- Oct 2018
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Motif models for RNA-binding proteins
- Sep 2018
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Classics Book Club
If you are interested in reading Classic books you can join r/ClassicsBookClub on reddit where we will be hosting groups reads and discussions.
- Jun 2018
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
A population genetic interpretation of GWAS findings for human quantitative traits
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-coding RNAs
Queuosine metabolite necessary for DNMT2-induced tRNA modification; salvaged from bacteria of microbiome
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Human local adaptation of the TRPM8 cold receptor along a latitudinal cline
thermosensation: Ferrandiz-Huertas, Membranes (2015); Wang & Siemens, Temperature (2015)
- May 2018
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Vulnerabilities of transcriptome-wide association studies
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Transcriptome-wide association study of schizophrenia and chromatin activity yields mechanistic disease insights
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The Dynamic Landscape of Open Chromatin during Human Cortical Neurogenesis
- Apr 2018
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Recurrent acquisition of cytosine methyltransferases into eukaryotic retrotransposons
- Dec 2017
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
The natural selection of bad science
- Nov 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In silico modeling predicts drug sensitivity of patient-derived cancer cells
www.lrjournal.com www.lrjournal.com
Computational drug treatment simulations on projections of dysregulated protein networks derived from the myelodysplastic mutanome match clinical response in patients
- Oct 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Single-Cell Analysis of Human Pancreas Reveals Transcriptional Signatures of Aging and Somatic Mutation Patterns
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Modified penetrance of coding variants by cis-regulatory variation shapes human traits
- May 2017
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is a grassroots environmental organization that was founded in 1892 by conservationist John Muir. It has influenced environmental thought and policy in the United States since its creation. The Club was established by Muir after he successfully lobbied for the creation of Yosemite National Park with the intentions of extending Yosemite’s borders as well as promote conservation, preservation, and recreation in California. The success of the Sierra Club since then has been immense, and holds over one million members nationwide. Its involvement with the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge includes recurring lobbying to prevent drilling in addition to creating new wilderness regions. Today, the Sierra Club addresses issues such as climate change, renewable energy, urban spaces, environmental justice, and more. Its presence and influence in Washington, D.C. is critical in providing nature a voice.
Lyndgaard, Kyhl. "Sierra Club." In Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2009. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (accessed April 26, 2017).
- Dec 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
endless virtual book club —
To me this is the heart of it, especially in so far as this use case overlaps with the educational/classroom one.
- Nov 2016
tutormentor.blogspot.com tutormentor.blogspot.com
Youth born or living in high poverty have fewer people in the family, neighborhood or school who model the wide range of careers youth might aspire to, or who help kids build study habits and experiences that enable them to "do well in school".
- Sep 2015
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Don Sanders
Sanders was originally a bartender at the Jester club who occasionally did a comedy act. He later became known as a songwriter and storyteller.
- Jun 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
John Muir, a naturalist, writer, and founder of the Sierra Club, invoked the “God of the Mountains” in his defense of the valley in its supposedly pristine condition.
The "Gods of the mountains" line was a piece of Muir's larger metaphor for the holiness of natural places that figured those who would develop them as "temple destroyers." Here's the full quote from Muir's defense of the Hetch Hetchy in his book The Yosemite.:
These temple destroyers, devotees of ravaging commercialism, seem to have a perfect contempt for Nature, and, instead of lifting their eyes to the God of the mountains, lift them to the Almighty Dollar.
Dam Hetch Hetchy! As well dam for water-tanks the people's cathedrals and churches, for no holier temple has ever been consecrated by the heart of man.