- Aug 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Trust in the Time of Corona. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved August 4, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13386/
- Jul 2020
www.w3.org www.w3.org
a concrete syntax for RDF
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Note that the point of JSON-LD is that it's just JSON, in this case using the schema.org context to interpret the values.
osf.io osf.io
Morgan, L., Protopopova, A., Birkler, R. I. D., Itin-Shwartz, B., Sutton, G. A., gamliel, alexandra, Yakobson, B., & Raz, T. (2020). Human-dog relationships during COVID-19 pandemic; booming dog adoption during social isolation [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/s9k4y
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Vowels, L. M. (2020). Support and Goal Outcomes during COVID-19 [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3ywkcre
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Brik, A. B. (2020). COVID 19 FAMILY LIFE STUDY [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gcqhp
Gou, W., Huang, S., Chen, J., Li, X., & Chen, Q. (2020). Structural and Dynamic of Global Population Migration Network. ArXiv:2006.02208 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.02208
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Moore, D. A., & Schatz, D. (2020). Overprecision increases subsequent surprise [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wfcbv
Peer, E., & Feldman, Y. (2020). Honesty Pledges for the Behaviorally-based Regulation of Dishonesty [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/pr78t
- May 2020
github.com github.com
The diagram was generated with rails-erd
github.com github.com
Domain Model
ai.googleblog.com ai.googleblog.com
Tsitsulin, A. & Perozzi B. Understanding the Shape of Large-Scale Data. (2020 May 05). Google AI Blog. http://ai.googleblog.com/2020/05/understanding-shape-of-large-scale-data.html
agilitycms.com agilitycms.com
Easily create one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between content items.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Golec, A., Bierwiaczonek, K., Baran, T., Hase, A., & Keenan, O. (2020). Sexual Prejudice and Concerns of National Survival in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jsuyg
- Apr 2020
www.iubenda.comhttps www.iubenda.comhttps
be sure to read the complete iubenda privacy policy, part of these terms of service.
thepsychologist.bps.org.uk thepsychologist.bps.org.uk
Symonds, J.E. (2020 April 16). Positive pandemic?. The British Psychological Society, the Psychologist. https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/positive-pandemic
support.1password.com support.1password.com
1Password wasn’t built in a vacuum. It was developed on top of open standards that anyone with the right skills can investigate, implement, and improve. Open tools are trusted, proven, and constantly getting better. Here’s how 1Password respects the principles behind the open tools on which it relies:
I found it ironic that this proprietary software that I have avoided using because it is proprietary software is touting the importance of open tools.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
The OA CG will still continue driving use cases and requirements, and further discussion of annotation issues that are outside the scope of the Web Annotation WG. It's expected that there will be an ongoing relationship between the two groups, and an overlap of participants.
www.lovepanky.com www.lovepanky.com
Which three guests would you have dinner with, alive or dead?
Who would you get to play you in a movie of your life?
What’s in a question?
thoughtcatalog.com thoughtcatalog.com
Who’s the person you respect most in life, and why?
How do you honestly feel about monogamy?
www.bustle.com www.bustle.com
What Do We Argue About The Most, And How Can We Find A Solution To That Problem?
What Does Our Ideal Sexual Agreement Look Like To You?
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Automattic uses WordPress to power WordPress.com, and it contributes back code and time to the WordPress project. It is a symbiotic relationship. It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.
That's probably a common misconception. I'm glad they clarified that because I might have assumed that as well:
It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Are cookies governed by the GDPR? Cookie usage and it’s related consent acquisition are not governed by the GDPR, they are instead governed by the ePrivacy Directive (Cookie Law) which in future will be repealed by the up-coming ePrivacy Regulation.
clearcode.cc clearcode.cc
the introduction of the EU’s General Data-Protection Regulation (GDPR) has significantly impacted the way websites and business collect, store and use both types of cookies. For one, the GDPR includes cookies in its definition of personal data, which refers to any piece of data or information that can identify a visitor.
- Jan 2020
Majority of the times, the only way to break into a circle is for someone within that circle to speak positively on your behalf.
Who speaks on your behalf?!
I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time. — Ecclesiastes 9:11
They simply possess the willpower and drive to observe people, get to know people, appear in gatherings that involve people that are aligned with their goals, and connect people with one another.
Skill that puts sometimes the smartest minds below you
www.perell.com www.perell.com
A 90s study showed that women preferred the scents of men whose immune systems were most different from their own immune-system genes. Evolutionarily this makes sense as, children should be healthier if their parents’ genes vary, protecting them from more pathogens.
Why women are attracted to opposite scents in a men
- Mar 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Thisaccount refuses the representationalist fixation on “words” and “things”and the problematic of their relationality, advocating insteadacausalrelationship between specific exclusionary practices embodied as specific ma-terial configurations of the world(i.e., discursive practices/(con)figurationsrather than “words”)and specific material phenomena(i.e., relations ratherthan “things”). This causal relationship between the apparatuses of bodilyproduction and the phenomena produced is one of “agential intra-action.”The details follow
Intro to "Agential Intra-Action"
- Aug 2018
www.isaz.net www.isaz.netLINKS1
www.pathintl.org www.pathintl.org
therapy with horses
graduateschool.colostate.edu graduateschool.colostate.edu
www.vet.upenn.edu www.vet.upenn.edu
UPenn Vet School
portfolio.du.edu portfolio.du.edu
iahaio.org iahaio.orgIAHAIO1
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
The formation of time con epts and the making of time I measurements, i.e. the production of devices as well as their use and social function, become for him a problem of social knowledge and its formation. It is couched in the long-term perspective of evolution of human societies. Knowledge about time is not knowledge about an invariant part or object of nature. Time is not a quality inherent in things, nor invariant across human societies.
Combine this with the notes on Norbert Elias above.
It may well be, as Edmond Wright has pointed out (personal communi-cation) that by leaving sui generis time to the physicists, i.e. by leaving it out of social theory altogether, there is the risk of losing sight of the 'real' temporal continuum which serves as standard reference for all other forms of times. It also impedes coming to terms with 'time embedded' in natural objects and technical artifacts, as Hagerstrand (1974, 1975, 1988) repeatedly emphasized.
Nowotny argues that social theory is reduced to a narrow, dualistic society vs nature perspective by focusing on symbolism in social time and failing to consider other (sui generis) types of time.
This is especially problematic when exploring how time is embedded in "natural objects and technical artifacts".
he third strategy is the unen-cumbered embracing of pluritemporalism. With or without awareness that the concept of an absolute (Newtonian) physical time broke down irrevocably at the turn of this century and that a different kind of plurit-emporalism has also been spreading in the physical sciences (Prigogine and Stengers, 1988; Hawking, 1988; Adam, 1990), social theory is free to posit the existence of a plurality of times, including a plurality of social times. In most cases this amounts to a kind of 'theoretical agnosti-cism' with regard to physical time. Pluritemporalism allows for asserting the existence of social time next to physical ( or biological) time without going into differences of emergence, constitution or epistemological
Pluritemporalism (multiple types of time representations/symbols) recognizes that there is no hierarchy/order between different "modes" or "shapes" of time be they described as physical, social, etc.
Another strategy in dealing with sui generis time consists in juxtaposing clock time to the various forms of 'social time' and considers the latter as the more 'natural' ones, i.e. closer to subjective perceptions of time, or to the temporality that results from adaptations to seasons or other kinds of natural (biological, environmental) rhythm. This strategy, often couched also in terms of an opposition between 'linear' clock time and 'cyclical' time of natural and social rhythms devalues, or at least ques-tions, the temporality of formal organizations which rely heavily on clock time in fulfilling their coordinative and integrative and controlling functions (Young, 1988; Elchardus, 1988).
by contrasting social time (as a natural phenomenon) against clock time, allows for a more explicit perspective on linear time (clock) and social rhythms when examining social coordination.
Searching to reconcile Darwinian evolutionary theory with Einsteinian relativity theory and, especially, its reconceptualization of simultaneity, Mead followed Whitehead's lead in locating the origins of all structuration of time in the notion of the 'event': without the interruption of the flow of time by events, no temporal experience would be possible (Joas, 1980, 1989)
Mead used events as a unit of analysis in contrasting social time with sui generis time (all other unique times, natural, physical, etc.). This way, time can be still be viewed as a relationship between history/evolution (past) and events (past/present/future) and other temporal types.
"Time therefore structures itself through interaction and common temporal perspectives are rooted in a world constituted through practice."
Related to this encounter of the first kind, in which social theory meets the concept of time, is the question of the relationship between time in social systems with other forms of (physical, biological, 'natural') time or, as Elchardus calls it, 'sui generis time' (Elchardus, 1988).
According to Elchardus, the idea of a relationship between social time and other forms ("sui generis time") is also studied by Giddens and Luhmann.
Later in this passage, Nowotny writes: "Elchardus suggests defining the culturally induced temporality of systems when certain conditions (i.e. relative invariance and sequential order) are met. Time then becomes the concept used to interpret that temporality."
By clarifying the concept of time as a conceptual symbol of evolving complex relationships between continua of changes of various kinds, Elias opens the way for grounding the concept of time again in social terms. The power of choosing the symbols, of selecting which continua are to be used, be it by priests or scientists, also beconies amenable to social analysis. The social matrix becomes ready once more to house the natural world or our conception of it in terms of its own, symbol-creating and continuously evolving capacity. The question of human agency is solved in Norbert Elias's case by referring to the process of human evolution through which men and women are enabled to devise symbols of increasing power of abstraction which are 'more adequate to reality'.
Per Nowotny on Elias: thinking about time as a conceptual symbol it can more readily be described in social terms, it holds natural and social time together, and it accounts for human agency in creating symbols to understand time in practice and in the abstract.
Unless one learns to perceive human societies, living in a world of symbols of their own making, as emerging and developing within the larger non-human universe, one is unable to attack one of the most crucial aspects of the problem of time. For Elias it consists, stated very briefly, in how to reconcile the highly abstract nature of the concept of time with the strong compulsion its social use as a regulatory device exerts upon us in daily life. His answer: time is not a thing, but a relationship. For him the word time is a symbol for a relationship which a group of beings endowed with the capacity for memory and synthesis establishes between two or more continua of changes, one of which is used by them as a frame of reference or standard of measurement for the other.
Nowotny descrobes Norbert Elias' conception of social time not as a thing but a relationship between people and two more more continua of changes.
continua = multiple ways to sequentially evaluate something that changes over past, present and future states.
Requested the Elias book cited here.
- Mar 2018
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Complexity Theory - Dynamical Systems Theory
If we want to make change we should come at a problem from as many different areas as possible.
We should be wary of the magic bullet. Complexity theory may be seen as post-structuralist or even further?
This is part of an agency structure debate.
There are varied factors that contribute to change.
The connections of neurons are more important than the number of cells are more important for consciousness or the mind. This is a good analogy for why complexity theory is so essential.
Consciousness emerges when critical mass is reached in a system.
It's hard to know how much of a factor something can be in a causal system. For example, how much do we cause do we attribute to butterfly wings causing a storm in India.
What causes change in the education system?
We need to use words like compounding effects to explain change.
We need to conceive of change in terms of speed and direction, like a mathematical function.
We need to be wary of one dimensional change or one kind of initiative. You need to think of multiple factors.
Effective intervention means intervention from every possible angle.
We need to pump resources until we have autocatalysis.
International Journal of Education Development Mark Mason
- Jan 2018
www.fulcrum.org www.fulcrum.org
Digital rhetoric in many ways erodes the distance between rhetor and reader, producer and user.
I think Eyman's vision of a remixable version of this text begins to move in this direction. But if this is the case, I think we need to think more deeply about how readers work as co-producers in all of these elements of the rhetorical canon.
- Nov 2017
www.historyguy.com www.historyguy.com
Fighting between Thai and Cambodian forces result in deaths among both the Thai and Cambodian military forces. Civilian deaths were also reported. As of mid-day on February 5, firm numbers of dead and wounded are not available, as both sides report widely divergent numbers. It appears that total deaths hover around ten.
The broke relationship between this two countries.
pubs.opengroup.org pubs.opengroup.org
Used by Relationships
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
- Aug 2017
analytics.jiscinvolve.org analytics.jiscinvolve.org
This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations. It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.
Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).
- Jul 2017
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
that economic rela- tionships are also social relationships in that they presuppose a definite social, political, cultural and legal con
Again, economic relationship is also social relationship in Marx's eyes. Because both relationships co-exist.
In Marx's idea, superstructure is the base for other infrastructure, all ideas rely on superstructure. Superstructure can be looked at as the foundation.
'economic activity' always includes work or labour as a set of social relationship
In Marx's social relationship of production, Marx always include that social is also a part of economic activity. Marx pointed out what differentiate human from animals are that human feel the need to work together and make the things they need to survive, and as a result of this, social relationship became essential in our lives.
vividness.live vividness.live
To stage 3, that sounds cold and distant, but for stage 4, it means seeing the other person for who they really are. Emotions are just something people have, from time to time. Those need to be dealt with, but should not be taken too seriously. Relating to the other person’s principles, projects, and commitments means supporting what they most care about in the longer run. A romantic relationship between systematic people not only tolerates, but respects, and actively supports, their differing values and projects. That is what it means (for stage 4) to be actually in a relationship with another person, rather than losing both your selves in a warm bath of shared feelings.
Being in relationship for Stage 4: dealing with but not taking emotions seriously. Must support differing values & projects.
- Jan 2017
psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu
Normal Stress = Normal force / area Normal Force decreases from finite value to zero while area increases to infinite. Shear stress+ Shear Force/area Shear force increases from 0 to finite value while area increases faster to infinity.
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
to be happy and to have meaning in the world, you must concentrate on developing Knowledge and allow it to contribute itself where it knows it can be of the greatest benefit. This will fulfill your need for relationship and community.
- Aug 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
to America or the Colonies
As Steve Jones says in my attached article, the 19th century relationship between the US and Britain was actually quite strong. Doyle is using this brief mention of America to display the relationship between the nations at the time. Though America became independent from the UK in 1776, by the 1800's it has become quite reasonable for someone to possibly seek refuge in "the Colonies".
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
The personal sense of things becomes a sieve through which is run our experiences of our “others” and even our experience of the world. This causes a highly unnatural misalignment of our perception of them. You could compare it to intense inbreeding of animals, in which the breed becomes so refined as to no longer have a broad enough base to support it. It becomes weak and idiotic. This is why relationships based on a personal sense cannot stand, or withstand, the normal dynamics of Life. Having been so finely misaligned by having been put through the sieve of egotism and self-righteousness, the downfall of such personal relationships does not occur comfortably. They come apart only with great distress being experienced on the part of the one indulging in that personal sense.
Why break ups can be so painful.
The only solution which can actually resolve a relationship problem is for the one experiencing discomfort to drop the personal sense of involvement, thus resolving it actually back into the normal Universal Harmonies that constitute the existence of the individualities involved. This is a phrase which you have heard many times before, but it has been unclear to you how to do it. Trying to lay down a personal sense is like trying to lay down a piece of flypaper. The more you attempt to put it down, the more firmly it sticks! The only way to lay down a personal sense of things is to go within to that Place of quietness and attentiveness, and listen for the influx of your Being as It sees Itself from Its infinite standpoint. This can be achieved through meditation, if one is a beginner. Here, you not only see things as they are, but you experience them as they are. In that experience you cannot find a trace of that personal sense of things from which you had been suffering.
The way to resolve challenge with in personal relationship.
If we insist on leaving the position of seeing out from Mind, and choose to view it the way it appears, we set ourselves up for sharp jabs. This is because “personal” relationships are, in themselves, unkind and harsh misperceptions of our Wholeness. This is why personal relationships are perhaps the most unsatisfying experiences we can endure.
"Personal" Relationships are perhaps the most unsatisfying experiences we can endure.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Be very wise, and do not bother to waste your time trying to accommodate the three-dimensional viewpoints of those around you. Do not allow yourself to give authority to anything outside of your own demonstrated conscious experience of Reality, of Fourth-dimensional Being, under any circumstances.
Do not give your authority to anyone outside of your own demonstrated conscious experience of Reality.
Conscious Being = Experience of Reality = 4d Man
christmind.info christmind.info
This means that, rather than trying to figure out what you can do which will be best for your family, you can abide in that Place of observing with understanding that Being is unfolding Itself perfectly as each specific identity in your family. This perfect unfoldment is, because of Its infinity, occurring in a way which appears to be harmonious for all concerned. I say “appears” because, no matter how many It appears to be, It is still One infinite Event.
Rather than trying to figure things out, abide in the place of conscious Being and observe that Being is unfolding itself perfectly.
All is One no matter how many there appear to be. The unfolding of Being is One Infinite Event.
As things seem to take on some definition in our life, I want you to beware of the idea that the form which is taking shape is in any way connected with You as a product of your intellect, or your good sense, or you, yourself, in any way. You must remain clear in the fact that form is fluid and not fixed, that it serves to identify what your Being is being. You must remember that if the form became “fixed,” that your Being would become fixed, static, immovable, and unmoving. And, thus, it would cease to be Being.
Form is related to Being in that it is an expression of what Being is being.
Beware of the idea (Belief) that forms taking shape in your life are in anyway connected with you - for example a job, house, marriage, family, car, etc.
When you identify yourself with form you are acting as the pedestal, lost in illusion, insisting the form is separate from all other forms and special.
Form is always changing because it is an expression of Being infinitely expanding.
christmind.info christmind.info
You are afraid that if you let go and stop “doing,” everything will fall apart. This is because you are still caught in the belief that what you have “done” in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are. This is foolishness, and you are beginning to see this. You haven’t gotten anywhere, because Infinity has no place to go. Nevertheless, Infinity—your Being—has unfolded Itself in spite of what you thought you were “doing,” and where you thought you were getting to.
Here, Being appears to be equated with Infinity.
Quote: To believe what you have done in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are is foolishness. You haven't gotten anywhere because Infinity has no place to go.
christmind.info christmind.info
There is only one infinite Life/Principle, one infinite Identity, infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what constitutes the center and circumference of Being—Your Self as you experience It, Susan’s Self as she experiences It, and my Self as I experience It. Its omnipotence or strength is constituted of Its absolute omnipresent Integrity, which is Its Intelligent Nature. it is not thrilling or exciting when contemplated from an egotistical standpoint. But It is satisfying in ways that are so meaningful that they cannot compare to the “thrills” of the ego. It also has this benefit: The satisfaction is eternal and unchanging.
There is only one infinity Identity infinitely expressed and seen as all that exists. It is what makes up the center and circumference of Being.
Identity is not exciting when compared from an egotistical standpoint.
www.perseus.tufts.edu www.perseus.tufts.edu
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, it is impossible for your world to become integrated if you do not understand what the Substance of that Totality is. This is why we are discussing this point this morning. The only Substance there is throughout the Universe—and throughout all dimensions—is Light. This Light, in Its various aspects, is Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. It is also Intelligence and Substance. In everything you do, I want you to begin to be conscious of this idea that all there is to you—and all there is to everything—is this Light of Living Love. There are not two things going on. This Light is eternally living Itself as the intelligent expression of Conscious Experience, universally and specifically.
My world cannot be healed unless I come to understand that the totality of all things is Light, which is Love.
Here he equates Light to Life, Truth, Principle, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
He gives Paul an exercise. To begin to be conscious, in everything he does, that all there is to him - and to everything - is Living Love (God!!!!)
There is not two things going on, there is not the perceived drama of life and Living Love. And this is where the practice is important because it the insanity of the world seems to be true.
Paul, all energy is Light, and Light is the omnipresent energy that constitutes all life forms, all ideas, and all of every aspect of Conscious Being. it is the pure Light that is Love. It is the pure Light that constitutes Substance. It is the pure Light which differentiates Itself according to Intelligence as all that appears and all that is.
Lot's here in this one paragraph.
All energy is Light, it is a subset of Light. Light is ever present and constitutes every aspect of Being. Light is Love.
That means every aspect of Being is Love - and all things are Love.
Light differentiates itself, according to Intelligence, as all that is.
christmind.info christmind.info
Now, I will respond to your question. Relationships are constituted of the harmonies and interchanges of the one infinite One—Your Self from your point of view, Susan’s Self from her point of view, your mother’s Self from her point of view. As I have said before, if you could clearly see what is happening from a Fourth-dimensional standpoint, you would see that the apparent three-dimensional relationship is totally Harmonious. What we see “out there” is a finite view of the Total Oneness and Harmony of our Being.
Read from here to the end of the page.
It speaks of personal relationship, dynamics, and the only solution to relationship "challenges."
- Sep 2015
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
Another began to examine built forms as metaphors for complex social and symbolic relationships: the Irish country- men's "west room" (21) or the French peasant "parlour" (393).
"complex social and symbolic relationships"
touches on how we are giving an identity to what we have built around us; we've found a specific purpose for each thing.
Another key area of research has focused on the relationship between individual or group identity and housing
Depending on how many people are involved in the use of an area, the dynamics can change
- Mar 2015
learning2whistle.com learning2whistle.com
And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.
Definition of Forgiveness
- Feb 2015
www.perseus.tufts.edu www.perseus.tufts.edu
- Jan 2015
www.perseus.tufts.edu www.perseus.tufts.edu
- Feb 2014
www.law.uh.edu www.law.uh.edu
Identify the relationship/status of the parties (Note: Do not merely refer to the parties as the plai ntiff/defendant or appellant/appellee; be sure to also include more descr iptive generic terms to identify the relationship/status at issue, e.g., buyer/seller, employer/employee, landlord/tenant, etc.)
Identify the factual relationship of the parties, not just the procedural relationship.
Examples of procedural:
- plaintiff/defendant
- appellant/appellee
Examples of factual:
- buyer/seller
- employer/employee
- landlord/tenant