死,两次悬崖边上游走,放松下来,急转直下迎来真实的死亡,层次特别强。
    1. 剧里没有按照史实设置五奉行的职务,而只设置五大老,分别是石堂、木山、大野、杉木,还有咱们虎永。五奉行是有实际职能的,这里的五大老当然也有,只是除虎永和石堂外就语焉不详。石堂是笔头,主政司两責,虎永管外交事宜。除此以外,石堂还是大阪城城主,也就是他实际上还兼任类似隆科多九门提督一般的职务。也就是说,在职能来看,石堂是稳稳压其他人一头。只是上面也说过,山木和大野是基督徒领主,杉木是传统贵族,石堂是农民出身的武士, 非守护、守护代般传统大名,甚至是国人都不是,而是平民大名,身份是非常尴尬。在阶级分明的时代,暴发户的身份意味着号召力不强,没有足够的掌权的“合法性”——这也是石堂急于和落叶结姻的其中一个原因,与黑田氏后人联姻能有效缓解出身问题带来的阵痛,同时也能以太阁儿子后爹的身份获取合法性,一举两得。
    1. bahwa penyiarandiarahkan bagi terciptanya penyelenggaraan penyiaran yangmendidik,berkualitas,edukatif, kreatif, inspiratif,bertanggung jawab,bermanfaat, dan mencerdaskanbagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara

      RUU ini belum secara jelas memberikan gambaran bagaimana tata kelola penyiaran menuju arah yang diharapkan. Perlu ada kebijakan afirmatif terhadap keberadaan lembaga pendidikan bidang komunikasi, penyiaran, maupun komunitas sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari ekosistem penyelenggaraan penyiaran di Indonesia.

  4. Feb 2024
  5. Dec 2023
  6. Nov 2023
    1. The Malayalam Cinema Today selection was disappointing. In a short essay published in the festival catalog, K. P. Jayakumar notes that Malayalam cinema is in the midst of a crisis brought on by globalization and by the influence of the Hollywood, Tamil, and Hindi film industries on the tastes of the local audience. Instead of following the path of other regional-language cinemas by projecting a valid representation of local identity, Malayalam cinema has so far settled for weakly imitative forms, according to Jayakumar. On the whole, the films in this section bore out this assessment. Even an above-average entry, veteran director T. V. Chandran’s oddly titled Beyond the Wail (Vilaapangalkkappuram), about a Muslim woman who flees from Gujarat to Kerala after the 2002 riots in her home state, suffers from the heavily obvious, over-slick style that dogs, more disastrously, Jayaraj’s Gulmohar and Madhupal’s Thalappavu (which both deal with the Naxalite struggles for land reforms in Kerala in the 1970s). M. Mohanan’s As the Story Unfolds… (Kadhaparayumpol) has some success with its light-comic approach to the problems of rural tradesmen (in particular, a poor village barber) in the face of modernization, but the film wastes its promise in torrents of crude sentimentality. Let’s hope that the best film in the section, Anjali Menon’s Lucky Red Seeds (Manjadikkuru), points to a larger renewal of Malayalam cinema and is not merely an isolated triumph by a gifted and intelligent first-time filmmaker. (Chris Fujiwara)

      Chris Fujiwara on Malayalam Cinema (2008) Hints at Manjadikkuru opening up to a new generation of Malayalam films in terms of form and themes.

  7. Sep 2023
  8. Jul 2023
  9. May 2023
  10. Apr 2023
  11. Jan 2023
  12. Oct 2022
  13. Aug 2022
  14. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. it is its weakness and not its strength that appears in a sick chamber: it is selfishness and impatience rather than generosity and fortitude, that one hears of

      I feel like Mrs Smith would enjoy reality TV

  15. Jun 2022
  16. May 2022
  17. Mar 2022
    1. Each highlighted statement expresses political talking points aligned to induce trump-like support.

      Trump introduced new marketing and strategy, formulated using concepts and metrics mastered by Reality TV and Hollywood and then paired with advertising propaganda and "selling" techniques to create a "Brand". This is after-all Donald Trump, this is what he does, has done and is the only way he has found to make money. Trump built the "brand" (just barely) while teetering on self destruction.

      His charismatic persona became "the glue" that allowed creative narratives to stick to certain types of people in-spite of risk. Trump learned OTJ how to capture a specific type of audience.

      The mistake people make about Trump is assuming his audience to be "Joe Six-Pack", redneck's with limited education! This assumption does not have merit on its own.<br /> * There is a common "follower" theme among his audience that is exploited by those who: * Bought the "licensing rights" to the master-class Trump "how-to" course.

  18. Jan 2022
  19. Oct 2021
  20. Aug 2021
  21. Jun 2021
  22. May 2021
  23. Mar 2021
    1. η Δικαιοσύνη να εκβιάζεται από κανέναν δολοφόνο Κουφοντίνα

      "H Δικαιοσυνη εκβιάζεται οταν απεργός πεινας απαιτεί τη μη διακριτική του μεταχείριση" λέει ο Κιούσης των Αρβύλα.

      Μόνο που την απόφαση της μεταγωγής δεν την πήρε η Δικαιοσύνη, αλλή η εκτελεστική εξουσία της ΓΓ του Υπ. ΔημΝικολάου.

      Βεβαια παρακατω λέει "[το Κέντρο μπορεί και] να μην χαίρεται και να μην γελά χαιρέκακα αν ο Κουφοντίνας αύριο το πρωί πεθάνει. Το Κέντρο βλέπετε δεν πιστεύει στη θανατική ποινή, .."

    2. Χωρίς να αθωώνεται κανένας Μητσοτάκης και κανένας Τσίπρας

      Αντιπολιτευση στο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, απ'τον "κεντρώο" Κιούση των Ραδιο Αρβύλα

    3. Ο Κιούσης των Αρβύλα δεν διαλεγει θεση, οποτε ξερουμε που θα βρεθει οταν σφιξουν τα γαλατα: στα Δεξια

  24. Aug 2020
  25. Apr 2019
  26. Oct 2018
  27. Sep 2018
  28. Jul 2018
  29. Mar 2018
  30. Feb 2018
    1. In today's 24/7 media environment, in which kids may be spending more time with media than they are with their parents, choosing positive role models is more important than ever. By the time kids are in middle school, they start to look to their peers for a sense of what's socially acceptable or desirable. Parents may remain the primary influence in their kids' lives, but the competition starts to get fierce at this age. This separation is entirely age appropriate. But when the media comes into play, the values you want to pass down to your kids may be competing against, say, Homer Simpson's.
    2. The good news is that there are plenty of positive role models you can point to that may influence your kids to make healthy choices, learn to respect others, achieve goals, and avoid anti-social behavior. Negative role models -- especially ones who don't suffer consequences for their actions -- can encourage anti-social behavior, stereotypes, and even cruelty. Help your kids choose positive media role models who embody the values you want to pass down. Tips for parents of young kid
    3. Influencers reach out to kids via TV, YouTube, video games, Twitter, and music -- all of which are broadcast or easily accessible 24 hours a day. And as we all know, not all the characters or people who gain popularity through these channels have stellar role-model credentials.
  31. Jan 2018
  32. www.laurenbcollister.com www.laurenbcollister.com
    1. Meanwhile,agoodexampleofthetelevision-internetconvergenceistheBBC’s‘Communicate’page
  33. Jun 2017
  34. Apr 2017
  35. Feb 2017
    1. Learn more about AMC’s Humans and tune in to the season two premiere on Monday, February 13, at 10/9c.

      Seriously, an add for a TV show?

  36. Jun 2016
  37. Aug 2015
    1. There’s a self-seriousness that might not have been predicted from a show called Mr. Robot, but if viewers can run with it, it could be one of TV’s most surprising summer discoveries


      For real tho!