- Nov 2024
www.worldscientific.com www.worldscientific.com
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,” said Sir Winston Churchill in his speech to the meeting in the House of Lords, October 28, 1943, requesting that the House of Commons bombed out in May 1941 be rebuilt exactly as before.
Is there a document/source?
experiments.myhub.ai experiments.myhub.ai
People do not actually spend a lot of time browsing junk content,
The vast majority of people browsing social media streams via the web are doing just this: spending a lot of time browsing junk content.
While much of this "junk content" is for entertainment or some means of mental and/or emotional health, at root it becomes the opiate of the masses.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
just going back to the AI to the extent that the that the fourth turning meets the people who are actually doing the AI and informs the AI that actually the wheel goes this way don't listen to those guys it goes this way
for - AI - the necessity of training AI with human development - John Churchill
he truth is is there are stages beyond that but I don't you know like then we're going into. one you know then we're going into um um high school you know because this planet is basically let's be honest with us it's basically Middle School
for - quote - levels of wisdom - humanity is in middle school - John Churchill
the soul can use the mind right and the mind is using the emotional body and so so now the the the journey is becoming more and more integrated
for - paraphrase - Buddhist framework - 4 turnings - 4 stages of initiation - John Churchill
paraphrase - Buddhist framework - 4 turnings - 4 stages of initiation - John Churchill - The fourth stage of "soul" - interdependent origination - systems thinking - can make use the knowledge of the third stage "mind" - which in turn uses the knowledge of the second stage "emotional body" - which uses the knowledge of the first stage "body"
so because now the mind is not because the the the mind isn't separate from everything else your mind begins to become more and more synchronistic
for - insight - embodied wisdom of interdependent origination - increase in synchronicity - John Churchill - metaphor - node in an interconnected graph of reality
insight - embodied wisdom of interdependent origination - increase in synchronicity - John Churchill - This is an interesting insight - We can possibly explain it this way: - When we have a limited embodiment of who we are as the traditional ego-bound-to-body, our experiences are interpreted in a limited way, though we aren't aware of it - However, when we have a more expanded embodiment of who we are that is more nondualistic, in which - sense of self and - the environment - become blurred due to experiencing cause-and-effect between self and environment in a more nuanced way - When we don't have enough perceptual acuity to understand that one event is related to another, we infer correlation instead of causality - events that appeared random from the limited perspective become nonrandom and more noticed at the more expansive perspective - From a more expansive perspective, we could feel more strings attached to us and events pull on us through those connecting strings - When we feel separate, we don't experience the pull of those connecting strings - Indeed, we do not even perceive there to be strings that connect us
metaphor - node in an interconnected graph of reality - One possible metaphor is that as we expand our perception and cognition, we become more aware that we are like a node with infinite connections to other nodes of reality
for - webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D - adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning - This adjacency is discussed more in the annotations
summary - A very good interview - Interdiscplinary presentation of psychology and Buddhist ideas - When he spoke about the relationship between the individual and the group, an epiphany of my own work on the Deep Humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt suddenly took on a greater depth - An adjacency revealed itself upon his words, between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
source - referral from @Gyuri
to - Karuna Mandala - - https://hyp.is/Ghid4JwcEe-PK7OOKz5Vig/www.karunamandala.org/directors-advisors
everything is part of a lar system right now that begins to open up into the realm of soul and what do we mean by Soul
for - definition - soul - John Churchill
definition - soul - John Churchill - Churchill defines soul to mean the same thing as the Buddhist concept of emptiness - This is quite a specific interpretation of soul from a Buddhist perspective - He defines it as having three dimensions: - Compassion - EMBODIED understanding that everything is interconnected and we are not separate from anything else - In Buddhism, this is often also called: - non-conceptual valid cognition (intuition) - interdependent origination
question - what are the 2nd and 3rd features of the Soul? - John Churchill - He seems to only discuss the first and the interviewer forgets to return to the 2nd and 3rd
once you realize that the world isn't what you think it is it's very easy to grab onto something else and grab onto some kind of weird conspiracy well that's the thing you've been describing thus far as well sorry to in just say but like the openness requires structure
for - quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill
the higher structures necessitate a permanent change in state
for - wisdom - signs of - permanent change in higher psychological infrastructure - John Churchill
states of Consciousness are not structures so you know I can huff and puff my breath for an hour or take some plant medicine or do a meditation technique that might open up a particular state now now that state might even stick but the state isn't the same thing as the structure which means whenever you come back to your structure you you you you come back to where you really are back to Baseline
for - quote / insight - difference - between states of consciousness and psychological infrastructure - John Churchill
quote / insight - difference - between states of consciousness and psychological infrastructure - John Churchill - (see below) - States of Consciousness are not structures - I can - huff and puff my breath for an hour or - take some plant medicine or - do a meditation technique that might open up a particular state - Now that state might even stick but the state isn't the same thing as the structure which means - whenever you come back to your structure, - you come back to where you really are - Back to Baseline
we go from first person to second person to third person to Fourth to fifth to sixth person perspective those are actual cognitive structures
for - question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill
first we've got to understand the difference between actual psychological infrastructure please and states of Consciousness so because for for our listeners states are cheap traits are expensive
for - definition - psychological infrastructure - John Churchill - definition - state of consciousness - John Churchill - comparison - psychological infrastructure vs state of consciousness - John Churchill - quote - states (of consciousness) are cheap, traits ( of psychological infrastructure) are expensive - John Churchill
Druids or the pythagoreans or whether it was the ases or whether it was the therapeuti or whether it was the Egyptian Mysteries um you know and for instance we we now know that there was a aside from those practices there was even a a significant industry in psychedelics in the ancient world
for - examples of lost sacred practices of the West - Druid - Pythagoreans - Egyptians - Therapeuti - psychedelics - John Churchill
the soul is also a collective being right so you know you have to have done your own individual work so to speak before you do that because otherwise you're going to have conflicts with the with the collective because you know if you're not yet individuated you're going to have issues with a collective because you have to be paradoxically an individual in order to actually fully function within a collective without being swallowed
for - question - Can he give concrete examples of 'individual work"? - for John Churchill - insight - individual / collective gestalt - need to be fully formed individual to work effectively in a collective - John Churchill
it isn't just about alleviating their own personal suffering it's also about alleviating Universal suffering so this is where the the bodh satra or the Christ or those kinds of archetypes about being concerned about the whole
for - example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt - adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
adjacency - between - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER - adjacency relationship - When I heard John Churchill explain the second turning, - the Mahayana approach, - I was already familiar with it from my many decades of Buddhist teaching but with - those teachings in the rear view mirror of my life and - developing an open source, non-denominational spirituality (Deep Humanity) - Hearing these old teachings again, mixed with the new ideas of the individual / collective gestalt - This becomes an example of Indyweb idea of recording our individual evolutionary learning journey and - the present self meeting the old self - When this happens, new adjacencies can often surface - In this case, due to my own situatedness in life, the universal compassion of the bodhisattva can be articulated from a Deep Humanity perspective: - The Freudian, Klinian, Winnicott and Becker perspective of the individual as being constructed out of the early childhood social interactions with the mOTHER, - a Deep Humanity re-interpretation of "mother" to "mOTHER" to mean "the Most significant OTHER" of the newly born neonate. - A deep realization that OUR OWN SELF IDENTITY WAS CONSTRUCTED out of a SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP with mOTHER demonstrates our intertwingled individual/collective and self/other - The Deep Humanity "Common Human Denominators" (CHD) are a way to deeply APPRECIATE those qualities human beings have in common with each other - Later on, Churchill talks about how the sacred is lost in western modernity - A first step in that direction is treating other humans as sacred, then after that, to treat ALL life as sacred - Using tools like the CHD help us to find fundamental similarities while divisive differences might be polarizing and driving us apart - A universal compassion is only possible if we vividly see how we are constructed of the other - Another way to say this is that we see others not from an individual level, but from a species level
- insight - individual / collective gestalt - need to be fully formed individual to work effectively in a collective - John Churchill
- comparison - psychological infrastructure vs state of consciousness - John Churchill
- adjacency - the universal compassion of the bodhisattva - Deep humanity idea of the individual / collective gestalt - the Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) as pointing to the self / other fundamental identity - Freud, Winnicott, Kline's idea of the self formed by relationship with the other, in particular the mOTHER (Deep Humanity), the Most significant OTHER
- question - Can he give concrete examples of 'individual work"? - for John Churchill
- examples of lost sacred practices of the West - Druid - Pythagoreans - Egyptians - Therapeuti - psychedelics - John Churchill
- metaphor - node in an interconnected graph of reality
- AI - the necessity of training AI with human development - John Churchill
- interview - John Churchill
- quote conspiracy theories - lizard people - first stage of initiation - if reality isn't as it appears, it's easy to latch onto something else - John Churchill
- quote / insight - difference - between states of consciousness and psychological infrastructure - John Churchill
- example - individual's evolutionary learning journey - new self revisiting old self and gaining new insight - universal compassion of Buddhism and the individual / collective gestalt
- paraphrase - Buddhist framework - 4 turnings - 4 stages of initiation - John Churchill
- definition - soul - John Churchill
- webcast - youtube - Amrit - Sandhu - Ex-Buddhist Monk reveals secret Tibetan Prophecy happening right now! Dr John Churchill Psy.D
- quote - levels of wisdom - humanity is in middle school - John Churchill
- definition - psychological infrastructure - John Churchill
- adjacency - bodhisattva's universal vow of compassion - Deep Humanity individual / collective gestalt - Ernest Becker - Book - The birth and death of meaning
- question - what is meant by first to sixth person perspective? Can he give examples of each? - John Churchill
- quote - states (of consciousness) are cheap, traits ( of psychological infrastructure) are expensive - John Churchill
- insight - expanded perception - experiencing more interconnections in our world - John Churchill
- definition - state of consciousness - John Churchill
- buddhism and pyschology
- wisdom - signs of - permanent change in higher psychological infrastructure - John Churchill
- insight - embodied wisdom of interdependent origination - increase in synchronicity - John Churchill
- question - what are the 2nd and 3rd features of the Soul? - John Churchill
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.gezondleven.be www.gezondleven.be
Een chunk (letterlijk ‘brok’) is een verzameling elementen die sterke associaties met elkaar hebben. Samen vormen ze een betekenisvolle informatie-eenheid. Die chunks, groot of klein, gebruiken we in ons interne informatieverwerkings- en geheugensysteem. Ons brein houdt namelijk van logica en voorspelbare patronen. Het opdelen van informatie gebeurt automatisch en continu, maar kan ook bewust worden ingezet. Dat heet doel-georiënteerde chunking.Ons brein kan slechts een aantal zaken opslaan in het kortetermijngeheugen. Maar door veel gegevens te groeperen in kleinere brokjes informatie, kunnen we de limieten van ons geheugen uitdagen. En dus meer informatie verwerken en onthouden.
Chapeau! Een Belgische website kaart dit aan in de context gezond leven.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Class 2, Does Memory Matter? Why Are Universities Studying Slavery and Their Pasts? by David Blight for [[YaleCourses]]
- Pierre Nora
- Lieu de mémoire
- memory palaces
- watch
- Daniel Kahneman
- Benjamin Silliman
- William James
- hard histories
- information overload
- David Blight
- zettelkasten examples
- David Hume
- memory vs. history
- Robert McKee
- Andrew Jackson
- Glaucon
- Augustine
- invisible hand
- The Republic
- slavery
- neuroscience of memory
- storytelling
- Avishai Margalit
- memory and history
- Charan Ranganath
- Yale University history
- DeVane Lecture 2024
- Paul Conkin
- memory boom
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Paul Conkin's zettelkasten
- Mark Twain
- System 1 vs. System 2
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
@chrisaldrich Do you have some results from your online sessions? New insights from reading Doto's book?
Reply to @Edmund https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/21907/#Comment_21907
Doto's book is the best and tightest yet for explaining both how to implement a Luhmann-artig zettelkasten as well as why along with the affordances certain elements provide. He does a particularly good job of providing clear and straightforward definitions which have a muddy nature in some of the online spaces, which tends to cause issues for people new to the practice. Sadly, for me, there isn't much new insight due to the amount of experience and research I bring to the enterprise.
I do like that Doto puts at least some emphasis on why one might want to use alphanumerics even in digital spaces, an idea which has broadly been sidelined in most contexts for lack of experience or concrete affordances for why one might do it.
The other area he addresses, which most elide and the balance gloss over at best, is that of the discussion of using the zettelkasten for output. Though he touches on some particular methods and scaffolding, most of it is limited to suggestions based on his own experience rather than a broader set of structures and practices. This is probably the biggest area for potential expansion and examples I'd like to see, especially as I'm reading through Eustace Miles' How to Prepare Essays, Lectures, Articles, Books, Speeches and Letters, with Hints on Writing for the Press (London: Rivingtons, 1905).
I could have had some more material in chapter 3 which has some fascinating, but still evolving work. Ideas like interstitial journaling and some of the related productivity methods are interesting, but Doto only barely scratches the surface on some of these techniques and methods which go beyond the traditional "zettelkasten space", but which certainly fall in his broader framing of "system for writing" promise.
Doto's "triangle of creativity", a discussion of proximal feedback, has close parallels of Adler and Hutchins' idea of "The Great Conversation" (1952), which many are likely to miss.
For those who missed out, Dan Allosso has posted video from the sessions at https://lifelonglearn.substack.com/ Sadly missing, unless you're in the book club, are some generally lively side chat discussions as the primary video discussion was proceeding. The sessions had a breadth of experiences from the new to the old hands as well as from students to teachers and everywhere in between.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Christian atheism is an ideology that embraces the teachings, narratives, symbols, practices, or communities associated with Christianity without accepting the literal existence of God. It often overlaps with nontheism and post-theism.
world.hey.com world.hey.com
Automattic is doing open source dirty by [[David Heinemeier Hansson]]
These days someone might even try to correct you if, in an attempt to note someone was being (overly) humble, you said they were self-depreciating.
But the corruption has become so common that using the original today might not only stop a conversation in its tracks but cause unpleasant face-scrunching. Per Garner, spitting image is now 23 times more commonly used than its precursor.
Have you ever said you felt nauseous? In the traditional sense that would mean you felt like you were capable of causing others to woof cookies, not that you were feeling sick to your own stomach—much along the lines of how poisonous and poisoned work.
Young people today, he says, are now dropping the “from” and simply saying they “graduated college,”
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
In the video for Walk on Water (2017), a song about art, aging, self-doubt, insecurity, criticism, and creativity, Eminem and his various clones use SMC Classic 12 typewriters to type random words in a nod to Émile Borel's 1913 analogy of dactylographic monkeys with respect to statistical mechanics.
The video closes with Eminem showing typed evidence of his creative genius: "So me and you are not alike / Bitch, I wrote 'Stan'".
Notice the overlap of the dactylographic monkey idea and the creation of combinatorial creativity in Eminem's zettelkasten practice. The fact that he's brilliant enough to have created Stan (2000) is evidence that he's not just a random monkey, but that there is some directed thought and creativity which he has tacitly created during his career. https://boffosocko.com/2021/08/10/55794555/
- Oct 2024
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
In 2023, Texas lawmakers made a small concession to the outcry over the uncertainty the ban was creating in hospitals. They created a new exception for ectopic pregnancies, a potentially fatal condition where the embryo attaches outside the uterine cavity, and for cases where a patient’s membranes rupture prematurely before viability, which introduces a high risk of infection. Doctors can still face prosecution, but are allowed to make the case to a judge or jury that their actions were protected, not unlike self-defense arguments after homicides.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
to a male
Single case study?
www.getoutline.com www.getoutline.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The 100-Year web service by [[htmxlabs]]
context.center context.center
Context Check: What the Hell is Going on With WordPress and WPEngine? <br /> https://context.center/topics/wordpress-wpengine-conflict/
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
hy military masculinities are the sites where boundary-making activity takes place, and Belkin suggests that it may be because nation-states and militaries are closely tied, and the military occupies an important symbolic position in nation-states.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Here they suggest that along with thwarted masculinity, and vulnerable and stigmatized positionalities, men in conflict settings do not uniformly benefit from patriarchal structures and the gender order
doesnt show that some men dont benefit from the patriarchy
ruben.verborgh.org ruben.verborgh.org
Freedom of course always comes at a cost: what constitutes a victory for personal rights and freedom of speech also facilitates the spread of illegal messages, since decentralized networks make it harder to control what information is exchanged. Legality is of course a tricky matter, as some countries instate laws that prevent their citizens from voicing opinions that would be legal elsewhere.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Negative atheist posit that there is no hard prove to deny gods existence whereas positive atheist attempt to prove that god doesn't exist.
Also known as implicit and explicit atheism or weak/soft and strong/hard atheism.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Republic Day (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Bayramı) is a public holiday in Turkey commemorating the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, on 29 October 1923. The annual celebrations start at 1:00 pm on 28 October and continue for 35 hours.
More commonly known (to me) as Cumhuriyet Bayramı
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Here is the full movie (for free on YouTube): https://youtube.com/watch?v=yWlpCdoXTpY&si=bv2Dx11y6L_ooWIS
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Reweighting heuristics are known to improve these methods, as is dimen-sion reduction
Without reweighting and dimensionality reduction PMI doesn't scale to higher dimensions. (I.e. for large vocabulary).
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
for - webcast - youtube channel - Adventures in Awareness - Bernard Kastrup - from - essay - The end of scarcity? From Polycrisis to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed
from - essay - The end of scarcity? From Polycrisis to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - https://hyp.is/XajXQJKfEe-CsteXYeBHhw/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
16:30 "But the only fatwa that has, in fact, said that no images of Mohammed are permitted, and that includes Islamic paintings, not just the cartoons, came out in 2013 in Saudi Arabia by a Salafi cleric whose name is Al-Munajid. And there are other fatwas like Asistani, the Shi'i cleric, who says these images are perfectly fine, as long as they're respectful."
20:00 Fatwas can be issued (like the above) in a vacuum without any real conversation within the Islamic community. Few years back even building a snowman fatwa as haram. Animals are decapitated in Saudi textbooks. People in 20th century having 14th century book that depicts a head, decapitating it (al-ras).
15:30 The advent of media allowing for more images to be produced of the prophet. This in turn led to more anxiety under the Islamic community. See The Message (and the other movies) as examples of this increase of anxiety.
05:00 Gruber discusses how the canon should be decolonised (how eurocentrism should be replaced with different centres of interests) and how showing the prophet actually contributes to that purpose (including 14th century Iran that portrays these depictions of Muhammad).
07:30 Wow, interesting point: The people back then struggled with the question of how to depict prophetic and divine figures. How to do that? Certain anxieties underlying this.
08:30 A week before the incident, Lopez showed art in India and of the Buddha and so on. A whole course on how the divine is presented, and struggled with, in different regions and cultures, other than the West (an Eurocentric view).
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Severe lack of context of the incident, and the historical context of portraying Mohammed, is very evident here. The imam says "that we Muslims don't show images of the prophet" which is partially true, some Muslims don't. An interesting parallel with the general outcry of support for the teacher.
Jaylani Hussein says that most Muslims don't support portraying the prophet, whilst acknowledging that some do. (But portraying the prophet thus is not good). Even says it is Islamophobia at 2:00
"The president of the Muslim student association" Aram Wedetella also in the class speaks up.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
04:30 Question of how these images are now marginalised in the Islamic community. Came from the Ottoman Empire? Safi blames the rise of Salafi and Wahhabi movements. These images seem to portray mainly the mi'raj, ie spiritual and mystical dimensions. And the prophet portrayed in companion with other prophets (ie the universality of Islam).
"We believe in academic freedom, but it should not and cannot be used to excuse away behavior that harms others." (STATEMENT FROM HAMLINE UNIVERSITY) The above statements shows the struggle that Hamline faced when deciding to fire Erika Lopez Prater. A tension between academic freedom and insulting others.
1:05 A good point by Safi is that the statements of the director was assuming that the freedom of speech was in direct opposition to the feelings of Muslims. This is not the case. A difference between iconical devotion within the Islamic tradition (both Sunni and Shia) and Charlie Hebdo examples.
03:00 Both to respect students and expand their horizons. Not everyone needs to agree with it.
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
The 'polycrisis' is real enough. But it’s a surface level symptom of multiple, simultaneous phase transitions at the core of the ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ systems that define human civilisation – which together can be understood as a planetary phase shift. But if all we see and respond to is the polycrisis – the symptoms of this process as it weakens industrial structures – that will derail the planetary phase shift to a new life cycle.
for - comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - quote - making sense of the polycrisis - a symptom of multiple phase transitions - (see below) - The 'polycrisis' is real enough. - But it’s a surface level symptom - of multiple, simultaneous phase transitions at the core of the ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ systems that define human civilisation - which together can be understood as a planetary phase shift. - But if all we see and respond to is the polycrisis - the symptoms of this process as it weakens industrial structures - that will derail the planetary phase shift to a new life cycle.
comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - Ahmed's writing about the polycrisis masking the planetary phase shift is very reminiscent of Charles Eisenstein's writing in the Ascent of Humanity in which he compares the great transition we are undergoing to - the perilous journey a neonate takes as it leaves the womb and enters the greater space awaiting
to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/
for - rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16 - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein
summary - This is a good article that makes sense of the inflection point that humanity now faces as it contends with multiple existential crisis - It summarizes the complexity of our polycrisis and its precarity and lays the theory for looking at the polycrisis from a different perspective: - as a planetary phase shift towards the potential end of scarcity and the next stage of our species evolution - Through the lens of ecologist Crawford Stanley Holling's lens of the adaptive cycle of ecological population dynamics, - and especially his 2004 paper "From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds" - Nafeez extends Holling's argument that we are undergoing a planetary adaptive cycle in which the back-loop is the dying industrial era. - In this sense, it is reminiscent of the writings of Charles Eisenstein in his book "The Ascent of Humanity", chapter 8: Self and Cosmos:, The Gaian Birth. - Eisenstein uses the the perilous journey of birth through the womb door as a metaphor of the transition we are currently undergoing.
to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/KYCm2pFrEe-_PEu84xshXw/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein - https://hyp.is/r8scTpG_Ee-gLTujlli5hQ/charleseisenstein.org/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/eng/the-gaian-birthing/
Our most powerful asset will be the collective capability to recognise the dynamics of the planetary phase shift now underway, its unprecedented risks and unfathomable opportunities, and most crucially, its role as a precursor to the next stage in human and planetary evolution as one and the same thing.
for - similar to - polycrisis and planetary phase shift - Charles Eisenstein's metaphor of birth process - dangerous passage through the womb door
These seemingly paradoxical trends are twin manifestations of the same fundamental process: an emerging planetary-scale cultural phase transition. The regressive sentiment is symptomatic of the decline of the industrial life cycle; the emerging shared moral vision signals the potential for a new life cycle altogether.
for - in other words - paradoxical trends of increased division and emergence of shared values - the manifestation of the familiar aspects of human behavior - conservatism - progressive / liberalism
This new way of seeing the world should place humanity’s emergence as a planetary species at its centre. That reveals the biggest information gap of all: the inability to see that we are in the midst of a great transformation that could entail the dawn of a whole new life cycle for humanity on a planetary scale.
for - whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
the emergence of greater vulnerability because of the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those who control it, in efforts to sustain it
for - quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - (see quote below) - The front-loop phase is more predictable, - with higher degrees of certainty. - In both the natural and social worlds, - it maximizes production and accumulation. - We have been in that mode since World War II. - The consequence of this is not only an accumulation and concentration of wealth, - but also the emergence of greater vulnerability because of - the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and - those who control it, - in efforts to sustain it. - Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. - Emergence and novelty is inhibited. - This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, - and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. - This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, - thus increasing the threat of abrupt change. - We can recognize the need for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively.
to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - https://hyp.is/FTRDoJFuEe-rsvdKeYjr0g/www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art11/main.html?ref=ageoftransformation.org
comment - These ideas are quite important for those change actors working to emerge creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
constructal law
for - definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan - to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature
to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature - https://hyp.is/ZRIXfo76Ee-5yZdY2quRaQ/pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2871904/ - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan - https://hyp.is/R7V4Yo79Ee-52gO6UYAaYQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgEBTPee9ZM
To survive, living systems need to process information from their environment so they can predict environmental conditions. They then translate this information into organising their material structures to maximise the efficiency with which they extract and dissipate energy.
for - question - entropy definition of life - investigate further - entropy definition of life
question - I'm not fully appreciating his explanation. This requires further investigation - This physical explanation of life appears to be aimed at showing that the hardware and software aspects of life work together to dissipate physical energy - Is he saying that life's purpose is to accelerate the heat death of the universe?
The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life
for - book - The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life - Paul Davies
Culture as the ‘genetic code’ of the next leap
for - article - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - gene-culture coevolution - adjacency - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution
adjacency - between - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution - adjacency relationship - As DNA and epigenetics plays the role of transmitting biological adaptations, language and symmathesy play the role of transmitting cultural adaptations
- gene-culture coevolution
- to - quote - we are now in a back-loop of a planetary adaptive cycle - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- quote / insight - decreased resiliency due to tight network of elites - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed
- quote - making sense of the polycrisis - a symptom of multiple phase transitions
- to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein
- essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 Oct 16
- article - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed
- purpose of life - accelerate the heat death of the universe?
- planetary adaptive cycle - Crawford Stanley Holling
- to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birthing - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein
- comparison - to - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 - The Gaian Birthing - Charles Eisenstein
- definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan
- in other words - paradoxical trends of increased division and emergence of shared values
- planetary adaptive cycle - Nafeez Ahmed
- creative alternatives - liminal spaces - rapid whole system change
- question - entropy definition of life
- to - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004
- investigate further - entropy definition of life
- book - The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life - Paul Davies
- to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature
- indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas
- gene-culture coevolution - Nafeez Ahmed
- adjacency - indyweb dev - individual / collective evolutionary learning - provenance - tracing the evolution of ideas - gene-culture coevolution
- similar to - polycrisis and planetary phase shift - Charles Eisenstein's metaphor of birth process - dangerous passage through the womb door
- whole system change - big picture - back loop of planetary adaptive cycle - entering the reorganization phase - regional to planetary life cycle
- rapid whole system change - Nafeez Ahmed
- to - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan
ascentofhumanity.com ascentofhumanity.com
for - rapid whole system change - book - The Ascent of Humanity - Charles Eisenstein
Summary - Annotation was not available when in first read this book - It is a book worthy of full annotation as it is so important to the existential polycris we now face - I was reminded of it as I was annotating Nafeez Ahmed's essay:
charleseisenstein.org charleseisenstein.org
for - book - The Ascent of Humanity - chapter 8 Self and Cosmos: The Gaian Birth - stillborn and the perilous journey through the womb - Charles Eisenstein - from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From 'polycrisis' to planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed
from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From 'polycrisis' to planetary phase shift - Nafeez Ahmed - https://hyp.is/7t2GpJF7Ee-DjHfBgrshcQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
science.orf.at science.orf.at
Ein internationales Team von Forschenden kommt in einer zusammenfassenden Arbeit zu dem Ergebnis, dass das Erdsystem in die neue Epoche des Anthropozän eingetreten ist. Dafür sei vor allem das Energieungleichgewicht durch Treibhausgase verantwortlich. Das Anthropzän werde wesentlich länger dauern als.das. Holozän, in dem stabile.Umweltbedingungen die.Entwicklung der menschlichen Zivilisation begünstigten https://science.orf.at/stories/3227245/
Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818124002157?via%3Dihub
www.knowledgegraph.tech www.knowledgegraph.tech
ruben.verborgh.org ruben.verborgh.org
https://ruben.verborgh.org/<br /> Ruben Verborgh
Mentioned by Flancian
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/rubenverborgh/<br /> Ruben Verborgh
www.webnerd.me www.webnerd.me
Know and Master Your Social Media Data Flow by [[Louis Gray]]
See commentary at https://boffosocko.com/2017/04/11/a-new-way-to-know-and-master-your-social-media-flow/
doc.anagora.org doc.anagora.org
We have Renaissance humanism from the 1500s. We need to have a dose of Digital humanism in the 2000s.
mathewlowry.medium.com mathewlowry.medium.com
A Minimum Viable Ecosystem for collective intelligence by [[Mathew Lowry]]
Relation to Louis Gray's 2009 diagram/post: https://boffosocko.com/2017/04/11/a-new-way-to-know-and-master-your-social-media-flow/
www.chathamhouse.org www.chathamhouse.org
Why AI must be decolonized to fulfill its true potential by [[Mahlet Zimeta]], Data and technology policy expert, Freelance
www.ecologyandsociety.org www.ecologyandsociety.org
for - planetary adaptive cycle - entering back-loop phase - paper - From Complex Regions to Complex Worlds - Crawford Stanley Holling - 2004 - from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024
from - essay - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024 - https://hyp.is/okOeDJFqEe-9ZsMEsKWR9w/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
fathom.video fathom.video
Why should we have philanthropy?The reason that we have charities and NGOs and all of this is to fix the problems of corporations.
for - meme - abolish philanthropy - to - critique - Andrew Carnegie essay - The Gospel of Wealth
meme - abolish philanthropy - Agree. Corporations, through externalizing social and ecological impacts, have created a majority of the problems of the polycrisis, that non-profits are created to solve - It would be far more efficient to NOT create those problems to begin with - see my annotations on Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" - where I critique Carnegie's philosophy
to - critique - Andrew Carnegie - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carnegie.org%2Fabout%2Four-history%2Fgospelofwealth%2F&group=world
what is the nature of the invitation.
for - group dynamics of expanding and converging groups
group dynamics of expanding and converging groups - It is natural for groups to expand and grow and when they do, it changes the dynamics of the social interactions - Effort is required to know each other. It requires time to share and absorb what is shared - That legacy knowledge becomes the unspoken and implicit ground for future discourse - When new people are introduced to a group, or new groups are introduced to each other, - a minimum amount of sharing is required to establish common ground, common understanding - When members of a group have unique ideas to share, - a standardized, shareable documentation may become necessary for greater efficacy of sharing - the constitutions that are often at the heart of institutions became necessary for the same reasons
I will also set up an 501c3 with FSC byelaws Annisa says she will set one up Rob says he will set one up Michael may get his contacts to set on up
Paul will createa 501c3 as a RESEARCH instrument to apply for Kauffman;s research grant My hope is that IAN's 501c3 will apply for the PROJECT Grant that holds the eco-system of 501c3 fair shares commons
getting some work done and taking care of people's needs and being more holistic and multi-capital.
Not for Profit is a way to infiltrate the parasite of PROFIT that has come to symbolise incorporation
I've got a lot and we can even have a dialogue between us to ask me anything.
Thank you Marie. You embody the SPIRIT of a 555 FSC
unstable, destabilized, degenerative world
I have been shown in medicine that extinction is an act of Divine Love. Unstable, destable and degenertaive are all aspects of death and new life Can we find a way to position instability as an evolutionary process?
some layer of systemic trust.
We also need to fund a way to create a currency which also has at least the same level of systemic trust as money
Is it that we each do our own thing and we develop some form of in a collegiality between us, how to go forward?
The plan is to create a pool of learning and documents so that any one of us can apply for funding to create an FSC with a 501c3 as the legal entity with FSC bye laws that can be adapted
The emergenrt natur eis that we are holding spoace for the creation of an eco system of 501c3's with FSC bye laws
annotation work
We are hoping to create a COLLECTIVE COMMONS for our annotations The ancient model is the Celtic SPirtual ANNAL such as the book of kells or Leabhar Gabhala (Book of INvasions) where multipel wisodm keepers over generations add their wisdom IN BETWEEN THE LINES
For now, Gyuri and Gien call it Hyperpost
We are using hypothesis (as in this annotation) to play with what tools we have now
Gyuir and Gien intend to make it CROSS PLATFORM
They are using the term INDYWEB and INDRAS NETS
Meeting Purpose Explore the potential of Fair Shares Commons and strategize on implementation in Kansas/Missouri region.
Thank you so much for creating the meeting and for holding space It is not intended that any one person ought to be a central point of contact We are to become autocatalytic - energies arise and fall and all that is is and all that is not is not Some people will not show up Some people will show up all the time We are all equally included We are all One
- gratitude
- An ecosystem of 501c3's with FSC bye laws
- systemic trust of money
- Embodying the spirit of a 555 FSC
- Collective Commons of Annotation
- Gyuri and Gien
- Research Grant
- Stable is not regererative
- 501c3 as the legal entity with FSC bye laws
- Indyweb
- group dynamics of expanding and converging groups
- Cross Platform
- Destabilisation as an evolutionary process
- autocatalytic
- to - critique - Andrew Carnegie essay - The Gospel of Wealth
- Indras Net
- Pool of learning
- Parasite of profit
- meme - abolish philanthropy
- Hypothesis
- Templates for any one of us
- Eco-System of 501c3's with FSC bye laws
- Extinction is an act of Divine Love
- Ecosystem of 501 c3's
- no single point of contact
- Project Grant
- We are all One
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Die von Waldbränden außerhalb der Tropen verursachten Emissionen haben sich seit 2001 fast verdreifacht. Weltweit haben die Emissionen durch Waldbrände in dieser Zeit um 60% zugenommen. Ursache dafür ist die Kombination von heißerem und trockenerem Wetter mit dem schnelleren Wachstum der Wälder durch die höheren Temperaturen. Die Wälder können durch die Brände jahrzehntelang zu Emittenten werden. Damit ist die Funktion der Wälder als Kohlenstoffsenken gefährdet. Das bedeutet auch, dass sie andere anthropogene Emissionen weniger kompensieren und die Fähigkeit verlieren, nach einem Überschreiten der 1,5°-Grenze C0<sub>2</sub> aus der Atmosphäre zu entfernen. Außerdem müssten diese von Menschen verursachten Emissonen den C0<sub>2</sub>-Budgets der Nationalstaaten zugeordnet werden.
- 2001-2023
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- author: Stefan H. Doerr
- date::2024-10-17
- increasing risk of wildfires
- author:: Matthew W. Jones
- Boreale Wälder
- author:: Crystal A. Kolden
- Schwächung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffsenken
- date:: 2024-10-17
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Erstmals wurde genau erfasst, welcher Teil der von Waldbränden betroffenen Gebiete sich auf die menschlich verursachte Erhitzung zurückführen lässt. Er wächst seit 20 Jahren deutlich an. Insgesamt kompensieren die auf die Erhitzung zurückgehenden Waldbrände den Rückgang an Bränden durch Entwaldung. Der von Menschen verursachte – und für die Berechnung von Schadensansprüchen relevante – Anteil der CO2-Emissione ist damit deutlich höher als bisher angenommen https://www.carbonbrief.org/climate-change-almost-wipes-out-decline-in-global-area-burned-by-wildfires/
- land use change
- Matthew W. Jones
- attribution
- Natural Environment Research Council
- CO2-Emissionen von Waldbränden
- Transdisciplinary Fire Centre at the University of Tasmania.
- Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project
- World Weather Attribution
- Global burned area increasingly explained by climate change
- David Bowman
- Seppe Lampe
- Global rise in forest fire emissions linked to climate change in the extratropics
- increasing risk oft wildfires
- global
- Maria Barbosa
- Global Carbon Budget
Value of knowledge in a zettelkasten as a function of reference(use/look up) frequency; links to other ideas; ease of recall without needing to look up (also a measure of usefulness); others?
Define terms and create a mathematical equation of stocks and flows around this system of information. Maybe "knowledge complexity" or "information optimization"? see: https://hypothes.is/a/zejn0oscEe-zsjMPhgjL_Q
takes into account the value of information from the perspective of a particular observer<br /> relative information value
cross-reference: Umberto Eco on no piece of information is superior: https://hypothes.is/a/jqug2tNlEeyg2JfEczmepw
Inspired by idea in https://hypothes.is/a/CdoMUJCYEe-VlxtqIFX4qA
Here's my setup: Literature Notes go in the literature folder. Daily Notes serve as fleeting notes. Project-related Notes are organized in their specific project folders within a larger "Projects" folder.
inspired by, but definitely not take from as not in evidence
Many people have "daily notes" and "project notes" in what they consider to be their zettelkasten workflow. These can be thought of as subcategories of reference notes (aka literature notes, bibliographic notes). The references in these cases are simply different sorts of material than one would traditionally include in this category. Instead of indexing the ideas within a book or journal article, you're indexing what happened to you on a particular day (daily notes) or indexing ideas or progress on a particular project (project notes). Because they're different enough in type and form, you might keep them in their own "departments" (aka folders) within your system just the same way that with enough material one might break out their reference notes to separate books from newspapers, journal articles, or lectures.
In general form and function they're all broadly serving the same functionality and acting as a ratchet and pawl on the information that is being collected. They capture context; they serve as reminder. The fact that some may be used less or referred to less frequently doesn't make them necessarily less important
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Is "Scoping the subject" a counter-Zettelkasten approach?
Sounds like you're doing what Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren would call "inspectional reading" and outlining the space of your topic. This is both fine and expected. You have to start somewhere. You're scaffolding some basic information in a new space and that's worthwhile. You're learning the basics.
Eventually you may come back and do a more analytical read and/or cross reference your first sources with other sources in a syntopical read. It's at these later two levels of reading where doing zettelkasten work is much more profitable, particularly for discerning differences, creating new insights, and expanding knowledge.
If you want to think of it this way, what would a kindergartner's zettelkasten contain? a high school senior? a Ph.D. researcher? 30 year seasoned academic researcher? Are the levels of knowledge all the same? Is the kindergartner material really useful to the high school senior? Probably not at all, it's very basic. As a result, putting in hundreds of atomic notes as you're scaffolding your early learning can be counter-productive. Read some things, highlight them, annotate them. You'll have lots of fleeting notes, but most of them will seem stupidly basic after a month or two. What you really want as main notes are the truly interesting advanced stuff. When you're entering a new area, certainly index ideas, but don't stress about capturing absolutely everything until you have a better understanding of what's going on. Then bring your zettelkasten in to leverage yourself up to the next level.
- Adler, Mortimer J. “How to Mark a Book.” Saturday Review of Literature, July 6, 1940. https://www.unz.com/print/SaturdayRev-1940jul06-00011/
- Adler, Mortimer J., and Charles Van Doren. How to Read a Book: The Classical Guide to Intelligent Reading. Revised and Updated edition. 1940. Reprint, Touchstone, 2011.
reply to u/jack_hanson_c at https://old.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1g9dv9b/is_scoping_the_subject_a_counterzettelkasten/
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
The seeming luxury of having multiple words to choose from is not sufficient to offset the lingering fear that no matter which word you pick it will be the wrong one, causing people to silently laugh at you and judge both you and your grammar school teachers
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
China Sea as the edge of the world and is used to imagine the margins of the world as a realm of marvels and unknown dangers.
Benjamin's travelogue is a product of his imagination, influenced by biblical authority and rumors, rather than actual geographical knowledge.
Jewish utopia in the Arabian Peninsula, where 300,000 Jews live in 40 cities and 200 villages, free from the rule of gentiles.
personal experience and is likely an insertion made by him or a later editor.
universal Jewish community that despite its dispersion among various Muslim and Christian regimes still managed to preserve a strong sense of unity and cohesion
big Jewish community is the focus of his travel, he doesnt notice other things, rest is fictious
"a day's journey" to indicate close social interactions among Jewish communities,
rather a way to link places along a real but somewhat abstracted route.
travel times in the Sefer masa'ot may be unrealistic.
medieval understanding of travel writing.
mprecise unit of "a day's journey" and the parasang, an ancient Persian unit of measurement
partiality for southern French communities,
appreciates its literary purposes
geography is experienced through human movement on specific routes.
Book of Travels as a literary work rather than a positivist account,
literary grid that allows the author to reflect on the medieval world from a Jewish perspective.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Finnland hatte sich beim Ziel der CO2-Neutralität 2035 darauf verlassen, dass große Mengen von CO2 von Wäldern, Böden und Feuchtgebieten absorbiert werden. Inzwischen ist das Land dort keine Kohlenstoffsenke mehr. Dazu trägt die globale Erhitzung selbst bei, durch die viele Bäume sterben, aber auch die Abholzung des Waldes. Finnland ist ein Beispiel für die Schwächung der ländlichen Kohlenstoffsenken, von der viele Länder betroffen sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/finland-emissions-target-forests-peatlands-sinks-absorbing-carbon-aoe
- 2009-2022
- Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- deforestation
- Bernt Nordman
- The enduring world forest carbon sink
- Schwächung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffsenken
- Greenpeace
- increasing risk of heatwaves
- Tarja Silfver
- date:: 2024-10-15
- Tuuli Hakulinen
- Juha MIkola
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
- Finland
- Matti Liimatainen
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
2023 haben Böden und Landpflanzen fast kein CO2 absorbiert. Dieser Kollaps der Landsenken vor allem durch Dürren und Waldbrände wurde in diesem Ausmaß kaum vorausgesehen, und es ist nicht klar, ob auf ihn eine Regeneration folgt. Er stellt Klimamodelle ebenso in Frage wie die meisten nationalen Pläne zum Erreichen von CO2-Neutralität, weil sie auf natürlichen Senken an Land beruhen. Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass die steigenden Temperaturen inzwischen auch die CO2-Aufnahmefähigkeit der Meere schwächen. Überblicksartikel mit Links zu Studien https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/14/nature-carbon-sink-collapse-global-heating-models-emissions-targets-evidence-aoe
- A warming climate will make Australian soil a net emitter of atmospheric CO2
- Schwächung der marinen Kohlenstoffsenken
- Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large decline of the land carbon sink in 2023
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Andrew Watson
- Impact of high temperature heat waves on ocean carbon sinks: Based on literature analysis perspective
- Johan Rockström
- The enduring world forest carbon sink
- date::2024-10-14
- Schwächung der terrestrischen Kohlenstoffsenken
- French Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences
- 2023
- Pierre Friedlingstein
- Philippe Ciais
- Global Carbon Budget
- Tim Lenton
- The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track?
Adrian Poisson grew up studying science and math by day and art after hours beginning at the age of five
for - Adrian Bejan - constructal law - childhood - art and science - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16
Summary - Good explainer video about constructal theory and flow
from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The constructal law of design and evolution in nature
for - paper - The constructal law of design and evolution in nature - Adrian Bejan - Sylvie Lorente - 2010 - from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16
from - The End of Scarcity? From ‘Polycrisis’ to Planetary Phase Shift - Nafeez Ahmed - 2024, Oct 16 - https://hyp.is/Qt8IMI74Ee--f4O18QMPFQ/ageoftransformation.org/the-end-of-scarcity-from-polycrisis-to-planetary-phase-shift/
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Ein „mediterraner Zyklon“ verursacht an diesem Wochenende überall in Italien extreme Unwetter. In der vergangenen Woche kam es in Ligurien stellenweise innerhalb weniger Stunden zu Niederschlägen von 300 mm (an einigen Punkten Frankreichs zu 600mm). Bei Piombino fielen in einer Stunde 120 mm Regen. Diese „tropischen“ Niederschlagsmengen weichen deutlich vom gewohnten mediterranen Klima ab. https://www.repubblica.it/italia/2024/10/19/news/previsioni_meteo_weekend_maltempo_nubifragi_allerta_rossa-423564680/
www.dailymaverick.co.za www.dailymaverick.co.za
Clash of the Cartels: Unmasking the global drug kingpins stalking South Africa.
for - book - Clash of the Cartels: Unmasking the global drug kingpins stalking South Africa - Caryn Dolley - Columbia drug trafficking in South Africa
for - polycrisis - organized crime - Daily Maverick article - organized crime - Cape Town - How the state colludes with SA’s underworld in hidden web of organised crime – an expert view - Victoria O’Regan - 2024, Oct 18 - book - Man Alone: Mandela’s Top Cop – Exposing South Africa’s Ceaseless Sabotage - Daily Maverick journalist Caryn Dolley - 2024 - https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/https://shop.dailymaverick.co.za/product/man-alone-mandelas-top-cop-exposing-south-africas-ceaseless-sabotage/?_gl=11mkyl5s_gcl_auODI2MTMxODEuMTcyNjI0MDAwMg.._gaNzQ5NDM3NzE0LjE3MjMxODY0NzY._ga_Y7XD5FHQVG*MTcyOTM1MjgwOS4xLjAuMTcyOTM1MjgxOS41MC4wLjkyNTE5MDk2OA..
summary - This article revolves around the research of South African crime reporter Caryn Dolley on the organized web of crime in South Africa - She discusses the nexus of - trans-national drug cartels - local Cape Town gangs - South African state collusion with gangs - in her new book: Man Alone: Mandela's Top Cop - Exposing South Africa's Ceaseless Sabotage - It illustrates how on-the-ground efforts to fight crime are failing because they do not effectively address this criminal nexus - The book follows the life of retired top police investigator Andre Lincoln whose expose paints the deep level of criminal activity spanning government, trans-national criminal networks and local gangs - Such organized crime takes a huge toll on society and is an important contributor to the polycrisis. - Non-linear approaches are necessary to tackle this systemic problem - One possibility is a trans-national citizen-led effort
- polycrisis - organized crime
- book - Clash of the Cartels: Unmasking the global drug kingpins stalking South Africa - Caryn Dolley
- trans-national drug cartels - South Africa - Colombia - Serbia
- Daily Maverick article - organized crime - Cape Town - How the state colludes with SA’s underworld in hidden web of organised crime – an expert view - Victoria O’Regan - 2024, Oct 18
- book - Man Alone: Mandela’s Top Cop – Exposing South Africa’s Ceaseless Sabotage - Daily Maverick journalist Caryn Dolley - 2024
www.inclusivesociety.org.za www.inclusivesociety.org.za
In 2019, at least 183 infrastructure and construction projects worth more than R63-billion had been affected by the construction mafia.
for - stats - construction mafia impacts - South Africa - 2019 - R63 billion - Overview of the Construction Mafia Crisis in South Africa - Inclusive Society Institute - 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
- Ellen Whitman
- regeneration failure
- Kanada
- Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires
- flash droughts
- Drivers and Impacts of the Record-Breaking 2023 Wildfire Season in Canada
- increasing risk of wildfires
- Marc-André Parisien
- by: Manuela Andreoni
- Natural Resources Canada
- Brendan Byrne
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Extreme Regenfälle im Südosten und Zentrum Frankreichs im September gehören zu einer sogenannten „Mittelmeerepisode“ (épisode méditerranéen). Diese Ereignisse intensivieren sich durch die globale.Erhitzung. Die Libération hat dazu Klimaforschende befragt, und sie verweist auf eine aktualisierte Studie zur Erwärmung in Frankreich https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/les-intemperies-dans-le-sud-est-de-la-france-enieme-illustration-des-effets-devastateurs-du-rechauffement-climatique-20241018_HCAHWSJACRADZNAVD5G7IZE66M/
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Das von den französischen Grünen regierte Lyon reagiert auf die globale Erhitzung mit einer „Strategie der durchlässigen Stadt“. Dazu gehört es, bei ausnahmslos jedem neuen Bauprojekt Wasser versickern zu lassen statt es abzuleiten. Eine Vizepräsidentin der Region erklärt die Strategie - und den Unwillen des Staats zur finanziellen Unterstützung der Stadt -im Gespräch mit der Libération aus Anlass der extremen Regenfälle im Département Rhône https://www.liberation.fr/societe/inondations-dans-la-metropole-de-lyon-nous-payons-des-annees-damenagements-urbains-qui-nont-pas-tenu-compte-du-dereglement-climatique-20241018_FT2OJG5YNVFWBJMHM37NJGB634/?redirected=1
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Als „Frontlinie der entscheidendsten Schlacht unserer Epoche“ bezeichnet die brasilianische Journalistin Eliane Brum Amazonien. Hauptgegner im Krieg gegen die Natur seien die europäischen Firmen, die die Ressourcen des Gebiets für den Export zerstören. Libération interviewt Brum vor dem Beginn der COP16 zur Biodiversität https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/biodiversite/cop-16-biodiversite-lamazonie-est-la-ligne-de-front-de-la-bataille-la-plus-decisive-de-notre-epoque-20241018_BIRGSULX6BG5JIBVDMQ44MJAVA/
Artikel von Eliane Brum: https://english.elpais.com/author/eliane-brum/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Stress, dem die Wassersysteme der Welt ausgesetzt sind, wird dazu führen, dass das 2030 die Nachfrage nach Wasser 40% höher sein wird als das Angebot. Der Bericht der Globalen Komission für die Wasserökonomie stellt fest, dass ohne radikale Gegenmaßnahmen die Hälfte der Nahrungsproduktion der Welt in den kommenden 25 Jahren gefährdet ist. Trotz der Verbundenheit der globalen Wasserressourcen werde Wasser noch nicht als globales Gemeingut gemanagt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/16/global-water-crisis-food-production-at-risk
Noch nie ist die CO2-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre so stark gestiegen wie im vergangenen Jahr, nämlich um 3,37 parts per million (PPM). Die Konzentration liegt jetzt bei 422 PPM. Vor allem die sehr geringe CO2-Aufnahme durch Ozean- und Landsenken hat diese Steigerung verursacht https://taz.de/Hiobsbotschaft-fuers-Klima/!6040258/
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Eine Studie weist erstmals systematisch den Einfluss von Dürren und zunehmender Trockenheit auf die Binnenmigration in vielen verschiedenen Ländern nach. Es migrieren vor allem Mitglieder mittlerer Einkommensgruppen, die die dazu nötigen Ressourcen haben. Die klimabedingte Migration trägt deutlich zur Urbanisierung bei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240733/mehr-binnenmigration-durch-klimawandel
- Roman Hoffmann
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02165-1.epdf?sharing_token=zQaNIIlE0D5VSVhiEeWSRdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N5BsSsWDa3LuiqvifrZZqQ9PHrGw0G8JwyXN4l5XLwHLyMEPxhNDlwsm_I7HyLLBL-PIsL8iWYBirASOxKiB3OvY5CyEDs2OqdYzcj0HqqPZGigOJmwF7H97HsKHpUv2tEjBvnMf7i4DKmBH78sfFsx7iymr6A4PFpKfrKe6IDSxkyQgZFpa8kBrt8lM6HkbU%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.at
- increasing risk of droughts
- Drought and aridity influence internal migration worldwide
- aridification
- migration
- Guy Abel
medium.com medium.com
What conditions nurture collaboration?🔮 What conditions prevent or squash it?🔮 Can we expand our collective collaborative literacy with a wider, deeper repertoire to navigate wisely and well through the inherently messy and often difficult iterations of true collaboration?
for - questions - collaboration literacy - Donna Nelham - to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker -
questions - collaboration - Donna Nelham - These three questions are all related - To get to the root of collaboration, it is helpful to examine the roots of human psychology to understand the fundamental relationship between - the individual and - the group - In his work "The Birth ad Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker argues, citing other peers, that - the self concept needs to emerge for effective group collaboration to develop and - the self concept requires others in order to construct it - Hence, other is already implicated in the construction of our own self - In Deep Humanity terminology, we call this intertwingledness of the self and other the "individual / collective gestalt"
to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker - https://hyp.is/40fZHv9CEe6bTovrYzF92A/www.themortalatheist.com/blog/the-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable.
for - quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies
quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - This is a defeatist attitude that does not look for a condition where both enormous inequality AND universal squalor can both eliminated - Today, there are a growing number of alternative ideas which can challenge this claim such as: - Cooperatives - example - Mondragon corporation with 70,000 employees - B Corporations - Fair Share Commons - Peer to Peer - Worker owned companies - Cosmolocal organizations - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself.
for - quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - The problem with this reasoning is that it is circular - By rewarding oneself an extreme and unfettered amount of wealth for one's entrepreneurship skills creates inequality in the first place - Competition that destroys other corporations ends up reducing jobs - At the end of life, the rich entrepreneur desires to give back to society the wealth that (s)he originally stole - If one had reasonable amounts of rewarding innovation instead of unreasonable amounts, the problem of inequality can be largely mitigated in the first place whilst still recognizing and rewarding individual effort and ingenuity
destruction of Individualism
for - critique - destruction of Individualism - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - individual / collective Gestalt - Deep Humanity
critique - destruction of Individualism - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - From a Deep Humanity perspective, the individual and the collective are intertwingled - This is the individual / collective gestalt - Communism and Capitalism are both extreme poles - the truth lies somewhere in the middle - which acknowledges both are individual AND collective nature simultaneously - and works to balance them
the right of the laborer to his hundred dollars in the savings bank, and equally the legal right of the millionaire to his millions.
for - critique - extreme wealth inequality cannot be avoided for the greater improvement of society - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - adjacency - Gandhi quote - Andrew Carnegie beliefs in The Gospel of Wealth
critique - extreme wealth inequality cannot be avoided for the greater improvement of society - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - It's a matter of degree - Wealth differences within US corporations of 344 to 1 are obscene and not necessary, as proven by - Wealth difference of 6 to 1 in Mondragon federation of cooperatives - To quote - Gandhi, there is enough to meet everyone's needs but not enough to meet everyone's greed - The great problem with such large wealth disparity is that those who know how to game the system can earn obscene amounts of money - and since the concept of luxury goods is made desirable and proportional to monetary wealth, it creates a positive feedback loop of insatiability - The combination of engaging in ever greater luxury lifestyle and power is intoxicating and addictive
to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation
That this talent for organization and management is rare among men is proved by the fact that it invariably secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.
for - critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample - This is invalidated today by large successful cooperatives such as Mondragon
to - stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - https://hyp.is/QAxx-o14Ee-_HvN5y8aMiQ/www.csmonitor.com/Business/2024/0513/income-inequality-capitalism-mondragon-corporation
for - from - MSN article - How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - The life of Andrew Carnegie - Daniel Coughlin - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - philanthropy adjacency - Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Anthropocene - critique
summary - It is interesting to read this article from the perspectives of a commons activist - The link to the MSN article that led me to Carnegie's essay is below and it provides a good summary of his life. - He came from a very challenging life of poverty, growing up in a family and in circumstances where they were constantly struggling to make ends meet - His is the story of the deep imprint of poverty providing him with motivation to escape it - Having risen to become the world's richest man, and then giving his fortune away due to the deep imprint of poverty experienced in childhood, - he formed an opinion on inequality and capitalist material production that was borne out of his experience as a successful entrepreneur and the contrast of quality of life between: - a pre-industralized society in which he was familiar from childhood experiences and - the profound material improvements accessible to all due to mass production that he helped to pioneer - In the essay, he sees the inequality found in society to be the price that needed to be paid for everyone to have access to a higher standard of living - This is where critical analysis from a modern post-Marxist, post-Capitalist perspective might provide an interesting critique, - especially from the anthropocene perspective, where the epitome of the system Carnegie praised has led to a state of environmental destruction so vast that Carnegie could never have foreseen it - A question: would Carnegie have written his essay differently were he alive to witness the environmental destruction of the Anthropocene?
from - MSN article - How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - The life of Andrew Carnegie - Daniel Coughlin - https://hyp.is/urXCfo1hEe-OdSMr4kqwyg/www.lovemoney.com/news/135656/the-astonishing-rags-to-riches-story-of-andrew-carnegie
- critique - extreme wealth inequality cannot be avoided for the greater improvement of society - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
- ritique - destruction of Individualism - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - individual / collective Gestalt - Deep Humanity
- essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - philanthropy
- stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid
- adjacency - Gandhi quote - Andrew Carnegie beliefs in The Gospel of Wealth
- quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth
- critique - extreme wealth a reward for rare management skills - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Mondragon counterexample
- MSN article - How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - The life of Andrew Carnegie - Daniel Coughlin
- quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
- adjacency - Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - Anthropocene - critique
- alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies
- to - stats - Mondragon pay difference between highest and lowest paid - article - In this Spanish town, capitalism actually works for the workers - Christian Science Monitor - Erika Page - 2024, June 7
www.csmonitor.com www.csmonitor.com
The income disparity between the highest- and lowest-paid employees in Mondragon’s cooperatives is capped at a ratio of 6-to-1, compared with a typical ratio of 344-to-1 in the United States. (It’s typically 77-to-1 in Spain.)
for - stats - Mondragon corporation - pay difference comparison between highest paid and lowest paid - from - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie organization
from - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie organization - https://hyp.is/dIoiDo16Ee-0n2OpOK3lwg/www.carnegie.org/about/our-history/gospelofwealth/
stats - Mondragon corporation - comparison of pay difference between highest paid and lowest paid - Modragon - 6 to 1 - typical US - 344 to 1 - typical Spain - 77 to 1
www.lovemoney.com www.lovemoney.com
for - to - essay - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
article details\ - title: How a poor boy from Scotland became the richest man on Earth - author: Daniel Coughlin - publication: https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/other/how-a-poor-boy-from-scotland-became-the-richest-man-on-earth/ss-AA1snaUl?ocid=widgetonlockscreen&cvid=7d9709f2a3784d09b14e49f448a1a4cc&ei=12#image=25 - date - 2024, Oct 18
vimeo.com vimeo.com
Reporter John Dickerson talking about his notebook.
While he doesn't mention it, he's capturing the spirit of the commonplace book and the zettelkasten.
[...] I see my job as basically helping people see and to grab ahold of what's going on.
You can decide to do that the minute you sit down to start writing or you can just do it all the time. And by the time you get to writing you have a notebook full of stuff that can be used.
And it's not just about the thing you're writing about at that moment or the question you're going to ask that has to do with that week's event on Face the Nation on Sunday.
If you've been collecting all week long and wondering why a thing happens or making an observation about something and using that as a piece of color to explain the political process to somebody, then you've been doing your work before you ever sat down to do your work.
Field Notes: Reporter's Notebook from Coudal Partners on Vimeo.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
"militarization" is limited in its ability to fully capture the violence of liberal order, as it fails to acknowledge that there is no "good" liberal civilian past to which we can retreat.
It implies that universities were once purely civilian institutions that have been encroached upon by military values.
militarisation ignores contexts that built institutions were built on war values
"militarization" framework elides: the historical context out of which the use of military equipment and tactics against Black activism develops.
limits of MILITARISATION as it excludes crucial contexts
militarization is a new process by which the exception (war) encroaches on the norm (peace).
The concept of militarization assumes a peaceful liberal order that is encroached on by military values or institutions, but this assumption is false.
libraryfutures.net libraryfutures.net
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Who were the Physiocrats?
for - definition - physiocrats - Steve Keen - economy - history - economic flow as biomimicry of body's circulation system
definition - physiocrat - During the 18th and 19th century, a group of mostly French "economists" led by Francois Quesnay, physician to the King of France at the time, performed some of the first autopsies of the time. - Autopsies were banned for the longest time for religious reasons - When Quesnay performed autopsies, he discovered networks of tubes in the circulation system and this led him to surmise a network of circulation in another field, economics - Quesnay advised the king, hence the name physiocrat - So modern economics has its roots in biology - it was a case of biomimicry!
for - from - Fair Share Commons discussion thread - Marie - discussing the use of the word "capital" in "spiritual capital" - webcast - Great Simplification - On the Origins of Energy Blindness - Steve Keen - Energy Blindness
- teve Keen - Energy Blindness
- Francois Quesnay - physiocrat
- economy - history - economic flow as biomimicry of body's circulation system
- webcast - Great Simplification - On the Origins of Energy Blindness
- from - Fair Share Commons discussion thread - Marie - discussing the use of the word "capital" in "spiritual capital"
- definition - physiocrats - Steve Keen
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for - article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michael Bauwens - PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano - to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
Summary - This is a review and high recommendation of the PhD dissertation of Benjamin Suriano by Michael Bauwens - The subject is the historical analysis of labour in medieval times, and - how Christian monasticism provided a third perspective on labour that was an important alternative to the false dichotomy of - cleric - warrior - that was inclusive of the alienated within class majority - a proposal for revival the spirit of this spiritual view of labour - as a means to mitigate modernity's meaning crisis as it relates to the lack of purpose usually associated with work in contemporary society
to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper - https://hyp.is/7PeMMIxtEe-NOmuU08T3jg/wiki.p2pfoundation.net/From_Modes_of_Production_to_the_Resurrection_of_the_Body
- PhD thesis - From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas (2016) - Benjamin Suriano
- to - P2P Foundation - more detailed presentation of Benjamin Suriano's PhD paper
- Deep Humanity - mitigating meaning crisis - through reviving medieval Christian monasticism's spiritual attitude towards labour
- - meaning crisis - reviving a spiritual attitude towards labour
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
for - from - recommendation - from - Michel Bauwens - on Fair Share Commons chat thread, 2024 Oct 17 - context Karl Marx liberation of the individual - to - substack article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michel Bauwens article details - title: From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas" (2016) - author: Benjamin Suriano
to - Substack article - Why Human (Contributive) Labor remains the creative principle of human society - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2F4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com%2Fp%2Fwhy-human-contributive-labor-remains&group=world
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what really I was really interested in was the idea that Marx wasn't really Keen or was sort of hostile to the idea of equality which I'm guessing will come as a surprise to many people
for - interesting perspective - Karl Marx - He wasn't principally interested in equality - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - perspectival knowledge of - Michael Sonenscher - misunderstanding - modern capitalists - misunderstand Karl Marx's work - Michael Sonenscher - Karl Marx and Capitalism - Maximizing each individual's freedom while not trampling on the same aspiration of other individuals within a society
Interesting perspective - Karl Marx wasn't principally interested in equality - Sonenscher offers an interesting interpretation and perspectival knowledge of Karl Marx's motivation in his principal work paraphrase - Marx's thought centered on is interest in individuality and the degree to which in certain respects being somebody who is free and able to make choices about his or her lives and future activities is going to depend on each person's: - qualities - capabilities - capacities - preoccupations - values, etc - For Marx, freedom is in the final analysis something to do with something - particular - specific and - individual w - What matters to me may not matter entirely in the same sort of way to you because ultimately - in an ideal State of Affairs, my kinds of concerns and your kinds of concerns will be simply specific to you and to me respectively - For Marx, the problems begin as is also the case with Rosseau - when these kinds of absolute qualities are displaced by - relative qualities that apply equally to us both - For Marx, things like - markets - prices - commodities and - things that connect people - are the hallmarks of equality because they put people on the same kind of footing prices and productivity - Whereas the things that REALLY SHOULD COUNT are - the things that separate and distinguish people that make each individual fully and and entirely him or herself and - the idea for Marx is that capitalism - which is not a term that Marx used, - puts people on a kind of spurious footing of equality - Getting beyond capitalism means getting beyond equality to a state of effect in which - difference , - particularity, - individuality and - uniqueness - in a certain kind of sense will prevail
comment - This perspective is quite enlightening on Marx's motivations on this part of his work and is likely misconstrued by those mainstream "capitalists" who vilify his work without critical analysis - Of course freedom - within a social context - is never an absolute term. - It is not possible to live in a society in which everyone is able to actualize their full imaginations, something pointed out in the work of two other famous thought leaders of modern history: - Thomas Hobbes observed in his famous work, Leviathan, and - Sigmund Freud also made a primary subject of his ID, Ego and Superego framework. - Total freedom would lead - first to anarchy and then - the emergence within that anarchy of those which possess the most charisma, influence, self-seeking manipulative skills and brutality - surfacing rule by authority - Historically, as democracy attempts to surface from a history of authoritarian, patriarchal governance, - democracy is far from ubiquitous and authoritarian governance is still alive and well in many parts of the world - The battle between - authoritarian governments among themselves and - authoritarian and democratic governments - results in war, violence and trauma that creates the breeding ground for the next generation of authoritarian leaders - Marx's main intent seems to be to enable the individual existing within a society to live the fullest life possible, - by way of enabling and maximizing their unique expression, - while not constraining the same aspiration in other individuals who belong to the same society
- Karl Marx and Capitalism - Maximizing each individual's freedom while not trampling on the same aspiration of other individuals within a society
- misunderstanding - modern capitalists - misunderstand Karl Marx's work - Michael Sonenscher
- interesting perspective - Karl Marx - He wasn't principally interested in equality - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - perspectival knowledge of - Michael Sonenscher
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
Michael Sonenscher
for - capitalism - etymology - modern - book Capitalism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Discussion of "spiritual capitalism" on Kansas Missouri Fair Shares Commons chat thread - to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher
Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.
to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher - https://hyp.is/ftWWfoxQEe-FkUuIeSoZCA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNaxyPpOf0
Local file Local file
e main note has a title that tells you about the idea found in the note
daily notes
We use the term“eeting notes” not because they’re of a particularly high value, but becauseof the value we place on the notes they’ll become.
There are some fleeting ideas which are truly great and the entire purpose of writing them down is to maintain their value. ("I was in the bath one day...") Others ideas aren't particularly genius, but may need to be kept for later use or actionability. Still other ideas are just useless and these get flushed out in the wash.
BD doesn't do an exceptional job of looking at the entirety of the spectrum of ideas here, which could be useful and illustrative, but instead focuses on moving things toward what he's calling "main notes", and even these can have different levels of value to a particular person.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
non-existent towns and streets used to trap plagiarists
Relation to Genius.com's trap of Google on music lyrics
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
2023 hat die rasch wachsende australische LNG-Branche 70 Mrd.n australische Dollar eingenommen. Die Expansion der Branche wird oft damit gerechtfertigt, dass LNG weniger Emissionen verursache als Kohle. Eine neue Studie zeigt dagegen, dass die Gesamtemissionen über 20 Jahre von aus den USA exportiertem LNG über denen von Kohle liegen. Der Guardian-Kommentator Adam Morton fordert deshalb, endlich mit dem Abbau der australischen LNG-Industrie anzufangen https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/new-evidence-says-gas-exports-damage-the-climate-even-more-than-coal-its-time-australia-took-serious-action
Studie: https://scijournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.1934
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Der neue Bericht der Europäischen Umweltbehörde zum Wasser stellt fest, dass sich nur 37% der Oberflächengewässer in einem guten oder sehr guten Zustand befinden. Vor allem die Landwirtschft belastet die Gewässer durch Pestizide und Dünger. Die globale Erhitzung führt außer zu mehr Überschwemmungen zu zunehmendem Wasserstress durch Dürren. Die Qualität der Gewässer verschlechtere sich. Europa sei auf dem Weg, seine Ziele beim Schutz der Wasserversorgung zu vefehlen https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240721/europas-wasserversorgung-laut-eu-agentur-vor-gro223en-herausforderungen
Bericht: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/news/state-of-water
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Noch nicht peer-reviewte Studien sprechen dafür, dass die globale Erhitzung die Niederschläge durch den Hurrikan Milton um 20 und seine Windgeschwindigkeit um 10% gesteigert hat. Dles führte zu etwa doppelt so großen Zerstörungen als bei einem nicht von der Erhitzung beteuerten Sturm gleicher Seltenheit. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/11/climate/milton-climate-change.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Nicht nur #BP investiert in mehr fossile Infrastruktur und verzichtet auf Dekarbonisierungsziele. Große Firmen und Investmentgesellschaften geben die Orientierung an „Environmental, social and governace“- (ESG-)Standards zunehmend auf. Für #BlackRock, #Vanguard, #JPMorgan und #StateStreet spielen sie keine oder nur noch eine geringe Rolle, die EU hat sie verwässert. Der Guardian berichtet darüber in einem gut recherchierten Überblicksartikel. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/13/very-concerning-bp-dilutes-net-zero-targets-as-global-retreat-from-green-standards-gathers-pace
- Vanguard
- fossil expansion
- Quilter Cheviot
- Climate Action 100+
- JP Morgan
- by: Kalyeena Makortoff
- European Sustainability Reporting Standards
- plastic
- BlackRock
- by: Jillian Ambrose
- Lewis Johnston
- lowering of climate ambition
- BP
- Greenpeace
- ESG standards
- Unilever
- Gemma Woodward
- by: Julia Kollewe
- State Street
- Shell
- ShareAction
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
BP investiert in die Erschließung neuer fossiler Lagerstätten und hat damit den Plan aufgegeben, seine Öl- und Gasproduktion bis 2030 um 25% zu senken. Dieser Plan war bereits eine Abschwächung des ursprünglichen Ziels einer Reduktion um 40%. Wie andere große Ölfirmen konzentriert sich BP auf kurzfristige zusätzliche Gewinne aus dem Öl- und Gasgeschäft statt auf die - ohnehin zu geringen - Investitionen in die Energiewende. DIEEE Stategie treibt die globale Erhitzung weiter an. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/07/bp-abandoning-plan-to-cut-oil-output-angers-green-groups
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Her Electromatic typewriter with a Dvorak Simplified Keyboard layout is in the collection of the National Museum of American History.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In mehr als 50% der Flussgebiete der Erde herrschten 2024 wie schon in den beiden Vorjahren nicht die normalen Bedingungen. Meist war es zu trocken, oft extrem trocken. Der Bericht der WMO zu den globalen Wasserressourcen stellt fest, dass sich der Wasserkreislauf durch die globale Erhitzung beschleunigt hat. 3,6 Mrd. Menschen haben wenigstens einen Monat im Jahr zu wenig Zugang zu Wasser. Ihre Zahl droht bis 2050 auf 5 Mrd. zu steigen.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/07/climate-warning-as-worlds-rivers-dry-up-at-fastest-rate-for-30-years
Bericht: https://wmo.int/publication-series/state-of-global-water-resources-2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Erde ist in eine neue „und nicht vorhersagbare Phase der Klimakrise” eingetreten. 25 von 35 Indikatoren für die Gesundheit des Erdsystems haben die schlimmsten je festgestellten Werte erreicht. Eine Gruppe der weltweit renommiertesten Klimafachleute stellt im „2024 state of the climate report“ fest, dass immer mehr Wissenschaftler:innen einen Kollaps der Zivilisation für möglich halten. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/08/earths-vital-signs-show-humanitys-future-in-balance-say-climate-experts
Bericht: https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/advance-article/doi/10.1093/biosci/biae087/7808595
racketmn.com racketmn.com
"Business went right to nothing, hardly," he remembers. "As soon as that computer hit the price of under $2,000, that was the end of the typewriter business—80% of the business was gone in three years. When I started there was 27 little shops like this in the Twin Cities, and there was 47 before that."
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Eustace Miles suggested that Wendell used the card system in writing, so perhaps one of his textbooks suggests the method as well?
Local file Local file
I may say here, by way of anticipation,that they enable one to concentrate one's attention onthe Collection of Ideas as apart from their Arrange-ment and Expression
Miles breaks the writing process down into three broad categories of work, each of which can be done separately to make it easier: - collection of ideas; <br /> - arrangement of ideas; and <br /> - expression of ideas.
To mark Main Headingsyou might have coloured Cards, for instance, blue Cards,or else larger Cards.
Using larger cards for main headings as Miles suggests (1905/1899) is very similar to using tabbed dividers. When were these invented for separating groups?
The original tags from antiquity did this sort of functionality as they stuck out from the shelves as a finding aid.
A great help towards Arrangement and Clearnessis to have Cards of different sizes and shapes, and ofdifferent colours, or with different marks on them
Miles goes against the grain of using "cards of equal size", but does so to emphasize the affordance of using them for "Arrangement and Clearness".
s we have often said before, paper is so cheap thatthere is no need for such economy.
Compare this with the reference in @Kimmerer2013 about responsibility to the tree and not wasting paper: https://hypothes.is/a/pvQ_4ofxEe-NfSOv5wMFGw
where is the balance?
But, the more heexamines the subject, and the more he goes by hispersonal experience, the more he will find it worthwhile to spend time on, and to practise carefully,fthisfirst department of Composition, as opposed to the mereExpression^] Indeed one might almost say that, if thisfirst department has been thoroughly well done, that isto say, if the Scheme of Headings and Sub-Headingshas been well prepared, the Expression will be a com-paratively easy matter.
Definition of the "first department of composition": <br /> The preparation (mise en place) for writing as opposed to the actual expression of the writing. By this he likely means the actions of Part II (collecting, selecting, arranging) of this book versus Part III.
Humour is to be classed as a Rhetoricalweapon, and indeed as one of the most powerful.
As to the other extreme, it is a questionwhether a sentence can be too clear, whether the Ideacan be too simply expressed ; and, if we once admitthat Carlyle's writings produced a greater effect anda better effect than they would have done if they hadbeen perfectly clear, then we must admit that forcertain purposes absolute Clearness is a Fault.
In order to give the reader some chance of havinga good Collection of Headings, and less chance ofomitting the important Headings, I have offered (e.g.on pp. 83, 92) a few General Lists, which are not quitecomplete but yet approach to completeness ; two ofthese Lists will be found sufficient for most purposes.One of these is called the List of Period- Headings,such as Geography, Religion, Education, Commerce,War, etc. (see p. 83); the other is called the List ofGeneral Headings, and includes Instances, Causes andHindrances, Effects, Aims, etc. : this latter List will befound on p. 92.
He must analysethe whole stroke, and must not attempt to do it asif it were a single unit. It is true that the bornplayer, by the light of genius, does the whole stroke asa whole stroke, and perhaps is not aware that it can feedivided into parts : he may even deny it. None theless it has often been proved that it can be divided intoparts, and that to master each part separately is a mucheasier .process than to -master the whole -at once. It is -notgoing too far to say that for average people to masterthe whole stroke at once is an absolute impossibility.
Interesting to see this tennis analogy in writing in 1905 from a top-notch player who will win a silver metal in the 1908 Olympics...
- arrangement
- tags
- preparation
- Thomas Carlyle
- quotes
- list of general headings
- definitions
- edge-notched cards
- composition
- finding aids
- paper
- first department of composition
- cards of equal size
- general lists
- note taking affordances
- note making
- being cheap
- mise en place
- expression
- color codes
- style (writing)
- rhetoric
- color as metadata
- toxic capitalism
- collection of resources
- economies of scale
- humor
- tabbed dividers
- list of period-headings
- rhetorical weapons
- sum of the parts is greater than the whole
- weaponization of language
- clarity of expression
- tennis
www.atanet.org www.atanet.org
What is a Certified Translation? Understand the common uses and requirements of a certified translation and download sample statements. Home / Client Assistance / What is a Certified Translation?
What is a Certified Translation?
Understand the common uses and requirements of a certified translation and download sample statements.
Home / Client Assistance / What is a Certified Translation?
What are the basics of a certified translation?
In the United States, anyone can certify a translation. A translator does not need to be certified in order to provide a certified translation. The individual translator can certify their translations, as can an employee of a translation company.
A translator may also certify someone else's translation—as long as the translator has fully reviewed the translation for accuracy and completeness and the translation will not be changed after being certified. That is why translation companies can certify translations provided by their employees or freelance translators.
The certification statement must specify whether the signer has translated or reviewed the translation.
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
We provide the concept with a substantive definition
for - paper - Global polycrisis - the causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement
paper details - title: Global polycrisis - the causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement - authors: Michael Lawrence, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Schott Janzwood, Johan Rockstrom, Ortwin Renn, Jonathan F. Donges - publication: Global Sustainability, 2024, January 17
summary - This paper provides a scientific definition of "polycrisis"
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. 2020).
for - scientists warning - 2024 state of the climate report - adjacency - 2024 US election - Trump - scientists warning - state of the climate - cognitive dissonance - 4P knowledge framework - Johan Rockstrom, Michael Mann, William Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Timothy Lenton, Jillian Gregg, Naomi Oreskes, Stefan Rahmstorf, Thomas Newsome
adjacency - between - 2024 state of the climate report - scientists warning - political polarization - Trump reelection - climate communication - cognitive dissonance - adjacency relationship - The scientists warning are having limited effect as a tool for mass climate communications - The fact that so many people are supporting climate denying candidates like Trump demonstrates the cognitive dissonance and lack of effective climate communications strategy - It is insightful to analyze from 4P knowledge framework: - propositional knowledge - perspectival knowledge - participatory knowledge - procedural knowledge - Every person is situated and located somewhere unique and specific in life - 4 P knowledge is concurrent - When climate scientists communicate propositional knowledge via mass media, it is a kind of broadcast message that can lose salience if the other 3 types of knowledge have a mismatch: - without perspectival knowledge context, the knowledge can have no meaning or priority - without procedural knowledge, the knowledge is theoretical and does not lead to a better life - without participatory knowledge, the receiver feels alienated
- scientists warning
- adjacency - 2024 US election - Trump - scientists warning - state of the climate - cognitive dissonance - 4P knowledge framework
- 2024 state of the climate report
- 024 US election - Trump - scientists warning - state of the climate - cognitive dissonance
- climate communications
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
The Periplus also describes the route from China to India, where silk was shipped by land via Bactria to Barygaza and then via the Ganges River to Limyrike. This passage provides evidence of connections between China and Rome during the first century of the Common Era. The trade links were significant, with many travelers focusing on trade, particularly silk, which formed an important part of the economies of several societies.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:27:32 A Community Bill of Rights
1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources
1:24:14 We can organise our resources such that it can attract the money that regenerates across all types of capital and all types of nature
1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood
1:21:54 If a community moved to a WELLNESS model rather than an ILLNESS model, it would generate millions of dollars in saved resources 1:21:54 If a community moved to a PREVENTION model rather than a CURE Model, it would generate millions of dollars in resources
1:06:53 The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
1:08:08 What is the Economy of Marlborough (for example)
1:05:36 Instead of asking DONORS for money, a community can make its own money and donors can contribute to a healthy local economy as a participant rather than a funder
1:02:29 The national debt is a historical record of the cumulative money that a government spent dollars than it took out which were transformed into US Treasuries
56:12 When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
53:36 A community can set up a CONTRIBUTION which everyone agrees to pay in the currency issued by the community issuer 53:48 Therefore a Debt Free Currency System really means a COMMUNITY TRIBUTE money system where the debt is a contribution to the community, payable in the currency of the issuer 55:45 A community can set up its own CENTRAL BANK that sets the interest rate at zero for the money in the community
53:04 Money is the debt of the issuer
50:32 Currency is the governments I.O.U. 52:04 When the government gets its tax, it no longer has the debt so it burns the currency which was an I.O.U.
48:52 Example of a Community Currency
30:38 Money is not a physical object. It is a UNIT OF MEASURE
28:08 UMKC is one kilometre from our location in Kansas - literally at the end of 53rd street where we live :-)
26:30 Bernard Lietaer - founder of the EURO
25:38 MMT changes our view on the nature of money
18:59 Warren Mosler 19:49 Government does not need dollars, citizens need dollars 20:18 Warren is not an economist - he is not trying to defend economic theory - he is a financial trader watching the operation of money
16:08 During the war, the USA moved 50% of the nations production to WAR. It woudl take a simple political decison to move 50% of the nations production to peace if peace is as profitable as war
14:22 The government spends money into existence
11:11 :-) Mathew Forstater University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC)
7:19 We wont run out of money
6:48 Federal Government Issues Currency
5:49 95% of the problems with policy is the language used to describe the policy
- Community Shadows
- The US Dollar is a US Tax Credit
- public transport
- barter
- trees
- US Treasuries and Cash are both USA assets - not liabilities
- Employers
- 1996
- volunteers
- Federal Government Issues Currency
- L. Randall Wray - Levy Institute of Economics
- Energy
- employment
- water
- Money is the debt of the issuer
- Co-creation
- unemployment
- Water
- playground
- We wont run out of money
- shop
- Food
- Co-operation
- When tax is paid
- 1:22:36 Could A community Association get a Community Banking Licence? 1:22:38 Could a local Credit Union be a consortium partner and issue more money into the system to develop the entire wealth of the Neighbourhood
- The currency is a credit and debit relationship
- Healthcare
- The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
- A community can set up its own CENTRAL BANK that sets the interest rate at zero for the money in the community
- The currency itself is the governments debt
- UMKC is one kilometre from our location in Kansas - literally at the end of 53rd street where we live :-)
- Employees
- Warren is not an economist - he is not trying to defend economic theory - he is a financial trader watching the operation of money
- Social Entrpreneurs
- What is the Economy of Marlborough (for example)
- it no longer has teh debt
- Money is not a physical object. It is a UNIT OF MEASURE
- The national debt is a historical record of the cumulative money that a government spent dollars than it took out which were transformed into US Treasuries
- Land
- gift economy
- USA moved 50% of production to War
- The debt we leave to our grandchildren is THEIR FINANCIAL WEALTH
- 1:25:22 First comes an AGREEMENT by members of the neighbourhood to co-operate and then they agree to use a mechanism called money to mobilise resources
- technolgy
- carers
- Community Treasury Deficit increases community members savings and spending power
- When the government gets its tax, it no longer has the debt so it burns the currency which was an I.O.U.
- education
- Currency is the governments I.O.U.
- transporttation
- credit unions
- Therefore a Debt Free Currency System really means a COMMUNITY TRIBUTE money system where the debt is a contribution to the community, payable in the currency of the issuer
- community centres
- People
- When the Community Treasury spends more of its money, people in the community have more to spend
- Example of a Community Currency
- Predators
- shamans
- interns
- The debt clock might as well say Private Sector Wealth
- It's really a FREE MONEY system - Stef Kuypers is right!!
- business
- Warren Mosler
- Move 50% of production to peace if peace is as profitable as war
- A community can set up a CONTRIBUTION which everyone agrees to pay in the currency issued by the community issuer
- factories
- uneducation
- The dollar bill is a debt of the federal reserve
- Instead of asking DONORS for money, a community can make its own money and donors can contribute to a healthy local economy as a participant rather than a funder
- Government does not need dollars, citizens need dollars
- banks
- informal time trading
- Everybody agrees to contribute to the community and the currency with which this is tracked is the I.O.U.
- MMT changes our view on the nature of money
- 1:24:14 We can organise our resources such that it can attract the money that regenerates across all types of capital and all types of nature
- Bernard Lietaer - founder of the EURO
- 1:27:32 A Community Bill of Rights
- 95% of problems is WORDS
- Federal Reserves are on the Liability side of its balance sheet
- The government spends money into existence
- 1:21:54 If a community moved to a WELLNESS model rather than an ILLNESS model, it would generate millions of dollars in saved resources 1:21:54 If a community moved to a PREVENTION model rather than a CURE Model, it would generate millions of dollars in resources
- parks
- timebanks
- Mathew Forstater University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC)
- Predatory Debt
- Chores are taxes
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Die Österreichische Volkspartei sieht es auch als ihren Erfolg, dass die europäische Wahlschutzverordnung ein Jahr später als zunächst vorgesehen in Kraft treten wird. Damit positioniert sie sich klar auf der seite der gegner des Green Deal https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000239883/die-volkspartei-zerschiesst-den-green-deal-und-verkauft-das-als-erfolg
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität geht die EU immer deutlicher von ihrer bisherigem Politik zum Schutz der Biodiversität ab. Man nimmt Rücksicht auf konventionelle Landwirt:innen, rechtsradikale und auch zunehmend antiökologisch agierende konservative Parteien. An die Stelle des Green Deal tritt das Bestreben, die Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb konkurrenzfähiger zu machen und die Wirtschaft wachsen zu lassen. Ajit Niranjan berichtet zusammenhängend über diese Entwicklungen und verweist auf wichtiger Meilensteine in der Geschichte von Abkommen zum Schutz der Biodiversität. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/09/europe-eu-green-deal-backsliding-nature-biodiversity-farmers-far-right-cop16-aoe
- Ipbes
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
- by: Ajit Niranjan
- Global Biodiversity Framework
- COP16 biodiversity
- David Obura
- Guido Broekhoven
- green deal
- EU
- lowering of climate ambition
- Renaturierungsgesetz
- Kunming-Montreal pact
- biodiversity loss
- Guy Pe’er
- Špela Bandelj Ruiz
- EU-Entwaldungsverordnung
- A fair share of biodiversity finance
- NBSAP Tracker
- Lieferkettengesetz
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität veröffentlichte Living Planet Index zeigt das Ausmaß des Biodiversitätsverlusts in den vergangenen 50 Jahren, auch wenn an den dabei angewendeten statistischen Verfahren starke Zweifel bestehen. Die Wirbeltier-Populationen haben nach diesem Index um 73% abgenommen, am stärksten in Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Die wichtigste Ursache ist die veränderte Landnutzung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/10/collapsing-wildlife-populations-points-no-return-living-planet-report-wwf-zsl-warns
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
- IUCN’s Red List
- Susana Muhamad
- Mathematical biases in the calculation of the Living Planet Index lead to overestimation of vertebrate population decline
- Mike Barrett
- biodiversity loss
- COP16 biodiversity
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Matthew Gould
- Living Planet Index
- fragmentation of natural habitats
- Hannah Wauchope
writingball.blogspot.com writingball.blogspot.com
catholicsaintmedals.com catholicsaintmedals.com
St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of deaf individuals. He is also the patron of journalists and writers because of his many written religious works. Because of these publications, he is depicted with a book in the left hand and a quill pen in the right. His feast day is January 24th.
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