- Dec 2024
- Nov 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch
- Adnoc
- Qatar Energy
- GRTgaz
- ExxonMobil
- Romgaz
- New Fortress Energy
- Gazprom
- date:: 2024-11-12
- Gas Connect Austria
- Tree Energy Solution
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel)
- Deutsche Energy Terminal
- Conoco-Phillips
- Petrobras
- OMV Petrom
- author:: Günther.Strobl
- 2023
- Urgewald
- Nils Bartsch
- Total Energies
- Willow Project
- LNG Expansion
- Snam
- Aramco
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Todoist for quick notes and todo lists. I'm also using my own TodoistToTxt (available on github) script running every minute to generate a todo.txt file out of Todoist inbox, which is rendered on PC with Rainmeter.
Local file Local file
In order to give the reader some chance of havinga good Collection of Headings, and less chance ofomitting the important Headings, I have offered (e.g.on pp. 83, 92) a few General Lists, which are not quitecomplete but yet approach to completeness ; two ofthese Lists will be found sufficient for most purposes.One of these is called the List of Period- Headings,such as Geography, Religion, Education, Commerce,War, etc. (see p. 83); the other is called the List ofGeneral Headings, and includes Instances, Causes andHindrances, Effects, Aims, etc. : this latter List will befound on p. 92.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der kurz vor der COP16 zur Biodiversität veröffentlichte Living Planet Index zeigt das Ausmaß des Biodiversitätsverlusts in den vergangenen 50 Jahren, auch wenn an den dabei angewendeten statistischen Verfahren starke Zweifel bestehen. Die Wirbeltier-Populationen haben nach diesem Index um 73% abgenommen, am stärksten in Lateinamerika und der Karibik. Die wichtigste Ursache ist die veränderte Landnutzung. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/10/collapsing-wildlife-populations-points-no-return-living-planet-report-wwf-zsl-warns
- Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Living Planet Index
- Hannah Wauchope
- COP16 biodiversity
- biodiversity loss
- fragmentation of natural habitats
- Susana Muhamad
- Mathematical biases in the calculation of the Living Planet Index lead to overestimation of vertebrate population decline
- Mike Barrett
- IUCN’s Red List
- Matthew Gould
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Free/Open Licenses Non-free Licenses
similar gems
github.com github.com
seems to auto-add this header:
header['List-Unsubscribe'] = "<#{Caffeinate::UrlHelpers.caffeinate_subscribe_url(mailing.subscription)}>"
youmustreadthis.com youmustreadthis.com
I've explored these projects: Reform Mutations Interactor dry-rb
- Aug 2024
The architecture covers both easy unsubscribe options, mailto and URL. This is because not all mailbox providers support the List-Unsubscribe-Post header.
Amazon SES unsubscribe method: The Amazon SES subscription management feature, which provides subscription management via the List-Unsubscribe header and ListManagementOptions footer links.
Unsubscribe method header: A hyperlink that is rendered by the mailbox provider based on the List-Unsubscribe email header. Recipients can use this link to unsubscribe from that sender.
studyinthestates.dhs.gov studyinthestates.dhs.gov
STEM OPT 연장에 두 번 참여하려면 학생은 고등 교육 수준에서 두 번째 자격을 갖춘 학위를 취득해야 하며 두 번째 STEM OPT 연장을 위해 USCIS에 신청할 때 초기 OPT 기간에 참여하고 있어야 합니다.
- Jun 2024
- May 2024
Dichter und sehr gut dokumentierter Überblicksratikel über die Expansionspläne der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Aus unerschlossenen Feldern sollen 230 Milliarden Barrel Öläquivalent gefördert werden - im klaren Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen. Durch Ausbeutung neuer Lager werden bis 2025 voraussichtlich 70 Gt CO<sub>2</sub> und damit 17% des Budgets für das 1,5° Ziel ausgestoßen. Eingegangen wird auch auf den Ausstiegsplan des Tyndall Centre. https://taz.de/Run-auf-fossile-Brennstoffe/!5973686/
- Adnoc
- Total
- ExxonMobil
- South Africa
- Shell
- Wintershall Dea
- Uk
- Namibia
- Equinor
- Gazprom
- fossil expansion
- Planet Wreckers
- Energy Comment
- Bay-du-Nord
- legal action
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List
- Oilchange International
- The Dirty Dozen
- 2023-12-02
- Nabu
- by: Christian Jakob
- Tyndall Centre
- Canada
- Rosebank
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury
- Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance
- Willlow
- Australia
- by: Malina Dittrich
- Urgewald
- Norway
- BP
- TotalEnergies
- Mozambique
- Russia
- Apr 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
if you want some assistance in figuring out what subject areas or topics to include in your settle costume i recommend that you take a look at the first two links below this video the first link is to a wikipedia page titled outline of academic discipline
list of academic disciplines and sub-disciplines, in Wikipedia
- Mar 2024
forum.gettingthingsdone.com forum.gettingthingsdone.com
First, agendas are great for grouping actions for frequent communications, so yes, they're actions. However, it's absolutely crucial that agendas be used only for *regular* meetings, i.e., those that are automatic, say once-a-week or so. If you don't have meetings reliably, then put them on your regular NAs list. That said, there are some actions which don't mind sitting for a while for opportunistic meetings. For example, I put car issues under my mechanic's agenda, and medical issues (non-pressing) under my MD's agenda.
Only use GTD agendas list for regular meetings. Else, put it on a Next-Action list (one off communication).
- Dec 2023
edumotivation.com edumotivation.com
The 10 Best
github.com github.com
Similar Libraries in Ruby
- Nov 2023
gallerypanda.com gallerypanda.com
bossfightbooks.com bossfightbooks.com
vuetifyjs.com vuetifyjs.com
با v-for این را تعیین می کنه که چند سطر تو می خوای
جالبه ما یه چیزی به نام v-list-item داریم که item های این List را تعیین می کنه.
تو سه حالت ما اینا داریم که این سه حالت شامل: Single Line Two Line Three Line
docdrop.org docdrop.org
these skills of of from the first gaze to the conversation to hard conversations amid conflict these to me are the essence of moral life
for: list - skills for knowing another
list: skills for knowing others
- deep, authentic gaze
- accompaniment
presence, listening and meaningful questions
- Oct 2023
www.cl.cam.ac.uk www.cl.cam.ac.uk
In Sutherland's thesis, he discusses the concept of ring structures, which can be thought of as a type of data structure where elements are connected in a circular manner. This can be compared to a Python list where the last element points back to the first one, forming a "ring".
In the context of his thesis, Sutherland uses the terms "hen" and "chicken" to represent elements in this ring structure. A "hen" can be thought of as the starting point or the head of the list, while a "chicken" represents other elements in the list.
The operations he describes - inserting a new chicken into a ring at a specific location, removing a chicken from a ring, putting all the chickens of one ring into another at a specific location, and performing some auxiliary operation on each member of a ring in either forward or reverse order - can be compared to operations on a Python list.
For example, inserting a new chicken into a ring can be compared to inserting an element into a Python list at a specific index:
Python list
ring = ['hen', 'chicken1', 'chicken2']
Insert new chicken at index 1
ring.insert(1, 'new_chicken') ```
Removing a chicken from a ring can be compared to removing an element from a Python list:
Remove 'chicken1' from the list
ring.remove('chicken1') ```
Putting all the chickens of one ring into another at a specific location can be compared to extending a Python list with another list:
Another ring
another_ring = ['hen2', 'chicken3', 'chicken4']
Extend ring with another_ring
ring.extend(another_ring) ```
Performing some auxiliary operation on each member of a ring in either forward or reverse order can be compared to iterating over a Python list in forward or reverse order:
Forward order
for chicken in ring: print(chicken)
Reverse order
for chicken in reversed(ring): print(chicken) ```
The concept of "MACRO instructions" he mentions can be compared to Python functions that encapsulate these operations for easy use.
Moreover, the string points bothways to make it easy to find both the next and the previous member of thestring in case some change must be made to them.
A list
- Sep 2023
docs.sendgrid.com docs.sendgrid.com
You must include at least the mailto portion of the List-Unsubscribe header, since some services only support this portion (iOS, for example). However, many inbox providers and mail clients honor both methods. To ensure that the greatest number of your recipients have the ability to unsubscribe from your emails, thus protecting your reputation as a sender, we recommend including both mailto and http.
You must include at least the mailto portion of the List-Unsubscribe header, since some services only support this portion (iOS, for example). However, many inbox providers and mail clients honor both methods. To ensure that the greatest number of your recipients have the ability to unsubscribe from your emails, thus protecting your reputation as a sender, we recommend including both mailto and http.
List-Unsubscribe is a small piece of text that can be inserted in the header section of your email. The List-Unsubscribe header will insert an “unsubscribe” button, or link, next to the From address at the top of your email. A recipient can click this link to notify you that they would like to unsubscribe from your emails.
List-unsubscribe can help reduce spam complaints.If subscribers can’t find the unsubscribe link, they may click the spam reporting button instead. This could hurt your email deliverability and sender reputation. To mailbox providers, a spam complaint is a spam complaint, regardless of whether the recipient actually perceived the message as malicious.
Support for list-unsubscribe varies across email clients.
answers.microsoft.com answers.microsoft.com
It looks like this is a newsletter, but we aren't sure if it is safe to unsubscribe from it using the information provided by the sender
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Apparently, Google uses some additional heuristics to decide whether the link should be displayed or not. The List-Unsubscribe header could be abused by spammers to validate that their target got the message, and thus, GMail only shows the unsubscribe link if the source of the message has accumulated sufficient trust.
Shouldn't it be controllable by the end user, in the same way that they can press a button to show all images if images are blocked by default for security/privacy reasons??
oldagnessstore.com oldagnessstore.com
- Aug 2023
www.michael-whittle.com www.michael-whittle.com
- Jul 2023
developer.chrome.com developer.chrome.com
```js // Log the full user-agent data navigator .userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues( ["architecture", "model", "bitness", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList"]) .then(ua => { console.log(ua) });
// output { "architecture":"x86", "bitness":"64", "brands":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"99" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98" } ], "fullVersionList":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98.0.4738.0" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98.0.4738.0" } ], "mobile":false, "model":"", "platformVersion":"12.0.1" } ```
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-bitness
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform-version
- http:header=sec-ch-ua
- mobile
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-model
- wikipedia:en=HTTP_Client_Hints
- http:header=user-agent
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-mobile
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version
- js
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:8942
- http
- conneg
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-arch
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:1945
- http:header=accept-ch
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform
- <meta http-equiv="accept-ch"/>
wicg.github.io wicg.github.io
```idl dictionary NavigatorUABrandVersion { DOMString brand; DOMString version; };
dictionary UADataValues { DOMString architecture; DOMString bitness; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; DOMString formFactor; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> fullVersionList; DOMString model; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; DOMString platformVersion; DOMString uaFullVersion; // deprecated in favor of fullVersionList boolean wow64; };
dictionary UALowEntropyJSON { sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; };
[Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface NavigatorUAData { readonly attribute FrozenArray<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; readonly attribute boolean mobile; readonly attribute DOMString platform; Promise<UADataValues> getHighEntropyValues (sequence<DOMString> hints ); UALowEntropyJSON toJSON (); };
interface mixin NavigatorUA { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData ; };
Navigator includes NavigatorUA; WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorUA; ```
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-bitness
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform-version
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-form-factor
- http:header=sec-ch-ua
- mobile
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-model
- wikipedia:en=HTTP_Client_Hints
- http:header=user-agent
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-mobile
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version-list
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-full-version
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-wow64
- cito:cites=urn:ietf:rfc:8942
- http
- conneg
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-arch
- http:header=accept-ch
- http:header=sec-ch-ua-platform
www.lordoftheringswords.com www.lordoftheringswords.com
github.com github.com
- Jun 2023
rachelsgingerbeer.com rachelsgingerbeer.com
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled2
List of Modal Chord Scales
List of Tonal Chord Scales
musictheory.pugetsound.edu musictheory.pugetsound.edu
List of Chord-Scale Relationships
global.oup.com global.oup.com
www.ebooks.com www.ebooks.com
- May 2023
rethinkingschools.org rethinkingschools.org
The texts used in reading instruction shifted from predictable books to phonetically regular texts that were referred to by the publisher as “predictable” and “decodable,” but that actually consisted of phonetically regular words organized into sentences that strain young readers’ sense-making.
This sounds similar to the use of the Dolch word list to teach reading / writing. The list is designed to enable work with grammar and syntax, but because it is so small, requires considerable linguistic skill to use expressively.
- Jan 2023
www.health.harvard.edu www.health.harvard.edu
I came here looking for the glycemic index for bananas to see if this might explain a friends delayed reaction to consuming high amounts of salicylate. That is, the pain they experienced as a burn in the mouth/tongue only occurred after consuming a banana. A prior search tentatively suggested that spikes in insulin (which occur with foods high in glycemic index and glycemic load) can cause inflammation to the affected region which sends white blood cells as a response and can cause swelling and increased sensitivity to pain.
- Dec 2022
craftinginterpreters.com craftinginterpreters.com
Prototype-based languages merge these two concepts. There are only objects—no classes—and each individual object may contain state and methods. Objects can directly inherit from each other (or “delegate to” in prototypal lingo):
Peter J. Landin coined the term “closure”. Yes, he invented damn near half the terms in programming languages. Most of them came out of one incredible paper, “The Next 700 Programming Languages”.
Read this paper
Let’s say, you’ve set up the list-unsubscribe header to you email campaign. Check out whether it works by sending an email to a test inbox. For Gmail, you’ll see the unsubscribe option in the header right next to the sender name
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Now I just have to figure out why Gmail isn’t showing the Unsubscribe option like everyone says it should.
Most mailing list providers will encourage you to insert a mailto and URL within the header of your emails, or they will be automatically provided.
support.google.com support.google.com
List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click List-Unsubscribe: <https://solarmora.com/unsubscribe/example>
- Nov 2022
webmonetization.org webmonetization.org
Web Monetization
Web Monetization official site with motivation, wallets, providers, browsers, search engines, tools, documentation link, explainer link, specifications link, awesome list link, github link
- motivation
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- money
- coil
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- edge
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- specification
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- revenue
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- donations
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- protocol
- ledger
- vuepress
- web monetization
- list
www.blackcoffeeroastingco.com www.blackcoffeeroastingco.com
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apps.apple.com apps.apple.comNoiSee1
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However, in some cases, there may be something missing:
copyprogramming.com copyprogramming.com
Here is a method using the fontTools Python library (which you can install with something like pip install fonttools ):
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Here is a method using the fontTools Python library (which you can install with something like pip install fonttools):
- Oct 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
opts = method(__method__).parameters.map(&:last).map { |p| [p, eval(p.to_s)] }.to_h SomeOtherObject.some_other_method(opts)
that's right, we don't want to do params = { ... } because then we're hardcoding the implementation and it becomes very coupled. The benefit of doing it like in my examples is that you can change the method signature and still automatically capture all keyword parameters.
runestone.academy runestone.academy
- lists can consist of any type of Python data
- elements in a list need not be the same type - ex. the following contains a string, float, integer and another list
- braces [ ] is simplest way to create lists
- a list within a list is said to be *nested
- Sep 2022
www.marist.edu www.marist.edu
The list is compiled each year by the Marist Mindset team of Professor Tommy Zurhellen, Associate Professor of English; Dr. Vanessa Lynn, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; and Dr. Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, Assistant Professor of Art and Digital Media.
- Aug 2022
2012. Microsoft Writing Style Guide. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/welcome/.
Other recommendable technical–writing style guides:
- Google developer documentation style guide
- Apple Style Guide
- Write the Docs, Accessibility guidelines
- Write the Docs, Reducing bias in your writing
- IBM developerWorks Editorial style guide
- Red Hat Technical Writing Style Guide
- Splunk Style Guide
- DigitalOcean Documentation Style Guide
- Salesforce Style Guide for Documentation and User Interface Text
- Rackspace Writing guidelines
- OpenStack Writing style
- MongoDB Documentation Style Guide
- Conscious Style Guide
- 18F Content Guide
- A11Y Style Guide
- Mailchimp Content Style Guide
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 7). RT @ravgup33_ravi: Now that there is evidence for community transmission in the U.K. and we have tighter testing for travellers we should r… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1468135947795578884
operations.osmfoundation.org operations.osmfoundation.org
- Jul 2022
www.sideshow.com www.sideshow.com
- Jun 2022
www.anothergaze.com www.anothergaze.com
very list is by necessity impossible, and must remain unwritten, a private reckoning.
Why impossible?
- Apr 2022
www.openculture.com www.openculture.com
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @suhasinih: After UK puts India on red list, US CDC tells citizens to avoid all travel to India. No travel ban yet, however. Https://t.c…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384496618158792704
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @Esseph63: In the phrase that begins, “It’s one rule for them …”, these are the them. Https://t.co/VNb3LI5Q3p’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 August 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1414676877873074193
- Mar 2022
we use theCoSP framework (Backes, Hofheinz, and Unruh, CCS 2009)
- Jan 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/antiwork reading list - go through this
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/anarchy101 reading list - go through this
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/socialism reading list - go through this
telepathics.xyz telepathics.xyz
What an awesome little site. Sadly no RSS to make it easy to follow, so bookmarking here.
I like that she's titled her posts feed as a "notebook": https://telepathics.xyz/notebook. There's not enough content here (yet) to make a determination that they're using it as a commonplace book though.
Someone in the IndieWeb chat pointed out an awesome implementation of "stories" she's got on her personal site: https://telepathics.xyz/notes/2020/new-york-city-friends-food-sights/
I particularly also like the layout and presentation of her Social Media Links page which has tags for the types of content as well as indicators for which are no longer active.
This makes me wonder if I could use tags on some of my links to provide CSS styling on them to do the same thing for inactive services?
- Dec 2021
worldhistorycommons.org worldhistorycommons.org
Note also that testators left cloth as bequests during the epidemic. Apparently they were not as concerned with clothes retaining miasma as were anti-plague ordinances of the government.
I did not know what the word miasma meant, after searching it up I learned that it was a "highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell". I wanted to learn more about what personal hygiene was like and how it changed during the time of the plague. I learned that it was a very unsanitary time and this helped to spread the plague. The doctors were unsure where the plague could spread from some, the community continued on with their everyday routine in little sense of where the disease came from which made the plague spread more.
- Nov 2021
www.indyskipass.com www.indyskipass.com
- Oct 2021
www.uprightpose.com www.uprightpose.com
techpreneurbold.com techpreneurbold.com
Finding how to check if a list is empty in Python is not so a tricky task as you think. There are few effective methods available to make your functionalities easy. And of course, list play a paramount role in python that come up with few tempting characteristics listed in the below for your reference.
Hope so, you got the points that are listed in the above points. All the methods are very simple to write and execute! Probably, the best solution is revealed for your query of “how to Check if a List Is Empty in Python”
www.yubico.com www.yubico.com
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
- Sep 2021
www.snuipp.fr www.snuipp.fr
à mettre en relation avec le film annuel du directeur
webpack.js.org webpack.js.orgConcepts1
Webpack 5 no longer polyfills Node.js core modules automatically which means if you use them in your code running in browsers or alike, you will have to install compatible modules from npm and include them yourself. Here is a list of polyfills webpack has used before webpack 5:
- Aug 2021
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
The title of the article immediately made me think of the world we are living in now. For example it is becoming more and more evident that the country has mixed opinions on the vaccine. The government, state agencies and other public entities are requiring proof of a vaccine to even enter the premises. Some companies are offering incentives across the country to incentivize the vaccine by offering free products and discounts. To an extent from a medical perspective you want everyone as healthy as possible, but from a freedom perspective it is on the verge of violating an individual's freedom of choice through forced compliance.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
const list = ['a', 'b', 'c'] as const; // TS3.4 syntax type NeededUnionType = typeof list[number]; // 'a'|'b'|'c';
github.com github.com
- Jul 2021
rowanmanning.com rowanmanning.com
So that’s webmentions! If you need more of a deep dive than this, then I recommend starting with this article.
I always wish they'd be able to proxy the webmentions for this piece back to my site....
- Jun 2021
loc.gov loc.gov
This doesn't seem entirely trust-worthy/useful.
The native name seems incorrect/missing for some languages, like German, Hebrew, compared to https://gist.github.com/piraveen/fafd0d984b2236e809d03a0e306c8a4d
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The US Library of Congress has been designated the official registration authority by the ISO and they publish the entire, official, up-to-date list as a trivial to parse text file for free.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
- May 2021
eprint.iacr.org eprint.iacr.org
We also show how our construction im-proves the efficiency of all existing tightly-secure AKE protocols.
sanjaykumarro.com sanjaykumarro.com
Water borne diseases list
water borne diseases list causes of typhoid in hindi:
Baciliary dysentery or shigellosis. Cholera. Hepatitis A. Typhoid fever. Malaria. Dengue fever. Ascariasis or Round worm infection. Campylobacteriosis. Giardiasis.
docs.digitalocean.com docs.digitalocean.com
Use cases: Volumes are most useful when you need more storage space but don’t need the additional processing power or memory that a larger Droplet would provide, like: As the document root or media upload directory for a web server To house database files for a database server As a target location for backups As expanded storage for personal file hosting platforms like ownCloud As components for building more advanced storage solutions, like RAID arrays
lowbluelights.com lowbluelights.com
www.gkogan.co www.gkogan.co
I used to dread setting up email automation and email campaigns.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
I hate making newsletters, but absolutely love reading them. Because of this, and on a semi-related note (apologies if this is off-topic/not allowed), I am in the process of creating a newsletter directory, allowing users to browse and find newsletters to sign up for.
- Apr 2021
commercialpropertiesnoida.com commercialpropertiesnoida.com
food courts
Superb construction, exclusive design, and modern architecture are some of the unique features of the project Gulshan One129 project recently launched by Gulshan Homz. From office space to commercial food court space in Noida, the mall caters to all your requirements. Each retail shop is excellently designed for better visibility and space utilization. If you are looking for a commercial property in Noida sector 129, book your space now and get the possession on or before June 2021.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
oxygenblr.in oxygenblr.in
twitter feed
www.pinterest.com www.pinterest.com
serverfault.com serverfault.com
perl -ne 'chomp(); if (-e $_) {print "$_\n"}'
xargs -i sh -c 'test -f {} && echo {}'
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Gilles has written an excelent answer here (see unix.stackexchange.com/a/105655/49721) explaining why "A space-separated list of file names doesn't really work: what if one of the file names contained spaces?"
If it's a list of actual pathnames, just replacing spaces by newlines may obviously mangle pathnames that contain embedded spaces, such as /User/myself/VirtualBox VMs/.
For path names with newlines it is better to quote each pathname.
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Show/hide output and metadata differences in the diff editor
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Mathematically, a hierarchical taxonomy is a tree structure of classifications for a given set of objects.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Title: "goal the use case is trying to satisfy"[23]:101 Main Success Scenario: numbered list of steps[23]:101 Step: "a simple statement of the interaction between the actor and a system"[23]:101 Extensions: separately numbered lists, one per Extension[23]:101 Extension: "a condition that results in different interactions from .. the main success scenario". An extension from main step 3 is numbered 3a, etc.
Not sure why I find this example so interesting.
Probably because it is a human-readable outline that uses machine-readable (programming language source code) constructs, namely loops/iteration.
The format in which this is written in, then, is itself a kind of (high-level, human-oriented) programming language.
- numbered list of steps [introduces/names the loop/iterator/enumeration being done]
- Step: "a simple statement of the interaction between the actor and a system" [defines the inner part of the loop that gets "executed" once per iteration]
- numbered list of steps [introduces/names the loop/iterator/enumeration being done]
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- Feb 2021
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I'm not a fan of listing exceptions functions can throw, especially here in Python, where it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
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Not only does it help to structure myself,
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They do not maintain a to-do list (mentally or physically).
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I admit, I was a bit cynical -- I mean, how much can what I scribble on the back of a used envelope really change my life?
- Jan 2021
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How can they disclose this? Is it based on email address? Do they have permission?
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Note that you can also use dynamic partials, that conditionally select the partial to render based on the value in the JSON.
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- Oct 2020
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Over 4 million people trust CloudApp
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we update the validation schema on the fly (we had a similar case with a validation that needs to be included whenever some fetch operation was completed)
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
export const validationSchema = { field: { account: [Validators.required.validator, iban.validator, ibanBlackList], name: [Validators.required.validator], integerAmount: [
Able to update this schema on the fly, with:
React.useEffect(() => { getDisabledCountryIBANCollection().then(countries => { const newValidationSchema = { ...validationSchema, field: { ...validationSchema.field, account: [ ...validationSchema.field.account, { validator: countryBlackList, customArgs: { countries, }, }, ], }, }; formValidation.updateValidationSchema(newValidationSchema); }); }, []);
www.basefactor.com www.basefactor.com
What would happen if we get the list from a rest api when the form component is mounted? That's an interesting topic, you can add a rule once a component has been mounted and update the associated validation schema.
Ok, I have seen that there are lot of built-in and third party validations, but sooner or later I will face a validation rule not covered by this buffet. Can I build a custom one? Of course you can!
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
a green satin dress, a black velvet cloak and a white hat with purple feathers,
This description really helped envision the woman because of the order of clothing in closest to the body to the most external. I think it'd be really interesting to see how orders of things affect our understanding/ability to imagine.
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Here are few, real-life commits of refactorings that make use of this solution:
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Diversity has also played a huge role in the new wave of rom-coms
Some examples of diverse romcoms would be : The Matchmaker's List by Sonya Lalli Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal. Pride, Prejudice, And Other Flavors by Sonali Dev (May 2019) Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jalaluddin (June 2019) The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem (July 2019)
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Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher Paperback – Illustrated, March 22, 2011 by Richard P. Feynman
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How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less Kindle Edition by {"isAjaxComplete_B001IGNR0U":"0","isAjaxInProgress_B001IGNR0U":"0"} Cal Newport (Author) › Visit Amazon's Cal Newport Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Cal Newport (Author)
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Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World Hardcover – January 5, 2016 by Cal Newport
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Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 Paperback – Illustrated, February 21, 2012 by {"isAjaxComplete_B000ARDFYQ":"0","isAjaxInProgress_B000ARDFYQ":"0"} Michio Kaku (Author) › Visit Amazon's Michio Kaku Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Michio Kaku (Author)
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Newport is an academic — he makes his primary living teaching computer science at a university, so he already has a built-in network and a self-contained world with clear moves towards achievement.
This is one of the key reasons people look to social media--for the connections and the network they don't have via non-digital means. Most of the people I've seen with large blogs or well-traveled websites have simply done a much better job of connecting and interacting with their audience and personal networks. To a great extent this is because they've built up a large email list to send people content directly. Those people then read their material and comment on their blogs.
This is something the IndieWeb can help people work toward in a better fashion, particularly with better independent functioning feed readers.
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- Sep 2020
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Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
- workarounds
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
- ugly/kludgey
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- Svelte: how to affect child component styles
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- forced to fork/copy and paste library code because it didn't provide enough customizability/extensibility / didn't foresee some specific prop/behavior that needed to be overridable/configurable (explicit interface)
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- forking to add a desired missing feature/change