- Dec 2024
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Mr. Peshak started making films for Glenview, Ill.-based Coronet Instructional Films. The company was started by David Smart, the founder of Esquire magazine.
- Oct 2024
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
41:26 generation Z? nicht belastbar. streitunfähig. harmoniesüchtig. ungeduld. kurzsicht.<br /> nicht lernfähig. eingebildet. fühlen sich schlau. "school smart but not street smart".<br /> aufgeben beim kleinsten widerstand. nicht belastbar. schwächlinge. keine kämpfer.<br /> opfer. versager. schwächlinge. abhängige. follower. folger. mitläufer. dressierte haustiere.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
17:24 "Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature. The quaint old forms — elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest — will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial — but democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit."<br /> -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958)
aka: soft power. psychowar. aggressive exploitation of human stupidity.
we have two worlds: public and private = day and night.<br /> everything in public life is optimized for idiots = neurotics = socialists and nationalists.<br /> smart people are forced to hide in private life = psychotics = communists and fascists.<br /> the basis for this division are personality types, which are inborn and stable for life.<br /> this means, idiots are physically trapped in their stupidity (in plato's cave),<br /> and all forms of "education" can only hide that stupidity.<br /> idiots are physically blind to conspiracies, high-level organized crime, slavery.<br /> so the challenge is to find a better symbiosis between stupid and smart people.
- Jul 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Dr. Sönke AhrensOn page 117 of "How to Take Smart Notes" you write the following: "The slip-box not only confronts us with dis-confirming information, butalso helps with what is known as the feature-positive effect (Allison andMessick 1988; Newman, Wolff, and Hearst 1980; Sainsbury 1971). This isthe phenomenon in which we tend to overstate the importance of informationthat is (mentally) easily available to us and tilts our thinking towards the mostrecently acquired facts, not necessarily the most relevant ones. Withoutexternal help, we would not only take exclusively into account what weknow, but what is on top of our heads.[35] The slip-box constantly remindsus of information we have long forgotten and wouldn’t remember otherwise –so much so, we wouldn’t even look for it."My question for you: Why have you chosen to use the Feature-Positive Effect as the phenomenon to make your point and not the recency bias?The recency bias seems more aligned with your point of our minds favoring recently learned information/knowledge over already existing, perhaps more relevant, cognitive schemata.To my mind, the FPE states that it is easier to detect patterns when the unique stimuli indicating the pattern is present rather than absent... In the following example:Pattern in this sequence: 1235 8593 0591 2531 8532 (all numbers have a 5; the unique feature is present) Pattern in this sequence: 1236 8193 0291 2931 8472 (no numbers contain a 5; the unique feature is absent)The pattern in the first sequence is more easily spotted than the pattern in the second sequence, this is the feature-positive effect. This has not much to do with your point.I do get what you are coming from, namely that we are biased towards what is more readily in mind; however, the extension of this argument with the comparison of relevance vs. time makes the recency bias or availability heuristic more applicable; and also easier to explain in my opinion.Once again, I am simply curious what made you choose the FPE as the phenomenon to explain.I hope you take the time to read this and respond to it. Thanks in advance.Sources in the comments
Hey Matthew, it's a fair point. Without having the whole passage or a previous draft in front of me, it could be simply the outcome of the editing process. It does read like you said: as if I had recency bias in mind (next to other fitting ones), which then got lost after having shortened it for readability. That's my best guess. Even though it is tempting in these cases to come up with some post-hoc, smart sounding reason...
Response by Ahrens to my question/criticism
- May 2024
blog.logseq.com blog.logseq.com
Smart Merge is built on a customized adaptation of Myer's diff algorithm and Google's diff-match-patch
The Git's way. Snapshots as the source of truth, derive deltas to merge.
- Feb 2024
shop.neosmartpen.com shop.neosmartpen.com
I think I like this better than the other current models in 2024.
- Nov 2023
The url_for helpers now support a new option called path_params. This is very useful in situations where you only want to add a required param that is part of the route's URL but for other route not append an extraneous query param.
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
automate transactions
For example, think about paying your monthly bills. Instead of writing checks and mailing them, you can set up automatic payments through your bank's website. The bank's computer system will send the money to the right places at the right times without you needing to do it every month.
- Sep 2023
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Villages as homogeneous legal community units cannot be equated with cities in the process ofadopting information technology (Pranita and Kesa, 2021; Ehnberg et al., 2021; Hadian & Susanto,2022; Rachmawati, 2018). The smart city concept cannot be applied in villages that carry the smartvillage terminology because of the homogeneity of the people as well as local characteristics andculture.
Menganggap desa sebagai komunitas yang homogen tidak sepenuhnya tepat.
Entang Adhy Muhtar, Abdillah Abdillah, Ida Widianingsih & Qinthara Mubarak Adikancana (2023) Smart villages, rural development and community vulnerability in Indonesia: A bibliometric analysis, Cogent Social Sciences, 9:1, 2219118, DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2219118
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
- for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
- quote
- paraphrase
- Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
- In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
- Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
- Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
- So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
- So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
- author: Garth Graham
- leader of Telecommunities Canada
- doughnut cities
- smart cities
- Garth Graham
- quote Garth Graham
- community data
- quote
- open data
- quote - community data ownership
- cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries
- localization
- community data ownership
- cosmolocal
- Telecommunities Canada
- downscaling planetary boundaries
- Jul 2023
www.gooeycenterbakery.com www.gooeycenterbakery.comhome1
2023-03-01 Met Christopher Federici, owner of Gooey Center Bakery. He swears by King Arthur flour.
smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com smartslider.helpscoutdocs.com
Logo slider with continuous animation
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
f more intelligence comes to our world and has our best interest in mind that's the best possible scenario you could ever imagine and it's a likely 00:19:39 scenario okay we can affect that scenario the problem of course is if it doesn't and and and then you know the scenarios become quite scary if you think about it so 00:19:50 scary smart
- etymology
- of book title
- scary smart
- of book title
- etymology
- May 2023
www.orange.com www.orange.com
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
With its speaker dock and Home mode, plus access to all the apps of an Android tablet, the Pixel Tablet is a step in the right direction of a fully featured smart home controller.
- Mar 2023
www.jowr.org www.jowr.org
Schiller, Melanie. “Ahrens, S. (2017). How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers.” Journal of Writing Research 9, no. 2 (October 15, 2017): 227–31. https://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2017.09.02.05.
- Feb 2023
joshduffney.gumroad.com joshduffney.gumroad.com
$2.99 for "How to Take Smart Notes in Obsidian"
(not a recommendation)
wrt: https://hypothes.is/a/uDIE9q70Ee2xxiszhAZGOQ<br /> I'll give him a little credit that he's at least aliasing his notes as he "files" them, but I suspect that over time he's making more work for himself than not. This seems unsustainable over time.
It also seems like he's doing a lot more make-work here than he otherwise ought to?
Notice that he's making this to sell a course: https://joshduffney.gumroad.com/l/take-smart-notes-obsidian
He doesn't directly link the GitHub repo as he indicated, but it can be found here: https://github.com/Duffney/smart-notes. In looking at it, the timestamped notes will become problematic.
This was from 2021-10-17. I'm curious what his "system" looks like today? Has it changed through time and experience?
- Jan 2023
news.harvard.edu news.harvard.edu
ProPublica recently reported that breathing machines purchased by people with sleep apnea are secretly sending usage data to health insurers, where the information can be used to justify reduced insurance payments.
!- surveillance capitalism : example- - Propublica reported breathing machines for sleep apnea secretly send data to insurance companies
This economic logic has now spread beyond the tech companies to new surveillance–based ecosystems in virtually every economic sector, from insurance to automobiles to health, education, finance, to every product described as “smart” and every service described as “personalized.”
!- surveillance capitalism : other catchwords
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I mean people suggested that you could replace legal contracts with small contracts which are programs that are built on the blockchain and that's usually accompanied with the phrase coder's law this is a smart contract and this is a legal contract these two things aren't the same right you can't have law be enacted by computer code because law inherently requires third parties to assess evidence intentions and a bunch of other variables that you just can't Outsource
Fundamental difference between legal contracts and "smart contracts"
Legal contracts are subject to judgement of evidence and intention. "Code as law" can't do that.
- Oct 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Digitize your notes: Step by Step Using Neo Smart Pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otj3x_9h2RM
Nothing brilliant. the Neo Smart Pen looks like a direct competitor to Livescribe with Anoto paper
calpaterson.com calpaterson.com
An oracle is a conventional program which runs off the blockchain and which periodically publishes information about the world onto the blockchain. The problem is trust. Using an oracle turns your clever blockchain program into a fairly pointless appendage to the much more important (and subjective) conventional program: the one which is interpreting the world and drawing conclusions.
Almost all smart contracts require an oracle
The oracle becomes the trusted centralized entity that advocates wanted to be removed. Can you trust the oracle? Can the oracle be subverted...even for just a short time needed to execute an encoded contract program on the blockchain?
- Aug 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Video about the Double-Bubble Map: https://youtu.be/Hm4En13TDjs
The double-bubble map is a tool for thought for comparing and contrasting ideas. Albert Rosenberg indicates that construction of opposites is one of the most reliable ways for generating ideas. (35:50)
Bluma Zeigarnik - open tasks tend to occupy short-term memory.
I love his compounding interest graphic with the steps moving up to the right with the quote: "Even groundbreaking paradigm shifts are most often the consequence of many small moves in the right direction instead of one big idea." This could be an awesome t-shirt or motivational poster.
Watched this up to about 36 minutes on 2022-08-10 and finished on 2022-08-22.
theinformed.life theinformed.life
basic literacies that users of the web and social media ought to have
Rheingold perceives literacy as skill within community. A skill that comes into its own if there's a community of skilled people, a social practice. He may have adopted it from Paulo Freire who put reading/writing skills interwoven with reading/writing the world (mentioned in Kalir/Garcia's Annotation too). Do I see that community aspect, the social practice aspects in the 5 literacies he lists from Net Smart?
- Attention [[Aandacht als geletterdheid 20201117203910]]
- Participation
- Collaboration
- Network awareness
- Crap detection, or 'Critical consumption' in polite company (I have it as : [[Crap detection is civic duty 2018010073052]]
appropriate Key Management
Di Angelo and Salzer (2020) divided wallets into six types.
www.dasp.co www.dasp.co
It was first unveiled during a multimillion dollar heist which led to a hard fork of Ethereum. Reentrancy occurs when external contract calls are allowed to make new calls to the calling contract before the initial execution is complete.
Reenter attack - The DAO. Basically withdrawal calls before the end of initial execution.
- Jul 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Don't recommend unless you have 100 hours to follow up on everything here that goes beyond the surface.
Be aware that this is a gateway for what I'm sure is a relatively sophisticated sales funnel.
Motivational and a great start, but I wonder how many followed up on these techniques and methods, internalized them and used them every day? I've not read his book, but I suspect it's got the usual mnemonic methods that go back millennia. And yet, these things are still not commonplace. People just don't seem to want to put in the work.
As a result, they become a sales tool with a get rich quick (get smart quick) hook/scheme. Great for Kwik's pocketbook, but what about actual outcomes for the hundreds who attended or the 34.6k people who've watched this video so far?
These methods need to be instilled in youth as it's rare for adults to bother.
Acronyms for remembering things are alright, but not incredibly effective as most people will have issues remembering the acronym itself much less what the letters stand for.
There seems to be an over-fondness for acronyms for people selling systems like this. (See also Tiago Forte as another example.)
- Jun 2022
www.economist.com www.economist.com
For the time being at least, human judgment is still a better bet than cold-hearted code
www.park.health www.park.health
Open educational resources (OERs) are fungible functional units used in education by both educators and students
OERs on Ethereum
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
smart bookmark
docdrop.org docdrop.org
an “empowering game” aimed at 8-14 year old children to support behavioural change leading to achieve energy reduction in social housing
I feel like if you're trying to get youth engaged with energy reduction/mindful energy use, you should make it a community thing (especially in social housing??!!). Trusted adults, mentors, and community leaders should be heading these education initiatives, not isolating games, however "empowering" they may be.
the institutional response to smart innovation is based on an evaluative mechanism which is driven by metrics of efficiency and a rationale of technocratic and post-political governance
This reminds me of various criticisms of smart cities' reliance on data for both operation and evaluation, as there are ways of knowing that data completely overlooks and, perhaps, can never truly see.
While claiming to increase meaningful forms of direct participation, neoliberal governance works within structuring bureaucratic and ideological path dependencies and often hinges on computational forms of participation which are set already within circumscribed software environments and solution
Can we pivot our approach to smart city initiatives away from this? Is it possible to sustain a development model that prioritizes the lived experiences and vocalized needs of a community rather than the assessments of project leaders?
“As neoliberal citizenship sets loose the individual to take care of itself, it also discursively binds the individual to the well-being of the whole”
What is preferable? I feel like we should start with the well-being of the whole and individuate from there; technosocial urbanism emphasizes applying tech to social issues, but why don't we set the bone before providing a crutch?
ather than fostering subversive ideals of experimentation, city hacking or beta-version infrastructures, smart innovation appears more an exercise of replication via short-term and risk-averse finance
I'm hearing crypto whispering on the wind...
here are concerns as to the extent to which smart city practices in regeneration programmes, such as Living Labs and hackathons, might
... act rather as a magnet for the in-flow and retention of ‘creative classes’ and as gateways for gentrification."
I agree. There needs to be a focus on pursuing smart city initiatives with the help of local talent and in harmony with the existing community rather than bringing in outside actors, who run the risk of trying to effect change without a thorough understanding of the city as it stands.
- May 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
smartprotocols.github.io smartprotocols.github.io
- Apr 2022
www.learncpp.com www.learncpp.com
std::shared_ptr can be used when you need multiple smart pointers that can co-own a resource. The resource will be deallocated when the last std::shared_ptr goes out of scope. std::weak_ptr can be used when you want a smart pointer that can see and use a shared resource, but does not participate in the ownership of that resource.
weak_ptr 的适用场景
www.learncpp.com www.learncpp.com
Always make a copy of an existing std::shared_ptr if you need more than one std::shared_ptr pointing to the same resource.
如果要创建多个 shared_ptr,推荐的做法是什么?
www.learncpp.com www.learncpp.com
Second, don’t manually delete the resource out from underneath the std::unique_ptr.
的情况? -
Use std::make_unique() instead of creating std::unique_ptr and using new yourself.
的方式是什么?有什么好处? -
Favor std::array, std::vector, or std::string over a smart pointer managing a fixed array, dynamic array, or C-style string.
对于固定的 array,动态 array 和字符串,更推荐使用哪种类型?
Because std::unique_ptr is designed with move semantics in mind, copy initialization and copy assignment are disabled. If you want to transfer the contents managed by std::unique_ptr, you must use move semantics.
可以使用 copy 初始化吗?
- Mar 2022
Local file Local file
The Five Elements of Design Thinking
Can be used in the lecture as an introduction to ideation
Quit watching at around 1:40:00 where it devolved into a love fest for the club itself.
www.learncpp.com www.learncpp.com
A Smart pointer is a composition class that is designed to manage dynamically allocated memory and ensure that memory gets deleted when the smart pointer object goes out of scope.
smart pointer 是什么?有什么好处?
- Feb 2022
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Met in @DanAllosso's book club on Smart Notes.
Local file Local file
In the early chapters Ahrens outlines the general form and method for taking notes for a zettelkasten, though he's not overly descriptive of the method and provides no direct examples.
In the middle chapters he talks broadly about learning research and how the zettelkasten method dovetails with these methods.
He does this almost as if he's a good teacher showing the student an outline of what to do and why, but leaving it up to them to actually do the work and experimentation to come up with their own specific methods of use to best suit their purposes. This allows them to do the work themselves so that they have a better chance of following a simple, but easy set of rules, but in a way that will allow them to potentially more quickly become an expert at the practice.
“The one who does the work does the learning,” writes Doyle (2008, 63) [Section 10.5]
In some sense, he's actively practicing what he preaches as a teaching device within his own book!
I think that this point may be actively missed by those readers who aren't actively engaging with and converting his ideas into their own and doing the work which he's actively suggesting.
- Jan 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Budak, C., Soroka, S., Singh, L., Bailey, M., Bode, L., Chawla, N., Davis-Kean, P., Choudhury, M. D., Veaux, R. D., Hahn, U., Jensen, B., Ladd, J., Mneimneh, Z., Pasek, J., Raghunathan, T., Ryan, R., Smith, N. A., Stohr, K., & Traugott, M. (2021). Modeling Considerations for Quantitative Social Science Research Using Social Media Data. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3e2ux
- Nov 2021
site.pennpress.org site.pennpress.org
Though firmly rooted in Renaissance culture, Knight's carefully calibrated arguments also push forward to the digital present—engaging with the modern library archives where these works were rebound and remade, and showing how the custodianship of literary artifacts shapes our canons, chronologies, and contemporary interpretative practices.
This passage reminds me of a conversation on 2021-11-16 at Liquid Margins with Will T. Monroe (@willtmonroe) about using Sönke Ahrens' book Smart Notes and Hypothes.is as a structure for getting groups of people (compared to Ahrens' focus on a single person) to do collection, curation, and creation of open education resources (OER).
Here Jeffrey Todd Knight sounds like he's looking at it from the perspective of one (or maybe two) creators in conjunction (curator and binder/publisher) while I'm thinking about expanding behond
This sort of pattern can also be seen in Mortimer J. Adler's group zettelkasten used to create The Great Books of the Western World series as well in larger wiki-based efforts like Wikipedia, so it's not new, but the question is how a teacher (or other leader) can help to better organize a community of creators around making larger works from smaller pieces. Robin DeRosa's example of using OER in the classroom is another example, but there, the process sounded much more difficult and manual.
This is the sort of piece that Vannevar Bush completely missed as a mode of creation and research in his conceptualization of the Memex. Perhaps we need the "Inventiex" as a mode of larger group means of "inventio" using these methods in a digital setting?
www.learncpp.com www.learncpp.com
One of the best things about classes is that they contain destructors that automatically get executed when an object of the class goes out of scope. So if you allocate (or acquire) memory in your constructor, you can deallocate it in your destructor, and be guaranteed that the memory will be deallocated when the class object is destroyed (regardless of whether it goes out of scope, gets explicitly deleted, etc…).
smart pointer 的原理是什么?
- Oct 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Cassidy, C. (2021, September 24). ‘Absolutely madness’: Melbourne teenagers reveal they are behind leading Covid tracking website. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/sep/24/absolutely-madness-melbourne-teenagers-reveal-they-are-behind-leading-covid-tracking-website
- Sep 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
How to Create NFT MarketPlace?
Owing to the worldwide requirement of the current Digital world, the NFT aspirants are actively looking for an efficient NFT Marketplace to showcase their collectibles. Statistics have defined that OpenSea and Rarible are bound to offer enhanced performance than most other NFT marketplaces. If you are an active entrepreneur or investor looking to launch your own NFT Marketplace Platform? You are in the right place!
The NFT marketplace can be built in two significant ways.
Build NFT marketplace from Scratch.
White Label NFT Marketplace
White Label NFT MarketPlace solutions are pre-built ones. It can be customized based on the client's requirements. It is more beneficial for the people who want to start an NFT with less capital investment. Development costs and the time to Create NFT Marketplace by opting for White Label NFT MarketPlace Software solutions are minimal.
Building an NFT Marketplace from Scratch
Building NFT MarketPlace from Scratch involves some basic steps like Blockchain selection, Finalizing features & functionalities, Developing Smart Contracts, UI Creations, Smart Contract Auditing & Bug fixing, Testnet deployment, release beta version or mainnet release. These NFT platforms are built based on the client's requirements. It is fully customized and we can integrate any unique features on it.
Create NFT MarketPlace on your desired Blockchain network
There are so many NFT Marketplace solution providers present in the crypto market. So tie up with the trustworthy NFT MarketPlace Development Company and check out the live demo of their white label nft marketplace and then create your own NFT marketplace on the desired blockchain network such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and TRON as per your wish.
- Aug 2021
unterwaditzer.net unterwaditzer.net
RemoteStorage requires the server to support a subset of OAuth, and that's the only kind of authentication supported. It also requires WebFinger support
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Meanwhile, we remain trapped in two countries. Each one is split by two narratives—Smart and Just on one side, Free and Real on the other. Neither separation nor conquest is a tenable future. The tensions within each country will persist even as the cold civil war between them rages on.
- May 2021
community.fitbit.com community.fitbit.com
With the web API, you can only pull data at rest, meaning you'll need to sync your Sense to the Fitbit app before you can fetch the data. The endpoint you'd use to fetch this data is the Intraday Heart Rate Time Series endpoints. If you'd like to test this endpoint, you can do it with the Fitbit API Explorer. If you're looking to fetch real-time/raw data with 1sec detail level, you'll want to use the Device API and SDK to create a clock face. You can get further assistance from other developers and our moderators in the SDK forum here.
Retrieving data at rest and realtime data.
developer.huawei.com developer.huawei.com
Wearable sensor management Controls and tracks accelerometer for movement and ECG/PPG for heart rate measurements.
Sensor API for Huawei
developer.tizen.org developer.tizen.org
Heart Rate Monitor LED Green Sensor The Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) LED green sensor measures the amount of green light that is reflected back from a person's blood vessel. The following table lists the measurement data that the HRM LED green sensor provides.
Tizen API accessing amount of green, red, and IR light reflected from a blood vessel
www.androidauthority.com www.androidauthority.com
Wear OS is a smartwatch operating system created and maintained by Google. It was announced on March 18, 2014 as Android Wear, only to be rebranded as Wear OS on March 15, 2018. Wear OS is an Android-based operating system that receives semi-regular feature and security updates, just like the version of Android that powers billions of smartphones around the world.
Wear OS description
play.google.com play.google.com
The data is queried directly from your Fitbit account and inserted into Google Fit. To do this, you must first log in with your Fitbit account and give FitToFit access to the data that you want to transfer. You will then be asked to connect to your Google account, into which the data from Fitbit should be inserted.
Cannot directly interface with fitbit with Google fit, can only export processed data from fit bit and send to google fit...
developers.google.com developers.google.com
The Google Fit APIs for Android are part of Google Play services. The Google Fit APIs are supported on Android 4.1 (API level 16) and higher. Using these APIs, your app can do the following: Read near-real-time and historic data, including data from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Record activities. Associate data with a session. Set fitness goals.
Google Fit API for Android allows raw data access!!!
dev.fitbit.com dev.fitbit.com
Sensors API
Fit bit's sensor API... only preprocessed data and not raw. Fit bit does not use Android API for sensor access..
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
As mentioned before, sensors such as the Empatica provide some raw data (E.g. raw PPG), although the cost is very high (around $ 1700 US). Moreover, smartwatches such as the Moto360 or the LG G Watch R can be programmed to provide HR data. However, you should consider that this is preprocessed data (from manufacturers) and we just have access to the processed data (not the raw PPG). Therefore, if you wanted to make things such as Heart Rate Variability analysis, this approach is not highly accurate. I have been working with the Polar Chest Band (H7) and it seems that we can access both HR and RR-interval data with an Android app (currently working in an APK to extend it in our PhysioVR framework).
Thread on finding devices that provide raw data
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
How to download all of your raw fitbit data
Can download fitbit data..
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Access raw sensor databookmark_border Table of contentsList available data sourcesAdd a listenerRemove a listener The Sensors API lets you read raw sensor data in your app in real time. Use this API to do the following: List data sources that are available on the device and on companion devices. Register listeners to receive raw sensor data. Unregister listeners so that they no longer receive raw sensor data.
Google fit allows access to raw sensor data
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The PPG data were collected with Huawei Watch 2
Study that used Huawei Watch 2 PPG sensor to measure stress levels
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Depends on vendor, it would be possible to access the raw ppg signal of wear os sensor, should you have access to sensor hardware driver. Some researchers did analysed PPG raw signal from Huawei watch 2 and here is the paper.
android /wear OS allows for raw PPG data access, but need drivers...
dev.fitbit.com dev.fitbit.com
Each Fitbit device includes a variety of hardware sensors that have been exposed through our Sensor APIs.
No info on PPG sensors... not accessible through API?
community.fitbit.com community.fitbit.com
Unfortunately this is not available via an API at this time.
Unable to get fitbit ppg through web api? from 2018
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Use Samsung's SDK and it will give you the raw values (values range from 0 to ~64600 if I remember correctly).
Reading raw PPG data for 'Android Wear'.
github.com github.com
This is a simple application I slapped together for the heart rate data that I captured here from the Apple Watch.
Code for accessing heart rate data from apple watch, from 2015
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
Third party apps do not have direct access to the heart rate sensor.
Thread that explains how to access heart rate data by simulating a workout... No direct way to access sensor
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
In accordance with Appleʼs approval of the study
May need approval from apple for sensor kit access??
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
onWristA value that indicates whether the watch is on the user’s wrist.
This variable may be an issue..
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
The sensors an app can read.
List of sensors that can be measured/accessed via SensorKit API
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
You can use HealthKit and have your app request access to the Blood Oxygen data (HKQuantityTypeIdentifierOxygenSaturation)You can find out more about the HealthKit framework here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/healthkit
Response from Apple employee when asked about retrieving raw PPG data.. Need to use HealthKit and can only get processed data
discussions.apple.com discussions.apple.com
as far as I know there is no way to access the raw PPG from the watch
No way to access raw PPG data from apple watch... this guy has an app that does some processing on the data from apple..
pub.dev pub.dev
A Flutter plugin to access the PPG sensor.
Assists with accessing PPG data for android watches
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
7 This answer is not useful Show activity on this post. I spent some time figuring out if it's feasible to get the raw PPG signal from android API, and contrary to what some may say, it is definitely possible to do that. And here is how to do it:
Ability to get raw PPG data from android watches
twitter.com twitter.com
Lawrence Gostin. (2021, April 30). Insightful talk by @doctorsoumya @P4HR webinar on #VaccinePassports @WHO is developing smart Int’l Vaccine Certificates Proof of vac Confidential & Secure Open Access Interoperable But @WHO doesn’t support requiring vacs for int’l travel until the world is more equal [Tweet]. @lawrencegostin. https://twitter.com/lawrencegostin/status/1388215713328943104
- Apr 2021
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
How to Take Smart Notes
book to read
Local file Local file
L’outil SMART peut aider à la rédaction des objectifs.SMART est un acronyme qui reprend les critères auxquels doit répondre un objectif : S : spécifique (l’objectif concerne une population spécifique – les élèves de tel établissements, de telle niveau de classe...)M : mesurable (on doit pouvoir quantifier ce qui est mis en œuvre – en terme de % par exemple)A : ambitieux (l’objectif doit viser un changement certain)R : réaliste (l’objectif doit rester pragmatique et de l’ordre du faisable) T : temporalité (l’objectif doit être inscrit dans une durée, c’est-à-dire avoir un début et une fin)
github.com github.com
# +devise_for+ is meant to play nicely with other routes methods. For example, # by calling +devise_for+ inside a namespace, it automatically nests your devise # controllers: # # namespace :publisher do # devise_for :account # end
github.com github.com
find_field finds by id, name or placeholder text - so find_field('Prefix') should find the element with matching placeholder text rather than needing xpath.
- Mar 2021
scottbelsky.medium.com scottbelsky.medium.com
ransformative economic model for artists via NFT contracts. This is perhaps my favorite advantage of all — the ability for artists to automatically gain a percentage of every sale of their work in the secondary market in perpetuity. I mean, can you imagine!? Artists can evolve from getting ~50% of the initial acquisition price of their work in a gallery to a new world where they get 80%+ (depending on marketplace they use) of the proceeds on their initial sale plus 10–15% of every secondary sale forever! Imagine the families of artists anywhere receiving residuals for generations much like the world's greatest bands as their work continues to grow in value and trade hands. F----ng transformative.
Agrees that it is the smart contract residual % payment royalty aspect that is the most powerful aspect of NFTs
heard from some others though that you can do off chain transactions of the NFT to get around this ?
- Feb 2021
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
A smart contract is a piece of special purpose code executing a complex set of instructions on the blockchain. It's a means of codifying the terms of a deal in software. Now, this could be a business deal between producers and consumers, or it could be a social pact between a government and its citizens. What's important here is this, smart contracts ensure contractual compliance. They hold parties accountable. The blockchain provides a high degree of certainty as to the outcome of these agreements. Oh and smart contracts self-executing without the need for intermediaries like banks are governments and frankly, we've never had that kind of assurance before.
Smart Contract
- Nov 2020
Local file Local file
- Oct 2020
www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de
- Sep 2020
getpocket.com getpocket.com
To defeat facial recognition software, “you would have to wear a mask or disguises,” Tien says. “That doesn’t really scale up for people.”
Yeah, that sentence was written in 2017 and especially pertinent to Americans. 2020 has changed things a fair bit.
github.com github.com
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
- May 2020
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
Instead of having a task like “write an outline of the first chapter,” you have a task like “find notes which seem relevant.” Each step feels doable. This is an executable strategy (see Executable strategy).
Whereas Dr. Sönke Ahrens in How to Make Smart Notes seemed to be saying that the writing of a permanent note (~evergreen note) is a unit of knowledge work with predictable effort & time investment (as well as searching for relevant notes), Andy emphasizes only the note searching activity in this context.
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
Ericsson claims (2016, p. 98) that there is no deliberate practice possible for knowledge work because there are no objective criteria (so, poor feedback), because the skills aren’t clearly defined, and because techniques for focused skill improvement in these domains aren’t known.
According to Ericsson deliberate practice for knowledge work is not possible because the criteria are not objective (you don't know if you're doing well).
This collides with Dr. Sönke Ahrens' contention that note taking, specifically elaboration, instantiates two feedback loop. One feedback loop in that you can see whether you're capturing the essence of what you're trying to make a note on and a second feedback loop in that you can see whether your note is not only an accurate description of the original idea, but also a complete one.
Put differently, note taking instantiates two feedback loops. One for precision and one for recall.
- Apr 2020
www.docdroid.net www.docdroid.net
This is a perfect environment for gold to take center stage. Fanatical debasement of moneyby all of the world’s central banks, super-low interest rates and gold mine operation and extractionissues(to a large extent related to the pandemic)should create a fertile ground for this most basic of all money and storesof value to reach its fair value, which we believe is literally multiples ofits current price. In recent months,goldhas gone up in price to some degree, but we think that it is one of the most undervalued investable assetsexisting today. There is nothing else that has its historical and fundamental characteristics,and we think that itis only beginning its inexorable, but 11impossibletotimeand placeboundaries around, uptrend.The fact that it is so under-ownedby institutional investors is astonishing to us in light of the obsessively inflationary policies being pursued by central banks around the world
Elliot Management April 16 2020
The potential opportunity setis primarily in credit. Of course,equities thathave fallen 20%, 30%or50% in a very short time can provide substantial upside, but in periodslike this one, we prefer the additional downside protection of carefullyresearched debt. The Holy Grail(which presented itself in size in 2008)is to have credit positions in which we have so much confidence andwhich have so muchconvexity (asymmetric return profiles; much more upside than downside) that hedges are either not needed or can be relatively small.A great example wasauto finance unsecured debt in 2008, which at the bottom was trading at levels thatanticipated many more defaults than at any time in history.Such credit positions fell in priceto many points below our “scientificallyderived”bedrock-bottom prices, but we had a lot of confidence in the ultimate repayment of the debt
Elliot Management April 16 2020
- also Buffett's GS/BOA preferred stock deals
While it is near-universally believed that the global, particularly the American, economy was humming on all cylinders before being slugged flat by the virus, we believed that the pre-virusfinancialassets landscape was toward the high end of the riskiness scale. The record-high global leverage, the record-low government-manipulated interest rates, the $20 trillion of purchased bonds and stocks still on the books of the major central banks from the non-stop emergency policies pursued for 10 years after the emergency was over, presented a highly risky and unsound picture. It is on thatterrainthat the virus landed.
Elliot Management April 16 2020
- Jan 2020
www.statista.com www.statista.com
Forecast end-user spending on IoT solutions worldwide from 2017 to 2025
www.statista.com www.statista.com
Market value of smart grids worldwide from 2017 to 2023
github.com github.com
Hypothesis considers a "close enough match" to be a success and does NOT place the corresponding annotation in the Orphan category, thus creating a false positive.
- Dec 2019
societyinmind.com societyinmind.com
"The replication crisis, if nothing else, has shown that productivity is not intrinsically valuable. Much of what psychology has produced has been shown, empirically, to be a waste of time, effort, and money. As Gibson put it: our gains are puny, our science ill-founded. As a subject, it is hard to see what it has to lose from a period of theoretical confrontation. The ultimate response to the replication crisis will determine whether this bout is postponed or not."
- Sep 2019
www.newschool.edu www.newschool.edu
www.unifiedinfotech.net www.unifiedinfotech.net
Expert Smart Contract Development Guide for 2019
For those of you who don’t know, a smart contract is a self-executing contract that digitally facilitates, verifies and enforces the agreed terms between two or more parties.
- Jul 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Eliminating the fraction of demand that occurs in these spikes eliminates the cost of adding reserve generators, cuts wear and tear and extends the life of equipment, and allows users to cut their energy bills by telling low priority devices to use energy only when it is cheapest.
- Jun 2019
github.com github.com
most popular smart contract
Official basic solidity explanation. Notice the warnings about new versions breaking old coding methods. This is very common in solidity as it is still viewed as an in development language. Solidity is expected to remain a blockchain smart contract programming standard for quite sometime while other competing languages such as Rust, Java, C++, etc are expected to gain more ground particularly due to the introduction of the WASM low level language and the toolkit that supports it which is well established and well integrated. Here's a link to some more WASM goodness. https://hackernoon.com/the-three-eggs-in-a-distributed-basket-wasm-blockchain-and-reputation-296892cdd77c
EthereumEthereum is a distributed computer; each node in the network executes some bytecode (hint: Smart Contracts), and then stores the resulting state in a blockchain. Due to the properties of the blockchain representing application state, this results in “applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference”.
This is a decent little explanation for how smart contracts execute on blockchains. Author missed in "Due to the properties of the blockchain" to say that all nodes must also come to consensus about how the code was executed and therefore "applications that run exactly...". We will later discuss deterministic code execution in relation to this
Distributed App (dApp)
A distributed application (Dapp) in this context is refers to an ordinary real world application that runs on an arbitrary platform (desktop, web, mobile) and that utilizes a smart contract to use blockchain technology
- Mar 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A field study at Google[4] covering over 100,000 consumer-grade drives from December 2005 to August 2006 found correlations between certain S.M.A.R.T. information and annualized failure rates: In the 60 days following the first uncorrectable error on a drive (S.M.A.R.T. attribute 0xC6 or 198) detected as a result of an offline scan, the drive was, on average, 39 times more likely to fail than a similar drive for which no such error occurred. First errors in reallocations, offline reallocations (S.M.A.R.T. attributes 0xC4 and 0x05 or 196 and 5) and probational counts (S.M.A.R.T. attribute 0xC5 or 197) were also strongly correlated to higher probabilities of failure. Conversely, little correlation was found for increased temperature and no correlation for usage level. However, the research showed that a large proportion (56%) of the failed drives failed without recording any count in the "four strong S.M.A.R.T. warnings" identified as scan errors, reallocation count, offline reallocation and probational count. Further, 36% of failed drives did so without recording any S.M.A.R.T. error at all, except the temperature, meaning that S.M.A.R.T. data alone was of limited usefulness in anticipating failures.[5]