1,791 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. I also think journalism and music both feed into the major lie of the internet that just because it is possible to reach people all over that means it is likely that will happen for you.

      the lie underlying almost all ideas of being an "influencer"....

    1. Bandcamp’s CEO and founders’ public attaché Ethan Diamond is as good as they come


      I've just come across a recent interview with Ethan Diamond in which so many of the questions which prompted me to write this essay are addressed. (The link includes my annotations.)

    1. Well, deciding what to work on next, that has always felt like the easiest part of the job because it’s whatever benefits artists the most. Because the way Bandcamp makes money is if artists make a lot more money, so that’s what we try to spend every day doing.

      In contrast with Spotify's CEO:

      “Music is everything we do all day, all night, and that clarity is the difference between the average and the really, really good.”

      Source: Spotify’s $30 billion playlist for global domination by Robert Safian

    2. I like the idea that Bandcamp hangs out in the background and just makes all of this stuff work, and also, hopefully, helps the artist promote themselves, and it’s not about “Bandcamp, Bandcamp, Bandcamp.”. 

      And this is why I felt so compelled - obligated, even - to write my big Bandcamp essay.

    3. how come Bandcamp doesn’t get mentioned in all these press articles about music services? Are those related questions?

      Oh my god, this. I have been asking myself this question with increasing intensity for years, now.

    1. Last week Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien, Elbow’s Guy Garvey and Gomez’s Tom Gray gave evidence alongside Shah. Gray’s Broken Record campaign aims to fight for fairer terms for artists.
    2. many musicians are “scared to speak out” because they don’t want to “lose favour” with all-powerful streaming services and record labels.

      This is horrifying. Just what Shell has done, and other major and uncaring companies, naturally.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. And would a hip hop fan question, much less downvote, a “verified” Genius annotation authored by Kendrick Lamar that explains the meaning behind his music?

      But if we're going to consider music as art, isn't a lot of the value and power of art in the "eye of the beholder"? To some extent art's value is in the fact that it can have multiple interpretations. From this perspective, once it's been released, Lamar's music isn't "his" anymore, it becomes part of a broader public that will hear and interpret it as they want to. So while Lamar may go back and annotate what he may have meant at the time as an "expert", doesn't some of his art thereby lose some power in that he is tacitly stating that he apparently didn't communicate his original intent well?

      By comparison and for contrast one could take the recent story of Donald Trump's speech (very obviously written by someone else) about the recent mass shootings and compare them with the polar opposite message he spews on an almost daily basis from his Twitter account. See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/teleprompter-trump-meets-twitter-trump-as-the-president-responds-to-mass-slayings/2019/08/05/cdd8ea78-b799-11e9-b3b4-2bb69e8c4e39_story.html

    1. However, many of Pearson's digital products are sold on a subscription basis, raising fears that authors will lose out in the way musicians have to music streaming services.
    1. Madonna being front and center to guide her own biopic should not be a surprise from anyone who has followed her career. But it is noteworthy since most biopics, when based on people or musical acts, tend to have their subjects as consultants and executive producers, involved mainly from rights points of view. This has been the case with recent hits Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody.

      And I think she's learned from Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody that if you're heavily involved in making and producing your own biopic, it's unlikely anyone else will do one anytime soon and you'll be able to control not only the immediate narrative, but also the long term narrative (at least within popular culture).

  3. Sep 2020
    1. Gioia, bella scintilla divina,figlia dell'Eliseo,noi entriamo ebbri e frementi,o celeste, nel tuo tempio.Il tuo incanto rende unitociò che la moda rigidamente separò,i mendichi diventano fratelli dei principidove la tua ala soave freme. Coro Abbracciatevi, moltitudini!Questo bacio vada al mondo intero!Fratelli, sopra il cielo stellatodeve abitare un padre affettuoso.

      Inno alla gioia

    1. There are so many untold and inspiring stories and who better to tell it than me.

      Of course there will be a huge amount of bias from her perspective.

  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
  6. May 2020
    1. The music industry, meanwhile, has, at least relative to newspapers, come out of the shift to the Internet in relatively good shape; while piracy drove the music labels into the arms of Apple, which unbundled the album into the song, streaming has rewarded the integration of back catalogs and new music with bundle economics: more and more users are willing to pay $10/month for access to everything, significantly increasing the average revenue per customer. The result is an industry that looks remarkably similar to the pre-Internet era: Notice how little power Spotify and Apple Music have; neither has a sufficient user base to attract suppliers (artists) based on pure economics, in part because they don’t have access to back catalogs. Unlike newspapers, music labels built an integration that transcends distribution.
    1. Introduction         Many are not aware or not very clear about the Copyrights in Music and therefore functioning of Indian Performing Right Society Limited (IPRS). They often ask, “What is the business of IPRS?”          In short, IPRS is to legitimize use of copyrighted Music by Music users by issuing them Licences and collect Royalties from Music Users, for and on behalf of IPRS members i.e. Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music. Royalty thus collected is distributed amongst members after deducting IPRS’s administrative costs. Composers are those who are better known as Music Directors, Authors are better known as Lyricists, Publishers of Music are the Music Companies, or those who hold Publishing Rights of the Musical & Literary Works. Authors and Composers are sometimes referred to as Writers which can mean any or both of them.
    1. About us:Founded in 1941, Phonographic Performance Limited India, also known as PPL India, is a performance rights organization licensing its members’ sound recordings for communication to public in the areas of public performance and broadcast. PPL owns and/or controls the Public Performance rights of over 356 music labels, with more than 3 million international and domestic sound recordings.Who are we?PPL India represents a lion’s share of the total sound recordings in international and domestic music. PPL India represents some of the world’s and India’s largest record labels, including Aditya Music, Lahari Music, Sony Music Entertainment, Speed Records, T-Series, Universal Music, Warner Music and is India’s largest and most respected public performance rights organisation, in terms of both membership and revenue.By purchasing a PPL licence, you have exclusive access to the entirety of our collection spanning a plethora of genres including Bollywood, Pop, EDM, Rock, Hip-Hop, Classical, Jazz, Country, Dance and others by thousands of iconic Artistes from across the globe.What do we do?Under the Copyright Act 1957, every business entity or individual must receive permission from the copyright owners of the sound recording before any public performance takes place. We enforce the rights of our members by ensuring that businesses comply with the law and pay copyright holders for the music they consume. We are a non-profit organisation and the royalties we collect are given to the rightful owners of the music.
    1. Copyright Law: What Music Teachers Need to Know     By Ken Schlager Intellectual property has emerged from the legal backwater to become major news, with frequent high-profile cases of individuals and companies being prosecuted for the illegal use and distribution of copyrighted material. While teachers enjoy many exemptions under copyright law, the classroom does not shelter all uses. As teachers choose materials for their students, it is essential that they know where the legal lines are drawn. The principle of copyright protection in the United States can be traced back to the Constitution. Over the years, Congress has codified these protections in succeeding versions of the Copyright Act. Acknowledging that education is a unique case, the 1976 act went out of its way to address teachers’ pedagogical needs, creating exceptions to the law that allow certain uses of copyrighted material in a classroom setting. These exceptions were clarified in a set of voluntary guidelines jointly hammered out by parties representing the copyright holders and the educators, including MENC. Here’s the bottom line: Before using any printed or prerecorded material in the classroom or for any type of school performance, educators must evaluate whether the use falls under one of the Copyright Act’s specific exemptions or those described in the voluntary guidelines.
  7. Apr 2020
    1. Public Domain Music ( pdmusic.org ) is a place to learn about music and hopefully get inspired to pick up an instrument and start playing. So many people are interested in music, but they think they can’t learn how to play an instrument because it’s too difficult. Or worse, they want to learn how to play an instrument, but they get discouraged in the beginning and never end up following through on their goals.
    1. What is this site all about?This is a community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses. Music on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license. You are free to download and sample from music on this site and share the results with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Some songs might have certain restrictions, depending on their specific licenses. Each submission is marked clearly with the license that applies to it. Sometimes, however, a contributor might accidentally upload copyrighted materials he or she doesn’t have permission for. If you know of such a case or are the copyright holder of something posted here without your permission or a Creative Commons license, please let us know. 
    1. What is CPDL? The Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL), is an Internet-based free sheet music website which specializes in choral music. Begun in December 1998, CPDL is one of the world's largest free sheet music sites. The goal of CPDL is to host a large collection of music scores and other supporting files (such as midi or other sound files) which can be freely downloaded and used. Most of the scores on CPDL are modern editions based on older works whose copyright has lapsed (or which are otherwise in the public domain), but some scores are newly composed and offered for download by the composer. The primary goals of CPDL are: To make vocal sheet music available for free. To create a website for public domain music that includes only legally downloadable scores (we operate under United States law). To allow development of a viable collaborative model for sheet music distribution. To publish scores that are not otherwise commercially viable. To create a website that catalogs a large number of other free sheet music websites. To encourage (through the CPDL Bulletin Boards) sharing between lovers of vocal music. As well as scores, you can use CPDL to find texts and lyrics, translations, and information about composers - all available for use under a license such as the CPDL license. In August 2005, CPDL was ported to a wiki system. The following page details the transition:
    1. IMSLP stands for International Music Score Library Project and started on February 16, 2006. It is a project for the creation of a virtual library of public domain music scores based on the wiki principle; it is also more than that. Users can exchange musical ideas through the site, submit their own compositions, or listen to other people's composition; this makes IMSLP an ever-growing musical community of music lovers for music lovers.
    1. FreePD.com - 100% Free Music - Free for Commercial Use, Free Of Royalties, Free Of Attribution, Creative Commons 0 * It is "copyright free" to the extent that the law allows.
    1. bout Freesound What is this site anyway? Freesound aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under Creative Commons licenses that allow their reuse. Freesound provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to: browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more upload and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license interact with fellow sound-artists! We also aim to create an open database of sounds that can also be used for scientific research and be integrated in third party applications. Using the Freesound API researchers and developers can access Freesound content a retrieve meaningful sound information such as metadata, analysis files and the sounds themselves. See the developers section and the API documentation for more information. Freesound API usage is free for non-commercial use, but it can also be licensed for being used in commercial applications.
    1. About Open Music Archive The Open Music Archive is situated within the current discourse surrounding notions of authorship, ownership and distribution, reanimated by a porting of Free/Libre and Open Source software models to wider creative contexts. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole. Under copyright law, a music recording has two automatically assigned property rights: A musical composition has a property right and a recording has a separate and independent property right. These property rights are limited by term. In the UK, the term of copyright in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is limited to the life of the author plus 70 years, while the term of copyright in a sound recording is limited to 50 years from the date of recording. The archive attempts to gather recordings and information about recordings whose proprietary interests have expired and make them accessible to a wider public. Artists Ben White & Eileen Simpson have initiated this project following a series of projects which involved researching and gathering music which has fallen out of copyright. Much of this music, although legally in the public domain, is tied to physical media (for example gramophone records) and locked away in archives or private collections which are not widely accessible. The Open Music Archive aims to digitise as much of this music as possible in order to free it from the constraints of a physical collection. The project aims to share the existing resource and to build a larger archive in open collaboration with others. The archive aims to distribute this music freely, form a site of exchange of knowledge and material, and be a vehicle for future collaborations and distributed projects.
    1. Musopen (www.musopen.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.Musopen is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non-profit charity, operating out of Palo Alto, California. To verify our non-profit status, please click this link and search for Musopen.
    1. Scores Available for Adoption These items link to a listing of "tiff" files from a scanned set of printed scores. In several cases, we already have some items from the scores (see below). These items have already been granted copyright clearances. Note that these tend to be fairly large files. Alkan (various scores) Beethoven
    1. The Sheet Music Project From Project Gutenberg, the first producer of free eBooks. Jump to: navigation, search From approximately 2001-2006, Project Gutenberg volunteers were been engaged in digitizing public domain sheet music, using a variety of techniques, to enable study and performance. For the most part, the musical pieces created were chamber music, with composers such as Brahms and Beethoven. This sub-project is no longer active, because there are other efforts that have stronger workflows for sheet music. Project Gutenberg is, mostly, focused on text. Completed scores ready to download and enjoy. The Sheet Music Project In Progress List, including scanned scores ready for transcription. No longer maintained. The Music HOWTO, describing how to get started. No longer maintained. Thanks to ClassicalArchives.com, source of musical performances for many composers, in many formats. ClassicalArchives.com worked with Project Gutenberg on our sheet music project. Project Gutenberg also received a donation from an anonymous family foundation to help start the sheet music project. Interested in other similar projects? We recommend the Mutopia Project, which has many pieces of sheet music.
    1. Free Sheet Music for Everyone 2124 pieces of music – free to download, modify, print, copy, distribute, perform, and record – all in the Public Domain or under Creative Commons licenses, in PDF, MIDI, and editable LilyPond file formats.
    1. Learn Piano – The Complete Guide This is the ultimate guide for beginners and intermediates to learn piano. This guide teaches you how to play the piano from the very basics to advanced music concepts. This Guide is divided into 7 Parts starting with Introduction to Piano and then moving on the concepts like Hand Positions, Reading Music, Scales, Chords and creating a practice program to master the instrument.
    1. The Lyric Hyphenator is a free online linguistics program that automatically hyphenates English words into syllables. It is great for use with music notation software like Finale. The resulting text can simply be pasted into the program and automatically lined up with the musical score. This is great for choir directors who can simply and easily paste code into their music writing programs. This prevents the need from paying for expensive module in programs like CakeWalk. The hyphen notation allows each syllable to be easily and quickly paired with its corresponding note.It is also a great tool for English teachers and students.
    1. Für Elise Composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven - Digital Sheet Music Musicnotes Edition: Full performance and recording rights and unlimited prints.
    1. the chances against anything man-like on Mars are a million to one, he said

      GANGNES: A variation on this line is used as the first sung lines in track 1 ("The Eve of the War") of Jeff Wayne's 1978 musical adaptation of The War of the Worlds (LP only; not originally performed live as a play). In the musical, the line is altered to "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said." In the novel, Ogilvy is telling the narrator that there may well be life on Mars, but it is not likely to be "man-like," i.e., intelligent and capable of communicating in the way humans communicate. The musical's altered line instead has Ogilvy opine that regardless of what kind of life might be on Mars, the odds that Martians would come to Earth are very low.

      The musical incorporates narration adapted from the novel, instrumental music, vocals, and "plot" additions. The LP set was sold with an accompanying illustrated booklet related to the novel's plot. The musical has recently been updated as "The New Generation." Live performances of the musical with accompanying stage effects tour the United Kingdom.

      More information:

    1. Wordless Music seeks to demonstrate that the various boundaries and genre distinctions separating music today – popular and classical; uptown and downtown; high art and low – are artificial constructions in need of dismantling
    1. We find three important trends in the evolution of musical discourse: the restriction of pitch sequences (with metrics showing less variety in pitch progressions), the homogenization of the timbral palette (with frequent timbres becoming more frequent), and growing average loudness levels. The picture at right shows the timbral variety: Smaller values of β indicate less timbral variety: frequent codewords become more frequent, and infrequent ones become even less frequent. This evidences a growing homogenization of the global timbral palette. It also points towards a progressive tendency to follow more fashionable, mainstream sonorities.

      Statistical evidence that modern pop music is boring or at least more homogeneous than in the past.

      Dataset used: Million Song Dataset (which doesn't contain entries from the most recent years)

    1. choose a song and either sing along to it as a solo, duet, or group performance.

      So it necessarily starts with one of the song options provided by the platform. Users don't seem to be able to provide their own "seeds".

  8. Mar 2020
  9. Feb 2020
  10. Jan 2020
    1. Applicants must perform and pass a music audition before the University can review applications for admission to music degree programs. Space is limited in these majors and students need to apply and audition early.

      Find out the details regarding the audition process.

      I used annotations like this to keep track of the college visits for my son, as well as scholarship info, and degree requirements. The ease of tracking everything made me want to experiment with annotation for other purposes--like shopping!

    1. Dez Dickerson: [laughing] One of the things he also told me one time was – this was back before Pro Tools and all stuff, obviously. And every once in a while, you'd get a take, and the energy and the feel of the take was good enough – was so good that even though there might've been a mistake technically, you wanted to use the take. So he said, "You know what, when there's something in the track that you want to keep but there's something in the track that you don't want in there, just put an explosion over it." [Dez laughs] That was it. So now you know studio secrets with Prince. Put an explosion over the mistakes. There you go.

      A reflection on energy over perfection.

  11. Dec 2019
    1. “A measure from 0.0 to 1.0 describing the musical positiveness conveyed by a track. Tracks with high valence sound more positive (e.g. happy, cheerful, euphoric), while tracks with low valence sound more negative (e.g. sad, depressed, angry).”

      What is valence in music according to Spotify?

  12. Nov 2019
    1. Create A Music Streaming App In 2019

      How To Create A Music Streaming App?

      Now that you know that music apps can make pretty good money for their owners, you are probably dying to make your own app and start making money with it. But it’s not so easy.

      Here is a step by step process –

      Validating your app idea Understand the target audience Copyright matters to consider Radio or on-demand? Sketch the prototype Creating MVP Choose the features How to make your music app secure The cost to create a music app like Spotify

  13. Oct 2019
    1. The actors fall down and move with the cell phone images as she drives around singing. I feel scared for the actors since they have to fall. I feel happy that she is expressing her emotions by people falling and the man and the dog in the back seat show a different happier perspective.

  14. Aug 2019
    1. associated with activism contesting copyright and intellectual property legislation

      This is so important and such a hot topic issue!!!

    2. . Until recently this concept was associated almost entirely with recorded music. It referred to using audio editing techniques to produce “an alternative mix of a recorded song that differed from the original, and involved taking apart the various instruments and components that make up a recording and remixing them into something that sounds completely different” (ethnomus.ucr.edu/remix_culture/remix_history.htm).

      Yes, we always had this in music. Way before digital technology, even in the Renaissance, composers used each others' themes and pieces and rearranged ("re-made") them.

    1. Soon Ja Du

      Ice Cube wrote a racist and nationalist song named Black Korea which is most likely highly inspired by this.

      So don't follow me up and down your market Or your little chop suey ass'll be a target Of the nationwide boycott Juice with the people, that's what the boy got So pay respect to the black fist Or we'll burn your store right down to a crisp

  15. Jul 2019
    1. A variety of educational taxonomies have been adopted by districts and states nationwide. Examples of widely used taxonomies include but are not limited to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives;23 [ 23] Bloom’s revised Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing;24 [ 24] Marzano and Kendell’s New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives;25 [ 25] and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels.26 [ 26] Using educational taxonomies to facilitate the development and guide the organization of learning objectives can improve content appropriateness, assessment effectiveness, and efficiency in learning and teaching.

      Bloom's Taxonomy

    2. How you track student progress can make a difference in their learning and your teaching.

      I will have to develop my own assessment strategies - formative and summative.

    1. Performance assessment does not have to be a time-consuming ordeal; it is a great way to assess our students' skills. It is essential to create a rubric that is simple, quick, and objective. This article discusses the process of creating a rubric as well as showing a rubric used by the author in her general music classroom for several years. Differences between assessment and evaluation are also mentioned.

      How to create a rubric for performance assessment?

    1. It is interesting to notice that this article from a decade ago doesn't even mention any online assessment. So much has changed since then! I'm glad to see that from measuring attendance and attitude we are moving toward a more professionally acceptable system where we can teach, assign and assess measurable knowledge in music ed, more specifically in choral programs.

    2. 11% for music knowledge

      Only 11% for knowledge! That is surprising and could be more if we don't try to measure "talent" but the knowledge that is teachable and factual. Again, this is old data (1991) so today the numbers might look different.

    3. attendance and attitude were the most common grading criteria employed by instrumental and choral music teachers.

      Yes. I noticed that in schools.

  16. May 2019
  17. Apr 2019
    1. The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.

      Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.

    1. As I listen to this album again and again I find myself reaching for roundly-voweled, softly consonanted words. Words like ‘home’. It’s welcoming, there’s comfort here. But it's full of feelings that are not uncomplicated. This is also Freud’s home, and ETA Hoffmann’s. It has secrets. The great warmth of these songs, their strange aching languor, is always tinged with a seam of anxiety. Listen to the uncertain syncopation between drums and high plucked bass strings at 03:40 in on the album opener, like a murmur tinged with regret, the careful bottling of a rising panic. Listen to the way Dougall’s uniquely bruised voice swells forward and almost catches against itself a minute into ‘Simple Things’, the tiny pause just after that feels like a cliff edge you just stepped over unawares. Here is both the little luxury you reach for to take the edge off things. It is also the edge itself.

      This is a beautiful way of writing about this album. Kudos to both The Quietus and Rose Elinor Dougall.

    1. A Dream in the Dark is a collection of twelve digital live albums spanning two decades – from Okkervil River’s earliest shows up to the present day. It presents a comprehensive history of the band through the lens of concerts instead of studio albums, and it draws from a massive archive of recordings catalogued by Will Sheff and by fans throughout the years.

      This is utterly worth it. I've yet to see a collection so painstakingly collated, with so much extras in one single package - and that's only the first one, which is so far the sole release out there!

      This'll be like xmas, Summer holidaze, and Okkervil playing your living room, all at once!

  18. Feb 2019
    1. What happened is that Spotify dragged the record labels into a completely new business model that relied on Internet assumptions, instead of fighting them: if duplicating and distributing digital media is free (on a marginal basis), don’t try to make it scarce, but instead make it abundant and charge for the convenience of accessing just about all of it.
  19. Jan 2019
    1. The main thing to remember is a time signature tells you: How many of what kind. That’s it. A time signature is the number of beats and the type of note the beat is.

      Key points

    1. song of the suffrage siren!

      Alliteration. See also "female franchise." I wonder if you could scan the first three sentences: "Men of the South Heed not the song of the suffrage siren Seal your ears against her vocal wiles"

    1. Try something crazy

      DAWs typically don’t mesh so well with prototyping culture. When Ableton brought clip launching through Live, its flagship DAW, it had some of this effect: experiment with clips then play with them instead of just playing them. Of course, Cycling ’74 has been all about prototyping, long before Ableton bought the company. But “Max for Live” devices are closer to plugins in that users expect to just be able to use them, not have to create them from scratch. What this marketing copy is emphasizing is that this really is about getting a box of LEGO blocks, not just about getting a DIY kit to create your own instance of something which somebody else designed. The framing sure is specific.

    1. All I know is that when I use a synthesizer to make music, a sine wave is used to produce a particular sound... Now, to reproduce that sine wave by drawing it with a turtle is a completely different matter.

  20. Dec 2018
  21. Nov 2018
    1. The conductor became frozen, with his arms in the air, just as when he was conducting. And he was still conducting! Only now he was conducting the silence! No one moved, the concert hall was completely enveloped in peace. With the conductor's arms still up, and the violin bows still poised above the strings, no one dared to applaud. If they were wrong and it was not the end, their clapping would be a rude interruption of the music. And I'm sure that was exactly what the conductor intended!
  22. Oct 2018
  23. Sep 2018
  24. Aug 2018
    1. the kids are all right

      Given danah's age, I would suspect that with a copyright date of 2014, she's likely referencing the 2010 feature film The Kids are Alright.

      However that film's title is a cultural reference to a prior generation's anthem in an eponymous song) by The Who which appeared on the album My Generation. Interestingly the lyrics of the song of the same name on that album is one of their best known and is applicable to the ideas behind this piece as well.


  25. Jul 2018
    1. I can demonstrate a relationship between music and another subject in my schoo

      music standard to integrate into digestive system lesson (the class creates a song plus sings it for the digestive system)

    2. I can collaborate with others to composeor arrange a musical work for a specific purpose.

      Music standard " I can collaborate with others to compose or arrange a musical work for a specific purpose"

  26. Apr 2018
    1. music and art were important in helping those early modern humans forge a sense of group identity and mutual trust that enabled them to become so successful.

      Forging those group identities helped set up a strong base for creating different cultures.and also set up future pathways for ideas and theories among these groups.

  27. Feb 2018
    1. We also see glimpses of other actors, like Woody Harrelson's Star Wars universe debut as Tobias Beckett and Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) as Qi'Ra.

      Curious that Han Solo never really got his own theme music...

  28. Dec 2017
  29. Oct 2017
    1. “You got numbers on your phone of the dead that you can’t delete,” he yelps as the music notches up to a panic. “And you got life-affirming moments in your past that you can’t repeat.”
    2. a sly but genuine love of just how much music can shape a human being’s identity.
    1. Josie and the Pussycats, both the film and the soundtrack, continue to influence people who do not identify with the aggressively male music world. Even before this reissue, female-identifying musicians have discussed how revolutionary it was for them to see women in a mainstream platform.
    1. Although most of us arc used to hearing sound all around us every day, we don't often pay attention to how il signals information, including feelings, responses, or needed actions.

      One of the activities in our class textbook, Guide to First-Year Writing (6th Edition), asks us to “consider a song as an argument” (70). This activity (activity 2.12, found in chapter two) requires the participant to locate a song that appears to make an argument and answer the activity’s given questions. For this exercise, I chose the song “Love Is Dead” by Estonian musician Kerli.

      The title alone presents Kerli’s argument: love is dead. Answering the activity’s given questions, however, caused me to contemplate Kerli’s song as a complex communicative device; I soon realized that Kerli’s message is not as simplistic as the title implies. In my response, I hypothesize that Kerli is a mistress who has made the difficult decision to leave a secret relationship. By referencing lyrics that support my interpretation of the song’s argument, I was able to appreciate the narrative present in the song, and analyze its method of storytelling.

      Previously, I felt most drawn to the aural mode of “Love Is Dead,” however, this activity prompted my explicit admiration of the song’s linguistic mode as well. Through the following questions, I discuss how and why the linguistic mode of the song’s argument is supported by its aural mode:

      How would you describe the musical style of the song? In what ways does the style of singing and instrumentation help convey the rhetorical argument?

      Here is a snippet of my response:

      *The composition of the piece seems to describe the navigation of a dangerous path. It’s as if one has to look over one’s shoulder while listening to this song. By employing a sense of danger, the ballad mimics the traitorous and deceptive nature of Kerli’s secret relationship.

      In the song, Kerli’s vocals are slightly distorted. She sounds as if she is singing from behind a glass wall, showing that she is both unsure of the words she is singing to herself, and afraid of being honest about her doubt of the worthiness of her relationship. The instrumentation is forceful and almost overpowers Kerli’s voice at times. One is never unaware of the thematic orchestra scoring Kerli’s ascent through perilous territory. As the song advances, however, Kerli’s angelic voice increases in power. She continuously repeats and chants variations of “love is dead, love is gone, love don’t live here anymore,” alternating between singing these words, chanting them, and crying them to the audience.*

      As this article’s authors point out, the aural mode of media “signals information” even when we are not consciously aware of those signals.

      At first, I only appreciated the superficiality of the composition of “Love Is Dead,” and simply recognized that it sounded good to me. I now realize, however, that the aural mode of the song also performs the deeper, more complex function of storytelling. The sound of Kerli’s song influences the emotions that I feel upon listening, and the imagery I conjure in accordance with the music.

      Read the full response on my website, Postscript Reverie: My Analysis of "Love Is Dead"


  30. Sep 2017
  31. Aug 2017
  32. Jul 2017
    1. The Bang On The Wall Band is Martin Wildig on melodeon (squeezebox) and Phil Preen on percussion and tin whistle. To complete the line-up we have guitar and bass guitar, usually Neil Cadwallader and Michael Scrivens.

      This is my band. We play for barn dances and ceilidhs.

  33. May 2017
  34. Apr 2017
    1. ambience

      Related to my other note on violence/parasitic imagery, it's so interesting that ambient music is his metaphor. I think language/rhetoric/rhetorical situations have for the most part been associated with ruptures, conflicts, lava. Now we have ambient music which doesn't really have major musical shifts or discordant sounds and seems completely different.

    2. Ambient1:MusicforAirportsandMusicforFilms

      Is it just me, or do these albums seem like very different projects, and yet that's not really addressed? I mean, I suppose I can imagine a need for ambient music in background scenes for films, but soundtracks are so often used for overt emotional manipulation that I imagine relying on ambient music of this sort would actually lead to a sort of "uncanny"/discomforting experience for the audience. Barring a weird indy film where that is the goal, I can't imagine what market there would be for a film soundtrack from "the guy who brought you Ambient I: Music for Airports."

    1. La cucaracha

      Yeah, it's that "La Cucaracha." The wikipedia page has a really interesting set of all the different versions associated with different corrido figures and political movements.

  35. Mar 2017
    1. Li Delun, one of the Chinese musicians trained in the West whose career survived the Cultural Revolution, helped lead the revival with a new ideological line, declaring, “People need this product of the West to liberate their cultural thinking from 2,000 years of feudalism.” By the early 1990s, the Chinese government was deliberately encouraging the study of music through its education policy. Students and their parents were keenly aware that musical training could be an advantage in China’s brutal competition for slots at top universities. Knowledge of Beethoven was something to show off, and President Jiang Zemin (in office 1993–2003) enjoyed doing just that, taking the baton to conduct orchestras at state banquets and playing the piano for Western leaders.
    1. “Whenever I play in Korea, I feel like I’m at a rock concert,” says Bell. If there’s any irony to the most quintessentially Western music tradition being kept alive by the East, by now it’s a moot point. Classical music is as Asian as tempura and Spam. Even if it eventually dies in the West, it will have an Asian afterlife, much in the way washed-up American rock bands can still pack stadiums in Manila.
    2. And in contrast to celebrity musicians like Yo-Yo Ma and Lang Lang, Asians haven’t made much headway into conducting or composing. Asian music education is not famous for its music theory. The Suzuki method, Asia’s most successful classical music export, is a highly mechanical training regimen based on drills and rote memorization, with no emphasis on “feeling” the music
  36. Feb 2017
    1. One can imagine a man who is totally deaf and has never had a sensation of sound: and music.

      Locke identifies a similar problem in his own writing, but unlike Nietzsche, refuses to address it further: "Words having naturally no signification, the idea which each stands for must be learned and retained, by those who would exchange thoughts, and hold intelligible discourse with others...Those [words] which are not intelligible at all, such as names standing for any simple ideas which another has not organs of faculties to attain; as the names of colours to a blind man, or sounds to a deaf man need not here be mentioned...for if we examine them, we shall find that the names of mixed modes are most liable to doubtfulness and imperfection."

      Although Locke doesn't delve much deeper into this, I do like how he notes that some words are used to describe "mixed modes" like music and color. Nietzsche addresses this concept below, saying that although a man might be deaf, he can still "feel" music (via vibrations) and therefore might understand sound in a way that is divergent from the conventional manner. I'm also reminded of Rickert's piece, in which he noted that Homer could never identify the color "blue" as we understand it today, instead calling the color of the sea "purple" or "wine red."

    1. Mr. Joseph explained that before they were famous, the two had watched the Grammy awards in their skivvies and pledged that if they ever won, “we should receive it just like this.”


    2. She is the only artist to win album, record and song of the year twice.

      Adele is amazing!

  37. Dec 2016
    1. "Banquet speech by Bob Dylan given by the United States Ambassador to Sweden Azita Raji, at the Nobel Banquet, 10 December 2016."

  38. Nov 2016
    1. We found that, next to musical training, the personality trait of openness was the strongest predictor of musical sophistication. People who score highly for openness are imaginative, have a wide range of interests, and are open to new ways of thinking and changes in their environment.
    1. The Select My Tutor is a unique and dedicated organization offering online, private, home tuition on a wide range for Skype lesson of Drum music tutors.

  39. Oct 2016
    1. Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities

      Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities

  40. Jun 2016
    1. Two performances did seem to transcend the present, with artists sharing music that felt like open-source software to paths unknown. The first, Sam Aaron, played an early techno set to a small crowd, performing by coding live. His computer display, splayed naked on a giant screen, showcasedSonic Pi, the free software he invented. Before he let loose by revising lines of brackets, colons and commas, he typed:#This is Sonic Pi…..#I use it to teach people how to code#everything i do tonight, i can teach a 10 year old child…..His set – which sounded like Electric Café-era Kraftwerk, a little bit of Aphex Twin skitter and some Eighties electro – was constructed through typing and deleting lines of code. The shadowy DJ sets, knob-tweaking noise and fogbank ambient of many Moogfest performers was completely demystified and turned into simple numbers and letters that you could see in action. Dubbed "the live coding synth for everyone," it truly seemed less like a performance and more like an invitation to code your own adventure.
    2. The shadowy DJ sets, knob-tweaking noise and fogbank ambient of many Moogfest performers was completely demystified and turned into simple numbers and letters that you could see in action.
    1. “The time we were opened to that world is when we talk to other bands. People who are great people, amazing musicians. Then they release a new song, and I’m like, ‘That’s not them. I’ve been on tour with them for months, that’s something they would not do. That’s where we’ve seen it the most, honestly.” When it is suggested those artists drank the Kool-Aid, Joseph adjusts the metaphor, replacing “drank” with “served.” “They weren’t given a choice. They were painted into a situation where they were going to get shelved or a plug was going to get pulled, by people in control who think they know [what works].”
    1. For the sixteen-track album, the band invented fifteen fictional personas, each with its own sound, aesthetic, and backstory that draw from different decades of club culture. Genres range from Studio 1 reggae to indie rock, under pseudonyms like Burning Phlegm, White Virgins, and Noah's Dark.
    1. Apple Music now has 15 million paid subscribers,

      Sounds both like a relatively large number (given that the service was panned by many people) and a small percentage of Apple’s active userbase.

  41. May 2016
  42. annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. Going to One Wedding Brings on Another?

      There is no evidence for a song with this title existing. During the Georgian period wedding hymns were often sung at parties that were not weddings, just for fun. However, the lyrics for this particular hymn does not exist. Austenites speculate that the author invented this title as an excuse for John Thorpe to suggest marriage to Catherine (ODP).

    1. What Amber explained was exactly what I’d feared: through the Apple Music subscription, which I had, Apple now deletes files from its users’ computers. When I signed up for Apple Music, iTunes evaluated my massive collection of Mp3s and WAV files, scanned Apple’s database for what it considered matches, then removed the original files from my internal hard drive. REMOVED them. Deleted.

  43. Feb 2016
  44. Jan 2016
    1. Now fintech platform OpenLedger and Danish bitcoin exchange CCEDK are joining forces with MUSE, a music-tailored blockchain, to make monetizing music as easy as new peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms made distributing it 15 years ago.

      PeerTracks, a music streaming and retail platform company, is the first outfit to use the brand new MUSE network, in partnership with CCEDK and OpenLedger.

      http://www.peertracks.com/faq.php<br> https://www.openledger.info/<br> https://www.ccedk.com/about

    1. David Bowie died 10 January 2016 after an 18-month battle with cancer. On 8 January, his birthday, he released his 25th album, Blackstar.

    1. It was not so very long ago that people thought that semiconductors were part-time orchestra leaders and microchips were very, very small snack foods. --Geraldine A. Ferraro

      Good one.

    1. Audio in general is not reliable,

      Wonder if something could be done with MIDI. Actually, maybe there are new standards to replace MIDI in those situations (OSC doesn’t sound like it’d fit).

    1. This is from 18 August, 2015, so it's possible things have changed. But it's interesting anyway, and many links are given.

      Most music streaming services have been paying artists on a per-click basis. So most subscribers' money doesn't go to the artists they are listening to, but rather whichever artists get the most clicks. And this system is extremely vulnerable to click fraud.

      The author argues that Subscriber Share is a better system. With that method, your subscription fee is divided among the artists you listen to according to the percentage of time you spend listening to them.

      FAQ includes additional links and replies to counter-arguments.

  45. Dec 2015
    1. Maria Anna (called Marianne and nicknamed Nannerl) was – like her younger brother – a child prodigy. The children toured most of Europe (including an 18-month stay in London in 1764-5) performing together as “wunderkinder”. There are contemporaneous reviews praising Nannerl, and she was even billed first. Until she turned 18. A little girl could perform and tour, but a woman doing so risked her reputation.
    1. Huge follower counts on YouTube and social media DO NOT easily translate to income. And those followers expect you to be "real" -- so they are hostile to advertising and sponsored content.

      Do you own a business? It might pay to offer a salary to the producers of a YouTube channel that reaches your target audience -- in exchange for low-profile "brought to you by" links and mentions that won't offend that audience.

      https://twitter.com/JBUshow<br> https://twitter.com/gabydunn

    1. The supermarket giant, which has been selling CDs for decades, will stock a small selection of classic albums as well as a few new titles by the likes of Coldplay and George Ezra. LPs by The Beatles, Radiohead, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Marley and Elvis Presley be available, priced between £12 and £20.
  46. Nov 2015
    1. Frequency

      Frequency of the note A_x: $$f(A_x) = 440 \cdot 2^{x - 4}$$

      Inverse (octave x of the note A_x from frequency f): $$x = \log_2{\frac{f}{440}} + 4 = \log_2{f} + 4 - \log_2{440}$$

  47. Oct 2015
  48. Aug 2015
    1. The Stanley Clarke Band is an album by jazz bassist Stanley Clarke. It was released by Heads Up Record in June 2010 and was produced by Clarke and Lenny White. Band members include Ruslan Sirota on keyboard, Ronald Bruner, Jr. on drums and Hiromi on piano.

      Hiromi composed and played piano on Labyrinth.

  49. May 2015
  50. Nov 2014
    1. This is an ongoing attempt at an algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data tracked and analyzed for 1306 genres by The Echo Nest. The calibration is fuzzy, but in general down is more organic, up is more mechanical and electric; left is denser and more atmospheric, right is spikier and bouncier.
  51. Aug 2014
    1. One thing that was happening at that time was the media was portraying punk as this extremely self-destructive, nihilistic kind of sadomasochist kind of nonsense. Which then really created a lot of unpleasantness in terms of straight society towards punks. But even worse, people who were really into nihilistic and sadomasochistic and self-destructive tendencies said, “Oh I must be a punk!” and started coming to shows.

      Dischord Records founder Ian MacKaye on media coverage of the D.C. punk scene

  52. Feb 2014
    1. If the Riemann hypothesis is true, Im tn = 0 for all n, and the function f(u), constructed from the primes, has a discrete spectrum; that is, the support of its Fourier transform is discrete. If the Riemann hypothesis is false, this is not the case. The frequencies tn are reminiscent of the decomposition of a musical sound into its constituent harmonics. Therefore there is a sense in which we can give a one-line nontechnical statement of the Riemann hypothesis: "The primes have music in them."

      The frequencies are reminiscent of the decomposition of a musical sound into its constituent harmonics; the primes have music in them.

  53. Nov 2013
    1. In use these should be united, so that the same oration can expound purely, speak ornately, and express thought wisely. However, the precepts of pure diction, ornate delivery, and intelligent treatment must be kept separate and should not be confused.

      surely, like learning to play the guitar: fingering on the keyboard, strum and pick, and annotation are studied as distinct practices, and combined together to produce the music.

  54. Oct 2013
    1. Such is undoubtedly the case unless we suppose, perchance, that a regular structure and smooth combination of words is requisite only in poems and songs, and is superfluous in making a speech; or that composition and modulation are not to be varied in speaking, as in music, according to the nature of the subject.

      Interesting use of vocal music as an exercise or means of training an orator. When I consider any number of vocalists, a commonality among them is the ability to speak well (and pleasantly). I'm having a hard time recalling any vocalist with a flat, monotone voice (among other unpleasant speaking qualities).

    2. In oratory, accordingly, the raising, lowering, or other inflection of the voice tends to move the feelings of the bearers. We try to excite the indignation of the judges in one modulation of phrase and voice (that I may again use the same term), and their pity in another, for we see that minds are affected in different ways even by musical instruments, though no words cannot be uttered by them.

      Ok, this is all fascinating stuff. Even when we speak it tends to be in some sort of music scale, or at the very least we don't speak in dissonant tones.

    3. music is united with the knowledge of divine things


    4. But let us consider what peculiar advantage he who is to be an orator may expect from music. Music has two kinds of measures, the one in the sounds of the voice, the other in the motions of the body, for in both a certain due regulation is required.

      Here's the point, finally.

    5. Nature herself, indeed, seems to have given music to us as a benefit, to enable us to endure labors with greater facility, for musical sounds cheer even the rower

      What does he mean by Nature, is it some higher being like god he is evoking?