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use of these conversions is illustrated in Examples\PageIndex{3} and\PageIndex{4}. Figure\PageIndex{1}: A Flowchart for Converting between Mass; the Number of Moles; and the Number of Atoms, Molecules, or Formula Units
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- LG84
- Kubinec
- KW: Mole
- berkeley
- stoichiometry
- avogadro's number
- MU:1330H(Keller)
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- Dec 2019
zapier.com zapier.com
Because moving tasks around is as easy as dragging a row to a new location, you can easily re-prioritize without jumping between views or clicking twelve times to get where you need to go.
I do love the drag-and-drop ability of rows/columns in Sheets!
And it requires way fewer clicks than most other options. And let's face it: Nobody has time for extra clicks—you just want to get work done, not manage the work you need to get done.
- Nov 2019
www.nature.com www.nature.com
most probable number (MPN) method. The MPN is determined by serial diluting the water sample in triplicate or pentaplicate followed by incubation in selective growth media
- Sep 2019
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
- Aug 2019
github.com github.com
Wants it display the country code next to the country name in the dropdown (I would like this too).
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
catamphetamine.github.io catamphetamine.github.io
www.data247.com www.data247.com
- Jan 2018
hunabku.pbworks.com hunabku.pbworks.com
- Oct 2017
Local file Local file
- Jul 2017
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
up vote 7 down vote accepted When you are starting your kafka broker you can define set of properties in conf/server.properties file. This file is just key value property file. One of the property is auto.create.topics.enable if it set tot true(by default) kafka will create topic automatically when you send message to non existing topic. All config options you can find here Imho Simple rule for creating topics is the following: number of replicas must be not less than number of nodes that you have. Number of topics must be the multiplier of number of node in your cluster for example: You have 9 node cluster your topic must have 9 partitions and 9 replicas or 18 partitions and 9 replicas or 36 partitions and 9 replicas and so on
Number of replicas = #replicas Number of nodes = #nodes Number of topics = #topic
replicas >= #nodes
k x (#topics) = #nodes
- Jun 2017
www.confluent.io www.confluent.io
You measure the throughout that you can achieve on a single partition for production (call it p) and consumption (call it c). Let’s say your target throughput is t.
t = throughput (QPS) p = single partition for production c = consumption
cwiki.apache.org cwiki.apache.org
Designing a High Level Consumer
By far the most important thing you need to know to make SECOR operate with Kafkaf
- May 2017
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
the number of partitions -- there's no real "formula" other than this: you can have no more parallelism than you have partitions.
This is an important thing to keep in mind. If we need massive parallelism we need to have more partitions.
- Sep 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
say the risk in changing the questions could create confusion and lead some Latinos not to mark their ethnicity, shrinking the overall Hispanic numbers.
oh geez, thats crazy
- Jun 2016
www.researchtrends.com www.researchtrends.com
Results of our analysis show that there has been a consistent growth in the number of articles published over the past decade; from 1.3 million in 2003 to 2.4 million in 2013 (see Figure 1). At the same time, the number of authorships has increased at a far greater rate from 4.6 million in 2003 to 10 million in 2013.
authorships are growing at a much faster rate than articles (though interestingly, "unique authors" are also growing at a faster rate than authors... though I think what they mean is the number of unique individuals identified as authors, however many times they are identified (= unique authors) vs. "number of names appearing in bylines (=authorships).
- Mar 2016
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
New property of prime numbers discovered. Primes greater than 5 can end with 1, 3, 7, or 9. The next prime is less likely to end with the same digit, and biased toward one of the remaining three. For instance, a prime ending in 3 is most likely to be followed by a prime ending in 9. The bias evens out as the primes get larger, but only very slowly.
- Feb 2016
www.math-cs.gordon.edu www.math-cs.gordon.edu
Number Theory: In Context and Interactive, Karl-Dieter Crisman (online textbook)
- Jul 2015
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
- Nov 2013
www.economist.com www.economist.com
What makes number theory interesting is that problems that are simple to state (at least to mathematicians) are often fiendishly difficult to solve. The most famous such problem, Fermat's last theorem, was postulated in the 17th century. It took until 1993 to prove that it was true.