4,542 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. I think Svelte's approach where it replaces component instances with the component markup is vastly superior to Angular and the other frameworks. It gives the developer more control over what the DOM structure looks like at runtime—which means better performance and fewer CSS headaches, and also allows the developer to create very powerful recursive components.
    1. Lets not extend the framework with yet another syntax
    2. Your LazyLoad image is now inextensible. What if you want to add a class? Perhaps the author of LazyLoad thought of that and sets className onto the <img>. But will the author consider everything? Perhaps if we get {...state} attributes.
    3. I totally get not wanting to extend the syntax. I tried doing these things and in practice it was not easy or pretty. Actions provide a much cleaner and easier way to accomplish a certain set of functionality that would be much more difficult without it.
    1. <LazyLoad component="img" data-src="giant-photo.jpg" class="my-cool-image" />
    2. Why not just do something like this?
    3. I'm still confused about the need for this, so at the expense of continuing to be that obnoxious kid at the playground, I'm going to stick my neck out again.
    4. Devil's advocate: I'm not convinced the functionalities you list can't already be done within the JS of the component. Example: autofocus can simply be done w/ a method or oncreate.
    5. Actions aren't necessary, otherwise they would have been implemented from the start. But they do allow for easier code-reuse and better shared libraries without exploding/complicating the ecosystem.
    6. You'll have to create a new component that brings in the functionality of both. TooltipButton, TooltipLink, Link, and TooltipRoutedLink. We're starting to get a lot of components to handle a bit of added functionality.
    7. For the tooltip example, if you had a whole bunch of tooltips on different elements, it would be annoying to have different event listeners and "should it be shown" variables for each one.
    8. I'm just pushing on the "is this really a good idea" front
    9. If this was tied into Svelte's flow with hooks this would not be necessary since it would know when it was being removed from the DOM.
    10. You must: reference each element you are extending using refs or an id add code in your oncreate and ondestroy for each element you are extending, which could become quite a lot if you have a lot of elements needing extension (anchors, form inputs, etc.)
    11. This is where hooks/behaviors are a good idea. They clean up your component code a lot. Also, it helps a ton since you don't get create/destroy events for elements that are inside {{#if}} and {{#each}}. That could become very burdensome to try and add/remove functionality with elements as they are added/removed within a component.
    12. I would be willing to take a stab at it if you think it would be a task within reach.
    13. This can and should be done with other components, IMHO.
    14. the ability to pass around element names as strings in place of components
    15. I'm a lot softer on this feature now - I'm starting to believe that every single use case that you would use a hook for, you could/should use a component for.
    1. Perhaps at that point we're better off settling on a way to pass components through as parameters? <!-- App.html --> <Outer contents={Inner}/> <!-- Outer.html --> <div> <div>Something</div> <[contents] foo='bar'/> </div>
    2. But some sort of official way to do that in the language would make this nicer - and would mean I would have to worry less about destroying components when their parent is destroyed, which I'm certainly not being vigilant about in my code.
    3. I would hope for it to come with React-like behavior where I could pass in a string (like div or a) and have it show up as a normal div/a element when the child component used it.
    1. The more I think about this, the more I think that maybe React already has the right solution to this particular issue, and we're tying ourselves in knots trying to avoid unnecessary re-rendering. Basically, this JSX... <Foo {...a} b={1} {...c} d={2}/> ...translates to this JS: React.createElement(Foo, _extends({}, a, { b: 1 }, c, { d: 2 })); If we did the same thing (i.e. bail out of the optimisation allowed by knowing the attribute names ahead of time), our lives would get a lot simpler, and the performance characteristics would be pretty similar in all but somewhat contrived scenarios, I think. (It'll still be faster than React, anyway!)
    2. Also, I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's okay to have multiple spreads? If the alternative to <Foo {...a} {...b} {...c} d={42}> is that people will write <Foo {...Object.assign({}, a, b, c)} d={42}> anyway, then do we gain anything with the constraint?
    3. I'll work on a preliminary PR (which I expect will need some love from maintainers, sorry!)
    4. The lack of spread continues to be a big pain for me, adding lots of difficult-to-maintain cruft in my components. Having to maintain a list of all possible attributes that I might ever need to pass through a component is causing me a lot of friction in my most composable components.
    5. No worries, I was just thinking that this issue should probably get necro'd back to open.
    1. The value of dotAll is a Boolean and true if the "s" flag was used; otherwise, false. The "s" flag indicates that the dot special character (".") should additionally match the following line terminator ("newline") characters in a string, which it would not match otherwise: U+000A LINE FEED (LF) ("\n") U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) ("\r") U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR This effectively means the dot will match any character on the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). To allow it to match astral characters, the "u" (unicode) flag should be used. Using both flags in conjunction allows the dot to match any Unicode character, without exceptions.
    1. Part of the functionality that is returned are event handlers. I'd like to avoid needing to manually copy the events over one by one so the hook implementation details are hidden.
    1. Three tests to prove a small piece of behavior. Although it might seem overkill for such a small feature, these tests are quick to write—that is, once you know how to write them
    1. Just throwing in <div class="{$$props.class || ''} otherChildClass"></div> seems the easiest, and it'll avoid undefined classes. I feel like many aren't noticing the undefined values getting inserted in their classes.
    2. color: red; //doesn't apply this rule, because scoping doesn't extend to children
    3. Say I want to style this javascript routing anchor tag on various pages (some may be buttons, plain links, images) it makes it incredibly difficult. Eg:
    4. TBH It is a bit disheartening to see this issue closed when all proposed solutions do not sufficiently solve the issue at hand, I really like svelte but if this is how feature requests are handled I am probably not going to use it in the future.
    5. The language should work for developers, not the other way around.
    6. Having to wrap everything in a selector :global(child) { } is hacky
    1. There are tools in Svelte that break this expectation to a degree, but they are a bit annoying to use, which makes it an active decision on the part of the developer. The API hints at the way we want you to do things because we feel that this will give the better experience.
    2. Most of the linked issues, as well as this RFC, attempt to solve this problem by relaxing Svelte's CSS scoping rules, providing a better API with which to use global, or by manually passing down classes. We have never found this to be an acceptable solution which is why those issues have been closed. That position has not changed.
    3. :global just feels like a hack for a feature that should already be there.
    1. I think this is being rejected on grounds that are too arbitrary, and detract from what to me are the best things about Svelte -- it's fun and easy to use, and lets you write components in a way that's natural and expressive.
    2. Web developers are well aware of the mess you can get into with global CSS, and the action of writing <Child class="foo"/> and <div class={_class}>` (or similar) in the child component is an explicit indication that, while taking advantage of all the greatness of style encapsulation by default, in this case you have decided that you want a very specific and controlled "leak", of one class, from one component instance to one component instance.
    1. But if you’ve spent time building front ends with components, it’s hard to go back. Svelte lets us do that with a minimum of fuss or code bloat.
    1. I’ve seen some version of this conversation happen more times than I can remember. And someone will always say ‘it’s because you’re too used to thinking in the old way, you just need to start thinking in hooks’.

      But after seeing a lot of really bad hooks code, I’m starting to think it’s not that simple — that there’s something deeper going on.

    1. With Svelte, components and files have a one-to-one relationship. Every file is a component, and files can't have more than one component. This is generally a "best practice" when using most component frameworks.
    1. It was called a "virtual DOM" library because it didn't start out as isomorphic, but actually tied to the DOM from the start. It was an afterthought to make it isomorphic.
    1. Circe by Madeline MillerThis magnificent story of the famous witch goddess from Homer’s Odyssey was shortlisted for the 2019 Women’s prize for fiction. It is both hugely enjoyable, showing the very male classical epic from a female point of view, and profoundly affecting in its depictions of the trials of immortality. This book is the closest you can get to experiencing what it might really be like to be a goddess, with all its benefits and sacrifices.
    1. This is easily solved by extracting components, either as template partials/JavaScript components, or using Tailwind's @apply feature to create abstractions around common utility patterns.
    2. Now I know what you're thinking, "this is an atrocity, what a horrible mess!" and you're right, it's kind of ugly. In fact it's just about impossible to think this is a good idea the first time you see it — you have to actually try it.
    1. Liquid Margins 009 | High School Social: Collaborative Annotation in Secondary EducationLM9 full

    1. When you visit location /one and the server redirects you to location /two, you expect the browser’s address bar to display the redirected URL. However, Turbolinks makes requests using XMLHttpRequest, which transparently follows redirects. There’s no way for Turbolinks to tell whether a request resulted in a redirect without additional cooperation from the server. To work around this problem, send the Turbolinks-Location header in the final response to a visit that was redirected, and Turbolinks will replace the browser’s topmost history entry with the value you provide.
    1. Force everything to the git root per NPM lameness
    2. For a non-monorepo package you can simply point directly to the Github repo. This case is similar, but you want to scope it just to a single package within the repo. For those that make monorepos they don't necessarily need this feature. It's for those that use projects that use monorepos. Telling them to not organize their projects into monorepos doesn't help people who make use of these projects.
    3. npm's inability to handle monorepos then i'd have designed my repos accordingly
    1. There are other mathematical models of institutionalized bias out there! Male-Female Differences: A Computer Simulation shows how a small gender bias compounds as you move up the corporate ladder. The Petrie Multiplier shows why an attack on sexism in tech is not an attack on men.
    2. Schelling's model gets the general gist of it, but of course, real life is more nuanced. You might enjoy looking at real-world data, such as W.A.V. Clark's 1991 paper, A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model.
    1. Figures like Kenneth Hagin, his protégé Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, and, of course, Osteen himself built up individual followings: followings that often grew as a result of cross-promotion (something religious historian Kate Bowler points out in her excellent Blessed, a history of the prosperity gospel movement). One preacher might, for example, feature another at his conference, or hawk his cassette tapes.

      Some of this is the leveraging of individual platforms for cross-promotion here, which helped in a pre-social media space and which now happens regularly online, particularly in the "funnel" sales space.

    1. James Suzman’s ‘Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time’ is published next month by Bloomsbury.
  2. Aug 2020
    1. Triggers error messages to render after a field is touched, and blurred (focused out of), this is useful for text fields which might start out erronous but end up valid in the end (i.e. email, or zipcode). In these cases you don't want to rush to show the user a validation error message when they haven't had a chance to finish their entry.
    2. Triggers error messages to show up as soon as a value of a field changes. Useful for when the user needs instant feedback from the form validation (i.e. password creation rules, non-text based inputs like select, or switches etc.)
    1. Now, you feel a sudden urge to use it. You ping your team lead or send a message to your whole team about this cool new way of doing things, and you suggest that you start using it.
    2. Hackathons are a great way of testing new technology with your team, and a place where you can go crazy with solutions.
    3. The hype is something common in our industry. Remember NoSQL? Or when everyone went crazy over microservices? Or the AI / Machine learning burst? The list goes on and on. People get excited about new and breakthrough technologies and ideas.
    4. The idea of having to learn something new is good, and I agree with that, but how often should you do that? Looking at the world of JavaScript, a new idea, blog post, library, framework, and whatnot pops up very often. Things become trending, and people quickly try to adopt that. I’m not saying you should not adopt new things and consider different approaches to a solution, not at all! I am trying to propose the idea of doing that less often.
    5. Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
    1. Furthermore, incumbents who generally do a good job, often manage to continue reigning. According to Brad Gerstner, CEO of Altimeter Capital, who recently did a podcast on Invest Like The Best, large tech companies have managed to take even more market share than 10 years ago. Some people may argue this is because the large tech companies have improved their products over time to stay ahead due to their increased collection of data and better algorithms that feed on that data over time. That may be true for some companies but not all. This also applies to other products that have not made significant strides in their technology — Craigslist, Salesforce CRM, Turbotax, Quickbooks to name a few. Even Google Search which arguably had a better product in the 1990s compared to its peers is about on par with alternative search engines today, but 90% of people worldwide still use Google. Old habits die hard, and distribution matters more than ever if you are just starting a business. It’s hard to topple incumbents who have strong distribution and already large audiences — even if you can build a much better product.

      Large incumbent tech companies have managed to retain their lead, partly due to network effects, but it also applies to companies that haven't made significant strides (e.g. Salesforce), probably because old habits die hard and success goes to the successful.

    1. We share our labor of love

      Here's something to share from the margins--George Carlin. Like Carlin, we in the margins need is to crash into the open and yoke academic power (good ideas, clearly expressed, and openly political) to systemic change. Open education seems too tame to do that. Prove me wrong.


    1. FWIW, I would have raised it earlier if I thought it would have made a difference.

      This is different from apathy; it's more like powerlessness.

    2. If we've gone more than a year without this being a problem in the slightest, I don't see how the next year would be any different.
    3. Can't upvote this enough. It is highly irritating to see language destroyed (and we wonder why kids bastardize the language..).
    1. As a web designer, I hate that "log in" creates a visual space between the words. If you line up "Log In Register" - is that three links or two? This creates a Gestalt problem, meaning you have to really fiddle with spacing to get the word groupings right, without using pipe characters.

      Sure, you can try to solve that problem by using a one-word alternative for any multi-word phrase, but that's not always possible: there isn't always a single word that can be used for every possible phrase you may have.

      Adjusting the letter-spacing and margin between items in your list isn't that hard and would be better in the long run since it gives you a scalable, general solution.

      "Log in" is the only correct way to spell the verb, and the only way to be consistent with 1000s of other phrasal verbs that are spelled with a space in them.

      We don't need nor want an exception to the general rule just for "login" just because so many people have made that mistake.

    2. I don't doubt that we will soon treat the process of logging in as a figurative point of entry, meaning that log into will make full conceptual sense (cf you don't physically delve into a problem or pile into an argument, yet both are correct grammatically because they are semantically [i.e. figuratively])
    1. New information that would be useful toward the future usage or troubleshooting of GitLab should not be written directly in a forum or other messaging system, but added to a docs MR and then referenced, as described above.
    2. When you encounter new information not available in GitLab’s documentation (for example, when working on a support case or testing a feature), your first step should be to create a merge request (MR) to add this information to the docs. You can then share the MR in order to communicate this information.
    1. I will have to look at code to be sure but the rule that */* trumps all is applied only when the request is not an ajax request. So if you are making ajax request then you should be good.
    2. I could add .json on the end, but that would mean hacking away at angularjs, which is doing the right thing. I would rather find a good solution and hack away at rails, which is doing the wrong thing :)
    3. In that case I would suggest to use .xml or .json format to eliminate accept header parsing issue.

      Avoid using a perfectly good feature (accept header negotiation) just because browsers screwed things up?

    4. Safari sends following order application/xml (q is 1) application/xhtml+xml (q is 1) image/png (q is 1) text/html (q is 0.9) text/plain (q is 0.8) \*/\* (q is 0.5) So you visit www.myappp.com in safari and if the app supports .xml then Rails should render .xml file. This is not what user wants to see. User wants to see .html page not .xml page.
    1. Historically, it was defined as one minute (1/60 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Today the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 metres (about 1.15 miles).
    1. having a completely distributed team can make it very difficult for team members to get to know each other on a personal level

      There is lots that gets missed from the chance encounters of in-person interactions.

      I've found this to be a challenge when onboarding at a new company.

      Many of the ways we happen to meet people in a normal office environment can go away, the chance encounters need to become intentional ones.

      It can feel awkward reaching out to someone over slack to ask for something if you have never had any kind of casual conversation or interaction with them before.

    1. Course as community onboarding

      I like this idea - as when joining a community figuring out the 'rules of engagement' can be hard, and also

      • who to go for what
      • what do I need to know to start
      • how does this community work

      For team on-boarding, project on-boarding, etc - it can also guide people towards other courses / resources that may be more ongoing or of other types

    1. As a result, I end up quoting multiple people, sometimes quoting several people back-to-back, before even writing my reply. In those instances it feels like I'm not properly citing those individuals. I feel like it might seem I'm not providing new readers appropriate context for a given quote. It might also be implied that separate quotes are from the same person, leading to mis-attribution.
    1. I went against the grain, applying other tools that people have written over the years to directly perform the job at hand which do not involve entering a program for awk or a shell to run, with answers like https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/574309/5132 and https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/578242/5132 . Others have done similar. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/584274/5132 and https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/569600/5132 are (for examples) answers that show alternative tools to answers employing shell script and (yet again) awk programs, namely John A. Kunze's jot and rs (reshape), which have been around since 4.2BSD for goodness' sake!
    2. "When an OP rejects your edit, please do not edit it back in!" Correspondingly, when a user repeatedly does try to edit, understand that something in your framing isn't working right, and you should reconsider it.
  3. Jul 2020
    1. In our series, learning linked data, we've covered several topics related to querying linked data using several SPARQL features and techniques, producing linked data using RDFa and working with JSON-LD.

      I don't see a link to the other articles in this series...

    1. "that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
    1. "AOO is not, and isn't designed to be, the 'super coolest open source office suite with all the latest bells and whistles,'" Jagielski continued. "Our research shows that a 'basic,' functional office suite, which is streamlined with a 'simple' and uncluttered, uncomplicated UI, serves an incredible under-represented community.
    1. Lastly, in order for a statement to be defamatory, it must be unprivileged. You cannot sue for defamation in certain instances when a statement is considered privileged. For example, when a witness testifies at trial and makes a statement that is both false and injurious, the witness will be immune to a lawsuit for defamation because the act of testifying at trial is privileged.
    1. Under the GDPR, users have the right to object to certain processing activities in relation to their personal data carried out by the Controller. In a nutshell, the user can object to the processing of their data whenever the processing is based on the controller’s legitimate interest, or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority, or for purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics. The user has to state a motivation for their objection, unless the processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes, in which case no motivation is needed to exercise this right.
    1. Other examples of detriment are deception, intimidation, coercion or significant negativeconsequences if a data subject does not consent. The controller should be able to prove that the datasubject had a free or genuine choice about whether to consent and that it was possible to withdrawconsent without detriment.
    2. Article 7(3) of the GDPR prescribes that the controller must ensure that consent can be withdrawn bythe data subject as easy as giving consent and at any given time. The GDPR does not say that givingand withdrawing consent must always be done through the same action.
    3. consent is obtained through use of a service-specific user interface (for example, via a website, an app,a log-on account, the interface of an IoT device or by e-mail), there is no doubt a data subject must beable to withdraw consent via the same electronic interface, as switching to another interface for thesole reason of withdrawing consentwould require undue effort.
    4. The controller informs customers that they havethe possibility to withdraw consent. To do this, they could contact a call centre on business daysbetween 8am and 5pm, free of charge. The controller in this example doesnotcomply with article 7(3)of the GDPR. Withdrawing consent in this case requires a telephone call during business hours, this ismore burdensome than the one mouse-click needed for giving consent through the online ticketvendor, which is open 24/7.
    5. Controllers have an obligation to delete data that was processed on the basis of consent once thatconsent is withdrawn,assuming that there is no other purpose justifying the continued retention.56Besides this situation, covered in Article 17 (1)(b), an individual data subject may request erasure ofother data concerning him that is processed on another lawful basis, e.g.on the basis of Article6(1)(b).57Controllers are obliged to assess whether continued processing of the data in question isappropriate, even in the absence of an erasure request by the data subject.
    6. For example, as the GDPR requires that a controller must be able to demonstrate that valid consentwas obtained, all presumed consents of which no references are kept willautomatically be below theconsent standard of the GDPR and will need to be renewed. Likewise as the GDPR requires a“statement or a clear affirmative action”, all presumed consents that were based on a more impliedform of action by the data subject (e.g.a pre-ticked opt-in box) will also not be apt to the GDPRstandard of consent.
    7. Also,mechanisms for data subjects to withdraw their consent easily must be available and informationabout how to withdraw consent must be provided.
    8. If a controller receives a withdrawal request, itmust in principle delete the personal data straight away if it wishes to continue to use the data for thepurposes of the research.
    1. The cookie banner will be displayed any time a user visits your site for the first time or when you have decided to add a new vendor to your list of vendors (since it’s a new disclosure and potentially a consent request for that vendor may be required).
    1. Beyond that, the core AMP library and built-in elements should aim for very wide browser support and we accept fixes for all browsers with market share greater than 1 percent.
    1. These seem to be better reasons to support sub-nanosecond resolution. I think either storing picoseconds or storing sec fraction as 64-bit integer are better approaches than storing a rational. However, either change would be very invasive, and it seems unlikely to be worth the effort.
    2. So, which is better? t.inspect # => "2007-11-01 15:25:00 8483885939586761/68719476736000000 UTC" t.inspect # => "2007-11-01 15:25:00.123456789000000004307366907596588134765625 UTC"
    1. O’Connor, D. B., Aggleton, J. P., Chakrabarti, B., Cooper, C. L., Creswell, C., Dunsmuir, S., Fiske, S. T., Gathercole, S., Gough, B., Ireland, J. L., Jones, M. V., Jowett, A., Kagan, C., Karanika‐Murray, M., Kaye, L. K., Kumari, V., Lewandowsky, S., Lightman, S., Malpass, D., … Armitage, C. J. (n.d.). Research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science. British Journal of Psychology, n/a(n/a), e12468. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12468

    1. JSON parsing is always pain in ass. If the input is not as expected it throws an error and crashes what you are doing. You can use the following tiny function to safely parse your input. It always turns an object even if the input is not valid or is already an object which is better for most cases.

      It would be nicer if the parse method provided an option to do it safely and always fall back to returning an object instead of raising exception if it couldn't parse the input.

    1. We also use a home-made RspecFlaky::Listener listener which records flaky examples in a JSON report file on master (retrieve-tests-metadata and update-tests-metadata jobs).
    1. that interest can help us think more clearly, understand more deeply, and remember more accurately

      Really interesting finding! It makes sense from personal experience

    1. I've used TurboTax for the previous 8 years. Loved it. Sadly, that's changed. Rather than simply allowing you to choose TurboTax's products you're pushed into choosing an increasingly more and more costly set of services and are no point allowed an opportunity to choose which services you actually need. I may actually need the services that TurboTax provided, however, because of the manner that I was pressured into their services and the lack of clear options and explanations I feel like I was taken advantage of. That feeling is what I will remember from using TurboTax this year. It is a feeling I will not experience again.
    1. In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.

      Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?

      Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.

      Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?

    1. I have pixelized the faces of the recognizable people wearing a red cord (as they don't want to appear on pictures). I hope is fine.
    2. While the modifying version will occasionally be useful, in general, we should gently push people towards using non-modifying code.
    1. Matz, alas, I cannot offer one. You see, Ruby--coding generally--is just a hobby for me. I spend a fair bit of time answering Ruby questions on SO and would have reached for this method on many occasions had it been available. Perhaps readers with development experience (everybody but me?) could reflect on whether this method would have been useful in projects they've worked on.
    1. Creating and calling a default proc is a waste of time, and Cramming everything into one line using tortured constructs doesn't make the code more efficient--it just makes the code harder to understand.

      The nature of this "answer" is a comment in response to another answer. But because of the limitations SO puts on comments (very short length, no multi-line code snippets), comment feature could not actually be used, so this user resorted to "abusing" answer feature to post their comment instead.


    1. Can Boost the Effects of Stimulants Clonidine can be prescribed in addition to a stimulant medication, which often enhances the effectiveness of the stimulant.

      Will need to read up on that. Is that just for ADHD, or other conditions as well?

    1. I agree in general splitting an array, according to some property using the order of the elements (no take_drop_while) or to some other array (this request) is more difficult than it could be.