- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
Using versions is a maintenance burden on the preset, and we made this mistake with Neo. By specifying a version, we are forced to track with React when their version changes, possibly falling behind.
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
newpipe.schabi.org newpipe.schabi.org
Why NewPipe is free
Our goal is to make the internet a more free (libre) place and open it for everyone
babeljs.io babeljs.io
Moving forward with v7, we've decided it's best to stop publishing the Stage presets in Babel (e.g. @babel/preset-stage-0). We didn't make this decision lightly and wanted to show the context behind the interplay between TC39, Babel, and the community.
However, it did require us to think differently about the creation, maintenance, and sustainment of our components moving forward — an integrative process we call "storybook-driven development."
- Nov 2019
docs.silverstripe.org docs.silverstripe.org
Middleware works a lot like a decorator. It doesn't alter the original API of the service, but it can augment it with new features and concerns. This has the inherent advantage of allowing all thidparty code to have an influence over the behaviour, state, and UI of a component.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
Is the code developed in full view?
github.com github.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Interesting visual design: looks like a timeline (but isn't one).
github.com github.com
We hope that this approach will bring us the best of worlds - the ability to have a commercially sustainable product, with high quality - as well as giving back to the open source communities by having our work eventually end up in the open, and ensuring that external contributions are always open source.
Because of the support we've received from open source communities, we've decided to dual-license the code after 18 months
Interesting licensing solution/choice...
github.com github.com
Today, Electron is one of the most popular tools for building desktop apps - using an HTML, JS, CSS stack. However, it has a heavy footprint in terms of both RAM and CPU - essentially packing an entire browser into the app.
getoutline.org getoutline.org
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
github.com github.com
AdNauseam is a work in progress, with new features continually being added, tuned, and, sometimes, deprecated. If a setting no longer appears in the settings page, we have likely found a better means of implementing the design goal.
survivejs.com survivejs.comPreface1
cloudfour.com cloudfour.com
medium.com medium.com
What does composition have to do with mocking?Everything. The essence of all software development is the process of breaking a large problem down into smaller, independent pieces (decomposition) and composing the solutions together to form an application that solves the large problem (composition).
kickass.partners kickass.partners
kentcdodds.com kentcdodds.com
"The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you. "
testing-library.com testing-library.com
You want to write maintainable tests for your React components. As a part of this goal, you want your tests to avoid including implementation details of your components and rather focus on making your tests give you the confidence for which they are intended. As part of this, you want your testbase to be maintainable in the long run so refactors of your components (changes to implementation but not functionality) don't break your tests and slow you and your team down.
We try to only expose methods and utilities that encourage you to write tests that closely resemble how your web pages are used.
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
Most of the damaging features have to do with encouraging testing implementation details. Primarily, these are shallow rendering, APIs which allow selecting rendered elements by component constructors, and APIs which allow you to get and interact with component instances (and their state/properties) (most of enzyme's wrapper APIs allow this).
This library is a replacement for Enzyme.
- testing
- competition in open-source software
- testing: integration tests
- quotable
- confidence
- javascript: testing: react-testing-library
- testing: tests should resemble the way your software is used
- testing: avoid testing implementation details
- javascript: testing: enzyme
- testing: mocking
- replacement for:
- testing: philosohy of testing
www.valentinog.com www.valentinog.com
www.valentinog.com www.valentinog.com
Here are my tools of choice for testing React apps:react-test-renderer for snapshot unit testingAct API for unit testing React componentsJest for unit and integration testing of JavaScript codeCypress for end to end / ui testing
Some time ago I asked on Reddit: “What’s the consensus among the React community for testing React components?” Shawn Wang replied: “testing is an enormously complicated and nuanced topic on which there isn’t a consensus anywhere in JS, much less in React.” I was not trying to find the best library for testing React. Mainly because there isn’t one.
testingjavascript.com testingjavascript.com
andrew.codes andrew.codes
leanpub.com leanpub.com
kentcdodds.com kentcdodds.com
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
As you know, we ship the smallest thing to provide initial value and then we learn from your feedback and continue to improve the feature over time.
most teams are flying blind on their estimates using past experiences and best guesses to offer a semblance of how long it’ll take to complete a project. It’s no wonder why estimates are often incorrect.
www.innoarchitech.com www.innoarchitech.com
- Oct 2019
github.com github.com
I don't want to bet more time on it without user feedback
Don't listen to engineers when they estimate how much time it takes to complete a task, 2 weeks turned to 6 weeks
github.com github.com
I had to upgrade my other project from Webpack 2 / Angular 5 to Webpack 4/Angular 7 and it was a complete nightmare! I lost a ton of hours and can't really justify charging my client for the weeks worth of time to figure it out.
www.getabetterpic.com www.getabetterpic.com
crxextractor.com crxextractor.com
Was it helpful? Donate some BTC!
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
Issues can be funded by anyone and the money will be transparently distributed to the contributors handling a particular issue.
If you are using Utility-Types please consider donating as this will guarantee the project will be updated and maintained in the long run.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
espite the potential of emerging technologies to assist persons with cognitive disabilities,significant practical impediments remain to be overcome in commercialization, consumerabandonment, and in the design and development of useful products. Barriers also exist in terms of the financial and organizational feasibility of specific envisionedproducts, and their limited potential to reach the consumer market. Innovative engineeringapproaches, effective needs analysis, user-centered design, and rapid evolutionary developmentare essential to ensure that technically feasible products meet the real needs of persons withcognitive disabilities. Efforts must be made by advocates, designers and manufacturers to promote betterintegration of future software and hardware systems so that forthcoming iterations of personalsupport technologies and assisted care systems technologies do not quickly become obsolete.They will need to operate seamlessly across multiple real-world environments in the home,school, community, and workplace
This journal clearly explains the use of technologies with special aid people how a certain group can leverage it, while also touch basing on what are the challenges which special aid people face financially.
github.com github.com
www.geek.com www.geek.com
Their hope by announcing so loudly what they have accomplished, is that others in the Android modder/hacker scene will step up and help them turn this root exploit into something useful for users by deploying features that are not currently available through the Google controlled Chromecast experience.
quickbooks.intuit.com quickbooks.intuit.com
This issue is already known to us since yesterday. Our engineers are now working diligently to fix this behavior. I'd recommend you contact our Customer Care team and let them know that you're one of the affected users of INV36818. That way, they will link your company to the case. You will then receive a notification via email for its updates.
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
There are many dependable software developers in the world. They can build software of any complexity keeping up with quality standards. And today, we will cover top developers in Norway, which are excellent and reliable professionals.
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
choosing a software development company becomes a real challenge. Especially when you’re putting lots of money, time and effort into the project and want a qualified team to take care of it. That’s why we’ve made a guide explaining how to choose a software vendor.
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
Steps To Choose A Trustworthy Software Development Partner
- Sep 2019
bibliotecanacional.gov.co bibliotecanacional.gov.co
Las aplicaciones y archivos ejecutables
La BNC no se responsabiliza por la preservación de aplicaciones creadas en Colombia. Esto es un punto a favor para proyectos como el de Grafoscopio que, por su infraestructura, está pensado para perdurar en un ambiente de programación que posibilita su preservación en el tiempo, Pharo. Sin embargo es un hueco en la memoria de la producción de contenidos digitales del país, la economía naranja en contexto de gobierno (2018-2022) y las defensas de la Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor a las industrias creativas (que incluye software en el marco de su protección) pero por las dependencias no hay garantías de preservarlas en el tiempo. Básicamente o los productores de software se hacen un lugar en el mercado o están destinados a perecer en el olvido en la memoria de la nación.
codeburst.io codeburst.io
it is even highly questionable if there is anything to ‘win’ in OSS in the first place
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature.
www.unifiedinfotech.net www.unifiedinfotech.net
The Agile Software Development Process – How We Do It
To get your tech startup going you have to deal with a lot of challenges, and come through it unscathed. Otherwise, the failure to deal with those challenges may directly lead to mistakes and problems during the actual software development process- hampering your chances of scaling your development process.
- Aug 2019
npm.community npm.community
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Please consider submitting this as an answer
Example of someone posting an answer as a comment instead of just posting it as an answer
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I'm working full time on Material-UI since 2019. I was working on it during my free time before that. I hope that I can leverage my full-time involvement in the library to make it really awesome. You are right, the project is well-funded. We hope we can fund the time of more than 1 person full time in the future, with the current growth rate, it should soon be possible. We have 3 people working part-time on the project (Matt, Sebastian and Josh), plus the community behind us (+1,000 code contributors).
blog.streamr.com blog.streamr.com
github.com github.com
- Jul 2019
www.joelonsoftware.com www.joelonsoftware.com
At the design stage, when you discover problems, you can fix them easily by editing a few lines of text. Once the code is written, the cost of fixing problems is dramatically higher, both emotionally (people hate to throw away code) and in terms of time, so there’s resistance to actually fixing the problems. Software that wasn’t built from a spec usually winds up badly designed and the schedule gets out of control.
In general, the longer you wait before fixing a bug, the costlier (in time and money) it is to fix.
openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com openresearchsoftware.metajnl.com
A tool to help determine weights (or a feature of a creditmap tool) seems most likely to be successful. Such a tool would likely have provide simultaneous views of the credit map and weights: one that allows a detailed view of any particular contriponent and its weight, and the other that provides a view (perhaps graphical) of the entire creditmap and weights.
Great idea! Doesn't seem to exist yet, but it should also take in account the quality of each contribution (a few high-quality contributions can be more important than many low-quality contributions).
The value of transitive credit is in measuring the indirect contributions to a product, which today are not quantitatively captured
Should contributions to a product really be quantitatively captured? Wouldn't that lead to the same dead-end as with citation in scientific publication?
how the credit map for a product A, which is used by a product B, feeds into the credit map for product B
Transitive credit's 3rd element: transitive nature
Any product should list all authors (as currently listed as authors of a paper), all contributors (as currently listed in the acknowledgements of a paper) and all component products that have been used, including both publications and other products such as software and data (as currently either cited, acknowledged, or not included in a paper).
Transitive credit's 1st element: credit (called "contriponent" - combination of contributors and components)
Methods for doing this weighting, whether using a taxonomy or a more traditional list of authors, and analysis of these methods and their impact would likely be developed if this overall idea moves forward.
Transitive credit's 2nd element: weight
- Jun 2019
total jerks. As the leader of a popular OSS project, in one way or the other you’ll have to confront with these people, and that’s maybe one of the most stressful things I ever did in the course of the Redis development.
what's the way to shield yourself from that? This is stresfull mostly because this is not who he (or I) is... i.e. person equipped to deal with this kind of relations
github.com github.com
A guide to available tools and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
Exhaustive and incredible list of working software related to Ethereum based blockchains. Certainly a resource we will often refer to
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
This is especially true for online gaming
WASM is being used to run many demanding applications directly in the browser. Autocad is one important example where architects can use this application without installing a usually very heavy piece of software on their computers. They can access the Autocad suite from almost any computer only by logging into to a website. It is expected that a large part of the gaming industry will shift this way as well as many other services. One of the main advantages of this approach aside from a lack of a local installation is real-time software updates for any number of users. A new model of software building and execution will be based on WASM. WASM is also very good for blockchains. Search for the WASM section to learn more.
- May 2019
investinopen.org investinopen.org
By “Infrastructure” we mean
The definition of "open infrastructure" (or the software component of open infrastructure) should include an explicit requirement for open-source code. Even an explicit recommendation short of a requirement would be better than the current definition, which is entirely silent the value of opening the code. The Elsevier acquisition of bepress (to use one example among many) would have been much less harmful to the community if the code had been open and user institutions could hold on to the platform, fork it if they wanted, take it in their own direction, and continue using it without becoming Elsevier customers.
www.icariaeditorial.com www.icariaeditorial.com
Libro del grupo de Miau (MX)
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Inventory Management Software Development Cost and Features
If you are looking for a technology partner for building software like this then Endive Software is the best option for you. Hire our experienced developers helps you to build software like Inventory Management System.
- Apr 2019
words.steveklabnik.com words.steveklabnik.com
So in theory, one could imagine an organization that produces a different kind of document. Instead of a license for the source code, they would provide a way to say uh, let’s go with “Open Development Certified.” Projects could then submit for certification, they’d get accepted or rejected.
This sounds a lot like the Apache trademark, to me.
americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
Libraries Ready to Code
Sobre programación y desarrollo de software en bibliotecas
- Mar 2019
online.pointpark.edu online.pointpark.edu
6 Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults
This article from Point Park University provides several methods one can use to help educate adults. Ideas presented include ensuring content is relevant, knowing the audience, igniting emotion in the audience, ensuring assignments are attainable, and providing constructive feedback. I find these especially helpful because of my work, which often involves teaching adults who are busy and sometimes uninterested in my content. The section that will help me most is "Encourage Exploration." Because I'm training on a software tool, I want learners to go into the software and make mistakes and learn from them. I want them to poke around! It can be difficult to convince a class of disgruntled 60-year-old men who are mad that things are changing to go play with a complex software tool like children. 7/10
www.adobe.com www.adobe.com
Adobe Software's Education Licensing webpage
www.microsoft.com www.microsoft.com
Microsoft Licensing Site lists different types of licenses for products including Volume Licensing and Academic Licensing
www.techsoup.org www.techsoup.org
Types of software licenses and what they mean
This is a list of different types of mobile learning software. It seems that different categories are included, such as LMSs. I can't evaluate the products but I will note that this list would be far more helpful if they clarified what each of the software tools is supposed to do. At this point, I do not have competing lists, so I will include it for now. rating 1/5
www.edume.com www.edume.com
microlearning This app, edume, is supposed to help people with microlearning. Apparently it is endorsed by large companies. At this point, I do not have the background to assess the product but am saving it for my own use later. rating 3/5
community.articulate.com community.articulate.com
This is specific to Articulate Rise 360 (a rapid development tool) and features brief posts that keep the reader up to date on software changes, which are made frequently. Only a portion of each comment is visible on the main page (just as only a portion of an email is visible without clicking the email) but the subject heading is usually sufficient to describe the content of the post. rating 3/5
blogs.articulate.com blogs.articulate.com
This is associated with the e-learning development tool "Articulate Storyline." There are frequent blog posts and they are not limited to or exclusive to the Articulate products. Posts are brief and not all of the content will be new, but there are worthwhile tips to be had and they combine theory (not to the extent that an academic would) with practice. rating 3/5
www.schrockguide.net www.schrockguide.net
This page is not necessarily attractive to look at but it is a thorough presentation of various features of infographics. Features are organized by topic and generally presented as a bulleted list. The focus of the page is how to use infographics for assessment; however, the page is useful to those who wish to learn how to create infographics and to identify the software tools that can be used to create them easily. Rating 4/5
www.colciencias.gov.co www.colciencias.gov.co
Necesita el software andando, el código documentado y los manuales de administración
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Supplementary methods of the Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes [15] (C-PAC, http://fcp-indi.github.com/C-PAC/), which integrates tools from AFNI (http://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni), FSL (http://fmrib.ox.ac.uk) and Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs; http://stnava.github.io/ANTs) using Nipype (http://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
- Feb 2019
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
According to this checklist, a User Story should be:
Indepedent (of all others)
Negociable (not a specific contract for features)
Valuable (or vertical)
Estimable (to a good approximation)
Small (so as to fit within an iteration)
Testable (in principle, even if there isn't a test for it yet)
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
for example, comments and identifiers
Some better illustrated examples can be found in UBCx: SoftConst2x - Software Construction: Object Oriented Design's course lecture on Coupling.
- Jan 2019
blog.acolyer.org blog.acolyer.org
For large-scale software systems, Van Roy believes we need to embrace a self-sufficient style of system design in which systems become self-configuring, healing, adapting, etc.. The system has components as first class entities (specified by closures), that can be manipulated through higher-order programming. Components communicate through message-passing. Named state and transactions support system configuration and maintenance. On top of this, the system itself should be designed as a set of interlocking feedback loops.
This is aimed at System Design, from a distributed systems perspective.
www.bitwig.com www.bitwig.com
Grid devices can be nested or layered along with other devices and your plug-ins,
Thanks to training for Cycling ’74 Max, had a kind of micro-epiphany about encapsulation, a year or so ago. Nesting devices in one another sounds like a convenience but there’s a rather deep effect on workflow when you start arranging things in this way: you don’t have to worry about the internals of a box/patcher/module/device if you really know what you can expect out of it. Though some may take this for granted (after all, other modular systems have had it for quite a while), there’s something profound about getting modules that can include other modules. Especially when some of these are third-party plugins.
www.bitwig.com www.bitwig.com
As was hinted at from the star
This is when “the other shoe dropped”. They planned this all along (since 2012). Hidden in plain sight was a more subtle strategy than people might have imagined.
The Grid is based around ideas familiar to Bitwig Studio
The continuity between these new modular features and the rest of the DAW’s workflow probably has unexpected consequences. Before getting information about BWS3, one might have thought that the “Native Modular System” promised since the first version might still be an add-on. What the marketing copy around this “killer feature” makes clear, it’s the result of a very deliberate process from the start and it’ll make for a qualitatively different workflow.
- Dec 2018
www.ashedryden.com www.ashedryden.com
OSS contribution takes time; I don't think anyone would contest that. Getting familiar with a project, finding out where you can fit into it, reading and responding to issues, testing and submitting patches, writing documentation. All of that requires a good deal of time.
I reached out to a prominent OSS company preferring a "history of open source contributions" and put forward the idea that people who code for a living don't always have the opportunity. The response was surprisingly hostile:
It doesn't exclude anyone. Zero chance I'm going to have a debate about it.
- Nov 2018
logicmag.io logicmag.io
how does misrepresentative information make it to the top of the search result pile—and what is missing in the current culture of software design and programming that got us here?
Two core questions in one? As to "how" bad info bubbles to the top of our search results, we know that the algorithms are proprietary—but the humans who design them bring their biases. As to "what is missing," Safiya Noble suggests here and elsewhere that the engineers in Silicon Valley could use a good dose of the humanities and social sciences in their decision-making. Is she right?
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
One quick trick for making it easier for debugging/understanding your threading macros is to put print statements in between some of the steps. The important thing to remember is that all the print functions in clojure return nil so you need to make a little helper function (I like to call mine ?) that prints and then returns the original input, like this: (defn ? [x] (prn x) x)
debugging trick
I don't think passing the entire http client is very idiomatic, but what is quite common is to pass the entire "environment" (aka runtime configuration) that your app needs through every function. In your case if the only variant is the URL then you could just pass the URL as the first parameter to get-data. This might seem cumbersome to someone used to OO programming but in functional programming it's quite standard. You might notice when looking at example code, tutorials, open source libraries etc. that almost all code that reads or writes to databases expects the DB connection information (or an entire db object) as a parameter to every single function. Another thing you often see is an entire "env" map being passed around which has all config in it such as endpoint URLs.
passing state down the call stack configuration, connection, db--pretty common in FP
Something that I've found helps greatly with testing is that when you have code with lots of nested function calls you should try to refactor it into a flat, top level pipeline rather than a calling each function from inside its parent function. Luckily in clojure this is really easy to do with macros like -> and friends, and once you start embracing this approach you can enter a whole new world of transducers. What I mean by a top level pipeline is that for example instead of writing code like this: (defn remap-keys [data] ...some logic...) (defn process-data [data] (remap-keys (flatten data))) (defn get-data [] (let [data (http/get *url*)] (process-data data))) you should make each step its own pure function which receives and returns data, and join them all together at the top with a threading macro: (defn fetch-data [url] (http/get url)) (defn process-data [data] (flatten data)) (defn remap-keys [data] ...some logic...) (defn get-data [] (-> *url* fetch-data process-data remap-keys)) You code hasn't really changed, but now each function can be tested completely independently of the others, because each one is a pure data transform with no internal calls to any of your other functions. You can use the repl to run each step one at a time and in doing so also capture some mock data to use for your tests! Additionally you could make an e2e tests pipeline which runs the same code as get-data but just starts with a different URL, however I would not advise doing this in most cases, and prefer to pass it as a parameter (or at least dynamic var) when feasible.
testing flat no deep call stacks, use pipelines
One thing Component taught me was to think of the entire system like an Object. Specifically, there is state that needs to be managed. So I suggest you think about -main as initializing your system state. Your system needs an http client, so initialize it before you do anything else
software design state on the outside, before anything else lessions from Component
Prezi is a productivity platform that allows for creation, organization, collaboration of presentations. It can be used with either mobile or desktop. Prezi integrates with slack and salesforce. RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
utcc.utoronto.ca utcc.utoronto.ca
This means that software that deals with Internet must be actively maintained. If it is not it will become more and more useless in practice over time, however much it remains theoretically correct, not because it has bugs or security holes as such but because the environment it was designed to work in no longer exists and thus the assumptions it was built on are now incorrect.
internet software decays
The Moodle project
Moodle is one of the largest open source collaborative platform used in the development of curriculum.
Moodle is an Australian company and has various levels of subscriptions including one level for free. Overall I have found the site to be user friendly rich with demos, documentation and support including community forums. This site supports multiple languages and has an easy to use drop down menu for that selection.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- Oct 2018
linkedsoftwaredependencies.org linkedsoftwaredependencies.org
github.com github.com
Welcome to the DOAP wiki. DOAP is a project to create an XML/RDF vocabulary to describe software projects, and in particular open source projects.
- Sep 2018
academicworks.cuny.edu academicworks.cuny.edu
bias in technology
forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io
E' altresì necessario accellerare la creazione di una struttura di certificazione del software nazionale che consenta di usufruire di tecnici che possano testare i software creati per la PA e assicurarne la conformità alle regole AGID e al GDPR (privacy by design). In tale ambito la capacità nazionale è attualmente molto limitata.
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
In this singularity-free world, the future would be bleak for programmers. (Imagine having to cope with hundreds of years of legacy software!)
I'm not really sure I agree with this. Regardless of whether Singularity eventually comes around or not, software will evolve. We have seen whole languages fall out of usage in the past, including Fortran, COBOL, ALGOL, etc. Developers will always be looking to get more efficient, and our current languages will either get abandoned or improved. New languages will come up and become the new standard. If anything, the future seems to be far more bleak for programmers/developers in the years after Singularity, rather than in the years leading upto it - after all, with the prevalence of docile, conscious machines,most of the work programmers do, everything from bug-fixing to data-analytics, would be done more quickly, cheaply and efficiently by the machines. In other words, in the world of singularity, programmers as we know them would no longer exist.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Free Software Foundation[11][12] and the Open Knowledge Foundation approved CC0 as a recommended license to dedicate content and software to the public domain.
- Aug 2018
eartharxiv.org eartharxiv.org
statsmodels developers provide a preferred citation for their code: http://www.statsmodels.org/stable/index.html#citation
- Jul 2018
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Fully reproducible code is available in the form of jupyter notebooks (https://jupyter.org) with instructions to install all necessary software, download sequence data, assemble it, and run genomic analyses (https://github.com/dereneaton/Canarium-GBS) (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1273357). For all genomic analyses in this study we used the ipyrad Python API and the ipyrad-analysis toolkit (https://github.com/dereneaton/ipyrad) which provides a set of wrappers around common genomic analysis tools to run highly parallelized analyses using simple Python scripts.
Example of author sharing all code via jupyter notebooks in a github repo. They have archived to Zenodo and include both URLs in the text. Their analysis relies on an existing toolkit - it is not obvious from the manuscript whether this toolkit has been deposited anywhere.
Journal: PLOS ONE Subject area: plant biology, ecology (check?)
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
Source code of the model presented here is available on GitHub (https://github.com/lukasgeyrhofer/phagegrowth) (Payne et al., 2018) and its archived version is accessible through Zenodo: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1038582 and https://github.com/elifesciences-publications/phagegrowth.
Example of authors archiving their own code. The eLife process is to fork the author's repo to the eLife github repo to save a snapshot of the repo at the time of acceptance. The authors here have also chosen to archive to Zenodo (via the Github release --> Zenodo mechanism?). Both the Zenodo DOI and the eLife fork are included in the text as archive/snapshot copies of the original (also cited).
Note the author's original repo is included in the references.
Journal: eLife Subject area: ecology, evolutionary biology
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1038582RRID:SCR_004129Zenodo repository
In this example, the archived code repository has been listed in the eLife Key Resources Table
- Jun 2018
engineering.linkedin.com engineering.linkedin.com
I'll walk you through everything you need to know about logs, including what is log and how to use logs for data integration, real time processing, and system building.
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
Acero F., Ackermann M., Ajello M. et al (Fermi-LAT) 2015 arXiv:1501.02003Preprint
Starting in 2014-2015, AAS/IOP started linking to preprints in reference lists if they were the version cited by the author and an accepted manuscript did not at that time exist.
Thus we now have built in "categories" for references, which could be expanded to include data/software sections.
The most up-to-date version of the open-source package NPTFit may be found at https://github.com/bsafdi/NPTFit and the latest documentation at http://nptfit.readthedocs.io. In addition, the version used in this paper has been archived at https://zenodo.org/record/380469#.WN_pSFPyvMV.
This is an example of incorrect software citation per the AAS Journal's policy. The Zenodo metadata should have been added to the reference list as a 1st class citation.
It is also an example of an incorrectly typeset URL. URLs that come from DOIs should be typeset using the DOI string not the resolved URL. It should have read, "version used in this paper has been archived at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.380469"
Foreman-Mackey D., Vousden W., Price-Whelan A. et al 2016 corner.py: corner.py v2.0.0, doi:10.5281/zenodo.53155
corner.py is one of the more interesting examples of software citations. there are at least 3 different formal references in the wild:
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11020 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.53155 https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00024
with different versions and author lists.
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
Barbary K. 2014 sncosmo Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.11938
This software citation losts its version information. We will have to work on our typsetting and production rules, as well as develop formal JATS/NLM XML schema to contain versioning information.
This DOI software archive is also in the Reference list per our Journal's software policy.
Software: hotpants, PostgreSQL, realbogus (Bloom et al. 2012) scamp (Bertin 2006), sextractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996), sncosmo (Barbary 2014), swarp (Bertin et al. 2002), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), numpy (Van Der Walt et al. 2011).
The AASJournals now highlight software using a paragraph trailing the acknowledgements that lists all software used in the paper's analysis. The software doesn't need to be mentioned in the main text; context-free mentions can be placed here.
The format is a 2 item tuple containing the short/common name of the software, and a citation or URL for the software.
In principle this section could be data mined. At the moment it is just a free paragraph in the XML, but could be given more explicit markup to aide in data mining reuse and indexing.
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
Software: Juypter notebook (http://jupyter.org), Jupyterlab (https://github.com/jupyterlab), VOspace (http://www.canfar.net/en/docs/storage), vos (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vos), VirtualBox (https://www.virtualbox.org), JupyterHub (https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), ipywidgets (https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io), NuPyCEE (http://nugrid.github.io/NuPyCEE), NuGridSetExplorer (https://github.com/NuGrid/WENDI), hdf5 (https://www.hdfgroup.org), Cyberlaboratories cyberhubs (https://github.com/cyberlaboratories/cyberhubs), Cyberlaboratories astrohubs (https://github.com/cyberlaboratories/astrohubs), Cyberhubs Docker repository (https://hub.docker.com/u/cyberhubs), Docker (https://www.docker.com), NOAO data lab (http://datalab.noao.edu), ansible (https://www.ansible.com), puppet (https://puppet.com), mesa_h5 (https://github.com/NuGrid/mesa_h5), Python (https://www.python.org), MESA (http://mesa.sourceforge.net), WENDI (http://wendi.nugridstars.org), OpenMP (http://www.openmp.org), MESA-SDK (http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~townsend/static.php?ref=mesasdk), MPI (https://www.open-mpi.org), gfortran (https://gcc.gnu.org/fortran), SuperLU (http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU), OpenBLAS (http://www.openblas.net), mencoder (http://www.mplayerhq.hu).
It would be better to see some of these going to bibliographic references instead of URLs though many of them do not list preferred citations.
- May 2018
You can not only apply it to classes, but also to software components and microservices.
The principle can also be applied to source code files.
- Apr 2018
www.seleniumhq.org www.seleniumhq.org
- Feb 2018
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
With sentiment analysis software, set for trial use later this semester in a classroom at the University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota, instructors don’t need to ask. Instead, they can glance at their computer screen at a particular point or stretch of time in the session and observe an aggregate of the emotions students are displaying on their faces: happiness, anger, contempt, disgust, fear, neutrality, sadness and surprise.
- Jan 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
With its world-class VoIP calling software, Sip2dial offers you a hassle-free business communication at a pocket-friendly price. You can be assured completely about your business once you choose our framework. For more information contact us at www.sip2dial.com or call us at +91-7008220621 today.
- Dec 2017
chris.beams.io chris.beams.io
picking one and sticking to it is far better than the chaos that ensues when everybody does their own thing
www.safaribooksonline.com www.safaribooksonline.com
Brooks’ Law, which states “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”
S. McConnell adds an interesting take on this in his: Brooks' Law Repealed? article.
- Nov 2017
www.datacamp.com www.datacamp.com
Data analysis can be a very useful tool in software development.
- Oct 2017
www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com
A computer simulation of refugees’ journeys as they flee major conflicts can correctly predict more than 75 percent of their destinations, and may become a vital tool for governments and NGOs to help better allocate humanitarian resources.
dataversioncontrol.com dataversioncontrol.com
DVC makes your data science projects reproducible by automatically building data dependency graph (DAG). Your code and the dependencies could be easily shared by Git, and data - through cloud storage (AWS S3, GCP) in a single DVC environment.
software and data dependency graphs, nice!
eng.uber.com eng.uber.com
The bug we ran into only affected certain releases of Postgres 9.2 and has been fixed for a long time now. However, we still find it worrisome that this class of bug can happen at all. A new version of Postgres could be released at any time that has a bug of this nature, and because of the way replication works, this issue has the potential to spread into all of the databases in a replication hierarchy.
Not really a criticism of Postgres so much as it is a criticism of software in general.
- Sep 2017
wellcomeopenresearch.org wellcomeopenresearch.org
NVivo software Version 11.3.2. (QSR International)
It would be great if software were cited according to the Software Citation Principles: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.86 .
singularity.lbl.gov singularity.lbl.gov
Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data.
Very interesting, basically Singularity allows containers to run in HPC environments, so that code running in the container can take advantage of the HPC tools, like massive scale and message passing, while at the same time keeping the stuff in the container safer.
www.softwareheritage.org www.softwareheritage.org
This is interesting, could it become something like the LOCCS / CLOCCS for software? I like that you can check if your own code is already in their archive.
It's a French initiative, and was founded by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Institute_for_Research_in_Computer_Science_and_Automation. I don't know what their long term sustainability model is going to be.
- Aug 2017
blogs.msdn.microsoft.com blogs.msdn.microsoft.com
outliners.scripting.com outliners.scripting.com
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
www.fredshack.com www.fredshack.com
Remember, PIMS were a hot market prior to Windows 3.0 - but most products were never ported to Windows because there wasn't enough revenue being made. This was because users would buy the hype, buy the product but weren't commited enough to get past the learning curve and dedicate time to maintaining data in it. So, most PIMs just became shelf-ware. And it wasn't because they weren't powerful or didn't have good interfaces - they did (as Grandview and Agenda easily demonstrate).
www.faughnan.com www.faughnan.com
vetusware.com vetusware.com
www.opus.co.tt www.opus.co.tt
welcometosherwood.wordpress.com welcometosherwood.wordpress.com
codeburst.io codeburst.io
Pros and cons of pair programming.
- Jul 2017
invo.northwestern.edu invo.northwestern.edu
In the case of Computer Software (what are referred to in this Policy as Non-Traditional Works as defined in Section B.5) in which the University has invested Extraordinary Resources (defined in Section B.6), the Creator shall own the copyright to such Non-Traditional Work; provided, however, that the University is entitled to share in the revenues generated by licensing copyrighted works created and owned by members of the Northwestern Academic Community when all three of the following conditions are met:
). In the case of Computer Software created by members of the Northwestern University Academic Community in the course of their employment the Creators shall grant to the University a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to use, perform, display, copy, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of such works for all traditional, customary or reasonable academic or research purposes of the University.
professor.rice.edu professor.rice.edu
Rice Policy 333 “Patent and Software Policies.”
apps.hr.ou.edu apps.hr.ou.edu
Copyrighted courseware and/or software that are not associated with traditional works as described above shall fall under and are subject to the Patent Policy
The rights to copyrightable software with an actual or projected market value in excess of $10,000 annually, except software included in computer-mediated courseware, shall be determined pursuant to the Board's Patent and Copyrightable Software12 Policy (II.A.8.b).
- Jun 2017
This is an annotation to state how great this site is and to see if anybody ever finds it ...
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
Common Astronomy Software Application package
The software can be found on the software project website: https://casa.nrao.edu/ . This is a very limited description of the software package, its version, or its dependencies.
www.pimlicosoftware.com www.pimlicosoftware.com
- Apr 2017
alexander.holbreich.org alexander.holbreich.org
www.repeatmasker.org www.repeatmasker.org
RepeatMasker was developed using TRF version 4.0.4
Downloaded v4.0.9, Linux command line (legacy GLIBC, <= 2.12)
For RMBlast ( NCBI Blast modified for use with RepeatMasker/RepeatModeler )
Used RMBlast pre-compiled binaries provided by NCBI;
Previous Release: 2.2.28
Download Pre-compiled Package: Download both the BLAST+ and RMBlast packages from NCBI for your platform:
RMBlast Binaries:ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/rmblast/2.2.28
BLAST+ Binaries:ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/2.2.28/
Extract both tarballs, and symlink or copy rmblastn RMBlast to
location, so that all of binaries are in once-place.
methods-sagepub-com.ezp1.lib.umn.edu methods-sagepub-com.ezp1.lib.umn.edu
analyses using these ego-level measures can be done using statistical packages like SPSS
I am familiar with SPSS, but I had not considered using it for my final project until now. I am a little confused about how I would have to code the data (adjacency matrix) so that it works well in SPSS, but I think I'm going to try it just to see if I can get the same results that I obtain from using R.
UCINET is NetDraw, a visualization tool that has advanced graphic properties.
I am interested in learning more about the NetDraw software in UCINET. While I like statistics, nothing really says SNA like having clear visuals that display network ties
- Mar 2017
coralproject.net coralproject.net
We’ve designed our products to meet essential needs of journalism through effective online communities.
Mozilla, Knight, NYT, WaPo collaboration.
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Contact CourseForce |Employee Training Tracking Management System Software
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www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
Another handy tutorial that I might want to do.
- Jan 2017
medium.com medium.com
I don’t want the culture of open source to be organized around a legal definition. I want to zoom out and look at the broader ecosystem (of which the legal definition is one, essential node). A friendlier, more accessible term would make it easier to discuss topics like sustainability, collaboration, and people involved. Those aspects don’t need to be included in the official definition, but they still matter.I still like the term “public software” because it allows more people (including those new to, or unfamiliar with, open source, even if they use or benefit from it) to quickly understand what open source software is and how it should be protected. It doesn’t change the legal definition at all; if anything, it enforces it better, because we would want to define and protect public software exactly as we would any other public resource.
I remember the term "Public Software" used several years ago from the Lula's initiative to migrate Brasil public software infrastructure to Free Software.
Now there is, again, and effort to discuss the term, this time from a Anglo-centric perspective. Native English speaking people, particularly in US have the trouble with free as in freedom and as in "gratis", meanings and being immersed in a "market first" mentality, usually they think first in price and markets instead of rights.
Dmitry Kleiner has addressed the problem of software as a commons and its sustainability with an alternative license (p2p license), that is not as restrictive as the Fair Software one, but it repolitize the capitalist friendly Open Source gentrification of the original Free Software movement, involving also a core concern of sustainability.
Would be nice to see a dialogue between Nadia's and Dmitry's perspectives and questions about software as a commons.
- Dec 2016
Not every committer has the rights to release or make high level decisions, so we can be much more liberal about giving out commit rights. That increases the committer base for code review and bug triage. As a wider range of expertise in the committer pool smaller changes are reviewed and adjusted without the intervention of the more technical contributors, who can spend their time on reviews only they can do.
Esto es clave. Si se consideran sistemas de integración continua asociados a los distintos repositorios (de código y documentación) con permisos en ellos, se pueden corregir los errores que se presenten, sin restringir grandemente la posibilidad de colaborar.
medium.com medium.com
The rise of agile coincided with the rise of startups using open source projects. At first, startups just incorporated those projects into their own software. But like any cultural exchange, open source began to affect how startups built products, too.
- Nov 2016
github.com github.com
This is a great, short guide for optimizing pull requests for review-ability.
misko.hevery.com misko.hevery.com
In short we move all of the new operators to a factory. We group all of the objects of similar lifetime into a single factory
The image above is worth to study (as the all article)
misko.hevery.com misko.hevery.com
By the way, if the point about being global is that a Singleton can be included in any file and used anywhere in a program, that’s true, but only bad if misused. The Singleton pattern is not inherently bad, it’s misuse is bad
Singletons are not inherently bad
If the singleton class is a “utility class” (e.g. FileUtils, StringUtils, etc.), and has no state, then I would say it’s okay. Such a class is not a liar, per se, because there is no unexpected state change or dependency
Constants are ok
ccp.chargePurchaseToCard(100,c); since the logic for purchasing will be in the processor anyway, not the card. Cards don’t process anything
Good remark
misko.hevery.com misko.hevery.com
You shouldn’t really be doing this anyway – you should have composed them, possibly via IOC.
Anybody can explain some more his idea?
misko.hevery.com misko.hevery.com
It would violate it if you stored a reference to context instead of the engine and later on referred tried to get the engine. For example: class Mechanic { Context context; Mechanic(Context context) { this.context = context; } bool CheckEngine() { return this.context.getEngine().checkIfBusted(); } }
Violation of LoD takes place if you store a context object and then look op the dependency you really need in the method
Every time I have to write a test I have to create a graph of objects (the haystack) which no one really needs or cares for, and into this haystack I have to carefully place the needles (the real object of interests) so that the code under test can go and look for them. I have to create the Context just so when I construct the Mechanic it can reach in the Context and get what it realy needs, the Engine. But context is never something which is easy to create. Since context is a kitchen sink which knows just about everything else, its constructor is usually scary. So most of the time I can’t even instantiate Mechanic, not to mention run any tests on it. The testing game is over before it even started
Consequence of Law of Demeter breaking
blog.ploeh.dk blog.ploeh.dk
His point seems to be that Constructor Injection can be an anti-pattern if applied too much, particularly if a consumer doesn't need a particular dependency in the majority of cases
In short it goes like this, so
is only used ifisValid
:public OrderProcessor(IOrderValidator validator, IOrderShipper shipper)
_validator = validator;
_shipper = shipper;
public SuccessResult Process(Order order)`{
bool isValid = _validator.Validate(order);
if (isValid)
return CreateStatus(isValid);