61 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. ( ~0:30 )

      Good point; formal education should build up the skill of lifelong learning and not keep "spoon feeding"

      At the end of formal education (preferably at the end of HS already) you should be able to learn independently the most complex of skills using evidence based/informed learning techniques.

      Scaffold. Build up complexity over time.

  2. May 2024
    1. Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia yang selanjutnya disingkat KPI adalah lembaga negara yang bersifat independen sebagai wujud peran serta masyarakat di bidang Penyiaran yang ada di pusat dan di daerah, bertugas mengatur dan mengawasi Isi Siaran dan konten Siaran.

      Pasal ini mengerdilkan fungsi KPI hanya sebatas mengatur dan mengawasi isi dan konten siaran. Sementara problem penyiaran di Indonesia cukup kompleks dan sarat kepentingan. Sudah banyak kajian yang membahas 'mandul'nya KPI sebagai Independent Regulatory Agency. Lihat

  3. Jan 2024
    1. A variable is considered dependent if it depends on an independent variable. Dependent variables are studied under the supposition or demand that they depend, by some law or rule (e.g., by a mathematical function), on the values of other variables. Independent variables, in turn, are not seen as depending on any other variable in the scope of the experiment in question.[a]

      Dependent variables depend upon independent variables (whereas independent variables are independent).

  4. Nov 2023
    1. The user's Google account sign-in status and your app are independent of each other, except during the sign-in moment itself when you know that the user has successfully authenticated and is signed into their Google account. Users may remain signed in, they may sign out, or switch to a different Google account while maintaining an active, signed-in session on your website.
  5. Aug 2023
  6. Feb 2023
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Sep 2022
  9. Aug 2022
  10. Apr 2022
  11. Nov 2021
    1. two groups of students:The groups could be labeled as (1) independentlearners and (2) more-support-needed learners.

      analysis of the quantitative data

      consistent with the findings in Australia Drane, C. F., Vernon, L., & O’Shea, S. (2021). Vulnerable learners in the age of COVID-19: A scoping review. The Australian Educational Researcher, 48(4), 585–604. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-020-00409-5

  12. Oct 2021
    1. The podcast focuses on the troubled history of “objectivity” and how it has been used to gatekeep and exclude people of color, queer and trans people, and people organizing for their labor rights and communities.

      I learned about this podcast through Sandy and Nora.

  13. Jun 2021
    1. Isabel: Yeah. I mean, it's really hard to pull back on those memories. From the ones that you're more sure of like going into school, any friends or teachers that stood out?Angelo: I remember going to school, it was very scary for me because I didn't know the language. There were many times where I would just cry. The teachers would try to comfort me, but I would just scream—I didn't know what was going on. Even times when I was in pain, I couldn't tell anybody what was going on. So it was very difficult. I did have one friend, and that was my closest friend. I was very young, so it was like I needed that, to have somebody support me. You know, obviously my parents were there, but maybe they spent more time trying to get them situated, and not really introducing us to the American life. So it was, basically go to school, you're on your own and then come back in your home. So it was basically like I had to learn everything by myself.

      Time in the US, School, Learning English/ESL, Struggling, Feelings, Fear, Frustration, Despair, Sadness, Solidarity

  14. May 2021
  15. Mar 2021
    1. The elimination of what is arguably the biggest monoculture in the history of software development would mean that we, the community, could finally take charge of both languages and run-times, and start to iterate and grow these independently of browser/server platforms, vendors, and organizations, all pulling in different directions, struggling for control of standards, and (perhaps most importantly) freeing the entire community of developers from the group pressure of One Language To Rule Them All.
  16. Jan 2021
    1. something that the alternative online media has been unable to do is where mainstream media platforms are still unrivalled – being a one-stop repository for different sets of news consumers. MSM digital platforms, despite many flaws, thrive as catch-all baskets for round-the-clock information seekers, ranging from politics to cricket, from fashion to music and important news (which doesn’t only mean the unusual massacres) from a hamlet in Arwal district in Bihar to that from a Delhi suburb.

      This will be impossible for a small digital media startup to achieve.

      I rather see the independent digital news as a gateway to important, contentious, controversial or rather plain and non flashy news. News of the kind ignored by mainstream media due to their perverse incentive structures.

      I don't think the coverage on cricket for example or entertainment from newslaundry would be any drastically different from mainstream media. In that sense it would be wiser not to compete and squander resources on such kind of reporting just to be a one stop shop.

  17. Nov 2020
  18. Oct 2020
  19. Sep 2020
  20. Aug 2020
  21. Jul 2020
  22. Jun 2020
  23. May 2020
  24. Apr 2020
  25. Feb 2020
  26. Sep 2019
    1. For n to be greater than 1, the experiment would have to be performed using separate stock cultures, or separate cell clones of the same type
  27. Jul 2019
    1. Some users have deployed independent Hypothesis servers, and at least one uses an API-compatible reimplementation of the Hypothesis server.

      I'm curious about these. Would someone point me in their direction?

      The prospect of hosting your own server seems intimidating, if not tempting.

    1. We recently raised this issue with the CRA and based on the discussion, we believe that: the CRA has not changed its policies in this area they will continue to not assess penalties for failures to complete box 048 of the T4A

      Requirement to file a T4A for contractor services - likely that the CRA's policy remains unchanged: no penalties for failure to complete box 48 of the T4A

  28. May 2017
  29. Jul 2016
    1. Open Access (OA) is nowadays increasingly being used as a business model for the publishing of scholarly peer reviewed journals, both by specialized OA publishing companies and major, predominantly subscription-based publishers. However, in the early days of the web OA journals were mainly founded by independent academics, who were dissatisfied with the predominant print and subscription paradigm and wanted to test the opportunities offered by the new medium. There is still an on-going debate about how OA journals should be operated, and the volunteer model used by many such ‘indie’ journals has been proposed as a viable alternative to the model adopted by big professional publishers where publishing activities are funded by authors paying expensive article processing charges (APCs). Our longitudinal quantitative study of 250 ‘indie’ OA journals founded prior to 2002, showed that 51% of these journals were still in operation in 2014 and that the median number of articles published per year had risen from 11 to 18 among the survivors. Of these surviving journals, only 8% had started collecting APCs. A more detailed qualitative case study of five such journals provided insights into how such journals have tried to ensure the continuity and longevity of operations.


    2. A longitudinal study of independent scholar-published open access journals

      Björk, Bo-Christer, Cenyu Shen, and Mikael Laakso. 2016. “A Longitudinal Study of Independent Scholar-Published Open Access Journals.” PeerJ 4 (May). peerj.com: e1990. doi:10.7717/peerj.1990.

  30. May 2016
    1. "Historic police records showing Connolly and Larkin arrests found in skip," Irish Independent (2016-05-11) http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/historic-police-records-showing-connolly-and-larkin-arrests-found-in-skip-34707471.html

      The four missing volumes of 'Prisoner Books' listing the arrests of more than 30,000 people between 1905 and 1918 include the "crimes" of labour leaders Jim Larkin (seditious conspiracy), James Connolly (incitement to crime), revolutionary Maud Gonne MacBride (defence of the realm) and suffragette Hanna Sheehy Skeffington, (glass-breaking with other suffragettes).

  31. Feb 2014
    1. I n T h e T r a d e - M a r k C a s e s , t h e C o u r t a d d r e s s e d t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n a l s c o p e o f " w r i t i n g s . " F o r a p a r t i c u l a r w o r k t o b e c l a s s i f i e d " u n d e r t h e h e a d o f w r i t i n g s o f a u t h o r s , " t h e C o u r t d e t e r m i n e d , " o r i g i n a l i t y i s r e q u i r e d . " 1 0 0 U . S . , a t 9 4 . T h e C o u r t e x p l a i n e d t h a t o r i g i n a l i t y r e q u i r e s i n d e p e n d e n t c r e a t i o n p l u s a m o d i c u m o f c r e a t i v i t y : " [ W ] h i l e t h e w o r d w r i t i n g s m a y b e l i b e r a l l y c o n s t r u e d , a s i t h a s b e e n , t o i n c l u d e o r i g i n a l d e s i g n s f o r e n g r a v i n g , p r i n t s , & c . , i t i s o n l y s u c h a s a r e o r i g i n a l , a n d a r e f o u n d e d i n t h e c r e a t i v e p o w e r s o f t h e m i n d . T h e w r i t i n g s w h i c h a r e t o b e p r o t e c t e d a r e t h e f r u i t s o f i n t e l l e c t u a l l a b o r , e m b o d i e d i n t h e f o r m o f b o o k s , p r i n t s , e n g r a v i n g s , a n d t h e l i k e . " I b i d . ( e m p h a s i s i n o r i g i n a l ) .

      In The Trade-Mark Cases the Court addressed the constitutional scope of writings saying for a particular work to be classified "under the head of writings of authors," the Court determined, "originality is required"; independent creation plus a modicum of creativity.