- Feb 2019
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I actually wasn't aware of the psychological associations with "histrionics." Being a nerd who watches commentaries for animated films, histrionics is often a term used to describe an animator's bad habit of constantly making the model move. You'll see this a lot in traditionally animated films, where motions are exaggerated -- it's typically done because our eye reads a non-moving animated character as flat and lifeless. I know gestures were a key part of classical rhetoric, so is this what Hume is advocating for here, an increased focus on the rhetoric of physicality?
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dry truth and real knowledge,
Well, Locke, when you call it "dry truth and real knowledge," is it any surprise "wit and fancy" win out?
- Jan 2019
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an effectively hack rhetorical studies. T
Like the idea of hacking rhetorical studies!
n short, it may very well be the case that the rhetoricaltriangle is about as useful as a joystick in eXistenZ—in other words, it mayoffer us the sense that we are in control of the game, but we will miss outon all the action as a result
This is going back to the typical "problem" of not being able to define rhetoric. On one hand, it seems like we have a handle on what rhetoric can be(triangle, joystick), but if we want to stick to that one solid definition, we will miss out on everything else it can be/not be/do/try to do, etc.
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My aim is to contribute to effortsto sharpen the theoretical tool of performativity for science studies andfeminist and queer theory endeavors alike, and to promote their mutualconsideratio
Summary: Social constructivist theories of knowledge aren't helpful because they get caught up in bouncing ideas around. Performative theories are better and ought to be considered, because they are practice-focused. Barad is offering them for consideration.
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‘supra-disciplinary’ character.
Rhetoric, too, is a supra-disciplinary field, to the extent that it's sometimes mistaken as not even having a 'subject' (re: the protest that you can't teach writing until students have enough of a subject to write about under their belts first).
These in-between state
This is the "problematic" gray area that I try to revel in, in regards to rhetoric.
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stemming from increased sociomaterial complexity, performed via plaques, beads, andspatial arrangements; and rhetoric as performed through mysterious cave rituals,
A broad definition of rhetoric is effective or persuasive communication. This really piqued my interest- I always thought of rhetoric as written or spoken words and never gave much thought to how it might take physical manifestations, and what differences the medium makes.
ater developments build on this.
development of rhetoric
material forms.
Placing rhetorics in a realm beyond the typical verbal/written/oral/aural.
rhetoric drink
I like the idea of rhetoric drinking things
I will complicate both narratives, showing that each depends on earlier devel-opments.
classic scholarly move -- I'm appreciating the repeated use of the personal "I" through here. I've noticed (both here and in Paul's class) that scholars of rhetoric seem more amenable to personal insertion into academic writing.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
For rhetorical theory now, language is ulways persuasive in intent, always imbued with elhics and ideology
Many of the first textbooks on rhetoric showed pages and pages of diagrams like these ^, of ways to position every part of your body during each of the 5 steps. There are even pages that teach the proper way for women to stand (assumedly to watch the delivery).
The claim here that "the rhetorical occasion always includes an audience" seems challenged by Rickert, who argues for a rhetorical situation involving an isolated shaman painter in a dark cave.
Commonly referred to as "disposition."
Rhetoric has a number of overlapping meanings
Connecting to Rickert's claim involving the interwoven/entangled notion of culture in terms of rhetoric.
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For clearly it applies not only to rhetoric, but to all teachmgof tne arts and letters, to everything we call the humanities.
Why don't we ask this question in STEM? If rhetoric is applicable in every sphere, then surely there must be something worth examining on that level. Could this have to do with the different ways in which we approach epistemology in STEM versus the humanities, or is there something more to this lack of discourse?
The good kind is used in good causes, the bad kind in bad causes
So, do we define the rhetoric as it is situated within a "good" or "bad" cause? Could the same rhetoric be used in both contexts and therefore be characterized as "good" in once case but "bad" in the other?
The We Defense argues that there are two kinds of rhetoric, good and bad. The good kind is used in good causes, the bad kind in bad causes. Our kind is the good kind; the bad kindjs used by our opponents
Is Lanham suggesting that the "Weak Defense" argues that rhetoricians have an "us" vs. "them" mentality?
Philosophy and rhetoric, taken as the two great opposites of the Western cultural conversation, can be harmonized
When thinking of music, it often occurs that the paring of two chords that do not traditionally create harmony (philosophy and rhetoric) may create beautiful sounds through dissonance.
people working at Apple
read: the executives and high-salary concept engineers "found that it engaged far more of the human personality than the highly ritualized and spiritualized competitive atmosphere at Pepsi" -- let's not forget that Pepsi and Apple are both hugely successful businesses that profit from low-wage labor; whether they're "second wave" or "third wave," the economic outcome is the same: a product consumed by millions of people. I take Lanham's point that the latter emphasizes form in relation to content and flexibility over rigidity, which (debatably) produces a better product (though I agree that a curriculum founded on these principles can produce a better student), but I question the utility in the corporate analogy here. What makes an Apple-flavored student superior to a Pepsi-flavored one? If we accept Lanham's metaphor, aren't both companies successful? Probably splitting more hairs here, but I'm always wary when we start using economic language to describe aspects of life not explicitly related to the market. To his credit Lanham prefaces this paragraph with a nod to not "sentimentalizing the life of a volatile corporation."
the calcu-lation of uses and applications that might be made of the vastly increased available means in order to devise new ends and to elimi-nate oppositions and segregations based on past competitions for scarce means. (24)
Does this sound like Mark Zuckerberg's idealism before it devolved into a data-mining project in the service of neoliberal economics?
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since its purpose is neither resolution nor stasis but continuing process.
Rhetoric, like the story of the carrier bag, like women's work...never finished, done, complete.
home being another, larger kind of pouch or bag, a con-tainer for people, and then later on you take it out and eat it or share it or store it up for winter in a solider container or put it in the medicine bundle or the shrine or the museum, the holy place, the area that contains what is sacred,
These places, these larger containers, have their own purposes and functions, and, according to Rickert's Ambient Rhetoric, they also have a rhetoric of their own. They speak to us in various ways. For Le Guin, these containers speak of her status as human, enable her to feel part of humankind.
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an opening of alterity
Relates back to my earlier notion of the freedom that comes with not being definitely defined (or boxed in).
when this question is put to us, it's entirely understandable that we mighthesitate. Maybe we aren't quite sure which idiom is offering us the question (isthe question curious or obligatory, dismissive or confused?). Or maybe we justhaven't come up with an answer that is pithy enough yet
I have been asked by numerous audiences, "what exactly is rhetoric?" They understand the composition part of my studies, but are perplexed by my inability to explain/define the rhetoric portion. The fact that I can't nail down a definition doesn't make me uncomfortable like it does some. Most definitions I end up giving are to wordy for most... so they stop asking.
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
song of the suffrage siren!
Alliteration. See also "female franchise." I wonder if you could scan the first three sentences: "Men of the South Heed not the song of the suffrage siren Seal your ears against her vocal wiles"
- Oct 2018
blogs.baruch.cuny.edu blogs.baruch.cuny.edu
for everyone thinks the laws ought torequire this, and some even adopt the practice and forbid speakingoutside the subject, as in the Areopagus too,14rightly so providing;for it is wrong to warp the jury by leading them into anger or envy or
Is it wrong to warp the jury by leading them to anger or envy if the cause is just?
Thus, one who is going to give advice on finances should knowwhat and how extensive are the revenues of the city, so that if anyhave been left out they may be added and if any are rather small theymay be increased; and all the expenses of the city as well
Not only does this have to do with deliberation but also ethos. If you want to give advice on finances in order to have a good conversation you must be knowledgeable. Deliberation has to do with choices.
he deliberative speaker[the end] is the advantageous [sympheron]83and the harmful (forsomeone urging something advises it as the better course and one dis-suading dissuades on the ground that it is worse), and he includesother factors as incidental: whether it is just or unjust, or honorable ordisgraceful; for those speaking in the law courts [the end] is the just[dikaion] and the unjust, and they make other considerations inciden-tal to these; for those praising and blaming [the end] is the honorable[kalon] and the shameful,
Past tense speech is always looking for the blame and to discover what happened.
Aristotle’s concept of epideictic is the most problematic of the speciesand it has remained a problem in rhetorical theory, since it becomes the category for all forms of discourse that are not specifically deliberative orjudicial.
Species then refer to the different tenses of debate. Future, present, and past and their roles in discussion.
It seems likelythat Aristotle taught rhetoric to the young Alexander, and if so, whathe would have taught him were practical skills in public speaking andan ability to evaluate speeches by others who came before him, withwarnings about the moral dangers inherent in rhetoric.
The implications of rhetoric used in the wrong way are devastating. An example is Nazi Germany which became so powerful because of rhetoric. Rhetoric is deeply powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands.
Logic and dialectic belong in that class. Aristotelian scholars of late antiquity and the Middle Ages regarded rhetoric as one of thesemethods or tools, largely on the basis of what is said in On Rhetoric
Rhetoric involves every discipline.
- Sep 2018
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
He uses the ABA's rating in his big, famous rant at the BK hearings for the USC, though, right?
www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu
Although the Phaedrus also criticizes the rhetoric of the day,4 it explains what an art of rhetoric would be: the speech of the true rhetorician is based on knowledge of the soul and its different forms and of the kinds of speeches appropriate to eac
Plato's version of rhetoric
e. Rhetoric is the counterpart of cookery, Socrates says, for just as cookery provides pleasure for the body with no regard for what truly benefits it, rhetoric gratifies the soul without considering its good. Consequently, rhetoric is ignoble flattery rather than art, both because it aims at the pleasant and also because it cannot give a rational account of its own activity.
Rhetoric as bad.
He wants to learn, in other words, how to "make the weaker argument the stronger" (Clouds, 112-115
Rhetoric as slick
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deliberative, forensic, and epideictic.
The Greek epideictic means "fit for display." Thus, this branch of oratory is sometimes called "ceremonial" or "demonstrative" oratory. Epideictic oratory was oriented to public occasions calling for speech or writing in the here and now. Funeral orations are a typical example of epideictic oratory. The ends of epideictic included praise or blame, and thus the long history of encomia and invectives, in their various manifestations, can be understood in the tradition of epideictic oratory. Aristotle assigned "virtue (the noble)" and "vice (the base)" as those special topics of invention that pertained to epideictic oratory.
Epideictic oratory was trained for in rhetorical pedagogy by way of progymnasmata exercises including the encomium and the vituperation.
Sample Rhetorical Analysis: EPIDEICTIC ORATORY
We can understand the dedicatory prefaces to early books and manuscripts as a species of epideictic oratory. Given the system of patronage that for so long made publication possible, one can understand the sometimes long-winded flattery of dedicatory epistles and prefaces. To praise a patron was to effect the possibility of obtaining sponsorship. One Renaissance entrepreneur inserted some 30 different dedicatory epistles into the front of different copies of his work, attempting to hedge his chances that this epideictic oratory would move at least one of his potential patrons, to whom he presented the copy.
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Rhetoric then may be defined as the faculty of discovering the possible means of persuasion in reference to any subject whatever
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Sometimes called "forensic" oratory, judical oratory originally had to do exclusively with the law courts and was oriented around the purposes of defending or accusing. The judicial orator made arguments about past events, and did so with respect to the two special topics of invention described by Aristotle as appropriate for this branch of oratory, the just and the injust (or the right and the wrong).
Sample Rhetorical Analysis: JUDICIAL ORATORY In his famous speeches against Catiline, Cicero blatantly and forcefully accused Catiline of forming a conspiracy that would undermine republican Rome. Although speaking to the senate, he might as well have been speaking in a legal court, for he employed the methods and topics of judicial oratory, as though he were the prosecutor and Catiline the hapless defendant. Although Cicero lacked the solid evidence we would expect in today's courtroom, his dynamic summoning of witnesses (including the personified Rome herself!) secured popular sentiment against Catiline, and the conspirator fled the city.
More info here.
- The informal method of reasoning typical of rhetorical discourse. The enthymeme is sometimes defined as a "truncated syllogism" since either the major or minor premise found in that more formal method of reasoning is left implied. The enthymeme typically occurs as a conclusion coupled with a reason. When several enthymemes are linked together, this becomes sorites.
We cannot trust this man, for he has perjured himself in the past. In this enthymeme, the major premise of the complete syllogism is missing:
Those who perjure themselves cannot be trusted. (Major premise - omitted) This man has perjured himself in the past. (Minor premise - stated) This man is not to be trusted. (Conclusion - stated) 2.
A figure of speech which bases a conclusion on the truth of its contrary. Example
If to be foolish is evil, then it is virtuous to be wise. This also an example of chiasmus
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Perhaps epideictic rhetoric isbest regarded as any discourse that does not aim at a speciÆc action but isintended to inØuence the values and beliefs of the audience.
Epideictic rhetoric
- Aug 2018
www.politico.com www.politico.com
In other words, Trump picked this fight—obviously poltical—because he thinks he can win it, that it works for him.
Local file Local file
What is surprising, and what I seek to show, is how in its exposure ofpersuasive language’s power to sway, mislead, theatricalize, distract, anddelight, rhetorical discourse reveals unexpected (if often explicitly dis-avowed) points of resemblance between the reason and honorableauthority of free citizen men and the confusion and abjection that issupposed to be everyone else’s lot.
Rhetorical Complexity: Pathos
If philosophy maybe “divided into three branches, natural philosophy, dialectic, andethics,” Cicero declares in his dialogue de Oratore (On the Orator), “letus relinquish the first two,” but, he continues, rhetoric must lay claim toethics, “which has always been the property of the orator; . . . this area,concerning human life and customs, he must master” (1.68).
I treat rhetoric, especially the work ofCicero, as an extended engagement with the ideals and demands ofrepublican citizenship.
Rhetoric and Citizenship
At the very same time, I go back to being completely convinced that these were legitimate I.D.F. special forces soldiers that had trained with these techniques or had actually used them.
The way it was explained to me is that there was a group of Israeli special forces soldiers that were going around the United States shooting a show for Israeli television about terrorism and how Americans defend themselves.
Rhetorical Authority.
- Jul 2018
www.enculturation.net www.enculturation.net
Unlike the movement of the body, in scholarship we can—and often do—look at one piece of a system of communication without seeing its relationship to others.
But is that a good thing, to decontextualize?
as a force which connects us to the universe, and as a force which allows our body to make meaning from this connection. What we can understand from such a connection includes the distinction between our self and other selves, or our self and the rest of the world, but also, importantly, our relationship to the world, to other bodies in the world
embodiment as Identity formation:
Embodied rhetoric
- May 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“It’s going to be a matter of time before someone resynthesizes smallpox,” Mr. Gandall said.
There are many reasons as to why a tube could be labelled "do not use". It could be that this was a primer that was incorrectly ordered. It could be that upon later validation this reagent it did not meet the criteria required to continue to the next stage of experimentation. It could be that it is suspected that this tube contains some chemical which disturbed a downstream process. All these reasons are quite innocuous. It reveals the eye of the photographer who is presumably curious as to this seeming contradiction in meaning: a carefully curated scientific sample labelled into uselessness.
However, I feel that this quote juxtaposed against this innocuous image ignites the imagination down more sinister paths. Now the shaky hand which drew this label is more intimidating and the questions evoked in the mind concern dangerous side experiments. It works with the tone of this piece to caution the public, but I lament sense of wonder in which the picture without the caption evokes.
- Feb 2018
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
“It’s part of our increasing tendency to value the conversation and the everyday over the experts and the formal,” she said.
- Jan 2018
presidentialrhetoric.com presidentialrhetoric.com
Our fellow citizens, too, who in proportion to their love of liberty keep a steady eye upon the means of sustaining it, do not require to be reminded of the duty they owe to themselves to remedy all essential defects in so vital a part of their system. While they are sensible that every evil attendant upon its operation is not necessarily indicative of a bad organization, but may proceed from temporary causes, yet the habitual presence, or even a single instance, of evils which can be clearly traced to an organic defect will not, I trust, be over-looked through a too scrupulous veneration for the work of their ancestors. The Constitution was an experiment committed to the virtue and intelligence of the great mass of our country-men, in whose ranks the framers of it themselves were to perform the part of patriotic observation and scrutiny, and if they have passed from the stage of existence with an increased confidence in its general adaptation to our condition we should learn from authority so high the duty of fortifying the points in it which time proves to be exposed rather than be deterred from approaching them by the suggestions of fear or the dictates of misplaced reverence.
Jackson's argument for amending the Constitution. What's important to him (or anyone): the end goal (in this case, changing the VP election law) or the supporting logic (the Founders understood their imperfection and so provided ways to rectify structural problems).
- Oct 2017
Guidance, which is fundamentally just praise and criticism, is usually called “feedback,” but feedback is screechy and makes us want to put our hands over our ears.
So we shift from the language of cybernetics to one with a more human connotation. Guidance evokes the mentor/master who leads the pupil.
Along the way, she managed a lot of teams in various states of euphoria and panic. And while she did a lot right, she’d be the first to admit everything she did wrong.The good news is that Scott, now an acclaimed advisor for companies like Twitter, Shyp, Rolltape, and Qualtrics, has spent years distilling her experiences into some simple ideas you can use to help the people who work for you love their jobs and do great work.
Establishing the ethos based authority of Kim: she has worked in the big tech firms of Google and Apple where she made mistakes and now she dispenses valuable advice to other tech companies.
Should we believe that these companies are icons of successful HR?
Certainly Google positioned itself as possessing paradigm challenging HR practices. Last I heard, Google wants to unlock the creativity of their employees by helping them balance their lives (life enriching programming) and giving them time to explore what they think is a best course of action (80/20). But the value of those practices are contingent on an individual's agreement with a company mission. Missions which can become complicated by various managerial interpretations. Thus, as workers, we are first asked whether we accept the interpretation of the mission by our manager(s) then we are asked to become the best we can in that shared understanding of the mission.
- Sep 2017
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
we must routinely and explicitly give them structured practice opportunities to critically examine their own thinking.
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
I myself side with those who hold the latter opinion, and I shall examine it using as an example human life and its concern for food, drink, and sexual pleasures: these things are bad for a man if he is sick, but good if he is healthy and needs them. (3) And, further, incontinence in these matters is bad for the incontinent but good
I don't believe the author actually believes these things. Instead, this treatise simply takes commonly-held relativistic beliefs and grossly exaggerates them to show the flaws in reasoning within these beliefs.
- Jun 2017
projects.propublica.org projects.propublica.org
Losing Ground
Living in a poor neighborhood changes everything about your life
rhetoricity.libsyn.com rhetoricity.libsyn.com
Mar 17, 2015
- Apr 2017
21stcenturywire.com 21stcenturywire.com
dare to question
taking sides
demonizing any American parents
strong words, clearly taking a side (could have said criticising, for example).
In case you haven’t noticed
provocative statement, sarcarstic
has declared war
passionate statement
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
They say that measles isn’t a deadly disease. But It is. They say that chickenpox isn’t that big of a deal. But It can be. They say that the flu isn’t dangerous. But It is. They say that whooping cough isn’t so bad for kids to get. But It is.
rhetoric questions, without argumentation but supposedly the hyperlinks contradicted it. But it is not clear hyperlink would be effective here (or if the linked page does provide good evidence)
Measles has doomsday capabilities.
bold to strengthen the statement to highlight danger
And there is now a chickenpox vaccine available, too.
stressing that even less dangerous illness has now a vaccine
But what is the anti-vaxxer movement and what sort of fringe theories do they believe?
question as a rhetorical artifact
How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons
- Mar 2017
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the skill which produces belief and therefore establishes what, in a partic-ular time and particular place, is true, is the skill essential to the building and maintaining of a civ-ilized society.
Putting this quote in my back pocket the next time someone asks me 1) "Why are you majoring in English?" or 2) "What are you going to do with a degree in English?". My answer will be: "To make you heathens more civilized by revealing the highest truth of the world through rhetoric, something that is centrally important to society. Thanks, Fish!!
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Important to pause here and take note that Cixous has consciously called her "non-hierarchical" writing practice "feminine." Can we relate this in any way back to the very frequent association of "rhetoric" with the feminine?
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Who derives from it his own special quality, his prestige, and from whom, in return, does he receive if not the assurance, at least the presumption that what he says is true?
Does Foucault's use of "he" suggest his opinion that only men can "do" rhetoric?
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We all need to have things pointed out to us, things stressed in our interest.
This demonstrates the necessity in finding an audience and how difficult it can be to tailor subject matter to individuals in rhetoric
I have a consistent impression that the broad resource of analogy, metaphor, and figuration is favored by those of a poetic and imaginative cast of mind.
Relating back to the original forms of rhetoric, before the "modern-classic" subgenre that is mentioned in Modern and Post Modern Rhetoric
f science deals with the abstract and the universal, rhetoric is near the other end, dealing in significant part with the particular and the con-crete.
I was surprised by this distinction; I tend to think of science as dealing with the concrete and rhetoric as dealing more often with the abstract. I wonder if Weaver's distinction was more common in his time than now.
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Between a thought and a symbol causal rela-tions hold
Relevant to the earlier point in this text about personal experience being just as necessary as anything else to make connections to rhetoric and texts
the study of misunderstanding and its reme-dies.
probably the most accurate description of rhetoric given yet
The old Rhetoric was an offspring of dis-pute; it developed as the rationale of pleadings and persuadings; it was the theory of the battle of words and has always been itself dominated by the combative impulse.
I guess "old Rhetoric" is still alive, because especially on cable news or in arguments with friends, discussions are not "expositions" but "battles of words."
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Even in the nineteenth century, a woman lived almost solely in her home and her emotions. And those nineteenth-century novels, remarkable as they were, were profoundly influenced by the fact that the women who wrote them were excluded by their sex from certain kinds of experience.
This really makes me think of rhetoric in terms of the ambiguity that we have been discussing and the importance of being unable to classify it as one particular thought. In this instance, certain rhetoric can become an escape during unpleasant times and provide something that even life could not
Strolling around the campus, she is warned off the grass by an offi-cious beadle and barred entry to the library because she is a woman.
A very clear parallel between Woolf and the Grimke sisters here
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Although some professors who urged a focus on public discourse and argumentation expressed opposition to the current-traditional approach, that method prevailed and, indeed. continued to be the predominant approach to composition through the first two-third~ of the twentieth century-and on some campuses much longer.
It seems as though this decision to mandate the "current-traditional" approach of rhetoric in the academic setting cut out a large personal aspect of what rhetoric originally had
psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and literary studies.
The first examples of ambiguity beginning to form in the what exactly the definition of rhetoric is?
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Perelman's arguments remind me a lot of Thomas Kuhn (summarized on page 1196 in the overview of modern and postmodern rhetoric). Kuhn challenged the binary between communal argument and science, which seems to also be what Perelman is doing.
s seeking impersonal truths
Which we can all agree is much easier to share with the public when using rhetoric. Just saying.
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"effective literature could be noth-ing else but rhetoric."
Thereby implying that "ineffective literature" can be a thing and that the absence of rhetoric in literature can also be a thing. Which, idk, I'm not sure if I buy this. But I suppose that depends on my definition of rhetoric and also my definition of effective.
Rhetoric and Primitive Magic
Burke is important for a lot of reasons, but really, to me, he's the guy who explains why Harry Potter fits into the Rhetorical Tradition, and I can't think of anything more important than that.
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Again, from the MicroResponse:
Thus there is a social aspect here as well, which is one of the ways that taste isrhetorical – it is a product of the dynamic relationship between the self and the world
he messy process through which norms and standards have beenconstructed and imposed
It might be useful here to think about the "social aspects" of rhetoric as they were mentioned in the MicroResponse:
In other words, taste depends not only upon the senses, but also upon established standards. Thus there is a social aspect here as well, which is one of the ways that taste is rhetorical – it is a product of the dynamic relationship between the self and the world.
I think this procedural notion also resembles Rickert's ideas in "Rhetorical Prehistory and the Paleolithic"... For him, rhetoric is not something we do, but something we take part in. Hence his use of the term "rhetoricity."
In many ways this draws upon John Muckelbauer's essay "The Return of the Question." The question is, of course, "What is rhetoric?" Throughout his essay, Muckelbauer works through the "ubiquity of the question" -- the variety of places we encounter it, the people who ask us, and the different answers we provide. The inexplicable nature of the question, even from the beginning, creates a disorientation:
So even at the moment of its historical origin, rhetoric already suffered from a kind of identity crisis (one that would, as we all know, intrinsically complicate the possibility of pointing to the moment of its historical origin). Even at that time, one might easily have responded to the question 'What is rhetoric?' with the answer, 'The art of never finally answering that question.'
Never finally answering the question, while at times infuriating, opens up the possibility of rethinking the history of rhetoric in the way this Elaboration needs. It is not a history of rhetoric that assumes the tradition of theory after theory finding ways to normalize (even though, as already stated, is neither unusual nor unproductive when thinking through rhetoric). Instead, it is a history that manifests (embodies) the very chaos that is the human body. I think Muckelbauer would agree, as he suggests that all of the attempts to answer the question do not “necessarily do an injustice to the diffuse history and conceptual promiscuity of the term.” So, this just might be another messy attempt to answer the question again.
See Jay Dolmage's book Disability Rhetoric
Is this Elaboration an attempt to think in a similar way? Or maybe even copy?
Disability Rhetoric is the first book to view rhetorical theory and history through the lens of disability studies. Traditionally, the body has been seen as, at best, a rhetorical distraction; at worst, those whose bodies do not conform to a narrow range of norms are disqualified from speaking. Yet, Dolmage argues that communication has always been obsessed with the meaning of the body and that bodily difference is always highly rhetorical. Following from this rewriting of rhetorical history, he outlines the development of a new theory, affirming the ideas that all communication is embodied, that the body plays a central role in all expression, and that greater attention to a range of bodies is therefore essential to a better understanding of rhetorical histories, theories, and possibilities.
- Feb 2017
learningsuite.byu.edu learningsuite.byu.edu
For current-traditional rhetoric, reality is rational, regular and certain - a realm which when it is not static is at least in a predictable, harmonious, symmetrical balance. Meaning thus exists independent of the perceiving mind, reposing in external reality.
No way Fish believes this.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
here is some disagreement about the place of inven-tion in rhetoric
Shouldn't the answer be when humans began to write and speak? Or am I just a naive sophomore?
or the purposes of lhis treatis
Nice qualification: there isn't a stable definition of rhetoric, so Hill's using the definition that suits his purpose.
Oratory, or Persuasion,
This is where we can start to see the splits (and intersections) between speech, writing, and rhetoric. So, Oratory is not rhetoric here. And Persuaion is also not rhetoric here. This seems to be going against earlier rhetoricians who focused primarily on elocution and oratory. Instead, those (Oratory and Persuasion) are just modes of discourse, which can be "rendered effective" through rhetoric.
In other words, it is not just Oratory or Persuasion that "uses rhetoric"; instead, all of these modes are rhetorical.
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soA lated dogmas
Still a fan of this: could it be that rhetoric offers precisely this: contextual, isolated dogmas? Not dogmas that reach anywhere and everywhere, but dogmas that apply only in specific places.
www.wise-qatar.org www.wise-qatar.org
slogan that comes with some urgency, coinciding with a narrative about the supposed sho
Everyone should code. part of the rhetoric of code where it is shown to people in a very important and urgent thing that you need NOW!
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The same writers who exhaust the resource~ of language to deride the dogma of apostolic sue· cession rigidly enforce that of the male pries!· hood, for which the Bible give.<; them just as little warrant
Willard is actually, along the way, sublimely unpacking logic as the firm foundation it was being treated as. These are, she argues, the preferences male ministers hold: defend them on those grounds instead of appealing to abstract principles. "Their hierarchy is man-made from first to last." This isn't to critique it as such, but to point toward the rhetorical work being done here. In this, Willard resonates, perhaps surprisingly, with Nietzsche here.
Of the book's seven chapters, then, only three are entirely her words
Kind of like our assignments for History of Rhetoric 2.
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It is this way with all of us concerning language: we believe that we know something about the things themselves when we speak of trees, colors, snow, and flow-ers; and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things-metaphors which correspond in no l 13ur-l4...) way lo the original entities. 10
Nietzsche here expresses a total separation between the sign (language) and its object ("trees, colors, snow and flowers"). There really is nothing, for example, about a tree that warrants the name "tree."
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He condemned Lincoln's suggestions that free and freed African Americans return to Africa and urged Lincoln to issue an emancipation proclamation, which he finally did early in 1863
An example of how great rhetoric can shift human history. It's crazy to consider what the U. S. could've looked like had there been a mass exodus of African-American people as Lincoln originally advocated for...
right hand broken
This is an important moment for my own understanding of Douglass and his significance for rhetoric.
She al first lacked lhe depravity indis-°"'f'~v,·~ pensable lo shutting me up in mental darkness. It Afi was at least necessary for her to have some train-"1~dl~rv'1 ing in the exercise of irresponsible power, to -o11,.bw. " make her equal to the task of treating me as though I were a brute.
This really is an incredible passage The whole category of nature, the body, and attitude are thrown open. Douglass is attuning us to the way that bodies and hearts and minds are composed rhetorical: that is, socially through practice. Nothing is automatic and irreversible. The province of rhetoric is being expanded here.
Douglass's complex rhetorical stance opened new possibilities for rhetoric in the Western cultural tradition.
This is even more true now. As our readings late in the semester will perform, rhetoric is increasingly renewing its interest in the material alongside its longstanding interest in the body. Douglass speaks to these.
By his very presence at the podium, Douglass increased the possibilities for rhetoric,
This is a fantastic revelation: his physical presence changes rhetoric.
line between written and spoken rhetoric was indistinct
Thinking back to Sheridan, who would probably disagree: "But tho' all who are blest with the gift of speech, by constantly associating the ideas of articulate sounds, to those characters which they see on paper, come to imagine that there is a necessary connection between them, and that the one, is merely a symbol of the other; yet, that it is in itself, a manner of communication entirely different, and utterly independent of the other..."
Further down in the paragraph it is suggested that this blurred line between written and spoken rhetoric could possibly be attributed to Douglass' blending of African, European, and American cultural elements, beyond just necessary last-minute additions of antislavery tracts. Could it then be because of Sheridan's homogenous rhetorical background that he believed written and spoken word to be distinct?
- bodies
- cultural rhetoric
- rhetoric
- Douglas
- history
- hand
- Lincoln
- race
- language
- province
- materiality
- power of rhetoric
- words
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an Art of Composition" would imply "a System of Rules by which a good Com-position may be produced";
Interesting that Whateley equates "art" and "rules".... When I think of art, I think instead of creativity and self-expression. This demonstrates the difference in perceptions of art through the ages, and goes back to the idea that one's rhetorical environment influences their perspectives.
Although, it may not be entirely relevant, this seems to be like a very interesting representation of the "Truth" that we kept alluding to after our first set of readings, but adapted to a more understandable scenario.
Of Rhetoric various definitions have been given by different writers;
For since sounds are voluntary and indifferent signs of any ideas, a man may use what words he pleases to signify his own ideas to himself: and there will be no im-perfection in them, if he constantly use the same sign for the same idea: for then he cannot fail of having his meaning understood, wherein consists the right use and perfection of language (Locke, 817).
Makes me think back to the subjectivity of what rhetoric and language can be; as long as one person believes it to be true, then it must be true
The etymology of "rhetoric" that Whateley is referencing: early 14th century, from Old French rethorique, from Latin rhetorice, from Greek rhetorike techne "art of an orator," from rhetor (genitive rhetoros) "speaker, orator, teacher of rhetoric," related to rhesis "speech," rhema "word, phrase, verb," meaning literally: that which is spoken.
Composition, however, of the Argumentative II )\)fe kind, may be considered (as has been above stated) as coming under the province of Rhetoric. And this view of the subject is the less open to objection, inasmuch as it is not likely to lead to discussions that can be deemed superfluous, even by those who may chuse to consider Rhetoric in the most restricted sense, as relating only to "Per-suasive Speaking"; since it is evident that Arg11• me/II must be, in most cases at least, the basis of Persuasion.
It can generally be agreed that the composition of an argument also befalls under the general umbrella of rhetoric.
- rhetoric
- history
- environment
- paraphrase
- etymology
- subjectivity
- composition
- example
- Locke
- language
- Truth
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One of many times the fields of psychology and rhetoric overlap and blend
These would i.ccm to be topics lo engage future public leaders, not just those who hoped merely to marry the leaders.
Interesting that these topics of study were made available to women even before they were granted the right to vote in the United States (the beginning of the paragraph says "By the end of the nineteenth century," and the 19th Amendment was not passed until 1920). I wonder how the women's suffrage movement affected the types of education that were made available to women? In turn, how did rhetoric influence women's suffragists and their strategies to gain the right to vote? How did the suffrage movement influence rhetoric?
until every career is open lo them
What is compelling here is the implicit assertion that rhetoric requires locations and vocations to flourish.
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pirituality provided a gateway to political thought and often functioned as a springboard for discussions of secular history,"s as can be seen in Stewart's many references (noted also by Richardson) to the African pa
This description reminds me of the 18th century work of Phillis Wheatley, the first African American poet to publish a book. Wheatley doesn't have the best reputation now, but maybe looking at how Wheatley's work has influenced not just poets but other prominent African American women could renew appreciation for her work.
Also, in finding this comparison, I think this indicates that rhetoric and poetry are perhaps not so separate. They can have similar motives and techniques. And some of Wheatley's works, if I'm not mistaken, were delivered in public, and I don't think I would consider all of her work as a "soliloquy"; there's definitely an argument being made in her work, even if it's perhaps coded so as not to offend a white audience.
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decisive emotional experienc
A very compelling phrase here in terms of rhetoric with its triple emphasis on decision, emotions and experience.
www.csicop.org www.csicop.org
The climate scientists gave the conspiracy theorists an opening by letting their advocacy color their science, which compromised the legitimacy of their enterprise and, ironically, weakened the political movement itself.
Check out this book on the intersection of science and democracy.
Conspiracy theorists have connected a lot of dots
Blair-"True rhetoric and sound logic are very nearly allied."
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In the course of time, the genuine taste of human nature never fails to disclose itself, and to gain the ascendant over any fantastic and cor-rupted modes of taste which may chance to have been introduced
So part of the importance of discussing taste, judging works of art, developing standards of taste and individual taste seem to tie into the project of rhetoric as we've read so far this semester: to come closer to the Truth.
Whenever a man speaks or writes, he is supposed, as a rational being, to have some end in view; either to inform, or to amuse, or to persuade, or, in some way or other,
This example of eloquence is one that I still see rather frequently being taught as a literary tool, speaking in reference to the questionable ways that rhetoric was said to be taught earlier in this piece.
I agree very much with the common misconception of the term as fluff to poor arguments, but in the written form, it is often taught to still relate every piece of work back to the general idea to answer the "so what," something that may not be present in all forms of teaching, however
We may distinguish three kinds, or degrees, of eloquence.
See Campbell's breakdown of appealing to the passions. I think these strikingly similar hierarchies might be important for the conviction/persuasion distinction made on page 970 (as pointed out by Nathaniel).
It is not, however, every kind of pathos, which will give the orator so great an ascendancy over the minds of his hearers. All passions are not alike capable of producing this effect. Some are naturally inert and torpid; they deject the mind, and indispose it for enterprise . Of this kind are sorrow, fear, shame, humility. Others, on the contrary, elevate the soul, and stimulate to action. Such are hope, patriotism, ambition, emulation, anger. These, with the greatest facility, are made to concur in direction with arguments exciting to resolution and activity : and are, consequently , the fittest for producing what, for want of a better term in our language, I shall henceforth denominate the vehement. There is, besides, an intermediate kind of passions, which do not so congenially and directly either restrain us from acting, or incite us to act; but, by the art of the speaker, can, in an oblique manner, be made conducive to either. Such are joy, love, esteem, compassion. Nevertheless, all these kinds may find a place in suasory discourses, or such as are intended to operate on the will. The first is properest for, dissuading; the second, as hath been already hinted, for persuad- ing; the third is equally accommodated to both. (904)
the grace and force of those ex-pressions which they used, when they sought to persuade or to affect.
This thought reminded me of the discussion in class about how even babies are communicating before developing a sense of language.
It seems to me that as long as an individual has an understanding of their own cultural ideas and contexts, they can grasp some form of rhetorical interaction with others; rhetoric seemingly always finds a way.
Conviction affects the understanding only; persuasion, the will and the practice. It is the businci.s of the philosopher to convince me of truth; it is the business of the orator to persuade me to act agreeably to it, by engaging my affections on its side. Conviction and persuasion do not always go together. They ought, indeed, to go together; and 111011/d do so, if our inclination regularly followed the dictates of our understanding.
A very important move made here within the history of rhetoric.
Rhetoric serves to add the polish; and we know that none but firm and solid bodies can be polished well.
This seems to beg the question, "Who or what deserves rhetoric?"
Their style docs not suit modern taste and their theory docs not conform lo modem science.
This paragraph reminds me of my microresponse of "what rhetoric will be." With Blair emphasizing the importance of knowing classic rhetoricians and their styles, his point of their styles not withstanding time illustrates the ever-changing nature and flexibility of rhetoric, while still managing to place that importance on where rhetoric came from, as well
- speech
- rhetoric
- taste
- communication
- eloquence
- classic
- rhetoric and philosophy
- Hugh Blair
- teaching
- Campbell
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Part V. Connexion of Place
This section is jumping out at me this time around. Keep it mind later on when we turn to discuss the elements of the rhetorical situation. Campbell opens up for discussing the material dimensions of rhetoric: not simply rhetoric as the discursive activity of humans, but as an emergent aspect of human and nonhuman relations. Also, recall here Rickert on the role of the caves themselves in the making of cave art.
Hence it hath become a common topic with rhetoricians, that, in order to be a successful orator, one must be a good ~ . man; for to be good is the only sure way of ci..~ being long esteemed good, and to be esteemed ~ good is previously necessary 10 one's being 6 .... •~ heard with due allention and regard.
Ah, yes, the weak defense.
Chapter VII: General Audience Awareness
But, really, Mere Rhetoric has a nice (I'm assuming she's mostly on point here) summary of some of the concepts to follow.
In propriety there cannot be such a thing as an universal grammar, unless there were such a thing as an universal language.
Even if there was a universal language, would it avoid the problem of humans applying disparaging meanings to words, as suggested by Locke? Locke suggests that even those who speak the same tongue do not fully comprehend one another because individuals apply different meanings to the same word based on feelings, background, culture, etc.
Would we penetrate fur-ther, and agitate the soul, we must exhibit only some vivid strokes, some expressive features, not decorated as for show (all ostentation being both despicable and hurtful here), but such as appear the natural exposition of those bright and deep impressions, made by the subject upon the speaker's mind; for here the end is not pleasure, but emotion.
Here, Campbell suggests that a little bit of ornamentation is acceptable, depending on the end for which the orator strives. This contrasts Astell's aversion to ornamentation and seems to be a somewhat forward-thinking idea concerning Enlightenment Rhetoric.
and by the justness of the reasoning the passion may be more deeply rooted and enforced; and that thus both may be made to conspire in effectuating that persuasion which is the end proposed
I appreciate that Campbell values the relationship between logic and passion and that both are necessary to ensure that rhetoric is successful. Again, he contrasts previous thinkers, such as the Stoics, who disregarded the importance of passion, and only viewed "passions" as a hindrance to human happiness.
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when we have given up the vivifying, energetic language, stamped by God himself upon our natures, for that which is the cold, life-less work of art, and invention or mun?
According to Sheridan, Rhetoric inspired by God is stronger than the language that man created, because even though our language may be more complicated than utterances, it does not communicate our thoughts, feelings, etc. as well as our natural "groaning" (I'm not sure what our natural noise would be?). Agrees with Astell in terms of divine inspiration correlating to rhetoric, but is different in that for Astell, people of the Christian faith were divinely inspired to be better rhetoricians by virtue of their beliefs, but Sheridan is saying we should "get back to our roots," as it were, and not ignore our natural rhetorical inclinations as inspired by God.
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As a consequence, 4""~ those whose only concern is abstract truth experi· <J I i...dt . ence great difficulty in achieving their means, vuvt1$ and greater difficulty in attaining their ends
Mirrors Astell's religious language
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Besides, by being True Chrislians we have Really that Love for others which all who desire to persw.ade must pretend to; we've that Probity and Prndence, that Civility and Mode.I'/)' which the Masters of this Art say a good Orator must be cndow'd with; and have pluck'd up those Vicious Inclinations from whence the most distastful faults of Writing proceed.
Interesting that Astell draws a parallel between rhetorical ability and Christianity, that by being a Christian you are automatically a better rhetorician by virtue of your beliefs. Is she suggesting rhetoric is divinely inspired, or just that the virtuous Christian life leads to better rhetorical abilities?
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He also urges greater use of pathetic appeals and of histrionic gestur
A rare urge from an Enlightenment thinker. Note that histrionic is gendered as well.
. All the changes of climate, government, religion, and language, have not be7n able to _obscure his glory.
But how does the climate of life at the time influence the readers' perceptions of Homer? Surely what they found important during the time of the Romans could be the same, but the application to their own lives would differ because of different customs and ways of life.
that they had affixed a very different meaning to their expressions.
Reflects Locke's annoyance with the inconsistency in meaning applied to language
Such people can provide us with the standards for criticism.
But who determines those who have a superior taste? I assume knowledge has much to do with it, but diverse cultural backgrounds lead to different views of what is considered "tasteful." Two individuals could be equally educated in the same field and have wildly different standards of what is tasteful based solely on their background, culture, etc. Interesting to note that their rhetorical environment influences the way in which they think, albeit not actively, about societal standards and values.
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Complex ideas are not universal, as .. we can see by the difficulties of translating from one language to another.
Rhetoric is already complicated enough, and I was only viewing it through an English lens up until this point. Thinking about how rhetoric influences other linguistic interpretations of a thought/feeling/idea/opinion, and how other linguistic practices that incorporate cultural differences in turn influenced the development of rhetoric makes my brain hurt.
- Jan 2017
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Eloquence, like the fair sex, has too prevailing beauties in it to suffer itself ever to be spoken ~~-•k..l, against. And it is in vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving, wherein men find pleasure to be deceived.
The continuation of the move to gender rhetoric/eloquence as feminine.
that make such a noise in the world
What might be the relationship between rhetoric and noise?
From hence it will unavoidably follow, that the complex ideas of substances in men using the same names for them, will be very various, and so the significations of those names very uncer-tain.
And hence we see that, in the interpretation of laws, whether divine or human, there is no end; comments beget com• ments, and explications make new matter for ex-plications; and of limiting, distinguishing, vary-ing the signification of these moral words there is no end.
"There is no end." Another useful way to think through rhetoric in light of Muckelbauer.
But, of course, there are often temporary ends achieved.
Besides, the rule and measure of propri-ety itself being nowhere established, it is often matter of dispute
Dispute is a way to think through rhetoric here.
These reflections lead \ ..μ.., -&AA:>.-lc..-~ Locke to insist on the need for clarity, especially in discussing knowledge. He at-~ tacks Scholastic philosophy for creating obscurities through disputation, and he at-wi.....+-~ tacks rhetoric for increasing ambiguities through excessive ornamentation.
This is a good nutshell here.
ohn Locke powerfully aflccted the direction of rhetoric, and every other intellectual endeavor a~ well. in the eighteenth century.
So, then, in what ways (or how) was he able to do this: to impact rhetoric. What does this claim reveal about the scope and province of rhetoric.
- rhetoric
- dispute
- rhetoric and religion
- no end
- muckelbauer
- rhetoric defined
- noise
- realms of rhetoric
- gender
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noting that rigid adherence to rules does not guarantee favorable re-sponse and that deviating from rules often produces wonderful results.
"It is an old observation, that the best writers sometimes disregard the rules of rhetoric. When they do so, however, the reader will usually find in the sentence some compensating merit, attained at the cost of the violation. Unless he is certain of doing as well, he will probably do best to follow the rules."
William Strunk (The Elements of Style, Introduction)
enculturation.net enculturation.net
After all, the first articulation of the word "rhetoric" was coupled with the implication that even its most faithful practitioners in ancient Greece couldn't sufficiently articulate exactly what rhetoric was.
Where's the fun in rhetoric if seemingly all people have a concrete definition of it? To my knowledge, rhetoric is one of the very exclusive words that means different things to different people. Unfortunately, in my experience, it seems that very few seem to care about it at all.
Did these become the same thing?
We don't necessarily do an injustice to the diffuse history and conceptual promiscuity of the term by giving a single answer.
While offering a single answer to this question may appearing limiting, a basic study of rhetoric will tell you that the single answer is necessary as that is the rhetorical form that is demanded.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Rhetoric selects,
There is an interesting construction of agency here: rhetoric is treated as the subject of the sentence. Rhetoric does the selecting. This suggests, perhaps unwittingly, the kinds of claims Rickert makes about rhetoric as less a tool than a capacity or even a force. We participate in rhetoric, but we don't necessarily control it.
Emotional appeals are something of an embarrassmcnt in the classical system.
Hmm. I don't know what to make of this comment, but I would like to highlight that the Greeks, Plato especially, heavily gendered logos and pathos. "Logos" was what all men should strive for, and was considered male. It made one's argument stronger according to the Greeks (as outlined a few lines down). "Pathos" was less respected and, in some cases, avoided in order to make a "stronger" argument. It was gendered female. I think this gendering of logic and emotion can help us understand why it was avoided in the Greek culture. I do like that the author acknowledges the importance of both when it comes to constructing a sound argument.
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As this brief overview suggests. the rhetorical theories of the Enlightenment arc intimately linked to the intellectual and social devclopmcnls lhat shaped the modem world.
I find myself continuously drawn to the points of how rhetoric influenced modern society in its development into what it is today. How can something so influential and essential to how we exist now be so misunderstood by the majority of present-day citizens? It's kind of funny to think about.
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Paleolithic artist, possibly a shaman
I'm reminded of Rickert's earlier point about the strong connection between spirituality/divinity and rhetoric. With this in mind, it's fascinating to think that these occupations would have been one in the same. Would it be possible to be a shaman without being an artist, or perhaps more interestingly, vice versa?
new historical work shows that places as far away as China gaverise to their own equivalents of the sophists.
How different would our definition(s) of rhetoric be if we viewed it through the lens of another ancient civilization? I think what this article (and many of the articles which we have read) is saying that in order to gain a broader and deeper understanding of rhetoric, we must view it from the perspective of multiple cultural interpretations.
o talk of rhetoric’s“prehistory”is tosuggest there was a moment when rhetoric achieved full rhetoricity, and what transpiredprior to that is somehow not as fully rhetoricized
Alludes to the "Q" question, possibly. To know if something has been fully "rhetoricized," we must understand how it falls into the context of rhetoric. Meaning we must understand how it influences and is influenced by rhetoric.
Though a fairly basic analysis of rhetoric, I love the use of the word "performed" here; it suggests an activeness about rhetoric.
"Perform" originates from an old French (fornir) meaning "to provide." While the purpose of rhetoric may be allusive, I think this root suggests that rhetoric (as a performance) ought to provide something notable for the audience. This suggests there ought to be some degree of substance to rhetoric; rhetoric must be justified. Rickert's implication that plaques and beads serve a purpose beyond abstract fashion is an example of rhetoric as a self-justifying act.
The power of strong words to guide the soul constitutes rhetorical essence.
Interesting connection between rhetoric and spirituality. It reminded me of this scene from Exodus:
Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”
The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
The connection between spirituality (the divine) and strong rhetoric that Rickert alludes to here is made literal in this scene; the power of God is in His language and the eloquence he grants to Moses. The strong words granted to Moses/Aaron by God allow the prophet to guide the souls of the Egyptians toward Hebrew liberation.
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foucault.info foucault.info
In this sense it has a role very close to that of confession to the director, about which John Cassian will say, in keeping with Evagrian spirituality, that it must reveal, without exception, all the impulses of the soul (omnes cogitationes)
To me, this idea of writing that speaks and reveals information to a "director" is the very basic idea for what first person narratives are.
Furthermore, this idea of confessing to an audience through an interactive narrative translates to various media, as well. However, even though these confessions are seemingly necessary in textual renditions of narratives, they can often be misconstrued as more intrusive fourth wall breaks due to this change in media. This creates a very thin line between these confessions being additive to the narrative or if they take away from the overall intent of the author.
To keep this idea going still, upon researching the definition of "cogitationes," the definitions were either of self-reflection, thoughts, or the act of thinking; something clearly represented through Foucault's writing, but a connection I found interesting, nonetheless.
- Oct 2016
libjournal.uncg.edu libjournal.uncg.edu
Well-designed and connected networks of indoor and open spaces on campuses can be key, yet typically overlooked catalysts, in student learning and a strong influence on students’ initial and longstanding experiences that promote a sense of belonging to the learning community
The rhetoric of how campus spaces are designed the way they are
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling
Chiasmus, cf. Portrait bird girl, "soft and slight, slight and soft."
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
soft and slight, slight and soft
Chiasmus, cf. "The Dead" "falling faintly through the Universe and faintly falling."
- Jul 2016
A law professor's response to a student's complaint about his (or her) Black Lives Matter t-shirt. It is a lesson in critical thinking and persuasive writing -- as well as a reply to general hostility toward BLM.
muse.jhu.edu.proxyau.wrlc.org muse.jhu.edu.proxyau.wrlc.org
Her solution is pedagogical: a shift toward inquiry as social action. Rather than encouraging students merely to write about what interests them or to take a definitive position in a paper or speech (requiring them to decide whether something is good or bad), Rice proposes that educators encourage their students to investigate the complexities of a given topic without a commitment to reaching a conclusion.
- Jun 2016
Local file Local file
e well-estab-lished “conventions of impersonality” in scientific writing(Hyland, 1999, p. 355) and resulting in the erasure of styl
on the flattening effect collaborative authorship has on style
- Apr 2016
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Scott owns the blog, Amy’s a sharecropper on it.
I've been thinking about this metaphor, and about comments on blogs vs. blogs linking to blogs. In some ways this is another part of the Wikipedia vs. Federated Wiki question. I say "vs." because the alternatives do become binary at some point in the conversation. But back to the owning vs. sharecropping: in terms of web presence, maybe; in terms of discourse and rhetoric and the ways call and response differ, maybe not. I'll keep thinking. And I'm grateful for the heads-up that Hypothes.is is at last up and running!
- Feb 2016
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
We are on the threshold of sweeping change that will make it easier for teachers to teach and students to learn faster and more effectively
I see this as evidence of technology determinism, which this article is shot through with. This kind of sentiment comes off as if technologies make things better, faster, more efficient for all involved parties, without consequence. It also assumes a consensus around what improved teaching and learning looks like and means. IMO, "efficiency" recalls turn of 20th century industrialist philosophy and rhetoric. In the work of education, I think that we need to ask if efficiency really is always better, and better for who. I am suggesting that in many cases efficiency is better for administrators from a business perspective, but not so for learners.
- Oct 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
He said there really isn’t any going back — software in cars is responsible not just for driver comforts like in-dash navigation, but also for critical safety and performance systems, many of which improve the car’s environmental footprint.
Skeptic's voice implied. "But couldn't we just go back to the way things were?"
Look at how the VW cheating was uncovered.
Evidence for what he says.
But to do that, we’ll need more technology, not less
But the evidence that might at first seem to support what they say actually supports what he says.
Cars today are lousy with code that can’t be inspected, opening the way for scary hackings and cheats and also the unforeseen complications
More evidence that gives what they say some plausibility.
The real lesson in VW’s scandal — in which the automaker installed “defeat devices” that showed the cars emitting lower emissions in lab tests than they actually did — is not that our cars are stuffed with too much technology. Instead, the lesson is that there isn’t enough tech in vehicles.
I say neatly incorporates a repetition of what they say.
Remember when our rides weren’t controlled by secret, corrupt software — when your father’s Oldsmobile was solidly mechanical and so simple in its operation that even a government regulator could understand it?
Why what they say is plausible.
could be forgiven for reacting to the Volkswagen scandal by yearning for the halcyon era of dumb cars
Hypothetical they say.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
And for those trying to play gotcha by pointing out that some of what she said differed from ideas that prevailed when her husband was president
Skeptic's voice
How can this be?
Skeptic's voice.
But they found, if anything, a positive effect
Again, clear transition.
But the case
Clear transitions indicate the switch from what they say to what he says.
You still see commentators who haven’t kept up
Return to they say before providing evidence for what he says.
the conventional wisdom
Returning to what they say with each bit of evidence to support what he says.
myself included
Using his own previous view as what they say
used to think of the labor market as being pretty much like the market for anything else
This argument is what gave what they say some plausibility at one time.
And a key implication of that new understanding is that public policy can do a lot to help workers without bringing down the wrath of the invisible hand
I say that government (through public policy) can provide a solution to the problem of stagnant wages.
They believe that Ronald Reagan proved that government is the problem, not the solution
They say that government is the problem, not the solution.
- Sep 2015
www.dailytexanonline.com www.dailytexanonline.com
Austin is losing what makes it weird
I want to write a dissertation on this repeated refrain over the years. No doubt it's partially true, but the same claim is made every year in some op-ed article in some local newspaper or magazine. Austin has been becoming less weird since it first became weird.
opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love A.I.
References the subtitle of the classic Kubrick film, Dr. Strangelove.
The distinction between man and machine is under siege.
- Jun 2015
www.google.com www.google.com
There's more than confidence here. Makes a good target for rhet analysis, from the genre (what is it? manifesto? statement of belief?) to arguments based in sentence style. Lots of diexsis from the very beginning. Appeals to foundation myths. Direct address to the reader as you ... very complex and very suspect, especially the ethos.
www.pearsonhighered.com www.pearsonhighered.com
Consider the rhet sit here. Lots of variables, as how did the reader get here - by search or accident (search), on what kind of device is she working, the possible goals - as this seems a goal driven situation.
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
Does the listener remember the smell of new-mown hay at daybreak? Can he recapture the fragrance of the lilac hedge past which he trudged when as a youngster he attended grade school
Common connection between smell and memory - reminds me of Rachel Herz's work on cognition and olfaction.
- May 2015
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
like teaching composition using Second Life
Very cool project, just beyond me. (Play it here!)
www.corestandards.org www.corestandards.org
including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
The possibilities of digital writing, given the WYSIWYG interface above, allow for students to integrate a variety of media into their own annotation compositions. Moreover, this use of media is not simply illustrative but as an integral part of the overall argument.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
"The emotional quality of these themes contradicts a great deal of the heady rhetoric suroundingmuchwritingoncriticalreflection.Although there are stories recounting transformative breakthroughs, emancipation,liberationandempowerment,whatfigureequaly strongly are these tales from the dark side. They represent thehidenunderbelytotheinspirationaltoneimbuing discusionofcriticalreflectionandcriticalpedagogy."
- Nov 2013
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Is this also a narrative system? Narrative can be a powerful rhetorical tool and deterrence rhetoric (particularly through film) projected a certain narrative about the world. It almost seems to exist as stories that create filters or lenses through which the actors see the world; the system exists because they allow it to color their perceptions.
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
This awakens the idea that, in addition to the leaves, there exists in nature the "leaf": the original model according to which all the leaves were perhaps woven,
When in actuality "leaf" is merely the distinction of singularity, meaning not "leaves". Not based on an "original" model at all, but a distinction what it is related, and not equal to. Concepts and words only create "context"; the water that all distinctions, all rhetoric, and all convention swims in.
But the further inference from the nerve stimulus to a cause outside of us is already the result of a false and unjustifiable application of the principle of sufficient reason. If truth alone had been the deciding factor in the genesis of language, and if the standpoint of certainty had been decisive for designations, then how could we still dare to say "the stone is hard," as if "hard" were something otherwise familiar to us, and not merely a totally subjective stimulation!
Rhetoric cannot be escaped through rhetoric.