498 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Consumers can use the status member to determine what the original status code used by the generator was, in cases where it has been changed (e.g., by an intermediary or cache), and when message bodies persist without HTTP information. Generic HTTP software will still use the HTTP status code.
    1. This post is a classic example of phenomenon that occurs universally. One person devises something that works perfectly for them, be it a mouse trap design, a method of teaching reading or … an organisation system. Other people see it in action and ask for the instructions. They try to copy it and … fail. We are all individuals, and what works for one does not work for all. Some people reading this post go “wow, cool!” Others go “What…???” One size does not fit all. Celebrate the difference! The trick is to keep looking for the method that works for you, not give up because someone else’s system makes your eyeballs spin!

      all this, AND...

      some comes down to the explanations given and the reasons. In this case, they're scant and the original is in middling English and large chunks of Japanese without any of the "why".

    1. Yes, I understand that it had probably been tried. My question was more, "Why didn't twiddling the knob work?”
    2. We do not want to change or remove additionalProperties. Providing a clear solution for the above use case will dramatically reduce or eliminate the misunderstandings around additionalProperties.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - don't want to change or remove existing feature [because...] - solving problem B will reduce misunderstandings around feature A

    1. There has been much discussion about “atomic notes”, which represents the key ideas from a person’s research on some topic or source (sources one and two). These are not the kind of thing I am interested in creating/collecting, or at least not what I have been doing. A far more typical thing for me is something I did at work today. I was trying to figure out how to convert the output of a program into another format. I did some searching, installed a tool, found a script, played with the script in the tool, figured out how to use it, then wrote down a summary of my steps and added links to what I found in my search. Since I am not doing research for a book or for writing academic papers, the idea of an atomic note does not fit into my information world. However, capturing the steps of a discovery or how I worked out a problem. is very real and concrete to me. I used to know a fellow engineer who wrote “technical notes” to capture work he was doing (like a journal entry). Maybe that is how I should consider this type of knowledge creation. 

      Andy Sylvester says his engineering type of notes don't fit with the concept of atomic note. A 'how to solve x' type of note would fit my working def of 'atomic' as being a self-contained whole, focused on a single thing (here how to solve x). If the summary can be its title I'd say it's pretty atomic. Interestingly in [[Technik des wissenschaflichen Arbeitens by Johannes Erich Heyde]] 1970, Heyde on p18 explicitly mentions ZK being useful for engineers, not just to process new scientific insights from e.g. articles, but to index specific experiences, experiments and results. And on p19 suggests using 1 ZK system for all of your material of various types. Luhmann's might have been geared to writing articles, but it can be something else. Solving problems is also output. I have these types of notes in my 'ZK' if not in the conceptual section of it.

      Vgl [[Ambachtelijke engineering 20190715143342]] artisanal engineering, Lovelock Novacene 2019, plays a role here too. Keeping a know-how notes collection in an environment where also your intuition can play a creative role is useful. I've done this for coding things, as I saw experienced coders do it, just as Andy describes, and it helped me create most of my personal IndieWeb scripts, because they were integrated in the rest of my stuff about my work and notions. Vgl [[Vastklik notes als ratchet zonder terugval 20220302102702]]

    1. Why is this important in this history of psychology?

      "The present work will, I venture to think, prove that I both saw at the time the value and scope of the law which I had discovered, and have since been able to apply it to some purpose in a few original lines of investigation. But here my claims cease. I have felt all my life, and I still feel, the most sincere satisfaction that Mr. Darwin had been at work long before me, and that it was not left for me to attempt to write 'The Origin of Species.' I have long since measured my own strength, and know well that it would be quite unequal to that task. Far abler men than myself may confess that they have not that untiring patience in accumulating and that wonderful skill in using large masses of facts of the most varied kinds, -- that wide and accurate physiological knowledge, -- that acuteness in devising, and skill in carrying out, experiments, and that admirable style of composition, at once clear, persuasive, and judicial, -- qualities which, in their harmonious combination, mark out Mr. Darwin as the man, perhaps of all men now living, best fitted for the great work he has undertaken and accomplished." This comes from the Classics in the History of Psychology Limits of Natural Selection By Chauncey Wright (1870). This shows us the importamce of the limits including in theories like this one. Natural selection indicates that the strongest will be the ones that will survive and there for will be the ones that will be able to have offsprings and make their generation endure. But thjis has a limit due to the sexual selection because it shows that the natural selection can not be impossed to people in any way or form. I see this working in psychology in a very big way because now that we are in a generation that is so ruled out by the social media this concept wants to persist and endure no matter what. I can see natural selecetion slowly decreasing amd really another type of selection evolving with the next future generations.

      Angela Cruz Cubero (Christian Cruz Cubero)

    1. Together, students and their teacher create aclassroom community, and the environment strongly influences the learn-ing that takes place (Angelillo, 2008). The classroom community should be inviting,supportive, and safe so young adolescents will be motivated to participate in readingand writing activities.

      This almost my exact reason for wanting to become a teacher: becoming the safe space I needed and had when I came to school.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. The task is not deleted, but the two are no longer connected. It’s not possible to connect them again.

      Should be possible!

    1. It’s recommended that you summarize the information you want to store in your own words, instead of directly copying the information like you would in a commonplace book.

      recommended by whom? for what purpose?

      Too many of these posts skip the important "why?" question

    1. Why another tool?: At the moment of writting there exists no proper platform-independent GUI dialog tool which is bomb-proof in it's output and exit code behavior
    1. In the Apology of Socrates, he wrote: The unexamined life is not worth living.

      Plato wrote it. Socrates was against writing.

    1. A commonplace book is a way to keep our learning priorities in order. It motivates us to look for and keep only the things we can use.
    2. And if you still need a why–I’ll let this quote from Seneca answer it (which I got from my own reading and notes): “We should hunt out the helpful pieces of teaching and the spirited and noble-minded sayings which are capable of immediate practical application–not far far-fetched or archaic expressions or extravagant metaphors and figures of speech–and learn them so well that words become works.”
  3. Jul 2022
    1. Thewhole point of this note-making process is not only toprovide ourselves with ideas we want to pursue, but toactually show us which ideas we are most interested in.
    1. It feels like « removing spring » is one of those unchallenged truths like « always remove Turbolinks » or « never use fixtures ». It also feels like a confirmation bias when it goes wrong.

      "unchallenged truths" is not really accurate. More like unchallenged assumption.

  4. Jun 2022
    1. Luhmann’s zettelkasten use case .t3_vlape5._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; } I was just thinking… I wonder what Luhmann’s use case for his zettelkasten was. By this I mean, was his original use for it for knowledge development, then his papers/books came as a successful bi-product? Or was his original intention to use it to actually write books/papers in the first place… Does anyone have any insight on this?

      When asked by Bielefeld University to report on his research projects, Luhmann famously replied:

      “Theory of society; duration: 30 years; costs: none”.

      In this there is a tremendously large nod to his zettelkasten to permit this work to be done.

      Though technically at the current price of $11.78 for 1,000 index cards on Amazon right now and a total of 92,000 cards, Luhmann should have better budgeted 1083.76 for the paper not to mention the cost of pens and pencils.

      Luhmann, N. (1997). Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft (2 vols). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Suhrkamp. Published in translation as Theory of society (2 vols.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 2012–2013.

    1. Luhmann remarked that, when the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University, newly established in 1969, asked its professors to report on the research projects they were working on, his reply was “Theory of society; duration: 30 years; costs: none” (Luhmann, 1997, p. 11).

      “Theory of society; duration: 30 years; costs: none”

      Quote from

      Luhmann, N. (1997). Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft (2 vols). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Suhrkamp. Published in translation as Theory of society (2 vols.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 2012–2013.

    1. The Lord Himself comes to display His transcendental pastimes, typically represented at Vṛndāvana, Mathurā and Dvārakā. He appears just to attract the conditioned souls back to Godhead, back home to the eternal world. But for want of sufficient piety, the onlookers are not attracted by such pastimes of the Lord. In Bhagavad-gītā it is said that only those who have completely surpassed the way of sinful reaction can engage themselves in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The entire Vedic way of ritualistic performances is to put every conditioned soul on the path of piety. By strict adherence to the prescribed principles for all orders of social life, one can attain the qualities of truthfulness, control of the mind, control of the senses, forbearance, etc., and can be elevated to the plane of rendering pure devotional service to the Lord. Only by such a transcendental vision are one’s material hankerings fully satisfied.
    1. The myth of the writer sitting down before a completely blankpage, or the artist at a completely blank canvas, is just that—a myth.
    2. Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent andoriginal in your work.—Gustave Flaubert

      In addition to this as a standalone quote...

      If nothing else, one should keep a commonplace book so that they have a treasure house of nifty quotes to use as chapter openers for the books they might write.

  5. May 2022
    1. But the current discourse has gotten out of hand.

      The current discourse around personal knowledge management is out of hand, but not necessarily for all the reasons stated here. There are many issues and we have a lot of history and practice to recover. We also have lost sight of the "why are we doing this?" question before jumping into some of these practices with both feet.

    1. "I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."

    2. "The need to engage with people in terms of evaluating them for the aim of acquiring a different point of view was one occasion this semester where the knowledge I received in class positively changed the way I approached an issue. I was patient enough to explore other perspectives, some of which disagreed with mine, so that I might learn about their opinions without bias or prejudice."

  6. Apr 2022
    1. Will be executed right after outermost transaction have been successfully committed and data become available to other DBMS clients.

      Very good, pithy summary. Worth 100 words.

      The first half was good enough. But the addition of "and data become available to other DBMS clients" makes it real-world and makes it clear why it (the first part) even matters.

  7. Mar 2022
    1. GitLab self-monitoring gives administrators of self-hosted GitLab instances the tools to monitor the health of their instances. This feature is deprecated in GitLab 14.9, and is scheduled for removal in 15.0.

      motivated by profit?

    1. Ruby Object Mapper (rom-rb) is a fast ruby persistence library with the goal of providing powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of the underlying datastore.
  8. Feb 2022
    1. When you read widely, your brain is exposed to different ways in which a sentence or paragraph is written. There are patterns in the use of nouns, pronouns, verbs and other parts of speech; there are patterns in syntax and in sentence variation; and there are patterns in sound devices, such as alliteration and assonance. You can annotate these with different symbols or colors, and develop understanding as patterns emerge, and style emerges from patterns. To read like a writer, you need to annotate like one, too.

      I haven't seen very much in the area of annotating directly as a means of learning to write. This is related to the idea of note taking for creating content for a zettelkasten, but the focus of such a different collection is for creating a writing style.

      Similar to boxing the boring words (see Draft #4; http://jsomers.net/blog/dictionary), one should edit with an eye toward the overall style of a particular piece.

      Annotating structures and patterns in books is an interesting exercise to evaluate an author's style as a means of potentially subsuming, modifying, or learning other styles.

    2. By annotating, you take ownership over the message that the book is trying to make.

      Annotating a text allows the reader to more closely interact with the ideas and take ownership of them.

  9. Jan 2022
    1. To learn—A rather obvious one, but I wanted to challenge myself again.

      I love that Johannes Klingbiel highlights having his own place on the Internet as a means to learn. While I suspect that part of the idea here is to learn about the web and programming, it's also important to have a place you can more easily look over and review as well as build out on as one learns. This dovetails in part with his third reason to have his own website: "to build". It's much harder to build out a learning space on platforms like Medium and Twitter. It's not as easy to revisit those articles and notes as those platforms aren't custom built for those sorts of learning affordances.

      Building your own website for learning makes it by definition a learning management system. The difference between my idea of a learning management system here and the more corporate LMSes (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, etc.) is that you can change and modify the playground as you go. While your own personal LMS may also be a container for holding knowledge, it is a container for building and expanding knowledge. Corporate LMSes aren't good at these last two things, but are built toward making it easier for a course facilitator to grade material.

      We definitely need more small personal learning management systems. (pLMS, anyone? I like the idea of the small "p" to highlight the value of these being small.) Even better if they have social components like some of the IndieWeb building blocks that make it easier for one to build a personal learning network and interact with others' LMSes on the web. I see some of this happening in the Digital Gardens space and with people learning and sharing in public.

      [[Flancian]]'s Anagora.org is a good example of this type of public learning space that is taking the individual efforts of public learners and active thinkers and knitting their efforts together to facilitate a whole that is bigger than the sum of it's pieces.

  10. Dec 2021
    1. The transformer model introduces the idea of instead of adding another complex mechanism (attention) to an already complex Seq2Seq model; we can simplify the solution by forgetting about everything else and just focusing on attention.
    1. I’m particularly interested in two questions: First, just how weird is machine learning? Second, what sorts of choices do developers make as they shape a project?
  11. Nov 2021
    1. Computers are especially good at matrix multiplications. There is an entire industry around building computer hardware specifically for fast matrix multiplications. Any computation that can be expressed as a matrix multiplication can be made shockingly efficient.
  12. Sep 2021
    1. Adornment is frequently seen as a style extra for finishing an outfit. For some, a look isn't finished until the correct frill are added. A "exemplary" look, for example, requests pearls and precious stones for fruition. Adornments has assumed a significant part in human existence for millennia. We gain from history that antiquated civilisations appreciated adornments and it was utilized to feature the characteristic magnificence of its wearers. Various pieces were worn to represent various messages like security, astuteness, polish, and thriving. Numerous ladies like to wear gems as an image of gentility or to grandstand economic wellbeing. Adornments can likewise cause a lady to feel sure and delightful. Here are five reasons adornments is imperative to advanced ladies: 1. It's a fundamental adornment for unique events. Adornments is truly significant to ladies and it's significance in their lives today isn't difficult to comprehend given the way that it has been worn by people for quite a long time. It's fame just increments as time advances as new styles and plans enter the commercial center. Going to unique events, like weddings, graduations, grant functions, birthday celebrations, and commemoration meals, without wearing adornments isn't a possibility for most of ladies. They would feel dull and under-dressed without certain bits of gems to embellish themselves. 2. It tends to be a wise speculation. Money master, Alister Clare from Credit Capital says, "adornments isn't just utilized for design, however certain things can likewise fill in as extraordinary ventures and will hold their worth uncertainly. A gems assortment can be an incredible security reserve. She adds, "purchasing gems venture pieces, particularly the costly ones, permits you to purchase what you love, anyway you should guarantee that you are purchasing from legitimate sources." Precious stones have been pursued for quite a long time and are consistently sought after paying little mind to any fluctuating economies and happenings in the public arena. The appeal for precious stones, just as gold, guarantees that gems holds its worth and will consistently be not difficult to sell when required. Gold is a valuable metal, and gold arm bands, rings, and neckbands can without much of a stretch be liquefied down and transformed into bullion bars and new bits of adornments. The estimation of gold remaining parts generally stable dissimilar to that of money, which vacillates relying upon financial components. Gems with high gold substance will consistently have a high worth. For example, the current worldwide monetary emergency isn't affecting gold costs, which keeps on expanding. 3. It causes them to feel better and gives them fearlessness. Gems has an undeniable capacity to draw out the best in a lady's highlights and character when the correct piece is worn by the opportune individual to the correct event. It is significant for ladies as it can cause them to feel excellent, classy, extraordinary, and certain. It eventually assumes a major part in causing a lady to have a positive outlook on herself, which is the reason it's so important to numerous ladies. 4. It's regularly perhaps the most costly and significant blessings a lady gets from her better half. There is an immense scope of various bits of adornments a man can purchase for a lady, and his decision relies upon the event and the measure of cash he needs to or can pay. Gems can go from $10 to countless dollars in cost. Things containing platinum and precious stone are the most costly, while silver gems is generally reasonable. White gold is the most mainstream decision right now. 5. It can have wistful worth. A few bits of adornments that ladies own have a wistful worth a lot higher than their financial worth. For instance, a 500 dollar wedding band can have boundlessly more noteworthy inborn worth and be something to treasure until the end of time. Besides, its wistful worth can increment as it's given over to people in the future. Feel certain and lovely! Click here for special lovely deals on braceletshttps://helbeau.com/product/womens-casual-round-quartz-watch-with-leather-strap/

      Exellence Obong

    2. The fact is that jewelry has exuded a specific value for thousands of years. People have always worn gold, silver, and other substances to underline a high position, their wealth, or simply their beauty. Those who possessed rare natural materials liked to show it too, and those who hunted animals wore their bones as evidence of their strength and courage. This perhaps makes the jewelry items most useful. Accessories have always shaped the image of the wearer. As a gift, jewelry is even more meaningful because it shows how much a person means to the giver. This is why women like to emphasize who gave them their jewelry and for what reason. So jewelry is a timeless gift. It underlines the characteristics of the wearer. Jewelry designers are aware of this and therefore create a wide variety of shapes and colors. That was also the case centuries ago: The goldsmiths in ancient Egypt or among the Greeks and Romans made jewelry depending on the client to make it extraordinary. In addition, such a gift is always associated with fond memories of special events. A ring naturally represents the beginning of a marriage, and jewelry is generally also considered a kind of investment - especially materials such as gold, silver, and platinum.

      Chad Jones

    3. Those ladies (even gentlemen, vice versa), who are weak minded, not having strong mentality, depend upon others wear jewelry. These ladies by showing jewelry want to attract wealthy men for survival. Moreover jewelry has got liquidity. In any peril it pays immediate money. It has got assets value. I have seen several beautiful ladies with high education and intelligence do not use much jewelry as they are self dependent.

      Ronnjone Sam

    4. Personally, as a girl, I like jewelry because it looks nice and goes with a lot of outfits. Really, I can respect the desire to buy jewelry with precious materials, but you'll find me shopping for a five dollar necklace at a thrift store. I'd feel like I was wasting my time with gold or real gemstones.


    5. I think gold jewelry is an important ornament for all special occasions a woman goes through in life - like wedding, anniversary. Jewelry is also one of the best and expensive gifts that a husband can offer to his wife. So, jewelry has a great importance in women’s life because it can make a woman feel special, stylish and beautiful.

      Maria Berg

    6. Women love jewelry for the same reason men love watches: it makes them feel attractive and high status. Feeling high status applies both to romantic and to peer relationships. In other words, people feel more confident when they wear jewelry. To learn more about how to sell jewelry to people, read our post here on the topic: 6 Keys To Selling Jewelry For Beginners - ELF925 Blog

      Peter Evans

    7. In my opinion, there are not many reasons why women like jewelry. Women are naturally soft. They are born to pursue beauty, and jewelry is one of the beauty.

      Fang Li

    8. Jewellery has been an asset to humans since time immemorial. It has remained a symbol of power and beauty for us. Women have always been attracted to owning a piece of jewellery, be it in the form of a pendant or an earring. When we talk about precious metal jewellery, it is a symbol of everlasting love and joy. These non-decaying metals symbolise ever glowing beauty and power, an apt choice for ladies around the world. Women have always had a fascination to look their best at all times. They want to look different yet cast a lasting impression on others. The easiest way to do so is by wearing the perfect piece that adds to the glow. For instance, a pair of classic rose gold earring will go a long way in adding to the versatility of any woman. Be it a formal occasion or a family wedding, it is the jewellery of the woman that makes her stand out among other ladies. Praadis Jewellers, a leading jewellery brand of India located in Aashima Anupama Mall, Bhopal offers various designs to cater to all your jewellery needs. You can check out their collection here for more info.

      Rahul Vishwakarma

    9. Jewelry has always been used to enhance the beauty of the person wearing it. He or she chose his or her jewelry according to the budget and ultimate point is to look good and feel good wearing it. Jewelry is one of the important parts of a woman’s beauty. Jewelry helps to enhance beauty if it is used in the right manner. Buying a piece of jewelry is an emotional purchase. Especially when one is shopping for an engagement ring. Buying diamonds & jewelry have always been one of the most popular trends for couples during Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day & religious holidays along with roses as it is one of the most universal symbols of love in a tangible form. Wearing jewelry can represent a lot of different personality traits. It can also be a symbol of accomplishment, success, confidence, social status or even self-worth for those who treat themselves. Everywhere in the world and for centuries, the woman has worn jewelry for many.It is one of the few things in life you can purchase that ultimately can be owned for a lifetime. Some women like to own jewelry for the simple fact that it is something that can be passed down generation after generation that potentially becomes a family heirloom. Whether it is an engagement ring that was passed down from your grandmother or a necklace that your mother received on her wedding day and decided to continue the tradition.

      Simran Kaur

    10. It is difficult to pinpoint the correct time with reference to when ladies began cherishing gems. History has more than once demonstrated a lady's propensity for wearing something delightful on her neck, arms, ears and fingers. Furthermore, whatever the plan of the piece - be it basic pendants, hoops, or thick bangles - the women will dependably be pulled in to these improving pieces more than the noble men. Some mental examinations may bolster this reality, stipulating that numerous young ladies are by and large attracted to glossy, sparkly and brilliant things. This is the reason, in many examples, wonderful adornments is constantly connected with a lady, as it is relatively synonymous. So for what reason do young ladies cherish adornments? There are two or three reasons that ring a bell: The women love to look beautiful. For a certain something, ladies are touted as more trendy and more cognizant with regards to looking in vogue and respectable. Contrasted with the men, the women put such a great amount of care into their appearances, and in all actuality society puts such a great amount of desire for them to look well. So to influence themselves to seem more satisfactory, it has dependably been set - maybe since the start of development - that young ladies should dependably wear beautiful things particularly with regards to attire, shoes, frill or gems. Furthermore, now and again, it isn't just about wearing any sort of gems. A few young ladies even go the additional mile by wearing brilliant and shaded pieces that truly summon consideration. The more the pieces snatch the enthusiasm of the general population around her, the more it is speaking to wear. This isn't to state, in any case, that numerous ladies are vain about looking great and getting acclaims for it. Be that as it may, of course, regardless of whether people concede this or not, vanity while thought about a bad habit by a few, can likewise be something to be thankful for, particularly among the female populace. Since there is nothing amiss with looking pretty and utilizing adornments to do only that. The women place an incentive in their fortunes. Women cherishing gems may likewise have a remark with the way that each piece they possess conveys a nostalgic esteem, paying little heed to how much its genuine cost is worth. Be it costly or reasonable, they keep most blessings they get, especially when it is gems. They hold specific connection to their rings, pieces of jewelry and wrist trinkets, particularly when these speak to critical minutes in their lives. They welcome the images and portrayals of the gemstones that accompany the blessings, and comprehend the significance behind it. They gather adornments pieces, regardless of whether they just wear this once, and they definitely know which ones they will pass on to their girls or other female relatives when the perfect time comes. Men appreciate offering gems to their better half, sweetheart, little girls, mother and other noticeable females throughout their life for every one of these reasons. All things considered, there is some incredible fulfillment from the supplier in observing that the adornments they have skilled to that exceptional lady in their life is so esteemed and loved. Notoriety of Women's Jewelry It should not shock anyone in this way, that ladies visit adornments web based shopping destinations, since most young ladies love to look for gems whenever and anyplace, it is very nearly a given that stores ought to have these. Beside ladies, adornments online stores are looked for by men searching for gems to blessing to the unique ladies in their lives.

      Jakir Hossain

    11. Being a contemporary women's and unisex fashion jewelry designer myself, I find that women and men alike wear jewelry as a way to communicate their personality. If an individual will take the time to put an accessory on like jewelry, they like expressing to the world through it. Examples include women wearing an engagement ring because they want the world to know they're getting married or with my collection, people show they want to support one of a kind designs and take pride in wearing art that not everyone has and is originally and locally crafted. Besides wearing my own jewelry brand, I seek out fashion that is top quality, made from new production methods or just interesting materials, and play with color palettes and silhouette shapes that get my creative gears going- what I wear is a part of artistic expression.

      Ashley Koprowski

    12. Not all women do. But for those who do, there's multiple reasons why jewelry is attractive.It's fashionable. Good jewelry is an accessory that can be used with many different outfits and styles. It is a form of art that interacts well with one's style.It's a social signifier. It shows wealth and status to others around.It represents sacrifice. If it was given as a gift, the giver has to have extra money and is a good provider.It's an emergency stash. If needed, you can sell your jewelry and get money.Added 9/11/13: Many pieces are heirlooms. These are a vital link to people's family and a sense of history.

      Miguel Valdespino

    13. Jewelry is like a woman's soul mate. The secret of a woman is clearest. Jewelry shows the beauty of a woman. The pursuit of beauty is a woman's instinct, no matter how many instant jewelry, one will always feel that one is missing. 1. Elegance 2. Self-confidence 3. A sense of ritual 4. The pursuit of beauty 5. Make yourself happy 6. Jewelry is taste Do you know FashionTIY? You can buy jewelry, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. on it. The quality of jewellery is better, and you will not feel cheap.

      Ange Sherry

    14. Their craze for jewellery is unexplainable. Jewellery enhances a woman's beauty and looks, and it’s like a topping on the cake. Women obsessed with jewellery are emotionally and personally attached to it. Some women are not ready for an occasion until they wear their gold or silver ornaments.These days, many people have started their online businesses for jewellery. They are providing beautiful yet unique designs at reasonable prices. Like pearls necklace, rose gold rings, and moon magic pendants, etc. These unique designs have created a boom, and women are captivated by them. And have discovered a few reasons like an addition in the women’s treasures or their desire to look pretty. Well, in this article, we are going to discuss a few points that might explain and clear their obsession with Jewellery. Desire to Look Pretty:It is the most primary reason that comes into mind whenever we discuss this topic. As we all know, women are more conscious and possessive when it comes to their looks and appearance. They do not even bother to go far in this case, as some women opt for very, colourful gems to be the centre of attention. But that is their way to add charm to their personality. To Look Unique and Different:By wearing unique, uncommon and different rings or necklaces increases their individuality and they look separate and distinct from the others. The women who want to maintain their legacy and uniqueness have their style to wear these pieces of Jewellery that do not only glam their personality, but they separate them from the herd. That is why you have never encountered a high profile woman with low mined diamonds. To Draw Attention to Her Features:Another reason for such obsession is to draw attention to their best features. Many women purchase Jewellery for their favourite features only or where they want to get the attention of people. Like if a woman has blessed with pretty hands, then you will mostly see her with a few gold or diamond rings on her fingers. And a woman with a long, slim neck will mostly go with a beautiful yet elegant necklace or earrings. One cannot deny the fact that as compared to men, women are more attracted to shiny things and they are crazy for gold or diamond Jewellery. Whether they are running late for an event, their preparation is not complete until they add charm to their look with these unique designs of ornaments. For some women, it is a sign of social status that enhances their beauty and makes them pretty and different from others.

      Jessie Hull

    15. Jewellery for the longest time has been an Integral part of several cultures throughout the world. Both men and women of the old times wore jewellery as it was a symbol of of their wealth and prosperity amongst the common men. But in the Modern Times the jewelry has become the statement symbol of women all around the globe.Numerous ladies today purchase jewelry for themselves, since it's exceptionally compensating in an "inherent" sort of way, and gets specific energy or feeling. The sort of ladies who purchase jewelry for themselves is generally the individuals who have business certainty, monetary freedom, and confidence. They need to make an individual, proficient, and surprisingly nostalgic proclamation.Jewelry reflects who a lady is and how she can accomplish her objectives in her day-to-day existence, love, and profession. For ladies, jewelry is clearly the most standout thing. The significance of jewelry in ladies life can be clarified by the way that they love to wear it for a long time. The notoriety of jewelry is expanding with the progression of time as numerous new plans and styles are on their way into the market. It is a significant trimming for all extraordinary and propitious events.Wherever you are on the planet, ladies are wearing a sufficient assortment of jewelry. Regardless of whether it is in the form of studs, necklaces, or bracelets jewelry is very mainstream. Purchasing jewelry for themselves is energizing, as ladies can move up to higher carat weight in precious stones, or from silver to gold, or to platinum. It's a method of how a few ladies measure their longings, monetary and individual accomplishments. Jewelry is profound and doesn't actually matter how enormous or little it is.

      Monica Hughes

    16. Women will never get tired of admiring precious metals and stones. I always check out the gemstone jewelry wholesale because can’t help buying something for myself at least once a month. Especially if I notice a discount, nobody can hold me from the purchase. Jewelry can make even the most modest image bright and refined. If you choose the right set of products, it will be easy to win the attention of the crowd and attract representatives of the strong half of humanity. Beautiful and exquisite jewelry can create a special aura around a woman. They make my eyes "glow" from the inside. I like the feeling when I put on new jewelry. It’s equivalent to a new hairstyle or to buying an amazing dress. Jewelry for a woman is an indicator of her self-realization. Therefore, the more of them, the better. A woman will not get tired of admiring her reflection in the mirror when she is wearing beautiful earrings, a necklace, a chain with a pendant, or looking at bracelets and rings on her hands. Such is the feminine essence.Here’s a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZXdd4SK_Q where Carol Lipworth explains why women love jewelry and shares a big secret with the guys.

      Jennefer Walsh

    1. TypeScript is an extension of JavaScript. You can think of it as JavaScript with a few extra features. These features are largely focused on defining the type and shape of JavaScript objects. It requires that you be declarative about the code you're writing and have an understanding of the values your functions, variables, and objects are expecting.While it requires more code, TypeScript is a fantastic means of catching common JavaScript bugs while in development. And for just that reason, it's worth the extra characters.
    1. Webpack's resolve.mainFields option determines which fields in package.json are used to resolve identifiers. If you're using Svelte components installed from npm, you should specify this option so that your app can use the original component source code, rather than consuming the already-compiled version (which is less efficient).
    1. The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? "

      Science is the HOW the universe came to be, Religion shows us the WHY.

      Quote at the end of the article: “At Oxford — to my surprise — I discovered Christianity. It was the intellectually most exhilarating and spiritually stimulating thing I could ever hope to describe — better than chemistry, a wonderful subject that I had thought to be the love of my life and my future career. I went on to gain a doctorate for research in molecular biophysics from Oxford, and found that immensely exciting and satisfying. But I knew I had found something better — like the pearl of great price that Jesus talks about in the Gospel, which is so beautiful and precious that it overshadows everything. It was intellectually satisfying, imaginatively engaging, and aesthetically exciting.”

      • Alister McGrath, The Future of Atheism: Alister McGrath & Daniel Dennett in Dialogue (London, England: Fortress Press, 2008), 27.
    1. According to Netflix, the Netflix app asks this question to prevent users from wasting bandwidth by keeping a show playing that they’re not watching. This is especially true if you’re watching Netflix on your phone through mobile data. Every megabyte is valuable, considering that network providers impose strict data limits and may charge exorbitant rates for data used on top of your phone plan. Advertisement tmntag.cmd.push(function(){tmntag.adTag('purch_Y_C_0_1', false);}); Of course, this saves Netflix bandwidth, too—if you fall asleep or just leave the room while watching Netflix, it will automatically stop playing rather than streaming until you stop it. Netflix also says this helps ensure you don’t lose your position in a series when you resume it. If you fall asleep in the middle of your binging session, you might wake up to find that several hours of episodes have played since you stopped watching. It will be difficult for you to remember when you left off.
  13. Aug 2021
    1. Javascript required? In other words, one cannot do this on cross-site iframes (due to cross-site scripting restrictions), is that right? As @clankill3r is suggesting, this demonstrates the need for a pure CSS solution to this problem
    1. https://indieweb.org/2012/Positive_Arguments

      It would be fun to revisit this. I'm not sure how much we can expand on the why portions, but looking closer at and thinking about expanding the how would be useful.

  14. Jul 2021
  15. datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
    1. The goal of this technology is to provide a mechanism for browser-based applications that need two-way communication with servers that does not rely on opening multiple HTTP connections (e.g., using XMLHttpRequest or <iframe>s and long polling).
    1. Please note that the strategy: :build option must be passed to an explicit call to association, and cannot be used with implicit associations:
    1. As for why - a GET can be cached and in a browser, refreshed. Over and over and over. This means that if you make the same GET again, you will insert into your database again. Consider what this may mean if the GET becomes a link and it gets crawled by a search engine. You will have your database full of duplicate data.
  16. Jun 2021
    1. "Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."

    2. "I am also concerned that despite the best of intentions many of us have not considered adequately what social justice means and entails. I worry that social justice may become simply a “topic du jour” in music education, a phrase easily cited and repeated without careful examination of the assumptions and actions it implicates. That can lead to serious misunderstandings."

    1. Do not use aria-orientation attribute for standard list (i.e., role="list"), use component's vertical property to set the orientation to vertical.
    1. This repository has been archived by the owner.

      No explanation/announcement in the Readme

    1. We should test for events emitted in response to an action in our component. This is used to verify the correct events are being fired with the correct arguments.
  17. May 2021
    1. By overlooking the unusual role that ethnic minority parties play in coalition formation in theregion, we are unable to fully understand the reasons for politically important phenomena suchas the recent rise of the radical right in Eastern Europe.

      --> why this topic



    1. Assuming I’m not reusing passwords all over the place, at least the worst thing you could do with my Neopets account is mistreat my virtual pet. Imagine, instead, that you’re a queer kid living in a small town in 1999, and you sign up for Livejournal and use it to find a supportive and loving queer community online. Then in 2007 Livejournal gets sold to a company based in Russia, which in 2013 criminalizes the distribution of pro-LGBTQ content to minors, and in 2017 Livejournal loses the account info of 26 million users. Was it your responsibility to monitor the shifting geopolitical context of your childhood diary for the next two decades?

      With regard to these portions, being a member of the IndieWeb and maintaining your own data on your own website is useful as one doesn't need to worry about these sorts of corporate shifts, sell-off, changes, etc.

    1. Note that not all of the colors in SMUI read from CSS variables, so some parts will still use the colors defined in the original Sass compile.
    1. deep URLs are not allowed in the "Website" field. If you use keywords or deep URLs, your comment or URL will be removed.
  18. Apr 2021
    1. After the recent brouhaha at Basecamp (context: https://www.platformer.news/p/-what-really-happened-at-basecamp), a great example of someone using their own domain because they didn't want the bad press of a silo/platform to stick to them

    1. John Company offers players a new understanding of British history in the eighteenth and nineteenth century that reflects contemporary scholarship on the subject and extensive research into primary documents. John Company attempts to put the critical events of that time in their proper context and show how the imperial experience transformed the domestic culture of Britain. The East India Company lurked behind every building of a textile mill and every bit of wealth in a Jane Austen novel.  John Company is an uncompromising portrait of the people who made the Company and the British Empire what it was. It is as frank as it is cutting in its satire.  Accordingly, the game wrestles with many of the key themes of imperialism and globalization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and how those developments were felt domestically. As such, this game might not be suitable for all players. Please make sure everyone in your group consents to this exploration before playing. 
    2. If you'd like to read more about the game's arguments, click here. 

      I'm not familiar with this term "arguments" used like this. Isn't this more referring to the motivation for this game?

    1. But in all this incongruous abundance you'll certanly find the links to expect It's just what is wanted: the tool, which is traditionally used to communicate automatically with interactive programs. And as it always occurs, there is unfortunately a little fault in it: expect needs the programming language TCL to be present. Nevertheless if it doesn't discourage you to install and learn one more, though very powerful language, then you can stop your search, because expect and TCL with or without TK have everything and even more for you to write scripts.
    1. but our first title The Detail will be pulled from Steam and AppStore at some point.
    2. On iOS, the figures are close to the same except there the game has been for free for a while already.

      why do publishers make games free on iOS or sometimes Android but not for PC?

    1. This game is severely underrated. I genuinely do not understand all of the negative backlash it gets. It's a solid scribblenauts game with a ton of replay value and a way to past the time with friends. It's not perfect, as the motion controls do drag it down slightly, and some of the minigames offered are less than great, however it does not deserve the overwhelming hate it gets. It's a solid title in the series.
    2. I truly TRULY do not get the hate of this game. I am in my 40's. Played with 2 boys, 10 and 12. And we all had an amazing time playing the board game version of this for an hour. When it was over, the boys said, LETS PLAY IT AGAIN! The game is deep. Also has original sandbox mode with new levels. When they were about to leave, I surprise them by giving them the game as a gift. They were SO excited (and, I will simply buy another one for myself) I am simply BAFFLED at the hate and negativity for this game. Sure, a couple of the mini-games are not top notch. But there are many great ones within. At $40, solid deal. At $20 sale in most places, you have got to be kidding me. Steal it at that price. If you like Scribblenauts or are new to the Scribblenauts world, just buy it.
    1. Already Signed InThis session has ended because the account has been signed into from another browser window on 04/11/2021 04:30:09 PM. This happens when you sign in to your account on more than one browser screen. You can't be signed into your account on two or more browser windows at the same time. Just close your browser and sign back into your account.
    1. Machinist was written because I loved the idea behind Factory Girl, but I thought the philosophy wasn't quite right, and I hated the syntax.
    1. why do you guys think have_css matcher is named the way it is? I mean, it sure deals with css identifiers, but have_css gives(at least to me) the impression that the page has certain stylesheet loading.
  19. Mar 2021
    1. The reason Final Form does this is so that pristine will be true if you start with an uninitialized form field (i.e. value === undefined), type into it (pristine is now false), and then empty the form field. In this case, pristine should return to true, but the value that the HTML DOM gives for that input is ''. If Final Form did not treat '' and undefined as the same, any field that was ever typed in would forever be dirty, no matter what the user did.
    1. Dole Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup, All Natural Fruit, Non-GMO, 15oz CanNot available for curbside
    1. Very often in these monorepos, packages are so incredibly specific in functionality, the question then becomes why even have a separate package at all if it’s tightly coupled? Can you use these packages independently or are they tied to specific versions of other packages in the monorepo? It’ll probably be easier to remove the mask and just work as a monolith.
    1. antimicro is a graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad.

      why is it named this?

    1. I don't understand why this isn't being considered a bigger deal by maintainrs/the community. Don't most Rails developers use SCSS? It's included by default in a new Rails app. Along with sprockets 4. I am mystified how anyone is managing to debug CSS in Rails at all these days, that this issue is being ignored makes sprockets seem like abandonware to me, or makes me wonder if nobody else is using sprockets 4, or what!
    1. Yes, but honestly, and no offense intended, but I don't see the harm in these type questions, nor why some people are offended when they are asked. If I owed a website, I wouldn't mind it because it just creates more pages that can be indexed. I see it as helping the website. But, I did look and didn't see a simple answer. Again, no offense is intended. I've just never understood the complaints.
    1. So why the over-complication? What we got now is replicating a chain of && in the former version. This time, however, you will know which condition failed and what went in by using tracing. Look at the trace above - it’s impossible to not understand what was going on.
    2. signal.to_h[:semantic]

      Why not just allow us to call signal.semantic?

  20. Feb 2021
    1. At the request of the publisher, Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack: Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay is unlisted on the Steam store and will not appear in search.
    1. In the course of the negotiations, certain promises were made by the merchants--for example, to remove the stores' humiliating racial signs

      Historical background on Birmingham

    2. But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.

      He is stating the reason he has decided to deviate from not addressing criticism. He feels these people are deserving of an answer.

    1. Couldn't find on Steam. https://steamdb.info/app/793300/ claims that it is there, but https://store.steampowered.com/app/793300/?curator_clanid=4777282&utm_source=SteamDB just redirects to home page.

      Don't redirect to a different URL, esp. without a message explaining why it did so instead of keeping me on the page that I request. That's just incorrect behavior, and a poor UX. Respond with a 404 if the page doesn't exist.!

      That way (among other things), I could use Wayback Machine extension to see if I can find a cached version there.

      But even that (http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://store.steampowered.com/app/793300) is saying "huh?" so I'm confused.

      Where did it go and why?

      I guess it's no longer available, because this page says:

      section_type    ownersonly
      ReleaseState    unavailable

      ... but why?

    1. compose(Add, x: x, y: 3)

      How is this better than simply:

      Add.run(x: x, y: 3)


      I guess if we did that we would also have to remember to handle merging errors from that outcome into self...

    2. Why is all this interaction code better? Two reasons: One, you can reuse the FindAccount interaction in other places, like your API controller or a Resque task. And two, if you want to change how accounts are found, you only have to change one place.

      Pretty weak arguments though...

      1. We could just as easily used a plain object or module to extract this for easy reuse and having it in only one place (avoiding duplication).
    1. Learn more about how we made the decision to put our guidance in the public domain
    2. In order to support easy reuse, revision, remixing, and redistribution, the entire Hypothesis Help knowledge base by Hypothesis is dedicated to the public domain via CC CC0 1.0. While we appreciate attribution and links back to Hypothesis from anywhere these works are published, they are not required.
    1. ActiveModel::Form happened because the "tableless model" presented in RailsCast 219 wasn't as powerful as the "real deal" from RailsCast 193.
    1. Naming matters for both idealogical and practical reasons.
    2. Anyone who has ever tried to name a child knows that naming is hard. Naming things in code is harder. It’s bad enough that you have to commit to a name that someone isn’t going to like. You also have to be able to live with it.
  21. Jan 2021
    1. The Gmail Android app that comes pre-installed with most new Android phones contains a feature to access non-Google accounts using POP and IMAP. Unfortunately, emails accessed through this setup lack the embedded style (<style>) support as well as the support for background images.
    1. Why the ^=? This means "starts with", because we can also have variation placements like top-start.
    1. Why is CORS important? Currently, client-side scripts (e.g., JavaScript) are prevented from accessing much of the Web of Linked Data due to "same origin" restrictions implemented in all major Web browsers. While enabling such access is important for all data, it is especially important for Linked Open Data and related services; without this, our data simply is not open to all clients. If you have public data which doesn't use require cookie or session based authentication to see, then please consider opening it up for universal JavaScript/browser access. For CORS access to anything other than simple, non auth protected resources
    1. The same-origin policy fights one of the most common cyber attacks out there: cross-site request forgery. In this maneuver, a malicious website attempts to take advantage of the browser’s cookie storage system.
    1. Why? I wrote MagpieRSS out of a frustration with the limitations of existing solutions. In particular many of the existing PHP solutions seemed to: use a parser based on regular expressions, making for an inherently fragile solution only support early versions of RSS discard all the interesting information besides item title, description, and link. not build proper separation between parsing the RSS and displaying it.
    1. On Ubuntu, Chromium is not the default browser, and the package resides in the ‘universe’ section of the archive.
  22. Dec 2020
    1. Why Vala? Many developers want to write GNOME applications and libraries in high-level programming languages but can't or don't want to use C# or Java for various reasons, so they are stuck with C without syntax support for the GObject type system. The Vala compiler allows developers to write complex object-oriented code rapidly while maintaining a standard C API and ABI and keeping the memory requirements low.
    1. These are valid comments. I think it is worth noting that svelte didn’t choose a non-javascript method for fun or because we think we should redesign the language. The additional constructs, for the most part, are there to allow svelte to more clearly work out exactly what is going on in the code in order to optimise. In short svelte needs a certain amount of information to do what it does and pure javascript is often difficult to analyse in this way. But I appreciate your concerns and comments and we try to take all feedback on board where we can. So thank you!
  23. Nov 2020
    1. Man, for some reason, I really like this answer. I recognize it's a bit more complicated, but it seems so useful. And given that I'm no bash expert, it leads me to believe that my logic is faulty, and there's something wrong with this methodology, otherwise, I feel others would have given it more praise. So, what's the problem with this function? Is there anything I should be looking out for here?

      I think the main thing wrong with it is the eval (which I think can be changed to $("$@") and it's pretty verbose.

      Also, there are more concise ways to do it that would probably appeal more to most bash experts...

      like set -x

      and it does unnecessary things: why save output to a variable? Just let output go to where it would normally go...

      So yeah, I can see why this solution isn't very popular. And I'm rather surprised by all the praise comments it's gotten.

  24. Oct 2020
    1. you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content (consistent with your privacy and application settings).
    1. formvalidation: path.resolve

      Why use resolve.alias to point to 'vendors/formvalidation/dist/es6'? Why not just use an npm package and have package.json name module: 'vendors/formvalidation/dist/es6'

      Then (I think) the examples below like

      import luhn from 'formvalidation/algorithms/luhn';

      would work the same but without that workaround.

    1. My proposal is that we solve this by treating a static key prop as different from one provided through spread. I think that as a second step we might want to even give separate syntax such as:
    1. I chose to use a monorepo: to reduce development friction in managing my various projects to utilize patterns across my projects
    1. So what do we focus on instead, without that ability to tweak or iterate? Well, some of the messier network effects of social media, I’d argue. Sure, leaving a comment may be more “engaging” than picking a color and setting a design, but those things give us a feeling of ownership that we never really feel like we have when they’re all decided for us.

      Having a sense of ownership and control of identity on a platform can be an important thing. Even though I use a somewhat modified theme, I have thousands of other options and can change it at any time on my own website.

    1. We are sharded beings; the sum total of our various aspects as contained within our biological beings as well as the myriad of technologies that we use to extend our biological abilities.

      To some extent, this thesis could extend Cesar Hidalgo's concept of the personbyte as in putting part of one's self out onto the internet, one can, in some sense, contain more information than previously required.

      Richard Dawkin's concept of meme extends the idea a bit further in that an individual's thoughts can infect others and spread with a variable contagion rate dependent on various variables.

      I would suspect that though this does extend the idea of personbyte, there is still some limit to how large the size of a particular person's sphere could expand.