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- parents
- prediction
- Denmark
- UK
- booster
- hospitalization
- subvariant
- research
- Omicron
- India
- symptom tracker app
- children
- daily cases
- England
- staff shortage
- mask wearing
- variant
- is:news
- vaccine passport
- transmissibility
- loosening restrictions
- plan B
- effectiveness
- vaccine
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- data
- infection rate
- school
- Jan 2022
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- government
- hospitalization
- booster
- Omicron
- funding
- children
- response
- guidance
- Ireland
- variant
- childcare service
- is:news
- ventilation
- vaccine
- COVID-19
- hospitality
- air filtration system
- lang:en
- transmission
- prevention
- COVID passport
- infection rate
- school
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- vaccine certificate
- is:news
- vaccine passport
- fake
- leak
- vaccine
- COVID-19
- EU
- dark web
- restrictions
- lang:en
- security
- QR code
- hospitality
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- social media
- income
- epidemiology
- intervention
- socio-economic
- neoliberalism
- vaccination
- economics
- mainstream
- political affiliation
- political spectrum
- strategy
- Western society
- working class
- economy
- policy
- right-wing
- lockdown
- vaccine
- public health
- science
- COVID-19
- is:webpage
- polarization
- lang:en
- socialism
- left-wing
- transmission
- COVID passport
- government
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- vaccine passport
- UK
- tourism
- vaccine
- Madeira
- COVID-19
- COVID passport
- health certificate
- lang:en
- border policy
- travel
- Portugal
- Europe
- government
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- virus
- UK
- vaccination
- app
- foreign
- is:news
- vaccine passport
- vaccine
- passport
- COVID-19
- efficient
- appointment
- lang:en
- travel
- GP
- government
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Wickr Me : octapustickets EMAIL: pompanopapers1@protonmail.com Whatsapp: +1(408) 872-5899 TELEGRAM : @OCTAPUSTICKETS Visit: https://noveltydmvexperts.com/
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- digital
- Sydney
- flights
- app
- trial
- medical
- is:news
- vaccine passport
- Air New Zealand
- vaccine
- New Zealand
- COVID-19
- Australia
- lang:en
- travel
- Auckland
- verification
- Oct 2020
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lewandowsky, Stephan, Simon Dennis, Amy Perfors, Yoshihisa Kashima, Joshua White, Paul Michael Garrett, Daniel R. Little, and Muhsin Yesilada. ‘Public Acceptance of Privacy-Encroaching Policies to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 4 September 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/njwmp.
- willingness
- UK
- health agencies
- immunity passport
- United Kingdom
- social distancing
- widespread acceptance
- tracking technology
- co-location tracking
- time limited
- public
- infected
- privacy-encroaching policy
- opt-out clause
- is:preprint
- public acceptance
- COVID-19
- contact
- antibodies
- lang:en
- Jun 2020
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- policy
- decrease
- implication
- passport
- support
- research
- COVID-19
- is:webpage
- Australia
- immunity passport
- lang:en
- age
- immunity
- government
dash.harvard.edu dash.harvard.edu
Larremore, Daniel B., Kate M. Bubar, and Yonatan H. Grad. Implications of test characteristics and population seroprevalence on ‘immune passport’ strategies (May 2020).https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/42664007
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"Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds ... to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation. Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine. If you accept these past accomplishments as commonplace, then think of the new horizons that you can explore. ... Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried."
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- Jul 2017
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I think almost all of us who travel a ton live in absolute fear of one thing – losing you passport.
This is one of my biggest fears...