1,137 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
      • for: COP28 talk - later is too late, Global tipping points report, question - are there maps of feedbacks of positive tipping points?, My Climate Risk, ICICLE, positive tipping points, social tipping points

      • NOTE

        • This video is not yet available on YouTube so couldn't not be docdropped for annotation. So all annotations are done here referred to timestamp
      • SUMMARY

        • This video has not been uploaded on youtube yet so there is no transcription and I am manually annotating on this page.

        • Positive tipping points

          • not as well studied as negative tipping points
          • cost parity is the most obvious but there are other factors relating to
            • politics
            • psychology
          • We are in a path dependency so we need disruptive change

        • Pierre Fredlingstein, Uni of Exeter - Global carbon budget report
        • Rosalyn Conforth, Uni of Reading - Adaptation Gap report
        • Tim Lenton, Uni of Exeter - Global Tipping Report
      • Global Carbon Budget report summary

      • 0:19:47: Graph of largest emitters

        • graph
        • comment
          • wow! We are all essentially dependent on China! How do citizens around the world influence China? I suppose if ANY of these major emitters don't radically reduce, we won't stay under 1.5 Deg C, but China is the biggest one.
      • 00:20:51: Land Use Emissions

      • three countries represent 55% of all land use emissions - Brazil - DRC - Indonesia

      • 00:21:55: CDR

        • forests: 1.9 Gt / 5% of annual Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions
        • technological CDR: 0.000025% of annual Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions
      • 00:23:00: Remaining Carbon Budget

        • 1.5 Deg C: 275 Gt CO2
        • 1.7 Deg C. 625 Gt CO2
        • 2.0 Deg C. 1150 Gt CO2
      • Advancing an Inclusive Process for Adaptation Planning and Action

      • adaptation is underfinanced. The gap is:

        • 194 billion / year
        • 366 billion / year by 2030
      • climate change increases transboundary issues
        • need transboundary agreements but these are absent
        • conflicts and migration are a result of such transboundary climate impacts
        • people are increasing climate impacts to try to survive due to existing climate impacts

      -00:29:46: My Climate Risk Regional Hubs - Looking at climate risks from a local perspective. - @Nate, @SoNeC - 00:30:33 ""ICICLE** storyllines - need bottom-up approach (ICICLE - Integrated Climate Livelihood and and Environment storylines)

      • 00:32:58: Global Tipping Points

      • 00:33:46: Five of planetary systems can tip at the current 1.2 Deg C

        • Greenland Ice Sheet
        • West Antarctic
        • Permafrost
        • Coral Reefs - 500 million people
        • Subpolar Gyre of North Atlantic - ice age in Europe
          • goes in a decade - like British Columbia climate
      • 00:35:39

        • risks go up disproportionately with every 0.1 deg C of warming. There is no longer a business-as-usual option now. We CANNOT ACT INCREMENTALLY NOW.
      • 00:36:00

        • we calculate a need of a speed up of a factor of 7 to shut down greenhouse gas emissions and that is done through positive tipping points.

      -00:37:00 - We have accelerating positive feedbacks and if we coordinate policy changes with consumer behavior change and business behavior change to reinforce these positive feedbacks, we can help accelerate change in the other sectors of the global economy responsible for all the other emissions

      • 00:37:30

        • in the report we walk you through the other sectors, where their tipping points are and how we have to act to trigger them. This is the only viable path out of our situation.
      • 00:38:10

        • Positive tipping points can also reinforce each other
        • Question: Are there maps of the feedbacks of positive tipping points?
        • Tim only discusses economic and technological positive tipping points and does not talk about social or societal
    1. four different types of initiators of new community projectsbased in neighbourhoods:local government,governmental organisations,non-governmental organisations or activists andexisting communities.
      • for: types of initiators of community projects, SONEC - initiators of community projects, question - frameworks for community projects, suggestion - collaboration with My Climate Risk, suggestion - collaboration with U of Hawaii, suggestion - collaboration with ICICLE, suggestion - collaboration with earth commission, suggestion - collaboration with DEAL

      • question: frameworks for community projects

        • If our interest is to attempt to create a global collective action campaign to address our existential polycrisis, which includes the climate crisis, then how do we mobilize at the community level in a meaningful way?

        • I suggest that this must be a cosmolocal effort. Why? Knowledge sharing across all the communities will accelerate the transition of any participating local community.

        • This means that we cannot rely on citizens living in small communities to construct an effective coordination framework for rapid de-escalation of the polycrisis. The capacity does not exist within small communities to build such a complex system. The system can be more effectively built before the collective action campaign is started by a virtual community of experts and ready for trial with pilot communities.
        • To meet this enormous challenge, it cannot be done in an adhoc way. At this point in time, many people in many communities all around the globe know of the existential crisis we face, but if we look at the annual carbon emissions, none of the existing community efforts has made a difference in their continuing escalation.
        • The knowledge required to synchronize millions of communities to have a unified wartime-scale collective action mobilization to reach decarbonization goals that the mainstream approach has not even made a dent in will be a complex problem.
        • In other words, what is proposed is a partnership.
        • Since we are faced with global commons problems that pose existential threats if not mitigated in 5 to 8 years, the scope of the problem is enormous.
        • Super wicked problems require unprecedented levels of collaboration at every level.
        • The downscaling of global planetary boundaries and doughnut economics seems the most logical way to think global, act local.
        • Building such a collaboration system requires expert knowledge. Once built, however, it requires testing in pilot communities. This is where a partnership can take place

        • 2024, Jan. 1 Adder

          • My Climate Risk Regional Hubs
            • time 29:46 of https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Funfccc.int%2Fevent%2Flater-is-too-late-tipping-the-balance-from-negative-to-positive&group=world
            • https://www.wcrp-climate.org/mcr-hubs
            • Suggestion:
              • SRG has long entertained a collaborative open science project for grassroots polycrisis / climate crisis education - to measure and validate latest climate departure dates
              • This would make climate change far more salient to the average person because of the observable trends in disruption of local economic activity connected to the local ecology due to climate impacts
              • This would be a synergistic project between SRG, LCE, SoNeC, My Climate Risk hubs, ICICLE and U of Hawaii
              • Our community frameworks need to go BEYOND simply adaptation though, which is what "My Climate Risk" focuses exclusively on. We need to also engage equally in climate mitigation.
        • reference
        • I coedited this volume on examples of existing cosmolocal projects
  2. Dec 2023
      • for: James Hansen - 2023 paper, key insight - James Hansen, leverage point - emergence of new 3rd political party, leverage point - youth in politics, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics

      • Key insight: James Hansen

        • The key insight James Hansen conveys is that
          • the key to rapid system change is
            • WHAT? the rapid emergence of a new, third political party that does not take money from special interest lobbys.
            • WHY? Hit the Achilles heel of the Fossil Fuel industry
            • HOW? widespread citizen / youth campaign to elect new youth leaders across the US and around the globe
            • WHEN? Timing is critical. In the US,
              • Don't spoil the vote for the two party system in 2024 elections. Better to have a democracy than a dictatorship.
              • Realistically, likely have to wait to be a contender in the 2028 election.
      • reference

    1. Washington is a swamp it we throw out one party the other one comes in they take money from special interests and we don't have a government that's serving the interests 01:25:09 of the public that's what I think we have to fix and I don't see how we do that unless we have a party that takes no money from special interests
      • for: key insight- polycrisis - climate crisis - political crisis, climate crisis - requires a new political party, money in politics, climate crisis - fossil fuel lobbyists, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics, James Hansen - key insight - political action - 3rd party

      • key insight

        • Both democrats and conservatives are captured by fossil fuel lobbyist interests
        • A new third political party that does not take money from special interests is required
        • The nature of the polycrisis is that crisis are entangled . This is a case in point. The climate crisis cannot be solved unless the political crisis of money influencing politics is resolved
        • The system needs to be rapidly reformed to kick money of special interest groups out of politics.
      • question

        • Given the short timescale, the earliest we can achieve this is 2028 in the US Election cycle
        • Meanwhile what can we do in between?
        • How much impact can alternative forms of local governance like https://sonec.org/ have?
        • In particular, could citizens form local alternative forms of governance and implement incentives to drive sustainable behavior?
    2. next year we we'll know whether your your your numbers are right in your pipeline paper around May of next year 01:46:30 and then it's going to be a very warm year it's going to be a lot of Destruction then we need we need to see how far the temperature Falls with the elino with the linia that follows but I 01:46:42 I expect it's not going to fall as much as you would otherwise have expected because of the large planetary energy balance there's more energy coming in than going out so it's hard for the 01:46:55 linia to cool it off as much as it used to
      • for:May 2024 - James Hansen prediction, extreme weather event - May 2024 - Hansen 2023 paper, prediction - extreme weather 2024
    3. I think that we should be putting a high priority on developing the Next Generation nuclear 01:45:54 power uh but it's uh it's uh it's going to be a a tough job and as long as the as the special 01:46:05 interests are controlling our government uh we're not going to solve it
    4. we have to do it um and but to to get a third party we 01:26:28 do need to work on this ranked voting so that we're the third party is not a spoiler that ends up electing the worst candidate we have that Oakland here live in ber you know work in Berkeley but 01:26:41 nearby Oakland has it and some places are starting to do it but I don't think it's really caught on
      • for: ranked voting, third party - ranked voting, climate crisis - ranked voting, climate crisis - third party with no money from special interests
    5. I think that what we have to 01:23:24 do is have the revolution that Benjamin Franklin said we need if because if we don't solve the problem in the United States I don't see us solving the global 01:23:39 problem
      • for: quote - James Hansen, quote Benjamin Franklin, climate crisis - leverage point - political revolution

      • quote

        • If we don't solve the problem in the United States, I don't see us solving the global problem
      • author: James Hansen
      • date: Dec 2023

      • comment

        • Tipping Point network
    6. I 01:22:57 think now what is more important is to affect the political system
      • climate crisis - leverage points - young people - politics

      • comment

        • Hansen considers politics to be the key leverage point for young people now, not protesting and raising awareness
      • for: climate crisis - multiple dimensions, polycrisis - multiple dimensions, climate crisis - good references, polycrisis - good references, polycrisis - comprehensive map, power to the people, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics

      • comment / summary

        • The content on this website may be what some call "doomers" that support a narrative of unavoidable catastrophe and civilization collapse
        • The author does an excellent job of drawing together many scientifically validated research papers and news media stories on various crisis and integrates them together to support his narrative.
        • As the author states, it is still incomplete but it is comprehensive and detailed enough to use as a starting foundation to build a complex polycrisis map upon. becaues it shows the complexities of the interwoven nexus of problems we face and the massive network of feedbacks between them that makes solving any one of them alone in isolation an impossibility
        • The Cascade Institute focuses on social tipping points, complexity and polycrisis. We could synthesis a number of tools to map out and reveal effective mitigation strategies including:
          • Cascade Institute tools
          • Social tipping point tools
          • SRG mapping tool along with Indyweb / Indranet
          • Culture hacking tools
          • SIMPOL strategy
          • Downscaled Earth System Boundary tools
          • SRG Deep Humanity BEing journey tools
          • James Hansen's recommendation that the biggest leverage point is new form of governance
            • We need to rapidly emerge a new global third political party that does not take money from special interest groups
          • Progressive International comes to the same conclusion as James Hansen, that the key leverage point for rapid whole system change is radically new governance that puts power back to the hands of the people - power to the people
          • SONEC's
          • Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal methodology is a perfect match for SONEC circle-within-circles fractal structure
            • mention to @Gyuri
            • I've seen this circle-within-circle fractal, holonic group idea with Tim's software as well as Roberto's
        • Feebate from local governance groups (from another Doomer site - Arctic Emergency)
        • What the author's narrative shows is
          • how precarious our situation is
          • how many trends are getting far worse in the immediate future
          • how we are already undercapacitated to deal with existing crisis so how will we deal with new ones that are exponentially worse?
          • all these crisis will impact our supply chains. Why are these important? Our reliance on technology is dangerous and makes us very vulnerable
          • Think of your laptop, cellphone or other electronic device that relies on a vast, complex and globally operational internet. Imagine that tidal surges wipes out the globally critical data centers located in New York. Or imagine electronic factories in China and Taiwan are wiped out due to extreme weather. How will you get or fix a broken piece of electronic equipment? We rely on each millions of specialized jobs all working smoothly in order for our laptop to continue working and communicating with each other.
      • epiphany

      • recommendation for new Indyweb / Indranet tools
        • independent time and date stamp tool for every online, virtual sentence we write so we recognize in a long composition when we inserted a new idea
        • ability to trace rapid trains of thought to reveal how new insights emerge from within our consciousness
      • While writing this, I just recalled that we should have a way to time and date stamp every single virtual online action, like in this annotation because recall happens so nonlinearly and we won't have a hope to trace and trailmark without it. Hypothesis doesn't have time and date stamps of every sentence available to the user. So we don't know what nonlinear memory recall led to a specific sentence in an annotation. We need some independent Indyweb / Indranet tool that will do this universally. Trains of thoughts are so fragile we can forget the quick cascades very easily.
    1. Der Standard fasst Berichte der WMO, des europäischen Wetterdienstes Copernicus und des Österreichischen Alpenvereins zum Schwund der Gletscher 2022 zusammen. Die europäischen Alpengletscher verloren 2022 mehr als 5 Kubikkilometer Eis. Die Schweizer Alpengletscher haben in 20 Jahren ein Drittel ihres Eises eingebüßt. Bei einer Temperaturerhöhung um 2,7° bis 2100 würde allein durch das fast vollständige Abschmelzen der Gletscher in Mitteleuropa, den USA, Westkanada und Neuseeland der Meeresspiegel um 115mm steigen.


      Infografik: https://b.staticfiles.at/elm/static/2023-04-schneeanomalie/index.html?nc9238cb923b983a

    1. Many of the neighbourhood organisations were able to support and initiate new projects and busi-nesses
      • for: question - climate crisis - local solutions - scalability

      • question

        • These are great starts but is there a trajectory to scaling them to replace a large part of society's GDP as a minimum but total holistic wellbeing as a final goal?:
    1. They don't want their intimate convic-tions turned over and examined, and itis unfortunate that the emphasis put

      upon minor differences by men of science and belief in their strenuous search for the completest truth and the exactest expression sometimes gives color to this sort of misunderstanding.

      This emphasis on minor differences is exactly what many anti-science critics have done. See examples with respect to evolution and climate science denial.

    1. Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Other Groups Declines
      • for: science communication, climate communication

      • title: Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Other Groups Declines

      • author:
        • Brian Kennedy
        • Alec Tyson
        • Cary Funk
      • date:Feb. 15, 2022
    1. Lack of community is a key driver of why the system is so broken
      • for: climate crisis - role of community

      • comment

        • Jane starts off a great conversation with the thesis that communities can be the key for solving the climate crisis
    2. Not sure how "communities" are going to shut down oil refineries as big as large cities in some cases.
      • for: question - can communities have real impact?

      • question: can communities have real impact?

        • In this discussion, Ross is acting as the devil's advocate questioning whether communities can have real impact. He is consistent and his comments are based on evidence and experience. He challenges everyone else to prove him wrong and makes everyone go deeper to validate their positions.
        • Ross makes valid points that so far, have not been effectively addressed, mainly because nobody has thought further of how to systematically organize communities to the scale required. It's not trivial!
      • for: climate crisis - debate - community action, climate crisis - discussion - community action, indyweb - curation example

      • discussion: effectiveness of community action to address climate crisis

        • This is a good discussion on the effectiveness of community action to address the climate crisis.
        • It offers a diverse range of perspectives that can all be mapped using SRG trailmark protocol and then data visualized within Indyweb via cytoscape
    1. we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
      • for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication

      • comment

      • key insight

        • Elites are necessary in every society
        • Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
        • elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
          • those who serve society
          • those who serve themselves
          • often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
          • we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
        • elites may be necessary but
          • We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
      • references

    2. if we want to see science having a deeper impact on society and politics it's crucial that we have also 00:45:52 scientific storytellers
      • for: quote - Yuval Noah Harari, quote - storytelling, quote - scientific storytelling, science communication, climate communication

      • key insight

      • quote

        • If we want to see science having a deeper impact on society and politics, it's crucial that we have also scientific storytelling
      • comment

        • I would just add that it should be COMPELLING scientific storytelling
    1. Almost by definition this would significantly alleviate poverty, as society’s resources will need to move from furnishing the relative luxuries of people like me (along with Elon Musk and Bill Gates) and be mobilised to decarbonise every facet of society. And all this in two decades tops
      • for: climate crisis - resource flow, carbon budget - resource flow, carbon budget - resource redistribution

      • comment

        • This is really a major change in the way resource flows
        • The high consuming countries and individuals need to drop their consumption drastically and give those to the decarbonization effort and to the disenfranchised who need to be uplifted to a state of wellbeing
    2. Fast international travel will, at least temporarily, have to be for urgent or emergency purposes only. A triage approach is needed to ensure that the reallocation of society’s small carbon budget, its labour and resources, are used wisely to provide for a thriving society.
      • for: climate crisis - air travel, climate crisis - triage approach, climate communications - SRG suggestion - energy diet

      • comment

        • Kevin's use of the term triage is aligned to a Stop Reset Go strategy of reframing the challenges in the next few years in terms of a potentially temporary energy diet
        • That may be more palatable for transition for people accustomed to the existing high carbon lifestyle culture to accept
        • The potential of developing alternative energy resources plus a shift to low energy / high efficiency lifestyle could get us to the target and provide incentive for a drastic energy consumption cut
    3. Once decarbonisation is complete, then, if it is considered desirable, rampant inequality can again be pursued, as it clearly is today. But between now and then, inequality is the main obstacle to getting anywhere near our Paris commitments.
      • for: SRG energy diet, climate communications - suggestion - SRG energy diet

      • comment

        • This statement once again echos the idea of a temporary energy diet as a way to reframe the challenges we face
        • There are potential clean high energy density replacements for fossil fuels but they will take time to develop. Meanwhile, an energy diet is recommended
        • This means we must adapt to a much lower intensity world, at least temporarily
        • We would need to calculate the numbers to see what such a future looks like and what steps must be taken to get there
    4. This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate societal aspirations and the narratives around climate change. These extend from well-funded advertising to pseudo-technical solutions, from the financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
      • for: quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - elite positive feedback carbon inequality loop, climate crisis - societal aspirations, elites - societal aspirations, societal aspirations, key insight - societal aspirations

      • quote

        • This 1% of humanity uses its awesome power to manipulate
          • societal aspirations and
          • the narratives around climate change.
        • These extend from
          • well-funded advertising to
          • pseudo-technical solutions,
          • and financialisation of carbon emissions (and increasingly, nature) to
          • labelling extreme any meaningful narrative that questions inequality and power.
      • comment

      • key insight - societal aspirations
        • it is the societal aspiration of the logic of capitalism and the free market that continues to create the next generation of the 1%
        • How can the luxury industry NOT BE high carbon intensity? It's an oxymoron. High carbon is baked into the definition of luxury, and it is luxury goods and services which accelerate climate breakdown.
        • The elites have a strong feeling of entitlement. They feel they DESERVE to reward themselves with a luxury lifestyle. That aspiration and reward structure multiplied by 80 million (1% of 8 billion) is a major variable driving the climate crisis
      • for: climate crisis - elites, Kevin Anderson - elites, carbon emissions - elites, adjacency - elites - carbon inequality - incentives - luxury - capitalism

      • title: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You

      • author: Kevin Anderson
      • date: Nov. 29, 2023

      • comment

      • adjacency between
        • elites
        • capitalism
        • free market
        • incentives
        • double bind
        • wicked problem
        • inequality
        • carbon inequality
        • luxury industry
      • adjacency statement
        • This article was pulled by "The Conversation" for being too controversial
        • It addresses the double-bind / wicked problems that we find ourselves in.
        • It's not just that the elites that are the highest per capita polluters, but
          • it is an indictment of the entire philosophy and worldview of capitalism and the market economy which produces winners and losers and
          • the winners reap enormous resource benefits, including being able to afford luxury items as rewards which constitute the largest ecological footprint of all
        • while at any one time, there is always a minority of the 1%, who hold the most outsized ecological footprint of all, the logic that produced that 1% also serves as the incentives for the majority of the 99%, who because of the inherent precarity created by capitalism, will fight and struggle to become part of that 1%
        • So while one generation of the 1% die off, a new generation is born and created by the incentive structure of scarcity and precarity.
        • In this sense, capitalism has its own self-reinforcing, positive feedback loop that keeps the masses of the disenfranchised aspiring to the same high resource and ecological footprint, luxury lifestyle
        • Look at the culture industry of sports, entertainment, movies, music, TV, etc. and of business in general. The leaders of these and ALL fields are celebrated as heros and they all reward themselves with an ultra-high carbon intensity, luxury lifestyle.
        • Unless we do more than simply demonize the current set of elites, and recognize the root cause and change the incentive structure itself, we will only ever deal with the symptom and not the problem, and continue to generate the next generation of elites
        • The luxury lifestyle industry is a important role-player in the self-reinforcing feedback loop
    1. we're getting a taste of that in the pandemic yes you adopt a wartime or emergency mindset that helps to liberate a kind of level 00:15:22 of collective purpose it makes new things possible
      • for: polycrisis wartime mobilization, climate crisis wartime mobilization, 2024 extreme weather - wartime mobilization opportunity

      • key insight

      • adjacency between
        • real COVID mobilization
        • imagined future climate crisis wartime mobilization
      • adjacency statement

        • The rapid response to the COVID pandemic was a real life case of a wartime scale mobilization in a very short time. This shows that it is possible. We need to see if we can strive for this for climate change. If 2024 becomes the year of extreme weather due to El Nino, then we could use it as an opportunity for a wartime mobilization

        • one good thing about the COVID pandemic is that it did show that a rapid wartime mobilization is possible, because it did kind of happened during COVID

    2. i commissioned some original polling for my book from abacus research and i found some very hopeful stuff and you know the public gets the emergency and incidentally i've tried to recast 00:12:46 some of the the extreme weather events we've experienced as attacks on our soil let's think about them that way yeah um and they're ready for bold action actually the public is ahead of our politics in terms of that i was surprised to see 00:12:58 that you even mentioned in alberta the numbers are much higher than you so you mentioned quebec before so the the opinion polling nationally ranges from a high in quebec in terms of their readiness fraction right to a low in alberta but even in alberta 00:13:12 the level of support is remarkably high
      • for: climate crisis - Canada - surprising positive public opinion shift
      • for climate change - wartime mobilization, interview - Seth Klein - A Good War, polycrisis - conflict, climate crisis - conflict, Naomi Klein - brother

      • summary

        • An interview with activist Seth Klein on his book: A Good War. Klein studied how WWI and WWII stimulated a rapid mobilization of Canada with an eye to translating the same methods to combating climate change.
      • for: Kevin Anderson, transition, climate equity, climate justice, climate justice - Kevin Anderson, carbon inequality - Kevin Anderson, life within planetary boundaries, lifestyle within planetary boundaries - elites, climate crisis - Kevin Anderson

      • summary

        • Kevin offers a picture of what a world within the stable climate planetary boundary would look like for the wealthy of the planet.
    1. Die afrikanischen Politiker:innen Nathaniel Mong’are und Abdoulie Ceesay bewerten das COP28-Ergebnis und die Ktivitäten der Emirate vor und während der Konferenz als positiv. Maßgeblich für sie ist die Finanzierung des gerechten Übergang; hier sei viel, wenn auch bei weitem nicht genug, Geld mobilisiert worden.


    1. i look at pinker's books his latest one enlightenment now and i read very carefully his section on climate change he takes climate change seriously but for me this is a litmus test
      • for: Steven Pinker - critique - climate change - Enlightenment Now
      • for: climate crisis - voting for global political green candidates, podcast - Planet Critical, interview - Planet Critical - James Schneider - communications officer - Progressive International, green democratic revolution, climate crisis - elite control off mainstream media

      • podcast: Planet Critical

      • host: Rachel Donald
      • title: Overthrowing the Ruling Class: The Green Democratic Revolution

      • summary

        • This is a very insightful interview with James Schneider, communications officer of Progressive International on the scales of political change required to advert our existential Poly / meta / meaning crisis.
        • James sees 3 levels of crisis
          • ordinary crisis emerging from a broken system
          • larger wicked problems that cannot be solved in isolation
          • the biggest umbrella crisis that covers all others - the last remaining decades of the fossil fuel system,
            • due to peak oil but accelerated by
            • climate crisis
        • There has to be a paradigm shift on governance, as the ruling elites are driving humanity off the cliff edge
        • This is not incremental change but a paradigm shift in governance
        • To do that, we have to adopt an anti-regime perspective, that is not reinforcing the current infective administrative state, otherwise, as COVID taught us, we will end up driving the masses to adopt hard right politicians
        • In order to establish the policies that are aligned to the science, the people and politicians have to be aligned.
        • Voting in candidates who champion policies aligned to science is a leverage point.
        • That can only be done if the citizenry is educated enough to vote for such politicians
        • So there are two parallel tasks to be done:
          • mass education program to educate citizens
          • mass program to encourage candidates aligned to climate science to run for political office
    1. we're on the highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator and he completely right 00:33:33 apart from one thing right
      • for: climate crisis - analogy

      • climate crisis - analogy

        • We're on a highway to the cliff
        • our foot is on the accelerator
        • the ruling class is driving
        • we are bound and gagged in the boot
        • we have to
          • work together to untie ourselves,
          • break through the front seat,
          • remove the driver,
          • take control of the steering wheel and brakes and
          • avoid driving over the cliff edge
    2. there are sort of 00:17:41 two broad um programs or ideas that deal with this or that try to engage with this issue they have pockets of support 00:17:52 one is the idea of a green New Deal or a global Green New Deal and the other one is degrowth and and I don't think that either of those work for different reasons
      • for: quote, climate futures - both green new deal and regrowth don't work, green new deal - criticism, degrowth - criticism
    1. Conclusion: Supporting our hypotheses, we identify a general trend that social marginalization is associated with less system-justification. Those benefitting from the status quo (e.g., healthier, wealthier, less lonely) were more likely to hold system-justifying beliefs. However, some groups who are disadvantaged within the existing system reported higher system-justification—suggesting that system oppression may be a key moderator of the effect of social position on system justification.
      • for: system justification theory, status quo bias, question - lack of commensurate action

      • summary

        • Supporting their hypotheses, the authors identify a general trend that social marginalization is associated with less system-justification.
        • Those benefitting from the status quo (e.g., healthier, wealthier, less lonely) were more likely to hold system-justifying beliefs.
        • However, some groups who are disadvantaged within the existing system reported higher system-justification—suggesting that
          • system oppression may be a key moderator of the effect of social position on system justification.
      • Question

        • The question here is this:
          • Can system justification theory be applied to explain why the majority of citizens, even though they are aware that the current fossil fuel energy system must be rapidly scaled down, there is no commensurate sense of emergency of concomitant action?
      • for: plan B, climate futures, dystopian future, civilization collapse

      • title: If We’ve Lost the Climate War, What’s Plan B?

      • subtitle: Why a carbon tax won’t save us, and what’s next.
      • author: Crawford Kilian
      • date: Nov 22, 2023

      • summary

        • a good article that shows the complexity and unpredictability of a collapse scenario and system justification theory, which sounds like the boiling frog syndrome
    1. Fiona Harvey fasst mehrere Interviews zusammen, die sie mit Sultan Al Jaber geführt hat. Es ist offensichtlich, dass sein primäres Interesse darin besteht, die Geschäfte der UAE-Staatsfirmen Adnoc und Masdar langfristig zu sichern und auszubauen, und das offenbar in enger Abstimmung mit Saudi-Arabien. Man hofft, als letzte im Öl- und Gas-Business übrigzubleiben und will dann stark bei den Erneuerbaren sein. Die Förderung von Öl und Gas wird durch den Hinweis auf die Wünscher der Verbraucher:innen legitimiert; außerdem brauche man sie für die Petrochemie. Die Strategie ist verwandt mit der der OMV (die nicht erwähnt wird) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/07/meet-the-oil-man-tasked-with-saving-the-planet-cop28

    1. Laut Oxfam haben die reichen Länder 2020 nur 21-24,5 Milliarden Dollar tatsächliche Klimahilfen an den globalen Süden bezahlt. Ausgehend von ihrem Climate Finance Shadow Report 2023 kritisiert die NGO die Behauptung, es seien 2022 erstmals die vereinbarten 100 Milliarden zur Verfügung gestelt worden. https://taz.de/Faule-Klima-Entschaedigungen/!5973353/

  3. Nov 2023
    1. if governments deliver in full on their national energy and climate pledges, then oil and gas demand would be 45% below today's level by 2050 and the temperature rise could be limited to 1.7 °C. If governments successfully pursue a 1.5 °C trajectory, and emissions from the global energy sector reach net zero by mid-century, oil and gas use would fall by 75% to 2050.
      • for: Nationally Determined Contributions insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C, NDC insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C

      • stats: climate change - NDC

        • current NDCs
          • 45% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
        • NDCs to meet 1.5 Deg C
          • 75% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
    1. By chance I was reading Robert Goodin's 30 year old book on Green Political Theory yesterday - yes, how I get my kicks. A statement near the end of the book jumped out at me - and, I think, pertinent to the Netherlands now and the heat and noise in my home town, Oxford re. transport policy."...greens will have to impose tougher restraints on the rich than on the poor; they will have to let the poor continue to damage the environment in ways that they are prepared to prevent the rich from doing."
      • for: carbon tax, tax the rich, carbon inequality

      • comment

        • an obvious and logical strategy because
          • the elites are few in number, but hold much wealth
          • the disenfranchised are many in number but hold little wealth
            • but the disenfranchised exist in larger numbers
            • so when it comes to voting, they are a strategic cohort to win over
        • this is in effect the same logic as the Paris Agreement and climate justice
        • climate justice requires us to protect the poor and give them the remaining carbon budget whilst those who already have enough must cut back
    1. In den Niederlanden wird mit einem Wahlsieg von Parteien gerechnet, die für klimapolitischen Stillstand oder Rückschritt stehen. Die taz beschreibt den Stand der Auseinandersetzungen. Hervorgehoben wird die Stärke der Klimabewegung und die Klimarechtssprechung. Für die meisten Wähler:innen sei Klimapolitik nicht von Verteilungs- und Gerechtigkeitsfragen zu trennen.https://taz.de/Wahlen-in-den-Niederlanden/!5971214/

    1. Roger Hardy erklärt in diesem Artikel über die von ihm in Großbritannien gegründete Organisation Round our Way, dass Arbeiterklassen-Communities von der globalen Erhitzung und ihren Folgen besonders stark betroffen sind und das auch wissen. Nur eine Klimabewegung für "ordinary people" könne das Fundament für einen gesellschaftlichen Konsens über Klimaschutz herstellen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/commentisfree/2023/nov/21/working-class-people-climate-crisis-policy

    1. that's what we need to do today we need to we need to take an inventory of how many solar arrays do we need how 00:06:27 many wind turbines how many electric buses how many electric heat pumps what's the new generation crown corporations we should be establishing to expedite doing that at scale 00:06:40 and deploying it at scale to actually decarbonize and electrify in the short window of time that we have
      • for: climate change - wartime mobilization inventory
    1. Wenn die Länder sich an ihre aktuellen Planungen halten, werden die Emissionen bis 2030 im Verhältnis zu 2010 um 9% wachsen. Für das 1,5°-Ziel müssten sie um fast 50% fallen. Der Global stocktake report der UN zeigt vor der COP28, dass die meisten Nationen bei weiten nicht genug Schritte zur Reduktion der Emissionen unternehmen. Zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen war der Bericht "State of Climate Action 2023" gekommen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/united-nations-ndc-report-card.html

      Bericht: https://unfccc.int/documents/632334

    1. Hitzebedingte Todesfälle bei über 65-Jährigen haben seit den 90ern um 85% zugenommen. Senior:innen sind – wie kleine Kinder – zweimal soviel Hitzewellen-Tagen ausgesetzt wie 1986-2005. Extreme Hitze führte 2022 zu Produktivitätsverlusten von ca. 863 Milliarden USD. Alle Indikatoren für öffentliche Gesundheit haben sich in den letzten 9 Jahren verschlechtert. – Die NYT stellt den 2023 Report des Lancet Countdown ausführlich dar. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/climate/climate-change-health-effects-lancet.html

      Mehr zum Rreport: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%222023%20report%20of%20the%20Lancet%20Countdown%20on%20health%20and%20climate%20change%22

    1. Ausführlicher Kommentar zu den 2,4 Billionen (Tausend Milliarden, im Artikel falsch übersetzt) Dollar, die laut dem COP27-Bericht von 2022 erforderlich sind, um Klimaschutz und -Anpassung in den Ländern des globalen Südens (außer China) zu finanzieren. Der auf Konsens ausgerichtete COP-Prozess sei außerstande, die nötigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Der Betrag entspricht grob den aktuellen weltweiten Militärausgaben. https://www.repubblica.it/commenti/2023/11/19/news/cambiamenti_climatici_spesa_annua-420689085/?ref=RHRT-BG-I279994148-P4-S3-T1

    1. Der Emissions Gap Report 2023 des UN-Umweltprogramms (Titel: Broken Rekord) zeigt, dass sich die Welt nach wie vor auf eine Erhitzung um 2,5-2,9° zubewegt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür, dass das 1,5°-Ziel noch erreicht wird, liegt bei höchstens 14%. Der Treibhausgasausstoß erreichte einen historischen Rekord; er war 2022 1,2% höher als 2021. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000195965/welt-steuert-auf-drei-grad-erhitzung-zu-methan

      Bericht: https://www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2023

    1. Eine neue Studie ergibt, dass sich das Abschmelzen des westantarktischen Eisschilds selbst dann fortsetzen wird, wenn die Erderhitzung auf 1,5° begrenzt wird. Das Schelfeis stellt ein Kipppelememt dar. Der Abschmelzvorgang verstärkt sich selbst und führt zu einer unaufhaltsamen Erhöhung des Meeresspiegels, weil er den Weg für das hinter dem Schelfeis gelegene Gletschereis frei macht. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000192327/meterhoher-meeresanstieg-durch-abschmelzen-des-westantarktischen-eisschelfs

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x

      Mehr zur Studie: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%27report%3A+Unavoidable+future+increase+in+West+Antarctic+ice-shelf+melting%27

    1. Today, the U.S. is spending hundreds of millions to address the crisis of methane emissions. But as Tony Ingraffea says, this should have happened a decade ago (https://lnkd.in/eaFpkTrj) and it didn't because of a single person.And none of this is in the past. Ernest Moniz is the single person in the entire world most responsible for legitimizing the hoax of #carboncapture. And carbon capture is only reason that the global oil&gas cartel has been given a green light to #drilldrilldrill.These lies matter, and they are devastating our world
      • for: big oil cover up, big oil - MIT, big Oil Ernest Moniz, methane emissions coverup, PBS - The Power of Big Oil, climate change - big oil lobby, quote - Ernest Moniz, quote Edmund Carlevale, quote - methane emissions coverup

      • quote

        • Today, the U.S. is spending hundreds of millions to address the crisis of methane emissions. But as Tony Ingraffea says, this should have happened a decade ago (https://lnkd.in/eaFpkTrj) and it didn't because of a single person.
        • And none of this is in the past. Ernest Moniz is the single person in the entire world most responsible for legitimizing the hoax of #carboncapture.
        • And carbon capture is only reason that the global oil&gas cartel has been given a green light to #drilldrilldrill. -These lies matter, and they are devastating our world.
      • author: Edmund Carlevale
      • date: Nov 16, 2023

      • reference

    1. Der FDP-Vorsitzende Christian Lindner hat in einem Interview den von der Ampelkoalition beschlossenen Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung bis 2023 in Frage gestellt. Dabei behauptete er fälschlicherweise, die dardurch in Deutschland eingesparten Emissionen würden anderen EU-Staaten zur Verfügung gestellt. https://taz.de/Lindner-gegen-Kohleausstieg-2030/!5966983/

    1. In dem sogenannten Trilog-Verfahren haben sich Vertreter:innen des europäischen Parlaments und der europäischen Kommission auf eine endgültige Version des Nature Restoration Laws geeinigt, durch die bis 2030 20% der Land- und Wasserflächen der-unter Schutz gestellt bzw. wiederhergestellt werden sollen. Vor allem aufgrund des Einflusses der europäischen Volkspartei wurde die von der Kommission vorgelegte Version des Gesetzes stark verwässert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/10/eu-strikes-landmark-deal-nature-restoration-law

    1. haha, china and russia and friends are shitting all over your "scientific models".<br /> the ONLY problem is "too many humans", aka overpopulation, caused by pacifism.<br /> these "save the world" policies are collective suicide for the 95% useless eaters. byee!

    1. Die englische Regierung hat in der letzten Oktoberwoche 27 Lizenzen zur Öl- und Gasförderung in der Nordsee vergeben. George Monbiot konfrontiert diese Entscheidung mit aktuellen Erkenntnissen zum sechsten Massenaussterben und dem drohenden Zusammenbruch lebensunterstützender Systeme des Planeten https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/31/flickering-earth-systems-warning-act-now-rishi-sunak-north-sea

    1. Ein Viertel der Weltbevölkerung war in den vergangenen 12 Monaten von extremen Hitzewellen betroffen. Die NGO Climate Central berichtet im Detail darüber, welche Regionen welchem Ausmaß zusätzlicher Erwärmung ausgesetzt war, und hat dazu den "Climate Shift Index" entwickelt. In den letzten 12 Monaten fielen in Rom 44, in Mailand 64 Tage in die höchste Stufe 5 dieses Index.


    1. In einem Brief wollen mehr als 100 britische Energieunternehmen Premierminister Rishi Sunak warnen von der aktuellen Dekarbonisierungspolitik abzugehen. Gerade erst hat ein Gutachten gezeigt, mit welchen Gefahren die zu große Abhängigkeit Großbritanniens von gaslieferungen verbunden ist. Für das net sirocil sind diesen Bericht zufolge 327 Milliarden Pfund Investitionen nötig Punkt bisher haben sich die Regierung aber nur zu gut 22,5 Milliarden Pfund verpflichtet. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/16/top-uk-energy-firms-to-warn-rishi-sunak-dont-back-off-green-agenda

      Net Zero-Bericht von Chris Skidmore: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-net-zero

      Report des Office for Budget Stability: https://obr.uk/frs/fiscal-risks-and-sustainability-july-2023/#:~:text=In%20this%2C%20our%20second%20FRS,on%20the%20UK's%20public%20debt.

    1. Malm, Andreas. How to Blow Up a Pipeline. Verso Books, 2021. https://www.versobooks.com/products/2649-how-to-blow-up-a-pipeline.

      Aram Zucker-Scharff indicated that this was one of his favorite books on the climate crisis and has interesting consequences for both individual and group action. He said it might make an interesting pairing with Palo Alto (@Malcolm2023).

      It came up as we were talking about the ideas of climate crisis in the overlap of The Monkey Wrench Gang.

      Might also be interesting with respect to @Hoffer2002 [1951].

    1. Frank Luntz, a veteran Republican pollster, disavowed work Thursday in the early 2000s to cast doubt on the science behind climate change and said America, on the whole, wants the federal government to “do more, right now, to address it.” “I was wrong in 2001,” Luntz told an ad-hoc Senate Democratic climate panel. “I don’t want credit. I don’t want blame. Just stop using something that I wrote 18 years ago because it’s not accurate today.”

      Of course, one ought to be cognizant of the fact that he knew (or should have known) he was patently wrong then too.

      His statements as quoted here allow him to gloss over the fact that a lot of the blame rests at his own feet.

    2. Adragna, Anthony. “Luntz: ‘I Was Wrong’ on Climate Change.” POLITICO, August 21, 2019. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/21/frank-luntz-wrong-climate-change-1470653.

      Potentially interesting with respect to @Linsky2023

    1. Die italienische NGO Legambiente ruft dazu auf, ein Manifest zum Schutz der Alpengletscher zu unterschreiben. Es fördert Governance auf nationaler wie auf europäischer Ebene. Es bezieht sich auf Klimaschutz- wie auf Anpassungsmaßnahmen. Dabei wird auf zentrale Dokumente und Vereinbarungen zum Schutz der alpinen Ökosysteme und der Kryosphäre zurückgegriffen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/10/27/news/legambiente_petizione_ghiacciai-418888279/

      Manifest für die Governance der Gletscher und mit ihnen verbundener Ressourcen: https://www.legambiente.it/rapporti-e-osservatori/manifesto-per-una-governance-dei-ghiacciai-e-delle-risorse-connesse/?_gl=11cfz0u4_upMQ.._gaMTkwMjI0NzAzMy4xNjk4Mzg4MDI5_ga_LX7CNT6SDN*MTY5ODM4ODAyNy4xLjAuMTY5ODM4ODAyNy4wLjAuMA..

    1. Ein neuer Bericht der europäischen Kommission sagt aus, dass die EU dreimal so schnell dekarbonisieren muss wie bisher, um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 55% zu reduzieren. Den Zahlen der European Environment Agency zufolge reicht der gegenwärtige Kurs nur für eine Reduzierung um 43%. Ein Haupthindernis sind die enorm hohen fossilen Subventionen. Die Selbstverpflichtungen von EU-Staaten vor der COP28 treffen z.T. verspätet ein, und die vorliegenden sind einem Bericht des Climate Action Network zufolge sehr unzureichend. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/eu-must-cut-emissions-three-times-more-quickly-report-says

      State of the Energy Union: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/COM_2023_650_1_EN_ACT_part1_v10.pdf CAN-Bericht: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2023/10/NECPs_Assessment-Report_October2023.pdf

  4. Oct 2023
    1. these villages are so old, they are  working on the old patterns. And the old pattern,   which is the pattern that I am promoting, is  that land management is based on the watershed
      • for: redistrict cities - based on watersheds, watershed - urban permaculture, urban climate action, climate action - urban scale

      • summary

    1. caling Up Change: A Critical Reviewand Practical Guide to HarnessingSocial Norms for Climate Action
      • for: social tipping points - climate action, climate action - social tipping points, social norms - climate action, climate action - social norms, Damon Centola

      • title: Scaling Up Change: A Critical Review and Practical Guide to Harnessing Social Norms for Climate Action

      • author:
        • Sara M. Constantino
        • Gregg Sparkman
        • Gordon T. Kraft-Todd
        • Cristina Bicchieri
        • Damon Centola
        • Bettina Shell-Duncan
        • Sonja Vogt
        • Elke U. Weber
      • date: 2022
      • for: climate science - for policymakers, climate science - for citizens, leverage point, leverage point - climate science, missed opportunity - citizen movement

      • comment

        • has anyone thought about the idea of writing a science report - FOR THE CITIZEN? It seems that there is a potentially large missed opportunity by NOT seriously engaging the public with climate science and thinking that the policymakers are the only ones who can make the system change.
        • question
          • what if
            • climate science reports and studies can ALSO be written for THE GENERAL PUBLIC?
    1. Die Erde befindet sich bereits in einem "uncharted territory". 20 von 35 Indikatoren, mit denen sich das Funktionieren des Klimasystems beurteilen lässt, zeigen inzwischen extreme Werte. Die aktualisierte Version einer von den renommiertesten Erdsystemwissenschaftler:innen erstellten (und von 2000 Wissenschaftlern unterzeichneten Studie) von 2019 kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Warnungen aus der Wissenschaft, den Planeten nicht überzubelasten, nicht rechtzeitig ernst genommen wurden und das Erdsystem seinen stabilen Zustand verlassen hat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/earth-vital-signs-human-history-scientists-sustainable-future

      Report: https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biad080

    1. Zwischen 2016 und 2021 wurden weltweit mindestens 43,1 Millionen Kinder durch klimabedingte Wetterereignisse wie Überschwemmungen, Stürme, Dürren und Waldbrände vertrieben. Bei diesen Angaben aus einem neuen Unicef-Report handelt es sich um Mindestzahlen; die realen Werte dürften weit höher liegen. Der Bericht prognostiziert Verschlimmerungen bis hin zu mehr als einer Verdoppelung dieser Zahlen bis 2050. https://taz.de/Unicef-Bericht-zum-Klimawandel/!5964808/

      Bericht: https://www.unicef.org/reports/children-displaced-changing-climate

    1. Am 23. Oktober wurde der erste Bericht des europäischen Steuerobservatoriums publiziert, bei dem es unter anderem darum geht, in welchem Maß die beschlossene 15% Mindeststeuer auf die Gewinne internationaler Unternehmen umgesetzt wird und welche Ergebnisse zu erwarten sind. Der Bericht stellt da, welche enormen Mengen an Geld von internationalen Unternehmen und von Milliardären nach wie vor nicht versteuert werden. Eine milliardärssteuer von 2% des gesamtvermögens würde die Hälfte der 500 Milliarden Dollar ergeben, die der globale Süden jährlich mindestens an Klimafinanzierung braucht.https://www.liberation.fr/economie/fiscalite-mondiale-la-grande-evasion-continue-20231023_MEIIRA4OCNDDVBWPY4SVWBF7L4/

    1. And on top of this, we are reaping the results of what the climate scientist James Hansen calls our “Faustian bargain” with air pollution. For decades, air pollution from sulfur dioxide and other hazardous substances in fossil fuels has had a strong temporary cooling effect on our climate. But as countries around the world have begun to clean up the air, the cooling effect provided by these aerosols has fallen by around 30 percent since 2000. Aerosols have fallen even more in the past three years, after a decision to largely phase out sulfur in marine fuels in 2020. These reductions in pollution on top of continued increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations mean that we are encountering some of the unvarnished force of climate change for the first time.
      • faustian bargain
      • link of aerosols in atmosphere to temporary cooling
    2. 1850190019502000 00.511.5

      see graph

    1. The Seven Stages of climate denial:
      • for: climate denial, climate denialism,

      • paraphrase

        1. It's not real
        2. It's not us
        3. It's not that bad
        4. We have time (delay, delay and delay)
        5. It's too expensive to fix
        6. Dismiss or undermine solutions
        7. It's too late: you should have warned us earlier
    1. a series of very successful “Climate Science Translated” videos, pairing top climate scientists with top comedians - the comedians give their version of the science in highly unscientific language and emotion, cutting to the chase and helping the scientists reach a much wider audience (watch here: https://lnkd.in/e2Ed5ukG)
      • for: climate communication, climate communication - comedians, Climate Science Translated, Climate Science Breakthrough

      • potential partner

        • Climate Science Breakthrough
    1. Carbon capture is a phishing scheme introduced by the Koch brothers at MIT in 2004, the same year that Charles and David Koch provided the funds for Americans for Prosperity.
      • for: Carbon capture - MIT hoax, climate delay, kick the can down the road
    1. Mit drastischen Repressionsmaßnahmen versuchte die Polizei, Proteste gegen die Internationale Automobilausstellung IAAA in München zu unterdrücken. Verdächtig wirkende Personen wurden in der Stadt festgehalten und durchsucht, während der Automobiliindustrie große Flächen als „open spaces“ zur Veerfügung gestellt wurden. Dennoch erregten Proteste und Aktionen große öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit. https://taz.de/Protest-gegen-Automobilausstellung-IAA/!5956556/

    1. We currently have a climate movement and a biodiversity movement. These are for the most part, two separate movements. As our understandings grow and spread of how important biodiversity is to climate, these two movements can merge and synergize.
      • for: key insight, climate movement, biodiversity movement, adjacency, adjacency - climate movement - biodiversity movement

      • key insight

        • We currently have
          • a climate movement and
          • a biodiversity movement.
        • These are for the most part, two separate movements.
        • As our understandings grow and spread of how important biodiversity is to climate,
          • these two movements can merge and synergize.
      • for: biodiversity regulated climate, adjacency, adjacency - biodiversity - climate
  5. Sep 2023
    1. Barry Commoner's The Closing Circle,something more is required. This is particularly true of a booklike Commoner's, on a subject-the environmental crisis-ofspecial interest and importance to all of us today. The writingis compact and requires constant attention. But the book as awhole has implications that the careful reader will not miss.Although it is not a practical work, in the sense describedabove in Chapter 13, its theoretical conclusions have importantconsequences. The mere mention of the book's subject matter-the environmental crisis-suggests this. The environment inquestion is our own; if it is undergoing a crisis of some sort,then it inevitably follows, even if the author had not said sothough in fact he has-that we are also involved in the crisis.The thing to do in a crisis is ( usually ) to act in a certain way,or to stop acting in a certain way. Thus Commoner's book,though essentially theoretical, has a significance that goes beyond the theoretical and into the realm of the practical

      Interesting to see this take up some space as an example from 1972.

      • for: climate change - false binary, jobs vs environment, example, example climate change - false binary, climate departure, leverage point

      • example: false environmental binary

        • activists need to better communicate the false binary that climate denialists keep using to pull the wool over people's eyes.
        • jobs vs environment ignores the short term threat of environmental degradation
        • this is where participatory climate departure can show the threat in a visceral, concrete way that is far more compelling you the average person than any intellectual attempt to explain the differences example - climate change - false binary
    1. In Figure 1, we plot the evolution of global greenhouse gas emission esti-mates from these subsectors from 1970 to 2018, based on European Commission(2023). For comparison, worldwide greenhouse gas emissions across all sectorsof the economy were roughly 36 gigatons in 2018 (IEA 2022b). Figure 1 suggeststwo themes that will recur throughout the essay: the centrality of road vehicles inthe task of decarbonizing transportation and the ongoing rise in transportationFigure 1Transportation Emissions by SectorSource: Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (European Commission 2023).Note: This figure plots annual emissions greenhouse gas emissions (in gigatons) for five transportationsectors from 1970 to 2018.01234Greenhouse gas emissions (gigatons)1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020OECD – roadNon OECD – roadAviationWater-borneRail /other

      ongoing rise in transporation emissions in developing countries.

    1. There's no other way. And if you look at the world today, the big pace of increase in emissions is in countries like India. China is by far the world's largest emitter today. So for an orderly phase out, I think the Marshall Plan option is simply not an option.
      • comment
        • Johan Rockstrom does not believe that a Marshall plan is feasible. He cites the rapid pace of development in India and China as a reason a Marshall plan would not work.
        • To unpack this further, China and India were both countries on the other side of (white) colonialism and now are trying to catch up. Whereas historical, white colonialism marginalized both non-white, indigenous populations as well as nature, now these countries are marginalizing nature.
        • To determine whether a Marshall plan by these large emitting countries would be feasible or not depends on the answer to another question:
          • Can these countries pivot to a Marshall plan of a disruptive rate of 15% ?
        • We must remember, as Kevin Anderson reminds us, it is uneven. Only a small minority of the population must undergo radical decarbonization rates, namely the small minority of high carbon, elite emitters.
        • What would a global Marshall plan even look like? We don't know - because the conversation is being discouraged. That's the point Kevin Anderson is making.
    2. Our choice to fail over the last 30 years has brought us to this position. And a way out of that, a way out of the Marshall Plan, is to say we can have these negative emissions 00:34:42 I think we need to say that, okay that's one way out of it – if they work. Another way out of it is the Marshall Plan. And so we need to open that that dialogue up. but we've... in effect, I think the IAMs have closed that dialogue,. Which is one of the reasons, going back to... It would be interesting to see other parts of the world looking at this, because, I would have a guess, when we say 'that's not feasible', many people elsewhere in the world are saying 'well of course it's feasible, we've been doing... we've been living like that for years!'
      • for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - Kevin Anderson - Marshall plan, discussion - Johan Rockstrom / Kevin Anderson, perspectival knowing

      • quote

        • Our choice to fail over the last 30 years has brought us to this position.
        • And a way out of that, a way out of the Marshall Plan, is to say we can have these negative emissions
        • I think we need to say that, okay that's one way out of it – if they work.
        • Another way out of it is the Marshall Plan.
        • And so we need to open that that dialogue up. but we've... in effect, I think the IAMs have closed that dialogue,.
        • Which is one of the reasons, going back to... It would be interesting to see other parts of the world looking at this, because, I would have a guess,
          • when we say 'that's not feasible', many people elsewhere in the world are saying 'well of course it's feasible, we've been doing... we've been living like that for years!'
      • comment

        • In rebuttal to Johan's perspective on Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs),
          • Kevin is addressing the issue of perspectival knowing, and
          • its implications on what solutions we entertain as a global society.
        • The example he cites is Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) illustrates two major perspectives:
          • Johan includes NETs as he see's that without them, the transition goes from manageable to unmanageable
          • Kevin questions the inclusion of the NETs as potentially shutting down discussion about what Johan would consider an unmanageable situation
        • Kevin brings up a valid point for inclusion of other voices, especially those indigenous ones who are still institutionally marginalized not only in economic and cultural spaces, but also academic and intellectual ones.
        • The decolonization of academia takes on a concrete form here. Both the global and local south have lived under severe economic repression for centuries. Anderson's contention is that making do with less is something that billions of people have had to contend with for centuries as a social norm forced upon them by colonialist then post colonialist institutions.
        • Inclusivity of a greater diversity of voices does play an important role in shaping the future direction of humanity.
        • We should be having an open discussion about a Marshall plan and should not be afraid to go there.
          • We had it in WWII, which, while more direct threat, is not as great as the threat of climate change on all life on earth in a slightly greater time scale.
        • The global and local south has a lot to teach the global and local north. For this great transition of humanity to occur likely simultaneously requires
          • radical amounts of resource transfer from the global / local north to the global / local south,and
          • radical degrowth
    3. in a normal distribution, from over here you have the denialists and over here you have the environmental activists. But in between you have a lot of different types of people. And the majority are actually – we know this from opinion polls – they are very supportive of science. They're very supportive of and concerned about climate change. They want climate action. It's just that they live their normal lives, they have many preoccupations in life. 01:01:44 They have their children, their health, their school, their financing, their incomes. You know, many, many things to be worried about. But that's the question: how do we get this majority, the silent majority, to join us? And I don't think that the way to make them join us is to scare them. And I don't think the way to join is to fight with the denialists. I think the way to join... to make them join... is to show that this pathway can get a better life.
      • for: leverage points, quote, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - motivating the silent majority, climate change - priority, social tipping point
      • quote
        • In a normal distribution,
          • from over here you have the denialists and
          • over here you have the environmental activists.
        • But in between you have a lot of different types of people.
        • And the majority are actually
          • we know this from opinion polls
        • very supportive of science.
        • They're very supportive of and concerned about climate change.
        • They want climate action.
        • It's just that they live their normal lives, they have many preoccupations in life.They have
          • children,
          • health,
          • school,
          • financing,
          • incomes.
        • You know, many, many things to be worried about.
        • But that's the question:
          • how do we get this majority, the silent majority, to join us?
        • I don't think that the way to make them join us is to
          • scare them and
          • fight with the denialists.
        • I think the way to make them join is to show that this pathway can get a better life.
      • author: Johan Rockstrom
      • date: Sept., 2023

      • comment

        • in other words
        • the silent majority does not yet hold climate change activism to be sufficiently high on their list of priorities yet to warrant the necessary scale of action
    4. I think we need to do much more of that. I totally agree with you. I actually think that we – and that's self-critical to me as well – I think we need to be more brave also going public with that engagement.
      • for: climate science - citizen engagement, johan rockstrom - advocacy for citizen engagement, scientist - activism
      • comment
        • supporting the previous comment, Johan Rockstrom see's scientists having a much more active role engaging with the public.
    5. we have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'. We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years. But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups. We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. So we haven't lent... 00:58:06 Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
      • for: quote, quote - Kevin Anderson, quote - academic support for bottom-up actors, bottom-up actors - academic support
      • quote

        • We have been happy to engage with CEOs, with the senior policy makers, with the 'Davos set'.
        • We've been happy to engage with them – across, generally, the sort of more senior climate change academics. But they haven't delivered for 30 years.
        • But what we haven't... Who we very seldom engage with – the balance, to me, is wrong – with citizenry groups.
        • We haven't engaged... with the climate parliament group. Our support has been biased towards a group who are very much in favor of the status quo.
      • comment

      • Kevin is tuning into a potential idling capacity and leverage point that academic community has by-and-large missed.
        • Academic support of bottom-up and citizen groups could yield the kind of top-down and bottom-up partnership that could really accelerate climate policy action
    6. as you know, in Sweden right now, we're actually backpedalling on climate policy, rather than going forward. Which is really worrying. And this is, of course, the dilemma with politics. That as soon as you get a stress factor over here – 00:55:33 a war in Ukraine, inflation, recession, energy prices going up, food prices going up – then suddenly, you cannot handle two crises at the same time.
      • for: top-down and bottom-up partnerships, top-down and bottom-up climate action
      • comment
        • as the polycrisis accelerates, this is only going to get worse so we have to find a new, nonlinear way for politicians to actually work in partnership with bottom-up actors
    7. in Sweden, the Swedish parliament, which is completely set up by citizens – set up by citizens for citizens. They've produced a fantastic report. Detailed, rich report from citizens about how you could deliver budgets that are... from colleagues' and myself work on this, would say are broadly in line with somewhere between 1.5 and 2 [°C].
      • for: Swedish climate report, cidtizen action, bottom-up climate action, top-down and bottom-up partnership
      • future research

        • study the Swedish parliament climate policy model and citizen's roles in achieving it and see if it can be replicated in all countries
      • question

        • is there anyone studying this with the object of scaling to other countries?
    8. we have a crisis 00:49:16 And things have to change at the global level so fast that we need to correct big system failures at a very large scale. And I'm convinced that that can only be done top-down not bottom-up.
      • for: Johan Rockstrom - top down strategy, quote, quote - Johan Rockstrom, quote - climate top down strategy

      • quote

        • we have a crisis and things have to change at the global level so fast that we need to correct big system failures at a very large scale. And I'm convinced that that can only be done top-down not bottom-up.
      • author: Johan Rockstrom
      • date: Sept., 2023
    1. Die Meeresoberfläche ist im globalen Durchschnitt 0,5 Grad wärmer als zwischen. 1991 und 2000. Die zusätlich Erhitzung hat im April begonnen und ist unabhängig von jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen. Interview mit der italienischen Ozeanografin Sabrina Speich, in Paris forscht und unterrichtet und gerade beim Festival della Mente einen Vortrag über Ozeanografie und Klimaveränderungen gehalten hat.


      Vortrag von Sabrina Speich: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pHe7v_1v1I

    1. Hoekstra, a Shell man and a McKinsey man in charge of EU climate policy?
      • for: climate change policy hypocrisy, fossil fuel lobby, EU climate policy, Hoekstra, Fox guarding the henhouse, Linked In post
      • comment

        • What does it say about the EU's authenticity to deal with the global boiling crisis when they put a fox in charge of the henhouse?
        • this seems awfully similar to the choice for positioning an oil man to head COP28.
        • The fossil fuel lobby is EXTREMELY busy in the opaque back end of politics. We need more light to shine and bring the back end fossil fuel lobby activity out of the shadows to pre-empt future leadership betrayals.
      • future research

        • uncover future fossil fuel lobby’s game plan and future attempts to coopt climate change policy leadership
        • needed in order to proactively preempt the next attempt at coopting climate leadership. It’s difficult when we are simply reacting
    1. Social tipping points and physical tipping points are interrelated. With environmental stress, the former could arrive before the latter, and then cascades develop. Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023: https://www.cliccs.uni-hamburg.de/results/hamburg-climate-futures-outlook.html
      • for: TPF
      • comment
        • Hamburg climate futures outlook 2023 report supports need for something on the scale of the planned TPF
    1. A widely publicized study published last year by researchers at the University of Northern Arizona analyzed satellite images taken between 1985 and 2019. They show that large parts of the boreal forest have “browned” (i.e., died) in the south and greened with trees and shrubs in the north. If this shift, long hypothesized as a future outcome of warming, is already underway, the effects will be profound, transforming natural habitats, animal migration and human settlements.
      • for: climate departure, biodiversity loss, extinction
    2. the decline of winter shaking our national self-identity the most.
      • for: climate change impacts - canada
      • comment
        • imagine no more hockey or skating outside!
    3. Cities across the country will begin to reach “climate departure”: a symbolic rubicon, after which a climate falls completely outside historical norms.
      • for: climate departure, Camilo Mora, stats, stats - climate departure - canada, climate departure - montreal, climate departure - vancouver, climate departure - toronto
      • paraphrase
        • Cities across the country will begin to reach “climate departure”: a symbolic rubicon, after which a climate falls completely outside historical norms.
        • Even the coldest year, going forward, will be hotter than the hottest in the past.
        • The concept was defined in 2013 by researchers at the University of Hawai’i, who crunched computer models of 39 different planetary futures to arrive at their predictions.
        • In a scenario consistent with roughly two degrees warming by mid-century,
      • stats: start - Montreal is estimated to reach its departure point in 2072, - Toronto in 2074 and - Vancouver in 2083.
      • stats: end
      • comment
        • the article doesn't mention two important points
          • a number of places are expected to reach climate departure in the 2020's, such as
            • Manokwari, Indonesia in 2020
            • Lagos and Jakarta in 2029
          • Even if we decarbonize at the most aggresive RCP pathway, it would not prevent climate departure, but only delay it by a few decades
        • The implications are profound. It means that the living organisms on most places on the planet will be on a path to extinction or migration. The entire biosphere will be in migration and this also has profound implications on human social and economic systems. Species whose livelihood billions of people depend on will be migrating to other parts of the environment, potentially devastating large swathes of local economies the world over.
      • Reference:
      • for: futures, futures - Canada, climate impacts, climate impacts - Canada
      • title: CANADA IN THE YEAR 2060
      • author: Anne Shibata Casselman
      • date: Sept., 2023
      • for: climate financing, JETP, Just Energy Transition Partnerships
      • summary
        • Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP) are happening in South Africa and also Indonesia, Vietnam, Senegal and possibly India.
        • Will these actually happen? Will they be enough to avoid the highest risk of planetary tipping points?
    1. “Given the high unemployment rate in South Africa as well … you cannot sell it as a climate change intervention,” says Deborah Ramalope, head of climate policy analysis at the policy institute Climate Analytics in Berlin. “You really need to sell it as a socioeconomic intervention.”
      • for: quote, quote - climate change intervention, Trojan horse, Deborah Ramalope
      • quote
        • Given the high unemployment rate in South Africa as well … you cannot sell it as a climate change intervention, you really need to sell it as a socioeconomic intervention.
      • author: Deborah Ramalop
      • date: Aug. 15, 2023
      • source: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/just-energy-transition-partnerships-south-africa-cop
      • comment
        • A Trojan horse strategy
    2. climate finance expert Malango Mughogho, who is managing director of ZeniZeni Sustainable Finance Limited in South Africa and a member of the United Nations High-Level Expert Group on net-zero emissions commitments.
      • for: climate change financing - South Africa, Malango Mughogho, ZeniZeni, net-zero
    1. Interview mit dem philippinischen Anwalt Tony Opposa, der die Kampagne World's Youth for Climate Justice unterstützt. Es geht dabei darum, das Recht junger und zukünftiger Generationen auf eine intakte Umwelt vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof einklagbar zu machen. Oposa hat schon sehr früh in den Philippinen Prozesse geführt, bei denen es um die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen geht. https://taz.de/Anwalt-ueber-Klimaklagen/!5954750/

      • for: system change, polycrisis, extreme weather, planetary tipping points, climate disruption, climate chaos, tipping point, hothouse earth, new meme, deep transformation
      • title: The Great Disruption has Begun
      • author: Paul Gilding
      • date: Sept 3, 2023
      • source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
      • summary

        • good q uick opening paragraphs that summarize the plethora of extreme events in 2023 up to Sept 2023 (but misses the Canadian Wildfires) and also the list of potential planetary tipping points that are giving indication of being at the threshold.
        • He makes a good point about the conservative nature of science that underestimates impacts due to the inertia of scientific study.
        • Coins a good meme
          • Everything, everywhere, all at once
        • He ties all the various crisis together to show the many components of the wicked problem we face
        • finally what it comes down to is that we cannot stop the coming unprecedented changes but we can and must slow it down as much as possible and we should be prepared for a wild ride
      • comment

        • It would be a good educational tool for deep and transformative climate education to map all these elements of the polycrisis and show their feedbacks and interactions, especially how it relates to socio-economic impacts to motivate transformative change and mobilize the urgency now required.
    1. However, knowing the science community has long underestimated climate impacts, it is my judgement that the climate system has crossed a critical threshold. I believe its destabilisation will now trigger cascading and chaotic changes and disruption to human social and economic systems – and do so globally.
      • for: quote, quote - Paul Gilding, quote - climate disruption, quote - science underestimates climate impacts
      • quote
        • Knowing the science community has long underestimated climate impacts,
        • it is my judgement that the climate system has crossed a critical threshold.
        • I believe its destabilisation will now trigger
          • cascading and
          • chaotic changes and
          • disruption to human social and
          • economic systems
        • and do so globally.
      • author: Paul Gilding
      • source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
      • date: Sept. 3, 2023

      • comment

        • the concept of emptiness (shunyata), found throughout eastern philosophy is an organizing principle that can be used to frame the polycrisis, especially the many system wide entanglements.
        • Emptiness's two main characteristics:
          • interdependency and
          • change
        • are analogous to:
          • complexity / ecology and
          • evolution
  6. Aug 2023
      • key finding
        • global temp of 2 Deg C could theoretically result in a billion human deaths
      • title: Quantifying Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide Energy Policy
      • authors: Joshua Pearce, Richard Pamcutt
      • date: aug. 19, 2023
    1. Demographic and Socioeconomic Correlates of Disproportionate Beef Consumption among US Adults in an Age of Global Warming
      • for: climate change impacts - dietary, climate change impacts - meat eating, carbon footprint - meat, leverage point - meat eating
      • title: Demographic and Socioeconomic Correlates of Disproportionate Beef Consumption among US Adults in an Age of Global Warming
      • author: Donald Rose
      • date: Aug. 30, 2023

      • stats

        • study based on NHANES study of 10, 248 U.S. adults between 2015 and 2018 indicated that 12% accounted for all beef consumed
    1. An unprecedented heatwave occurred in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) from ~25 June to 2 July 2021, over lands colonially named British Columbia (BC) and Alberta (AB) in Canada, Washington (WA), and Oregon (OR) in the United States.
      • for climate change - impacts, climate departure, extinction, biodiversity loss, marine heat wave, ubc, Pacific Northwest heatwave
      • paraphrase
      • stats
        • An unprecedented heatwave occurred in the Pacific Northwest (PNW)
          • from ~25 June to 2 July 2021,
          • over lands colonially named
            • British Columbia (BC)
            • Alberta (AB) in Canada,
            • Washington (WA),
            • Oregon (OR) in the United States.
        • Near-surface air temperature anomalies reached up to 16–20 °C above normal over a wide region (Fig. 1),
          • with many locations breaking all-time maximum temperature records by more than 5 °C (Fig. 2a).
        • The Canadian national temperature record was broken 3 days in a row, at multiple locations,
          • with the highest temperature of 49.6 °C recorded in Lytton, BC, on 29 June (Figs. 1b),
          • 4.6 °C higher than the Canadian record prior to this event.
        • The new record temperature was reportedly the hottest worldwide temperature recorded north of 45° latitude,
          • and hotter than any recorded temperature in Europe or South America.
      • for: marine heat wave, fish dieoff, fish kill, extinction, climate departure, climate change - impacts
      • title: The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021
      • date: Feb. 9, 2023