48 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. One example of a curriculum data source is OpenSyllabus.org, a non-profit that hosts acomprehensive repository of higher ed course information. OpenSyllabus.org can serve as a value-added provider that sends skill information about specific college coursework to the parsers. This willexpand the potential skill information parsers can associate with a resume, going beyond what mightbe gleaned only from reading a course or degree title. They would now have access to informationderived from more detailed course catalog descriptions or even course syllabi information. Parserswill be able to send more extensive lists of skills over to companies’ HR platforms in a structuredformat they can immediately utilize. This integration also captures the skills from a particular type ofnon-degree credential - the coursework completed by the 40 million people in the U.S. who have somecollege, but no degree.

      This might catch the attention of HE people paying attention. It also hopefully connects to the participants who shared that they are not getting the information about the programs that they desire. If the data being consumed (by this vendor or others) is still rooted in describing the content of the learning and not the measurable, assessed outcomes, then it's utility is limited and, crucially, it could create trust issues that make consumer wary of all the data. On the other hand, if they can trust the high quality data, there will be a window of competitive advantage for HE institutions that choose to share the data that the consumers (largely employers) want to see.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Assigning credits to learning outcomes allows for the accumulationof units of learning and provides for transferability from one setting to another forvalidation and recognition. Interviewees representing countries in which VETsystems are modularised indicated that modules are designed to indicate a set oflearning outcomes that are expressed in terms of credits. The interviewees fromnational authorities and VET providers commonly agreed that the introduction ofmodular structures in VET and the application of a learning outcomes-basedapproach was set to provide more individualised training paths, enabling accessand progression for learners.

      Align Learning Outcomes to Credits (key for meaningful unbundling/bundling)

    2. The European approach to microcredentials(European Commission, 2020a) also highlights the importance of clearly definedlearning outcomes as a way to promote overall transparency and provide detailedinformation regarding what a learner is expected to know and is able to do

      Purpose of Learning Outcomes

  3. Jan 2024
  4. Sep 2023
  5. Jul 2023
  6. Nov 2022
  7. Jul 2022
  8. Jun 2022
  9. Feb 2022
    1. Overarching Learning Goals that are achievable for your students

      Multiple tiers of interconnected and aligned goals link classroom activity with published standards and curricula.

  10. Nov 2021
  11. Sep 2021
    1. s. This study originated from the desire of tenants to obtain reliable data which they could use for their cause. They did not carry out the study but they were consulted so that its form would serve their needs. They subsequently made use of the findings to argue their case both to the media and to the local authori

      The study had benefit for the communities.



  12. Jul 2021
  13. Apr 2021
    1. ReconfigBehSci. ‘@sarahflecke “Reports Emerging of Rare Types of Multiple Thrombosis, Bleeding, and Thrombocytopenia .. Similar to Disseminated Intravasc. Coagulation ... in Otherwise Healthy Individuals Shortly after Receiving ..AstraZeneca ..Vaccine. These Outcomes Are Not Included in the Present Analysis.”’ Tweet. @SciBeh (blog), 2 April 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1377984798422077446.

  14. Mar 2021
  15. Feb 2021
    1. les objectifs à atteindre ne sont pas codés au départ

      Ouverture des objectifs, en renversement direct de la conception inversée si chère à l'ingénierie pédagogique. Les résultats d'apprentissage ne sont pas dans une relation de causalité linéaire avec les objectifs d'apprentissages.

  16. Oct 2020
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jun 2020
    1. Barriers and limitations for Open Science

      Mention barriers, limitations, challenges specifically in learning outcomes.

    2. Understand

      It is usually helpful to frame learning outcomes (or objectives) with more specific verbs than understand. This version of Bloom's taxonomy suggests some ways to be more specific within the scope of understanding: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/blooms-taxonomy/

      Also, it may be good to push to some higher levels beyond understand. Let's look for opportunities to achieve learning outcomes in Analyze and Evaluate levels.

    3. Set up a personal profile for defining your impact

      I recommend moving this outcome to another part of the MOOC. This outcome is more applied than would typically be included in a principles course. Also, this objective is not relevant to the entire broad audience we have defined for Module 1.

  19. Apr 2020
    1. Moderate hypothermia (32°–33°C [89.6°–91.4°F]) has been shown experimentally to improve neurologic outcomes, but clinical studies have not validated this concept.
  20. Dec 2019
  21. Nov 2019
  22. Sep 2019
    1. Because documentation of student learning impacts may not reflect the core objectives of all CTLs — and because this investigation is resource-intensive

      Measuring impact of on student learning outcomes is resource-intensive. This makes me think of the Tracer project.

  23. Aug 2019
  24. doc-0k-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0k-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. In countries with a universal right to health care certain disease treatment outcomes are worse than the United States.

      I read somewhere that if everyone was to have the right to health care then like it says "certain disease treatment outcomes are worse." Plus, I even read that doctors would get paid less because everyone has health care.

  25. Jul 2019
    1. We DID something or we CHANGED something, like creating a new policy or program that stopped the bullying atmosphere at school?

      A frustrated parent, Rathburn retaliate by confronting her son's bully and later got arrested. Many parent can understand Rathburn and may also feel they would have done the same. The natural instinct of protect their own. Still she hope to create a new policy or program that better handle these incidents before parent's retaliate.

    2. Can fining parents stop their kids from bullying other students?

      A few states have resorted to fining parents of bullies in hope to encourage their kids to stop bullying. Many may agree, but it also raise the question of how effective is it?

  26. Nov 2018
    1. In the academic setting especially, a premium will beplaced on clinical quality improvement, the develop-ment of practice guidelines, and outcomes research,not only to provide the physician with a creative out-let and a potential source of funding during thenonclinical months but also to give the academiccenter a practical research-and-development arm
    1. One instructor's use of Slack, comparing and contrasting other LMS (but he used Canvas); good basic breakdown of the conversational tools and samples of how hey can be used; This is a great primer of Slack's use in the classroom (5/5)

    1. Learning Design Process

      The Royal Roads University has created this useful site that offers support and assistance in the design and development of curriculum. What I found to be very useful is the support dedicated for Moodle, the online curriculum software as I have recently signed up for the site.

      The methodology used by the University is focused on an outcomes approach with integration of pedagogical and technological elements and blended learning.

      The site has a research link and the kb was excellent. I was very pleased to have found this resource.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  27. May 2018
    1. Allen et al. (2015) studied students in a chemistry course at the University of California, Davis who were assigned a traditional textbook (448 students) and students in another section of the same course taught by the same instructor (478 students) that used Chemwiki (https://chem.libretexts.org/) as a primary course resource (an openly licensed wiki site that can be used as a textbook). They found no significant differences in outcomes between these students, as measured through pre-and post-tests on content covered in the course, the same midterm and final exams, and the administration of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science chemistry survey (Barbera, Perkins, Adams, & Wieman, 2008), which asks about students' "beliefs on learning chemistry, content of chemistry, structure of chemistry, and connection of chemistry to the outside world" (p. 942).
    2. Fischer, Hilton, Robinson, & Wiley (2015) studied a large sample of students from six colleges and four community colleges in the US. Students in the treatment group (N=1087) used an open textbook or other OER in their courses, and students in the control group (N=9264) were asked to purchase traditional textbooks for different sections of the same courses. The authors found that the students using OER did just as well or better in most of the courses studied in terms of course grades and completion rates.
    3. thirteen studies (with an aggregated sample of 119,720 students) that have investigated the impact of OER adoption on course performance found that 95% of these students have achieved the same or better outcomes when using OER (Hilton, 2016; Hilton et al., 2016; Wiley et al., 2016). Taken together, the OER efficacy literature suggests the significant cost savings to students that result from the adoption of open textbooks do not come at the cost of academic outcomes.
  28. Feb 2018
  29. Oct 2017
    1. The SNA approach allowed for more nuance in understanding the relationships than other analyses would have.

      Did they look at any outcomes of the different circuits? For example, did Circuit C have more successful prosecutions? Or less re victimization? Any way of measuring whether one network was better than another?

  30. Sep 2017
    1. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence

      This could be a series of tags determined by prof.

    1. not all subjects lend themselves equally well to being broken up into small, discrete, and straightforwardly measurable learning objectives that can be determinatively sequenced

      not all? or maybe even not most?

  31. Mar 2017
    1. have helped Pierce College significantly improve its three-year graduation rates from 22 percent to 31 percent among new degree-seeking students and 21 percent to 30 percent among first-generation students.

      Causal statement, but with a qualification.

    1. Van Merriénboer (1997) recommendedthat the first problem in a sequence should be aworked example that shows students the type ofwhole task that they will learn to complete.

      This is a great way to communicate/model a learning outcome.

  32. Dec 2015
  33. Feb 2015
    1. There are two essential building blocks to creating a success project: 1) selecting an audience; and 2) articulating clear outcomes.
    1. The presence of volunteers further added to visitors’ experiences as volunteers’ presence encouraged visitors to ask questions, look for hints when appropriate, and learn about the mathematical principles behind the exhibits.

      Value of volunteers / peers as POC's in the space. Works for dedicated galleries/museums, but not so sure for libraries. Spatial differences - people not coming to library as a "destination." Possibly helping text/hands-on technology and automated feedback channels more useful for our case.