1,018 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. When Pollan suggested that writing from a question instead of a thesis makes for more compelling writing and thinking, for reader and writer alike, eyeballs fell from heads.
  2. Jan 2025
  3. Dec 2024
    1. Ultra One, a restoration firm whose specialty product is a de-rusting solution which is designed to remove only rust while leaving the underlying metal, paint and decals intact.

      Could Ultra One's rust solution be used on typewriters?

    1. his 1683 edition of Plutarch's Lives Translated From the Greek by Several Hands in which he introduced the word 'biography' to English readers;

      via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dryden

      John Dryden apparently coined the English word 'biography' in his 1683 edition of Plutarch's Lives.

      Does the OED bear this out?

    1. reframing a crucial question: is commitmentto the Great Books the enemy of progressive education (the scholarlyconsensus that has largely followed Dewey), or in fact a foundation forit?
    1. this what Alnoor just put out was a graphical representation of what is it for us to go from these pyramid logics, this dominant system, and start to shift our gaze into what we will talk about as as spiral logic, as trans logic is other ways where we set first and foremost, not just saying that it's the work of philosophers and mystics and others to sit with these first principle questions, questions of ontology. But indeed, it's the responsibility of all of us who are taking full responsibility for what it means to be alive in these times, for how do we see how do we know what we know? How do we think about what we know that we know? How do we behave in accordance to what we see and what we know? And what is our set of ethics that goes along with that.

      for - ontological shift - from totalizing neoliberalism - to spiral logic - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - ontological shift - Deep Humanity - asking these fundamental questions - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    1. overfitting.

      (TLDR: Can summarise the question I am asking in this post as: Imagine you were emailing a machine learning expert (and expert in deduction) about an ML experiment you had done and to which you suspect you are overfitting. A priori, they know no information about anything you are doing: what is the minimum amount of information they need to be able to respond 'yes you are overfitting')

      Assume she might say this because average test error is higher than average training error, which is typically the case for overfitting models (but we have seen in lectures that this can be the case for underfitting models too i.e. loss vs K (complexity) graph from lecture 5)

      We tell someone the mean train and test errors for one fitted model - and we tell them that the mean test error is higher than the mean training error. Question asks to explain why, from this data, one cannot infer that the model is overfitting.

      This question has highlighted some gaps in my knowledge about what overfitting actually means and what information we would need to tell someone about the results of an experiment for them to be able to correctly deduce 'ah yes, your model is overfitting'

      I have listed my thoughts below in terms of different 'further information' we could tell them (but I am not entirely sure about the answer thus the post):

      The main thoughts I have are: (i) We give them more granular information about the train and test errors (rather than just the means): Can we tell them them the train and test loss for every point. Now they know the variation and mean of your train and test loss - can they deduce overfitting from this? (I don't think so, but not sure - maybe low variation of the train error is indicative of overfitting?)

      (ii) Do we need to tell them about what model we have actually learned (i.e. the parameters we have learned) - not just the errors on training and test sets (intuitively for me this would be sufficient (I think) : if it was me, I would want to draw the function and see 'how wiggly it is' (extrapolating complex patterns that the training data doesn't show) - if that's the case I would say yes it seems your function is overfitting (but maybe I can't actually make that statement)

      (iii) Maybe telling them about just one model isn't actually enough: we have to tell them the results about a less complex model (i.e. models from different experiments) Ff you told them that the test error was lower on a less complex model then I think they can confidently say 'yes your model is overfitting')

      I am a bit confused here so any help would be fantastic

  4. Nov 2024
    1. Whereas Otlet and Kaiser were in substantial agreement on both thedesirability of information analysis and its technological implementation inthe form of the card system, they parted company on the question of howindex files were to be organized. Both men favored organizing informationunits by subject, but differed as to the type of KO framework that shouldgovern file sequence: Otlet favored filing according to the classificatory orderof the UDC, whereas Kaiser favored filing according to the alphabeticalorder of the terms used to denote subjects

      Compare the various organizational structures of Otlet, Kaiser, and Luhmann.

      Seemingly their structures were dictated by the number of users and to some extent the memory of those users with respect to where to find various things.

      Otlet as a multi-user system with no single control mechanism or person, other than the decimal organizing standard (in his case a preference for UDC), was easily flexible for larger groups. Kaiser's system was generally designed, built and managed by one person but intended for use by potentially larger numbers of people. He also advised a conservative number of indexing levels geared toward particular use-cases (that is a limited number of heading types or columns/rows from a database perspective.) Finally, Luhmann's was designed and built for use by a single person who would have a more intimate memory of a more idiosyncratic system.

    1. Over a few weeks, I came to comprehend that the sound of one hand clapping is an illusion. The hand’s movement mimics clapping, but the only way to make the illusion a reality is to add a second hand. The sound of one hand clapping can be imagined, but the clap doesn’t exist until another hand is present. With that realization, I recognized the koan’s question as a way to understand the Buddhist doctrine of emptiness (śūnyavāda in Sanskrit), which says that no individual thing or person has any intrinsic existence, but exists only relationally, dependent on everything else. The concept of an individual nature is, like one hand clapping, an illusion.

      How does this speak to (or not) the idea of coherence in quantum mechanics?

    2. As some research shows, knotty life questions without clear answers can evoke a dark mood without any clear biological explanation. This can be particularly difficult for adolescents, pondering for the first time big questions about fate and death, emptiness and meaninglessness, guilt and condemnation.

      Is this a possible reason why reading great books in youth is so useful?

    3. Carl Jung considered this ease-of-answering test a way of understanding what matters most. “The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble,” he wrote in 1931.

      quoted from The Secret Of The Golden Flower by Richard Wilhelm And Carl Jung

    1. FAQ : Éducation et Inégalités Sociales


      1. Quel est le lien entre le niveau d'éducation d'une population et la croissance économique d'un pays ?

      L'élévation du niveau de formation de la population est souvent considérée comme un facteur important de la croissance économique.

      Des études ont montré qu'une part significative de la variation des taux de croissance entre les pays peut être expliquée par les différences de résultats aux tests internationaux en mathématiques et en sciences.

      Cependant, la croissance économique est un phénomène complexe qui dépend d'une multitude de facteurs, et l'éducation n'est qu'un élément parmi d'autres.

      2. L'école a-t-elle un rôle à jouer dans la réduction des inégalités sociales ?

      L'école peut agir comme un facteur de compensation des inégalités sociales en offrant un accès égal à l'éducation à tous les enfants, indépendamment de leur milieu socio-économique.

      Cependant, les recherches en sociologie de l'éducation montrent que l'école ne parvient pas toujours à gommer complètement les inégalités préexistantes.

      Les enfants issus de milieux favorisés bénéficient souvent d'un environnement familial plus stimulant sur le plan intellectuel et culturel, ce qui leur permet de tirer davantage profit de l'enseignement scolaire.

      3. Comment l'investissement familial influence-t-il la réussite scolaire des enfants ?

      L'investissement familial joue un rôle crucial dans le développement des compétences d'apprentissage des enfants dès leur plus jeune âge.

      Les familles investissent dans l'éducation de leurs enfants de multiples manières : en leur parlant, en leur lisant des histoires, en les encourageant à explorer le monde qui les entoure, en les inscrivant à des activités extrascolaires, etc.

      Cet investissement contribue à développer des compétences essentielles telles que la maîtrise du langage, le raisonnement logique et la capacité à apprendre de manière autonome.

      4. Quels sont les effets des vacances scolaires sur les inégalités de réussite scolaire ?

      Les vacances scolaires peuvent aggraver les écarts de niveau entre les élèves.

      Pendant les périodes de vacances, les enfants issus de milieux favorisés ont souvent accès à des activités enrichissantes qui stimulent leurs apprentissages, tandis que les enfants de milieux défavorisés sont plus susceptibles de passer du temps dans des environnements moins stimulants sur le plan intellectuel.

      Ce phénomène contribue à creuser les inégalités de réussite scolaire à la rentrée.

      5. La semaine de quatre jours d'école est-elle bénéfique pour les élèves ?

      La réduction du temps scolaire, notamment avec l'instauration de la semaine de quatre jours, est un sujet controversé.

      Certains experts estiment que cette réduction est néfaste pour les apprentissages et qu'elle contribue à aggraver les inégalités de réussite scolaire.

      D'autres considèrent qu'elle permet aux enfants de mieux se reposer et de consacrer plus de temps à des activités extrascolaires qui contribuent également à leur développement.

      6. Comment l'école peut-elle mieux compenser les inégalités sociales ?

      Plusieurs leviers d'action peuvent être envisagés pour renforcer le rôle compensatoire de l'école.

      L'un d'entre eux consiste à investir davantage dans l'éducation préscolaire, notamment en maternelle, afin de donner à tous les enfants des bases solides dès leur plus jeune âge.

      Un autre levier consiste à proposer des activités extrascolaires accessibles à tous, afin de réduire les écarts d'opportunités d'apprentissage entre les enfants de milieux différents.

      7. Est-il possible de réduire l'influence de l'origine sociale sur la réussite professionnelle ?

      Certains experts proposent des solutions radicales pour réduire l'emprise des diplômes sur la réussite professionnelle, comme la suppression de la course aux diplômes.

      L'idée est de déconnecter l'effort éducatif des familles de son objectif principal, qui est l'obtention d'un diplôme prestigieux.

      Cette approche vise à créer une société plus égalitaire où la réussite professionnelle ne serait plus déterminée uniquement par le niveau de diplôme.

      8. Quel est le rôle de la recherche en sociologie de l'éducation ?

      La recherche en sociologie de l'éducation joue un rôle essentiel pour comprendre les mécanismes complexes qui lient l'éducation aux inégalités sociales.

      Elle permet d'identifier les facteurs qui influencent la réussite scolaire des enfants, d'évaluer l'efficacité des politiques éducatives et de proposer des solutions pour améliorer l'équité du système éducatif.

    1. Grammarly

      I personally use grammarly and see it differently from using platforms such as ChatGPT. I wonder what other folks think of this. I see one as to clean up writing and the other to generate content/ideas.

    2. Page 13 of 19Have one or more of your instructors integrated AI into your learning?

      Would like to know if the instructor lets students know the activity was co-created / created using AI or how can students identify this.

    1. Poverty, by America

      the title of the book implies an ownership of poverty (by America)... there's also an implication of authorial voice as if America is a "creator", but specifically a creator of poverty as much as it is a creator of wealth

      In the framing of toxic capitalism, it's almost as if one of the things America is good at manufacturing is poverty.

      If we've outsourced most of our manufacturing sector, why not also include poverty?!?

    2. Are we—wethe secure, the insured, the housed, the college educated, the protected, thelucky—connected to all this needless suffering?
    3. How could there be, Iwondered, such bald scarcity amid such waste and opulence?
    4. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH poverty in America?

      motivating question in the book

      ... why there is so much hardship in this land of abundance.

    5. Poverty, by America Book Club DiscussionQuestions
    1. For AI4Communities to work

      What is the ultimate goal for AI4Communities? What is it supposed to do? Is it to build knowledge (only)? What space does it have for phatic communication, and why? What does it create at the end of the day? Where is it going to?

  5. Oct 2024
    1. The model treats corpus generation as a dynamic process, where the t-th word is produced at step t. Theprocess is driven by the random walk of a discourse vector ct ∈ <d. Its coordinates represent what is beingtalked about.2 Each word has a (time-invariant) latent vector vw ∈ <d that captures its correlations withthe discourse vector.

      the model is a random walk with t being the word and the RV being a random vector called a discourse vector of dimension d. This vector is a distributed representation of the semantics at word t.

      what is the discourse - is it one hot encoded, is it orthogonal, is it sparse, is it disentangled, is it compositional ? What is a small change in a single dimension???

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:06][^1^][1] - [00:17:14][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une table ronde organisée par le Conseil scientifique de l'éducation nationale, abordant divers sujets liés à la santé mentale et à l'éducation.

      Temps forts: + [00:00:06][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Objectif de partager les connaissances actuelles * Importance de la recherche en santé mentale * Limites des solutions proposées + [00:01:34][^4^][4] Utilisation des outils en classe * Avantages des outils pour tous les élèves * Importance de l'inclusion scolaire * Utilisation des outils avant le diagnostic + [00:03:20][^5^][5] Mise en place des limites pour les enfants * Nécessité de fixer des limites * Adaptation des limites selon le handicap * Importance de la reconnaissance des efforts + [00:05:18][^6^][6] Gestion des élèves par catégorie * Mélange des élèves pour une meilleure intégration * Importance de l'équilibre émotionnel * Stratégies pour les enseignants + [00:07:14][^7^][7] Rôle des écrans et cyberharcèlement * Impact des écrans sur la santé mentale * Différentes utilisations des réseaux sociaux * Importance de l'alliance entre parents et école + [00:12:03][^8^][8] Troubles du sommeil et attention * Lien entre troubles du sommeil et TDAH * Importance de questionner le sommeil des élèves * Stratégies pour aider les élèves en classe

    1. Marley’s career illustrates the way reggae was repackaged to suit a rock market whose patrons had used marijuana and were curious about the music that sanctified it. Fusion with other genres was an inevitable consequence of the music’s globalization and incorporation into the multinational entertainment industry.

      Why was marijuana so popular and mainstream in the past???

    1. What conditions nurture collaboration?🔮 What conditions prevent or squash it?🔮 Can we expand our collective collaborative literacy with a wider, deeper repertoire to navigate wisely and well through the inherently messy and often difficult iterations of true collaboration?

      for - questions - collaboration literacy - Donna Nelham - to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker -

      questions - collaboration - Donna Nelham - These three questions are all related - To get to the root of collaboration, it is helpful to examine the roots of human psychology to understand the fundamental relationship between - the individual and - the group - In his work "The Birth ad Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker argues, citing other peers, that - the self concept needs to emerge for effective group collaboration to develop and - the self concept requires others in order to construct it - Hence, other is already implicated in the construction of our own self - In Deep Humanity terminology, we call this intertwingledness of the self and other the "individual / collective gestalt"

      to - book - The Birth and Death of Meaning - Ernest Becker - https://hyp.is/40fZHv9CEe6bTovrYzF92A/www.themortalatheist.com/blog/the-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker

    1. Not all eeting notes need be transformed into main notes. For bestresults, practice non-attachment when it comes to eeting notes.

      What is non-attachment?

      What is he attempting to say here?

    1. They ensure wonderful rapidity. A whole bookof thirty thousand words I have prepared (though ofcourse only roughly) in two hours, by the Card-System.Such a pace would have been impossible otherwise.This does not include any of the Dictation ; it merelyincludes the Collection and Selection of Ideas, andtheir Arrangement. The System is a wonderful savingof time,

      What work exactly does Miles include in his description of preparation of a 30,000 word book in two hours?

      He specifically excludes dictation. He does include selection of ideas and arrangement. He also says it includes "collection", but I'm supposing that he's taking a larger tranche of cards from a possibly massive collection and collecting only those he needs right now? Certainly the reading, thinking, and collecting work can't be included in this two hours of work.

      Does he have a better definition of what he means by collection?

    2. When theyhave been finished they may be spread out on a tableor on several tables. If you can get a table with pegs,or something to mark the divisions between the packets,it will be so much the better.

      How is he using pegs on a table exactly? Is this something like the Brothers Grimm, but table-based rather than wall based?

    3. Connecting Linkbetween twoSentences orParagraphs,

      Miles, 1905 uses an arrow symbol with a hash on it to indicate a "connecting link between two Sentences or Paragraphs, etc."

      It's certainly an early example of what we would now consider a hyperlink. It actively uses a "pointer" in it's incarnation.

      Are there earlier examples of these sorts of idea links in the historical record? Surely there were circles and arrows on a contiguous page, but what about links from one place to separate places (possibly using page numbers?) Indexing methods from 11/12C certainly acted as explicit sorts of pointers.

    4. An omission,e.g. to befilled in after-wards.

      When was the use of the caret first made for indicating the insertion of material?

      Eustace Miles has an example from 1905.

    5. Objections to the Card-System,

      Miles lists the following objections: - expense - inconvenience - unusual (new, novel)

      Notice that he starts not with benefits or affordances, but with the objections.

      What would a 2024 list of objections look like? - anachronism - harder than digital methods - lack of easier search - complexity - ... others?

    1. Beyond the cards mentioned above, you should also capture any hard-to-classify thoughts, questions, and areas for further inquiry on separate cards. Regularly go through these to make sure that you are covering everything and that you don’t forget something.I consider these insurance cards because they won’t get lost in some notebook or scrap of paper, or email to oneself.

      Julius Reizen in reviewing over Umberto Eco's index card system in How to Write a Thesis, defines his own "insurance card" as one which contains "hard-to-classify thoughts, questions, and areas for further inquiry". These he would keep together so that they don't otherwise get lost in the variety of other locations one might keep them

      These might be akin to Ahrens' "fleeting notes" but are ones which may not easily or even immediately be converted in to "permanent notes" for one's zettelkasten. However, given their mission critical importance, they may be some of the most important cards in one's repository.

      link this to - idea of centralizing one's note taking practice to a single location

      Is this idea in Eco's book and Reizen is the one that gives it a name since some of the other categories have names? (examples: bibliographic index cards, reading index cards (aka literature notes), cards for themes, author index cards, quote index cards, idea index cards, connection cards). Were these "officially" named and categorized by Eco?

      May be worthwhile to create a grid of these naming systems and uses amongst some of the broader note taking methods. Where are they similar, where do they differ?

      Multi-search tools that have full access to multiple trusted data stores (ostensibly personal ones across notebooks, hard drives, social media services, etc.) could potentially solve the problem of needing to remember where you noted something.

      Currently, in the social media space especially, this is not a realized service.

    1. A winter arc edit. A search on YouTube has dozens of these (AI probably makes it even worse).

      I have nothing against them. They do seem to present a new worldview of sorts. Is it really grounded and substantial though? What are the people that they look up to? Andrew Tate and David Goggins?

  6. Sep 2024
  7. www-cambridge-org.libproxy.temple.edu www-cambridge-org.libproxy.temple.edu
    1. Foucault attempts to engage with politics and ethics and to create a framework by which we might conceive of forms of power that do not operate through domination and normalization.

      Did he successfully created that framework ? if yes does the power in society functions according to his framework ?<br /> In my opinion power is an authority to control you that you give to others and believing that the other person won't use it.

    2. “art of governing.”

      So does administration is today's definition of power ?

    3. discipline becomes the machinery for adding up and capitalizing time, and time itself becomes an aspect of the norm and normative judgment, a means for measuring the extent to which individuals are dominated by discipline.

      Capitalizing one's time is very important for an individual but it is very hard to say capitalizing for whom for personal gain or for someone's else. which is better? that's why there's a saying of life and work balance. Time could be utilized as a tool of personal happiness or community happiness.

    4. “time, activity, behavior, speech, body, attitude, and sexuality”

      So does its means common sense evolves over time ? Some norms of the past wont apply today and some norms of today wont be applicable in the future. means there is no correct norm which could be called absolute ethical.

    5. Foucault focuses on the way these persons are managed and on the mechanisms society uses to make madness intelligible within a framework of reason.

      how society tries to punish and regulate those who are considered to be ‘mad’ ? It prefigures his later preoccupations with discipline and normalization set out in Discipline and Punish. Nowadays, institutions regulate people not through violence but through classification and direction of people into their ‘rightful’ place within a rational and efficient social order.

    6. The individual body is thereby situated in a modern matrix of power, one that is concerned both with how the body operates and with what the body produces.

      is it the only way to exert power on other individuals ? We must find a better way.

    7. it molds individual bodies into useful components of larger social machines, which range from the military and prisons to schools, hospitals, and factories.

      So in the end are we just machines working our whole for the betterment and profit of the others ?

  8. Aug 2024
    1. Long time lurker, first time poster...

      I picked up a British branded Orga Privat 5 (circa 1931) this past week. I've repaired enough of it now that I'm sure I can get it fully functioning again. It's going to take some serious cleaning and polishing to bring it back to its original glory. It was missing the original metal spools which I'd like to try to replace with period metal ones. I'd also like to replace the spool nuts and find one missing spool cover.

      The spools (my Olympia machines' spools work) and nuts may be easiest to track down if folks have suggestions for sourcing. The tougher part will be finding an original or replica black enamel ribbon cover unless someone has an Orga they're parting out. It appears that almost all of the Orgas used the same spool set up and covers (2.25 inches / 5.8mm O.D.) through most of their manufacture so the Orga Privat 1-7 and Modell 8-Modell 10 will probably work. My German is almost non-existent, or I'd start by calling shops in Europe.

      Its also missing its wooden base and metal cover, but I have less hope of finding replacements for these, particularly British rebranded ones from the Durable Trading Company. I've added my example to the Typewriter Database and it appears to be the only English branded model there across multiple examplars of 10 different models of the machine from the company.

      For the curious collectors, I've documented some details and photos of the machine here: https://boffosocko.com/.../acquisition-1928-1933-new.../

      Post to Antique Typewriter Maintenance Group

    1. (~2:10)

      Fascinating. Rob Pierri mentions that there had been a shift in education from the development of the soul to the development of monetizable skills... Keep society manageable.

      The question that remains for me is, what will ultimately leave society better and advance it? In the end, what matters more, the material or the immaterial? Why?

    2. (~3:50)

      Rob argues that a decline of consensus on morality makes liberty vanish. A society is not a society if they do not adhere to moral law.

      What role does formal education play in the development of morality?

    1. children for instance ask 500 2 000 questions a day and as you are grown up it's maybe 10 or 20 Questions per day

      for - neuroscience - importance of maintaining curiosity - 1000 questions a day for children - 20 questions a day for adults

  9. Jul 2024
    1. I notice you put sticky markers into the book... Two questions. A) Does this not take too much effort/time for an inspectional read a la Adler? B) What is the purpose of the sticky markers? Warm regards, Mr. Hoorn -- Fellow Antinetter
    2. (~5:40)

      It appears she put some sticky notes at important points/structure references while reading inspectionally...

      Does this not take too much effort/time for an inspectional read a la Adler?

    1. one of the most obnoxious (but true) pieces of advice I've ever seen is that if you want to get a question answered on the internet, and merely asking doesn't get a response, say something on the topic that you know is wrong -- then people will leap to correct you, and you'll get an answer to your original question much easier.
    1. Now Mr. Wellsindependently arrives a t the recogni-tion that Science with a capital S notonly neglects the psychological prob-lems in the world's disorder, but alsocarries in its train the dogmatism anduniformity upon which theologicalhate and persecution a r e founded.

      What besides work in behavioral economics has focused on the humanist side of the sciences as a means of helping humanity beyond the basic black and white?

      How to create a "religion of science" which helps to displace the psychological problems, theological hate, etc?

    1. What's the hard part?What does success look like?Is the juice worth the squeeze?Who is this for? What is this for?What are potential reasons not to do this, i.e. counterpoints?What is our unfair advantage for doing this?What are areas of risk and how might we mitigate?Why is this likely to work and be a good investment?What evidence, data, and examples am I pulling from?What assets, levers, and constraints are we working with?Who do we need buy-in from in order to move forward?What’s the upside, downside, and trade-offs?Where might I be making an assumption or logical leap that doesn’t make sense?How can we test this in the lowest-overhead way possible?How does this stack rank against other ideas for driving the business?If we decided to move forward today, what would you need to bring this to life?Can we do this ourselves, or do we need to tap into other teams?Why would your target audience be excited to do the thing you want them to do?
    2. In this world, you rarely say no to an idea, because it's not about saying yes or no. It's about vetting an idea. You ask strategic questions, so your employee ends up realizing themselves that the idea won't work in its current iteration.You work collaboratively to pressure test assumptions. They excitedly go back to the drawing board and come back to you with a stronger iteration and next steps. They hone their judgment and become more strategic over time, requiring less support from you.You have less decision fatigue and get better results. Direct reports feel empowered and take ownership.
  10. Jun 2024
    1. Despite – or perhaps because of – all this activity, Samuel only published one sole-authored book in his lifetime, Theatres of Memory (1994), an account of the popular historical imagination in late 20th-century Britain told via case studies, from Laura Ashley fabrics to the touristification of Ironbridge. Since his death from cancer in 1996, however, Samuel has been prolific. A second volume of Theatres of Memory, titled Island Stories: Unravelling Britain, came out in 1998, followed in 2006 by The Lost World of British Communism, a volume of essays combining research and recollections.

      Theatres of Memory (1994) sounds like it's taking lots of examples from a zettelkasten and tying them together.

      It's also interesting to note that he published several books posthumously. Was this accomplished in part due to his zettelkasten notes the way others like Ludwig Wittgenstein?

    1. What enabled these high aspirations in the 1940s?

      also, what impact did these programs in the late 40s and early 50s have on subsequent events in the 60s and 70s as these cohorts continued to age?

    2. Alice Schreyer started me on the right track withthe Mortimer J. Adler Papers (149 total record boxes!)

      Contact Schreyer about existence of archived version of Syntopicon...

    3. Notions such as the common good, commonsense, and common culture could sometimes cause as many prob-lems as they purported to solve.

      Are the commons (common good, common sense, and common culture) anathema in an uber-capitalist society where everyone is generally out for themselves and often only "covering" when their needs align with societies' needs?

    4. still building the Culture Wars politicalteleology.

      did the tension inherent in the cultural evolution of the great books idea versus vocational and other forms of education set up the culture wars of the late 1900s/early 2000s?

    1. what's the point what am i g to get out of this it's the same question actually

      for - question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - adjacency - what's the point? - what's in it for me? - human attention - progress traps

      question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - When these questions pop up, - it can be a good opportunity to engage the other in deeper dialogue to reveal deeper complexity

      adjacency - between - questions - what's in it for me? - what's the point? - human attention - progress trap - complexity - emptiness - adjacency relationship - These questions come up a lot - and they indicate a normative human tendency: - When we focus attention on what we consider salient in our dynamic, constructed salience landscape - at the same time it defocuses our attention from the rest of the field the salient feature occurs within - In this sense, overemphasize on these questions could reveal a dependency on oversimplification - of the complexity inherent all every life situation - Remember that emptiness, with its pillars of - intertwingledness and - change - pervades everything, everywhere and everytime - and such continuous oversimplification is tantamount to - ignoring the empty nature of reality and - leads to progress traps

    1. Isn’t the Western world experiencing an embarrassing shortage of real work to occupy its overeducated, overpopulated clerks?
    1. According to scholia on Euripides, Icarus thought himself greater than Helios, the Sun himself, and the god punished him by directing his powerful rays at him, melting the beeswax. Afterwards, it was Helios who named the Icarian Sea after Icarus.[10]

      Was Icarus punished by the gods because he thought himself greater than them (Helios)?

  11. May 2024
    1. Collaborative exchange is a primary mode of learning in this course. At the same time, effective collaborative learning draws upon a strong individual work ethic

      Ive never been in a online class that has really been group work focused so im excited to see how that works and learning how to work as a team virtually.

    1. For much of this poem's history, readers viewed Ulysses as resolute and heroic, admiring him for his determination "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield".[1] The view that Tennyson intended a heroic character is supported by his statements about the poem, and by the events in his life—the death of his closest friend—that prompted him to write it. In the twentieth century, some new interpretations of "Ulysses" highlighted potential ironies in the poem. They argued, for example, that Ulysses wishes to selfishly abandon his kingdom and family, and they questioned more positive assessments of Ulysses' character by demonstrating how he resembles flawed protagonists in earlier literature.

      Is Ulysses a heroic poem? Or, is it selfishness?

    1. Skeptics may hold that religious experience is an evolved feature of the human brain amenable to normal scientific study.

      Can religious experiences be made scientific? That which is beyond thought (and is wholly subjective)?

      See Steven Kotler referencing flow science as making the supernatural ("A gift from gods") into science.

    1. The Book of Hours was largely developed at the artist’s colony at Worpswede, but finished in Paris. It displays the turn towards mystical religiosity that was developing in the poet, in contrast to the naturalism popular at the time, after the religious inspiration he experienced in Russia. Soon thereafter, however, Rilke developed a highly practical approach to writing, encouraged by Rodin’s emphasis on objective observation. This rejuvenated inspiration resulted in a profound transformation of style, from the subjective and mystical incantations to his famous Ding-Gedichte, or thing-poems, that were published in the New Poems.

      Naturalism was prevalent in the time of Rilke (circa 1900s). Rilke, however, had a mystical experience in Russia? (did he literally have an experience of unity and bliss?) He combined this mysticism with the objectivity that he learned from Auguste Rodin.

      As a result, his writing had a mystical and objective bent to it. How exactly? Was this also present in his Apollo poems (1907)?

  12. Apr 2024
    1. miracleof the Resurrection. You could never stare long enough but needed to keepstaring to find out why you couldn’t

      First contradiction? And allusion? What does this mean?



    1. Both belong to the period 1770–1775. Prometheus (1774)

      Is Prometheus (Goethe) published in 1773 or 1774? (Sebastiaan van Bommel making a mistake?)

    1. The city council president said Grants Pass’s goal was to “make it uncomfortable enough for them in our city so they will want to move on down the road.”

      Why is it that so many of Americans' gut reactions is to "kick the can down the road" rather than to solve the underlying problems?

    2. “The Ninth Circuit and respondents have tried to downplay the ways in which the ruling ties local leaders’ hands, but their arguments only confirm the decision’s ambiguity and unworkability,” Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote in an amicus brief filed in September.

      I'm surprised to see this stance from Gavin Newsom... though California probably faces a higher level of homelessness than most states as a result of its weather.

      Does it though? What are the rates of homelessness as a percentage of population per state? What do the overall numbers look like for CA as a percentage of the total?

    1. infants who were circumcised without anesthesia experienced more pain and fear during routine childhood vaccines.

      is this because the child has learned a fear of the doctor and their assistants?

    1. Asking questions ensures they fully understand whatever it is they’re doing. They don’t go into projects blindly or assume anything. They ask probing questions to gain a complete understanding of what it is they’re trying to accomplish, why they’re working towards that goal, and everything else in between. Having an analytical mind ensures that they don’t let any details slip through the cracks.
    1. KWoCurr 1 point2 points3 points 5 hours ago (0 children)I actually do use Dewey!

      reply to https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/1c4kaps/giving_you_notes_a_unique_id_the_debate_continues/kzop2yh/

      I'm with you on some of this, but let me play devil's advocate for a moment, so that we might hew closer to the question u/atomicnotes has posed:

      If a Dewey Decimal Number is equivalent to a topic heading or subject, then what is the difference between using these subject/category/tag headings and forgoing the work of translating into a DC number (a task which is far less straightforward for those without a library science). If there is a onto to one and onto correspondence there should mathematically be no difference.

      And how does one treat insightful material on geometry (516), for example, which comes from a book classified about political science (320-329)?

      In a similar vein, why not use Otlet's Universal Decimal Classification which more easily allows for the admixture of topics as well as time periods?

      Separately, I'll echo your valuable statement:

      "I think everyone stumbles into a system of their own. I suspect the best practice here is the one that works for you!"

    1. Great Books tend to arise in the presence of great audiences. by [[Naomi Kanakia]]

      Kanakia looks at what may have made 19th C. Russian literature great. This has potential pieces to say about how other cultures had higher than usual rates of creativity in art, literature, etc.

      What commonalities did these sorts of societies have? Were they all similar or were there broad ranges of multiple factors which genetically created these sorts of great outputs?

      Could it have been just statistical anomaly?

    1. The quantity of literature has increased but the methods of 82•dealing with it or controlling it have not advanced proportion-

      The root problem of information overload.

    2. what little indexing is attempted can only 14be described as an unsystematic effort. The catchword methodof the catalogue has been bodily transplanted to indexing,which makes it very difficult to control our indexed informationproperly, and limits our supply of information to that whichwill fall in with the catchword method

      Catchwords (broad or even narrow topics) can be useful, but one should expand beyond these short words to full phrases or even sentences/paragraphs which contain atomic (or perhaps molecular) ideas that can be linked.

      We could reframe the atomic as simple catchwords, and make molecular ideas combinations of these smaller atoms which form larger and fuller thoughts which can be linked and remixed with others.

      Dennis Duncan (2022) touches on this in his book on Indexing when he looks at indexes which contained portions of their fuller text which were later removed and thereby collapsing context. Having these pieces added back in gave a fuller picture of ideas within an index. Connect this idea with his historical examples.

      Great indexes go beyond the catchword to incorporate full ideas with additional context. To some extent this is what Luhmann was doing at larger scale compared to his commonplacing brethren who were operating far more closely to the catchword (tag) level. (Fortunately they held the context in their heads and were thus able to overcome some of the otherwise inherent problems.)

      The development of all of this historically seems to follow the principle of small pieces loosely joined.

    3. o businesses of varied sizes are set forth and their working illustrated."We note with appreciation the author's use of "flags" as indic.itors.Our experience of these handy and ingenious little devices datesfrom their first introduction in the States, and we can endorse all that"he says in their favour.

      When were bookmark-like "flags" introduced in America? (Certainly prior to 1908, based on this reference.)

  13. Mar 2024
    1. We need a better catch-all term for the ills perpetrated on humanity and society by technology companies' extractive practices and general blindness to their own effects while they become rich. It should have a terrifically pejorative tone.

      Something which subsumes the crazy bound up in some of the following: - social media machine guns - toxic technology - mass produced toxicity - attention economy - bad technology - surveillance capitalism - technology and the military - weapons of math destruction

      It should be the polar opposite of: - techno-utopianism

    1. But the mischief was this, that, for all men could do, there was no possibility to keep them long in that relish; for in a very short while they would have stunk, which had been an undecent thing.

      Going back to the previous sentence, we see that the word tripe means either part of the stomach of an animal (mainly sheep and oxen) one eats or "rubbish" as used in slang, foreword that the men the author is describing, consistently indulging in said tripes (as shown in "licked his fingers" and "mischief") the men would have stunk physically from organs and trash and metaphorically, due to overindulgence and indecency.

    1. How does a culture that prizes equality of opportunity explain, or indeedaccommodate, its persistently marginalized people?

      Is some of the "backlash" against diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in 2020s America a manifestation of attempting to prevent a shift in the status quo of class structure in America?

      How is the history of the space potentially useful in easing the potential transition to something better?

    2. How does a culture that prizes equality of opportunity explain, or indeedaccommodate, its persistently marginalized people?
    1. can truly and uprightly say, before God and man, I did it not out of any anger, malice, or ill-will to any person, for I had no such thing against one of them; but what I did was ignorantly, being deluded by Satan.

      The argument here really seems to be that it is not her fault. A lot of people during this time were claiming Satan made them fdo these things

    1. The whole industry is built on this concept of planned obsolescence. That’s the term that I think IBM famously came up with in the sixties, where basically you’re intentionally trying to constantly sell people on the new new thing. And that’s what drives the stock price up. And that’s what drives the press cycle. And that’s what gets people to buy new products and things. And so, the whole industry is predicated around this idea of there’s always a new thing around the horizon.

      Where did the concept of planned obsolescence originate? Was it really IBM as Alex Wright suggests here?

      How does planned obsolescence drive capitalism? And as a result of that is there a balance between future innovation and waste? Is there a mechanism within capitalism that can fix this waste (or dramatically mitigate it)?

  14. Feb 2024
    1. If one had to deal with the drain of such critique for every answer, perhaps site usage would go down. People have lives to lead and the OP is apparently already happy. IMO, it is time to move on.
    2. n the end, this site is about helping community. All the associated answers and comments are available for a visitor to peruse and consider. It is decidedly less valuable to the community when all answers are identical.
    1. scholastic learning

      How much different things may have been if the state, and not the Church, had been the progenitor and supporter of the early university?

      How might education have been different if it came out of itself (or something like curiosity or even society in general) without the influences on either church or state?

    2. As thehistorian Jean Leclercq, himself a Benedictine monk, puts it, ‘in theMiddle Ages, one generally read by speaking with one’s lips, at leastin a whisper, and consequently hearing the phrases that the eyessee’.6

      quoted section from:<br /> [au moyen âge, on lit généralement en pronançant avec les lèvres, au moins à voix basse, par conséquent en entendant les phrases que les yeux voient.] Jean Leclercq, Initiation aux auteurs monastiques du Moyen Âge, 2nd edn (Paris: Cerf, 1963), p. 72.

      What connection, if any, is there to the muscle memory of movement while speaking/reading along with sound/hearing to remembering what we read? Is there research on this? Implications for orality and memory?

    1. Then I gave the question a longer, more descriptive title: I made it an actual question (with a question mark and everything), and replaced the term "lazy evaluation" with a more concrete description. The goal is to make the question more recognizable and more searchable. Hopefully this way, people who need this information have a better chance of finding it with a search engine; people who click through to it from a search page (either on Stack Overflow or from external search) will take less time to verify that it's the question they're trying to answer; and other curators will be able to close duplicates more quickly and more accurately. This edit also improves visibility for some related questions (and I made similar changes elsewhere to promote this one appropriately).
    1. during theyears that Leslie Stephen contributed to the OED, he started his owncrowdsourced project, the Dictionary of National Biography (DNB). Just asMurray’s Dictionary traced the lives of thousands of words, Stephen’sdictionary traced the lives of thousands of people who made a notable impacton British history. Stephen invited 653 people to write 29,120 articles. Sixty-three volumes comprising 29,108 pages were published, the first volume in1885 and the last in 1900. The DNB is still going today, under the aegis ofOxford University Press, and it now covers the lives of 55,000 people.

      Presumably this dictionary also used a card index for collection? (check...)

    2. And yet he desperately needed the help of Subeditors because the task wastoo massive to do alone. Two years into the job, Murray had estimated thathe had sent out 817,625 blank slips to Readers. If they returned them withquotations, and if he spent a minimum of 30 seconds reading each one andallocating it to the correct sense of an entry, it would take him three workingyears to get through a third of the materials gathered.

      By the second year into his editing work on the OED, John Murray estimated that he had sent out 817,625 slips to readers.

      At the average price of $0.025 for bulk index cards in 2023, this would have cost $20,440, so one must wonder at the cost of having done it. How much would this have been in March 1879 when Murray tool over editorship?

      How many went out in total? Who cut them all? Surely mass manufacture didn't exist at the time for them?

      Sending them out would have helped to ensure a reasonable facsimile of having cards of equal size coming back.

    1. Knowing is not a rationale for not acting. Can we doubt that knowl-edge has become a weapon we wield against ourselves?
  15. Jan 2024
    1. The Charging This consists in its interior arrangement ofCabinet rows of pigeon-holes constructed on an inclineupwards so that the base of each horizontalrow of pigeon-holes is higher than its predecessor. Into thesepigeon-holes the charging shps are placed and there is a guidecard to each pigeon-hole marking the divisions of the charging slipsby giving the number of the slip which is to be filed immediatelybehind it.

      While slightly different in its physical configuration, the office charging cabinet (with a bleacher-like set up) is very similar to the similarly named library card charging tray.

      Which came first?

    1. Having at most four references to notes containing the same keyword (in an archive of sixty thousand notes / ZK II), the austerity of the keyword index's entries speaks to Luhmann's appreciation of meandering through relationships rather than searching for exact "hits."

      Source for the claim of "at most four references"?

      I could believe this on first blush, but has his archive done this work?

    1. Top down thinking is when you plan a meal, find recipes, get ingredients, and then cook the meal. You started with the result and worked your way down to what was needed to make it happen.Bottoms up is when you rifle through your cabinets and fridge to try to cobble together something edible. You start with the components and figure out what you can do.


      In this example both versions have a specific goal in mind: "to diminish hunger". What does this look like when we have no specific goal in mind, but are exploring a space without purpose, but only for cause?

      exploring with relationship to: ᔥ[[Bob Doto]] in What Do We Mean When We Say "Bottom-Up?"

    1. It seems to me farmore likely that a robotic existence would not be like a human one inany sense that we understand, that the robots would in no sense be ourchildren, that on this path our humanity may well be lost.

      Here would be a good place to give a solid definition of humanity? What makes it special beyond the "self"?

      We are genetically very closely related to great apes and chimpanzees and less closely to dogs, cats, and even rats. Do we miss our dogicity? Or ratanity?

      What if the robot/human mix is somehow even more interesting and transcendent than humanity? His negativity doesn't leave any space for this possible eventuality.

    1. Some of these goals might include: - Reading to understand an author's argument, so you can critique it or respond to it;- Reading to accumulate information and data the author uses, for your own purposes; - Reading to learn facts and ideas that will provide background for a narrative or argument;- Reading for enjoyment, which often involves novelty.

      Nice start on a list of goals for reading


    1. Christian Lawson-Perfect @christianp@mathstodon.xyz@liseo there are lots of ways of representing colours numerically. The most basic way that computers use is to use a number between 0 and 255 for each of the red, green and blue components, called RGB encoding. The problem with that is that colours that look close to each other don't necessarily have close RGB values. There are other colour spaces which try to get closer to the ideal of having similar colours close together. Oklab, which I use in this tool, is currently the best for that.


      Is there a way to mathematically encode colors, similar to RGB perhaps, such that the colors in nearby neighborhoods all have values close to each other?

    1. I've come across Porstmann a few times as the "intellectual father of the A-Series", the "creator of the DIN formats", and the creator of A4 in various contexts. I saw that he wrote an interesting looking handbook in the mid-1920s and was curious if anyone has come across or even read it? It looks like it went into three editions up to the 1950s. I'm not seeing any English translations at present. I suspect it has material on using card indexes as databases and may be focused on business use, but may also have some connections to note taking practices of the time. I've also found several references to Porstmann's work and that of George Christoph Lichtenberg which makes me even more curious about the potential note taking connections.

      Porstmann, Walter. Kartei - Kunde: das Handbuch der Karteitechnik. Stuttgart: Verlag für Wirtschaft und Verkehr, 1928. https://search.worldcat.org/formats-editions/58666432?limit=50&offset=1&orderBy=publicationDateAsc

      Syndication link: https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/2785/anyone-read-porstmanns-kartei-kunde-das-handbuch-der-karteitechnik/p1?new=1

  16. Dec 2023
    1. How to link between Cards The "date" and "time" stamp of a cards define their "absolute name". This is why the time stamp must be unique, but not necessary to be accurate. In addition, it is easy to find a specific card, according to the stamp, if all cards are kept in chronological order. This technique was first introduced on the 2-channel.


      The PoIC system allows linking of cards using date/timestamps for indexing/finding. Interestingly they were all kept in chronological order rather than in idea order as in Luhmann's zettelkasten.

      What are the pros/cons of this?<br /> - more searching and hunting through cards certainly is a drawback for lack of "threaded" ideas - others...

      hawkexpress apparently learned this technique on the 2-channel.

      (Edited 2022-10-13, 2023-12-27)

    1. When the Keynesian settlement was nally put into eect, afterWorld War II, it was oered only to a relatively small slice of theworld’s population. As time went on, more and more people wantedin on the deal. Almost all of the popular movements of the periodfrom 1945 to 1975, even perhaps revolutionary movements, couldbe seen as demands for inclusion: demands for political equality thatassumed equality was meaningless without some level of economicsecurity. This was true not only of movements by minority groups inNorth Atlantic countries who had rst been left out of the deal—such as those for whom Dr. King spoke—but what were then called“national liberation” movements from Algeria to Chile, whichrepresented certain class fragments in what we now call the GlobalSouth, or, nally, and perhaps most dramatically, in the late 1960sand 1970s, feminism. At some point in the ’70s, things reached abreaking point. It would appear that capitalism, as a system, simplycannot extend such a deal to everyone

      How might this equate to the time at which Rome extended its citizen franchise to larger swaths of people and the attendant results which came about? particularly the shift towards an empire versus a republic?

      These seem to have been happening in the case of America with Donald Trump attempting to become a modern day Julius Caesar. To whom is Trump indebted?

    1. have you seen this amazing interview from years ago with um what's he called Andrew 00:50:57 marsky yes and um uh and he says and um Andrew Maron says in a incredibly pompous way you know journalist with a stroppy disputatious
      • for: media bias - insight of journalist questions

      • media insight

        • the journalist's question reveals where they are situated
    1. Das Bemerkenswerte an dieser Aussage ist, dass sie klar zum Ausdruck bringt, was wir in system-theoretischen Begriffen als Produktion von Komplexität durch Selektion bezeichnen könnten. DerGrundgedanke ist, dass der Zettelkasten, wenn er richtig eingerichtet ist, in der Lage sein muss, vielmehr Komplexität zu erzeugen, als in den Zettelkasten eingeführt worden ist. Das ist eben der Fall,wenn seine Innenstruktur, wie Luhmann (1992a, S. 66) es formuliert hat, „selbständige kombinatori-sche Leistungen“ ermöglicht, so dass das, was der Zettelkasten bei jeder Abfrage mitzuteilen hat, im-mer viel mehr ist, als der Benutzer selbst im Kopf hatte.

      machine translation:

      The remarkable thing about this statement is that it clearly expresses what we might call, in systems theory terms, the production of complexity by selection. The basic idea is that the Zettelkasten, when set up correctly, must be able to generate much more complexity than was introduced into the Zettelkasten. This is precisely the case if its internal structure, as Luhmann (1992a, p. 66) put it, enables “independent combinatorial performances”, so that what the Zettelkasten has to communicate with each query is always much more than that user himself had in mind.

      Perhaps a usable quote to support my own theory, but certainly nothing new to me.

      Perhaps some interesting overlap with Ashby's law of requisite variety here? Perhaps an inverse version for creating variety and complexity?

    2. Dieser Aspekt war den gebildeten Menschen der frühen Neuzeit nicht entgangen. Am Ende des 18.Jahrhunderts hatte Christoph Meiners (1791, S. 91) darauf hingewiesen, dass „selbst die Vereinigungvon so vielen Factis und Gedanken, als man in vollständigen Excerpten zusammengebracht hat, eineMenge von Combinationen und Aussichten [veranläßt], die man sonst niemals gemacht oder erhaltenhätte“.

      Machine translation:

      This aspect was not lost on the educated people of the early modern period. At the end of the 18th century, Christoph Meiners (1791, p. 91) had pointed out that “even the union of as many facts and ideas as have been brought together in complete excerpts [causes] a multitude of combinations and prospects that otherwise never made or received would have".

      Find the Meiners reference and look more closely at his version of combinatorial creativity with respect to excerpts.

      See: Meiners, Christoph. 1791. Anweisungen für Jünglinge zum eigenen Arbeiten besonders zum Lesen, Excerpiren, und Schreiben. Hannover: In der Helwingschen Hofbuchhandlung.

    1. How to fold and cut a Christmas star<br /> Christian Lawson-Perfect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S90WPkgxvas

      What a great simple example with some interesting complexity.

      For teachers trying this with students, when one is done making some five pointed stars, the next questions a curious mathematician might ask are: how might I generalize this new knowledge to make a 6 pointed star? A 7 pointed star? a 1,729 pointed star? Is there a maximum number of points possible? Is there a minimum? Can any star be made without a cut? What happens if we make more than one cut? Are there certain numbers for which a star can't be made? Is there a relationship between the number of folds made and the number of points? What does all this have to do with our basic definition of what a paper star might look like? What other questions might we ask to extend this little idea of cutting paper stars?

      Recalling some results from my third grade origami days, based on the thickness of most standard office paper, a typical sheet of paper can only be folded in half at most 7 times. This number can go up a bit if the thickness of the paper is reduced, but having a maximum number of potential folds suggests there is an upper bound for how many points a star might have using this method of construction.

  17. Nov 2023
    1. It would seem that people who spend too much time online experience more anxiety. Could it be that we've evolved to only be able to manage so many inputs and amounts of variety of those inputs? The experiencing of too much variety in our environments and the resultant anxiety may be a result of the limits of Ross Ashby's law of requisite variety within human systems.

      This may also be why chaos machines like Donald Trump are effective at creating anxiety in a populace whose social systems are not designed to handle so many crazy ideas at once.

      Implications for measurements of resilience?

    1. As to the mechanics of research, I take notes on four-by-six indexcards, reminding myself about once an hour of a rule I read long agoin a research manual, “Never write on the back of anything.”

      Barbara Tuchman took her notes on four-by-six inch index cards.

      She repeated the oft-advised mantra to only write on one side of a sheet.

      What manual did she read this in? She specifically puts quotes on "Never write on the back of anything." so perhaps it might be something that could be tracked down?

      Who was the earliest version of this quote? And was it always towards the idea of cutting up slips or pages and not wanting to lose material on the back? or did it also (later? when?) include ease-of-use and user interface features even when not cutting things up?

      At what point did double sided become a thing for personal printed materials? Certainly out of a duty to minimize materials, but it also needed the ability to duplex print pages or photocopy them that way.

    1. my favorite questions are ones that take 00:23:48 them out of their daily experience and get them 30,000 feet looking at their life and so it's like what crossroads are you at
      • for: how to ask good questions
    1. The example of maps he shows here discusses a social interaction component which allows for an interdisciplinary approach to the knowledge scaffolding (especially if students shared their work with each other).

      Are there other non-social affordances in this system? Affordances that would let an individual go further/faster by themselves?

  18. Oct 2023
    1. Israel was forbidden to set up sacred stones, pillars: “you shall not set up a pillar (massebah), which the LORD your God hates” (Deuteronomy 16:22).

      Relationship to the first two commandments against worshiping other gods and the use of idols?

      How does this relate to the standing stone found in the room at Khirbet Qeiyafa from the time of David?

      Dates of this text with respect to Khirbet Keiyafa?