- Aug 2024
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
Degradation ofecosystem services could be significantly slowed down or even reversed if the role ofbiodiversity and its full contribution to economic production were an integrated part ofdecisions made by governmental entities, companies, and other stakeholders (Paul et al2020)20
for - biodiversity - impact of monoculture diet
biodiversity - impact of monoculture diet - FAO study done before 2000 and often cited shows that 75% of the global diet comes from 12 plant and 5 animal food sources
to - stats - progress trap - monoculture - table of 12 plant and 5 animal species that make up 75% of world's diet - https://hyp.is/iznepFWoEe-umbNyOGVqrg/thefuturemarket.com/biodiversity
- progress trap - monoculture - instead of agrobiodiversity - examples of
- Jul 2024
dig.startgis.com dig.startgis.comWWP - US1
Waste water plant coordiantes
Highlight the location icon so that it is obvious it is/is to be selected. Since this screen has one function - Can we simply default to the check location active? - Or are there workflow reasons we do not want to do that?
Then when it changes to "Save plan & location", maybe a highlighted border makes it clear it should be selecetd next.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
here are seven classes of fats in our diet seven and some of them will save your life and some of them will kill you
for - health - 7 classes of dietary fat - to - article showing vegetarians can get enough DHA from non-animal, plant-based dietary sources
health - 7 classes of dietary fat - arranged from best to worst - omega 3 - alpha lonolenic acid (ALA - EPA (icosopentinoic acid) - DHA (docohexainoic acid) - only from marine life - fish - vegans and vegetarians NEED DHA to function properly. They cannot get in outside of fish. This poses a real problem - monosaturated fatty acids - olive oil
to - Physician's committee article on Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Plant-Based Diets claims that vegetarians do get enough DHA from non-animal sources - https://hyp.is/_4klxD1jEe-VvxuChksdEw/www.pcrm.org/good-nutrition/nutrition-information/omega-3
www.pcrm.org www.pcrm.org
for - diet - vegetarian - sources of omega 3 DHA - from - prof. emeritus Robert Lustig talks about lack of DHA omega 3's in plant-based diets
Robert Lustig says that it is a concern that vegetarians don't have a good non-animal source of omega 3 DHA but this source seems to show research that show vegetarians can get enough DHA
from - prof. emeritus Robert Lustig talks about lack of DHA omega 3's in plant-based diets - https://hyp.is/sMonLj1gEe-nPdM5M2H0qQ/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/
- Mar 2024
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www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Über 25 Städte haben sich inzwischen dem plant based treaty angeschlossen, darunter Edinburgh Amsterdam und Los Angeles und eine Reihe indischer Städte. Viel ist nicht die völlige Eliminierung von Fleisch und Milch aus der lokalen Küche sondern ihre Klima- und gesundheitsfreundliche konsequente Reduzierung. Vorbild ist die Initiative für den fossil fuel non poliforation pretty. .https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/climate/plant-based-treaty-climate.html
- by: Cara Buckley
- alimentation
- Los Angeles
- Amsterdam
- Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
- Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts
- Plant Based Treaty
- New York
- 2024-02-28
- Animal Save Movement
- cities
- Anita Krajnc
- Edinburgh
- Feb 2024
Die EU-Kommission hat sich bei der Festlegung der Emissionsziele fur 2040 an den Empfehlungen ihres wissenschaftlichen Rats orientiert, aber an der Untergrenze von 90% Reduktion. Sie nennt kein Ausstiegsdatum für fossile Energien. Lutz Weischer von Germanwatch kritisiert, dass sie damit auf die Signalwirkung eines ehrgeizigeren Ziels verzichtet. https://taz.de/Experte-ueber-EU-Klimaziele/!5987458/
- Jan 2024
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
for - human diet - early - majority plant-based
- Sep 2023
esearchers in 2019 did this at University of Tel Aviv and they took a primrose flower and they would play different sounds 00:06:03 to the flower and they would play you know like traffic noises low noises bat noises High noises and then the sounds of approaching pollinator and only when they approached or played the sounds of an approaching pollinator 00:06:15 did the flowers respond and they respond by producing more and sweeter nectar within just a couple of seconds right so the flowers hear the B through its petals 00:06:26 and get excited okay so plants can here
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study
another incredible study that the same university did right after where they're like okay but can they speak and so they 00:06:42 actually stressed out tobacco plants um they would either like cut them or dehydrate them sort of plant torture um and when they did the more dehydrated that the plants got the more they would emit sound 00:06:55 um these and not quietly it's at the sound of human hearing um just up at 50 or 60 kilohertz
example, example - communication - plant, tobacco plant communication
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study, education, education - climate change, education - climate departure, education - species extinction
- Apr 2023
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- Mar 2023
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- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the numbers are 00:14:09 something like that you drop it down to you've got 88 percent less chance or actually it's it's 12 percent chance for most diseases so most diseases are protected by these diets
!- vegan and pescatarian diets : disease impacts - reduce by 88%
- Dec 2022
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- Nov 2022
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- Jun 2022
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Perhaps one of the most important questions to be asked is “What are we not ‘seeing’?.” … “A collaborative project of the late botanists Erwin Lichtenegger and Lore Kutschera celebrates the power and beauty of these otherwise hidden systems through detailed drawings of agricultural crops, shrubs, trees, and weeds. Digitized by the Wageningen University & Research, the extensive archive is the culmination of 40 years of research in Austria that involved cultivating and carefully retrieving developed plant life from the soil for study. It now boasts more than 1,000 renderings of the winding, spindly roots, some of which branch multiple feet wide.”
These drawings are metaphors for the human meaningverse of an individual and the visible and invisible aspects of our ideas that we present to the rest of the world.
What is of greatest meaning lives in the individual's salience landscape. That salience landscape is the result of a lifetime of sense-making - all the books we've ever read, talks or presentations we've ever listened to, conversations we've had, courses we've studied. While the other person may have an idea of what is important to us, they are clueless of how that salience landscape came to be.
This vast network of formative events is usually invisible to the OTHER.
The public, open source Indyweb that is currently being designed will allow the individual user for the first time to consolidate all his or her digital learning in one place, the user's owned Indyhub. Since Indyweb also has built-in provenance, it will allow traceability of public ideas. This allows the individual to keep track of what would otherwise by invisible and lost - the history of his/her social interaction with ideas.
- May 2022
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
ocio-cultural and lifestyle changes can accelerate climate change mitigation (medium26confidence). Among 60 identified actions that could change individual consumption, individual27mobility choices have the largest potential to reduce carbon footprints. Prioritizing car-free mobility by28walking and cycling and adoption of electric mobility could save 2 tCO2eq cap-1 yr-1. Other options with29high mitigation potential include reducing air travel, cooling setpoint adjustments, reduced appliance30use, shifts to public transit, and shifting consumption towards plant-based diets
The highest potential for demand side reduction among lifestyle change are: mobility, cooling setpoint adjustments, appliance usage, and diet.
Section 3.3 indicates that the parameters most correlated to suitable geothermal sites are carbon diox-307ide, earthquake density, elevation/depth, global heat flow, sediment thickness, and surface air temperature.
How is carbon dioxide a parameter? Is it talking about the carbon dioxide emission of the plant?
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, March 18). EMA rules AZ ‘safe and effective’ and benefits outweigh risks... [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1372584269529419776
- Mar 2022
medicago.com medicago.com
Medicago and GSK announce the approval by Health Canada of COVIFENZ®, an Adjuvanted Plant-Based COVID-19 Vaccine. (n.d.). Medicago. Retrieved 31 March 2022, from https://medicago.com/en/press-release/covifenz/
acestoohigh.com acestoohigh.com
The reality is that Ukraine didn’t attack Russia, had no plans to attack Russia, and why would it? Russia’s military is 10 times larger AND they have nuclear weapons. It’s clear that Putin has created his own reality about the situation, one that isn’t shared by people who operate in facts. Besides, his actions cannot be justified merely because he believes his reality. He’s a damaged person who needs to stop what he’s doing before he shatters the lives of millions more.
Historian Yuval Noah Harari makes an astute observation to this same effect, which I comment on in my other Annotation: https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FyQqthbvYE8M%2F&group=world
Harari says "these are the seeds of hatred and fear and misery that are being planted right now in the minds and the bodies of tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, really. 00:26:20 Because it's not just the people in Ukraine, it's also in the countries around, all over the world. And these seeds will give a terrible harvest, terrible fruits in years, in decades to come. This is why it's so crucial to stop the war immediately. Every day this continues, plants more and more of these seeds. 00:26:44 And, you know, like this war now, its seeds were, to a large extent, planted decades and even centuries ago."
In true abuser/abused cycle, Putin is foisting his unhealed trauma onto the rest of the world, perpetuating another cycle of intergenerational pain.
We as a species must surface this as the root cause of all the misery that never seems to go away. We need to see this as the systemic root cause of the entire perpetuation of pain that keeps humanity locked in perpetual misery, one generation after another. This is the key cultural change that will boost humanity to the next stage of cultural evolution.
We are now experiencing the unhealed pain of the previous generations. They are fruit that have ripened. We in THIS generation have to recognize that if we do not identify this at this system level, it will always be this way. We need to make an effort RIGHT NOW, in OUR generation to stop this cycle on a mass scale.
- Jan 2022
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
Alkaloid-containing plants exact a heavy economic toll on livestock produc-tion in rangelands of western North America. Losses to these plants can be reduced or eliminated by recognizing plants containing alkaloids, understand-ing when livestock graze specific toxic plants, and knowing signs of potential toxicity. Grazing schemes can then be developed based on knowledge of the temporal and spatial dynamics of alkaloid concentration and consumption by livestock.Lossescanbereducedbyensuringthatlivestockarenotexposedorhave limitedexposureduringperiodsofgreatestrisk(i.e.,highesttoxinconcentration)or whenlivestockaremostlikelytoeattoxicplantsinsufficientamountstoproduce toxicity.
Death camas (Zigadenus spp.) grows on foothill ranges in much of the Rocky Mountain area. Animals eating death camas die from reduced blood pressure and heart failure. Death camas is one of the first plants available during spring, and animals may graze the plant if other forage is lacking. Generally, recognizing the presence of death camas and understanding the acutely toxic nature of the plant will aid in avoiding problems. Hungry animals should not bedriventhroughadeathcamas-infestedpasture.Sheepinparticularshouldnotbe beddednearlargepatchesofdeathcamas,andsheepherdersshouldavoidstressing sheep by rapidly driving them if they do eat death camas. Death camas can be controlledbyphenoxyherbicides.
39National Forests and most problems can be solved by grazing management.
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
False hellebore (Veratrum spp.) is f ound in moist habitats in the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain states. It is grazed by sheep and goats and causes birth defects (i.e., monkey-faced lambs). Livestock management to avoid losses t o false hellebore i s r elatively simple because the window of toxicity when false hellebore poisons t he fetus i s r elatively narr ow (i.e., 14 to 33 days gestation). Pregnant animals, particularly sheep, should not be allowed access t o veratrum-infested pastures during this period. Cattle rarely ea t the plant, therefore no special management is needed. For sheep, false hellebore i s quite palatable, and herders must keep bred sheep from ingesting false hellebore f or about one month after the rams are removed. This is not difficult to accomplish because false hellebore is limited in distribution to moist mountain habitats and grows in easy to identify dense patches. Although effective herbicidal control is available, it may not be practical because the major populations grow in
Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) grows throughout the United States in areas with abundant moisture (i.e., creeks, ditches etc.). Animals eating poison hemlock die from acute respiratory failure or have deformed offspring. The most critical season to avoid poison hemlock is spring because the plant often appears before other forage has emerged. Green seed pods may be eaten in mid-to-late summer. Furthermore, poison hemlock may regrow in fall after seeds shatter. Ingestion during fall may coincide with birth defects in pregnant cattle, if they are i n the firs t trimester of gestation (days 30-75). If poison hemlock invades hay fields, the contaminated hay can poison livestock. Even though toxicity decreases upon drying, sufficient toxins may be r etained to poison livestock. Cattle appear to be particularly susceptible because of their acceptance of the plant and their sensitivity to the alkaloids t hat c ause birth defects. Poison hemlock can be easily controlled with phenoxy herbicides.
Acute t oxicity problems are l es s common now, but lar ge sheep losses occurred frequently 100 years ago. Deaths occ ur when livestock, usually sheep, ingest a large amount of seed pods in a short time. This can occur from contaminated hay or from hungry animals gaining access t o lupine-dominated forage, and can be prevented by using lupine-free hay and avoiding lupine-dominated ranges when other forage is scarce. During some years, lupine populations may temporarily increase on rangelands not normally problematic. Livestock producers need to be aware of lupine populations and be sufficiently alert to alter grazing or breeding programs when these eruptions occur. Lupine populations increased dramatically during 1997 in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, causing severe l osses. For example, producers in Adams County, Washington lost over 30% of their calves ( >4000 calves) from lupine- caused birth defects.
38of rotational grazing scheme. Herbicidal control of lupines is feasible, but is usually more expensive than altering a grazing management program.
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
Lupines (Lupinus spp.) are widely distributed throughout the western U.S. Cattle eating lupine may have deformed or "crooked" calves, and sheep may be poisoned outright by lupine. Livestock losses from lupine poisoning can largely be prevented by understanding two interrelated aspects. First, the highest concentrations of toxic alkaloids tend to occur in immature lupine plants and seed pods. Second, pregnant cattle are susceptible to the effects of alkaloids that cause birth defects during a window from 40 to 70 days of gestation, occasionally extending to 100 days. Birth defects in cattle can be prevented by using breeding or grazing programs that avoid placing pregnant cattle in lupine-dominated pastures in the first trimester of gestation. Alternatively, risk can be reduced by allowing only short-term access to lupines by pregnant cattle in some form
Houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale) is not only a toxic plant that contains alkaloids, but also a noxious weed that is increasing over much of North America. The plant spreads from bur-like seeds that cling to wildlife, livestock and humans, and invades disturbed areas. Houndstongue is generally unpalat- able when growing on rangelands, but lactating cows and horses may eat green houndstongue at times. When houndstongue contaminates hay, it is readily eaten by cattle and horses, and is quite toxic.
Senecio or groundsel species (Senecio spp.) and houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale) contain highly toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These alkaloids are potent liver toxins that cause wasting and photosensitization. Senecios and houndstongue occur on many western U.S. rangelands. Only seven of more than 112 senecio species are known to be toxic so correct identification is essential. Managing rangelands so that plant communities are in good condi- tion and adequate forage is available is crucial to reduce losses to senecio. Generally, senecios are not very palatable, and are avoided by grazing livestock if other forage is available. Drought stress and overgrazing can increase populations of threadlleaf groundsel, as the plant is an aggressive invader. Drought is an especially dangerous time because other forage may be lacking and the toxic alkaloid concentration in senecio plants increases during drought, so grazing animals may ingest higher quantities of more toxic forage. Senecio species are also most toxic when plants are reproducing, thus avoiding pastures when these plants are in bud, flower, or seed is prudent. Proper grazing management must consider stocking rates, as excessive stocking may increase the amount of toxic plant consumed when alternative forages become limited. Excessive stocking may lead to degradation of the desirable plant community allowing senecio species to increase. Herbicidal control may alleviate some problems if incorporated into an overall management program
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- Nov 2021
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- Oct 2021
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Douglas, L. (2021, October 28). Coronavirus infections at U.S. meat plants far higher than previous estimates -House subcommittee. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/coronavirus-infections-us-meat-plants-far-higher-than-previous-estimates-house-2021-10-27/
- Sep 2021
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
"Learning about plant medicine, you need to be able to address the plant by its name," Pitawanakwat said. "It's just respect, like a simple courtesy that you extend to every other person."
- Aug 2021
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nutrition.bmj.com nutrition.bmj.com
Kim, H., Rebholz, C. M., Hegde, S., LaFiura, C., Raghavan, M., Lloyd, J. F., Cheng, S., & Seidelmann, S. B. (2021). Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: A population-based case–control study in six countries. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, 4(1), 257–266. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000272
- Jul 2021
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- Jun 2021
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
A Hobby for All Seasons: 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants
www.masterclass.com www.masterclass.com
When Ron Finley first grew a garden on a curbside dirt strip, he got cited—and then a warrant was issued for his arrest. He fought back, got the laws changed, and started a movement. Now the community activist and self-proclaimed “Gangster Gardener” is teaching you how to grow your own food, keep your plants alive, and find beauty and freedom in gardening no matter the size of your space. Start planting a revolution.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Care for Houseplants
www.whittier.edu www.whittier.edu
The Benefits of Becoming a Plant Parent
- May 2021
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Gobeil, P., Pillet, S., Séguin, A., Boulay, I., Mahmood, A., Vinh, D. C., Charland, N., Boutet, P., Roman, F., Most, R. V. D., Perez, M. de los A. C., Ward, B. J., & Landry, N. (2021). Interim Report of a Phase 2 Randomized Trial of a Plant-Produced Virus-Like Particle Vaccine for Covid-19 in Healthy Adults Aged 18-64 and Older Adults Aged 65 and Older. MedRxiv, 2021.05.14.21257248. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.14.21257248
- Apr 2021
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
Once plant toxins are absorbed fr om the gut into the blood, they are often trans- ported to the liver. T he liver primarily, and secondarily the kidney, intestinal mucosa, lungs, a nd skin contain enzyme systems that metabolize or alter toxic compounds, rendering them inert. Ability to metabolize or reduce sensitivity to specific phytotoxins varies by herbivore species a nd individuals. For example, sheep can tolerate and detoxify more pyrrolizidine alkaloids than cattle, therefore it takes five times more tall larkspur (Delphinium occidentalis) to poison sheep compared to cattle
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
Successfully navigating the seasonal and spatial variation of forage quality in grazing environments can be accomplished by knowing how much to eat, when to eat, and what else to eat. Grazing animals have a strong natural tendency to select diets composedof several plant species and sample available plants on a regular basis. This behavior may increase the likelihood of ingesting necessary nutrients and reduce the potential of over-ingesting toxins. The toxic effects of a plant are determined largely bythe amount eaten, but the ingestion rate may also be important. Grazing animals can avoid toxicosis by limiting their consumption of a specific toxic plant each day to allow sufficient time for detoxification, and to limit potential cumulative effects ofspecifictoxins
hypothes.is hypothes.isHipotez1
Concrete Mixing Plant
As a company, we are sensitive to using advanced building technologies effectively for all our building and construction projects. As a matter of fact, the most important factor underlying the quality and safety standards that our company has achieved in all its projects so far is that we use building technologies effectively. We always follow technological developments that will help us achieve much better standards in construction applications. For this, we use the most innovative concrete mixing plant technology to realize the concrete applications without exception at the highest quality. We have been working with Elkon for many years to meet this need that has arisen in line with the intensive work of our company. As well as the high-quality standards of the company's concrete mixing plant products, we can ensure a high compatibility in our work with service offerings focused on projects. For this reason, we are working with Elkon firm on the need for a concrete mixing plant for each project that our company will start to realize. In addition to volume capacity options, mixers have a very rich model variety by means of technical functions. In this way, we can supply concrete plants, which are suitable for our needs created by the concrete application capacity in our project, from the company. With its superior technology and high-quality durability, we do not encounter any problems in our applications on concrete, which is the most common thing we use in our project sites. The serious problems that technical problems may cause in terms of construction projects are at everyone's discretion. Our company will continue to work in harmony with the company for all construction and building projects in the future, as it has enabled us to encounter these problems today. We would like to thank them for their quality responses to our requests up to now.
- Feb 2021
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obofoundry.org obofoundry.org
- Oct 2020
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
CNN, S. L. E. (n.d.). More Hispanic workers impacted by Covid-19 in food processing and agriculture workplaces, CDC study finds. CNN. Retrieved 21 October 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/20/health/cdc-study-covid-hispanic-workers/index.html
- Sep 2020
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
if turnover is fast the accumulation of respiring biomass is low and respiration depends primarily on photosynthesis; while if turnover is slow the accumulation of respiring biomass is high and respiration depends primarily on biomass
For small plants, respiration rates depend upon photosynthesis. In larger plants, respiration is dependent upon biomass.
Idea is that respiration rates are controlled by photosynthates.
- Jul 2020
osf.io osf.io
Cohen, P. N. (2020). The COVID-19 epidemic in rural U.S. counties. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/pnqrd
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- Jun 2020
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- Dec 2019
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
lants speak in a chemical vocabulary we can’t directly perceive or comprehend. The first important discoveries in plant communication were made in the lab in the nineteen-eighties, by isolating plants and their chemical emissions in Plexiglas chambers, but Rick Karban, the U.C. Davis ecologist, and others have set themselves the messier task of studying how plants exchange chemical signals outdoors, in a natural setting.
- Nov 2019
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- Oct 2019
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We also show how our toolbox can be used to deploy the FBP in planta to build auto-luminescent reporters for the study of gene-expression and hormone fluxes
- Sep 2019
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
placed at a 45° angle, nylon-mesh side up. Roots grew downward, collided with the bottom slide of the microcosm, and traveled along it. This method allowed observation of the root system by epifluorescence microscopy
well explained!
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- Aug 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A stomatal safety-efficiency trade-off constrains responses to leaf dehydration
Possibly a good paper for undergraduates.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
on-humans (animals, insects, plants, tress,viruses, fungi, bacteria and technological automata)
Cf. Kennedy's "A Hoot in the Dark"
- Jul 2018
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
repeat expansion at IIL1 leads to increased accumulation of 24-nt siRNAs in a temperature-dependent manner that correlates with the iil phenotype. We show that DCL3 and other components of the RNA-dependent DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway are essential for this siRNA-directed epigenetic gene silencing
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Dynamics and function of DNA methylation in plants
- Apr 2018
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Recurrent acquisition of cytosine methyltransferases into eukaryotic retrotransposons
- Oct 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Chromatin marks and ambient temperature-dependent flowering strike up a novel liaison
- Jun 2017
www.soultrainonline.de www.soultrainonline.de
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Churchill Falls hydro-electric project
The Churchill Falls hydro-electric project was inaugurated by Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, on June 16, 1972. This hydro-electric plant was constructed between 1967 and 1975 and completed one year ahead of the predicted schedule. At the height of its construction, approximately 6,300 workers were present in the summer of 1970. The majority of construction occurred in the summer months, although construction continued year-round despite harsh conditions in Labrador where temperatures dipped to -21°C with a mean annual snowfall of 406 centimeters. The Churchill Falls power station is located in southern Labrador about 1,100 kilometers from an urban area. The Churchill Falls hydro-electric project was the largest hydro-electric project at the time, capable of generating 5,225 mW of electricity. It creates this energy by utilizing the water of the Churchill and Naskaupi Rivers which have a total catchment area of about 67,340 km2 combined. The underground power station is about 305 meters below ground. It uses eleven generators with a combined capacity of 5,225,000 kW. In order to utilize this harvested energy, large power lines capable of handling voltages up to 735 kV were put in place to transmit the energy from Churchill Falls to the Hydro-Quebec transmission system in the Manicouagan-Outardes hydro complex. The distance between these two stations is 606 kilometers. The energy from Churchill Falls was also transmitted via power lines to the Labrador City-Wabush area (Crabb, 1973).
Crabb, P. (1973). Churchill Falls- The Costs and Benefits of a Hydro-Electric Development Project. Geography, 330-335.
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
The next stage was the developing and preparing of avenues or mediums through which I couldexpress the manifold phases, possibilities and powers of My Idea.The outward evidence of this was what is known as the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms,which, each in turn, as it came into manifestation, gradually unfolded higher and more complexstates of consciousness that enabled Me more and more clearly to express the infinite phases andvariety of My Nature.It was at this stage that I looked upon My Creation, as stated in My other Revelation, and sawthat It was good
The preparation of mediums to express God.......
- Dec 2015
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Mention on ecological requirements in natural planting by Loudon
Comment on non native plants in english gardens
- May 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Makes me think of George Kennedy's "A Hoot in the Dark." And WALL*E!
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
In writing are the roots, in writing are the foundations of eloquence. By writing, resources are stored up, as it were, in a sacred repository, from where they may be drawn forth for sudden emergencies or as circumstances require.
Writing is the foundation and the source from which we grow. Seems strange, distances writing from us, makes it seem something disconnected and inspired from some other force beyond us
We must write, therefore, as carefully and as much as we can, for as the ground, by being dug to a great depth, becomes more fitted for fructifying and nourishing seeds, so improvement of the mind, acquired from more than mere superficial cultivation, pours forth the fruits of study in richer abundance and retains them with greater fidelity.
Plant metaphor yet again
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
they yet never fully attain to his force or fertility of language
Those we imitate act as the fertile soil we grow from
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
fertilizing and grateful aliment
Back to the plant metaphor
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
And as the generation of man is effected by both parents, and as you will in vain scatter seed unless the furrowed ground, previously softened, cherish it so, neither can eloquence come to its growth unless by mutual agreement between him who communicates and him who receives.
plant metaphor again