603 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. For a long time, the blue flame coming out of a gas burner has evoked cleanliness. That was no accident, but the result of a concerted advertising campaign.

      design gone wrong

  2. Nov 2020
    1. So far, all the grouping we've done is according to the unique values within a column or set of columns (using PARTITION BY). However, you can do even fancier things by making the group relative to each row. In other words, as SQL runs through each row, it will perform a calculation for the surrounding rows. This allows you to do things like get a sum for only the 5 previous rows. Here is a diagram that demonstrates which rows SQL will consider (in purple) when it reaches a given row (in aqua), if we tell it to look at the 5 previous rows:

    1. I’ve asked Mark about the inspiration and, yes, SNCF/Paris Connection, was in there, but he also cited Knizia’s Spectaculum for parts.
    1. If the document is uncontroversial and agreement is reached quickly it might be committed directly with the "accepted" status. Likewise, if the proposal is rejected the status shall be "rejected". When a document is rejected a member of the core team should append a section describing the reasons for rejection.
  3. Oct 2020
    1. This implementation is based upon following sources: JavaScript Debounce Function by David Walsh Lodash implementation
    1. All validators can be used independently. Inspried by functional programming paradigm, all built in validators are just functions.

      I'm glad you can use it independently like:


      because sometimes you don't have a formElement available like in their "main" (?) API examples:

    1. bringing Vue-style reactive stores with data and computed properties into Svelte
    1. This library takes inspiration from Tailwind and utilizes Otion to provide means of efficiently generating atomic styles from shorthand syntax and appending them to the DOM at runtime.
    1. This piece makes a fascinating point about people and interactions. It's the sort of thing that many in the design and IndieWeb communities should read and think about as they work.

      I came to it via an episode of the podcast The Happiness Lab.

    2. Most of the tech news we get barraged with is about algorithms, AI, robots, and self-driving cars, all of which fit this pattern. I am not saying that such developments are not efficient and convenient; this is not a judgment. I am simply noticing a pattern and wondering if, in recognizing that pattern, we might realize that it is only one trajectory of many. There are other possible roads we could be going down, and the one we’re on is not inevitable or the only one; it has been (possibly unconsciously) chosen.
    1. duty of care

      This reminds me of Mike Monteiro's book Ruined by Design from last year which pushes for a code of ethics for designers.



    1. However, if you want to create a backend API that is meant to be consumed only by your frontend, then you don't need REST nor GraphQL — RPC, such as Wildcard, is enough.
    1. The $ contract for auto-sub­scrib­ing is lovely in its sim­plic­ity and flex­i­bil­ity. You can adapt your own preferred state-man­age­ment pattern or library, with or without Svelte stores as helpers. Svelte does not fuss about how you want to manage your state.
  4. Sep 2020
    1. Did you know that you can create a Svelte component and with almost no extra steps distribute- and use it like any classic old Javascript library through a global constructor (let myComponent = new MyComponent())?
    1. “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;(W) 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,(X) for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

      God instructed Adam and Eve to eat whatever they desired, though prohibited them to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In Robin Wall Kimmerer's "Skywoman Falling", she explained how in Indigenous culture, they follow Original Instructions. These "instructions" are not rules but rather guidelines for each person. Kimmerer explains how during Skywoman's time, the first people's understanding of the Original Instructions were to care for the and have respect for hunted animals, value family, and hold respectful ceremonies for their beliefs.

    1. It’s become increasingly common to divide code into components, rather than by file type. React, for example, allows for the collocation of a components markup and JavaScript. In Svelte, this is taken one logical step further: the Javascript, markup and styling for a component can all exist together in a single `.svelte`​ file
    1. For the editor level, we took inspiration from Pine's work in the Vue ecosystem via Vetur.
    1. Extend ActionConfig interface in rfc-extended.d.ts file with new params: import * as RFC from 'react-fetching-library'; declare module 'react-fetching-library' { export interface ActionConfig { // Only new params skipAuth: boolean; params: any; }; }
  5. Aug 2020
    1. But it's easy to imagine that the caption was incorrect for too long because those who know the language, know where the mistake is, and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it.

      those who know the language, know where the mistake is, In other words, they can easily spot the mistake and no better than to repeat it themselves, but either are powerless or too lazy to actually fix it on SE.

      and those who don't, think that it's the correct way to spell it. So those who should no better are inadvertently perpetuating the mistake and teaching others that it is an acceptable/correct usage.

    2. +1 for taking the language back.
    3. Can't upvote this enough. It is highly irritating to see language destroyed (and we wonder why kids bastardize the language..).
  6. Jul 2020
    1. A growing number of platforms, vendors, and partners support the AMP Project by providing custom components or offering integration with AMP pages within their platforms.

      I guess AMP is actually open-source software, but it still feels like it's something non-standard. I guess it's just an alternative open standard to the "main" web open standards.

    1. If you have worked with emails before, the idea of placing a script into an email may set off alarm bells in your head! Rest assured, email providers who support AMP emails enforce fierce security checks that only allow vetted AMP scripts to run in their clients. This enables dynamic and interactive features to run directly in the recipients mailboxes with no security vulnerabilities! Read more about the required markup for AMP Emails here.
  7. Jun 2020
    1. Data that is sent over the network is compressed (optionally) and encrypted (always). When receiving data it must be decrypted and then (if compressed) decompressed.
  8. May 2020
    1. Where we got our inspiration The awesome Travis CI had the great idea to use a .yml file for builds and was followed by the popular CircleCI. We're happy to follow this approach, which we believe is superior than any other.
    1. Services generally fall into two categories: Services related to your own data collection activities (eg. contact forms)Services related to third-party data collection activities (eg. Google Analytics)
    1. Generally, such legislations apply to any service targeting residents of the region, which effectively means that they may apply to your business whether it’s located in the region or not
    2. These rules usually apply to any company selling to EU residents but may vary for international sellers on a case-by-case basis. It is worth noting, however, that in recent cases US courts have chosen to uphold the applicable EU law.
    1. While there are security benefits to disallowing unsigned extensions by default, it is not clear why there is no option to turn off this behavior, perhaps by making it configurable only with administrator rights.
    2. It would be best to offer an official way to allow installing local, unsigned extensions, and make the option configurable only by root, while also showing appropiate warnings about the potential risks of installing unsigned extensions.
    3. If any Firefox engineers are reading this, please don't try to subvert the above workaround, it requires multiple steps and administrator rights to set up, and we must all agree that it is of little sense for Firefox to try defending against unwanted programs or malware that has root access on the device.
    4. They don't have to host the extension on their website, but it's absolutely and utterly unacceptable for them to interfere with me choosing to come to github and install it.
    5. I appreciate the vigilance, but it would be even better to actually publish a technical reasoning for why do you folks believe Firefox is above the device owner, and the root user, and why there should be no possibility through any means and configuration protections to enable users to run their own code in the release version of Firefox.
    6. I appreciate the vigilance, but it would be even better to actually publish a technical reasoning for why do you folks believe Firefox is above the device owner, and the root user, and why there should be no possibility through any means and configuration protections to enable users to run their own code in the release version of Firefox.
    7. We must consider introducing sensible default options in Firefox, while also educating users and allowing them to override certain features, instead of placing marginal security benefits above user liberties and free choice.
  9. Apr 2020
    1. While Web site is still doing well in the U.S., it is all but dead in the U.K. Current Google News searches limited to U.K. publications find only about one instance of Web site (or web site) for every thousand instances of website. The ratio is similar in Australian and New Zealand publications. In Canada, the ratio is somewhere in the middle—about 20 to one in favor of the one-word form.
    2. Exceptions are easily found, however, especially in American sources, where Web site (or web site, without the capital w) appears about once for every six instances of website. This is likely due to the influence of the New York Times, which is notoriously conservative with tech terms. The Times still uses Web site, and many American publications follow suit. Yet even those that often use Web site in their more closely edited sections tend to allow website in their blogs and other web-only sections.
    1. Other languages, German for example, are notorious for very long compunds like this and this, that are made up and written as one word directly. Perhaps the way your native language deals with compounds explains your (or other authors') personal preference and sense of "right"?
    1. At the same time, we need to ensure that no information about other unsafe usernames or passwords leaks in the process, and that brute force guessing is not an option. Password Checkup addresses all of these requirements by using multiple rounds of hashing, k-anonymity, and private set intersection with blinding.
    2. Privacy is at the heart of our design: Your usernames and passwords are incredibly sensitive. We designed Password Checkup with privacy-preserving technologies to never reveal this personal information to Google. We also designed Password Checkup to prevent an attacker from abusing Password Checkup to reveal unsafe usernames and passwords. Finally, all statistics reported by the extension are anonymous. These metrics include the number of lookups that surface an unsafe credential, whether an alert leads to a password change, and the web domain involved for improving site compatibility.
    1. there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
    2. The more easily relabeled of the two uses of the term "hacker" is the malicious security cracker: it is not only the more recent phenomenon to acquire that label, but also the one whose meaning is most easily evoked by an alternative term. This is why, when you read an article of mine that talks about malicious security crackers, I use the term "malicious security cracker"
    1. I'm not your personal lookup service And finally, for everyone who contacts me privately and says "but could you just look up my own password", please understand that you're one of many people who ask this. I try and reply to everyone who asks and politely refer them to my previous writing on the subject, but even then, all the time I spend replying to these requests is time I can't spend building out the service, adding more data, earning a living doing other things or spending time with my family. For the last 3 and a half years that I've run HIBP, I've kept all the same features free and highly available as a community service. I want to keep it that way but I have to carefully manage my time in order to do that so in addition to all the reasons already stated above, no, I'm not your personal lookup service.
    1. Delayed primary closure, or healing by tertiary intention, represents a combination of the first two, consisting of the placement of sutures, allowing the wound to stay open for a few days, and the subsequent closure of the sutures
    2. Surgical wounds can heal in several ways. An incised wound that is clean and closed by sutures is said to heal by primary intention
    3. Often, because of bacterial contamination or tissue loss, a wound will be left open to heal by granulation tissue formation and contraction; this constitutes healing by secondary intention
    4. Fibroblasts stimulated by growth factors can produce type I collagen and glycosaminoglycans (e.g., chondroitin sulfates), which adhere to the wound surface to permit epithelial cell migration, as well as adhesive ligands (e.g., the matrix protein fibronectin), which promote cell adhesion.
    1. Then the programmer(s) will go over the scenarios, refining the steps for clarification and increased testability. The result is then reviewed by the domain expert to ensure the intent has not been compromised by the programmers’ reworking.
    1. Enable Frictionless Collaboration CucumberStudio empowers the whole team to read and refine executable specifications without needing technical tools. Business and technology teams can collaborate on acceptance criteria and bridge their gap.
  10. Mar 2020
    1. it would appear impossible to require a publisher to provide information on and obtain consent for the installation of cookies on his own website also with regard to those installed by “third parties**”
    2. Our solution goes a bit further than this by pointing to the browser options, third-party tools and by linking to the third party providers, who are ultimately responsible for managing the opt-out for their own tracking tools.
    3. You are also not required to manage consent for third-party cookies directly on your site/app as this responsibility falls to the individual third-parties. You are, however, required to at least facilitate the process by linking to the relevant policies of these third-parties.
    4. the publisher would be required to check, from time to time, that what is declared by the third parties corresponds to the purposes they are actually aiming at via their cookies. This is a daunting task because a publisher often has no direct contacts with all the third parties installing cookies via his website, nor does he/she know the logic underlying the respective processing.
    1. Decision point #2 – Do you send any data to third parties, directly or inadvertently? <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10174" src="https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart.png" alt="GDPR cookie consent flowchart" width="1451" height="601" srcset="https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart.png 1451w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-300x124.png 300w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-981x406.png 981w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-761x315.png 761w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-611x253.png 611w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-386x160.png 386w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-283x117.png 283w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-600x249.png 600w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-1024x424.png 1024w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-50x21.png 50w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-250x104.png 250w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-241x100.png 241w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-400x166.png 400w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-350x145.png 350w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-840x348.png 840w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-860x356.png 860w, https://www.jeffalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/7deb832d95678dc21cc23208d76f4144_Flowchart-1030x427.png 1030w" sizes="(max-width: 1451px) 100vw, 1451px" /> Remember, inadvertently transmitting data to third parties can occur through the plugins you use on your website. You don't necessarily have to be doing this proactively. If the answer is “Yes,” then to comply with GDPR, you should use a cookie consent popup.
    1. For several reasons the Simple backend shipped with Active Support only does the "simplest thing that could possibly work" for Ruby on Rails3 ... which means that it is only guaranteed to work for English and, as a side effect, languages that are very similar to English. Also, the simple backend is only capable of reading translations but cannot dynamically store them to any format.That does not mean you're stuck with these limitations, though. The Ruby I18n gem makes it very easy to exchange the Simple backend implementation with something else that fits better for your needs, by passing a backend instance to the I18n.backend= setter.
    1. Used By

      I like how they have indexed their core code base so they can show in both directions:

      • which other core functions a function uses
      • which other core functions use this function (references)
  11. Feb 2020
    1. We Open Source and actively participate in various OSS programs such as Google Summer of Code(GSoC), Rails Girls Summer of Code (RGSoC), Outreachy and Google Code-In (GCI).
  12. Jan 2020
  13. Dec 2019
    1. There are thousands of to-do list apps out there, in part because no system works perfectly for everyone. I’m not going to say todo.txt is the exception, and that it will work for everyone, because that would be crazy. But todo.txt is the most flexible tool I’ve come across. In part, this is because of the sheer number of clients available, but also because the simplicity lends itself to improvisation.

      First time I've seen improvisation used like this.

  14. burnsoftware.wordpress.com burnsoftware.wordpress.com
    1. Files are sorted by moving them all into a folder with today’s date, and you can organize these folders by day, week, or month.
    1. The tools are free... ... but support is not. I'm always happy to receive reports of errors or unclear spots in my Tips or tools, but they don't generally include free support. To the extent that you're operating outside your comfort zone, please retain professional advice from either iSystems Technical support, or from an experienced Evolution consultant. I'm available on an hourly basis, or with retainer plans that provided prioritized responses and reduced hourly rates.
    1. In a nutshell, the King's Keys deck started as an experiment to see what card games would be like if you rebuilt playing cards from the ground up. Instead of using ranks and suits, each card has a number (from one to four), one of four items, and one of four colors. The result is what I call a 4x4x4 deck where 64 playing cards each have a unique combination of these three parts.
    1. Arguably, the rails-team's choice of raising ArgumentError instead of validation error is correct in the sense that we have full control over what options a user can select from a radio buttons group, or can select over a select field, so if a programmer happens to add a new radio button that has a typo for its value, then it is good to raise an error as it is an application error, and not a user error. However, for APIs, this will not work because we do not have any control anymore on what values get sent to the server.
    1. Unfortunately, it also gets the other properties, including bringing down the whole system when it crashes. This matters because systemd is complex
  15. Nov 2019
    1. We hope that this approach will bring us the best of worlds - the ability to have a commercially sustainable product, with high quality - as well as giving back to the open source communities by having our work eventually end up in the open, and ensuring that external contributions are always open source.
    2. Because of the support we've received from open source communities, we've decided to dual-license the code after 18 months

      Interesting licensing solution/choice...

    3. Onivim 2 is a reimagination of the Oni editor. Onivim 2 aims to bring the speed of Sublime, the language integration of VSCode, and the modal editing experience of Vim together, in a single package.
  16. Oct 2019
    1. If I had more time, I would have explored an API close to https://sancho-ui.com/components/combobox and https://ui.reach.tech/combobox/.
    1. Sancho originally started as a fork of Evergreen but has since evolved to incorporate my favourite ideas from Bootstrap and Material-UI. We make substantial use of Reach-UI where possible to ensure proper accessibility. This project is obviously hugely indebted to all of these projects.
    1. The annual festival, which takes place this Saturday, has grown to become one of the city's largest events, attracting about 100,000 people to the streets of Eastwood. Organisers say it is second only to the Royal Easter Show.

      Oooh yeah, so big that if a self-serving politician didn't convince you to regurgitate this story (to divert attention from a historical failure) the best coverage it could have enjoyed in the SMH would have been a reference in one of your crossword puzzle! In the end Granny Smith got some great free publicity, and the narcissistic politician who made sure you (and your readers) missed half the story, would be happy you saved them from being reminded about another of their many failed campaigns.

    1. Robert Sedlack, my professor for Visual Communication Design I (who also happened to be my advisor and the driving reason why I decided to join the design program) banned two phrases during critiques in his class: “I like” and “I don’t like.”
  17. Sep 2019
    1. For a more modern alternative to ngReact, we recommend react2angular, angular2react, and ngimport.
  18. Aug 2019
    1. Demonstrates how label text will wrap at a point that appears to narrow when shrunk (the label can't even be as wide as the input it is labeling!), and how to work around this problem by adding styles:

        '& label': {
          whiteSpace: 'nowrap'

      Of course, you would only want to do this if you are going to only be showing the label in shrunk state (which I think is safe to say is the case for date picker inputs), since it would look bad to actually have text overflowing outside of the input box. But if it's in "shrink" state, then it's actually above the input, so as long as there isn't another input/label directly to the right, and/or as long as we adjust the width so the right side of the label mostly lines up with the right side of the input, then I think we should be safe.


      The input label "shrink" state isn't always correct. The input label is supposed to shrink as soon as the input is displaying something. In some circumstances, we can't determine the "shrink" state (number input, datetime input, Stripe input). You might notice an overlap.

      To workaround the issue, you can force the "shrink" state of the label.

      You need to make sure that the input is larger than the label to display correctly.

  19. May 2019
    1. It’s a more Eastern idea that suffering is part of life.

      Note to self: try to find some good citation/literature on this

  20. Apr 2019
  21. Mar 2019
    1. This is a description of the form of backward design referred to as Understanding by Design. In its simplest form, this is a three step process in which instructional designers first specify desired outcomes and acceptable evidence before specifying learning activities. This presentation may be a little boring to read as it is text-heavy and black and white, but those same attributes make it printer friendly. rating 3/5

  22. Feb 2019
  23. Dec 2018
    1. my proceedings in my days

      The Egyptian Book of the Dead as it is most commonly called today was and is also known as the Book of Breathings or the Book of Coming Forth by Day. In this last title it is strongly implied that, besides being a funerary text the book should be understood and read as a type of dreaming journal too. This very aptly applies to what we are reading here with regards Lehi's writings of the "many things" which he saw in "visions and dreams" and which he "prophesied and spake" (breathings) unto his children.

      The combination of "learning of the Jews" with "language of the Egyptians" should be kept in mind throughout a reading of the BOM and will be especially plain at certain parts.

    1. It’s about doing the one little thing you can do, even if it’s useless: planting seeds in the midst of the apocalypse, spitting on a wildfire, bailing out the ocean with a bucket. Individual action is almost always pointless.

      I believe there are things which can be easily classified as "useless" and have absolutely no impact on the end result (see: a single vote in a normal election)

      On the other hand, there are things which do make a small contribution to the end result, even if it's very little. I don't like to call these "useless" because they do have an impact. These should be done even if the individual result is invisible.

      The examples shown here belong to the second category.

  24. Oct 2018
    1. Consequently, the SA condition does not apply to your contributions to modified works including these kinds of changes.

      Examples would really help. I can't imagine a scenario where anyone would care about this. As was pointed out in the comments, making minor corrections to a CC BY-SA work would not enable anyone to reshare that entire work with corrections under a new license. So the case here is if someone wanted to share minor corrections to a work independently of the work itself and license those minor corrections differently? For example: Here are my typo corrections to a published work, outside of the context of that published work? Example please...

    2. In other words, the CC licenses (all of which include the BY condition) enable the creator of a work to prohibit you from attributing them. However, except in the extremely rare cases where the creator explicitly prohibits you from attributing them, you are always required to attribute the creator of a work shared under a CC BY license.

      Except for the semi-famous case of the open resources collected in lardbucket, how often does this example appear in the wild?

  25. Sep 2018
    1. Snapchat says it reaches 28.5 to 30 million 18-24 year old users in the U.S. According to a recent survey of Instagram users, approximately 32 percent of its 1 billion-strong user base is 18-24.

      Snapchat reaches around 30 million 18-24 year old users; important ages that are more recently able to vote and take political action. Instagram and snapchat are most popular amongst younger users.

    1. To add to "More scholarship about CC licenses" and to support unit 4.1: Bishop, Carrie. “Creative Commons and Open Access Initiatives: How to Stay Sane and Influence People.” Art Libraries Journal 40.4 (2015): 8–12. Web.

      Bishop presents a cheerful exploration of the Tate’s mammoth enterprise to digitize and release into the public Web 52,000 works of art, many of which are still under copyright. Commonly, galleries and museums would like to broaden exposure to the artwork in their collections, but when artists or their descendants are still actively monitoring use and income, there can be a barrier between connecting the public with the art work and the needs of the artistic community. Bishop describes the Tate’s desire to license the newly digitized images under a Creative Commons license to provide clear guidelines to the public, but at the same time to respond to the fears, hopes, and wishes of their artists. The Tate decided that it could best realize its goal to "democratize access" and to connect the public with British artists through applying the CC-BY-NC-ND license—both making the images available and quelling the concerns of the artists or their estate managing family members. The article provides an interesting perspective to the discussion of “open culture” or “free culture.” Some of this freedom may come about in incremental doses. The CC license might make it possible to allow an artist to connect their work with a larger public, at the same time that it makes them confident that their work won’t be misused or appropriated in an undesired manner. Aart museums seem to have a difficult relationship with open access and Creative Commons licensing. The Getty, for instance, has a fairly complicated statement of terms that make murky all that CC transparency, so there is viewing the material and then there is repurposing the material. The result is that a slow, measured pace, while nurturing the artist along, may be the way to ultimately make CC and Open Access a norm rather than an exception.

    1. Gulley, Nicola. “Creative Commons: Challenges and Solutions for Researchers; a Publisher’s Perspective of Copyright in an Open Access Environment.” Insights: the UKSG journal 26.2 (2013): 168–173. Web. Unit 3.2 (New Article)

      Gulley, Nicola. “Creative Commons: Challenges and Solutions for Researchers; a Publisher’s Perspective of Copyright in an Open Access Environment.” Insights: the UKSG journal 26.2 (2013): 168–173. Web. Gulley, a publisher with Institute of Physics (IOP) sets out to describe and clarify the CC BY license for researchers who may be wary of making use of it for their own work. The Research Councils UK currently require APC funded OA articles to be made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license . This license is also favored by the UK’s Wellcome Trust).

      Although this is a 2013 article, Gulley’s overview of the six licenses is still largely valid. The benefits she sites include clarity for the user, the ability to build on past research—the primary need for scientists and providing a nearly internationally applicable standard (something that has only improved since she wrote her article). Gulley cites that authors have expressed concern over maintaining control of their work over time and against derivative uses, maintaining the integrity and context of their work, and the compatibility as CC licenses are combined into a single work.

      Gulley explains in detail the more weedy aspects of CC-BY licensing, and how to address some of the concerns she mentioned in line with established Creative Commons policy. In fact, IOP has adopted CC BY licensing for its publications (presumably for their openly accessible content) because the opportunities for sharing outweigh any negative effects.

  26. Jul 2018
    1. “I support a social transition for a kid who is in distress and needs to live in a different way. And I do so because I am very focused on what the child needs at that time,” said Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the largest transgender youth clinic in the United States with some 750 patients. A social transition to the other gender helps children learn, make friends, and participate in family activities. Some will decide later they are not transgender, but Olson-Kennedy says the potential harm in such cases may be overstated.

      This is one of the major problems in how so many approach this whole issue weather as a topic or in deciding a course of action for their own child. Furthermore the possibility of that happiness now rests on either on secrecy and passing or as is more often the case today it rests on the cooperation and orchestration of a comprehensive enough segment of the total people with whom your child is interacting to support this transition. What if we did that for gay kids. How much different would things be if tital 9 applied to all gender nonconforming kids even those who identified as gay? What if 12 states didn't have laws against speaking positively about gay as an identity in schools. What if parents where expected to do the work to insure that a self identified gay student was provided a social network for similarly identified adults and young people. And for just about any teen how might life be different emotionally speaking if we had been chemically castrated during our teen years. What if gay kids had the same wealth of support materials - public discourse etc. The reaason they don't is because we can not deal with their difference and we can not deal with it being about their sexual desire because we are unnerved by a the fact that children can identify and feel and act on sexual interests at a very young age. Gay kids know this and that is a big hurdle to comming out. I wished so much to have a boyfirend then I felt I could come out because it wouldn't mean telling my parents that I think about boys in a sexual way but I love this boy and won't deny him to anyone. No sad to say as was noted when oposition was initially raised amoung APA members over the introduction of GID to the DSM when they stated that it may just be that gay is a normal healthy worthy course of human development that as part of that process involves being in some way emotionally maimed by which they meant that there are certain painfull encounters with being different than ones own parents and most people in your community that gay people by dfinitioon must edure and untill society changes being gay is known to be a bad undesirable thing by children at a tremendously young age. So to be and develop as a person who is homosexual is not going to happen without certain paiuns and obsticles that others can easily avoid and mostly do.

  27. Jun 2018
  28. May 2018
    1. War in the east, War in the west, War up north, War down south – War – war –

      This quote, want you pay attention to how there is war going on and focus basic on only war.

    2. Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, But never attained –

      I feel as you can imagine go back in time feel every emotion as you read this quote.

  29. Nov 2017
    1. The selection committee declares that whatever LMS the university chooses next must work exactly like Blackboard and exactly like Moodle while having all the features of Canvas. Oh, and it must be "innovative" and "next-generation" too, because we're sick of LMSs that all look and work the same.
  30. Oct 2017
  31. Jul 2017
  32. Jun 2017
    1. I use backwards de-sign to develop our lesson plans: What do we want our students to write, and why? What skills are required, and how do students acquire those skills (Wiggins and McTighe 34)?

      McTighe's UbD advice to "think big, start small, and go for an early win" is helpful here (and whenever trying new approaches to teaching): https://youtu.be/d8F1SnWaIfE?t=3m40s

  33. Mar 2017
    1. The central idea of DbC is a metaphor on how elements of a software system collaborate with each other on the basis of mutual obligations and benefits.

      Offer, acceptance, mutual consideration: CONTRACT!

    1. project-based learning (PBL), game-based learning (GBL), Understanding by Design (UbD), or authentic literacy, find an effective model to institute in your classroom

      Project based learning Game based learning Understanding by design

  34. Feb 2017
  35. Aug 2016
  36. Jul 2016
  37. Feb 2016
  38. Oct 2015
    1. They succeed in doing so largely because the states underwhich they operate are the “soft-states,” in that despite their oftenauthoritarian disposition and political omnipresence, they lack the nec-essary capacity, the hegemony and technological efficacy, to impose full

      control over society."

      It's the people that push the boundaries who find out just how strong/weak they really are. It is more about the atmosphere of a disciplinary society aided by the people's fear that's being enacted throughout societies instead of actual and legitimate control.

    1. namic languages such as JavaScript are more difficult to com-pile than statically typed ones. Since no concrete type informationis available, traditional compilers need to emit generic code that canhandle all possible type combinations at runtime. We present an al-ternative compilation technique for dynamically-typ

      first comment!

  39. Sep 2015
    1. to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world, for the truth of which we pledge a faith yet unsullied by falsehood.

      The Declaration of Independence impacted the United States in more ways than one, Jefferson makes clear when he states "to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world;" he is referring to the reign of the King of Great Britain who has brought injuries and tyranny over the states. He wants his people to realize the corruption and wrongdoings that the king has caused. Jefferson is essentially saying that people should be uncorrupt in this new world and man should strive to preserve the pureness of this country keeping it from falsehood and injustice. It sparked my attention when I came across a newspaper titled "The North Briton" written by J. Wilkes and others which contained very similar diction and ideals of society during that time period. Wilkes is criticizing King George III for his speech in favor of the Treaty of Paris ending the Seven Year’s War; he states “Articles 15 is for having corrupted the sacred fountain of truth and put falsehoods into the mouth of Majesty, in several speeches made in parliament.” Wilkes is trying to uncover the king’s corruption and bring to light that he is lying to his people which ties closely to Jefferson’s actions and morals of being uncorrupt. Most people carried similar beliefs in the United States during the 18th century, it is very possible that the Wilkes could have been from Jefferson's era carrying the same ideals and values as him due to similar style of writing, choice of diction, and beliefs.