107 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. This representativeness metric𝑅𝑣(𝑔, 𝑐) for group g, comment c and vote v estimates how much more likelyparticipants in group g are to vote v on said comment than those outside groupg.
  2. Jan 2025
    1. This results from the first step in PCA analysis being the “cen-tering” of the data matrix, by subtracting the mean of each column from everyentry in that column, leaving a row corresponding to someone with no voteswith mostly 0 entries.
    2. To correct for this, a simple procedure is applied thatscales the projected positions of participants by the factor √𝐶/𝐶𝑝, where C isthe total number of comments, and 𝐶𝑝 is the number of comments voted on byparticipant p.1
    3. . Participants who voted on fewer than seven com-ments are removed from the conversation to avoid the “clumping up” of partic-ipants around the center of the conversation.
    4. Missing values,corresponding to comments the participant in question did not see, are im-puted by taking column-wise means of the non-missing values associated withthe given comment, a common method of dealing with this issue in downstreamanalyses (Dray & Josse, 2015
    5. As participants vote, a vote matrix is derived, where rows correspond toparticipants, and columns to comments.
  3. Nov 2024
  4. Oct 2024
    1. A locking in video that emphasises Andrew Tate. See other video asking the question who these people that consume this watch up to. Andrew Tate seems to be an example. These vids probably also relate to red pill, masculinity (also online business scene?).

  5. Sep 2024
    1. while the American islucky to get off (unpaid, of course) when her daughter ishome sick with the flu

      Emotional claim with no source.

  6. Jul 2024
  7. May 2024
    1. Walter Wellesley “Red” Smith used a version of this quote by 1949. In April of that year the influential and widely syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell wrote. Boldface has been added to excerpts:[1]1949 April 06, Naugatuck Daily News, Walter Winchell In New York, Page 4, Column 5, Naugatuck, Connecticut. (NewspaperArchive) Red Smith was asked if turning out a daily column wasn’t quite a chore. …”Why, no,” dead-panned Red. “You simply sit down at the typewriter, open your veins, and bleed.”

      via 1949 April 06, Naugatuck Daily News, Walter Winchell In New York, Page 4, Column 5, Naugatuck, Connecticut. (NewspaperArchive)


  8. Apr 2024
    1. Eine extreme Hitzewelle hat in der Sahelzone Hunderte, wahrscheinlich Tausende Menschenleben gefordert. World Weather Attribution zufolge ist die Höhe der Temperaturen eindeutig auf die globale Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase zurückzuführen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/lethal-heatwave-in-sahel-worsened-by-fossil-fuel-burning-study-finds

      Zur Studie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/extreme-sahel-heatwave-that-hit-highly-vulnerable-population-at-the-end-of-ramadan-would-not-have-occurred-without-climate-change/

  9. Feb 2024
    1. The Crossing of the Red Sea or Parting of the Red Sea (Hebrew: קריעת ים סוף, romanized: Kriat Yam Suph, lit. "parting of the sea of reeds")[1] is an episode in the origin myth of The Exodus in the Hebrew Bible.
  10. Jan 2024
    1. Moreover, Midjourney apparently sought to suppress our findings, banning Southen from its service (without even a refund of his subscription fee) after he reported his first results, and again after he created a new account from which additional results were reported. It then apparently changed its terms of service just before Christmas by inserting new language: “You may not use the Service to try to violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, patent, or trademark rights. Doing so may subject you to penalties including legal action or a permanent ban from the Service.” This change might be interpreted as discouraging or even precluding the important and common practice of red-team investigations of the limits of generative AI—a practice that several major AI companies committed to as part of agreements with the White House announced in 2023. (Southen created two additional accounts in order to complete this project; these, too, were banned, with subscription fees not returned.)

      Midjourney bans researchers and changes terms of service

  11. Sep 2023
    1. The scientists behind the new study are planning an eradication campaign in Sicily. With help from authorities, they say they will destroy the known nests, continue to search local areas for more nests, and monitor for several years to make sure no ants escape. They hope to recruit residents across Europe to keep an eye out for more fire ants.
      • for: invasive species - red fire ant - control
      • comment
        • this is an excellent application for citizen science in general, to control invasive species
    2. Based on an analysis of suitable habitats, the researchers estimate the ants could invade 7% of the European continent.
      • for: stats, stats - invasive species - red fire ants,
      • stats:
        • prefers farms and cities
          • could infest 50% of urban areas
        • could inhabit up to 7% of EU continent
        • infestation vectors
          • walk
          • fly
          • carried by wind
          • shipping
            • Sicily, the site of discovery, ships a variety of plants across the Mediterranean
          • Southern Spain offers ideal climate for red fire ants
          • Climate change could increase its range by 25% by 2050.
    3. The insects spread internationally via shipping, especially of plants and soil. Red fire ants have been detected in imported products in Spain, Finland, and the Netherlands, but not as wild colonies.
      • for: progress trap, red fire ants, fire ants, progress trap - shipping, unintended consequences, unintended consequences - shipping

      • paraphrase

        • Fire ants would be devastating if released in continental Europe and even more all around the Mediterranean Sea.
        • The cost for human economies and well-being would be enormous. Where they have been invasive, they have:
          • displaced native ant and other species
          • damage electrical equipment
        • A genetic analysis of the Italian ants suggests they likely came from either China or the United States.
        • In the U.S., the species causes an estimated $6 billion in damage each year.
        • The insects spread internationally via shipping, especially of plants and soil.
        • Red fire ants have been detected in imported products in Spain, Finland, and the Netherlands, but not as wild colonies.
  12. Aug 2023
    1. I could continue a thread anywhere, rather than always picking it up at the end. I could sketch out where I expected things to go, with an outline, rather than keeping all the points I wanted to hit in my head as I wrote. If I got stuck on something, I could write about how I was stuck nested underneath whatever paragraph I was currently writing, but then collapse the meta-thoughts to be invisible later -- so the overall narrative doesn’t feel interrupted.

      Notes about what you don't know (open questions), empty outline slots, red links as [[wikilinks]], and other "holes" in tools for thought provide a bookmark for where one may have quit exploring, but are an explicit breadcrumb for picking up that line of thought and continuing it at a future time.

      Linear writing in one's notebooks, books they're reading, and other places doesn't always provide an explicit space which invites the reader or writer to fill them in. One has to train themselves to annotate in the margins to have a conversation with the text. Until one sees these empty spaces as inviting spaces they can be invisible to the eye.

  13. Jul 2023
    1. this is 30 years of ipcc Assessments from the third assessment in 2009 all the way to the 1.5 degrees Celsius 00:09:50 assessment a few years back this is the red Embers diagram of confidence in science and what you see for each column is the assessment of risk of irreversible changes and at what 00:10:03 temperature levels 20 years ago at the third assessment the risk was basically assessed as zero because it was set at six degrees Celsius nobody was suggesting we would end up at six degrees but look at the trend line the 00:10:16 more we learn about the planet the more we understand about the coupled interactive Earth system the lower is the temperature at which we put risks of irreversible changes and it's down in 00:10:29 the less than two degrees Celsius range now blinking red so that's where we are
      • for: planetary boundaries, tipping points, planetary tipping points
    1. there's really shocking data that shows red zip codes are getting red or redder and blue ones Bluer and Bluer
      • US political polarization at local level
        • there's really shocking data that shows
          • red zip codes are getting red or redder and
          • blue states are getting Bluer
        • people are self-selecting into communities based on their political beliefs
          • and this is the highest rate we've ever seen it since polling began in that space
        • The phenomenon is really hyper localized
    1. democracyrequires liberal education for all.

      Two of the driving reasons behind the Great Books project were improvement of both education and democracy.

      The democracy portion was likely prompted by the second Red Scare from ~1947-1957 which had profound effects on America. Published in 1952, this series would have considered it closely and it's interesting they included Marx in the thinkers at the end of the series.

    1. When I tag a note with a new keyword like [[Productivity]], it then becomes a ghost note on the graph.

      This is the first time I've seen someone use the phrase "ghost note" to mean a future implied note which could be created by using wiki syntax [[*]] which in some systems like Obsidian or WikiMedia creates a (red) link which one could click on to create that note.

      via u/THX-Eleven38 at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/14ox2tw/what_is_the_proper_way_to_create_a_moc_note_from/

  14. May 2023
    1. Well, there are needy people everywhere, and maybe you’re just a little bit ahead of them, and you have something good to do. You can do good to them. So that would be number three: to free you from being self-preoccupied and to serve.

      This is the primary objective of Jesus' teachings and the tenets of socialism (which is really the economic expression of Jesus' teachings): loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

    2. faith in future grace

      If I'm not totally depraved, then I don't really need "future grace." My forward-looking hope is that more and more individual humans will progress toward peace and love (the so-called "red letters" of the Bible). This is a hope that Jesus seemed to have, but the overarching message of the Bible denies.

  15. Apr 2023
  16. Mar 2023
    1. Ha sido un poco complicado continuar con el proceso de anotaciones, ya que de alguna forma termina siendo un ejercicio en soledad, aunque haya una gran comunidad, sino es leído lo que se escribe y no se puede debatir con otros, pierde u poco el sentido de comunidad de trabajo.

  17. Feb 2023
    1. Al mismo tiempo, el ciberespacio expone a los menores a nuevos peligros que pueden vulnerar sus derechos, como el ciberacoso (insultos, acoso e intimidación a través de internet) o la explotación sexual infantil (expansión de pornografía infantil por la red).

      El acompañamiento de instituciones como la familia, la escuela y el estado debe ser primordial para evitar cualquier forma de vulneración. Sin llegar a satanizar el internet, se debe mantener rigurosa vigilancia sobre su contenido.

  18. Jan 2023
    1. one glass a day most doctors would say especially if it's red wine it's fine and the alcohol actually can help with cut the cardiovascular system reduces uh 00:04:22 bad cholesterol and more importantly raises the good cholesterol hdl this is for red wine

      !- red wine : health benefits - one glass a day cuts cardiovascular bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol (HDL)

  19. Dec 2022
  20. Nov 2022
  21. Sep 2022
    1. El principio operativo es «cuantosmás, mejor». En realidad, el valor de una red telefónica, de una biblio-grafía científica, de un programa de software de código abierto aumentacuanta más gente participe en la empresa, un fenómeno que los economis-tas denominan «efectos de red».

      Generar valor en los recursos que se coadministran o se denominan procomunes.

  22. Aug 2022
  23. Jul 2022
    1. it was quite possible that Trump would be ahead on election night because his voters were more likely to vote in person, and more Democratic-heavy mail ballots are often counted later — something dubbed the “red mirage.”

      The "red mirage" is a phenomenon in which it appears that the Republican party candidate will win an election based on early returns on election day because Republicans are statistically more likely to vote in person on election day and Democrats are more likely to have voted by absentee ballot or via mail. Many states don't begin counting mail in ballots until late on election day or after and the manual process takes more time than in person balloting.

  24. Jun 2022
    1. “In my Irish American Massachusetts family, you were born a Democrat and baptized a Catholic,” Mr. Shields wrote in 2009. “If your luck held out, you were also brought up to be a Boston Red Sox fan.”
  25. Apr 2022
    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 25). We didn’t have explicit discussion of Red Team process at our SciBeh workshop, but I suspect it’s an extremely useful way to manage criticism- simply because the recipient is inviting it [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1331558570668806147

    1. Red Team Market. (2020, November 24). We don’t think scientists would think this is completely crazy :) Indeed, some people are already already enlisting the help of a Red Team! [Tweet]. @RedTeamMarket. https://twitter.com/RedTeamMarket/status/1331322437775085574

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @suhasinih: After UK puts India on red list, US CDC tells citizens to avoid all travel to India. No travel ban yet, however. Https://t.c…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384496618158792704

  26. Feb 2022
    1. Rebel Wolves said it will be a studio built on “the foundations of fairness, teamwork, and openness [...] unified by the mission of putting the team first —ALWAYS— [...] they believe that happy people create great games

      You can't help but notice the shade thrown over CD Project Red with this statement. The development of The Witcher 3 was notorious for its crunch, I can only imagine it was worse for Cyberpunk 2077.



  27. Jan 2022
    1. who did nothing to stop the CHAZ seizing of downtown Seattle (and who is clearly working for the radical Marxist Left)

      Red herring: The Capitol Hill Organized Protest is irrelevent to the author's argument about "covid concentration camps".

  28. Dec 2021
  29. Nov 2021
    1. arctic fox is now gone it's no longer nesting in in 00:09:38 finnish army and arctic areas and uh its habitats are overtaken by red fox more southern and boreal species so the species on the move is one of the factors that's really altering the kind 00:09:51 of life that we know here

      Arctic Fox is being replaced by Red Fox

  30. Sep 2021
  31. Jul 2021
  32. Jun 2021
    1. Given two species co-occur, a neutral approach to probabilistic interactions would assume that the effect of abundances and trait matching would have no effec

      I think you mean: A neutral approach to probabilistic interactions would rely only on the effect of abundances and assume trait-matching would have no effect?

  33. May 2021
  34. Apr 2021
    1. dsDNA substrate is best for insertions or deletions greater than approximately 20 nucleotides, while ssDNA substrate is best for point mutations or changes of only a few base pairs. 
  35. Mar 2021
  36. Feb 2021
    1. This could potentially be solved through our framework of predicting networks first, interactions next, and finally the realized species pool.

      I think this might be confusing, as readers could think this is the actual framework of our paper. We could maybe precise that we could use our framework the other way around, by using our predictions of ecological networks and species interactions to make better predictions of species pools.

    2. all interactions occur between species in each pool

      I think this definition of bipartite network is a little confusing. We could say something like:

      "Bipartite networks are divided into two disjoint sets of species and interactions occur between members of different sets (e.g. plant-pollinator and host-parasite networks)"

    3. there have been calls for a probabilistic species pool

      you say twice there have been calls. Maybe simplify the sentence with something like: through probabilistic species pool, and more importantly ...

    4. .S

      missing space

    5. embedding projects

      missing words

    6. reached an accuracy of  ≈ 0.8

      Semi- by curiosity, semi- because it might be better to explicitly say it, but how was accuracy calculated? It is not clear if correctly predicted absences are used? As stated before, there are no true negative.

    7. Here adopt a question-driven approach to serve as a guide through the path toward building models to predict and forecast the structure of ecological networks across space, and to identify the next steps in the research regime.

      The sentence is very hard to read. too many long noun strings.

  37. Nov 2020
  38. Sep 2020
  39. Jun 2020
    1. Oh, and of course, there’s the fact that “sit on the ground” is mapped to the same control as “strangle the nearest person”, which can apparently lead to some pretty robust brainstorming sessions.

      I love this!

  40. Apr 2020
    1. If you're wearing the same shoes as I have so many times before where you're trying to make yourself heard and do what you ultimately believe is in the organisation's best interests
    2. many organisations block torrents (for obvious reasons) and I know, for example, that either of these options would have posed insurmountable hurdles at my previous employment
    3. Actually, I probably would have ended up just paying for it myself due to the procurement challenges of even a single-digit dollar amount, but let's not get me started on that
  41. Nov 2019
    1. red is now often associated with unpleasant online features such as error messages

      <span style="color:red">red</span> is at the center of studies in psychology and semiotics

  42. Oct 2019
  43. s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. snotcarrieaintoeffect-onthecontrarytheclerksaresentbacktoallthepostssaveone-RedCedarLakewherehissonwaskill

      Aitkins didn't remove the AFC, just the one post near Red Cedar Lake

    2. heAmer.FurCo.haveitincontemplationtoabandontheirtradingpostsinthosequarters.Iftheydo,itissomewhatdoub[t]fulwhetheritwillbesafeforamissionfamilytoattempttoresideatL[eech]Lakeatpresent.TheIndianswillbesomewhatexasperatedifthetradersWithdraw.Bythelatestintelligencefromthatquarter,welearntthattheexcitementhassomewhatsubside

      Hall also informs Greene about the situation at Red Cedar Lake (Boutwell said it was Sandy Lake?) but says that it seems to have calmed down

    1. IeXpecttohavenodifficultyingettingthroughwith8CanoestoRedLak

      Ayer is heading back to Red Lake

    2. WeallfeelthatbothLeechLakeandRedLakegg§§_beoccupiedimmodalate

      all the current missionaries want Leech Lake and Red Lake occupied immediately

    3. tRedLakeandLeechLake,asitseemstousaretwoveryinvit-ingfieldsoflabour.

      Red Lake and Leech Lake are promising for missions

    4. hilenreA.etaid.a£ln£d.bake.heheldmeetingsseveraltimes.with.the‘indianeghfwhichtimeehepreachedtoaaeheidereblenumberofattentiveligfenene.~IheIndianatherewerewillingtoallowmisaaionarieeasmuehlandaseeuldbenecesearyfez~thehto

      Red Lake Band was receptive to the mission and the gospel

    5. henumberofIndiansbelongingtothebandisaboutonehundredhuntingmen,andfrom500to600womenandchild

      Red Lake Ojibwe Band: 100 men, 500-600 womyn and children

    6. heyvisitedLeechLakeandRedLakeandotherplacesontheway,toascertainwhataretheprospectsinthatregionformissionaryOperation

      Ayer visited Red Lake and Leech Lake to access them for missions again

  44. Aug 2019
    1. cthomant'ic‘igpat'eekInag’nvaaiw.''‘.z.‘--:“".w.':’.r‘r".‘..1'~hecouldnotgivemean31mm:towhatI.ghgugmonylrel‘atmc:to_p;.—v..Vf,_a..f»'1“:2”?».13},."’.['5'."f...schoolamonghispeople,as.someofLikehisprincipinr'monmore.not;-.‘r.‘«‘.‘‘‘i‘a'i.‘h-'I‘a'‘.3”‘'""dm:-:9?A-J'1'.3-.4"‘present,27110121126:mustfirstcdnsulf

      Sandy Lake Chief has the same response as the Principal Man at the Red Lake - not every one is present to discuss the possibility of a Mission on their land

    2. dqrh.ismostlyobtainedatRedLakefromthelads.whotherecultivateittoconsiderableextent.

      some sort of food is obtained at Red Lake from the Natives there (I can't read what it is)

    3. twothirdsofthesettlementisunder'Epis.influ.ence.Healsogivesitashiso>inion,thattheprinciplemenoftheH.BayDepartment,wouldfavour&aidinMissionaryoperation

      2/3 of Red River Settlement is under Episcopal influence, and David Aitkins believes the Hudson Bay Dept would favor and help to establish a mission

    4. pisnopaluhuguhLJvct«r'1'31..1ricuhave,(ousraJones&Cochran.ErJonesisaSolohmun,¢mwdoftalents,&officiataaaschaplainforthsdudaonaBayCompa

      Red River Settlement as two Episcopal Missionaries: M Jones (who is a wolohuan (Man of Talents) and chaplain for the Hudson Bay Company) and M Cochran

    5. 86tendsatleach30m3.oneachaid;ofther1Vcr

      Red River Settlement is at least 60 miles expanding across the River

    6. negéiééAi§k1nn,rel-ativatotheH3dlivertathl,ment.',,;_"Hr‘illiulA..itkin,astimatasnnepop;at3f0r74990;1Thereist3oneBishop3tvoorthraopri:st

      the Red River Settlement according to Mesers Aitkins: 3-4,000 residents, including 1 bishop and 2 priests

  45. Jul 2019
    1. A French inventor has failed in his attempt to cross the English Channel on a jet-powered flyboard.


  46. May 2019
  47. Jan 2019
  48. Jul 2018
    1. For all the paranoid American theories of being “red-pilled,” of awakening into a many-tentacled liberal/feminist/Jewish conspiracy, the most corrosive force, the ectoplasm infusing itself invisibly through media and culture and politics, is white supremacy.
    1. The Truth About Migrants (2018)


      when this migrant in France scaled a building to save a baby I guess that means we should just get rid of borders and laws why this dude didn't grab the baby probably best not to ask questions

      The thumbnail of this video is ominous/portentous . it's a bad omen for women, their dautghters will pay for their mothers' stupidity.

  49. Apr 2017
  50. www.apple.com www.apple.com
    1. Красный айфон эт жесть




  51. Aug 2016
    1. But second, a sense of what could have been. What if Stalin hadn’t murdered most of the competent people? What if entire fields of science hadn’t been banned for silly reasons? What if Kantorovich had been able to make the Soviet leadership base its economic planning around linear programming? How might history have turned out differently?

      I asked my brother, who writes about Soviet economics, whether he ever had this sense of sadness at what could have been. He responded that in his experience everyone who studies the period shares this feeling.

    2. First, amazement that the Soviet economy got as far as it did, given how incredibly screwed up it was.

      I feel this.

  52. May 2016
    1. \hypersetup{hidelinks=true}

      [Lyx ver.2.1.4/Win7 Pro] To use this: go to Document > Settings > LaTeX Preamble and paste just this line into the corresponding text box. Lyx will add this to the underlying document preamble and this removes those ugly borders around clickable hyperlinks, and citation indices.

  53. Feb 2016
    1. Now, pretty much everyone hosts their open source projects on GitHub, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and even Microsoft—once the bete noire of open source software. In recent months, as Microsoft open sourced some of its most important code, it used GitHub rather than its own open source site, CodePlex. S. “Soma” Somasegar—the 25-year Microsoft veteran who oversees the company’s vast collection of tools for software developers—says CodePlex will continue to operate, as will other repositories like Sourceforge and BitBucket. “We want to make sure it continues being there, as a choice,” he tells WIRED. But he sees GitHub as the only place for a project like Microsoft .NET. “We want to meet developers where they are,” he says. “The open source community, for the most part, is on GitHub.”
    1. n 2011, there were 2 million repositories on GitHub. Today, there are over 29 million. GitHub’s Brian Doll noted that the first million repositories took nearly 4 years to create; getting from nine to ten million took just 48 days.
  54. Sep 2015
  55. Mar 2015
    1. While I'm sure Red Hat's salesforce doesn't love competing with its copycat, the reality is that sales are almost certainly helped in accounts that only want RHEL for production servers and can shave costs by using CentOS for development and test servers. CentOS, in other words, gives Red Hat a lot of pricing leverage, without having to lower its prices.

      test ve development da kullanılabilir