430 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. How to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Eugene VolkovFrontend DeveloperKate KikidzhanCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherReactJavaScriptPWAHomeBlogDevelopmentHow to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Oct 7, 202021 min readThe early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps. But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence. At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

      The early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps.

      But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence.

      At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

    1. Using Boolean Search on LinkedInLast updated: July 6, 2018You can run a Boolean search on LinkedIn by combining keywords with operators like AND, NOT, and OR during your search.Here are some ways to use Boolean logic and construct your searches: Quoted searches: For an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, type "product manager". You can also use quotation marks if you want to find someone with a multi-word title. LinkedIn search only supports standard, straight quotation marks ("). Other software or websites may use special symbols that our system does not recognize. Curly quotation marks (“), also known as smart quotes or typographer's quotes, aren't supported. In order to optimize overall site performance, stop words such as "by", "in", "with", etc. aren't used. NOT searches: Type the word NOT (capital letters) immediately before a search term to exclude it from your search results. This typically limits your search results. For example, "programmer NOT manager". OR searches: Type the word OR (capital letters) to see results that include one or more items in a list. This typically broadens your search results. For example, "sales OR marketing OR advertising”. AND searches: AND searches: Type the word AND (capital letters) to see results that include all items in a list. This typically limits your search results. For example, "accountant AND finance AND CPA".. Note: You don't need to use AND. If your search has two or more terms, you'll automatically see results that include all of them. Parenthetical searches - To do a complex search, you can combine terms using parentheses. For example, to find people who have "VP" in their profiles, but exclude "assistant to VP" or SVPs, type VP NOT (assistant OR SVP). When handling searches, the overall order to precedence is: Quotes [""] Parentheses [()] NOT AND OR Important: The + and - operators are not officially supported by LinkedIn. Using AND in place of + and NOT in place of - makes a query much easier to read and guarantees that we'll handle the search correctly. When using NOT, AND, or OR operators, you must type them in uppercase letters. We don't support wildcard "*" searches. Boolean search will work in the keyword field in Recruiter and Linkedin.com, and will work in the Company, title, and keyword field in Sales Navigator.

      Search operators on LinkedIn

  2. Jun 2021
    1. How to work hard with clearly defined, externally imposed goals?

      1. learn not to lie to yourself (i.e. avoid the truth) (e.g. procrastinate is a form of refusing to acknowledge the deadline)
      2. not to get distracted
      3. not to give up when things go wrong
    1. "Music education students enter universities from diverse backgrounds that include musical experiences in “subaltern” musical practices (rock bands, music theatre, hip hop, and other genres). After four years or so in the institutional environment, we send them out to the world somehow convinced that what they ought to be teaching is the Western canon."

    2. "Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."

    1. This is why for a recent Angular+Rails project we chose to use a testing stack from the backend technology’s ecosystem for e2e testing.
    2. We used testing tools that were in the same ecosystem as our backend technology stack for primrily three reasons: We owned both ends of the stack Team experience Interacting with the database
    3. We chose to define the frontend in one technology stack (Angular+TypeScript/JavaScript) and the backend in another (Ruby+Ruby on Rails), but both came together to fulfill a singular product vision.
  3. May 2021
    1. First of all, I would start off presenting yourself: Dear XYZ support team I am the web developer in charge of example.com website. By presenting you this way, you are establishing the frame to treat you, hinting that you should be presupposed to be somewhat proficient, so they could choose to answer in a more technical detail.
    2. Feel free to hint, brag, or both! The best CS reps should easily take a hint from clear language and a signature like John Appleseed, JavaScript/Ruby Developer, but any will catch on with a simple line like "I know what I'm doing, so I'd appreciate an extra-technical explanation!"
    3. Hey, I'm a PhD in [field] and do [whatever] professionally. Before calling you, I've narrowed down the problem to [something on their end], so that's what needs to be addressed. If I could speak to an engineer about [specific problem], that'd be great; but if we've gotta walk through the script, let's just knock it out quickly. If they end up requiring the script, then the best way to use your expertise is to run through it quickly. Keep the chit-chat to a minimum and just do the stuff efficiently. If they start describing how to perform some step, you might interrupt them with, "Got it, just a sec.", then let them know once you're ready for the next step.
    4. However, what speaks against just straight up telling them that you're working as [Insert title of your position] and you know what you're talking about?
    5. OP is referring to letting people know they can speak like proper adults when talking about technical terms, without going through the usual nanny-like discourse that tech support has to provide to non-techies. For instance, it happened to me with Amazon support. The speaker told me exactly where to touch in order to clear the cache of the Android Amazon App Store. Given that I work as an app developer the guy could have just said "please clear the cache". No need to go through "tap here, then here, now you should see this, tap that"...
    6. I have tried different tactics of showing the tech support that I am proficient in their field of work (I work as a web developer). Specifically: using accurate terms and technologies to show my knowledge of them and telling the support that I am the "administrator" of the website in question.
    7. How to let tech support subtly know that I am proficient without showing off?
  4. Apr 2021
    1. Of course you must not use plain-text passwords and place them directly into scripts. You even must not use telnet protocol at all. And avoid ftp, too. I needn’t say why you should use ssh, instead, need I? And you also must not plug your fingers into 220 voltage AC-output. Telnet was chosen for examples as less harmless alternative, because it’s getting rare in real life, but it can show all basic functions of expect-like tools, even abilities to send passwords. BUT, you can use “Expect and Co” to do other things, I just show the direction.
    1. Welcome! Feel free to annotate the draft documents with your comments and feedback.

      These annotations will be included in the recommendations made to the eCommittee on the draft.

      To annotate the document:

      1. Highlight the text you would like to comment on
      2. Click 'Annotate'
      3. Sign in to save your annotation
      4. All annotations made are publicly viewable
      5. View a tutorial on how to use the tool here: https://youtu.be/e235JwmmEcQ

      If you need any assistance, the question mark in the top right can take you through a quick guide on how to get started.

  5. Mar 2021
    1. I'm kinda stuck at the moment, going around in circles. Everything is really heavily coupled. I would like to get to the point where no load is called from within processors, but i'm not sure if that's possible. Currently the API and the caching strategies are fighting me at every step of the way. I have a branch where i'm hacking through some refactoring, no light at the end of the tunnel yet though :(
    1. it's super hard to test master because i have no idea which gems need to be updated. is there a guide on how to take a rails 4.2 project to master sprockets without everything mysteriously exploding? ill try to make a repro case but its hard to tell where to even start
    1. I don't myself understand what's going on, it clearly has something to do with source maps, but may also have to do with other sprockets changes.
    2. I don't really understand what's going on. Clearly source maps have something to do with it -- a source map feature that doesn't handle SCSS very well, apparently.
    3. Is there a PR to... something? sassc-rails? That would make the patch not necessary? (I don't know if there's any good way to monkey-patch that in, I think you have to fork? So some change seems required...) Should the defaults be different somehow? This is very difficult to figure out.
    1. Fibar bi jàngal na taawan bu góor ni ñuy dagge reeni aloom.

      Le guérisseur a appris à son fils aîné comment on coupe les racines du Diospyros.

      fibar -- (fibar bi? the healer? as in feebar / fièvre / fever? -- used as a general term for sickness).

      bi -- the (indicates nearness).

      jĂ ngal v. -- to teach (something to someone), to learn (something from someone) -- compare with jĂ ng (as in janga wolof) and jĂ ngale.

      na -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.

      taaw+an (taaw) bi -- first child, eldest. (taawan -- his eldest).

      bu -- the (indicates relativeness).

      gĂłor gi -- man; male.

      ni -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.

      ñuy -- they (?).

      dagg+e (dagg) v. -- cut; to cut.

      reen+i (reen) bi -- root, taproot, support.

      aloom gi -- Diospyros mespiliformis, EBENACEA (tree).


  6. Feb 2021
    1. For branching out a separate path in an activity, use the Path() macro. It’s a convenient, simple way to declare alternative routes

      Seems like this would be a very common need: once you switch to a custom failure track, you want it to stay on that track until the end!!!

      The problem is that in a Railway, everything automatically has 2 outputs. But we really only need one (which is exactly what Path gives us). And you end up fighting the defaults when there are the automatic 2 outputs, because you have to remember to explicitly/verbosely redirect all of those outputs or they may end up going somewhere you don't want them to go.

      The default behavior of everything going to the next defined step is not helpful for doing that, and in fact is quite frustrating because you don't want unrelated steps to accidentally end up on one of the tasks in your custom failure track.

      And you can't use fail for custom-track steps becase that breaks magnetic_to for some reason.

      I was finding myself very in need of something like this, and was about to write my own DSL, but then I discovered this. I still think it needs a better DSL than this, but at least they provided a way to do this. Much needed.

      For this example, I might write something like this:

      step :decide_type, Output(Activity::Left, :credit_card) => Track(:with_credit_card)
      # Create the track, which would automatically create an implicit End with the same id.
      Track(:with_credit_card) do
          step :authorize
          step :charge

      I guess that's not much different than theirs. Main improvement is it avoids ugly need to specify end_id/end_task.

      But that wouldn't actually be enough either in this example, because you would actually want to have a failure track there and a path doesn't have one ... so it sounds like Subprocess and a new self-contained ProcessCreditCard Railway would be the best solution for this particular example... Subprocess is the ultimate in flexibility and gives us all the flexibility we need)

      But what if you had a path that you needed to direct to from 2 different tasks' outputs?

      Example: I came up with this, but it takes a lot of effort to keep my custom path/track hidden/"isolated" and prevent other tasks from automatically/implicitly going into those steps:

      class Example::ValidationErrorTrack < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway
        step :validate_model, Output(:failure) => Track(:validation_error)
        step :save,           Output(:failure) => Track(:validation_error)
        # Can't use fail here or the magnetic_to won't work and  Track(:validation_error) won't work
        step :log_validation_error, magnetic_to: :validation_error,
          Output(:success) => End(:validation_error), 
          Output(:failure) => End(:validation_error) 
      puts Trailblazer::Developer.render o
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:success>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<End/:validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:validation_error>

      Now attempt to do it with Path... Does the Path() have an ID we can reference? Or maybe we just keep a reference to the object and use it directly in 2 different places?

      class Example::ValidationErrorTrack::VPathHelper1 < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway
         validation_error_path = Path(end_id: "End.validation_error", end_task: End(:validation_error)) do
          step :log_validation_error
        step :validate_model, Output(:failure) => validation_error_path
        step :save,           Output(:failure) => validation_error_path
      o=Example::ValidationErrorTrack::VPathHelper1; puts Trailblazer::Developer.render o
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=validate_model>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:validation_error>
      #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=save>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Left} => #<Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Task user_proc=log_validation_error>
       {Trailblazer::Activity::Right} => #<End/:success>

      It's just too bad that:

      • there's not a Railway helper in case you want multiple outputs, though we could probably create one pretty easily using Path as our template
      • we can't "inline" a separate Railway acitivity (Subprocess "nests" it rather than "inlines")
    2. step :direct_debit

      I don't think we would/should really want to make this the "success" (Right) path and :credit_card be the "failure" (Left) track.

      Maybe it's okay to repurpose Left and Right for something other than failure/success ... but only if we can actually change the default semantic of those signals/outputs. Is that possible? Maybe there's a way to override or delete the default outputs?

    1. How do you know if source maps are working correctly? Try adding a syntax error to one of your assets and use the console to debug. Does it show the correct file and source location? Or does it reference the top level application.js file?
    1. found that using only the Pascal-provided control structures, the correct solution was given by only 20% of the subjects, while no subject wrote incorrect code for this problem if allowed to write a return from the middle of a loop.
    1. While Trailblazer offers you abstraction layers for all aspects of Ruby On Rails, it does not missionize you. Wherever you want, you may fall back to the "Rails Way" with fat models, monolithic controllers, global helpers, etc. This is not a bad thing, but allows you to step-wise introduce Trailblazer's encapsulation in your app without having to rewrite it.
    1. Space: Suppose we had infinite memory, then cache all the data; but we don't so we have to decide what to cache that is meaningful to have the cache implemented (is a ??K cache size enough for your use case? Should you add more?) - It's the balance with the resources available.
    2. Time: Suppose all your data was immutable, then cache all the data indefinitely. But this isn't always to case so you have to figure out what works for the given scenario (A person's mailing address doesn't change often, but their GPS position does).
    1. the most productive environment possible for people that use their computer to create.What is a productive environment?How do you measure productivity in an operating system environment?How do you compare YOUR distribution to other distributions when it comes to productivity?Is the way in which 'people that use their computer to create' (creators) the same across all professions and activities?Does a photographer have the same requirements for a productive environment as a software engineer?Why do you think your distribution will be the best for delivering a productive environment than any other Linux distribution?
  7. Jan 2021
    1. It's not impossible, but it's not likely I would accept someone I haven't worked with IRL or know on a personal level. That's because I want some form of creative control over the direction and I want to maintain the existing code style. If I know you I'm more likely to know that this will keep working the way I want it to.
    2. Show me good PRs, bug triaging, documentation fixes, whatever and you're a candidate if you ask for it.
  8. Dec 2020
  9. Nov 2020
    1. How many times have you heard the cliché, for example, read between the lines? It turns out, the key to reading between the lines is actually to write between the lines. Once you start, you'll discover a whole new reading experience, elevated from that of a one-sided lecture to a two-sided conversation.

      reading as a conversation between myself and the text.

    1. When you’re implementing a bad plan yourself, instead of having a mentor bail you out by fixing it, a few really useful things happen:You learn many more details about why it was a bad idea. If someone else tells you your plan is bad, they’ll probably list the top two or three reasons. By actually following through, you’ll also get to learn reasons 4–1,217.You spend about 100x more time thinking about how you’ll avoid ever making that type of mistake again, i.e., digesting what you’ve learned and integrating it into your overall decision-making.By watching my mistakes and successes play out well or badly over the course of months, I was able to build much more detailed, precise models about what does and doesn’t matter for long-term codebase health. Eventually, that let me make architectural decisions with much more conviction.

      There's a benefit to embarking on a challenge without a more experienced authority to bail you out.

      • You learn many more details about why it's a bad idea.
      • The lessons you learn in terms of how to avoid the mistakes you made stick with you longer

      (I would add that the experience is more visceral, it activates more modalities in your brain, and you remember it much more clearly.)

      These types of experiences result in what the author calls more "detailed, precise models". For me they result in a sort of intuition.

  10. Oct 2020
    1. But what should you write about? Simply ask yourself, What's bothering you most right now? Write a post where you work through that—and get to a conclusion. This is how I start every time. Writing is therapy that you publish for the world to learn from.
    1. First, choose your topicThe best topic to write about is the one you can’t not write about. It’s the idea bouncing around your head that urges you to get to the bottom of it.You can trigger this state of mind with a two-part trick. First, choose an objective for your article:Open people’s eyes by proving the status quo wrong.Articulate something everyone’s thinking about but no one is saying. Cut through the noise.Identify key trends on a topic. Use them to predict the future.Contribute original insights through research and experimentation.Distill an overwhelming topic into something approachable. (This guide.)Share a solution to a tough problem.Tell a suspenseful and emotional story that imparts a lesson.Now pair that objective with a motivation:Does writing this article get something off your chest?Does it help reason through a nagging, unsolved problem you have?Does it persuade others to do something you believe is important?Do you obsess over the topic and want others to geek out over it too?That’s all that's needed: Pair an objective with a motivation. Now you have something to talk about.
    1. The idea of the hermeneutic circle is to envision a whole in terms how the parts interact with each other, and how they interact with the whole. That may sound a little bit out there, so let’s have a look at a concrete example.

      This is a general concept, the rest of the article extrapolates the idea to the act of reading. This may be a stretch, since it implies that whatever can be broken into parts will belong to the hermeneutic circle, while this only applies to interpreting (text)

    1. How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less Kindle Edition by {"isAjaxComplete_B001IGNR0U":"0","isAjaxInProgress_B001IGNR0U":"0"} Cal Newport (Author) › Visit Amazon's Cal Newport Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Cal Newport (Author)
    1. How to Be a High School Superstar: A Revolutionary Plan to Get into College by Standing Out (Without Burning Out) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition by {"isAjaxComplete_B001IGNR0U":"0","isAjaxInProgress_B001IGNR0U":"0"} Cal Newport (Author) › Visit Amazon's Cal Newport Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Cal Newport (Author)
    1. Using the keyboard arrows, navigate down the suggestion list to the item(s) you want to remove from the Chrome autofill suggestions With the suggestion highlighted, use the appropriate keystroke sequence to delete the Chrome suggestion:

      Linux: Shift + Delete

    1. For the sake of best compatibility we convert the className attribute to class for svelte.

      Svelte refuses to standardize on any way to pass a CSS class. I thought className was actually the most common name for this prop though even in Svelte...

    1. How To Write This Poem

      begin here …with TIME

      where words

      are layered with text

      where the pen

      etches into screen …

      then go here …


      … only to leap from one place

      to another,

      where my mind goes

      I hardly every know,

      only that it ventures forward …


      … heard by hearts,​​

      and scattered stars,

      ​​where I see the sky fall,​​

      you find the debris …

      our thoughts.


      Might we be permitted them?

      The dragonfly

      rarely yields her ground

      to the critics among


    2. Kevin's Response

      How To Write This Poem

      begin here …with TIME

      where words

      are layered with text

      where the pen

      etches into screen …

      then go here … https://www.vialogues.com/vialogues/play/61205

      ... only to leap from one place to another, where my mind goes I hardly every know, only that it ventures forward ...


      … heard by hearts, ​​and scattered stars, ​​where I see the sky fall, ​​you find the debris …. ​​https://nowcomment.com/documents/234044

      Your thoughts?

    1. be quick to start books, quicker to stop them, and read the best ones again right after you finish

      farnam street blog tips on reading

  11. Sep 2020
    1. DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
    2. When the message say function was called outside component initialization first will look at my code and last at my configuration.
    1. Most simple example: <script> import ChildComponent from './Child.svelte'; </script> <style> .class-to-add { background-color: tomato; } </style> <ChildComponent class="class-to-add" /> ...compiles to CSS without the class-to-add declaration, as svelte currently does not recognize the class name as being used. I'd expect class-to-add is bundled with all nested style declarations class-to-add is passed to ChildComponent as class-to-add svelte-HASH This looks like a bug / missing feature to me.
    2. I wrote hundreds of Rect components and what I learned is that Componets should be able to be styled by developer who is using it.
    3. color: red; //doesn't apply this rule, because scoping doesn't extend to children
    4. Say I want to style this javascript routing anchor tag on various pages (some may be buttons, plain links, images) it makes it incredibly difficult. Eg:
    5. Having to wrap everything in a selector :global(child) { } is hacky
    1. feel like there needs to be an easy way to style sub-components without their cooperation
    2. The problem with working around the current limitations of Svelte style (:global, svelte:head, external styles or various wild card selectors) is that the API is uglier, bigger, harder to explain AND it loses one of the best features of Svelte IMO - contextual style encapsulation. I can understand that CSS classes are a bit uncontrollable, but this type of blocking will just push developers to work around it and create worse solutions.
    1. There is a good amount of properties that should mostly be applied from a parent's point of view. We're talking stuff like grid-area in grid layouts, margin and flex in flex layouts. Even properties like position and and the top/right/left/bottom following it in some cases.
    2. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    3. This allows passing classes to child components with svelte-{hash} through the class prop and prevents removing such classes from css.
    1. The more I think about this, the more I think that maybe React already has the right solution to this particular issue, and we're tying ourselves in knots trying to avoid unnecessary re-rendering. Basically, this JSX... <Foo {...a} b={1} {...c} d={2}/> ...translates to this JS: React.createElement(Foo, _extends({}, a, { b: 1 }, c, { d: 2 })); If we did the same thing (i.e. bail out of the optimisation allowed by knowing the attribute names ahead of time), our lives would get a lot simpler, and the performance characteristics would be pretty similar in all but somewhat contrived scenarios, I think. (It'll still be faster than React, anyway!)
    1. Part of the functionality that is returned are event handlers. I'd like to avoid needing to manually copy the events over one by one so the hook implementation details are hidden.
  12. Aug 2020
    1. Knowing all this, what would you do? Which path would you choose and why? The answer might seem obvious now that you come from the future - React
  13. Jul 2020
    1. "that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
  14. Jun 2020
  15. May 2020
    1. managing yourself and others.

      Authors promote two ideologies.

      1. Managing Self: The Five Eds (well, first Three) from Agile Leadership by B. Joiner
      2. Managing Others: at its base is Dave Pink's Drive model: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Authors then go to explain some ways of achieving each of previous.
    1. These two are in my opinion the most problematic — the basically go against each other. Typically, I try to work in increments over a feature and commit when I reach whatever techinical milestone I want to "checkpoint" at. It can also be out of the need to expose some idea or architecture and push it.
    1. Instead of having a task like “write an outline of the first chapter,” you have a task like “find notes which seem relevant.” Each step feels doable. This is an executable strategy (see Executable strategy).

      Whereas Dr. Sönke Ahrens in How to Make Smart Notes seemed to be saying that the writing of a permanent note (~evergreen note) is a unit of knowledge work with predictable effort & time investment (as well as searching for relevant notes), Andy emphasizes only the note searching activity in this context.

  16. Apr 2020
    1. What we actually want to do is to escape content if it is unsafe, but leave it unescaped if it is safe. To achieve this we can simply use SafeBuffer's concatenation behavior:
    2. Our helper still returns a safe string, but correctly escapes content if it is unsafe. Note how much more flexible our group helper has become because it now works as expected with both safe and unsafe arguments. We can now leave it up to the caller whether to mark input as safe or not, and we no longer need to make any assumptions about the safeness of content.
    1. Sedation, osmotic diuresis, paralysis, ventricular drainage, and barbiturate coma are used in sequence, with coma induction being the last resort.
    2. CPP can be increased by either lowering ICP or raising mean arterial pressure.
  17. Mar 2020
    1. Describe the problem fully Link to a test case showing the problem.
    2. Without this information, very likely your question will not be answered, frustrating both yourself and anyone else who does want to help, because they are unable to do so
    3. ask your question in a way that it provides enough information that it can be answered
  18. Feb 2020
    1. A Step By Step Guide to Design a Logo for Your ClientsPosted by jennytarga on February 7th, 2020Logo is a very important part of building your brand image. It is the first brick that goes into your business branding, therefore a logo design becomes very important for your business to grow big.Branding allows your brand to connect with your clients and help them remember you wherever they go. These qualities are essential for your business to grow big. Since logo design plays such importance in business, therefore, we’ve curated a step by step guide to designing a logo for your clients.Understanding Clients NeedsUnderstanding the client's needs and wants helps you in managing project time and efforts. If your client is what something else is and you are providing something else then it's not going to work. Therefore, coming up with a design that reflects the client’s brief saves you multiple revisions and additional hours of work.The client's needs can be found in the design brief he/she provides at the first meeting. This brief is the holy grail that you can never cross. Now that being said, you can add a little innovation and personalized style into the design but, within the context of the design brief.Define Brand IdentityBrand identity is how people perceive your client. It might sound simple but it is way more complex than that. Around 65% of humans are visual learners, therefore, influencing them using visual means helps your brand identity to get registered in your client’s mind faster.Defining your brand identity gives you guidelines and instructions on what to do and what not to do. There are thousands of permutations and combinations that you can use to come up with a logo design but, when you have a brand identity guide you can save yourself tons of time and brainstorming efforts. This type of branding using visuals is called Visual Branding.  Analyze CompetitorsAnalyzing competitors helps you in getting inspirations and design structures. You can learn about industry standards after analyzing the competitors and researching the industry as a whole. For research, you can use Google, Google Images and the competitor's websites.Decision on Logo StyleLogo style is your approach towards the particular design. You can use the data collected from analyzing the competitors to decide your design style.A logo style can tell you different things about the brands, therefore choose this very carefully. Some of the common logo styles are as follows-ClassicModern & minimalistic designHandmade designVintage designChoose Logo TypeThere are several different types of logos that you can use for your design project. To decide on the logotype you can use the competitor analysis as well as the design brief. You can also provide your clients with two or more different types of logo concepts. Giving them options to choose from enables you to deeply understand what they want.Choose Color PaletteColor is the most important part of a logo. The brand guide and branding process always have a defined color palette. Designers must never go out of these palette to ensure uniformity of brand designs.If the business is brand new you have to choose the color wisely. Color plays a significant role in our everyday decisions and the same applies to the brand. You can use this guide on color psychology to learn more about color psychology.Choose Right TypographyRight typography that matches the characteristics of the brand image enables the brand to express its underlying feel to the viewer.Provide the Best OptionIf you are providing the graphic design services to the clients then it becomes essential for you to design multiple options for your clients. Designing a logo can be challenging and requires years of experience. To get the best result with your designs you need to keep practicing and keep learning about new trends and techniques.Go, Design Logo Now!Use this guide to implement your design project idea into a physical design. The most important part of being a professional logo designer is to keep practicing your skills. You can always use sites like Pinterest, Dribble to get inspiration but, the most important thing is to keep practicing.

      Use this step by step guide to design a logo for your clients that they can never reject.

  19. Jan 2020
    1. to remember how to best fall down;

      Remember how our children learned to walk? Yeah, they didn't learn how to walk, they learned how to fall down.

  20. Dec 2019
    1. CloneZilla works perfectly. It produces small image files, has integrity check and works fast. If you want to use third device as image repository you should choose device-image when creating image of the first disk and then image-device when you restore it to second disk. If you want to use only two disks - you should use device-device mode. Optionally you may want generate new UUIDs, SSH-key (if SSH server installed), and change hostname.
  21. Oct 2019
    1. In Chrome browser, open Developer Tools and select Elements tab, then open the contextual menu of the parent node of the element you want to inspect, in the contextual menu click on Break on > Subtree modifications. Afterwards you just need to click on the page and you'll get on the inspector without losing focus or losing the element you want to inspect.
    2. (() => { debugger; }, 5000)
  22. May 2019
  23. Apr 2019
    1. Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby. Now let’s come to facts. Things might look simple but it’s easier said than done. Professional gamers invest a lot on their hardware and equipment to reach at the top. If you are one of those who is inspired to be follow their steps or stepping into this industry, then this is a must-read article for you. In this article we will be covering How to Choose the right Gaming Monitor for your PC, undoubtedly the most important investment a gamer needs to make. Selecting a Gaming Monitor– Physical Design, Shape & Size: While finalizing the design first take into account the space available at your desk for the same. You would never want a misfit, specially when it comes to a gaming monitor. Idle size would be 24”. After the size comes the shape of the design and shape. Flat screen monitors are slowly giving way to curved screen ones with better view and immersive experience. Remember your size shape and design of your monitor would have a great impact on your gaming experience. Huntkey a leading online electrical and electronics store based in USA has a collection of gaming monitors for all level of gamers depending upon the requirement, budget, size etc. Selecting a Gaming Monitor- Specifications: 3 specifications should always be taken care of while buying any sort of visual monitor for an immersive experience, native resolutions, response rate & viewing angle. Higher resolutions ensure more information is packed into your monitor. Here the recommended resolutions size is of 1920X1080. A gamer always requires detailed information for successfully completing the missions. This where higher pixels or resolution play a key role. Let’s take an example for a real war mission. You blink and you die. The same also goes for a gamer involved in this genre of gaming where even a delay of certain milliseconds can end the entire mission for you. Professional gamers probably would end up losing millions of dollars where the response rate of the monitor is not optimal. Even though there is no well-defined response rate but anything that ensures you take the headshot every time, probably a response rate between 2-5 milliseconds would be helpful. This feature is most importantly relevant for television viewing or for motion graphics/movie viewing. Viewing angle is the angle from which if viewed, the quality of graphics appearing in te video doesn’t degrade. In most cases unless the display is curved or of high specs, moving away from the center of the display downgrades the viewing experience. For online purchase of gaming monitors visit HuntKey.com.

      Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby.

  24. Mar 2019
    1. therefore at least to some extent a failure

      this is strange; I suppose you can 'succeed' in carrying out the utterance, but it does not consecrate anything, which... is the entire point? So, strange to say that it fails only in part when in another sense it fails completely. It's like I succeeded in taking a shot but missed the basket?

    2. One thing we might go on to do, of course, is to take it all back

      How can you take back an action? (though you could retract a claim about an action, of course)

    3. So far then we have merely felt the firm ground of prejudice slide away beneath our feet.

      Not absolute; not bedrock (though we thought it was). And merely? This is "merely" the dissolution of what you thought reality was?

    4. That this is SO can perhaps hardly be proved, but it is, I should claim, a fact.

      Haha - claiming "truth" for something that he acknowledges might not be provable - 'take my word for it, it's a fact'. Use of the performative again in "claim," e.g. "I claim" cannot be responded to with "that's not true!"

    5. outward and audible sign

      Proverbial tip of the iceberg; the "seen" part.

    6. Here we should say that in saying-these words we are doing some- thing-namely, marrying, rat her than reporting some- thing, namely that we are marrying

      Important distinction between doing and reporting; the former obviously an action, and the latter a verifiable statement. But can the lines blur? Is "I do" ever reporting the fact that you are getting married, which is verifiable?

    7. Yet to be 'true' or 'false' is traditionally the characteristic mark of a statement.

      All statements are boolean: T/F

    8. all cases considered

      Not sure that all cases considered are worth considering...?

    9. the only merit I should like to claim for it is that of being true, at least in parts

      You would think the goal of an essay would be to find or argue a truth, but here he is marginalizing it; truth is not the goal.

      Arguing that truth and falsehood are not what matters; that the performative exists outside such claims (as we learn later).

      Using the performative in his opening through the use of "I claim"; and here he claims truth. He performs his own argument.

    10. we shall next consider what we actually do say about the utterance concerned when one or another of its normal concomitants is absent

      So the utterance is surrounded by other ceremonial trappings, and without which there is a presumption that the utterance is hollow, that the accompaniments make it "complete"; suggests that the ceremony becomes greater than the sum of its parts by being able to bring about this binding force which the parts cannot do individually; or can they - is just the utterance enough to describe and seal the inward act? The other question is, does the utterance imply (and describe) the other trappings?

    11. our word is our bond

      And yet these are just words; as believable or unbelievable as the uttering of an oath?

    12. Thus 'I promise to . . . 9 obliges me-puts on record my spiritual assumption of a spiritual shackle.

      The consecration of the oath; but when is the uttering just a garnishment? For some, the internal / spiritual bond is the key thing, binding regardless of whether the one to whom the words are uttered believes them or not; the words are just words, but the intent is everything. The intent can exist without the words, and so the words can exist without the intent. It is the words though that offer a public record of commitment, and against which one's character is judged and assessed in accordance with their ability to live up to them.

    13. fictitious

      Interesting choice of words; many swear that they are real and binding, but, yes, they are imaginary (in our culture); we require signed contracts, and verbal oaths are nice, but have a romantic tinge to them and we expect them maybe to not be kept as frequently.

    14. the outward utterance is a description, true or false, of the occurrence of the inward performance

      The process by which we arm feelings of guilt / responsibility / etc to trigger when we have second thoughts about the vow we've made

    15. Surely the words must be spoken 'seriously' and so as to be taken 'seriously' ?

      Requires a certain solemnity, yes, but how many vows or promises are made with no intention of ever keeping them? Or only that they were meant in the moment, but that future circumstances resulted in the changing of one's heart/mind?

    16. tircumstantes

      Drilling down to the even-more-particular; not just anyone can marry somebody, at any time, at any place, with a word (and have it mean anything); requires person w/ particular qualifications / authority / occasion / etc.

      Also requires a society/set of institutions that considers such acts normal and reasonable. In this way, the particulars affected by the occasion are part of a much large general sphere in which they are legitimized and sanctioned; and outside of that may exist a larger sphere which is baffled by them.

    17. very commonly necessary that either the speaker himself or other persons should also perform certain other actions

      While the naming or the uttering of "I do" symbolically 'seals' or makes the transaction official, the naming or the uttering is part of a longer ceremony. Not sure about betting though; it would be strange somehow if a complete stranger bet another with no prior interaction (i.e. no mechanism to build trust, etc), but it could happen

    18. dangerous


    19. convert the propositions above

      Make them more particular; less general

    20. but in some other way

      Aren't the words more ceremonial? i.e. in marriage, they bind symbolically, but what really matters is the legal stamp of the JOP? But that's not what everybody stands, applauds or weeps for; maybe on some level that's what we're doing with words here?

    21. current

      Good qualifier; reminds us that language is always shifting.

    22. it indicates that the issuing of the utterance is the performing of an action

      Is it true that the function of the utterance is to assign metadata in some way?

    23. perfornative sentence

      Performs an action affecting particulars in a way that cannot be measured or perceived outside of the moment in which the utterance takes place.

    24. I assert this as obvious and do not argue it

      Is this phrase also an exercitive, neither true nor false?

    25. Examples :

      Involve the:

      • creation of relationships
      • creation of dividing lines which, prior to the uttering of the sentence, did not 'exist'; i.e. prior to "I do" they were not married, but afterwards they are; prior to "I name this ship...", it had no name, but afterwards it does; they are historical mile markers of sorts.
      • involves particulars; not all women are my wife; this one is. Not all ships are named; but this one is.
      • must be said aloud or in print, and often needs to be backed by some legal authority to "legitimate" the action; of course, anybody can name something, but the 'officially recognized' name can only come from a certain privileged source / I can marry a random woman just by saying "I do" to her, but the 'marriage' is not recognized, etc'; privileges some constructs over others by a vested authority
      • also denote things that cannot be done for me; I must utter them in order for them to take effect (be true); they require agency (or the appearance of agency)
      • the statements themselves are neither true or false, they just are; ex-post we can decide that a subsequent statement identifying the brother as the legal heir to the watch is 'true' or 'false'; but the original declaration is neither(?)
      • involve the combination of words with some ceremony or ritual that somehow enshrines it (in the case of the bet maybe the ritual is the exchange of money, but not sure if that fits the bill). Almost like incantations of sorts.
    26. exercit ives

      "A speech act in which a decision is made regarding action; examples include orders and grants of permission."

    27. the uttering of the sentence is, or is a part of, the doing of an action, which again would not normally be described as saying something

      The action is performed with the uttering of the sentence.

    28. Yet they will succumb to their own timorous fiction, that a statement of 'the law' is a statemknt of fact.

      When in doubt, defer to authority.

    29. disguise'

      Is the disguise applied moreso by the reader's bias than the author's intent?

    30. parti pris

      pre-conceived view or bias

    31. Whatever we may think of any particular one of these views and suggestions, and however much we may deplore the initial confusion into which philosophical doctrine and method have been plunged, it cannot be doubted that they are producing a revolution in philosophy.

      Makes me think of a generation set in its ways butting up against a younger "less respectful" generation that is "doing it all wrong"; i.e. generational divide between viewpoints; some may think a revolution hardly necessary, that it is fine the way it is and that they are simply being disruptive.

    32. Constative'

      "denoting a speech act or sentence that is a statement declaring something to be the case"

    33. It has come to be seen that many specially perplexing words embedded in apparently descriptive statements do not serve to indi- cate some specially odd additional feature in the reality reported, but to indicate (not to report) the circumstances in which the statement is made or reservations to which it is subject or the way in which it is to be taken and the like.

      Qualifying / conditional factors?

    34. We very often also use utterances in ways beyond the scope at least of traditional grammar.

      And how does the reader know exactly, and to what extent, the boundaries of a definition are being pushed by the use of a word which they think they are familiar with?

    35. For how do we decide which is which? What are the limits and definitions of each ?

      There is an unaddressed problem which hinders clear communication; there is no standard criteria for the establishment of intent in communication. (Doubt that's what the ultimate argument is, but seems to be the set-up)

    36. It is, of course, not reaw correct that a sentence ever is a statement: rather, it is used in making a smmt, and the statement itself' is a 'logical construction' out of the dings of satements.

      A sentence remains a sentence; it is just a tool or vehicle for the delivery of something which depends entirely on its configuration.

    37. It was for too long the assumption of philosophers that the business of a 'statement' can only be to 'describe' some state of affairs, or to 'state some fact', which it must do either truly or falsely.

      The utility of the vehicle used to distinguish truth from falsehood itself rests on an assumption; purports that there is or maybe ought to be a 'purpose' to a statement.

    38. discussed

      Makes it feel inclusive; a conversation.