61 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. an open, decentralized ecosystem where innovation flourishes,traditional hierarchies are dismantled, and the community takes control of its ownnarrative and processes

      maybe a good point to reflect on the ways in which the open source software community did not fully open and dismantle hierarchies, and how maybe scholarly communication is also not yet as open and non-hierarchical as we might want it to be

    2. ransparency and accountability in the review process

      this seems like an essential and fundamental cultural shift: away from private critique and toward public review as part of the open scholarly process

  2. Jul 2024
    1. recommends that ToC construction should be participatory, involving stakeholders who represent different perspectives and roles within the intervention

      for - ToC construction - recommendation - should be participatory

      comment - Stop Reset Go process using Trailmark mark-in notation within Indyweb people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem is inherently designed: - to be participatory - to mitigate progress traps - In fact, - the greater the diversity of perspectives, - the greater the efficacy in mitigating progress traps - For this reason, open source is necessary to achieve the optimal transformations of improvement

  3. Dec 2022
    1. This is a case of what Paul Keller and I have called the Paradox of Open: the existence of power imbalances that leads to, at best, ambivalent outcomes of openness. It is a paradox that the success of open code software, both in terms of the reach of the technology and in economic terms, has happened through underfunded or entirely volunteer work of individual coders. This shows the limits of the open source development model that will affect the future growth of the Fediverse as well. 

      The Paradox of Open (Source) is as Keller and Tarkowski formulate it, that the clear socio-economic value and tech impact of open source comes from underfunded / volunteer work. Vgl [[Bootstrapping 20201007204011]] and the role of precarity in it. Makes me think about 1937 Ronald Coase's transaction costs which in [[Here Comes Everybody by Clay Shirky]] is used to derive a Cosean Floor (and Cosean Ceiling). Openness allows you to operate below the Cosean Floor, but it seems that to bootstrap beyond that first stage is harder. Are such projects incapable of finding a spot above the Floor further down the chain, or are they pushed aside (or rather 'harvested') by those already positioned and operating above that Floor? Perhaps your spot above the floor needs to be part of the design of the work done below the floor. What's the link with my [[Openheid en haar grenzen 20130131154227]] in which I position openness as necessity to operate in a networked environment, and as necessarily limited by human group dynamics and keeping those healthy? Balancing both is the sweetspot in the complex domain. Are we any good at doing that in other terms than just social group behaviour in a room? #openvraag what's the online/bootstrapping equiv of it? How did we do that for my company 11 yrs ago (in part by operating something else above the Floor alongside)?

  4. Apr 2022
    1. problems with negotiation skills. Responses mentioned a lack of member attributes that foster relationship building, such as amiability, openness, and respect for others.

  5. Mar 2022
    1. The use of open practices by learners and educators is complex, personal, and contextual; it is also continually negotiated.

      Open practices are, indeed, continually negotiated. This is another way of looking at openness - that doing things in the open leave them in a contingent state. i.e. openness as the opposite of 'closure'. Perhaps then what we need is to create structures for teaching and learning that enable this kind of contingency - the ability to review and re-negotiate what we are doing and how we are doing it? This is a form of metacognitive learning on a personal and organisational level. Each teacher/learner needs to be able to observe the system they are in and negotiate how to change it as they proceed. In my own OEP, I do this, this way:

      "Nonaka’s and Takeuchi’s practical adaptation of ‘Nishida philosophy’ – their SECI model of organisational knowledge creation – proposes everything is implaced within a “ba” (field). Such Ba can be physical or conceptual. We can think of the basho as a shifting context (such as being a student in a University) or set of moving constraints (like the rules of a game). Either way, what we do / what we are is something implaced within a larger field.

      When it comes to learning, a key thing here is to think less not only about how and where we implace ourselves, but equally about what sort of field we are generating. Ba/sho is akin to a habitat; habits develop in relation to specific habitats. If we want to change our habits, we need to also change our habitat. In ‘Nishida philosophy’ subject and object are one, people and environment correlate." Source: Neil Mulholland Build-A-Basho | Thursday 23rd September 2021

  6. Feb 2022
    1. Because the internet rewards people who own networks so handsomely, these organizations continue to gain in power. Google began by building a database on top of the open internet, and they’ve spent the last twenty years relentlessly making the internet less open so they can fortify the power of their databases and the attention they influence or control.

      Openness by itself can't make a dent against corporations.

    2. Okay, so what’s the blockchain? It’s a database. Unlike most databases, it’s not controlled by one entity and it’s not easily rewritten. Instead, it’s a ledger, a permanent, examinable, public database. One can use it to record transactions of various sorts. It would be a really good way to keep track of property records, for example. Instead, we have title insurance, unsearchable folders of deeds in City Hall and often dusty tax records.

      This wrongly assumes that

      • Permanent records are always desirable
      • Accountability undermines corporations
  7. Oct 2021
  8. Jul 2021
  9. store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
    1. Steam Deck is a PC so you can install third party software and operating systems.
  10. Nov 2020
    1. Express - 19 $ 🏃‍♀️ Skip the Review Queue 🕒 Published in 3 days 💌 Full Customer Support 💚 Support the team

      Wow, after seeing how this site works, I don't like much like it anymore.

      Esp. this below:

      Choose your preferred publish date - 9 $ Feature your project on top for 14 days and get an additional tweet - 19 $

      I hope there is/will be soon a more open/free alternative (like the "awesome" lists that use GitHub PRs instead of an opaque/proprietary submisison form).

  11. Sep 2020
    1. If you would like to delete your account, please email us at support@hypothes.is

      This reminds me of closed systems, pretty much the opposite of what Dan Whaley (Founder, CEO of Hypothes.is) is talking about here:


    1. to download this information for your records or for use elsewhere, this is possible through the Hypothesis API

      Why don't you provide a straightforward way to download the annotation data from the user's account?

  12. Jul 2020
  13. Jun 2020
  14. May 2020
  15. Apr 2020
  16. Mar 2020
  17. Feb 2020
    1. We commit to build the load testing tool with the best developer experience, k6, and developing it in the open with the community, read our document on stewardship of the OSS k6 project. We believe this is key and the necessary foundation to build great developer tooling.
  18. Dec 2019
    1. Community-owned We believe in an open and accessible evolution of this protocol. At any stage since the beginning of tus, feedback has been appreciated and integrated.




    1. Transparently Secure. We believe that transparency and openness are the best foundation for trust so we are building Padloc completely out in the open. Our source code is developed under an open source licence so anyone can review it, provide feedback and even offer contributions at any time!
  19. Sep 2019
    1. "A single Psilocybin trip" Jordan Peterson talks about Dr Roland Griffith's research

      Mentions openness as a tool at 3.10

  20. Feb 2019
  21. Jan 2019

      Throughout this section, Foucault characterizes correspondence as a way to reveal the self: "a certain way of manifesting oneself to oneself and to others," to "show oneself," "a decipherment of the self by the self as an opening one gives the other onto oneself."

      This sort of 'opening' is to make oneself vulnerable, to be seen by others. (cf. Marback's "A Meditation on Vulnerability in Rhetoric")

      This is characteristic particularly of writing that is intended for others (correspondence), but in what ways are other forms of writing equally--if not more--revealing of the self?

      (That also makes me question whether any writing is truly for the self and not intended in some way for others. Even diaries/journals are written with the possible eventuality that someone other than the writer will read it.)

  22. Oct 2018
  23. Aug 2018
    1. most of all, re-establishes education as a force for equity and social mobility — and I think open licensing is a crucial piece of that equation.I’m not content, though, with open licensing being the extent of our vision, and I hope many others feel the same way.

      Amen: open licensing as key infrastructure in improving public education rather than an end in itself!

    1. Kant’s basicthoughts on autonomy and the public domain arehighly relevant to challenges concerning modernsociety, particularly to communication in the publicsphere. Trust is but one important topic being dis-cussed here; openness another. Thus, our aim has notonly been to demonstrate how Kant can be produc-tively applied to new technology; in addition, it hasbeen to show how the basic philosophical queriesraised within this context can be fruitfully illuminatedwithin Kant’s conceptual frames.
  24. Jul 2018
    1. The distinction between openness in practice and openness in content is significant in cost as well. Creating content requires time, effort, and resources and opens up numerous discussions around intellectual property rights. However, openness in practice requires little additional investment, since it essentially concerns transparency of already planned course activities on the part of the educator.

      I appreciate the distinction -- between openness in content and openness in practice. But may disagree on the assessment of their associated costs. I bet the authors' thought on this has also evolved after the MOOC movement.

      In open science, both kinds of openness will incur burden and cost.

    2. Openness as Transparent PracticeThe word open is in constant negotiation. When learners step through our open door, they are invited to enter our place of work, to join the research, to join the discussion, and to contribute in the growth of knowledge within a certain field. The openness of the academy refers to openness as a sense of practice.4 Openness of this sort is best seen as transparency of activity.

      "Openness as a sense of practice"

  25. Jun 2018
  26. Jun 2017
  27. Apr 2017
    1. practice

      So openness is sort of like being open to new ways of thinking/being within constraints which, in the process, are also reshaped. I enjoy how postmodern and posthuman thinking plays with dichotomies (openness/constraints) and shows how they work together in interesting ways.

  28. Dec 2016
    1. many institutions with CBE programs treat their competencies like a secret family recipe, hoarding them away and keeping them fully copyrighted (apparently without experiencing any cognitive dissonance while they promote the use of OER among their students). This behavior has seriously stymied growth and innovation in CBE in my view.

      So open educational standards?

    1. a content API. Rather than getting the content through an HTML page, we can just get the raw HTML, which can be styled appropriately by whatever LMS CMS that we want to use.

      Fascinating. Who's the leading person on this?

    1. In this broader definition of openness, we need to consider what makes a learner successful and persistent in the timely completion of their academic and career goals.

      Big question!

  29. Nov 2016
    1. no one cancontrol how the system will evolve.

      I'd use the word "organic" to describe this process...

    2. Build a platform, or set ofprotocols, so that it can evolve in any number of ways; don’t play god;don’t hardwire any single path of development; don’t build into it amiddle that can meddle with its use. Keep the core simple and let theapplication (or end) develop the complexity

      A great analogy for course design, particularly the types of courses informed by #digped philosophies.

    3. indeed some might think,attacking the very idea of property

      ..intellectual property too. Can radically open be translated into scholarship, at least as currently defined?

    4. hen given to the next generation.

      Well, certain privileged and credentialed members of the next generation, right?

    5. utting into thecommons one’s work product

      The "commons" as both a place for ideas and tools.

    6. For this is just how open source software works: with aninspiration, handed over to the public, in an imperfect but promisingform, which a public then can take up on its own and continue towork out. But with a promise, that what they produce with thisproduct leaves this open part open.

      Great description! Applies to code AND ideas.

    7. heInternet as it was in 1995 was a space that made it very hard to verifywho someone was; that meant it was a space that protected privacyand anonymity. The Internet as it is becoming is a space that willmake it very easy to verify who someone is; commerce likes it thatway; that means it will become a space that doesn’t necessarilyprotect privacy and anonymity.

      But how does this relate to openness? Why is one or the other of these scenarios more open?

    8. The code of cyberspace—whether the Internet, or a net within the Internet—defines that space

      Space is an apt metaphor here. Design of space effects its relative openness too.

    9. a certain architecture in the Internet.

      Like open web annotation as defined by the w3c standards.

    10. governance in thesense I mean.

      I like how the politics slowly become more and more obvious in these examples of governance.

    11. And after extensive and engaged exchange on theNet, the glitch was undone.

      Democratic knowledge production.

    12. this margin is too small

      Just wow! Not any more!!

    13. in the margin of his father’s copy of Diophantus’Arithmetica,he scribbled next to an obscure theorem

      This classical text on openness begins with an anecdote about annotation!

  30. Apr 2016
  31. Mar 2016
    1. open annotation.

      I'd like to hear discussion around the term "open" here. How exactly are you using it @remiholden? To mean public as opposed to private?

      For me, open has specific infrastructural connotations: it's about a variety of annotation clients like hypothes.is conforming to certain wider standards so that web annotation--like the web itself--is an interoperable system.

      But I'm curious the degree to which that matters to teachers and learners. And why? We're using hypothes.is, which promises to conform to standards being developed by the w3c, but could DIIGO do the trick even though they're system (for now) is closed?

  32. Feb 2016